public final void styleToElementBackgroundToTd(Element aElement) { if (aElement != null) { Style eStyle = aElement.getStyle(); if (getBackground() != null){ Element td = aElement; while(td != null && !"td".equalsIgnoreCase(td.getTagName())){ td = td.getParentElement(); } if(td != null){ td.getStyle().setBackgroundColor(getBackground().toStyled()); } } if (getForeground() != null) { eStyle.setColor(getForeground().toStyled()); } if (getFont() != null) { eStyle.setFontSize(getFont().getSize(), Unit.PT); eStyle.setFontStyle(getFont().isItalic() ? FontStyle.ITALIC : FontStyle.NORMAL); eStyle.setFontWeight(getFont().isBold() ? FontWeight.BOLD : FontWeight.NORMAL); } } }
public RequestConflicts(List<AssignmentInfo> conflicts, int column) { super("conflicts"); for (AssignmentInfo conflict: conflicts) { int idx = 0; for (SectionInfo section: conflict.getRequest().getSections()) { P conf = new P("conflict"); switch (column) { case 0: if (idx == 0) conf.setText(conflict.getRequest().getCourse().getCourseName()); else conf.setHTML("<br>"); break; case 1: conf.setText(section.getSectionType() + (section.getExternalId() == null ? "" : " " + section.getExternalId())); break; case 2: conf.setHTML(section.getTime() == null ? SECTMSG.arrangeHours() : section.getTime()); break; case 3: conf.setHTML(section.getDate() == null ? SECTMSG.noDate() : section.getDate()); break; case 4: conf.setHTML(section.getRoom() == null ? SECTMSG.noRoom() : section.getRoom()); break; case 5: if (idx == 0 && conflict.hasConflicts()) conf.setText(conflict.getConflicts(", ")); else conf.setHTML("<br>"); break; } if (section.isCommon()) conf.getElement().getStyle().setFontStyle(FontStyle.ITALIC); idx ++; add(conf); } } }
public InstructorConflicts(List<AssignmentInfo> conflicts, int column) { super("conflicts"); for (AssignmentInfo conflict: conflicts) { P conf = new P("conflict"); int idx = 0; for (Iterator<SectionInfo> i = conflict.getRequest().getSections().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { SectionInfo section =; P sct = new P("section"); switch (column) { case 0: if (idx == 0) sct.setText(conflict.getRequest().getCourse().getCourseName()); break; case 1: sct.setText(section.getSectionType() + (section.getExternalId() == null ? "" : " " + section.getExternalId()) + (i.hasNext() ? "," : "")); break; case 2: if (idx == 0) { InstructorInfo instructor = conflict.getRequest().getInstructor(conflict.getIndex()); if (instructor != null) sct.setText(instructor.getInstructorName()); } break; } if (section.isCommon()) sct.getElement().getStyle().setFontStyle(FontStyle.ITALIC); idx ++; conf.add(sct); } add(conf); } }
public Group(String name, int type, boolean editable) { super(name, false); iName = name; iType = type; iGroupEditable = editable; setStylePrimaryName("unitime-TinyLabel" + (iType == 1 ? "White" : "")); if (iEditable && !iGroupEditable) getElement().getStyle().setFontStyle(FontStyle.ITALIC); if (iEditable && iGroupEditable) { addClickHandler(iNewGroupDialog.getClickHandler()); getElement().getStyle().setCursor(Cursor.POINTER); } iOperation = new Operation() { @Override public String getName() { return getElement().getString(); } @Override public boolean hasSeparator() { return false; } @Override public boolean isApplicable() { return iEditable && iGroupEditable && iVisibleCourses == null; } @Override public void execute() { assignGroup(null, iName, iType); } }; }
private Meeting(TimetableGridCell cell, boolean showRoom, boolean showInstructor, boolean showTime, boolean showPreference, boolean showDate) { super(); iCell = cell; setStyleName("meeting"); if (cell.hasBackground()) getElement().getStyle().setBackgroundColor(cell.getBackground()); P header = new P("header", "label"); header.setHeight(sLineHeight * cell.getNrNames()); header.setHTML(cell.getName("<br>")); header.getElement().getStyle().setWhiteSpace(WhiteSpace.NOWRAP); if (cell.isItalics()) header.getElement().getStyle().setFontStyle(FontStyle.ITALIC); add(header); P footer = new P("footer"); String notes = ""; if (showTime && cell.hasTime()) notes += (notes.isEmpty() ? "" : "<br>") + cell.getTime(); if (showDate && cell.hasDate()) notes += (notes.isEmpty() ? "" : "<br>") + cell.getDate(); if (showRoom && cell.getNrRooms() > 0) notes += (notes.isEmpty() ? "" : "<br>") + cell.getRoom("<br>"); if (showInstructor && cell.getNrInstructors() > 0) notes += (notes.isEmpty() ? "" : "<br>") + cell.getInstructor("<br>"); if (showPreference && cell.hasPreference()) notes += (notes.isEmpty() ? "" : "<br>") + "<span style='color:rgb(200,200,200)'>" + cell.getPreference() + "</span>"; footer.setHTML(notes); footer.getElement().getStyle().setWhiteSpace(WhiteSpace.NOWRAP); add(footer); sinkEvents(Event.ONCLICK); sinkEvents(Event.ONMOUSEOVER); sinkEvents(Event.ONMOUSEOUT); getElement().getStyle().setPosition(Position.ABSOLUTE); }
public final void styleToElement(Element aElement) { if (aElement != null) { Style eStyle = aElement.getStyle(); if (getBackground() != null) eStyle.setBackgroundColor(getBackground().toStyled()); if (getForeground() != null) { eStyle.setColor(getForeground().toStyled()); } if (getFont() != null) { eStyle.setFontSize(getFont().getSize(), Unit.PT); eStyle.setFontStyle(getFont().isItalic() ? FontStyle.ITALIC : FontStyle.NORMAL); eStyle.setFontWeight(getFont().isBold() ? FontWeight.BOLD : FontWeight.NORMAL); } } }
void applyStyle( Element element ) { element.getStyle().setPadding( 5, Unit.PX ); element.getStyle().setBorderColor( "black" ); element.getStyle().setBorderStyle( BorderStyle.SOLID ); element.getStyle().setBorderWidth( 1, Unit.PX ); element.getStyle().setProperty( "fontFamily", "Arial Unicode MS,Arial,sans-serif" ); element.getStyle().setFontSize( 12, Unit.PT ); element.getStyle().setFontStyle( FontStyle.NORMAL ); element.getStyle().setFontWeight( FontWeight.NORMAL ); }
EmptyTableCell(String text) { super(text, false); getElement().getStyle().setFontStyle(FontStyle.ITALIC); }
public Builder withFontStyle(FontStyle fontStyle) { this.fontStyle = fontStyle; return this; }
public static void show(String message, final ActionEntry ae) { if (!_visible) { WindowProperties wp = new WindowProperties(); wp.setModal(true); wp.setCanBeResized(false); wp.setCanBeClosed(false); wp.setCanBeMoved(false); wp.setSize(0.4, 0.4); wp.setTitle("DaRIS Portal"); wp.setShowHeader(false); wp.setShowFooter(false); _win = Window.create(wp); } HTML content = new HTML(); content.setFontStyle(FontStyle.NORMAL); content.setFontSize(12); content.setFontWeight(FontWeight.BOLD); content.setHTML(message); content.setMargin(20); CenteringPanel cp = new CenteringPanel(); cp.setContent(content); cp.setBackgroundColour(new RGB(0xb2, 0xb2, 0xb2)); VerticalPanel vp = new VerticalPanel(); vp.fitToParent(); vp.add(cp); if (ae != null) { ButtonBar bb = ButtonUtil.createButtonBar(Position.BOTTOM, Alignment.RIGHT, 28); Button b = bb.addButton(ae.label()); b.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { if (ae.action() != null) { ae.action().execute(); } } }); b.setMarginRight(15); vp.add(bb); } _win.setContent(vp); _win.centerInPage();; _visible = true; }
protected void buildNodes(List<HeaderNode<T>> aHeaders, Map<Column<T, ?>, ColumnSortList.ColumnSortInfo> sortedColumns) { // AbstractCellTable<T> table = getTable(); List<HeaderNode<T>> children = new ArrayList<>(); boolean isFooter = isBuildingFooter(); // Get the common style names. String className = isBuildingFooter() ? ThemedGridResources.instance.cellTableStyle().cellTableFooter() : ThemedGridResources.instance.cellTableStyle().cellTableHeader(); String sortableStyle = ThemedGridResources.instance.cellTableStyle().cellTableSortableHeader(); String sortedAscStyle = ThemedGridResources.instance.cellTableStyle().cellTableSortedHeaderAscending(); String sortedDescStyle = ThemedGridResources.instance.cellTableStyle().cellTableSortedHeaderDescending(); TableRowBuilder tr = startRow(); // Loop through all column header nodes. for (int i = 0; i < aHeaders.size(); i++) { HeaderNode<T> headerNode = aHeaders.get(i); children.addAll(headerNode.getChildren()); Header<?> headerOrFooter = headerNode.getHeader(); Column<T, ?> column = null; if (headerOrFooter instanceof HasColumn<?>) column = ((HasColumn<T>) headerOrFooter).getColumn(); boolean isSortable = !isFooter && column != null && column.isSortable(); ColumnSortList.ColumnSortInfo sortedInfo = sortedColumns.get(column); boolean isSorted = sortedInfo != null; StringBuilder classesBuilder = new StringBuilder(className); boolean isSortAscending = isSortable && sortedInfo != null ? sortedInfo.isAscending() : false; if (isSortable) { if (classesBuilder.length() > 0) { classesBuilder.append(" "); } classesBuilder.append(sortableStyle); if (isSorted) { if (classesBuilder.length() > 0) { classesBuilder.append(" "); } classesBuilder.append(isSortAscending ? sortedAscStyle : sortedDescStyle); } } // Render the header or footer. TableCellBuilder th = tr.startTH(); if (headerNode.getDepthRemainder() > 0) th.rowSpan(headerNode.getDepthRemainder() + 1); if (headerNode.getLeavesCount() > 1) th.colSpan(headerNode.getLeavesCount()); th.className(classesBuilder.toString()); StylesBuilder thStyles =; if (headerNode.getBackground() != null) { thStyles.trustedBackgroundColor(headerNode.getBackground().toStyled()); } if (headerNode.getForeground() != null) { thStyles.trustedColor(headerNode.getForeground().toStyled()); } if (headerNode.getFont() != null) { thStyles.trustedProperty("font-family", headerNode.getFont().getFamily()); thStyles.fontSize(headerNode.getFont().getSize(), Style.Unit.PX); thStyles.fontStyle(headerNode.getFont().isItalic() ? FontStyle.ITALIC : FontStyle.NORMAL); thStyles.fontWeight(headerNode.getFont().isBold() ? FontWeight.BOLD : FontWeight.NORMAL); } if (headerOrFooter != null) { appendExtraStyles(headerOrFooter, classesBuilder); if (column != null) { enableColumnHandlers(th, column); } // Build the header. Cell.Context context = new Cell.Context(0, i, headerOrFooter.getKey()); // Add div element with aria button role if (isSortable) { // TODO: Figure out aria-label and translation // of label text th.attribute("role", "button"); th.tabIndex(-1); } renderSortableHeader(th, context, headerOrFooter, isSorted, isSortAscending); } th.endTH(); } // End the row. tr.endTR(); if (!children.isEmpty()) { buildNodes(children, sortedColumns); } }
public LoginWidget(ConfigurationServiceAsync<CC> service) { if (!GWT.isScript()) { userName.setText("admin"); password.setText("password"); } initWidget(fp); fp.setStyleName("login"); Label un = new Label("User Name:"); un.getElement().setId("label"); fp.add(un); fp.add(userName); Label pw = new Label("Password:"); pw.getElement().setId("label"); fp.add(pw); fp.add(password); fp.add(login); fp.add(staySignedIn); fp.add(errorMsg); errorMsg.getElement().getStyle().setColor("red"); errorMsg.getElement().getStyle().setFontStyle(FontStyle.ITALIC); password.addKeyPressHandler(enterhandler); password.getElement().setId("input"); userName.addKeyPressHandler(enterhandler); userName.getElement().setId("input"); login.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { login.setEnabled(false); login(); } }); final HTML version = new HTML(); version.getElement().setId("version"); fp.add(version); service.getClientConfigurations(new AsyncCallback<CC>() { @Override public void onSuccess(CC result) { version.setText("Env:" + result.getTitle() + ", Version:" + result.getVersion()); Window.setTitle(result.getTitle() + ", v:" + result.getVersion()); cc = result; staySignedIn.setValue(LocalStorage.readStoredItem(SSICH) != null && LocalStorage.readStoredItem(SSICH).equals("on")); String user = StringFormatter.Base64Decode(LocalStorage.readStoredItem(SSIU)); String pass = StringFormatter.Base64Decode(LocalStorage.readStoredItem(SSIP)); if (staySignedIn.getValue() && user != null && pass != null) { userName.setText(user); password.setText(pass); login(); } } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { version.setText("Error getting version:" + caught.getMessage()); } }); }