@Override public void refresh() { clear(); RoomCookie cookie = RoomCookie.getInstance(); if (iPattern != null && !iPattern.isEmpty() && !cookie.isGridAsText()) { final Image availability = new Image(GWT.getHostPageBaseURL() + "pattern?pref=" + iPattern + "&v=" + (cookie.areRoomsHorizontal() ? "0" : "1") + (cookie.hasMode() ? "&s=" + cookie.getMode() : "")); availability.setStyleName("grid"); add(availability); } else { for (PreferenceInfo p: iPreferences) { P prf = new P("prf"); prf.setText(p.getOwnerName()); PreferenceInterface preference = iProperties.getPreference(p.getPreference()); if (preference != null) { prf.getElement().getStyle().setColor(preference.getColor()); prf.setTitle(preference.getName() + " " + p.getOwnerName()); } add(prf); } } }
public SolverStatus() { super("unitime-SolverStatus"); iStatus = new P("status-label"); iIcon = new Image(RESOURCES.helpIcon()); iIcon.addStyleName("status-icon"); iIcon.setVisible(false); add(iStatus); add(iIcon); RPC.execute(new PageNameRpcRequest("Solver Status"), new AsyncCallback<PageNameInterface>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {} @Override public void onSuccess(final PageNameInterface result) { iIcon.setTitle(MESSAGES.pageHelp(result.getName())); iIcon.setVisible(true); iIcon.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { if (result.getHelpUrl() == null || result.getHelpUrl().isEmpty()) return; UniTimeFrameDialog.openDialog(MESSAGES.pageHelp(result.getName()), result.getHelpUrl()); } }); } }); }
public IconCell(ImageResource resource, final String title, String text) { super(null); iIcon = new Image(resource); iIcon.setTitle(title); iIcon.setAltText(title); if (text != null && !text.isEmpty()) { iLabel = new HTML(text, false); iPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); iPanel.setStyleName("icon"); iPanel.add(iIcon); iPanel.add(iLabel); iIcon.getElement().getStyle().setPaddingRight(3, Unit.PX); iPanel.setCellVerticalAlignment(iIcon, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); } iIcon.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { event.stopPropagation(); UniTimeConfirmationDialog.info(title); } }); }
public IconsCell add(ImageResource resource, final String title) { if (resource == null) return this; Image icon = new Image(resource); icon.setTitle(title); icon.setAltText(title); if (iPanel.getWidgetCount() > 0) icon.getElement().getStyle().setPaddingLeft(3, Unit.PX); iPanel.add(icon); iPanel.setCellVerticalAlignment(icon, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); if (title != null && !title.isEmpty()) { icon.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { event.stopPropagation(); UniTimeConfirmationDialog.info(title); } }); } return this; }
public NoteCell(String text, final String title) { super(null); if (Window.getClientWidth() <= 800 && title != null && !title.isEmpty()) { iIcon = new Image(RESOURCES.note()); iIcon.setTitle(title); iIcon.setAltText(title); iIcon.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { event.stopPropagation(); UniTimeConfirmationDialog.info(title); } }); } else { iNote = new P("unitime-Note"); iNote.setHTML(text); if (title != null) iNote.setTitle(title); } }
public PageLabelImpl() { iName = new P("text"); iHelp = new Image(RESOURCES.help()); iHelp.addStyleName("icon"); iHelp.setVisible(false); add(iName); add(iHelp); iHelp.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { if (iUrl == null || iUrl.isEmpty()) return; UniTimeFrameDialog.openDialog(MESSAGES.pageHelp(getText()), iUrl); } }); }
public ActionBar() { super(); setWidth(300); setHeaderVisible(false); addStyleName(ThemeStyles.get().style().borderBottom()); setPosition(0, 0); getElement().getStyle().setPosition(Position.ABSOLUTE); HorizontalPanel horizontalGroup = new HorizontalPanel(); horizontalGroup.add(getMenuButton()); horizontalGroup.add(new SeparatorToolItem()); Image image = new Image(ImageProvider.INSTANCE.menulogoGeowe()); horizontalGroup.add(image); horizontalGroup.add(new SeparatorToolItem()); horizontalGroup.add(new SeparatorToolItem()); horizontalGroup.add(getGeocodingButton()); setWidget(horizontalGroup); }
public DropDownButton(String widgetName, Image icon, List<DropDownItem> toolbarItems, boolean rightAlign) { super(icon); // icon for button this.menu = new ContextMenu(); this.items = new ArrayList<MenuItem>(); this.rightAlign = rightAlign; for (DropDownItem item : toolbarItems) { if (item != null) { addItem(item); } else { menu.addSeparator(); } } addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { menu.setPopupPositionAndShow(new DropDownPositionCallback(getElement())); } }); }
/** * Creates a new icon with the specified caption. * * @param image image shown on icon (preferably 16 x 16px) * @param caption caption shown below image */ public Icon(Image image, String caption) { panel = new VerticalPanel() { @Override public void onBrowserEvent(Event event) { Icon.this.onBrowserEvent(event); } }; panel.add(image); panel.setCellHorizontalAlignment(image, VerticalPanel.ALIGN_CENTER); captionLabel = new Label(caption); panel.add(captionLabel); initWidget(panel); setStylePrimaryName("ode-Icon"); }
private void addLogo(HorizontalPanel panel) { // Logo should be a link to App Inv homepage. Currently, after the user // has logged in, the top level *is* ODE; so for now don't make it a link. // Add timestamp to logo url to get around browsers that agressively cache // the image! This same trick is used in StorageUtil.getFilePath(). Image logo = new Image(LOGO_IMAGE_URL + "?t=" + System.currentTimeMillis()); logo.setSize("40px", "40px"); logo.setStyleName("ode-Logo"); String logoUrl = ode.getSystemConfig().getLogoUrl(); if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(logoUrl)) { logo.addClickHandler(new WindowOpenClickHandler(logoUrl)); } panel.add(logo); panel.setCellWidth(logo, "50px"); Label title = new Label("MIT App Inventor"); title.setStyleName("ode-LogoText"); VerticalPanel titleContainer = new VerticalPanel(); titleContainer.add(title); panel.add(titleContainer); panel.setCellWidth(titleContainer, "180px"); panel.setCellHorizontalAlignment(logo, HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_LEFT); panel.setCellVerticalAlignment(logo, HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_MIDDLE); }
@Override public void render(Context context, TemplateInfo template, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) { if (template == null) return; sb.appendHtmlConstant("<table>"); // Add the thumbnail image, if available, or a default image. sb.appendHtmlConstant("<tr><td rowspan='3'>"); if ( !template.thumbStr.equals("") ) { String src = hostUrl + TEMPLATES_ROOT_DIRECTORY + template.name + "/" + template.thumbStr; sb.appendHtmlConstant("<img style='width:32px' src='" + src + "'>"); } else { ImageResource imgResource = Ode.getImageBundle().appInventorLogo(); Image img = new Image(imgResource); String url = img.getUrl(); sb.appendHtmlConstant("<img style='width:32px' src='" + url + "'>"); } sb.appendHtmlConstant("</td>"); // Add the name and description. sb.appendHtmlConstant("<td style='font-size:95%;'>"); sb.appendEscaped(template.name); sb.appendHtmlConstant("</td></tr><tr><td>"); sb.appendEscaped(template.subtitle); sb.appendHtmlConstant("</td></tr></table>"); }
/** * Creates new Gallery app box. */ private GalleryAppBox() { gContainer = new FlowPanel(); final HorizontalPanel container = new HorizontalPanel(); container.setWidth("100%"); container.setSpacing(0); container.setHorizontalAlignment(HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_CENTER); HorizontalPanel panel = new HorizontalPanel(); Image image = new Image(); image.setResource(Ode.getImageBundle().waitingIcon()); panel.add(image); Label label = new Label(); label.setText(Ode.getMessages().defaultRpcMessage()); panel.add(label); gContainer.add(panel); this.add(gContainer); }
/** * Constructs a tree item for built-in blocks. * * @return tree item */ public TreeItem getBuiltInBlocksTree() { initBundledImages(); TreeItem builtinNode = new TreeItem(new HTML("<span>" + MESSAGES.builtinBlocksLabel() + "</span>")); for (final String drawerName : BUILTIN_DRAWER_NAMES) { Image drawerImage = new Image(bundledImages.get(drawerName)); TreeItem itemNode = new TreeItem(new HTML("<span>" + drawerImage + getBuiltinDrawerNames(drawerName) + "</span>")); SourceStructureExplorerItem sourceItem = new BlockSelectorItem() { @Override public void onSelected() { fireBuiltinDrawerSelected(drawerName); } }; itemNode.setUserObject(sourceItem); builtinNode.addItem(itemNode); } builtinNode.setState(true); return builtinNode; }
public static Image getImageFromPath(String iconPath, String packageName, long projectId) { if (!imagesInitialized) { initBundledImages(); } if (iconPath.startsWith("aiwebres/") && packageName != null) { // icon for extension Image image = new Image(StorageUtil.getFileUrl(projectId, "assets/external_comps/" + packageName + "/" + iconPath)); image.setWidth("16px"); image.setHeight("16px"); return image; } if (bundledImages.containsKey(iconPath)) { return new Image(bundledImages.get(iconPath)); } else { return new Image(iconPath); } }
public LASAnnotationsButton() { mainPanel.add(layoutPanel); annotationsButton = new ToggleButton(new Image(GWT.getModuleBaseURL()+"../images/i_off.png"), new Image(GWT.getModuleBaseURL()+"../images/i_on.png"), new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { if ( annotationsButton.isDown() ) { setOpen(true); annotationsButton.setTitle(DEFAULT_UP_TOOLTIP); } else { setOpen(false); annotationsButton.setTitle(DEFAULT_DOWN_TOOLTIP); } } }); annotationsButton.setTitle(DEFAULT_UP_TOOLTIP); annotationsButton.setStylePrimaryName("OL_MAP-ToggleButton"); annotationsButton.addStyleDependentName("WIDTH"); initWidget(annotationsButton); }
public void setImage(String image_url, String link_url) { final String url = link_url; Image image = new Image(image_url); image.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { Window.open(url, "_blank", "scrollbars=1"); } }); image.setTitle(" Click to Enlarge. Images will size with browser."); grid.setWidget(plotRow, 0, image); }
public LASAnnotationsButtonPanelImpl(String outputPanelID) { setName(outputPanelID); String moduleBaseURL = GWT.getModuleBaseURL(); String upImageURL = moduleBaseURL + "../images/i_off.png"; Image upImage = new Image(upImageURL); String downImageURL = moduleBaseURL + "../images/i_on.png"; Image downImage = new Image(downImageURL); button = new ToggleButton( upImage, downImage); button.setTitle("Plot Annotations"); button.setStylePrimaryName("OL_MAP-ToggleButton"); button.addStyleDependentName("WIDTH"); button.addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler<Boolean>() { public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<Boolean> event) { annotations.setVisible(button.isDown()); } }); initWidget(button); }
/** * Returns the original height when using IE. * * @see com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Image#getHeight() */ @Override public int getHeight() { int superHeight = super.getHeight(); logger.log(Level.INFO, "superHeight:" + superHeight); logger.log(Level.INFO, "isAttached():" + isAttached()); if ( (superHeight <= 0) ) { // If this is being run under IE the default answer may be 0 when it // shouldn't be, so return the height from a hidden and attached // temp image Image temp = new Image(this.getUrl()); temp.getElement().getStyle().setVisibility(Visibility.HIDDEN); RootPanel.get().add(temp); logger.log(Level.WARNING, "temp.isAttached():" + temp.isAttached()); int tempHeight = temp.getHeight(); logger.log(Level.WARNING, "tempHeight:" + tempHeight); temp.removeFromParent(); return tempHeight; } return superHeight; }
/** * Returns the original width when when using IE. * * @see com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Image#getWidth() */ @Override public int getWidth() { int superWidth = super.getWidth(); logger.log(Level.INFO, "superWidth:" + superWidth); logger.log(Level.INFO, "isAttached():" + isAttached()); if ( (superWidth <= 0) ) { // If this is being run under IE the default answer may be 0 when it // shouldn't be, so return the height from a hidden and attached // temp image Image temp = new Image(this.getUrl()); temp.getElement().getStyle().setVisibility(Visibility.HIDDEN); RootPanel.get().add(temp); logger.log(Level.WARNING, "temp.isAttached():" + temp.isAttached()); int tempWidth = temp.getWidth(); logger.log(Level.WARNING, "tempWidth:" + tempWidth); temp.removeFromParent(); return tempWidth; } return superWidth; }
@Override public AbstractImagePrototype scrollTableAscending() { return new AbstractImagePrototype() { public void applyTo(Image image) { image.setUrl("img/sort_asc.gif"); } public Image createImage() { return new Image("img/sort_asc.gif"); } public String getHTML() { return "<img border=\"0\" src=\"img/sort_asc.gif\"/>"; } }; }
@Override public AbstractImagePrototype scrollTableDescending() { return new AbstractImagePrototype() { public void applyTo(Image image) { image.setUrl("img/sort_desc.gif"); } public Image createImage() { return new Image("img/sort_desc.gif"); } public String getHTML() { return "<img border=\"0\" src=\"img/sort_desc.gif\"/>"; } }; }
@Override public AbstractImagePrototype scrollTableFillWidth() { return new AbstractImagePrototype() { public void applyTo(Image image) { image.setUrl("img/fill_width.gif"); } public Image createImage() { return new Image("img/fill_width.gif"); } public String getHTML() { return "<img border=\"0\" src=\"img/fill_width.gif\"/>"; } }; }
/** * WorkflowManager */ public WorkflowManager() { workflowGraph = new Image(); scrollGraphPanel = new ScrollPanel(workflowGraph); toolbar = new TabToolbarWorkflow(this); workflowTable = new WorkflowTable(this); workflowDetailTable = new WorkflowDetailTable(); vPanel = new VerticalPanel(); vPanel.add(toolbar); // Always visible toolbar.setHeight("" + TOOLBAR_HEADER + "px"); toolbar.setWidth("100%"); vPanel.setCellHeight(toolbar, "" + TOOLBAR_HEADER + "px"); initWidget(vPanel); }
/** * The status */ public Status() { super(false, true); hPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); image = new Image(OKMBundleResources.INSTANCE.indicator()); msg = new HTML(""); space = new HTML(""); hPanel.add(image); hPanel.add(msg); hPanel.add(space); hPanel.setCellVerticalAlignment(image, HasAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); hPanel.setCellVerticalAlignment(msg, HasAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); hPanel.setCellHorizontalAlignment(image, HasAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); hPanel.setCellWidth(image, "30px"); hPanel.setCellWidth(space, "7px"); hPanel.setHeight("25px"); msg.setStyleName("okm-NoWrap"); super.hide(); setWidget(hPanel); }
/** * FuturamaWalking */ public FuturamaWalking() { // Establishes auto-close when click outside super(false, false); left = -180; top = Window.getClientHeight() - 80 - 21; vPanel = new VerticalPanel(); vPanel.setWidth("186px"); vPanel.setHeight("80px"); logo = new Image("img/eastereggs/futurama_walking.gif"); vPanel.add(logo); setPopupPosition(left, top); hide(); setWidget(vPanel); }
/** * Status */ public Status() { super(false, true); hPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); image = new Image(OKMBundleResources.INSTANCE.indicator()); msg = new HTML(""); space = new HTML(""); hPanel.add(image); hPanel.add(msg); hPanel.add(space); hPanel.setCellVerticalAlignment(image, HasAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); hPanel.setCellVerticalAlignment(msg, HasAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); hPanel.setCellHorizontalAlignment(image, HasAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); hPanel.setCellWidth(image, "30px"); hPanel.setCellWidth(space, "7px"); hPanel.setHeight("25px"); msg.setStyleName("okm-NoWrap"); super.hide(); setWidget(hPanel); }
@Override public Image createCmdImage() { VisIconCreator ic= VisIconCreator.Creator.getInstance(); String iStr= this.getIconProperty(); if (iStr!=null) { if (iStr.equals("grid.on.Icon")) { return new Image(ic.getGridOn()); } else if (iStr.equals("grid.off.Icon")) { return new Image(ic.getGridOff()); } else if (iStr.equals("grid.Icon")) { return new Image(ic.getGridOff()); } } return null; }
/** * Create main VerticalPanel, add it to the RootPanel and display a loading message */ private void buildLoadScreen() { // Create new main vertical panel to which all other GUI panels shall be added mainVerPanel = new VerticalPanel(); // Add header image Image image = new Image(); image.setUrl("/images/header.png"); mainVerPanel.add(image); // Add loading label Label loadingLabel = new Label("Loading Application. Please wait..."); mainVerPanel.add(loadingLabel); // Vertical Panel Settings mainVerPanel.setSpacing(25); // Insert the main vertical panel into a scroll panel to allow for scrolling ScrollPanel sp = new ScrollPanel(); sp.add(mainVerPanel); // Add main vertical panel inside scroll panel to root panel RootPanel.get().add(sp); }
/** * @param line */ public void addImageWithLine (String line) { if (line.length() > 0) { ConfigLine config = parseConfigLine(line); if (config.url != null && config.url.length() > 0) { Image image = new Image(config.url); if (config.name != null) { image.setTitle(config.name); image.setAltText(config.caption); } ((HTMLPanel) this.getWidget()).add(image); if (config.caption != null) { ((HTMLPanel) this.getWidget()) .add(new HTMLPanel(SafeHtmlUtils.fromTrustedString( PostHelper.makeMarkup(config.caption)))); } } } }
public CodeListView(EventBus eventBus, OntoBrowserServiceAsync service) { super(eventBus,service); Image emptyListWidget = new Image(ImageResources.INSTANCE.spinner()); emptyListWidget.setStyleName("float-right"); list.setEmptyListWidget(emptyListWidget); list.setKeyboardPagingPolicy(KeyboardPagingPolicy.CURRENT_PAGE); list.setKeyboardSelectionPolicy(KeyboardSelectionPolicy.DISABLED); list.setSelectionModel(selection); selection.addSelectionChangeHandler(new SelectionChangeEvent.Handler() { public void onSelectionChange(SelectionChangeEvent event) { Term selected = selection.getSelectedObject(); if(selected != null) { History.newItem(selected.getReferenceId()); } } }); codelistContainer.add(list); initWidget(codelistContainer); addStyleName("padded-border vert-scroll"); eventBus.addHandler(ViewTermEvent.TYPE, this); }
private void addWidget(LabeledWidgetsGrid g, Widget w, ConfigParameterInfo param) { if (param.description() != null || param.warning() != null) { HorizontalPanel p = new HorizontalPanel(); p.add(new Label(getDisplayName(param))); if (param.description() != null) { Image infoImg = new Image(Gerrit.RESOURCES.info()); infoImg.setTitle(param.description()); p.add(infoImg); } if (param.warning() != null) { Image warningImg = new Image(Gerrit.RESOURCES.warning()); warningImg.setTitle(param.warning()); p.add(warningImg); } p.add(new Label(":")); g.add(p, w); } else { g.add(getDisplayName(param), w); } }
@Override public void setPlatforms(List<Platform> platforms) { for (int i=0;i<platforms.size();i++) { Platform platform = platforms.get(i); Image image = new Image(Utils.getPlatformIcon(platform)); image.setTitle(Utils.getPlatformText(platform)); image.getElement().getStyle().setVerticalAlign(VerticalAlign.MIDDLE); Label label = new Label(Utils.getPlatformText(platform)); platformsPanel.setVerticalAlignment(HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); platformsPanel.setHorizontalAlignment(HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); platformsPanel.add(image); platformsPanel.setCellWidth(image, "32px"); platformsPanel.setHorizontalAlignment(HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_LEFT); platformsPanel.add(label); if (i < platforms.size()-1) { label.getElement().getStyle().setPaddingRight(10, Unit.PX); } label.getElement().getStyle().setPaddingLeft(8, Unit.PX); } }
@Override public void onChannelMessage(Object p_message) { // redraw widget according to new presenceRoom PresenceRoom newPresenceRoom = (PresenceRoom)p_message; m_panel.clear(); Set<String> pseudoList = new HashSet<String>(); for( Presence presence : newPresenceRoom ) { if( !pseudoList.contains( presence.getPseudo() ) ) { pseudoList.add( presence.getPseudo() ); Panel panel = new HorizontalPanel(); Image image = new Image( presence.getAvatarUrl() ); image.setPixelSize( 32, 32 ); image.setAltText( presence.getPseudo() ); image.setTitle( presence.getPseudo() ); panel.add( image ); panel.add( new Label(presence.getPseudo()) ); m_panel.add( panel ); } } }
protected void populateState(int row, ProjectInfo k) { Image state = new Image(); switch (k.state()) { case HIDDEN: state.setResource(Gerrit.RESOURCES.redNot()); state.setTitle(com.google.gerrit.client.admin.Util.toLongString(k.state())); table.setWidget(row, ProjectsTable.C_STATE, state); break; case READ_ONLY: state.setResource(Gerrit.RESOURCES.readOnly()); state.setTitle(com.google.gerrit.client.admin.Util.toLongString(k.state())); table.setWidget(row, ProjectsTable.C_STATE, state); break; case ACTIVE: default: // Intentionally left blank, do not show an icon when active. break; } }
@Override public void setFeatures(List<Feature> features) { for (int i=0;i<features.size();i++) { Feature feature = features.get(i); Image image = new Image(Utils.getFeatureIcon(feature)); image.setTitle(Utils.getFeatureText(feature)); image.getElement().getStyle().setVerticalAlign(VerticalAlign.MIDDLE); Label label = new Label(Utils.getFeatureText(feature)); featuresPanel.setVerticalAlignment(HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); featuresPanel.setHorizontalAlignment(HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); featuresPanel.add(image); featuresPanel.setCellWidth(image, "32px"); featuresPanel.setHorizontalAlignment(HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_LEFT); featuresPanel.add(label); if (i < features.size()-1) { label.getElement().getStyle().setPaddingRight(10, Unit.PX); } label.getElement().getStyle().setPaddingLeft(8, Unit.PX); } }
private CheckBox renderCheckBox(LabeledWidgetsGrid g, ConfigParameterInfo param) { CheckBox checkBox = new CheckBox(getDisplayName(param)); checkBox.setValue(Boolean.parseBoolean(param.value())); HorizontalPanel p = new HorizontalPanel(); p.add(checkBox); if (param.description() != null) { Image infoImg = new Image(Gerrit.RESOURCES.info()); infoImg.setTitle(param.description()); p.add(infoImg); } if (param.warning() != null) { Image warningImg = new Image(Gerrit.RESOURCES.warning()); warningImg.setTitle(param.warning()); p.add(warningImg); } g.add((String) null, p); saveEnabler.listenTo(checkBox); return checkBox; }