private Command createClickCommand(final IBookmarkable accModule) { return new Command() { @Override public void execute() { if (mode == Mode.BOOKMARKING) { bookmarkModule(accModule); resetMode(); } if (mode == Mode.CLEARING) { if (isModuleBookmarked(accModule, currItemIndex)) { bookmarkModule(accModule, false); resetMode(); } } else if (mode == Mode.EDITING) { if (isModuleBookmarked(accModule, currItemIndex)) { editBookmark(accModule); resetMode(); } } } }; }
/** * Show the context menu of the mouse position.(Position from mouse down event) * * @param event mouse down event. */ public void showContextualMenu(MouseDownEvent event){ final int X = event.getRelativeX(widgetPanel.getElement()); final int Y = event.getRelativeY(widgetPanel.getElement()); getMousePoint().setLeft(X); getMousePoint().setTop(Y); final int offsetX = event.getClientX(); final int offsetY = event.getClientY(); mouseOffsetPoint.setLeft(offsetX); mouseOffsetPoint.setTop(offsetY); cmenu.hide(); cmenu = new ContextMenu(); Command command = new Command() { @Override public void execute() { cmenu.hide(); } }; }
public static MenuItem create(final ProgramLeaf node, final ProgramTree tree) { Command command = new MenuItemCommand(node) { @Override public void execute() { UpdateProgramPanel panel = new UpdateProgramPanel(tree,node);; this.component.getContextMenu().hide(); } }; MenuItem item = new MenuItem("Update", command); return item; }
/** * Create DeleteItem * @param com * @return delete item */ public static MenuItem createDeleteItem(HasRightMouseUpMenu com) { Command command = new MenuItemCommand(com) { @Override public void execute() { BaseWidget widget = (BaseWidget) this.component; DiagramController controller = widget.getController(); controller.deleteWidget(widget); widget.getContextMenu().hide(); } }; MenuItem item = new MenuItem("Delete", command); return item; }
/** * Create PremeterItem * @param com * @return PremeterItem */ public static MenuItem createPremeterItem(HasRightMouseUpMenu com) { Command command = new MenuItemCommand(com) { @Override public void execute() { ProgramWidget widget = (ProgramWidget) this.component; widget.getParameterPanel(); widget.setETLPanel(); widget.getContextMenu().hide(); } }; MenuItem item = new MenuItem("Configure parameters", command); return item; }
/** * Create DownloadDataItem * @param com * @return DownloadDataItem */ public static MenuItem createDownloadData(HasRightMouseUpMenu com) { Command command = new MenuItemCommand(com) { @Override public void execute() { DatasetWidget widget = (DatasetWidget) this.component; widget.getContextMenu().hide(); OutNodeShape shape = widget.getOutNodeShapes().get(0); String filename = shape.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + shape.getFileId(); String url = GWT.getModuleBaseURL().split("EMLStudio")[0] + "EMLStudioMonitor/filedownload?filename=" + filename;, "_blank", "status=0,toolbar=0,menubar=0,location=0"); } }; MenuItem item = new MenuItem("Download", command); return item; }
/** * Create StderrItem * @param com * @return StderrItem */ public static MenuItem createStderrItem(HasRightMouseUpMenu com) { Command command = new MenuItemCommand(com) { @Override public void execute() { ProgramWidget widget = (ProgramWidget) this.component; MonitorController controller = (MonitorController) widget .getController(); String oozJobId = widget.getAction().getJobId(); String actionid = widget.getId(); controller.getStdErr(oozJobId, actionid); widget.getContextMenu().hide(); } }; MenuItem item = new MenuItem("Show Stderr", command); return item; }
/** * Create StdoutItem * @param com * @return StdoutItem */ public static MenuItem createStdoutItem(HasRightMouseUpMenu com) { Command command = new MenuItemCommand(com) { @Override public void execute() { ProgramWidget widget = (ProgramWidget) this.component; MonitorController controller = (MonitorController) widget .getController(); String oozJobId = widget.getAction().getJobId(); String actionid = widget.getId(); controller.getStdOut(oozJobId, actionid); widget.getContextMenu().hide(); } }; MenuItem item = new MenuItem("Show Stdout", command); return item; }
/** * Create result preview popup menuitem * * @param com * @return */ public static MenuItem createShowResultItem(HasRightMouseUpMenu com) { Command command = new MenuItemCommand(com) { @Override public void execute() { NodeShape nodeShape = (NodeShape) this.component; //If the shape node is output node shape if(nodeShape instanceof OutNodeShape) { OutNodeShape outShape = (OutNodeShape) nodeShape; String fileId = outShape.getFileId(); String path = outShape.getAbsolutePath(); DBController.showPreviewPopup(path,fileId); } nodeShape.getContextMenu().hide(); } }; MenuItem item = new MenuItem("Results preview", command); return item; }
/** * Create data visualization popup menuitem * * @param com * @return */ public static MenuItem createVisuallizeItem(HasRightMouseUpMenu com) { Command command = new MenuItemCommand(com) { @Override public void execute() { NodeShape nodeShape = (NodeShape) this.component; // If the node shape is output node shape if(nodeShape instanceof OutNodeShape) { OutNodeShape outShape = (OutNodeShape) nodeShape; String fileId = outShape.getFileId(); String path = outShape.getAbsolutePath(); String fPath = path +"/"+fileId; DBController.showDataVisualPopup(fPath,fileId); } nodeShape.getContextMenu().hide(); } }; MenuItem item = new MenuItem("Visualization", command); return item; }
private SuggestionMenuItem(final Suggestion suggestion) { super(suggestion.getDisplayString() == null ? suggestion.getChip().getLabel() + " <span class='item-command'>" + suggestion.getChip().getTranslatedCommand() + "</span>" : SafeHtmlUtils.htmlEscape(suggestion.getDisplayString()) + (suggestion.getHint() == null ? "" : " " + suggestion.getHint()), true, new Command() { @Override public void execute() { hideSuggestions(); setStatus(ARIA.suggestionSelected(suggestion.toAriaString(FilterBox.this))); applySuggestion(suggestion); iLastValue = getValue(); setAriaLabel(toAriaString()); fireSelectionEvent(suggestion);, getValue()); } }); setStyleName("item"); getElement().setAttribute("whiteSpace", "nowrap"); iSuggestion = suggestion; }
private EventFilterRpcRequest getEventsRequest() { EventFilterRpcRequest request = new EventFilterRpcRequest(); request.setSessionId(iSession.getAcademicSessionId()); request.setCommand(FilterRpcRequest.Command.ENUMERATE); iSelectedTimes = iTimes.getValue(); if (iSelectedTimes.getStart() != null) { int startHour = Math.max(0, (iSelectedTimes.getStart() - 6) / 12); request.setOption("after", TimeUtils.slot2time(12 * startHour)); } if (iSelectedTimes.getEnd() != null) { int endHour = Math.min(24, (17 + iSelectedTimes.getEnd()) / 12); request.setOption("before", TimeUtils.slot2time(12 * endHour)); } iSelectedDates = iDates.getSelectedDays(); for (Integer date: iSelectedDates) { request.addOption("dates", date.toString()); } return request; }
@Override protected void execute(final ProjectNode node) { Ode.getInstance().getEditorManager().generateYailForBlocksEditors( new Command() { @Override public void execute() { executeNextCommand(node); } }, new Command() { @Override public void execute() { executionFailedOrCanceled(); } }); }
@Override public void execute() { Ode.getInstance().getEditorManager().saveDirtyEditors(new Command() { @Override public void execute() { List<Project> selectedProjects = ProjectListBox.getProjectListBox().getProjectList().getSelectedProjects(); if (selectedProjects.size() > 0) { // Show one confirmation window for selected projects. if (deleteConfirmation(selectedProjects)) { for (Project project : selectedProjects) { deleteProject(project); } } } else { // The user can select a project to resolve the // error. ErrorReporter.reportInfo(MESSAGES.noProjectSelectedForDelete()); } } }); }
@Override public void execute() { ProjectRootNode projectRootNode = Ode.getInstance().getCurrentYoungAndroidProjectRootNode(); if (projectRootNode != null) { String target = YoungAndroidProjectNode.YOUNG_ANDROID_TARGET_ANDROID; ChainableCommand cmd = new SaveAllEditorsCommand( new GenerateYailCommand( new BuildCommand(target, new ShowProgressBarCommand(target, new WaitForBuildResultCommand(target, new ShowBarcodeCommand(target)), "BarcodeAction")))); // updateBuildButton(true); cmd.startExecuteChain(Tracking.PROJECT_ACTION_BUILD_BARCODE_YA, projectRootNode, new Command() { @Override public void execute() { // updateBuildButton(false); } }); } }
@Override public void execute() { ProjectRootNode projectRootNode = Ode.getInstance().getCurrentYoungAndroidProjectRootNode(); if (projectRootNode != null) { String target = YoungAndroidProjectNode.YOUNG_ANDROID_TARGET_ANDROID; ChainableCommand cmd = new SaveAllEditorsCommand( new GenerateYailCommand( new BuildCommand(target, new ShowProgressBarCommand(target, new WaitForBuildResultCommand(target, new DownloadProjectOutputCommand(target)), "DownloadAction")))); // updateBuildButton(true); cmd.startExecuteChain(Tracking.PROJECT_ACTION_BUILD_DOWNLOAD_YA, projectRootNode, new Command() { @Override public void execute() { // updateBuildButton(false); } }); } }
@Override public void execute() { Ode.getInstance().getUserInfoService().hasUserFile(StorageUtil.ANDROID_KEYSTORE_FILENAME, new OdeAsyncCallback<Boolean>(MESSAGES.uploadKeystoreError()) { @Override public void onSuccess(Boolean keystoreFileExists) { if (!keystoreFileExists || Window.confirm(MESSAGES.confirmOverwriteKeystore())) { KeystoreUploadWizard wizard = new KeystoreUploadWizard(new Command() { @Override public void execute() { Tracking.trackEvent(Tracking.USER_EVENT, Tracking.USER_ACTION_UPLOAD_KEYSTORE); updateKeystoreFileMenuButtons(); } });; } } }); }
@Override public void execute() { ProjectRootNode projectRootNode = Ode.getInstance().getCurrentYoungAndroidProjectRootNode(); if (projectRootNode != null) { String target = YoungAndroidProjectNode.YOUNG_ANDROID_TARGET_ANDROID; ChainableCommand cmd = new SaveAllEditorsCommand(new GenerateYailCommand(null)); //updateBuildButton(true); cmd.startExecuteChain(Tracking.PROJECT_ACTION_BUILD_YAIL_YA, projectRootNode, new Command() { @Override public void execute() { //updateBuildButton(false); } }); } }
/** * Creates a new instance of the property editor. * * @param hexPrefix language specific hex number prefix * @param colors colors to be shown in property editor - must not be * {@code null} or empty */ public ColorChoicePropertyEditor(final Color[] colors, final String hexPrefix) { this.hexPrefix = hexPrefix; this.colors = colors; // Initialize UI List<DropDownItem> choices = Lists.newArrayList(); for (final Color color : colors) { choices.add(new DropDownItem(WIDGET_NAME, color.getHtmlDescription(), new Command() { @Override public void execute() { property.setValue(hexPrefix + color.alphaString + color.rgbString); } })); } selectedColorMenu = new DropDownButton(WIDGET_NAME, colors[0].getHtmlDescription(), choices, false, true, false); selectedColorMenu.setStylePrimaryName("ode-ColorChoicePropertyEditor"); initWidget(selectedColorMenu); }
/** * Creates a new instance of the property editor. * * @param choices array of values to choose from */ public ChoicePropertyEditor(Choice[] choices) { // Initialize UI this.choices = choices; List<DropDownItem> items = Lists.newArrayList(); for(final Choice choice : choices) { items.add(new DropDownItem("Choice Property Editor", choice.caption, new Command() { @Override public void execute() { property.setValue(choice.value); } })); } dropDownButton = new DropDownButton("Choice Property Editor", choices[0].caption, items, false); dropDownButton.setStylePrimaryName("ode-ChoicePropertyEditor"); initWidget(dropDownButton); }
@Override public void saveSettings(final Command command) { if (Ode.getInstance().isReadOnly()) { return; // No changes when in read only mode } else if (!changed) { // Do not save project settings if they haven't changed. return; } String s = encodeSettings(); OdeLog.log("Saving project settings: " + s); Ode.getInstance().getProjectService().storeProjectSettings( Ode.getInstance().getSessionId(), project.getProjectId(), s, new OdeAsyncCallback<Void>( // failure message MESSAGES.settingsSaveError()) { @Override public void onSuccess(Void result) { changed = false; if (command != null) { command.execute(); } } }); }
@Override public void show() {; // Wizard size (having it resize between page changes is quite annoying) int width = 340; int height = 40;; setPixelSize(width, height); super.setPagePanelHeight(85); DeferredCommand.addCommand(new Command() { public void execute() { projectNameTextBox.setFocus(true); projectNameTextBox.selectAll(); } }); }
@Override public void show() {; // Wizard size (having it resize between page changes is quite annoying) int width = 320; int height = 40;; setPixelSize(width, height); super.setPagePanelHeight(40); DeferredCommand.addCommand(new Command() { public void execute() { projectNameTextBox.setFocus(true); projectNameTextBox.selectAll(); } }); }
@Override public void show() {; // Wizard size (having it resize between page changes is quite annoying) int width = 500; int height = 40;; setPixelSize(width, height); super.setPagePanelHeight(40); DeferredCommand.addCommand(new Command() { public void execute() { urlTextBox.setFocus(true); urlTextBox.selectAll(); } }); }
@Override public void show() {; int width = 320; int height = 40;; setPixelSize(width, height); super.setPagePanelHeight(40); DeferredCommand.addCommand(new Command() { public void execute() { renameTextBox.setFocus(true); } }); }
/** * Creates the editor manager. */ public EditorManager() { openProjectEditors = Maps.newHashMap(); dirtyProjectSettings = new HashSet<ProjectSettings>(); dirtyFileEditors = new HashSet<FileEditor>(); autoSaveTimer = new Timer() { @Override public void run() { // When the timer goes off, save all dirtyProjectSettings and // dirtyFileEditors. Ode.getInstance().lockScreens(true); // Lock out changes saveDirtyEditors(new Command() { @Override public void execute() { Ode.getInstance().lockScreens(false); // I/O finished, unlock } }); } }; }
/** * @return an initialized ActionsMenuBar */ public ActionsMenuBar init(String id) { if ( eventBus == null ) eventBus = clientFactory.getEventBus(); ActionsMenuBar view = clientFactory.getActionsMenuBar(id); view.setPresenter(this); // Make menu commands view.getSaveAsItem().setCommand(new Command() { @Override public void execute() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub //"", // "_blank", ""); } }); return view; }
public static void it(String html) { try { buildFrame(html); if (USE_TIMER) { Timer timer = new Timer() { public void run() { printFrame(); } }; timer.schedule(TIMER_DELAY * 1000); } else { DeferredCommand.addCommand(new Command() { public void execute() { printFrame(); } }); } } catch (Throwable exc) { Window.alert(exc.getMessage()); } }
@Override protected void onAttach() { super.onAttach(); /* * When this window gets reattached, set the tabstop to the previous * state. */ setTabStopEnabled(doTabStop); // Fix for #14413. Any pseudo elements inside these elements are not // visible on initial render unless we shake the DOM. if (BrowserInfo.get().isIE8()) { closeBox.getStyle().setDisplay(Style.Display.NONE); Scheduler.get().scheduleFinally(new Command() { @Override public void execute() { closeBox.getStyle().clearDisplay(); } }); } }
private void setupVersionChecker() { versionChecker = new ClientVersionChecker(new ClientVersionChecker.Listener() { @Override public void onClientUpdated() { UpdateIndicatorWidget.create(RootPanel.get("banner"), new UpdateIndicatorWidget.Listener() { @Override public void refresh() { completeWave(new Command() { @Override public void execute() { Location.assign(GWT.getHostPageBaseURL()); } }); } }); } }, LOG); }
private void closeWave(final Command whenReady) { if (LOG.trace().shouldLog()) { LOG.trace().log("WebClient.closeWave()"); } errorPopup.hide(); completeWave(new Command() { @Override public void execute() { destroyWave(); whenReady.execute(); } }); }
/** * Handler for the browser's paste event * * @param cursorBias current bias direction of the cursor * @return true to cancel browser's default, false otherwise. Generally, we'd * only cancel if we cannot paste, i.e. selection not known */ public boolean handlePasteEvent(final BiasDirection cursorBias) { // TODO(danilatos): Handle non-collapsed ranges final ContentRange previousSelection = aggressiveSelectionHelper.getOrderedSelectionPoints(); // Selection shouldn't be null here, but its unsafe to make that assumption. // Cancel paste if we don't have selection. if (previousSelection == null) { return true; } busy = true; pasteBuffer.prepareForPaste(); deferredCommands.addCommand( new Command() { @Override public void execute() { extract(pasteBuffer.getPasteContainer(), previousSelection, cursorBias); busy = false; } }); return false; }
@Override public Point<ContentNode> deleteRange(Point<ContentNode> first, Point<ContentNode> second, boolean isReplace) { if (isReplace) { annotationLogic.supplementAnnotations(mutable().getLocation(first), BiasDirection.RIGHT, ContentType.PLAIN_TEXT); } final Point<ContentNode> filteredFirst = getFilteredPoint(first); final Point<ContentNode> filteredSecond = getFilteredPoint(second); final Iterable<? extends ConversationThread> repliesToDelete = findInnerRepliesWithinRange( blip, mapper().getLocation(filteredFirst), mapper().getLocation(filteredSecond)); if (repliesToDelete.iterator().hasNext()) { DialogBox.confirm(messages.confirmThreadDeletion(), new Command() { @Override public void execute() { deleteRangeInner(filteredFirst, filteredSecond, repliesToDelete); } }); return filteredFirst; } return deleteRangeInner(filteredFirst, filteredSecond, repliesToDelete); }
@Override public void deleteBlip(final ConversationBlip blip, DeleteOption option) { QuasiConversationBlip quasiBlip = (QuasiConversationBlip) blip; if (quasiBlip.isQuasiDeleted()) { return; // cannot delete blip twice } if (!isEmpty(blip)) { switch (option) { case DELETE_EMPTY_ONLY: return; case WITH_CONFIRMATION: focusFrame.focus(blip); DialogBox.confirm(messages.confirmBlipDeletion(), new Command() { @Override public void execute() { deleteBlipInner(blip); } }); return; } } deleteBlipInner(blip); }
void finishEditing(final boolean endWithDone) { if (isDraftModified() && !endWithDone) { finisher.onEndEditing(new Command() { @Override public void execute() { if (finisher.isExitAllowed()) { leaveDraftMode(finisher.shouldDraftBeSaved()); //if edited blip is empty => delete it ConversationBlip edited = editing; endSession(); actions.deleteBlip(edited, Actions.DeleteOption.DELETE_EMPTY_ONLY); } } }); } else { stopEditing(); } }
@Override public boolean canMoveFocus(ConversationBlip oldBlip, final ConversationBlip newBlip) { if (isDraftModified()) { finisher.onFocusMove(new Command() { @Override public void execute() { if (finisher.isExitAllowed()) { leaveDraftMode(finisher.shouldDraftBeSaved()); endSession(); focus.focus(newBlip); } } }); return false; } return true; }
/** * Shows a participation profileUi for the clicked participant. */ private void handleParticipantClicked(Element context) { ParticipantView participantView = views.asParticipant(context); Pair<Conversation, ParticipantId> participation = models.getParticipant(participantView); Profile profile = profiles.getProfile(participation.second); // Summon a popup view from a participant, and attach profile-popup logic to // it. ProfilePopupView profileView = participantView.showParticipation(); final Conversation conversation = participation.getFirst(); final ParticipantId participantId = participation.getSecond(); boolean isRemoved = ParticipantState.REMOVED.equals(participantView.getState()); SafeHtml buttonText = EscapeUtils.fromSafeConstant(isRemoved ? messages.close() : messages.remove()); Command buttonCommand = isRemoved ? null : new Command() { @Override public void execute() { conversation.removeParticipant(participantId); markAsRead(); } }; ProfilePopupPresenter profileUi = ProfilePopupPresenter.create(profile, profileView, profiles, (ObservableConversation) conversation, buttonText, buttonCommand);; }
/** * Standard information dialog with prompt and "OK" button. * * @param message message to display */ public static void information(String message) { PopupChrome chrome = PopupChromeFactory.createPopupChrome(); final UniversalPopup popup = PopupFactory.createPopup(RootPanel.getBodyElement(), new CenterPopupPositioner(), chrome, true); VerticalPanel verticalPanel = new VerticalPanel(); verticalPanel.setStyleName(Dialog.getCss().verticalPanel()); Label label = new Label(message); verticalPanel.add(label); DialogButton okButton = new DialogButton(messages.ok(), new Command() { @Override public void execute() { popup.hide(); } }); DialogBox.create(popup, messages.confirmation(), verticalPanel, new DialogButton[] { okButton });; requestFocus(okButton.getButton()); }
/** * Creates a profile popup presenter. This presenter destroys itself and * detaches from the view as soon as the popup hides. * * @param model profile to present * @param view view in which to present * @param events source of profile events * @param conversation conversation to be listened to * @return a new presenter. */ public static ProfilePopupPresenter create(Profile model, final ProfilePopupView view, ProfileManager events, ObservableConversation conversation, SafeHtml buttonText, final Command buttonCommand) { ProfilePopupPresenter profileUi = new ProfilePopupPresenter(model, view, events, conversation); profileUi.init(); // Add button to the profile card view.addButton(buttonText, new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { if (buttonCommand != null) { buttonCommand.execute(); } view.hide(); } }); return profileUi; }
public void bind(FormHub formHub) { this.formHub = formHub; if (formHub != null) { formHub.getEventManager().addListener(FormHub.FIELD_VALUE_CHANGE, new WebEventListener() { public void eventNotify(WebEvent ev) { Param p = (Param) ev.getData(); if (p.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(fieldLink)) { fieldValue = p.getValue(); } setDefaultValues(); } }); DeferredCommand.addCommand(new Command() { public void execute() { fieldValue = getFormHub().getValue(fieldLink); } }); } }