private InstructorCookie() { try { String cookie = Cookies.getCookie("UniTime:Instructor"); if (cookie != null) { String[] params = cookie.split("\\|"); int idx = 0; iSortAttributesBy = Integer.valueOf(params[idx++]); iSortInstructorsBy = Integer.valueOf(params[idx++]); iSortTeachingRequestsBy = new int[] {Integer.valueOf(params[idx++]), Integer.valueOf(params[idx++]), Integer.valueOf(params[idx++])}; iTeachingRequestsColumns = new int[] {Integer.valueOf(params[idx++]), Integer.valueOf(params[idx++]), Integer.valueOf(params[idx++])}; iSortTeachingAssignmentsBy = Integer.valueOf(params[idx++]); iTeachingAssignmentsColumns = Integer.valueOf(params[idx++]); iAssignmentChangesBase = Integer.valueOf(params[idx++]); iSortAssignmentChangesBy = Integer.valueOf(params[idx++]); iAssignmentChangesColumns = Integer.valueOf(params[idx++]); iShowTeachingRequests = "T".equals(params[idx++]); iShowTeachingAssignments = "T".equals(params[idx++]); iQuery = new String[] {params[idx++], params[idx++], params[idx++]}; } } catch (Exception e) { } }
private CurriculumCookie() { try { String cookie = Cookies.getCookie("UniTime:Curriculum"); if (cookie != null && cookie.length() > 0) { String[] values = cookie.split(":"); iType = CourseCurriculaTable.Type.valueOf(values[0]); iMode = CurriculaCourses.Mode.valueOf(values[1]); iPercent = "T".equals(values[2]); iRulesPercent = "T".equals(values[3]); iRulesShowLastLike = "T".equals(values[4]); iCourseDetails = "T".equals(values[5]); iCurMode.fromString(values[6]); iShowLast = !"F".equals(values[7]); iShowProjected = !"F".equals(values[8]); iShowExpected = !"F".equals(values[9]); iShowEnrolled = !"F".equals(values[10]); iShowRequested = "T".equals(values[11]); iShowSnapshotExpected = !"T".equals(values[12]); iShowSnapshotProjected = !"T".equals(values[13]); iSortBy = Integer.parseInt(values[14]); } } catch (Exception e) { } }
private void save() { String cookie = (iType == null ? "" : + ":" + (iMode == null ? "" : + ":" + (iPercent ? "T": "F") + ":" + (iRulesPercent ? "T" : "F") + ":" + (iRulesShowLastLike ? "T" : "F") + ":" + (iCourseDetails ? "T": "F") + ":" + iCurMode.toString() + ":" + (iShowLast ? "T" : "F") + ":" + (iShowProjected ? "T" : "F") + ":" + (iShowExpected ? "T" : "F") + ":" + (iShowEnrolled ? "T" : "F") + ":" + (iShowRequested ? "T" : "F") + ":" + (iShowSnapshotExpected ? "T" : "F") + ":" + (iShowSnapshotProjected ? "T" : "F") + ":" + iSortBy; ; Cookies.setCookie("UniTime:Curriculum", cookie); }
private SolverCookie() { try { String cookie = Cookies.getCookie("UniTime:Solver"); if (cookie != null) { String[] params = cookie.split("\\|"); int idx = 0; iLogLevel = Integer.valueOf(params[idx++]); iTimeGridFilter = "1".equals(params[idx++]); iAssignedClassesFilter = "1".equals(params[idx++]); iAssignedClassesSort = Integer.parseInt(params[idx++]); iNotAssignedClassesFilter = "1".equals(params[idx++]); iNotAssignedClassesSort = Integer.parseInt(params[idx++]); } } catch (Exception e) { } }
private EventCookie() { try { String cookie = Cookies.getCookie("UniTime:Event"); if (cookie != null) { String[] params = cookie.split("\\|"); int idx = 0; iFlags = Integer.parseInt(params[idx++]); iShowDeltedMeetings = "T".equals(params[idx++]); iSortRoomsBy = Integer.valueOf(params[idx++]); iRoomsHorizontal = !"F".equals(params[idx++]); iExpandRoomConflicts = "T".equals(params[idx++]); iAutomaticallyApproveNewMeetings = "T".equals(params[idx++]); iHideDuplicitiesForMeetings = "T".equals(params[idx++]); while (idx < params.length) { String hash = params[idx++]; int colon = hash.indexOf(':'); iHash.put(hash.substring(0, colon), hash.substring(colon + 1)); } } } catch (Exception e) { } }
private SectioningStatusCookie() { try { String cookie = Cookies.getCookie("UniTime:StudentStatus"); if (cookie != null) { String[] params = cookie.split("\\|"); int idx = 0; iOnlineTab = Integer.parseInt(params[idx++]); iOnlineQuery = params[idx++]; iBashTab = Integer.parseInt(params[idx++]); iBashQuery = params[idx++]; for (int i = 0; i < iSortBy.length; i++) iSortBy[i] = Integer.parseInt(params[idx++]); } } catch (Exception e) { } }
public void saveState() { List<String> nodes = new ArrayList<String>(); nodes.add(iStackPanel.getStackText(iStackPanel.getSelectedIndex())); for (int i = 0; i < iStackPanel.getWidgetCount(); i++) { if (iStackPanel.getWidget(i) instanceof Tree) { Tree t = (Tree)iStackPanel.getWidget(i); for (int j = 0; j < t.getItemCount(); j++) { openedNodes(nodes, t.getItem(j), iStackPanel.getStackText(i)); } } } String sideBarCookie = ""; for (String node: nodes) { if (!sideBarCookie.isEmpty()) sideBarCookie += "|"; sideBarCookie += node; } Cookies.setCookie("UniTime:MobileMenu", sideBarCookie); }
public void restoreState() { Set<String> nodes = new HashSet<String>(); String sideBarCookie = Cookies.getCookie("UniTime:MobileMenu"); if (sideBarCookie != null) for (String node: sideBarCookie.split("\\|")) nodes.add(node); for (int i = 0 ; i < iStackPanel.getWidgetCount(); i++) { if (nodes.contains(iStackPanel.getStackText(i))) { iStackPanel.showStack(i); } if (iStackPanel.getWidget(i) instanceof Tree) { Tree t = (Tree)iStackPanel.getWidget(i); for (int j = 0; j < t.getItemCount(); j++) { openNodes(nodes, t.getItem(j), iStackPanel.getStackText(i)); } } } }
public void restoreState() { Set<String> nodes = new HashSet<String>(); String sideBarCookie = Cookies.getCookie("UniTime:SideBar"); if (sideBarCookie != null) for (String node: sideBarCookie.split("\\|")) nodes.add(node); iDisclosurePanel.setOpen(nodes.contains("Root") || sideBarCookie == null); if (iUseStackPanel) for (int i = 0 ; i < iStackPanel.getWidgetCount(); i++) { if (nodes.contains(iStackPanel.getStackText(i))) { iStackPanel.showStack(i); } if (iStackPanel.getWidget(i) instanceof Tree) { Tree t = (Tree)iStackPanel.getWidget(i); for (int j = 0; j < t.getItemCount(); j++) { openNodes(nodes, t.getItem(j), iStackPanel.getStackText(i)); } } } else for (int i = 0; i < iTree.getItemCount(); i++) { openNodes(nodes, iTree.getItem(i), null); } }
private void setData(String dataName, String data) { String oldData = getObjectString(dataName); if (oldData == null || !data.equals(oldData)) { String dataNamePath = buildPathString(dataName); try { if (dataStore != null) { dataStore.removeItem(dataNamePath); dataStore.setItem(dataNamePath, data); } else { Cookies.setCookie(dataNamePath, data, new Date(new Date().getTime() + (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 100))); } } catch (Exception e) {} HandlerManager eventBus = ConsoleUnitEventManager.getInstance().getEventBus(); BindingDataChangeEvent event = new BindingDataChangeEvent(dataName); eventBus.fireEvent(event); } }
private String getData(String dataName) { if (dataName == null || dataName.equals("")) return ""; dataName = buildPathString(dataName); String data = null; try { if (dataStore != null) { data = dataStore.getItem(dataName); } else { data = Cookies.getCookie(dataName); } } catch (Exception e) {} if (data == null || data.equals("null")) { data = ""; } return data; }
public RealmSecurityInfo getRealmInfo() { if (realmInfo == null) { GWT.log("AggregateUI.getRealmInfo: realmInfo is null"); } if (lastRealmInfoUpdateAttemptTimestamp + RefreshTimer.SECURITY_REFRESH_INTERVAL < System .currentTimeMillis()) { // record the attempt lastRealmInfoUpdateAttemptTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); GWT.log("AggregateUI.getRealmInfo: triggering refresh of realmInfo"); SecureGWT.getSecurityService().getRealmInfo(Cookies.getCookie("JSESSIONID"), new AsyncCallback<RealmSecurityInfo>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { reportError(caught); } @Override public void onSuccess(RealmSecurityInfo result) { realmInfo = result; updateNotSecureInfo(); } }); } return realmInfo; }
public static void setColor(Color color, Color darkerColor, Color lighterColor) { final long DURATION = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 14; //duration remembering login - 2 weeks Date expires = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + DURATION); Cookies.setCookie(COLOR, color.getCssName(), expires, null, "/", false); for (MaterialWidget w : map.keySet()) { switch (map.get(w)) { case REGULAR_SHADE: w.setBackgroundColor(color); break; case DARKER_SHADE: w.setBackgroundColor(darkerColor); break; case LIGHTER_SHADE: w.setBackgroundColor(lighterColor); break; default: break; } } }
@Override protected void doFinish(RequestBuilder rb) { super.doFinish(rb); if (checkUserInfo) { String userToken = Cookies.getCookie(LoginManagerImpl.COOKIE_USER_KEY); userToken = userToken == null ? "" : userToken.replaceAll("\"", ""); String user = userToken.contains("/") ? userToken.split("/", 2)[1] : null; LoginManager loginManager= Application.getInstance().getLoginManager(); if (user != null && loginManager!=null && loginManager.getLoginInfo()!=null) { if (!loginManager.getLoginInfo().getLoginName().equals(user)) { loginManager.refreshUserInfo(true); } } } }
/** * * @param url * @param checkIntvlInMsec check interval in milliseconds * @param maxTries * @param confirmationCallback */ public static void submitDownloadUrl(String url, int checkIntvlInMsec, final int maxTries, final Command confirmationCallback) { if (checkIntvlInMsec > 0 && maxTries > 0 && confirmationCallback != null) { Frame f = Application.getInstance().getNullFrame(); final String codId = String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()); url += (url.contains("?") ? "&" : "?") + COD_ID + "="+ codId; f.setUrl(url); Scheduler.get().scheduleFixedDelay(new Scheduler.RepeatingCommand() { int tries = 0; public boolean execute() { String c = Cookies.getCookie(COD_ID); tries++; if ((c != null && c.equals(codId)) || tries > maxTries) { Cookies.removeCookie(COD_ID, "/"); confirmationCallback.execute(); return false; } else { return true; } } }, checkIntvlInMsec); } else { showDebugMsg("InvalidArgumentException: submitDownloadUrl"); } }
public void gotoUrl(String url, boolean saveSearchPage) { if (doSaveState) { doSaveState = false; RequestHandler.Context context = saveSearchPage ? RequestHandler.Context.INCL_SEARCH : RequestHandler.Context.PAGE; String cState = null; try { cState = Application.getInstance().getRequestHandler().getStateInfo(context); } catch (Exception e) { GWT.log("error retrieving state info", e); } if (cState != null) { Cookies.setCookie(PRIOR_STATE, cState); } } if (url != null) { Window.Location.assign(url); } }
@Override protected void gwtSetUp() throws Exception { MarshallerFramework.initializeDefaultSessionProvider(); // because UberFire uses @Inject User, the only way we can set the current user is by putting this // cookie in place before the GWT modules get bootstrapped (so before super.gwtSetUp()) Collection<? extends Role> roles = Arrays.asList(new RoleImpl("admin")); admin = new UserImpl("admin", roles); Cookies.setCookie(UserCookieEncoder.USER_COOKIE_NAME, UserCookieEncoder.toCookieValue(admin)); super.gwtSetUp(); placeManager = IOC.getBeanManager().lookupBean(PlaceManager.class).getInstance(); securityContext = IOC.getBeanManager().lookupBean(SecurityContext.class).getInstance(); }
@Override public void bindView() { view.getLoginButton().addClickHandler( new ClickHandler() { public void onClick( ClickEvent event ) { String username = view.getUserName().getValue(); if ( ( username == null ) || ( username.length() == 0 ) ) { eventBus.displayMessage( "Please enter your username" ); } else { Cookies.setCookie( Constants.USERNAME, username ); eventBus.login( username ); eventBus.displayMessage( "" ); } } } ); }
/** * Initialization */ private void init(){ clearInput(); adminView.getUserPage().clear(); page.addStyleName("admin-page"); adminView.getUserPage().add(page); currentPage = 1; Account currentAccount = new Account(); currentAccount.setEmail(Cookies.getCookie("bdaemail")); accountService.getSize(currentAccount, new AsyncCallback<Integer>(){ @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub caught.getMessage(); } @Override public void onSuccess(Integer result) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub //Caculate page-related information, initialize and load paging controls resultSize = result; pageSize = (int)Math.ceil((double)result/13); lastPage = pageSize; pagination = new Pagination(page, pageSize, Pagination.PageType.LARGE); pagination.load(); //Load user data load(); } }); }
/** * Load search result and reset paging control */ private void searchResult(){ adminView.getUserPage().clear(); //Clear paging area and reload adminView.getUserPage().add(page); Account currentAccount = new Account(); currentAccount.setEmail(Cookies.getCookie("bdaemail"));, searchAccount, 0, 0, new AsyncCallback<List<Account>>(){ @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub searchAlert.setContent(caught.getMessage());; } @Override public void onSuccess(List<Account> result) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub if(result.size() == 0){ searchAlert.setContent( Constants.adminUIMsg.searchNoResult() );; }else{ resultSize = result.size(); pageSize = (int)Math.ceil((double)result.size()/13); lastPage = pageSize; currentPage = 1; pagination = new Pagination(page, pageSize, Pagination.PageType.LARGE); pagination.load(); reload(); } } }); }
private void save() { String cookie = iSortAttributesBy + "|" + iSortInstructorsBy + "|" + iSortTeachingRequestsBy[0] + "|" + iSortTeachingRequestsBy[1] + "|" + iSortTeachingRequestsBy[2] + "|" + iTeachingRequestsColumns[0] + "|" + iTeachingRequestsColumns[1] + "|" + iTeachingRequestsColumns[2] + "|" + iSortTeachingAssignmentsBy + "|" + iTeachingAssignmentsColumns + "|" + iAssignmentChangesBase + "|" + iSortAssignmentChangesBy + "|" + iAssignmentChangesColumns + "|" + (iShowTeachingRequests ? "T" : "F") + "|" + (iShowTeachingAssignments ? "T" : "F") + "|" + (iQuery[0] == null ? "" : iQuery[0]) + "|" + (iQuery[1] == null ? "" : iQuery[1]) + "|" + (iQuery[2] == null ? "" : iQuery[2]); Date expires = new Date(new Date().getTime() + 604800000l); // expires in 7 days Cookies.setCookie("UniTime:Instructor", cookie, expires); }
private LastChangesCookie() { try { String cookie = Cookies.getCookie("UniTime:LastChanges"); if (cookie != null && cookie.length() > 0) { String[] values = cookie.split(":"); iShowDetails = "T".equals(values[0]); iSortColumn = Integer.parseInt(values[1]); iSortOrder = "T".equals(values[2]); iMultiSession = "T".equals(values[3]); } } catch (Exception e) { } }
private RoomCookie() { iFlags = new int[RoomsPageMode.values().length]; iHash = new String[RoomsPageMode.values().length]; for (int i = 0; i < iFlags.length; i++) { iFlags[i] = 0; iHash[i] = ""; } try { String cookie = Cookies.getCookie("UniTime:Room"); if (cookie != null) { String[] params = cookie.split("\\|"); int idx = 0; iSortRoomsBy = Integer.valueOf(params[idx++]); iSortRoomGroupsBy = Integer.valueOf(params[idx++]); iSortRoomFeaturesBy = Integer.valueOf(params[idx++]); setOrientation(params[idx++]); iDeptMode = Integer.valueOf(params[idx++]); for (int i = 0; i < iFlags.length; i++) { iFlags[i] = Integer.parseInt(params[idx++]); iHash[i] = params[idx++]; } while (idx < params.length) { String[] x = params[idx++].split(":"); iFutures.put(Long.valueOf(x[0]), new Integer(x[1])); } } } catch (Exception e) { } }
private void save() { String cookie = iSortRoomsBy + "|" + iSortRoomGroupsBy + "|" + iSortRoomFeaturesBy + "|" + getOrientation() + "|" + iDeptMode; for (int i = 0; i < iFlags.length; i++) { cookie += "|" + iFlags[i] + "|" + (iHash[i] == null ? "" : iHash[i]); } for (Map.Entry<Long, Integer> e: iFutures.entrySet()) { cookie += "|" + e.getKey() + ":" + e.getValue(); } Date expires = new Date(new Date().getTime() + 604800000l); // expires in 7 days Cookies.setCookie("UniTime:Room", cookie, expires); }
private void save() { String cookie = iLogLevel + "|" + (iTimeGridFilter ? "1" : "0") + "|" + (iAssignedClassesFilter ? "1" : "0") + "|" + iAssignedClassesSort + "|" + (iNotAssignedClassesFilter ? "1" : "0") + "|" + iNotAssignedClassesSort; Date expires = new Date(new Date().getTime() + 604800000l); // expires in 7 days Cookies.setCookie("UniTime:Solver", cookie, expires); }
private void selectLastTab() { try { int tab = Integer.valueOf(Cookies.getCookie("UniTime:CourseFinderCourses")); if (tab >= 0 || tab < iCourseDetailsTabBar.getTabCount() && tab != iCourseDetailsTabBar.getSelectedTab()) iCourseDetailsTabBar.selectTab(tab, true); else iCourseDetailsTabBar.selectTab(0, true); } catch (Exception e) { iCourseDetailsTabBar.selectTab(0, true); } }
private void save() { String cookie = String.valueOf(iFlags) + "|" + (iShowDeltedMeetings ? "T": "F") + "|" + iSortRoomsBy + "|" + (iRoomsHorizontal ? "T" : "F") + "|" + (iExpandRoomConflicts ? "T" : "F") + "|" + (iAutomaticallyApproveNewMeetings ? "T": "F") + "|" + (iHideDuplicitiesForMeetings ? "T" : "F"); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry: iHash.entrySet()) cookie += "|" + entry.getKey() + ":" + entry.getValue(); Date expires = new Date(new Date().getTime() + 604800000l); // expires in 7 days Cookies.setCookie("UniTime:Event", cookie, expires); }
private void selectLastTab() { try { int tab = Integer.valueOf(Cookies.getCookie("UniTime:CourseFinderCourses")); if (tab >= 0 || tab < iCourseDetailsTabPanel.getTabCount() && tab != iCourseDetailsTabPanel.getSelectedTab()) iCourseDetailsTabPanel.selectTab(tab); else iCourseDetailsTabPanel.selectTab(0); } catch (Exception e) { iCourseDetailsTabPanel.selectTab(0); } }
private SectioningCookie() { try { String cookie = Cookies.getCookie("UniTime:Sectioning"); if (cookie != null && cookie.length() > 0) { String[] values = cookie.split(":"); iCourseDetails = "T".equals(values[0]); iShowClassNumbers = "T".equals(values.length >= 2 ? values[1] : "F"); iRelatedSortBy = Integer.parseInt(values[2]); iEnrollmentFilter = EnrollmentFilter.values()[Integer.parseInt(values[3])]; iEnrollmentSortBy = Integer.parseInt(values[4]); iEnrollmentSortBySubpart = values[5]; } } catch (Exception e) { } }
private void save() { String cookie = iOnlineTab + "|" + iOnlineQuery + "|" + iBashTab + "|" + iBashQuery; for (int i = 0; i < iSortBy.length; i++) cookie += "|" + iSortBy[i]; Date expires = new Date(new Date().getTime() + 604800000l); // expires in 7 days Cookies.setCookie("UniTime:StudentStatus", cookie, expires); }
public void saveState() { List<String> nodes = new ArrayList<String>(); if (iUseStackPanel) { nodes.add(iStackPanel.getStackText(iStackPanel.getSelectedIndex())); for (int i = 0; i < iStackPanel.getWidgetCount(); i++) { if (iStackPanel.getWidget(i) instanceof Tree) { Tree t = (Tree)iStackPanel.getWidget(i); for (int j = 0; j < t.getItemCount(); j++) { openedNodes(nodes, t.getItem(j), iStackPanel.getStackText(i)); } } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < iTree.getItemCount(); i++) { openedNodes(nodes, iTree.getItem(i), null); } } String sideBarCookie = ""; if (iDisclosurePanel.isOpen()) sideBarCookie += "Root"; for (String node: nodes) { if (!sideBarCookie.isEmpty()) sideBarCookie += "|"; sideBarCookie += node; } sideBarCookie += "|W:" + iPanel.getElement().getClientWidth(); Cookies.setCookie("UniTime:SideBar", sideBarCookie); resizeWideTables(); }