/** * @param title The text that will appear on the button face. * @param alertStyle the dependent style suffix that will be appended to the default GWT style when the user is to be alerted. */ public AlertButton(String title, String alertStyle) { button = new PushButton(title); button.addStyleDependentName("SMALLER"); panel = new HorizontalPanel(); panel.setBorderWidth(1); checkBox = new CheckBox(); panel.add(button); button.setSize("66", "21"); panel.add(checkBox); checkBox.setSize("20", "20"); ClientFactory cf = GWT.create(ClientFactory.class); eventBus = cf.getEventBus(); this.alertStyle = alertStyle; eventBus.addHandler(WidgetSelectionChangeEvent.TYPE, updateNeededEventHandler); eventBus.addHandler(VariableSelectionChangeEvent.TYPE, variableChangedEventHandler); eventBus.addHandler(UpdateFinishedEvent.TYPE, updateFinishedHandler); eventBus.addHandler(MapChangeEvent.TYPE, mapChangeHandler); initWidget(panel); panel.setSize("90", "23"); this.ensureDebugId("AlertButton"); }
public ComplexColorPicker() { style.ensureInjected(); // The background color can be set to "none" noneBtn = new PushButton(messages.none()); noneBtn.addStyleName(ComplexColorPicker.style.buttonsMargins()); noneBtn.setStylePrimaryName(ComplexColorPicker.style.customColorPushbutton()); noneBtn.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { listener.onNoneColorChoose(); } }); vp = new VerticalPanel(); // We use a simple color picker by default simplePicker = new SimpleColorPicker(this); vp.add(simplePicker); vp.add(noneBtn); super.add(vp); }
protected Widget createBrowserItemWidget(final int type, boolean enabled) { final ClickHandler clickHandler = new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { switch(type) { case FIRST: _page = 0; break; case PREV: --_page; break; case NEXT: ++_page; break; case LAST: _page = _pages - 1; break; } fireChange(); } }; PushButton button = new PushButton(); button.setStylePrimaryName(STYLES_BROWSER[type]); button.setEnabled(enabled); if(enabled) button.addClickHandler(clickHandler); return button; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Object render(final ProjectFundingDTO model, final String property, final ColumnData config, final int rowIndex, final int colIndex, final ListStore<ProjectFundingDTO> store, final Grid<ProjectFundingDTO> grid) { // Creates the button with its icon. final PushButton editButton = new PushButton(IconImageBundle.ICONS.editLinkedProject().createImage()); editButton.setStylePrimaryName(STYLE_EDIT_BUTTON); // Sets the button click handler. editButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(final ClickEvent event) { view.getPresenterHandler().onLinkedProjectEditClickEvent(model, projectType); } }); // Returns this button. return editButton; }
public ButtonCaption(String label) { super(); setWidth("100%"); setStyleName("Caption"); closeImage = new Image(images.closeIconImageData().getSafeUri()); closeImage.setSize("16px","16px"); closeDialog = new PushButton(closeImage); closeDialog.setStyleName(css.closeIconStyle()); add(text = new InlineLabel(label)); add(closeDialog); setCellHorizontalAlignment(getElement(),ALIGN_RIGHT); setCellWidth(closeDialog,"1px"); setCellHeight(closeDialog,"1px"); }
/** * Returns a new button that shifts the date when clicked. * @param seconds How many seconds to shift. * @param label The label to put on the button. */ private PushButton newShiftDateButton(final int seconds, final String label) { final PushButton button = new PushButton(label); button.setStyleName(seconds < 0 ? "datePickerPreviousButton" : "datePickerNextButton"); button.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(final ClickEvent event) { Date d = box.getValue(); if (d == null) { if (seconds >= 0) { return; } d = new Date(); } d.setTime(d.getTime() + seconds * 1000); d.setSeconds(0); setDate(d); } }); return button; }
/** * Returns a new button that sets the hours when clicked. * @param hours An hour of the day (0-23). * @param label The label to put on the button. */ private PushButton newSetHoursButton(final int hours) { final PushButton button = new PushButton(Integer.toString(hours)); button.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(final ClickEvent event) { @SuppressWarnings(/* GWT requires us to use Date */{"deprecation"}) Date d = box.getValue(); if (d == null) { d = new Date(); d.setMinutes(0); } d.setHours(hours); d.setSeconds(0); setDate(d); } }); return button; }
/** * Returns a new button that sets the minutes when clicked. * @param minutes A value for minutes (0-59). * @param label The label to put on the button. */ private PushButton newSetMinutesButton(final int minutes, final String label) { final PushButton button = new PushButton(label); button.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(final ClickEvent event) { @SuppressWarnings(/* GWT requires us to use Date */{"deprecation"}) Date d = box.getValue(); if (d == null) { d = new Date(); } d.setMinutes(minutes); d.setSeconds(0); setDate(d); } }); return button; }
public ButtonsExample() { super("Buttons"); Button button = new Button("Disabled button"); button.setEnabled(false); add(button); CheckBox check = new CheckBox("Check box"); check.setChecked(true); add(check); PushButton push = new PushButton("Click me", "Clicked"); add(push); ToggleButton toggle = new ToggleButton("Up", "Down"); add(toggle); }
/** * Helper method to create push buttons. * * @param img image to shown on face of push button * @param tip text to show in tooltip * @return newly created push button */ public static PushButton createPushButton(ImageResource img, String tip, ClickHandler handler) { PushButton pb = new PushButton(new Image(img)); pb.addClickHandler(handler); pb.setTitle(tip); return pb; }
public SettingsWidget(String title, String panelID, String operationID, String optionID) { this.operationID = operationID; this.optionID = optionID; closeButton = new PushButton("Close"); closeButton.addStyleDependentName("SMALLER"); closeButton.setTitle("Close settings panel for "+panelID); closeButton.addClickListener(closeClick); buttonBar = new HorizontalPanel(); buttonBar.add(closeButton); datasetButton = new DatasetButton(); optionsButton = new OptionsButton(optionID, 300); datasetButton.setOffset(0); operations = new OperationsWidget(title); operations.addClickHandler(operationsClickHandler); settingsButton = new PushButton (title); settingsButton.addStyleDependentName("SMALLER"); settingsButton.addClickListener(settingsButtonClick); settingsPopup = new PopupPanel(false); buttonBar.add(datasetButton); buttonBar.add(optionsButton); settingsLayout = new FlexTable(); settingsLayout.setWidget(0, 0, buttonBar); settingsLayout.setWidget(1, 0, operations); settingsPopup.add(settingsLayout); settingsButton.setWidth("65px"); initWidget(settingsButton); }
/** * Creates the cell for each color. * * @param color the color * @return the widget */ private Widget createCell(final String color) { final PushButton button = new PushButton(); button.setStylePrimaryName(style.simplecolorbutton()); button.setSize(CELL_SIZE, CELL_SIZE); button.getElement().getStyle().setBackgroundColor(color); return button; }
public static ButtonBase makeFormButton(String text, ClickHandler handler) { PushButton b = new PushButton(); b.addClickHandler(handler); b.setHTML(text.replace(" ", " ")); return b; }
private Widget createToolBarButton(ToolbarGVO toolbar, final String imageLocation, final String toolTip, ComponentGVO component, String uuid,String parent) { Widget w = null; Image toolbarImage = new Image(imageLocation); toolbarImage.setSize(toolbar.getItemWidth(),toolbar.getItemHeight()); RendererHelper.addStyle(component, toolbarImage); PushButton toolbarButton = new PushButton(toolbarImage); toolbarButton.setTitle(component.getTooltip()); RendererHelper.fillIn(component, toolbarButton, uuid,parent, component.getContext()); w = toolbarButton; return w; }
private void handleDisplayName(UIObject uiObject, BuiltInComponentGVO builtInComponentGVO, String value) { if (uiObject instanceof HasDataGridMethods) { HasDataGridMethods hasDataGridMethods = (HasDataGridMethods)uiObject; String uuid = builtInComponentGVO.getComponentIdUUID(); if (uuid != null) { boolean containsColumn = uuid.contains("."); if (containsColumn) { String columnId = uuid.replaceFirst(".+\\.", "").replaceFirst("\\|.+", ""); hasDataGridMethods.setColumnLabel(columnId, value); } } } else if (uiObject instanceof PushButton) { ((PushButton)uiObject).getUpFace().setText(value); ((PushButton)uiObject).getDownFace().setText(value); } else if (uiObject instanceof HasText) { HasText t = (HasText)uiObject; t.setText(value); } else if (uiObject instanceof VerticalPanel) { VerticalPanel vp = (VerticalPanel)uiObject; Widget tabPanelWidget = vp.getParent().getParent().getParent(); if (tabPanelWidget instanceof TabPanel) { TabPanel tp = (TabPanel)tabPanelWidget; TabBar tb = tp.getTabBar(); int tabCount =tp.getWidgetCount(); for (int i=0;i < tabCount;i++){ Widget w = tp.getWidget(i); if (w == vp){ tb.setTabText(i, value); } } } } else if (uiObject instanceof QWindowPanel) { QWindowPanel p = (QWindowPanel) uiObject; p.setCaption(value); } }
private PushButton createPushButton(String url, String title) { Image image = new Image(url); image.setHeight("22px"); image.setWidth("22px"); PushButton button = new PushButton(image); button.getElement().setClassName("simple-PushButton"); button.setTitle(title); return button; }
public void addAction(String imageUrl, String title, Command command) { Image image = new Image(imageUrl); image.setHeight("22px"); image.setWidth("22px"); PushButton button = new PushButton(image); button.addClickHandler(this); button.setTitle(title); button.getElement().setClassName("simple-PushButton"); addButton(button); buttonMap.put(button, command); }
/** Method to create a Push button for the toolbar **/ private PushButton createPushButton(String url, Integer top, Integer left, Integer width, Integer height, String tip) { Image extract = new Image(url, left, top, width, height); PushButton tb = new PushButton(extract); tb.setHeight(height+"px"); tb.setWidth(width+"px"); tb.addClickHandler(evHandler); if (tip != null) { tb.setTitle(tip); } return tb; }
public LayerSelectorTree(LayerSelectionHandler layerHandler, String firstText, boolean showRefreshButton, HTML titleLabel) { super(); this.layerSelectionHandler = layerHandler; layerIdWmsUrlToTitle = new HashMap<String, String>(); layerIdWmsUrlToMenuEntry = new HashMap<String, LayerMenuItem>(); this.titleLabel = titleLabel; this.titleLabel.setHTML(firstText); this.titleLabel.setStylePrimaryName("hiddenButton"); this.titleLabel.addStyleDependentName("title"); if (showRefreshButton) { PushButton button = new PushButton("Refresh"); button.addStyleDependentName("CentreAndMargin"); button.setTitle("Click to refresh the layers list"); button.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { layerSelectionHandler.refreshLayerList(); } }); add(button); } tree = new Tree(); add(tree); }
public ShapeModule() { button = new PushButton(); button.setStyleName("qp-shape"); }
/** * @wbp.parser.constructor */ public OutputControlPanelImpl(String outputPanelID) { ClientFactory clientFactory = GWT.create(ClientFactory.class); setName(outputPanelID); FlowPanel mainPanel = new FlowPanel(); HorizontalPanel horizontalPanel_0 = new HorizontalPanel(); horizontalPanel_0.setHorizontalAlignment(HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); horizontalPanel_0.setVerticalAlignment(HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_TOP); horizontalPanel_0.setSpacing(5); mainPanel.add(horizontalPanel_0); datasetButton = new DatasetButton(); datasetButton.setName(outputPanelID); horizontalPanel_0.add(datasetButton); displayButton = new PushButton("Enlarge Image"); displayButton.setTitle("Show the plot's image at full size in a new window."); displayButton.addStyleDependentName("SMALLER"); displayButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { listener.onDisplayButtonClick(getImageURL()); } }); displayButton.setEnabled(false); horizontalPanel_0.add(displayButton); flexTable = new FlexTable(); VariableControlsActivity variableControlsPresenter = new VariableControlsActivity(clientFactory, outputPanelID); variableControls = variableControlsPresenter.init(outputPanelID); // horizontalPanel_0.add(variableControls); flexTable.setWidget(0, 0, variableControls); mainPanel.add(flexTable); mainPanel.setVisible(true); // mainPanel.setOpen(true); initWidget(mainPanel); // initWidget(binder.createAndBindUi(this)); }
/** * @return the displayButton */ @Override public PushButton getDisplayButton() { return displayButton; }
public DatasetButton() { choose = new PushButton("Data Set"); choose.setTitle("Select a Data Set."); choose.addStyleDependentName("SMALLER"); choose.addClickHandler(openClick); datasetPanel = new PopupPanel(false); datasetPanel.setAnimationEnabled(true); datasetWidget = new DatasetWidget(); datasetWidget.setName(name); datasetWidget.setHeight("650px"); datasetWidget.addSelectionHandler(new SelectionHandler<TreeItem>() { @Override public void onSelection(SelectionEvent<TreeItem> event) { TreeItem item = event.getSelectedItem(); Object u = item.getUserObject(); if ( u instanceof VariableSerializable ) { selectedVariable = (VariableSerializable) u; dataset_name.setText(selectedVariable.getDSName()); variable_name.setText(selectedVariable.getName()); datasetWidget.setName(name); // setting the name of this datasetWidget as it will be the source of the re-firing of event eventBus.fireEvent(event); // this datasetWidget is now the source } } }); datasetWidget.init(); popupGrid = new Grid(3, 1); close = new Button("close"); close.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent arg0) { datasetPanel.hide(); } }); verticalPanel.add(dataset_name); verticalPanel.add(variable_name); selection.add(verticalPanel); treePanel.add(datasetWidget); popupGrid.setWidget(0, 0, close); popupGrid.setWidget(1, 0, selection); popupGrid.setWidget(2, 0, treePanel); datasetPanel.add(popupGrid); datasetPanel.hide(); initWidget(choose); }
public PushButton getRemoveButton() { return xRemove; }
protected Widget createLoadingWidget() { PushButton loading = new PushButton(); loading.setStylePrimaryName(STYLE_LOADING); return loading; }
protected void updateLoadingWidget(Widget widget) { ((PushButton)widget).setEnabled(_loading); }
private PushButton createPushButton(AbstractImagePrototype img, String tip) { PushButton pb = new PushButton(img.createImage()); pb.addClickListener(listener); pb.setTitle(tip); return pb; }
protected ButtonBase makeButton(String desc) { PushButton button= new PushButton(desc); button.addStyleName("fuse-push-font-size"); return button; }
private PushButton createPushButton(AbstractImagePrototype img, String tip) { PushButton pb = new PushButton(img.createImage()); pb.addClickHandler(handler); pb.setTitle(tip); return pb; }
/** * Shows an error message at the top of the page (can be closed; auto hide after 10 seconds) * @param message Error message to display */ private void showErrorDialogue(String message) { try { if (message == null || message.isEmpty()) return; if (errorMessageBox == null) { errorMessageBox = new DialogBox(false, false); errorMessageBox.getElement().setId("errorMessageBoxDialog"); errorMessageBox.addStyleName("errorMessageBox"); final HorizontalPanel panel = new HorizontalPanel(); errorMessageBox.add(panel); panel.addStyleName("errorMessagePanel"); errorMessage = new Label(); panel.add(errorMessage); errorMessage.getElement().getStyle().setMarginRight(5, Unit.PX); //Close button Image img = new Image("img/close.png"); PushButton buttonClose = new PushButton(img); panel.add(buttonClose); buttonClose.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { errorMessageBox.hide(); } }); mainPanel.add(errorMessageBox); } errorMessage.setText(message); //Hide after 10 seconds (can be changed in AppConstants.properties) if (errorMessageTimer != null) errorMessageTimer.cancel(); errorMessageTimer = new Timer() { public void run() { errorMessageBox.hide(); } }; errorMessageTimer.schedule(Integer.parseInt(CONSTANTS.ErrorMessageDisplayTimeInMilliseconds())); errorMessageBox.showRelativeTo(documentTitle); } catch (Exception exc) { logManager.logError(ERROR_UNSPECIFIED, "Error displaying the message dialogue"); exc.printStackTrace(); } }
private PushButton createPushButton(ImageResource img, String tip) { PushButton pb = new PushButton(new Image(img)); pb.addClickHandler(handler); pb.setTitle(tip); return pb; }
public PushButton getCloseButton() { return closeDialog; }
public static Widget getCompactGodiva3Layout(LayerSelectorIF layerSelector, UnitsInfoIF unitsInfo, TimeSelectorIF timeSelector, ElevationSelectorIF elevationSelector, PaletteSelectorIF paletteSelector, Anchor kmzLink, Anchor permalink, Anchor email, Anchor screenshot, Image rescLogo, MapArea mapArea, Image loadingImage, AnimationButton anim, PushButton infoButton) { kmzLink.setStylePrimaryName("linkStyle"); permalink.setStylePrimaryName("linkStyle"); email.setStylePrimaryName("linkStyle"); screenshot.setStylePrimaryName("linkStyle"); VerticalPanel selectors = new VerticalPanel(); selectors.add(layerSelector); selectors.add(unitsInfo); selectors.add(timeSelector); selectors.add(elevationSelector); /* * The image height is hardcoded here, because when running with IE8, * rescLogo.getHeight() returns 0 instead of the actual height... */ int logoHeight = rescLogo.getHeight(); if (logoHeight == 0) logoHeight = 52; selectors.setHeight(logoHeight + "px"); HorizontalPanel bottomPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); bottomPanel.setVerticalAlignment(HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); anim.setWidth("16px"); bottomPanel.add(anim); bottomPanel.setWidth("100%"); bottomPanel.add(kmzLink); bottomPanel.add(permalink); bottomPanel.add(email); bottomPanel.add(screenshot); infoButton.setWidth("16px"); bottomPanel.add(infoButton); HorizontalPanel topPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); topPanel.add(rescLogo); topPanel.add(selectors); topPanel.setCellVerticalAlignment(rescLogo, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); HorizontalPanel mapPalettePanel = new HorizontalPanel(); mapPalettePanel.add(mapArea); mapPalettePanel.add(paletteSelector); /* * We introduce an AbsolutePanel here. Generally I like to avoid them, * but it allows us to overlay a loading image. It's introduced at the * last possible moment to avoid any ugliness related to absolute * positioning */ AbsolutePanel mapPaletteLoaderPanel = new AbsolutePanel(); mapPaletteLoaderPanel.add(mapPalettePanel); int loaderHeight = loadingImage.getHeight(); int loaderWidth = loadingImage.getWidth(); if (loaderHeight == 0) loaderHeight = 19; if (loaderWidth == 0) loaderWidth = 220; mapPaletteLoaderPanel.add(loadingImage, (int) (mapArea.getMap().getSize().getWidth() - loaderWidth) / 2, (int) (mapArea .getMap().getSize().getHeight() - loaderHeight) / 2); VerticalPanel vPanel = new VerticalPanel(); vPanel.add(topPanel); vPanel.setCellHeight(topPanel, logoHeight + "px"); vPanel.setCellWidth(topPanel, ((int) mapArea.getMap().getSize().getWidth() + 100) + "px"); vPanel.add(mapPaletteLoaderPanel); vPanel.add(bottomPanel); vPanel.setCellHeight(bottomPanel, "100%"); vPanel.setCellVerticalAlignment(bottomPanel, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); ScrollPanel scrollPanel = new ScrollPanel(vPanel); return scrollPanel; }
@Override public void setRightHideButton(MainWidget mainWidget, PushButton rightHideButton, String cellStyleName) { }
@Override public void setRightHideButton(MainWidget mainWidget, PushButton rightHideButton) { }
@Override public void setLeftHideButton(MainWidget mainWidget, PushButton leftHideButton) { }