@Inject public EditorMultiPartStackViewImpl( SplitEditorPartViewFactory splitEditorPartViewFactory, EmptyEditorsPanel emptyEditorsPanel, EditorPlaceholderWidget editorPlaceholderWidget) { this.splitEditorPartViewFactory = splitEditorPartViewFactory; this.emptyEditorsPanel = emptyEditorsPanel; this.splitEditorParts = HashBiMap.create(); this.editorPlaceholderWidget = editorPlaceholderWidget; contentPanel = new LayoutPanel(); contentPanel.setSize("100%", "100%"); contentPanel.ensureDebugId("editorMultiPartStack-contentPanel"); initWidget(contentPanel); contentPanel.add(emptyEditorsPanel); }
/** * Entry point for the application. */ @Override public void onModuleLoad() { projectService = GWT.create(ProjectRpc.class); userService = GWT.create(UserRpc.class); dataService = GWT.create(DataRpc.class); contentPanel = new LayoutPanel(); RootLayoutPanel.get().add(contentPanel); // Handle history changes. (Such as clicking a navigation hyperlink.) History.addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler<String>() { @Override public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<String> event) { String historyToken = event.getValue(); handleUrl(historyToken); } }); handleUrl(History.getToken()); }
/** * Constructor * * @param parent * a widget which will be the parent of the new instance (cannot * be null) * @param style * the style of widget to construct * @see Composite#Composite(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite, int) */ // public GwtRulerComposite(Composite parent, int style) { // super(parent, style); // addDisposeListener(new DisposeListener() { // public void widgetDisposed(DisposeEvent e) { // disposeResources(); // } // }); // } public GwtRulerComposite(LayoutPanel element) { super(null, SWT.NONE); this.rootElement = element; // create dock panel here with rulers dockLayoutPanel = new DockLayoutPanel(Unit.PX); dockLayoutPanel.getElement().setId("INNER_DOCK_LAYOUT_PANEL"); rootElement.add(dockLayoutPanel); northPanel = new DockLayoutPanel(Unit.PX); northPanel.getElement().setId("NORTH_DOCK_LAYOUT_PANEL"); dockLayoutPanel.addNorth(northPanel, 19); northPanel.addWest(createPickle(), 19); topPartInDockPanel = new Composite(null, SWT.NONE); LayoutPanel topPanel = (LayoutPanel) topPartInDockPanel .getNativeWidget(); topPanel.getElement().setId("TOP_RULER"); northPanel.add(topPanel); northPanel.forceLayout(); westPartInDockPanel = new Composite(null, SWT.NONE); westPanel = (LayoutPanel) westPartInDockPanel.getNativeWidget(); westPanel.getElement().setId("LEFT_RULER"); dockLayoutPanel.addWest(westPanel, 19); view = (LayoutPanel) getGwtWidget(); dockLayoutPanel.add(view); dockLayoutPanel.forceLayout(); }
@Override public void onResize() { final Element realParent = (Element) ((LayoutPanel) canvas.getParent()) .getWidgetContainerElement(canvas); int pw = realParent.getClientWidth(); int ph = realParent.getClientHeight(); // in case of trouble :) // canvas.setPixelSize(pw, ph); canvas.setCoordinateSpaceWidth(pw); canvas.setCoordinateSpaceHeight(ph); canvas.getElement().getStyle().setProperty("DIRTY", "dirty"); IFigure rootFigure = getLightweightSystem().getRootFigure(); rootFigure.revalidate(); rootFigure.repaint(); }
public Text(Composite parent, int style) { this(new TextArea(), parent, style); textArea = (TextArea) getGwtWidget(); panel = (LayoutPanel) getParent().getGwtWidget().getParent(); panel.add(textArea); textArea.addBlurHandler(new BlurHandler() { @Override public void onBlur(BlurEvent event) { setText(textArea.getText()); textArea.removeFromParent(); sendEvent(SWT.Modify); sendEvent(SWT.FocusOut); } }); }
public ViewWithToolbar(final PartStackUIResources resources) { container = new DockLayoutPanel(Style.Unit.PX); initWidget(container); container.setSize("100%", "100%"); toolBar = new LayoutPanel(); toolBar.addStyleName(resources.partStackCss().ideBasePartToolbar()); container.addNorth(toolBar, 20); // this hack used for adding box shadow effect to toolbar toolBar.getElement().getParentElement().getStyle().setOverflow(Style.Overflow.VISIBLE); }
@Test public void testPanels() throws Exception { invokeAllAccessibleMethods(new AbsolutePanel() {}); invokeAllAccessibleMethods(new CellPanel() {}); invokeAllAccessibleMethods(new ComplexPanel() {}); invokeAllAccessibleMethods(new DeckLayoutPanel() {}); invokeAllAccessibleMethods(new DeckPanel() {}); invokeAllAccessibleMethods(new DecoratorPanel() {}); invokeAllAccessibleMethods(new DockLayoutPanel(Unit.PX) {}); invokeAllAccessibleMethods(new DockPanel() {}); invokeAllAccessibleMethods(new FlowPanel() {}); invokeAllAccessibleMethods(new FocusPanel() {}); invokeAllAccessibleMethods(new HorizontalPanel() {}); invokeAllAccessibleMethods(new HTMLPanel("") {}); invokeAllAccessibleMethods(new LayoutPanel() {}); invokeAllAccessibleMethods(new PopupPanel() {}); invokeAllAccessibleMethods(new RenderablePanel("") {}); invokeAllAccessibleMethods(new ResizeLayoutPanel() {}); invokeAllAccessibleMethods(new SimpleLayoutPanel() {}); invokeAllAccessibleMethods(new SimplePanel() {}); invokeAllAccessibleMethods(new SplitLayoutPanel() {}); invokeAllAccessibleMethods(new StackPanel() {}); invokeAllAccessibleMethods(new VerticalPanel() {}); }
public Timeline(Canvas canvas, ScrollPanel scroll, LayoutPanel viewPanel) { logger.setLevel(Level.INFO); this.canvas = canvas; this.scroll = scroll; this.viewPanel = viewPanel; landmarks = new Vector<Landmark>(); landmarkbars = new Vector<LandmarkBar>(); startTime = new Date(); currentTime = new Date(); lenghtOfAMinute = 1000; color = CssColor.make("rgba(" + 0 + ", " + 0 + "," + 255 + ", " + 1 + ")"); canvas.setWidth(minWidth + "px"); canvas.setCoordinateSpaceWidth(minWidth); canvas.setHeight(minHeight + "px"); canvas.setCoordinateSpaceHeight(minHeight); timer = new Timer() { @Override public void run() { updateTime(); drawTimeline(); } }; timer.scheduleRepeating(5000); updateTime(); drawTimeline(); }
@Override public void onLoad() { LayoutPanel layoutPanel = new LayoutPanel(); controller = new ReportingController(eventBus, rpcService); layoutPanel.add(controller.createView()); ReportingPresenter reportingPresenter = controller.getPresenter(); reportingPresenter.bind(); final RootPanel rootPanel = new RootPanel(layoutPanel, rpcService); rootPanel.getHeader().addTab("Batch Class Management", "BatchClassManagement.html", false); rootPanel.getHeader().addTab("Batch Instance Management", "BatchInstanceManagement.html", false); rootPanel.getHeader().addTab("Workflow Management", "CustomWorkflowManagement.html", false); rootPanel.getHeader().addTab("Folder Management", "FolderManager.html", false); rootPanel.getHeader().addNonClickableTab("Reports", "Reporting.html"); rootPanel.getHeader().getTabBar().selectTab(4); rootPanel.addStyleName("set_position"); rootPanel.getHeader().setEventBus(eventBus); rpcService.getUserName(new EphesoftAsyncCallback<String>() { @Override public void onSuccess(final String userName) { rootPanel.getHeader().setUserName(userName); } @Override public void customFailure(final Throwable arg0) { // Username cannot be set if the call failed. } }); RootLayoutPanel rootLayoutPanel = RootLayoutPanel.get(); rootLayoutPanel.clear(); rootLayoutPanel.add(rootPanel); }
public SplitLayoutPanelView() { layout = new SplitLayoutPanel(2); centerPanel = new LayoutPanel(); westPanel = new LayoutPanel(); // TODO (hbraun): the actual width should become meta data. i.e. passed through the position object layout.addWest(westPanel, 217); layout.add(centerPanel); }
/** * Create a new GWTPTabPanel. * * @param placeManager the place manager to use when processing tab * selections. */ public GWTPTabPanel(final PlaceManager placeManager) { _layout = new LayoutPanel(); _layout.addStyleName("fill-layout"); //$NON-NLS-1$ _tabBar = new DefaultTabLayoutPanel(40, Unit.PX); // _tabBar = new TabBar(); _tabBar.addSelectionHandler(new SelectionHandler<Integer>() { @Override public void onSelection(SelectionEvent<Integer> event) { if (_modifyingTabs) { // add/remove tab may change the selection return; } if (event.getSelectedItem() < 0) { // TODO: WHAT???? return; } final PlaceRequest current = placeManager.getCurrentPlaceRequest(); final String selectedToken = _tabs.get(event.getSelectedItem()).getTargetHistoryToken(); final String currentToken = current == null ? null : current.getNameToken(); if (!selectedToken.equals(currentToken)) { placeManager.revealPlace(new PlaceRequest(selectedToken)); } } }); _content = new LayoutPanel(); _content.setStyleName("fill-layout"); //$NON-NLS-1$ _layout.add(_tabBar); _layout.add(_content); ((LayoutPanel) _layout).setWidgetTopHeight(_tabBar, 0, Unit.PX, 40, Unit.PX); ((LayoutPanel) _layout).setWidgetTopHeight(_content, 40, Unit.PX, 100, Unit.PCT); }
private LayoutPanel createPickle() { LayoutPanel pickle = new LayoutPanel(); pickle.getElement().setId("PICKLE"); pickle.setPixelSize(19, 19); Style style = pickle.getElement().getStyle(); style.setBackgroundColor("rgb(230,230,230)"); return pickle; }
@Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { com.google.gwt.canvas.client.Canvas canvas = (com.google.gwt.canvas.client.Canvas) getNativeWidget(); LayoutPanel canvasParent = (LayoutPanel) canvas.getParent(); if (isInPalette(canvas)) { return; } int defWidth = canvasParent.getOffsetWidth(); RangeModel model = (RangeModel) evt.getSource(); int maxVal = model.getMaximum(); int minVal = model.getMinimum(); int value = model.getValue(); int size = maxVal - minVal; LayoutPanel simplePanel = getSimplePanel(); simplePanel.setWidth(size + "px"); ScrollPanel parent = (ScrollPanel) simplePanel.getParent(); Element canvasContainerElement = canvasParent .getWidgetContainerElement(canvas); if ((minVal < 0 || maxVal > defWidth) && defWidth > 0 && scrollbarsVisible == false) { canvasContainerElement.getStyle().setBottom(SCROLL_SIZE, Unit.PX); onResize(); scrollbarsVisible = true; } else if (minVal >= 0 && maxVal <= defWidth && scrollbarsVisible == true) { canvasContainerElement.getStyle().setBottom(0, Unit.PX); onResize(); scrollbarsVisible = false; } parent.setHorizontalScrollPosition(value - minVal); // There is a missing event that isn't sent: scroll(parent); getLightweightSystem().getRootFigure().repaint(); }
@Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { com.google.gwt.canvas.client.Canvas canvas = (com.google.gwt.canvas.client.Canvas) getNativeWidget(); LayoutPanel canvasParent = (LayoutPanel) canvas.getParent(); if (isInPalette(canvas)) { return; } int defHeight = canvasParent.getOffsetHeight(); RangeModel model = (RangeModel) evt.getSource(); int maxVal = model.getMaximum(); int minVal = model.getMinimum(); int size = maxVal - minVal; LayoutPanel simplePanel = getSimplePanel(); simplePanel.setHeight(size + "px"); ScrollPanel parent = (ScrollPanel) simplePanel.getParent(); parent.setVerticalScrollPosition(model.getValue() - minVal); Element canvasContainerElement = canvasParent .getWidgetContainerElement(canvas); if ((minVal < 0 || maxVal > defHeight && defHeight > 0) && scrollbarsVisible == false) { canvasContainerElement.getStyle() .setRight(SCROLL_SIZE, Unit.PX); onResize(); scrollbarsVisible = true; } else if (minVal >= 0 && maxVal <= defHeight && scrollbarsVisible == true) { canvasContainerElement.getStyle().setRight(0, Unit.PX); onResize(); scrollbarsVisible = false; } // There is a missing event that isn't sent: scroll(parent); getLightweightSystem().getRootFigure().repaint(); }
public MenuOneLevelView(LayoutPanel parent, int level, boolean hiddenMenu) { this.hiddenMenu = hiddenMenu; getElement().setId("OneLevel-" + level); parent.add(this); menu.addStyleName(ResourceHelper.getRes().style().menu()); menuBorder.addStyleName(ResourceHelper.getRes().style().menuBorder()); menu.getElement().setId("OneLevel-" + level + "-Menu"); getElement().getStyle().setOverflow(Overflow.VISIBLE); init(); }
/** * Creates an empty tab panel. * * @param barHeight the size of the tab bar * @param barUnit the unit in which the tab bar size is specified */ public TabLayoutPanelCopy(double barHeight, Unit barUnit) { LayoutPanel panel = new LayoutPanel(); initWidget(panel); // Add the tab bar to the panel. panel.add(tabBar); panel.setWidgetLeftRight(tabBar, 0, Unit.PX, 0, Unit.PX); panel.setWidgetTopHeight(tabBar, 0, Unit.PX, barHeight, barUnit); panel.setWidgetVerticalPosition(tabBar, Alignment.END); // Add the deck panel to the panel. // CHANGE4: styles again: deckPanel.addStyleName(CONTENT_CONTAINER_STYLE); panel.add(deckPanel); panel.setWidgetLeftRight(deckPanel, 0, Unit.PX, 0, Unit.PX); panel.setWidgetTopBottom(deckPanel, barHeight, barUnit, 0, Unit.PX); // Make the tab bar extremely wide so that tabs themselves never wrap. // (Its layout container is overflow:hidden) // CHANGE5: Adapt the TabBar Style element to our needs Style tabBarStyle = tabBar.getElement().getStyle(); tabBarStyle.setHeight(barHeight, barUnit); tabBarStyle.setWidth(BIG_ENOUGH_TO_NOT_WRAP, Unit.PX); // CHANGE6: We don't want the standard GWT styles // tabBar.setStyleName("gwt-TabLayoutPanelTabs"); // setStyleName("gwt-TabLayoutPanel"); }
public LayoutPanel getLayoutPanel() { return layoutPanel; }
public void setLayoutPanel(LayoutPanel layoutPanel) { this.layoutPanel = layoutPanel; }
public LayoutPanel getReportTablePanel() { return reportTablePanel; }
/** * @return the layoutPanel */ public LayoutPanel getLayoutPanel() { return layoutPanel; }
@Inject public LayoutPanelView() { layout = new LayoutPanel(); layout.setStyleName("fill-layout"); }
public LayoutPanel getSimplePanel() { return simplePanel; }
public void setSimplePanel(LayoutPanel simplePanel) { this.simplePanel = simplePanel; }
public DialogBoxForLayoutWidget( String title, IsWidget content ) { int m = 50; ImageResource closeImage = ImageResources.INSTANCE.close(); int titleSize = Math.max( closeImage.getHeight(), closeImage.getWidth() ) + 5; dock = new LayoutPanel(); Glass glass = new Glass(); dock.add( glass ); DivWidget backGround = new DivWidget(); backGround.addStyleName( ResizablePanel.CSS.bkgnd() ); dock.add( backGround ); dock.setWidgetLeftRight( backGround, m, Unit.PX, m, Unit.PX ); dock.setWidgetTopBottom( backGround, m, Unit.PX, m, Unit.PX ); DivWidget titleWidget = new DivWidget(); titleWidget.addStyleName( ResizablePanel.CSS.title() ); titleWidget.getElement().setInnerText( title ); dock.add( titleWidget ); dock.setWidgetLeftRight( titleWidget, m, Unit.PX, m + titleSize, Unit.PX ); dock.setWidgetTopHeight( titleWidget, m, Unit.PX, titleSize, Unit.PX ); closeWidget = new Image( closeImage ); dock.add( closeWidget ); dock.setWidgetRightWidth( closeWidget, m, Unit.PX, titleSize, Unit.PX ); dock.setWidgetTopHeight( closeWidget, m, Unit.PX, titleSize, Unit.PX ); SimpleLayoutPanel contentPanel = new SimpleLayoutPanel(); contentPanel.setWidget( content.asWidget() ); contentPanel.addStyleName( ResizablePanel.CSS.content() ); dock.add( contentPanel ); dock.setWidgetLeftRight( contentPanel, m, Unit.PX, m, Unit.PX ); dock.setWidgetTopBottom( contentPanel, m + titleSize, Unit.PX, m, Unit.PX ); closeWidget.addClickHandler( new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick( ClickEvent event ) { if( isAutoHide ) hide(); } } ); }
@Inject DefaultIneFrameMasterPageView( IneFrameHeader.View header, MenuRenderer.View menu, MessagePanelWidget messagePanel, NavigationDrawer navigationDrawer) { this.header = header; this.menu = menu; this.navigationDrawer = navigationDrawer; this.messagePanel = messagePanel; messagePanel.getElement().setId("MessagePanel"); messagePanel.addStyleName(Res.INST.get().style().MessagePanel()); getElement().setId("MasterPage"); setSize("100%", "100%"); setStyleName(Res.INST.get().style().MasterPage()); clickHandlerLayout = new ClickableFlowPanel(); clickHandlerLayout.getElement().setId("ClickHandler"); clickHandlerLayout.setSize("100%", "100%"); clickHandlerLayout.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { closeNavigationDrawer(); } }); headerAndPageRoot = new ResizeLayoutPanel(); headerAndPageRoot.getElement().setId("HeaderAndPageRoot"); headerAndPageRoot.setSize("100%", "100%"); headerAndPageRoot.setStyleName(Res.INST.get().style().HeaderAndPageRoot()); headerAndPage = new LayoutPanel(); headerAndPage.getElement().setId("HeaderAndPage"); headerAndPage.setStyleName(Res.INST.get().style().HeaderAndPage()); headerAndPage.add(header.asWidget()); headerAndPage.add(menu.asWidget()); header.asWidget().asWidget().getElement().setId("Header"); menu.asWidget().asWidget().getElement().setId("Menu"); headerAndPage.setWidgetTopHeight( header.asWidget(), 0, Unit.PX, DesignConstants.base() + borderWidth, Unit.PX); headerAndPage.setWidgetTopBottom( menu.asWidget(), DesignConstants.base() + borderWidth, Unit.PX, 0, Unit.PX); headerAndPageRoot.setWidget(headerAndPage); navigationDrawer.asWidget().setSize(DesignConstants.b5WithUnit(), "100%"); navigationDrawer.asWidget().getElement().setId("NavigationDrawer"); navigationDrawer.asWidget().addStyleName(Res.INST.get().style().NavigationDrawer()); add(messagePanel); add(navigationDrawer); add(headerAndPageRoot); }
public LayoutPanel getTarget() { return target; }
public VisualCellContainer(ViewContext viewContext, ViewConfig config) { m_viewContext = viewContext; m_scrollContainer.addStyleName("sm_cell_scroll_container"); m_magnifier = new Magnifier(viewContext, config.magnifierTickCount, config.magFadeInTime_seconds); m_splashGlass.addStyleName("sm_splash_glass"); m_cellContainerInner.addStyleName("sm_cell_container_inner"); this.addStyleName("sm_cell_container"); E_ZIndex.CELL_SPLASH_GLASS.assignTo(m_splashGlass); Window.addResizeHandler(this); //smU_UI.toggleSelectability(this.getElement(), false); final LayoutPanel magnifierContainer = new LayoutPanel(); magnifierContainer.setSize("100%", "100%"); magnifierContainer.add(m_magnifier); magnifierContainer.setWidgetRightWidth(m_magnifier, 8, Unit.PX, 34, Unit.PX); magnifierContainer.setWidgetTopHeight(m_magnifier, 8, Unit.PX, 196, Unit.PX); for( int i = 0; i < m_cropper.length; i++ ) { m_cropper[i] = new VisualCellCropper(); m_cellContainerInner.add(m_cropper[i]); } this.add(magnifierContainer); m_scrollContainer.add(m_cellContainerInner); m_scrollContainer.add(m_splashGlass); this.add(m_scrollContainer); m_statusAlignment.setPosition(E_AlignmentType.MASTER_ANCHOR_HORIZONTAL, E_AlignmentPosition.RIGHT_OR_BOTTOM); m_statusAlignment.setPosition(E_AlignmentType.MASTER_ANCHOR_VERTICAL, E_AlignmentPosition.RIGHT_OR_BOTTOM); m_statusAlignment.setPosition(E_AlignmentType.SLAVE_ANCHOR_HORIZONTAL, E_AlignmentPosition.RIGHT_OR_BOTTOM); m_statusAlignment.setPosition(E_AlignmentType.SLAVE_ANCHOR_VERTICAL, E_AlignmentPosition.RIGHT_OR_BOTTOM); m_statusAlignment.setPadding(E_AlignmentType.SLAVE_ANCHOR_HORIZONTAL, S_UI.ADDRESS_STATUS_TOOL_TIP_PADDING); m_statusAlignment.setPadding(E_AlignmentType.SLAVE_ANCHOR_VERTICAL, S_UI.ADDRESS_STATUS_TOOL_TIP_PADDING); m_snapTargetAlignment.setPosition(E_AlignmentType.MASTER_ANCHOR_HORIZONTAL, E_AlignmentPosition.LEFT_OR_TOP); m_snapTargetAlignment.setPosition(E_AlignmentType.MASTER_ANCHOR_VERTICAL, E_AlignmentPosition.RIGHT_OR_BOTTOM); m_snapTargetAlignment.setPosition(E_AlignmentType.SLAVE_ANCHOR_HORIZONTAL, E_AlignmentPosition.LEFT_OR_TOP); m_snapTargetAlignment.setPosition(E_AlignmentType.SLAVE_ANCHOR_VERTICAL, E_AlignmentPosition.RIGHT_OR_BOTTOM); m_snapTargetAlignment.setPadding(E_AlignmentType.SLAVE_ANCHOR_HORIZONTAL, S_UI.ADDRESS_STATUS_TOOL_TIP_PADDING); m_snapTargetAlignment.setPadding(E_AlignmentType.SLAVE_ANCHOR_VERTICAL, S_UI.ADDRESS_STATUS_TOOL_TIP_PADDING); }
public LayoutPanel getToolBar() { return toolBar; }
/** * Returns a collection of classes whose non-abstract methods should always be replaced with * no-ops. By default, this list includes {@link Composite}, {@link DOM} {@link UIObject}, * {@link Widget}, {@link Image}, and most subclasses of {@link Panel}. It will also include any * classes specified via the {@link WithClassesToStub} annotation on the test class. This makes * it much safer to test code that uses or extends these types. * <p> * This list can be customized via {@link WithClassesToStub} or by defining a new test runner * extending {@link GwtMockitoTestRunner} and overriding this method. This allows users to * explicitly stub out particular classes that are causing problems in tests. If you override this * method, you will probably want to retain the classes that are stubbed here by doing something * like this: * * <pre> * @Override * protected Collection<Class<?>> getClassesToStub() { * Collection<Class<?>> classes = super.getClassesToStub(); * classes.add(MyBaseWidget.class); * return classes; * } * </pre> * * @return a collection of classes whose methods should be stubbed with no-ops while running tests */ protected Collection<Class<?>> getClassesToStub() { Collection<Class<?>> classes = new LinkedList<Class<?>>(); classes.add(Composite.class); classes.add(DOM.class); classes.add(UIObject.class); classes.add(Widget.class); classes.add(DataGrid.class); classes.add(HTMLTable.class); classes.add(Image.class); classes.add(AbsolutePanel.class); classes.add(CellList.class); classes.add(CellPanel.class); classes.add(CellTable.class); classes.add(ComplexPanel.class); classes.add(DeckLayoutPanel.class); classes.add(DeckPanel.class); classes.add(DecoratorPanel.class); classes.add(DockLayoutPanel.class); classes.add(DockPanel.class); classes.add(FlowPanel.class); classes.add(FocusPanel.class); classes.add(HorizontalPanel.class); classes.add(HTMLPanel.class); classes.add(LayoutPanel.class); classes.add(Panel.class); classes.add(PopupPanel.class); classes.add(RenderablePanel.class); classes.add(ResizeLayoutPanel.class); classes.add(SimpleLayoutPanel.class); classes.add(SimplePanel.class); classes.add(SplitLayoutPanel.class); classes.add(StackPanel.class); classes.add(VerticalPanel.class); classes.add(ValueListBox.class); WithClassesToStub annotation = unitTestClass.getAnnotation(WithClassesToStub.class); if (annotation != null) { classes.addAll(Arrays.asList(annotation.value())); } return classes; }
/** * To get Kv pp View Edit Plugin Panel. * * @return LayoutPanel */ public LayoutPanel getKvppViewEditPluginPanel() { return kvppViewEditPluginPanel; }
/** * To get Batch List Panel. * * @return LayoutPanel */ public LayoutPanel getBatchListPanel() { return batchListPanel; }
/** * To get View Edit Layout Panel. * * @return LayoutPanel */ public LayoutPanel getViewEditLayoutPanel() { return viewEditLayoutPanel; }
/** * To get Batch Class Field Layout Panel. * * @return LayoutPanel */ public LayoutPanel getBatchClassFieldLayoutPanel() { return batchClassFieldLayoutPanel; }
/** * To set Batch Class Field Layout Panel. * * @param batchClassFieldLayoutPanel LayoutPanel */ public void setBatchClassFieldLayoutPanel(LayoutPanel batchClassFieldLayoutPanel) { this.batchClassFieldLayoutPanel = batchClassFieldLayoutPanel; }
/** * Constructs a new instance of this class given its parent and a style * value describing its behavior and appearance. * <p> * The style value is either one of the style constants defined in class * <code>SWT</code> which is applicable to instances of this class, or must * be built by <em>bitwise OR</em>'ing together (that is, using the * <code>int</code> "|" operator) two or more of those <code>SWT</code> * style constants. The class description lists the style constants that are * applicable to the class. Style bits are also inherited from superclasses. * </p> * * @param parent * a widget which will be the parent of the new instance (cannot * be null) * @param style * the style of widget to construct * * @exception IllegalArgumentException * <ul> * <li>ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT - if the parent is null</li> * </ul> * @exception SWTException * <ul> * <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the * thread that created the parent</li> * </ul> * * @see SWT#H_SCROLL * @see SWT#V_SCROLL * @see #getStyle() */ public ScrolledComposite(Composite parent, int style) { super(new LayoutPanel(), parent, style); }
/** * Constructs a new instance of this class given its parent and a style * value describing its behavior and appearance. * <p> * The style value is either one of the style constants defined in class * <code>SWT</code> which is applicable to instances of this class, or must * be built by <em>bitwise OR</em>'ing together (that is, using the * <code>int</code> "|" operator) two or more of those <code>SWT</code> * style constants. The class description lists the style constants that are * applicable to the class. Style bits are also inherited from superclasses. * </p> * * @param parent * a widget which will be the parent of the new instance (cannot * be null) * @param style * the style of widget to construct * * @exception IllegalArgumentException * <ul> * <li>ERROR_NULL_ARGUMENT - if the parent is null</li> * </ul> * @exception SWTException * <ul> * <li>ERROR_THREAD_INVALID_ACCESS - if not called from the * thread that created the parent</li> * </ul> * * @see SWT#NO_BACKGROUND * @see SWT#NO_FOCUS * @see SWT#NO_MERGE_PAINTS * @see SWT#NO_REDRAW_RESIZE * @see SWT#NO_RADIO_GROUP * @see SWT#EMBEDDED * @see SWT#DOUBLE_BUFFERED * @see Widget#getStyle */ public Composite(Composite parent, int style) { this(new LayoutPanel(), parent, checkStyle(style)); }
public void forceLayout() { ((LayoutPanel)getWidget()).forceLayout(); }