@Parameters(name="{index}: {0}") public static Collection<Object[]> getAllTestLists() { Collection<Object[]> results = new ArrayList<Object[]>(); for (File dir: new File(TEST_SUITE_DIR).listFiles()) { if (!dir.isDirectory() || !new File(dir.getAbsolutePath() + "/manifest.ttl").exists()) continue; String absolutePath = dir.getAbsolutePath(); Model model = FileManager.get().loadModel(absolutePath + "/manifest.ttl"); ResultSet resultSet = QueryExecutionFactory.create(QUERY, model).execSelect(); while (resultSet.hasNext()) { QuerySolution solution = resultSet.nextSolution(); if (Arrays.asList(D2RQTestUtil.SKIPPED_R2RML_TESTS).contains(solution.getResource("s").getLocalName())) continue; results.add(new Object[]{ PrettyPrinter.toString(solution.getResource("s")), absolutePath + "/create.sql", absolutePath + "/" + solution.getLiteral("rml").getLexicalForm(), (solution.get("nquad") == null) ? null : absolutePath + "/" + solution.getLiteral("nquad").getLexicalForm() }); } } return results; }
public Resource getAgentUri(VirtGraph graphOrgs, String vatId) { Resource agentUri = null; String queryUri = "PREFIX gr: <http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1#> " + "SELECT ?org ?vatId " + "FROM <" + QueryConfiguration.queryGraphOrganizations + "> " + "WHERE { " + "?org gr:vatID ?vatId . " + "FILTER ( ?vatId = \"" + vatId + "\"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string> ) " + "}"; VirtuosoQueryExecution vqeUri = VirtuosoQueryExecutionFactory.create(queryUri, graphOrgs); ResultSet resultsUri = vqeUri.execSelect(); if (resultsUri.hasNext()) { QuerySolution result = resultsUri.nextSolution(); agentUri = result.getResource("org"); } vqeUri.close(); return agentUri; }
public Resource getAgentUriNoVat(VirtGraph graphOrgs, String vatId) { Resource agentUri = null; String queryUri = "PREFIX gr: <http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1#> " + "SELECT DISTINCT ?org " + "FROM <" + QueryConfiguration.queryGraphOrganizations + "> " + "WHERE { " + "?org rdf:type foaf:Organization . " + "FILTER (STR(?org) = \"http://linkedeconomy.org/resource/Organization/" + vatId + "\") . " + "}"; VirtuosoQueryExecution vqeUri = VirtuosoQueryExecutionFactory.create(queryUri, graphOrgs); ResultSet resultsUri = vqeUri.execSelect(); if (resultsUri.hasNext()) { QuerySolution result = resultsUri.nextSolution(); agentUri = result.getResource("org"); } vqeUri.close(); return agentUri; }
public static void main(String[] args) { ModelD2RQ m = new ModelD2RQ("file:doc/example/mapping-iswc.ttl"); String sparql = "PREFIX dc: <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/>" + "PREFIX foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/>" + "SELECT ?paperTitle ?authorName WHERE {" + " ?paper dc:title ?paperTitle . " + " ?paper dc:creator ?author ." + " ?author foaf:name ?authorName ." + "}"; Query q = QueryFactory.create(sparql); ResultSet rs = QueryExecutionFactory.create(q, m).execSelect(); while (rs.hasNext()) { QuerySolution row = rs.nextSolution(); System.out.println("Title: " + row.getLiteral("paperTitle").getString()); System.out.println("Author: " + row.getLiteral("authorName").getString()); } m.close(); }
public static Collection<Object[]> getTestListFromManifest(String manifestFileURL) { // We'd like to use FileManager.loadModel() but it doesn't work on jar: URLs // Model m = FileManager.get().loadModel(manifestFileURL); Model m = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); m.read(manifestFileURL, "TURTLE"); IRI baseIRI = D2RQTestUtil.createIRI(m.getNsPrefixURI("base")); ResultSet rs = QueryExecutionFactory.create(TEST_CASE_LIST, m).execSelect(); List<Object[]> result = new ArrayList<Object[]>(); while (rs.hasNext()) { QuerySolution qs = rs.next(); Resource mapping = qs.getResource("mapping"); Resource schema = qs.getResource("schema"); // if (!mapping.getLocalName().equals("constant-object.ttl")) continue; QueryExecution qe = QueryExecutionFactory.create(TEST_CASE_TRIPLES, m); qe.setInitialBinding(qs); Model expectedTriples = qe.execConstruct(); result.add(new Object[]{baseIRI.relativize(mapping.getURI()).toString(), mapping.getURI(), schema.getURI(), expectedTriples}); } return result; }
@Parameters(name="{index}: {0}") public static Collection<Object[]> getTestLists() { Model m = D2RQTestUtil.loadTurtle(MANIFEST_FILE); IRI baseIRI = D2RQTestUtil.createIRI(m.getNsPrefixURI("base")); ResultSet rs = QueryExecutionFactory.create(TEST_CASE_LIST, m).execSelect(); List<Object[]> result = new ArrayList<Object[]>(); while (rs.hasNext()) { QuerySolution qs = rs.next(); Resource testCase = qs.getResource("case"); // if (!case.getLocalName().equals("expression")) continue; QueryExecution qe = QueryExecutionFactory.create(TEST_CASE_TRIPLES, m); qe.setInitialBinding(qs); Model expectedTriples = qe.execConstruct(); result.add(new Object[]{ baseIRI.relativize(testCase.getURI()).toString(), qs.getLiteral("sql").getLexicalForm(), expectedTriples}); } return result; }
public static Map<String,RDFNode> solutionToMap(QuerySolution solution, List<String> variables) { Map<String,RDFNode> result = new HashMap<String,RDFNode>(); Iterator<String> it = solution.varNames(); while (it.hasNext()) { String variableName = it.next(); if (!variables.contains(variableName)) { continue; } RDFNode value = solution.get(variableName); int size = value.toString().length(); if (size>250) { bigStringInResultLogger.debug("Big string (" + size + ") in resultBinding:\n" + value); } result.put(variableName,value); } return result; }
private Set<String> getTypesFromSPARQL(String sparqlQueryString) { Query query = QueryFactory.create(sparqlQueryString); QueryExecution qexec = QueryExecutionFactory.sparqlService(this.endpoint, query); Set<String> types = new HashSet<>(); ResultSet results = qexec.execSelect(); while(results.hasNext()) { QuerySolution qs = results.next(); Resource type = qs.getResource("?type"); types.add(type.getURI()); } qexec.close(); return types; }
static void readOwlFile (String pathToOwlFile) { OntModel ontologyModel = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel(OntModelSpec.OWL_MEM, null); ontologyModel.read(pathToOwlFile, "RDF/XML-ABBREV"); // OntClass myClass = ontologyModel.getOntClass("namespace+className"); OntClass myClass = ontologyModel.getOntClass(ResourcesUri.nwr+"domain-ontology#Motion"); System.out.println("myClass.toString() = " + myClass.toString()); System.out.println("myClass.getSuperClass().toString() = " + myClass.getSuperClass().toString()); //List list = // namedHierarchyRoots(ontologyModel); Iterator i = ontologyModel.listHierarchyRootClasses() .filterDrop( new Filter() { public boolean accept( Object o ) { return ((Resource) o).isAnon(); }} ); ///get all top nodes and excludes anonymous classes // Iterator i = ontologyModel.listHierarchyRootClasses(); while (i.hasNext()) { System.out.println(i.next().toString()); /* OntClass ontClass = ontologyModel.getOntClass(i.next().toString()); if (ontClass.hasSubClass()) { }*/ } String q = createSparql("event", "<http://www.newsreader-project.eu/domain-ontology#Motion>"); System.out.println("q = " + q); QueryExecution qe = QueryExecutionFactory.create(q, ontologyModel); for (ResultSet rs = qe.execSelect() ; rs.hasNext() ; ) { QuerySolution binding = rs.nextSolution(); System.out.println("binding = " + binding.toString()); System.out.println("Event: " + binding.get("event")); } ontologyModel.close(); }
@Test public void testMetric_TotalBuilds() { Query query = QueryFactory. create( loadResource("/metrics/total_builds.sparql")); QueryExecution queryExecution = null; try { queryExecution = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, buildsDataSet()); ResultSet results = queryExecution.execSelect(); for(; results.hasNext();) { QuerySolution solution = results.nextSolution(); long buildId = solution.getLiteral("total_builds").getLong(); System.out.printf("Total builds: %d%n",buildId); } } finally { if (queryExecution != null) { queryExecution.close(); } } }
@Test public void testMetric_TotalExecutions_Global() { Query query = QueryFactory. create( loadResource("/metrics/total_executions_global.sparql")); QueryExecution queryExecution = null; try { queryExecution = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, executionsDataSet()); ResultSet results = queryExecution.execSelect(); for(; results.hasNext();) { QuerySolution solution = results.nextSolution(); long total_executions = solution.getLiteral("total_executions").getLong(); System.out.printf("Total executions: %d%n",total_executions); } } finally { if (queryExecution != null) { queryExecution.close(); } } }
@Test public void testMetric_TotalExecutions_PerBuild() { Query query = QueryFactory. create( loadResource("/metrics/total_executions_per_build.sparql")); QueryExecution queryExecution = null; try { queryExecution = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, executionsDataSet()); ResultSet results = queryExecution.execSelect(); for(; results.hasNext();) { QuerySolution solution = results.nextSolution(); long total_executions = solution.getLiteral("total_executions").getLong(); String buildId = shorten(solution.getResource("build").getURI()); System.out.printf("Total executions of build %s: %d%n",buildId,total_executions); } } finally { if (queryExecution != null) { queryExecution.close(); } } }
@Test public void testMetric_TotalSuccesfulExecutions_Global() { Query query = QueryFactory. create( loadResource("/metrics/total_succesful_executions_global.sparql")); QueryExecution queryExecution = null; try { queryExecution = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, executionsDataSet()); ResultSet results = queryExecution.execSelect(); for(; results.hasNext();) { QuerySolution solution = results.nextSolution(); long total_executions = solution.getLiteral("total_executions").getLong(); System.out.printf("Total succesful executions: %d%n",total_executions); } } finally { if (queryExecution != null) { queryExecution.close(); } } }
@Test public void testMetric_TotalSuccesfulExecutions_Global_Period() { Query query = QueryFactory. create( loadResource("/metrics/total_succesful_executions_global_period.sparql")); QueryExecution queryExecution = null; try { queryExecution = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, executionsDataSet()); ResultSet results = queryExecution.execSelect(); for(; results.hasNext();) { QuerySolution solution = results.nextSolution(); long total_executions = solution.getLiteral("total_executions").getLong(); String day = solution.getLiteral("day").getString(); System.out.printf("Total succesful executions [%s]: %d%n",day,total_executions); } } finally { if (queryExecution != null) { queryExecution.close(); } } }
@Test public void testMetric_TotalSuccesfulExecutions_PerBuild() { Query query = QueryFactory. create( loadResource("/metrics/total_succesful_executions_per_build.sparql")); QueryExecution queryExecution = null; try { queryExecution = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, executionsDataSet()); ResultSet results = queryExecution.execSelect(); for(; results.hasNext();) { QuerySolution solution = results.nextSolution(); long total_executions = solution.getLiteral("total_executions").getLong(); String buildId = shorten(solution.getResource("build").getURI()); System.out.printf("Total succesful executions of build %s: %d%n",buildId,total_executions); } } finally { if (queryExecution != null) { queryExecution.close(); } } }
@Test public void testMetric_TotalBrokenExecutions_Global() { Query query = QueryFactory. create( loadResource("/metrics/total_broken_executions_global.sparql")); QueryExecution queryExecution = null; try { queryExecution = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, executionsDataSet()); ResultSet results = queryExecution.execSelect(); for(; results.hasNext();) { QuerySolution solution = results.nextSolution(); long total_executions = solution.getLiteral("total_executions").getLong(); System.out.printf("Total broken executions: %d%n",total_executions); } } finally { if (queryExecution != null) { queryExecution.close(); } } }
@Test public void testMetric_TotalBrokenExecutions_PerBuild() { Query query = QueryFactory. create( loadResource("/metrics/total_broken_executions_per_build.sparql")); QueryExecution queryExecution = null; try { queryExecution = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, executionsDataSet()); ResultSet results = queryExecution.execSelect(); for(; results.hasNext();) { QuerySolution solution = results.nextSolution(); long total_executions = solution.getLiteral("total_executions").getLong(); String buildId = shorten(solution.getResource("build").getURI()); System.out.printf("Total broken executions of build %s: %d%n",buildId,total_executions); } } finally { if (queryExecution != null) { queryExecution.close(); } } }
public String getRedirect(final String entityUri) { final String query = "SELECT ?types WHERE{ <" + entityUri + "> <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/wikiPageRedirects> ?types. }"; ResultSet results = null; QueryExecution qexec = null; try { final com.hp.hpl.jena.query.Query cquery = QueryFactory .create(query); qexec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(cquery, redirects); results = qexec.execSelect(); } catch (final QueryException e) { Logger.getRootLogger().error(e.getStackTrace()); } finally { if (results != null) { while (results.hasNext()) { final QuerySolution sol = results.nextSolution(); final String type = sol.getResource("types").toString(); return type; } } } return null; }
private String checkRedirects(String resource) { String result = resource; try { Query query = QueryFactory .create("SELECT ?redirect WHERE{ <" + resource + "> <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/wikiPageRedirects> ?redirect. }"); QueryExecution qe = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, this.m); ResultSet results = qe.execSelect(); while (results.hasNext()) { QuerySolution sol = results.nextSolution(); result = sol.getResource("redirect").getURI(); } } catch (Exception e) { return resource; } return result; }
private Set<String> queryEntitiesFromCategory(final String catUri) { Set<String> set = new HashSet<String>(); final String query = "SELECT ?entities WHERE{ ?entities <http://purl.org/dc/terms/subject> <" + catUri + ">. }"; try { final com.hp.hpl.jena.query.Query cquery = QueryFactory .create(query); final QueryExecution qexec = QueryExecutionFactory .create(cquery, m); final ResultSet results = qexec.execSelect(); while (results.hasNext()) { final QuerySolution sol = results.nextSolution(); set.add(sol.getResource("entities").getURI() .replaceAll("http://dbpedia.org/resource/", "")); } } catch (final QueryException e) { Logger.getRootLogger().error(e.getStackTrace()); } return set; }
private String queryEntitiesFromCategory(final String catUri) { String res = null; final String query = "SELECT ?entities WHERE{ ?entities <http://purl.org/dc/terms/subject> <" + catUri + ">. }"; try { final com.hp.hpl.jena.query.Query cquery = QueryFactory .create(query); final QueryExecution qexec = QueryExecutionFactory .create(cquery, m); final ResultSet results = qexec.execSelect(); List<String> entities = new LinkedList<String>(); while (results.hasNext()) { final QuerySolution sol = results.nextSolution(); entities.add(sol.getResource("entities").getURI()); } if (entities.size() != 0) { int randomNr = this.random.nextInt(entities.size()); return entities.get(randomNr); } } catch (final QueryException e) { Logger.getRootLogger().error(e.getStackTrace()); } return res; }
private String getRedirect(String uri) { final Model model = DisambiguationMainService.getInstance().getDBpediaRedirects(); final String query = "SELECT ?label WHERE{ <" + uri + "> <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/wikiPageRedirects> ?label. }"; ResultSet results = null; QueryExecution qexec = null; String redirect = null; try { final com.hp.hpl.jena.query.Query cquery = QueryFactory.create(query); qexec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(cquery, model); results = qexec.execSelect(); } catch (final QueryException e) { Logger.getRootLogger().error(e.getStackTrace()); } finally { if (results.hasNext()) { final QuerySolution sol = results.nextSolution(); redirect = sol.getResource("label").getURI(); } } return redirect; }
public static Set<Type> getRDFTypesFromEntity(final String entityUri) { Set<Type> set = new HashSet<Type>(); final Model model = DisambiguationMainService.getInstance().getDBPediaInstanceTypes(); final String query = "SELECT ?types WHERE{ <" + entityUri + "> <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type> ?types. }"; ResultSet results = null; QueryExecution qexec = null; try { final com.hp.hpl.jena.query.Query cquery = QueryFactory .create(query); qexec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(cquery, model); results = qexec.execSelect(); } catch (final QueryException e) { Logger.getRootLogger().error(e.getStackTrace()); } finally { if (results != null) { while (results.hasNext()) { final QuerySolution sol = results.nextSolution(); final String type = sol.getResource("types").toString(); set.add(new Type("", type, true, 0)); } } } return set; }
public static List<String> getDbPediaLabel(final String uri) throws QueryException { final List<String> labellist = new LinkedList<String>(); final Model model = DisambiguationMainService.getInstance() .getDBPediaLabels(); final String query = "SELECT ?label WHERE{ <" + uri + "> <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label> ?label. }"; ResultSet results = null; // NOPMD by quh on 14.02.14 10:04 QueryExecution qexec = null; final com.hp.hpl.jena.query.Query cquery = QueryFactory.create(query); qexec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(cquery, model); results = qexec.execSelect(); if (results != null) { while (results.hasNext()) { final QuerySolution sol = results.nextSolution(); final String label = sol.getLiteral("label").getLexicalForm(); labellist.add(label); } qexec.close(); } return labellist; }
public static List<String> getDbPediaLabel_GER(final String uri) throws QueryException { final List<String> labellist = new LinkedList<String>(); final Model model = DisambiguationMainService.getInstance() .getDBPediaLabels_GER(); final String query = "SELECT ?label WHERE{ <" + uri + "> <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label> ?label. }"; ResultSet results = null; // NOPMD by quh on 14.02.14 10:04 QueryExecution qexec = null; final com.hp.hpl.jena.query.Query cquery = QueryFactory.create(query); qexec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(cquery, model); results = qexec.execSelect(); if (results != null) { while (results.hasNext()) { final QuerySolution sol = results.nextSolution(); final String label = sol.getLiteral("label").getLexicalForm(); labellist.add(label); } qexec.close(); } return labellist; }
private static String queryDbPediaCategoryLabel(final String catUri) { String res = null; final Model model = DisambiguationMainService.getInstance() .getDBPediaCategoryLabels(); final String query = "SELECT ?label WHERE{ <" + catUri + "> <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label> ?label. }"; try { final com.hp.hpl.jena.query.Query cquery = QueryFactory .create(query); final QueryExecution qexec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(cquery, model); final ResultSet results = qexec.execSelect(); // NOPMD by quh on // 18.02.14 15:05 while (results.hasNext()) { final QuerySolution sol = results.nextSolution(); final String name = sol.getLiteral("label").getLexicalForm(); res = name; } } catch (final QueryException e) { Logger.getRootLogger().error(e.getStackTrace()); } return res; }
private static String queryDbPediaCategoryLabel_GER(final String catUri) { String res = null; final Model model = DisambiguationMainService.getInstance() .getDBPediaCategoryLabels_GER(); final String query = "SELECT ?label WHERE{ <" + catUri + "> <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label> ?label. }"; try { final com.hp.hpl.jena.query.Query cquery = QueryFactory .create(query); final QueryExecution qexec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(cquery, model); final ResultSet results = qexec.execSelect(); // NOPMD by quh on // 18.02.14 15:05 while (results.hasNext()) { final QuerySolution sol = results.nextSolution(); final String name = sol.getLiteral("label").getLexicalForm(); // RDFHack ToDo: Inform how to resolve the dbpedia tql files correctly res = name; } } catch (final QueryException e) { Logger.getRootLogger().error(e.getStackTrace()); } return res; }
public static List<Type> queryYagoCategories(final String uri) { final Model model = DisambiguationMainService.getInstance() .getYagoTransitiveTypes(); final List<Type> types = new LinkedList<Type>(); final String query = "SELECT ?type WHERE{ <" + uri + "> <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type> ?type. }"; try { final com.hp.hpl.jena.query.Query que = QueryFactory.create(query); final QueryExecution qexec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(que, model); final ResultSet results = qexec.execSelect(); // NOPMD by quh on // 18.02.14 15:05 while (results.hasNext()) { final QuerySolution sol = results.nextSolution(); final String name = sol.getResource("type").toString(); types.add(new Type("", name, true, 0)); } } catch (final QueryException e) { Logger.getRootLogger().error(e.getStackTrace()); } return types; }
private static String queryYagoCategoryLabel(final String catUri) { String res = null; final Model model = DisambiguationMainService.getInstance() .getYagoCategoryLabels(); final String query = "SELECT ?label WHERE{ <" + catUri + "> <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#> ?label. }"; try { final com.hp.hpl.jena.query.Query que = QueryFactory.create(query); final QueryExecution qexec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(que, model); final ResultSet results = qexec.execSelect(); // NOPMD by quh on // 18.02.14 15:05 while (results.hasNext()) { final QuerySolution sol = results.nextSolution(); final String name = sol.getLiteral("label").getLexicalForm(); res = name; } } catch (final QueryException e) { Logger.getRootLogger().error(e.getStackTrace()); } return res; }
public List<String> getDbPediaLabel(final String uri) throws QueryException, QueryParseException { final List<String> labellist = new LinkedList<String>(); try { final String query = "SELECT ?label WHERE{ <" + uri + "> <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label> ?label. }"; ResultSet results = null; QueryExecution qexec = null; final com.hp.hpl.jena.query.Query cquery = QueryFactory.create(query); qexec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(cquery, this.labelmodel); results = qexec.execSelect(); if (results != null) { while (results.hasNext()) { final QuerySolution sol = results.nextSolution(); final String label = sol.getLiteral("label").getLexicalForm(); labellist.add(label); } qexec.close(); } } catch (QueryParseException e) { Logger.getRootLogger().info("Query parse Exception"); } return labellist; }
public String getDbPediaShortDescription(final String uri) throws QueryException, QueryParseException { String labellist = ""; try { final String query = "SELECT ?comment WHERE{ <" + uri + "> <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#comment> ?comment. }"; ResultSet results = null; QueryExecution qexec = null; final com.hp.hpl.jena.query.Query cquery = QueryFactory.create(query); qexec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(cquery, this.shortdescmodel); results = qexec.execSelect(); if (results != null) { while (results.hasNext()) { final QuerySolution sol = results.nextSolution(); String desc = sol.getLiteral("comment").getLexicalForm(); labellist = desc; } qexec.close(); } } catch (QueryParseException e) { Logger.getRootLogger().info("Query parse Exception"); } return labellist; }
public String getDbPediaLongDescription(final String uri) throws QueryException, QueryParseException { String labellist = ""; try { final String query = "SELECT ?comment WHERE{ <" + uri + "> <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/abstract> ?comment. }"; ResultSet results = null; QueryExecution qexec = null; final com.hp.hpl.jena.query.Query cquery = QueryFactory.create(query); qexec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(cquery, this.longdescmodel); results = qexec.execSelect(); if (results != null) { while (results.hasNext()) { final QuerySolution sol = results.nextSolution(); final String desc = sol.getLiteral("comment").getLexicalForm(); labellist = desc; } qexec.close(); } } catch (QueryParseException e) { Logger.getRootLogger().info("Query parse Exception"); } return labellist; }
public Set<String> getRDFTypesFromEntity(final String entityUri) { Set<String> set = new HashSet<String>(); final String query = "SELECT ?types WHERE{ <" + entityUri + "> <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type> ?types. }"; ResultSet results = null; QueryExecution qexec = null; try { final com.hp.hpl.jena.query.Query cquery = QueryFactory.create(query); qexec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(cquery, instancemappingtypes); results = qexec.execSelect(); } catch (final QueryException e) { Logger.getRootLogger().error(e.getStackTrace()); } finally { if (results != null) { while (results.hasNext()) { final QuerySolution sol = results.nextSolution(); final String type = sol.getResource("types").toString(); set.add(type); } } } return set; }
public Set<String> querySubCategories(final String uri) { final Set<String> types = new HashSet<String>(); final String query = "SELECT ?sub WHERE { <"+uri+"> <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#broader> ?sub }"; try { final com.hp.hpl.jena.query.Query que = QueryFactory.create(query); final QueryExecution qexec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(que, categorySkosModel); final ResultSet results = qexec.execSelect(); while (results.hasNext()) { final QuerySolution sol = results.nextSolution(); final String name = sol.getResource("sub").toString(); types.add(new String(name)); } } catch (final QueryException e) { Logger.getRootLogger().error(e.getStackTrace()); } return types; }