private void addRowToMODEL(List<Statement> sa, String key, String puri) { for (Statement s : sa) { if (MODEL.contains(s)) { continue; } // add to existing resource with same key if exists if (s.getPredicate().getLocalName().equals(key)) { ResIterator it = MODEL.listResourcesWithProperty(s.getPredicate(), s.getObject()); if (it.hasNext()) { // assume all members are equal Resource rsc = it.nextResource(); // get parent Property p = ResourceFactory.createProperty(genOURI(), puri); Statement st = ResourceFactory.createStatement(rsc, p, s.getSubject()); MODEL.add(st); continue; } } MODEL.add(s); } }
/** * Look up <code>uri</code> in the ontology and return a list of child * concepts (URIs). Synonyms are not considered. The list contains no * duplicates. Never returns <code>null</code>. * * @param term * term to be looked up * @return a list of child concepts URIs */ // TODO add all synonyms of the children to the result public List<String> getChildren(String uri) { Resource resource = model.getResource(uri); if (resource == null) return Collections.emptyList(); List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); ResIterator child = model.listResourcesWithProperty(RDFS.subClassOf, resource); while(child.hasNext()) { Resource parent = child.nextResource(); // if (!parent.hasLiteral(Jura.invisible, true)) { result.add(parent.getURI()); // } } return result; }
protected Set<Resource> getClasses(Model readModel) { ResIterator iterator = readModel.listSubjectsWithProperty(RDF.type, RDFS.Class); Resource r; Set<Resource> classes = new HashSet<Resource>(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { r =; if (!r.isAnon()) { classes.add(r); } } iterator = readModel.listSubjectsWithProperty(RDF.type, OWL.Class); while (iterator.hasNext()) { r =; if (!r.isAnon()) { classes.add(r); } } return classes; }
public ObjectStat analyse(File srcList, File src, File dst) throws IOException { if ( dst == null ) { dst = getDestination(src); } Model m = loadModel(src); Property type = m.getProperty(RDF_TYPE); Resource pcho = m.getResource(EDM_PROVIDEDCHO); ObjectStat stat = new ObjectStat("Europeana", true, false, true); stat.addPropertyValue(new LinkSetPropertyStat(m)); ResIterator iter = m.listSubjectsWithProperty(type, pcho); stat.addPropertyValues(m, iter, false); super.analyse(m.listSubjectsWithProperty(type, pcho), dst, stat); return stat; }
private void fetchLabels(Model m) { Map<String,String> map = new HashMap(); Property p = m.getProperty(SKOS_PREF_LABEL); ResIterator rIter = m.listResourcesWithProperty(m.getProperty(RDF_TYPE)); while ( rIter.hasNext() ) { Resource r =; fetchAlternatives(map, r); StmtIterator sIter = r.listProperties(p); while ( sIter.hasNext() ) { Statement stmt =; put(stmt.getSubject(), getKey(stmt.getString(), map)); } map.clear(); } }
private Model fixSubjects(Model m) { Collection<String> sa = new HashSet(); ResIterator iter = m.listSubjects(); while ( iter.hasNext() ) { String uri =; if ( PATTERN_WIKIDATA.matcher(uri).matches() ) { sa.add(uri); } } for ( String s : sa ) { String sNew = getNew(s); if ( sNew == null ) { continue; } ResourceUtils.renameResource(m.getResource(s), sNew); } return m; }
public ObjectStat analyse(File srcList, File src, File dst) throws IOException { Collection<String> c = loadDataURLs(srcList, PATTERN_LEXVO); Model m = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); loadModel(m, src, null); ObjectStat stat = new ObjectStat("Lexvo", true, false, true); stat.addPropertyValue(m.getProperty("")); ResIterator iter = m.listSubjects(); while ( iter.hasNext() ) { Resource r =; if ( !c.contains(r.getURI()) ) { continue; } stat.newObject(r); } if ( dst != null ) { stat.print(new PrintStream(dst, "UTF-8")); } return stat; }
public ObjectStat analyse(File srcList, File src, File dst) throws IOException { Collection<String> c = loadDataURLs(srcList, PATTERN_BABELNET); Model m = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); loadModel(m, src, null); ObjectStat stat = new ObjectStat("BabelNet", true, false, true); stat.addPropertyValue(m.getProperty("")); ResIterator iter = m.listSubjects(); while ( iter.hasNext() ) { Resource r =; if ( !c.contains(r.getURI()) ) { continue; } stat.newObject(r); } if ( dst != null ) { stat.print(new PrintStream(dst, "UTF-8")); } return stat; }
public ObjectStat analyse(File srcList, File src, File dst) throws IOException { Collection<String> c = loadDataURLs(srcList, PATTERN_FREEBASE); Model m = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); loadModel(m, src, null); ObjectStat stat = new ObjectStat("Freebase", true, false, true); stat.addPropertyValue(m.getProperty("")); ResIterator iter = m.listSubjects(); while ( iter.hasNext() ) { Resource r =; if ( !c.contains(r.getURI()) ) { continue; } stat.newObject(r); } if ( dst != null ) { stat.print(new PrintStream(dst, "UTF-8")); } return stat; }
public ObjectStat analyse(File srcList, File src, File dst) throws IOException { Collection<String> c = loadDataURLs(srcList, PATTERN_EUROVOC); Model m = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); loadModel(m, src, null); ObjectStat stat = new ObjectStat("Eurovoc", true, false, true); stat.addPropertyValue(m.getProperty("")); stat.addPropertyValue(m.getProperty("")); ResIterator iter = m.listSubjects(); while ( iter.hasNext() ) { Resource r =; if ( !c.contains(r.getURI()) ) { continue; } stat.newObject(r); } if ( dst != null ) { stat.print(new PrintStream(dst, "UTF-8")); } return stat; }
public static final void main(String[] args) { PrintStream out = System.out; Model m = loadModel(FILE_AGENTS_DBPEDIA_SRC); Set<Resource> noLang = new HashSet(); Set<Resource> dupLbl = new HashSet(); Set<Resource> dupEnLbl = new HashSet(); ResIterator iter = m.listSubjects(); while ( iter.hasNext() ) { checkResource(, noLang, dupEnLbl, dupLbl); } //print out.println("Resource with no language: " + noLang.size()); //for ( Resource rsrc : noLang ) { out.println(rsrc.getURI()); } out.println("Resource with duplicate en labels: " + dupEnLbl.size()); //for ( Resource rsrc : dupEnLbl ) { out.println(rsrc.getURI()); } out.println("Resource with duplicate labels in other langs: " + dupLbl.size()); //for ( Resource rsrc : dupLbl ) { out.println(rsrc.getURI()); } }
private void enrichImpl(ResIterator iter, CSVWriter p) { while (iter.hasNext()) { Resource rsrc =; System.out.print("Enriching resource: " + rsrc.getURI()); List<Map> l = _api.enrich(rsrc); if ( l == null ) { System.out.println(); continue; } int count = 0; for ( Map m : l ) { count++; p.print(rsrc.getURI(), m.get("field") , m.get("enrichment"), "", m.get("value")); } System.out.println(" [" + count + "]"); } }
/** * Read required URIs and save them in a set. */ protected void readRequiredUris() { // create new set of strings Set<String> uris = new HashSet<String>(); // get all resources with property "VOID.clazz" ResIterator iterClasses = voidModel.listResourcesWithProperty(VOID.clazz); while (iterClasses.hasNext()) { String classUri = iterClasses.nextResource().getProperty(VOID.clazz).getObject().toString(); uris.add(classUri); } // get all resources with property "" ResIterator iterPorperties = voidModel.listResourcesWithProperty(; while (iterPorperties.hasNext()) { String propertyUri = iterPorperties.nextResource().getProperty(; uris.add(propertyUri); } // save the URIs this.uris = uris; }
public static List<String> getObjectsOfType(Model model, String uri) { List<String> policies = new ArrayList(); ResIterator it = model.listSubjectsWithProperty(RDF.type); while (it.hasNext()) { Resource res =; Statement s = res.getProperty(RDF.type); String objeto = s.getObject().asResource().getURI(); if (s.getObject().isURIResource()) { String sujeto = s.getSubject().getURI(); String ouri = s.getObject().asResource().getURI(); if (uri.equals(ouri)) { policies.add(sujeto); } } } return policies; }
@Test public void generateSeqQualityProblem(){ qr = new QualityReport(); String qualityProblemURI = qr.createQualityProblem(metricURI, resourceProblemList); Model qualityProblem = qr.getProblemReportFromTBD(qualityProblemURI); // checks if model contains appropriate data assertEquals(6, qualityProblem.size()); assertTrue(qualityProblem.listStatements(null, RDF.type, QPRO.QualityProblem).hasNext()); assertTrue(qualityProblem.listStatements(null, QPRO.isDescribedBy, metricURI).hasNext()); assertEquals(1, qualityProblem.listObjectsOfProperty(QPRO.problematicThing).toList().size()); ResIterator seqURI = qualityProblem.listSubjectsWithProperty(RDF.type, RDF.Seq); assertEquals(2,qualityProblem.getSeq(; qr.flush(); }
public void addCreatedTopology(Model resultModel){ String requestedTopologyURI = null; String createdTopologyURI = null; ResIterator requestedTopologyIterator = this.createModel.listResourcesWithProperty(Omn.hasResource); while(requestedTopologyIterator.hasNext()){ requestedTopologyURI = requestedTopologyIterator.nextResource().getURI(); LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "requested topology URI " + requestedTopologyURI); } ResIterator createdTopologyIterator = resultModel.listResourcesWithProperty(RDF.type, Omn.Topology); while(createdTopologyIterator.hasNext()){ createdTopologyURI = createdTopologyIterator.nextResource().getURI(); LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "created topology URI " + createdTopologyURI); } toscaAdapter.setTopologies(requestedTopologyURI, createdTopologyURI); }
public ToscaAdapter( Model adapterTBox, Resource adapterABox, ToscaMDBSender sender) { this.sender = sender; this.uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); this.adapterTBox = adapterTBox; this.adapterABox = adapterABox; Resource adapterType = null; ResIterator adapterIterator = adapterTBox.listSubjectsWithProperty(RDFS.subClassOf, MessageBusOntologyModel.classAdapter); if (adapterIterator.hasNext()) { adapterType =; } this.adapterABox.addProperty(RDF.type, adapterType); this.adapterABox.addProperty(RDFS.label, adapterABox.getLocalName()); this.adapterABox.addProperty(RDFS.comment, "An adapter for TOSCA-compliant resources"); Resource testbed = adapterABox.getModel().createResource(""); this.adapterABox.addProperty(Omn_federation.partOfFederation, testbed); }
@Override public Model createInstances(Model createModel) throws ProcessingException, InvalidRequestException { try { ManagedThreadFactory threadFactory = (ManagedThreadFactory) new InitialContext().lookup("java:jboss/ee/concurrency/factory/default"); CallOpenSDNcore callOpenSDNcore = new CallOpenSDNcore(createModel, this); Thread callOpenSDNcoreThread = threadFactory.newThread(callOpenSDNcore); callOpenSDNcoreThread.start(); } catch (NamingException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "REQUIRED VMs counldn't be created ", e); } Model returnModel = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); ResIterator resIterator = createModel.listSubjectsWithProperty(Omn.isResourceOf); while(resIterator.hasNext()){ Resource resource = resIterator.nextResource(); Resource res = returnModel.createResource(resource.getURI()); Property property = returnModel.createProperty(Omn_lifecycle.hasState.getNameSpace(), Omn_lifecycle.hasState.getLocalName()); property.addProperty(RDF.type, OWL.FunctionalProperty); res.addProperty(property, Omn_lifecycle.Uncompleted); } return returnModel; }
@Override public Model deleteInstances(Model model) throws InvalidRequestException, ProcessingException { Model deletedInstancesModel = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); ResIterator resourceInstanceIterator = model.listSubjectsWithProperty(RDF.type, Omn.Topology); while(resourceInstanceIterator.hasNext()){ String instanceURI =; LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Deleting adapterABox: " + instanceURI); deleteInstance(instanceURI); Resource deletedInstance = deletedInstancesModel.createResource(instanceURI); deletedInstance.addProperty(Omn_lifecycle.hasState, Omn_lifecycle.Removing); } return deletedInstancesModel; }
@Override public Model getInstances(Model model) throws ProcessingException, InvalidRequestException, InstanceNotFoundException { Model instancesModel = null; try{ instancesModel = super.getInstances(model); } catch(InstanceNotFoundException e){ LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "No resource instances found, looking for topologies.."); } ResIterator resourceInstanceIterator = model.listSubjectsWithProperty(RDF.type, Omn.Topology); while(resourceInstanceIterator.hasNext()){ String instanceURI =; Model createdInstance = getInstance(instanceURI); instancesModel.add(createdInstance); } return instancesModel; }
public Model updateInstances(Model model) throws InvalidRequestException, ProcessingException { Model updatedInstancesModel = null; try{ updatedInstancesModel = super.updateInstances(model); } catch(InstanceNotFoundException e){ LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "No resource instances found, looking for topologies.."); } ResIterator resourceInstanceIterator = model.listSubjectsWithProperty(RDF.type, Omn.Topology); while(resourceInstanceIterator.hasNext()){ Resource resourceInstance =; LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Updating adapterABox: " + resourceInstance); Model updatedModel = updateInstance(resourceInstance.getURI(), model); updatedInstancesModel.add(updatedModel); } return updatedInstancesModel; }
public NetworkingAdapter(Model adapterModel, Resource adapterABox) { this.uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); this.adapterTBox = adapterModel; this.adapterABox = adapterABox; Resource adapterType =getAdapterClass(); this.adapterABox.addProperty(RDF.type,adapterType); this.adapterABox.addProperty(RDFS.label, this.adapterABox.getLocalName()); this.adapterABox.addProperty(RDFS.comment, "A networking adapter that can create virtual link among resources."); NodeIterator resourceIterator = this.adapterTBox.listObjectsOfProperty(Omn_lifecycle.implements_); if (resourceIterator.hasNext()) { Resource resource =; this.adapterABox.addProperty(Omn_lifecycle.canImplement, resource); this.adapterABox.getModel().add(resource.getModel()); ResIterator propertiesIterator = adapterTBox.listSubjectsWithProperty(RDFS.domain, resource); while (propertiesIterator.hasNext()) { Property p = adapterTBox.getProperty(; networkingControlProperties.add(p); } } }
protected HashMap<String, Group> getGroups(Resource groupType) { HashMap<String, Group> groups = new HashMap<>(); ResIterator i = model.listSubjectsWithProperty(RDF.type, groupType); while (i.hasNext()) { Resource resource =; try { groups.put(getId(resource), getGroup(resource)); } catch (NoUnitException | MalformedOntologyException | UnrecogniedUnitException | EmptyDimensionException | NotFoundException e ) { log.error("Unable to load group " + resource.getURI() + ": " + e.getMessage()); } } return groups; }
@Override //This function returns list of local business starting by name specified public ArrayList<PlaceDTO> getListByName(String nombre){ ArrayList<PlaceDTO> result = new ArrayList<>(); Resource schema_LocalBusiness = model.createResource(schema + "LocalBusiness"); ResIterator rIter = this.model.listSubjectsWithProperty(RDF.type,schema_LocalBusiness); while (rIter.hasNext() && result.size() < 10){ Resource r = rIter.nextResource(); Property schema_name = this.model.createProperty(schema+"name"); Property schema_description = this.model.createProperty(schema+"description"); if (r.hasProperty(schema_name)){ String placeName = r.getRequiredProperty( schema_name ).getString(); if (placeName.toLowerCase().contains(nombre.toLowerCase())){ double[] location = this.getPlaceCoordinates(placeName.replace(" ","")); String placeDescription = ""; if(r.hasProperty(schema_description)){ placeDescription = r.getRequiredProperty( schema_description).getString(); } PlaceDTO place = new PlaceDTO(placeName,location[0],location[1]); result.add(place); } } } return result; }
@Override public ArrayList<PlaceDTO> getListByName(String nombre){ ArrayList<PlaceDTO> result = new ArrayList<>(); Resource mibarrio_SportFacility = model.createResource(mibarrio + "SportFacility"); ResIterator rIter = this.model.listSubjectsWithProperty(RDF.type,mibarrio_SportFacility); while (rIter.hasNext() && result.size() < 10){ Resource r = rIter.nextResource(); Property schema_name = this.model.createProperty(schema+"name"); Property schema_description = this.model.createProperty(schema+"description"); if (r.hasProperty(schema_name)){ String placeName = r.getRequiredProperty( schema_name ).getString(); if (placeName.toLowerCase().contains(nombre.toLowerCase())){ double[] location = this.getPlaceCoordinates(placeName.replace(" ","")); String placeDescription = ""; if(r.hasProperty(schema_description)){ placeDescription = r.getRequiredProperty( schema_description).getString(); } PlaceDTO place = new PlaceDTO(placeName,location[0],location[1]); result.add(place); } } } return result; }
@Override public ArrayList<PlaceDTO> getListByName(String nombre) { ArrayList<PlaceDTO> result = new ArrayList<>(); Resource mibarrio_Library = model.createResource(mibarrio + "Library"); ResIterator rIter = this.model.listSubjectsWithProperty(RDF.type,mibarrio_Library); while (rIter.hasNext() && result.size() < 10){ Resource r = rIter.nextResource(); Property schema_name = this.model.createProperty(schema+"name"); Property schema_description = this.model.createProperty(schema+"description"); if (r.hasProperty(schema_name)){ String placeName = r.getRequiredProperty( schema_name ).getString(); if (placeName.toLowerCase().contains(nombre.toLowerCase())){ double[] location = this.getPlaceCoordinates(placeName.replace(" ","")); String placeDescription = ""; if(r.hasProperty(schema_description)){ placeDescription = r.getRequiredProperty( schema_description).getString(); } PlaceDTO place = new PlaceDTO(placeName,location[0],location[1]); result.add(place); } } } return result; }
/** * Gets every Jena resource that references the specified label * @param label The label to lookup * @return * @throws PortalServiceException */ public List<Resource> getScalarsByLabel(String label) throws PortalServiceException { Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); int pageNumber = 0; int pageSize = this.getPageSize(); //Request each page in turn - put the results into Model do { HttpMethodBase method = ((NvclVocabMethodMaker)sissVocMethodMaker).getScalarsByLabel(getBaseUrl(), getRepository(), label, Format.Rdf, pageSize, pageNumber); if (requestPageOfConcepts(method, model)) { pageNumber++; } else { break; } } while (true); Property prefLabelProperty = model.createProperty(VocabNamespaceContext.SKOS_NAMESPACE, "prefLabel"); ResIterator it = model.listResourcesWithProperty(prefLabelProperty); return Lists.newArrayList(it); }
/** * This method remove all the linguistic acts having the input EARMARK item as information entity. * @param item the item to consider. * @return All the RDF statements removed from the model. */ protected Set<Statement> removeAllLinguisticActs(EARMARKItem item) { Set<Statement> result = new HashSet<Statement>(); String base = ""; Property hasInformationEntity = rdf.createProperty(base + "hasInformationEntity"); ResIterator linguisticActs = rdf.listSubjectsWithProperty( hasInformationEntity, rdf.createResource(item.hasId().toString())); while (linguisticActs.hasNext()) { result.addAll(removeLinguisticAct(item,; } return result; }
/** * Creates the synonym index * * @throws IOException */ private void indexSKOSModel() throws IOException { IndexWriterConfig cfg = new IndexWriterConfig(matchVersion, analyzer); IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(indexDir, cfg); writer.getConfig().setRAMBufferSizeMB(48); /* iterate SKOS concepts, create Lucene docs and add them to the index */ ResIterator concept_iter = skosModel.listResourcesWithProperty(RDF.type, SKOS.Concept); while (concept_iter.hasNext()) { Resource skos_concept =; Document concept_doc = createDocumentsFromConcept(skos_concept); if (concept_doc != null) { writer.addDocument(concept_doc); } } writer.close(); }
public Set<Resource> listResourcesWith(Property... properties) { Set<Resource> result = new HashSet<Resource>(); for (Property property: properties) { ResIterator it = model.listResourcesWithProperty(property); while (it.hasNext()) { result.add(; } } return result; }
private void checkForSpuriousTypes() { // This doesn't catch spurious subclass triples, e.g., rr:SubjectMap, // rr:R2RMLView. for (ComponentType type: ComponentType.values()) { ResIterator it = model.listResourcesWithProperty(RDF.type, type.asResource()); while (it.hasNext()) { Resource r =; if (mapping.getMappingComponent(r, type) == null) {, r, RDF.type, type.asResource()); } } } remainingTriples.removeAll(null, RDF.type, (RDFNode) null); }
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { D2RServer server = D2RServer.fromServletContext(getServletContext()); server.checkMappingFileChanged(); if (request.getPathInfo() == null) { response.sendError(404); return; } String classMapName = request.getPathInfo().substring(1); Model resourceList = getClassMapLister().classMapInventory( classMapName, server.getConfig().getLimitPerClassMap()); if (resourceList == null) { response.sendError(404, "Sorry, class map '" + classMapName + "' not found."); return; } Map<String,String> resources = new TreeMap<String,String>(); ResIterator subjects = resourceList.listSubjects(); while (subjects.hasNext()) { Resource resource = subjects.nextResource(); if (!resource.isURIResource()) { continue; } String uri = resource.getURI(); Statement labelStmt = PageServlet.getBestLabel(resource); String label = (labelStmt == null) ? resource.getURI() : labelStmt.getString(); resources.put(uri, label); } Map<String,String> classMapLinks = new TreeMap<String,String>(); for (String name: getClassMapLister().classMapNames()) { classMapLinks.put(name, server.baseURI() + "directory/" + name); } VelocityWrapper velocity = new VelocityWrapper(this, request, response); Context context = velocity.getContext(); context.put("rdf_link", server.baseURI() + "all/" + classMapName); context.put("classmap", classMapName); context.put("classmap_links", classMapLinks); context.put("resources", resources); context.put("limit_per_class_map", server.getConfig().getLimitPerClassMap()); velocity.mergeTemplateXHTML("directory_page.vm"); }
private static Set<Resource> generatePartitions(Model m, Resource type, Property p) { Set<Resource> partitions = new HashSet<Resource>(); ResIterator classIt = m.listResourcesWithProperty(RDF.type, type); while (classIt.hasNext()) { Resource classMap =; StmtIterator pIt = classMap.listProperties(p); while (pIt.hasNext()) { partitions.add((Resource); } } return partitions; }
protected Resource findServerResource() { ResIterator it = this.model.listSubjectsWithProperty(RDF.type, D2RConfig.Server); if (!it.hasNext()) { return null; } return it.nextResource(); }
protected Resource findDatabaseResource() { ResIterator it = this.model.listSubjectsWithProperty(RDF.type, D2RQ.Database); if (!it.hasNext()) { return null; } return it.nextResource(); }
List<Resource> getResourcesOfType(final String type) { Preconditions.checkState(this.model!=null); final ResIterator iterator = this.model. listResourcesWithProperty( this.model.createProperty(""), NodeFactory.createURI(type)); try { return iterator.toList(); } finally { iterator.close(); } }
private static void addSubClassesOf(Resource clazz, Resource equivalentClass, Model classModel) { ResIterator iterator = classModel.listSubjectsWithProperty( RDFS.subClassOf, clazz); Set<Resource> subClasses = new HashSet<Resource>(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { subClasses.add(; } for (Resource subClass : subClasses) { if (!classModel .contains(subClass, RDFS.subClassOf, equivalentClass)) { classModel.add(subClass, RDFS.subClassOf, equivalentClass); } } }
private void doConversion(Model model) throws JenaException { StatementHandler totm = new ToTMStatementHandler(); AResourceWrapper subjw = new AResourceWrapper(); AResourceWrapper propw = new AResourceWrapper(); AResourceWrapper objtw = new AResourceWrapper(); ALiteralWrapper litlw = new ALiteralWrapper(); ResIterator it = model.listSubjects(); while (it.hasNext()) { Resource subject = (Resource); StmtIterator it2 = subject.listProperties(); // get all statements while (it2.hasNext()) { Statement stmt = (Statement); subjw.resource = stmt.getSubject(); propw.resource = stmt.getPredicate(); RDFNode obj = stmt.getObject(); if (obj instanceof Resource) { objtw.resource = (Resource) obj; totm.statement(subjw, propw, objtw); } else { litlw.literal = (Literal) obj; totm.statement(subjw, propw, litlw); } } } }
public void analyse(File src) { Collection<String> list = new TreeSet(); Model m = loadModel(src); ResIterator iter = m.listResourcesWithProperty(m.getProperty(RDF_TYPE) , m.getResource(EDM_AGENT)); while ( iter.hasNext() ) { Resource rsrc =; if ( check(rsrc) ) { list.add(rsrc.getURI()); } } for ( String s : list ) { System.out.println(s); } }