protected void setJdk(@NotNull Project project) { JdkComboBox.JdkComboBoxItem selectedItem = myJdkComboBox.getSelectedItem(); if (selectedItem instanceof JdkComboBox.SuggestedJdkItem) { SdkType type = ((JdkComboBox.SuggestedJdkItem)selectedItem).getSdkType(); String path = ((JdkComboBox.SuggestedJdkItem)selectedItem).getPath(); myModel.addSdk(type, path, sdk -> { myJdkComboBox.reloadModel(new JdkComboBox.ActualJdkComboBoxItem(sdk), project); myJdkComboBox.setSelectedJdk(sdk); }); } try { myModel.apply(); } catch (ConfigurationException e) { LOG.error(e); } ApplicationManager.getApplication().runWriteAction(() -> { ProjectRootManager.getInstance(project).setProjectSdk(myJdkComboBox.getSelectedJdk()); }); }
public void fillList(final @Nullable SdkType type, final @Nullable Sdk[] globalSdks) { myListModel.clear(); final Sdk[] jdks; if (myProject == null || myProject.isDefault()) { final Sdk[] allJdks = globalSdks != null ? globalSdks : ProjectJdkTable.getInstance().getAllJdks(); jdks = getCompatibleJdks(type, Arrays.asList(allJdks)); } else { final ProjectSdksModel projectJdksModel = ProjectStructureConfigurable.getInstance(myProject).getProjectJdksModel(); if (!projectJdksModel.isInitialized()){ //should be initialized projectJdksModel.reset(myProject); } final Collection<Sdk> collection = projectJdksModel.getProjectSdks().values(); jdks = getCompatibleJdks(type, collection); } Arrays.sort(jdks, new Comparator<Sdk>() { public int compare(final Sdk o1, final Sdk o2) { return o1.getName().compareToIgnoreCase(o2.getName()); } }); for (Sdk jdk : jdks) { myListModel.addElement(jdk); } }
protected static Sdk createSdkOfType(final SdkModel sdkModel, final SdkType sdkType, final Consumer<Sdk> sdkCreatedCallback) { final Ref<Sdk> result = new Ref<Sdk>(null); SdkConfigurationUtil.selectSdkHome(sdkType, new Consumer<String>() { @Override public void consume(final String home) { String newSdkName = SdkConfigurationUtil.createUniqueSdkName(sdkType, home, Arrays.asList(sdkModel.getSdks())); final ProjectJdkImpl newJdk = new ProjectJdkImpl(newSdkName, sdkType); newJdk.setHomePath(home); sdkCreatedCallback.consume(newJdk); result.set(newJdk); } }); return result.get(); }
private static FileChooserDescriptor createCompositeDescriptor(final SdkType... sdkTypes) { return new FileChooserDescriptor(sdkTypes[0].getHomeChooserDescriptor()) { @Override public void validateSelectedFiles(final VirtualFile[] files) throws Exception { if (files.length > 0) { for (SdkType type : sdkTypes) { if (type.isValidSdkHome(files[0].getPath())) { return; } } } String key = files.length > 0 && files[0].isDirectory() ? "sdk.configure.home.invalid.error" : "sdk.configure.home.file.invalid.error"; throw new Exception(ProjectBundle.message(key, sdkTypes[0].getPresentableName())); } }; }
/** * Tries to create an SDK identified by path; if successful, add the SDK to the global SDK table. * * @param path identifies the SDK * @param sdkType * @return newly created SDK, or null. */ @Nullable public static Sdk createAndAddSDK(final String path, SdkType sdkType) { VirtualFile sdkHome = ApplicationManager.getApplication().runWriteAction(new Computable<VirtualFile>() { @Override public VirtualFile compute() { return LocalFileSystem.getInstance().refreshAndFindFileByPath(path); } }); if (sdkHome != null) { final Sdk newSdk = setupSdk(ProjectJdkTable.getInstance().getAllJdks(), sdkHome, sdkType, true, null, null); if (newSdk != null) { addSdk(newSdk); } return newSdk; } return null; }
public static void selectSdkHome(@NotNull final SdkType sdkType, @NotNull final Consumer<String> consumer) { final FileChooserDescriptor descriptor = sdkType.getHomeChooserDescriptor(); if (ApplicationManager.getApplication().isUnitTestMode()) { Sdk sdk = ProjectJdkTable.getInstance().findMostRecentSdkOfType(sdkType); if (sdk == null) throw new RuntimeException("No SDK of type " + sdkType + " found"); consumer.consume(sdk.getHomePath()); return; } FileChooser.chooseFiles(descriptor, null, getSuggestedSdkRoot(sdkType), new Consumer<List<VirtualFile>>() { @Override public void consume(final List<VirtualFile> chosen) { final String path = chosen.get(0).getPath(); if (sdkType.isValidSdkHome(path)) { consumer.consume(path); return; } final String adjustedPath = sdkType.adjustSelectedSdkHome(path); if (sdkType.isValidSdkHome(adjustedPath)) { consumer.consume(adjustedPath); } } }); }
private static FileChooserDescriptor createCompositeDescriptor(final SdkType... sdkTypes) { FileChooserDescriptor descriptor0 = sdkTypes[0].getHomeChooserDescriptor(); FileChooserDescriptor descriptor = new FileChooserDescriptor(descriptor0.isChooseFiles(), descriptor0.isChooseFolders(), descriptor0.isChooseJars(), descriptor0.isChooseJarsAsFiles(), descriptor0.isChooseJarContents(), descriptor0.isChooseMultiple()) { @Override public void validateSelectedFiles(final VirtualFile[] files) throws Exception { if (files.length > 0) { for (SdkType type : sdkTypes) { if (type.isValidSdkHome(files[0].getPath())) { return; } } } String message = files.length > 0 && files[0].isDirectory() ? ProjectBundle.message("sdk.configure.home.invalid.error", sdkTypes[0].getPresentableName()) : ProjectBundle.message("sdk.configure.home.file.invalid.error", sdkTypes[0].getPresentableName()); throw new Exception(message); } }; descriptor.setTitle(descriptor0.getTitle()); return descriptor; }
public static void selectSdkHome(final SdkType sdkType, @NotNull final Consumer<String> consumer) { final FileChooserDescriptor descriptor = sdkType.getHomeChooserDescriptor(); if (ApplicationManager.getApplication().isUnitTestMode()) { Sdk sdk = ProjectJdkTable.getInstance().findMostRecentSdkOfType(sdkType); if (sdk == null) throw new RuntimeException("No SDK of type " + sdkType + " found"); consumer.consume(sdk.getHomePath()); return; } FileChooser.chooseFiles(descriptor, null, getSuggestedSdkRoot(sdkType), new Consumer<List<VirtualFile>>() { @Override public void consume(final List<VirtualFile> chosen) { final String path = chosen.get(0).getPath(); if (sdkType.isValidSdkHome(path)) { consumer.consume(path); return; } final String adjustedPath = sdkType.adjustSelectedSdkHome(path); if (sdkType.isValidSdkHome(adjustedPath)) { consumer.consume(adjustedPath); } } }); }
@Override protected void setUpJdk() { super.setUpJdk(); new WriteAction() { protected void run(final Result result) { ProjectJdkTable table = ProjectJdkTable.getInstance(); myPluginSdk = table.createSdk("IDEA plugin SDK", SdkType.findInstance(IdeaJdk.class)); SdkModificator modificator = myPluginSdk.getSdkModificator(); modificator.setSdkAdditionalData(new Sandbox(getSandboxPath(), getTestProjectJdk(), myPluginSdk)); String rootPath = FileUtil.toSystemIndependentName(PathManager.getJarPathForClass(FileUtilRt.class)); modificator.addRoot(LocalFileSystem.getInstance().refreshAndFindFileByPath(rootPath), OrderRootType.CLASSES); modificator.commitChanges(); table.addJdk(myPluginSdk); } }.execute(); }
/** * Tries to create an SDK identified by path; if successful, add the SDK to the global SDK table. * * @param path identifies the SDK * @param sdkType * @param predefined * @return newly created SDK, or null. */ @Nullable public static Sdk createAndAddSDK(final String path, SdkType sdkType, boolean predefined) { VirtualFile sdkHome = ApplicationManager.getApplication().runWriteAction(new Computable<VirtualFile>() { @Override public VirtualFile compute() { return LocalFileSystem.getInstance().refreshAndFindFileByPath(path); } }); if (sdkHome != null) { final Sdk newSdk = setupSdk(SdkTable.getInstance().getAllSdks(), sdkHome, sdkType, true, predefined, null, null); if (newSdk != null) { addSdk(newSdk); } return newSdk; } return null; }
public static void selectSdkHome(final SdkType sdkType, @Nonnull final Consumer<String> consumer) { final FileChooserDescriptor descriptor = sdkType.getHomeChooserDescriptor(); if (ApplicationManager.getApplication().isUnitTestMode()) { Sdk sdk = SdkTable.getInstance().findMostRecentSdkOfType(sdkType); if (sdk == null) throw new RuntimeException("No SDK of type " + sdkType + " found"); consumer.consume(sdk.getHomePath()); return; } FileChooser.chooseFiles(descriptor, null, getSuggestedSdkPath(sdkType), new Consumer<List<VirtualFile>>() { @Override public void consume(final List<VirtualFile> chosen) { final String path = chosen.get(0).getPath(); if (sdkType.isValidSdkHome(path)) { consumer.consume(path); return; } final String adjustedPath = sdkType.adjustSelectedSdkHome(path); if (sdkType.isValidSdkHome(adjustedPath)) { consumer.consume(adjustedPath); } } }); }
public boolean addSdkNode(final Sdk sdk, final boolean selectInTree) { if (!myUiDisposed) { myContext.getDaemonAnalyzer().queueUpdate(new SdkProjectStructureElement(myContext, sdk)); MyNode newSdkNode = new MyNode(new SdkConfigurable((SdkImpl)sdk, mySdksTreeModel, TREE_UPDATER, myHistory, myProject)); final MyNode groupNode = MasterDetailsComponent.findNodeByObject(myRoot, sdk.getSdkType()); if (groupNode != null) { addNode(newSdkNode, groupNode); } else { final MyNode sdkGroupNode = createSdkGroupNode((SdkType)sdk.getSdkType()); addNode(sdkGroupNode, myRoot); addNode(newSdkNode, sdkGroupNode); } if (selectInTree) { selectNodeInTree(newSdkNode); } return true; } return false; }
public LuaSdkChooserPanel(final Project project) { myJdkChooser = new JdkChooserPanel(project); setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); setBorder(BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder()); final JLabel label = new JLabel(LuaBundle.message("sdk.chooser.luabinaries.prompt")); label.setUI(new MultiLineLabelUI()); add(label, new GridBagConstraints(0, GridBagConstraints.RELATIVE, 2, 1, 1.0, 0.0, GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST, GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL, new Insets(8, 10, 8, 10), 0, 0)); final JLabel jdkLabel = new JLabel(LuaBundle.message("")); jdkLabel.setFont(UIUtil.getLabelFont().deriveFont(Font.BOLD)); add(jdkLabel, new GridBagConstraints(0, GridBagConstraints.RELATIVE, 2, 1, 1.0, 0.0, GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST, GridBagConstraints.NONE, new Insets(8, 10, 0, 10), 0, 0)); add(myJdkChooser, new GridBagConstraints(0, GridBagConstraints.RELATIVE, 1, 1, 1.0, 1.0, GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST, GridBagConstraints.BOTH, new Insets(2, 10, 10, 5), 0, 0)); JButton configureButton = new JButton(LuaBundle.message("sdk.chooser.configure.button")); add(configureButton, new GridBagConstraints(1, GridBagConstraints.RELATIVE, 1, 1, 0.0, 1.0, GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST, GridBagConstraints.NONE, new Insets(2, 0, 10, 5), 0, 0)); configureButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { myJdkChooser.editJdkTable(); } }); myJdkChooser.setAllowedJdkTypes(new SdkType[]{LuaSdkType.getInstance()}); final Sdk selectedJdk = project == null ? null : ProjectRootManager.getInstance(project).getProjectSdk(); myJdkChooser.fillList(LuaSdkType.getInstance(), null); if (selectedJdk != null) { myJdkChooser.selectJdk(selectedJdk); } }
@NotNull @Override public CellAppearanceEx forJdk(@Nullable final Sdk jdk, final boolean isInComboBox, final boolean selected, final boolean showVersion) { if (jdk == null) { return FileAppearanceService.getInstance().forInvalidUrl(NO_JDK); } String name = jdk.getName(); CompositeAppearance appearance = new CompositeAppearance(); SdkType sdkType = (SdkType)jdk.getSdkType(); appearance.setIcon(sdkType.getIcon()); SimpleTextAttributes attributes = getTextAttributes(sdkType.sdkHasValidPath(jdk), selected); CompositeAppearance.DequeEnd ending = appearance.getEnding(); ending.addText(name, attributes); if (showVersion) { String versionString = jdk.getVersionString(); if (versionString != null && !versionString.equals(name)) { SimpleTextAttributes textAttributes = isInComboBox && !selected ? SimpleTextAttributes.SYNTHETIC_ATTRIBUTES : SystemInfo.isMac && selected ? new SimpleTextAttributes(SimpleTextAttributes.STYLE_PLAIN, Color.WHITE): SimpleTextAttributes.GRAY_ATTRIBUTES; ending.addComment(versionString, textAttributes); } } return ending.getAppearance(); }
private void onSpecifyUrlButtonClicked() { String defaultDocsUrl = mySdk == null ? "" : StringUtil.notNullize(((SdkType)mySdk.getSdkType()).getDefaultDocumentationUrl(mySdk), ""); VirtualFile virtualFile = Util.showSpecifyJavadocUrlDialog(myPanel, defaultDocsUrl); if (virtualFile != null) { addElement(virtualFile); setModified(true); requestDefaultFocus(); setSelectedRoots(new Object[]{virtualFile}); } }
public void updateList(final Sdk selectedJdk, final @Nullable SdkType type, final @Nullable Sdk[] globalSdks) { final int[] selectedIndices = myList.getSelectedIndices(); fillList(type, globalSdks); // restore selection if (selectedJdk != null) { TIntArrayList list = new TIntArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < myListModel.size(); i++) { final Sdk jdk = (Sdk)myListModel.getElementAt(i); if (Comparing.strEqual(jdk.getName(), selectedJdk.getName())){ list.add(i); } } final int[] indicesToSelect = list.toNativeArray(); if (indicesToSelect.length > 0) { myList.setSelectedIndices(indicesToSelect); } else if (myList.getModel().getSize() > 0) { myList.setSelectedIndex(0); } } else { if (selectedIndices.length > 0) { myList.setSelectedIndices(selectedIndices); } else { myList.setSelectedIndex(0); } } myCurrentJdk = (Sdk)myList.getSelectedValue(); }
private Sdk[] getCompatibleJdks(final @Nullable SdkType type, final Collection<Sdk> collection) { final Set<Sdk> compatibleJdks = new HashSet<Sdk>(); for (Sdk projectJdk : collection) { if (isCompatibleJdk(projectJdk, type)) { compatibleJdks.add(projectJdk); } } return compatibleJdks.toArray(new Sdk[compatibleJdks.size()]); }
private boolean isCompatibleJdk(final Sdk projectJdk, final @Nullable SdkType type) { if (type != null) { return projectJdk.getSdkType() == type; } if (myAllowedJdkTypes != null) { return ArrayUtil.indexOf(myAllowedJdkTypes, projectJdk.getSdkType()) >= 0; } return true; }
public ModuleWizardStep createProjectJdkStep(WizardContext context, SdkType type, final JavaModuleBuilder builder, final Computable<Boolean> isVisible, final Icon icon, @NonNls final String helpId) { return new ProjectJdkForModuleStep(context, type){ public void updateDataModel() { super.updateDataModel(); builder.setModuleJdk(getJdk()); } public boolean isStepVisible() { return isVisible.compute().booleanValue(); } public Icon getIcon() { return icon; } @Override public String getName() { return "Specify JDK"; } public String getHelpId() { return helpId; } }; }
@Nullable private static Project getProject(final WizardContext context, final SdkType type) { Project project = context.getProject(); if (type != null && project == null) { //'module' step inside project creation project = ProjectManager.getInstance().getDefaultProject(); } return project; }
@Nullable public static Sdk setupSdk(final Sdk[] allSdks, final VirtualFile homeDir, final SdkType sdkType, final boolean silent, @Nullable final SdkAdditionalData additionalData, @Nullable final String customSdkSuggestedName) { final List<Sdk> sdksList = Arrays.asList(allSdks); final ProjectJdkImpl sdk; try { String sdkPath = sdkType.sdkPath(homeDir); final String sdkName = customSdkSuggestedName == null ? createUniqueSdkName(sdkType, sdkPath, sdksList) : createUniqueSdkName(customSdkSuggestedName, sdksList); sdk = new ProjectJdkImpl(sdkName, sdkType); if (additionalData != null) { // additional initialization. // E.g. some ruby sdks must be initialized before // setupSdkPaths() method invocation sdk.setSdkAdditionalData(additionalData); } sdk.setHomePath(sdkPath); sdkType.setupSdkPaths(sdk); } catch (Exception e) { if (!silent) { Messages.showErrorDialog("Error configuring SDK: " + e.getMessage() + ".\nPlease make sure that " + FileUtil.toSystemDependentName(homeDir.getPath()) + " is a valid home path for this SDK type.", "Error Configuring SDK"); } return null; } return sdk; }
public static void configureDirectoryProjectSdk(final Project project, @Nullable Comparator<Sdk> preferredSdkComparator, final SdkType... sdkTypes) { Sdk existingSdk = ProjectRootManager.getInstance(project).getProjectSdk(); if (existingSdk != null && ArrayUtil.contains(existingSdk.getSdkType(), sdkTypes)) { return; } Sdk sdk = findOrCreateSdk(preferredSdkComparator, sdkTypes); if (sdk != null) { setDirectoryProjectSdk(project, sdk); } }
@NotNull public static List<String> filterExistingPaths(@NotNull SdkType sdkType, Collection<String> sdkHomes, final Sdk[] sdks) { List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String sdkHome : sdkHomes) { if (findByPath(sdkType, sdks, sdkHome) == null) { result.add(sdkHome); } } return result; }
@Nullable private static Sdk findByPath(@NotNull SdkType sdkType, @NotNull Sdk[] sdks, @NotNull String sdkHome) { for (Sdk sdk : sdks) { final String path = sdk.getHomePath(); if (sdk.getSdkType() == sdkType && path != null && FileUtil.pathsEqual(FileUtil.toSystemIndependentName(path), FileUtil.toSystemIndependentName(sdkHome))) { return sdk; } } return null; }
@SuppressWarnings("MethodMayBeStatic") @Nullable public Icon getIcon(final Object object) { if (!NavBarModel.isValid(object)) return null; if (object instanceof Project) return AllIcons.Nodes.Project; if (object instanceof Module) return ModuleType.get(((Module)object)).getIcon(); try { if (object instanceof PsiElement) { Icon icon = ApplicationManager.getApplication().runReadAction(new Computable<Icon>() { @Override public Icon compute() { return ((PsiElement)object).isValid() ? ((PsiElement)object).getIcon(0) : null; } }); if (icon != null && (icon.getIconHeight() > 16 * 2 || icon.getIconWidth() > 16 * 2)) { icon = IconUtil.cropIcon(icon, 16 * 2, 16 * 2); } return icon; } } catch (IndexNotReadyException e) { return null; } if (object instanceof JdkOrderEntry) { final SdkTypeId sdkType = ((JdkOrderEntry)object).getJdk().getSdkType(); return ((SdkType) sdkType).getIcon(); } if (object instanceof LibraryOrderEntry) return AllIcons.Nodes.PpLibFolder; if (object instanceof ModuleOrderEntry) return ModuleType.get(((ModuleOrderEntry)object).getModule()).getIcon(); return null; }
private static Icon getJdkIcon(JdkOrderEntry entry) { final Sdk sdk = entry.getJdk(); if (sdk == null) { return AllIcons.General.Jdk; } final SdkType sdkType = (SdkType) sdk.getSdkType(); return sdkType.getIcon(); }
public static Sdk create(final String version, @NotNull final VirtualFile ... additionalRoots) { final String mock_path = PythonTestUtil.getTestDataPath() + "/MockSdk" + version + "/"; String sdkHome = new File(mock_path, "bin/python"+version).getPath(); SdkType sdkType = PythonSdkType.getInstance(); final Sdk sdk = new ProjectJdkImpl(MOCK_SDK_NAME + " " + version, sdkType) { @Override public String getVersionString() { return "Python " + version + " Mock SDK"; } }; final SdkModificator sdkModificator = sdk.getSdkModificator(); sdkModificator.setHomePath(sdkHome); File libPath = new File(mock_path, "Lib"); if (libPath.exists()) { sdkModificator.addRoot(LocalFileSystem.getInstance().refreshAndFindFileByIoFile(libPath), OrderRootType.CLASSES); } PyUserSkeletonsUtil.addUserSkeletonsRoot(PySdkUpdater.fromSdkModificator(sdk, sdkModificator)); String mock_stubs_path = mock_path + PythonSdkType.SKELETON_DIR_NAME; sdkModificator.addRoot(LocalFileSystem.getInstance().refreshAndFindFileByPath(mock_stubs_path), PythonSdkType.BUILTIN_ROOT_TYPE); for (final VirtualFile root : additionalRoots) { sdkModificator.addRoot(root, OrderRootType.CLASSES); } sdkModificator.commitChanges(); final FileBasedIndex index = FileBasedIndex.getInstance(); index.requestRebuild(StubUpdatingIndex.INDEX_ID); index.requestRebuild(PyModuleNameIndex.NAME); return sdk; }
public AndroidSdkComboBoxWithBrowseButton() { final JComboBox sdkCombobox = getComboBox(); sdkCombobox.setRenderer(new ListCellRendererWrapper() { @Override public void customize(JList list, Object value, int index, boolean selected, boolean hasFocus) { if (value instanceof Sdk) { final Sdk sdk = (Sdk)value; setText(sdk.getName()); setIcon(((SdkType) sdk.getSdkType()).getIcon()); } else { setText("<html><font color='red'>[none]</font></html>"); } } }); addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { ProjectJdksEditor editor = new ProjectJdksEditor(null, ProjectManager.getInstance().getDefaultProject(), AndroidSdkComboBoxWithBrowseButton.this); if (editor.showAndGet()) { final Sdk selectedJdk = editor.getSelectedJdk(); rebuildSdksListAndSelectSdk(selectedJdk); if (selectedJdk == null || !isAndroidSdk(selectedJdk)) { Messages.showErrorDialog(AndroidSdkComboBoxWithBrowseButton.this, AndroidBundle.message("select.platform.error"), CommonBundle.getErrorTitle()); } } } }); getButton().setToolTipText(AndroidBundle.message("android.add.sdk.tooltip")); }
public OCamlSdkChooserPanel(final Project project) { myJdkChooser = new JdkChooserPanel(project); setLayout(new GridBagLayout()); setBorder(BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder()); final JLabel label = new JLabel("Specify the OCaml binaries directory"); label.setUI(new MultiLineLabelUI()); add(label, new GridBagConstraints(0, GridBagConstraints.RELATIVE, 2, 1, 1.0, 0.0, GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST, GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL, new Insets(8, 10, 8, 10), 0, 0)); final JLabel jdkLabel = new JLabel("OCaml SDK version:"); jdkLabel.setFont(UIUtil.getLabelFont().deriveFont(Font.BOLD)); add(jdkLabel, new GridBagConstraints(0, GridBagConstraints.RELATIVE, 2, 1, 1.0, 0.0, GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST, GridBagConstraints.NONE, new Insets(8, 10, 0, 10), 0, 0)); add(myJdkChooser, new GridBagConstraints(0, GridBagConstraints.RELATIVE, 1, 1, 1.0, 1.0, GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST, GridBagConstraints.BOTH, new Insets(2, 10, 10, 5), 0, 0)); JButton configureButton = new JButton("Configure..."); add(configureButton, new GridBagConstraints(1, GridBagConstraints.RELATIVE, 1, 1, 0.0, 1.0, GridBagConstraints.NORTHWEST, GridBagConstraints.NONE, new Insets(2, 0, 10, 5), 0, 0)); configureButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { myJdkChooser.editJdkTable(); } }); myJdkChooser.setAllowedJdkTypes(new SdkType[] { OCamlSdkType.getInstance() }); final Sdk selectedJdk = project == null ? null : ProjectRootManager.getInstance(project).getProjectJdk(); myJdkChooser.updateList(selectedJdk, null); }
private void onSpecifyUrlButtonClicked() { final String defaultDocsUrl = mySdk == null ? "" : StringUtil.notNullize(((SdkType) mySdk.getSdkType()).getDefaultDocumentationUrl(mySdk), ""); VirtualFile virtualFile = Util.showSpecifyJavadocUrlDialog(myPanel, defaultDocsUrl); if(virtualFile != null){ addElement(virtualFile); setModified(true); requestDefaultFocus(); setSelectedRoots(new Object[]{virtualFile}); } }