private static void refreshImpl(final RadComponent component) { if (component.getParent() != null) { final Dimension size = component.getSize(); final int oldWidth = size.width; final int oldHeight = size.height; Util.adjustSize(component.getDelegee(), component.getConstraints(), size); if (oldWidth != size.width || oldHeight != size.height) { if (component.getParent().isXY()) { component.setSize(size); } component.getDelegee().invalidate(); } } if (component instanceof RadContainer) { component.refresh(); final RadContainer container = (RadContainer)component; for (int i = container.getComponentCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { refreshImpl(container.getComponent(i)); } } }
/** * @param x array of <code>X</code> coordinates of components that should be layed out in a grid. * This is input/output parameter. * * @param y array of <code>Y</code> coordinates of components that should be layed out in a grid. * This is input/output parameter. * * @param rowSpans output parameter. * * @param colSpans output parameter. * * @return pair that says how many (rows, columns) are in the composed grid. */ public static Couple<Integer> layoutInGrid( final int[] x, final int[] y, final int[] rowSpans, final int[] colSpans ){ LOG.assertTrue(x.length == y.length); LOG.assertTrue(y.length == colSpans.length); LOG.assertTrue(colSpans.length == rowSpans.length); for (int i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { colSpans[i] = Math.max(colSpans[i], 1); rowSpans[i] = Math.max(rowSpans[i], 1); if (colSpans[i] > GRID_TREMOR * 4) { colSpans[i] -= GRID_TREMOR * 2; x[i] += GRID_TREMOR; } if (rowSpans[i] > GRID_TREMOR * 4) { rowSpans[i] -= GRID_TREMOR * 2; y[i] += GRID_TREMOR; } } return Couple.of( new Integer(Util.eliminate(y, rowSpans, null)), new Integer(Util.eliminate(x, colSpans, null)) ); }
/** * @param x array of <code>X</code> coordinates of components that should be layed out in a grid. * This is input/output parameter. * * @param y array of <code>Y</code> coordinates of components that should be layed out in a grid. * This is input/output parameter. * * @param rowSpans output parameter. * * @param colSpans output parameter. * * @return pair that says how many (rows, columns) are in the composed grid. */ public static Pair<Integer, Integer> layoutInGrid( final int[] x, final int[] y, final int[] rowSpans, final int[] colSpans ){ LOG.assertTrue(x.length == y.length); LOG.assertTrue(y.length == colSpans.length); LOG.assertTrue(colSpans.length == rowSpans.length); for (int i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { colSpans[i] = Math.max(colSpans[i], 1); rowSpans[i] = Math.max(rowSpans[i], 1); if (colSpans[i] > GRID_TREMOR * 4) { colSpans[i] -= GRID_TREMOR * 2; x[i] += GRID_TREMOR; } if (rowSpans[i] > GRID_TREMOR * 4) { rowSpans[i] -= GRID_TREMOR * 2; y[i] += GRID_TREMOR; } } return new Pair<Integer, Integer>( new Integer(Util.eliminate(y, rowSpans, null)), new Integer(Util.eliminate(x, colSpans, null)) ); }
private static void refreshImpl(final RadComponent component) { if(component.getParent() != null) { final Dimension size = component.getSize(); final int oldWidth = size.width; final int oldHeight = size.height; Util.adjustSize(component.getDelegee(), component.getConstraints(), size); if(oldWidth != size.width || oldHeight != size.height) { if(component.getParent().isXY()) { component.setSize(size); } component.getDelegee().invalidate(); } } if(component instanceof RadContainer) { component.refresh(); final RadContainer container = (RadContainer) component; for(int i = container.getComponentCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { refreshImpl(container.getComponent(i)); } } }
private Result convert(final JComponent component, final GridConstraints constraints) { final Result result = new Result(component); int endRow = constraints.getRow() + constraints.getRowSpan()-1; myLastRow = Math.max(myLastRow, endRow); int endCol = constraints.getColumn() + constraints.getColSpan()-1; myLastCol = Math.max(myLastCol, endCol); int indent = Util.DEFAULT_INDENT * constraints.getIndent(); constraintsToGridBag(constraints, result.constraints); result.constraints.weightx = getWeight(constraints, true); result.constraints.weighty = getWeight(constraints, false); result.constraints.insets = new Insets(, myInsets.left + indent, myInsets.bottom, myInsets.right); Dimension minSize = constraints.myMinimumSize; if (component != null && minSize.width <= 0 && minSize.height <= 0) { minSize = component.getMinimumSize(); } if ((constraints.getHSizePolicy() & GridConstraints.SIZEPOLICY_CAN_SHRINK) == 0) { minSize.width = constraints.myPreferredSize.width > 0 || component == null ? constraints.myPreferredSize.width : component.getPreferredSize().width; } if ((constraints.getVSizePolicy() & GridConstraints.SIZEPOLICY_CAN_SHRINK) == 0) { minSize.height = constraints.myPreferredSize.height > 0 || component == null ? constraints.myPreferredSize.height : component.getPreferredSize().height; } if (minSize.width != -1 || minSize.height != -1) { result.minimumSize = minSize; } if (constraints.myPreferredSize.width > 0 && constraints.myPreferredSize.height > 0) { result.preferredSize = constraints.myPreferredSize; } if (constraints.myMaximumSize.width > 0 && constraints.myMaximumSize.height > 0) { result.maximumSize = constraints.myMaximumSize; } return result; }
public void processComponentInsert(ComponentItem item, final ComponentDropLocation location) { myEditor.getActiveDecorationLayer().removeFeedback(); myEditor.setDesignTimeInsets(2); item = replaceAnyComponentItem(myEditor, item, UIDesignerBundle.message("palette.non.palette.component.title")); if (item == null) { return; } if (!validateNestedFormInsert(item)) { return; } if (!checkAddDependencyOnInsert(item)) { return; } if (!myEditor.ensureEditable()) { return; } final boolean forceBinding = item.isAutoCreateBinding(); myInsertedComponent = createInsertedComponent(myEditor, item); setCursor(Cursor.getDefaultCursor()); if (myInsertedComponent == null) { if (!mySticky) { PaletteToolWindowManager.getInstance(myEditor).clearActiveItem(); } return; } final ComponentItemDragObject dragObject = new ComponentItemDragObject(item); if (location.canDrop(dragObject)) { CommandProcessor.getInstance().executeCommand( myEditor.getProject(), new Runnable() { public void run() { createBindingWhenDrop(myEditor, myInsertedComponent, forceBinding); final RadComponent[] components = new RadComponent[]{myInsertedComponent}; location.processDrop(myEditor, components, null, dragObject); FormEditingUtil.selectSingleComponent(myEditor, myInsertedComponent); if (location.getContainer() != null && location.getContainer().isXY()) { Dimension newSize = myInsertedComponent.getPreferredSize(); Util.adjustSize(myInsertedComponent.getDelegee(), myInsertedComponent.getConstraints(), newSize); myInsertedComponent.setSize(newSize); } if (myInsertedComponent.getParent() instanceof RadRootContainer && myInsertedComponent instanceof RadAtomicComponent) { GridBuildUtil.convertToGrid(myEditor); FormEditingUtil.selectSingleComponent(myEditor, myInsertedComponent); } checkBindTopLevelPanel(); if (!mySticky) { PaletteToolWindowManager.getInstance(myEditor).clearActiveItem(); } myEditor.refreshAndSave(false); } }, UIDesignerBundle.message("command.insert.component"), null); } myComponentToInsert = null; }
public final Dimension getMinimumSize() { return Util.getMinimumSize(myDelegee, myConstraints, false); }
public final Dimension getPreferredSize() { return Util.getPreferredSize(myDelegee, myConstraints, false); }
public void processComponentInsert(ComponentItem item, final ComponentDropLocation location) { myEditor.getActiveDecorationLayer().removeFeedback(); myEditor.setDesignTimeInsets(2); item = replaceAnyComponentItem(myEditor, item, UIDesignerBundle.message("palette.non.palette.component.title")); if (item == null) { return; } if (!validateNestedFormInsert(item)) { return; } if (!checkAddDependencyOnInsert(item)) { return; } if (!myEditor.ensureEditable()) { return; } final boolean forceBinding = item.isAutoCreateBinding(); myInsertedComponent = createInsertedComponent(myEditor, item); setCursor(Cursor.getDefaultCursor()); if (myInsertedComponent == null) { if (!mySticky) { PaletteManager.getInstance(myEditor.getProject()).clearActiveItem(); } return; } final ComponentItemDragObject dragObject = new ComponentItemDragObject(item); if (location.canDrop(dragObject)) { CommandProcessor.getInstance().executeCommand( myEditor.getProject(), new Runnable() { public void run() { createBindingWhenDrop(myEditor, myInsertedComponent, forceBinding); final RadComponent[] components = new RadComponent[]{myInsertedComponent}; location.processDrop(myEditor, components, null, dragObject); FormEditingUtil.selectSingleComponent(myEditor, myInsertedComponent); if (location.getContainer() != null && location.getContainer().isXY()) { Dimension newSize = myInsertedComponent.getPreferredSize(); Util.adjustSize(myInsertedComponent.getDelegee(), myInsertedComponent.getConstraints(), newSize); myInsertedComponent.setSize(newSize); } if (myInsertedComponent.getParent() instanceof RadRootContainer && myInsertedComponent instanceof RadAtomicComponent) { GridBuildUtil.convertToGrid(myEditor); FormEditingUtil.selectSingleComponent(myEditor, myInsertedComponent); } checkBindTopLevelPanel(); if (!mySticky) { PaletteManager.getInstance(myEditor.getProject()).clearActiveItem(); } myEditor.refreshAndSave(false); } }, UIDesignerBundle.message("command.insert.component"), null); } myComponentToInsert = null; }
public void processComponentInsert(ComponentItem item, final ComponentDropLocation location) { myEditor.getActiveDecorationLayer().removeFeedback(); myEditor.setDesignTimeInsets(2); item = replaceAnyComponentItem(myEditor, item, UIDesignerBundle.message("palette.non.palette.component.title")); if(item == null) { return; } if(!validateNestedFormInsert(item)) { return; } if(!checkAddDependencyOnInsert(item)) { return; } if(!myEditor.ensureEditable()) { return; } final boolean forceBinding = item.isAutoCreateBinding(); myInsertedComponent = createInsertedComponent(myEditor, item); setCursor(Cursor.getDefaultCursor()); if(myInsertedComponent == null) { if(!mySticky) { PaletteToolWindowManager.getInstance(myEditor).clearActiveItem(); } return; } final ComponentItemDragObject dragObject = new ComponentItemDragObject(item); if(location.canDrop(dragObject)) { CommandProcessor.getInstance().executeCommand(myEditor.getProject(), new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { createBindingWhenDrop(myEditor, myInsertedComponent, forceBinding); final RadComponent[] components = new RadComponent[]{myInsertedComponent}; location.processDrop(myEditor, components, null, dragObject); FormEditingUtil.selectSingleComponent(myEditor, myInsertedComponent); if(location.getContainer() != null && location.getContainer().isXY()) { Dimension newSize = myInsertedComponent.getPreferredSize(); Util.adjustSize(myInsertedComponent.getDelegee(), myInsertedComponent.getConstraints(), newSize); myInsertedComponent.setSize(newSize); } if(myInsertedComponent.getParent() instanceof RadRootContainer && myInsertedComponent instanceof RadAtomicComponent) { GridBuildUtil.convertToGrid(myEditor); FormEditingUtil.selectSingleComponent(myEditor, myInsertedComponent); } checkBindTopLevelPanel(); if(!mySticky) { PaletteToolWindowManager.getInstance(myEditor).clearActiveItem(); } myEditor.refreshAndSave(false); } }, UIDesignerBundle.message("command.insert.component"), null); } myComponentToInsert = null; }