public TSStructureViewTreeModel( @NotNull XmlFile file, @NotNull Function<DomElement, DomService.StructureViewMode> descriptor, @Nullable Editor editor ) { super( file, DomElementsNavigationManager.getManager(file.getProject()) .getDomElementsNavigateProvider(DomElementsNavigationManager.DEFAULT_PROVIDER_NAME), descriptor, editor ); myNavigationProvider = DomElementsNavigationManager.getManager(file.getProject()) .getDomElementsNavigateProvider(DomElementsNavigationManager.DEFAULT_PROVIDER_NAME); myDescriptor = descriptor; }
@NotNull public static LiteLinearGraph asLiteLinearGraph(@NotNull final LinearGraph graph) { return new LiteLinearGraph() { @Override public int nodesCount() { return graph.nodesCount(); } @NotNull @Override public List<Integer> getNodes(final int nodeIndex, @NotNull final NodeFilter filter) { return ContainerUtil.mapNotNull(graph.getAdjacentEdges(nodeIndex, filter.edgeFilter), new Function<GraphEdge, Integer>() { @Override public Integer fun(GraphEdge edge) { if (isEdgeUp(edge, nodeIndex)) return edge.getUpNodeIndex(); if (isEdgeDown(edge, nodeIndex)) return edge.getDownNodeIndex(); return null; } }); } }; }
public Response(@NotNull InputStream stream) throws Exception { final Element root = new SAXBuilder().build(stream).getRootElement(); TaskUtil.prettyFormatXmlToLog(LOG, root); @NotNull final Element highlight = root.getChild("highlight"); //assert highlight != null : "no '/IntelliSense/highlight' element in YouTrack response"; myHighlightRanges ="range"), new Function<Element, HighlightRange>() { @Override public HighlightRange fun(Element range) { return new HighlightRange(range); } }); @NotNull final Element suggest = root.getChild("suggest"); //assert suggest != null : "no '/IntelliSense/suggest' element in YouTrack response"; myCompletionItems ="item"), new Function<Element, CompletionItem>() { @Override public CompletionItem fun(Element item) { return new CompletionItem(item); } }); }
public CreateModuleLibraryChooser(List<? extends LibraryType> libraryTypes, JComponent parentComponent, Module module, final LibraryTable.ModifiableModel moduleLibrariesModel, @Nullable final Function<LibraryType, LibraryProperties> defaultPropertiesFactory) { myParentComponent = parentComponent; myModule = module; myModuleLibrariesModel = moduleLibrariesModel; myDefaultPropertiesFactory = defaultPropertiesFactory; myLibraryTypes = new HashMap<LibraryRootsComponentDescriptor, LibraryType>(); myDefaultDescriptor = new DefaultLibraryRootsComponentDescriptor(); for (LibraryType<?> libraryType : libraryTypes) { LibraryRootsComponentDescriptor descriptor = null; if (libraryType != null) { descriptor = libraryType.createLibraryRootsComponentDescriptor(); } if (descriptor == null) { descriptor = myDefaultDescriptor; } if (!myLibraryTypes.containsKey(descriptor)) { myLibraryTypes.put(descriptor, libraryType); } } }
public VcsLogUserFilterImpl(@NotNull Collection<String> users, @NotNull Map<VirtualFile, VcsUser> meData, @NotNull Set<VcsUser> allUsers) { myUsers = users; myData = meData; myAllUserNames = ContainerUtil.mapNotNull(allUsers, new Function<VcsUser, String>() { @Override public String fun(VcsUser vcsUser) { String name = vcsUser.getName(); if (!name.isEmpty()) { return name.toLowerCase(); } String email = vcsUser.getEmail(); int at = email.indexOf('@'); if (at > 0) { return email.substring(0, at).toLowerCase(); } return null; } }); }
public String getFullLog(final File... baseDirs) { return StringUtil.join(myLogLines, new Function<String, String>() { @Override public String fun(String s) { for (File dir : baseDirs) { if (dir != null) { String path = FileUtil.toSystemIndependentName(dir.getAbsolutePath()) + "/"; if (s.startsWith(path)) { return s.substring(path.length()); } } } return s; } }, "\n"); }
private static <T> void collectTargets(PsiField field, final ArrayList<T> targets, final Function<PsiElement, T> fun, final boolean stopAtFirst) { final PsiClass containingClass = field.getContainingClass(); LOG.assertTrue(containingClass != null); final String qualifiedName = containingClass.getQualifiedName(); LOG.assertTrue(qualifiedName != null); final List<VirtualFile> fxmls = JavaFxControllerClassIndex.findFxmlsWithController(field.getProject(), qualifiedName); if (fxmls.isEmpty()) return;, GlobalSearchScope.filesScope(field.getProject(), fxmls)).forEach( new Processor<PsiReference>() { @Override public boolean process(PsiReference reference) { final PsiElement referenceElement = reference.getElement(); if (referenceElement == null) return true; final PsiFile containingFile = referenceElement.getContainingFile(); if (containingFile == null) return true; if (!JavaFxFileTypeFactory.isFxml(containingFile)) return true; if (!(referenceElement instanceof XmlAttributeValue)) return true; final XmlAttributeValue attributeValue = (XmlAttributeValue)referenceElement; final PsiElement parent = attributeValue.getParent(); if (!(parent instanceof XmlAttribute)) return true; if (!FxmlConstants.FX_ID.equals(((XmlAttribute)parent).getName())) return true; targets.add(; return !stopAtFirst; } }); }
private void processUnsuccessfulSelections(final Object[] toSelect, Function<Object, Object> restore, Set<Object> originallySelected) { final Set<Object> selected = myUi.getSelectedElements(); boolean wasFullyRejected = false; if (toSelect.length > 0 && !selected.isEmpty() && !originallySelected.containsAll(selected)) { final Set<Object> successfulSelections = new HashSet<Object>(); ContainerUtil.addAll(successfulSelections, toSelect); successfulSelections.retainAll(selected); wasFullyRejected = successfulSelections.isEmpty(); } else if (selected.isEmpty() && originallySelected.isEmpty()) { wasFullyRejected = true; } if (wasFullyRejected && !selected.isEmpty()) return; for (Object eachToSelect : toSelect) { if (!selected.contains(eachToSelect)) {; } } }
public static PsiElement replaceDiamondWithExplicitTypes(PsiElement element) { final PsiElement parent = element.getParent(); if (!(parent instanceof PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement)) { return parent; } final PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement javaCodeReferenceElement = (PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement) parent; final StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(); text.append(javaCodeReferenceElement.getQualifiedName()); text.append('<'); final PsiNewExpression newExpression = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(element, PsiNewExpression.class); final PsiDiamondType.DiamondInferenceResult result = PsiDiamondTypeImpl.resolveInferredTypesNoCheck(newExpression, newExpression); text.append(StringUtil.join(result.getInferredTypes(), new Function<PsiType, String>() { @Override public String fun(PsiType psiType) { return psiType.getCanonicalText(); } }, ",")); text.append('>'); final PsiElementFactory elementFactory = JavaPsiFacade.getElementFactory(element.getProject()); final PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement newReference = elementFactory.createReferenceFromText(text.toString(), element); return CodeStyleManager.getInstance(javaCodeReferenceElement.getProject()).reformat(javaCodeReferenceElement.replace(newReference)); }
private static void deleteTask(@NotNull final Course course, @NotNull final VirtualFile removedTask, @NotNull final Project project) { VirtualFile lessonDir = removedTask.getParent(); if (lessonDir == null || !lessonDir.getName().contains(EduNames.LESSON)) { return; } final Lesson lesson = course.getLesson(lessonDir.getName()); if (lesson == null) { return; } Task task = lesson.getTask(removedTask.getName()); if (task == null) { return; } CCUtils.updateHigherElements(lessonDir.getChildren(), new Function<VirtualFile, StudyItem>() { @Override public StudyItem fun(VirtualFile file) { return lesson.getTask(file.getName()); } }, task.getIndex(), EduNames.TASK, -1); lesson.getTaskList().remove(task); }
public static void checkContainsMethod(final Object rootElement, final AbstractTreeStructure structure, Function<AbstractTreeNode, VirtualFile[]> converterFunction) { MultiValuesMap<VirtualFile, AbstractTreeNode> map = new MultiValuesMap<VirtualFile, AbstractTreeNode>(); collect((AbstractTreeNode)rootElement, map, structure, converterFunction); for (VirtualFile eachFile : map.keySet()) { Collection<AbstractTreeNode> nodes = map.values(); for (final AbstractTreeNode node : nodes) { ProjectViewNode eachNode = (ProjectViewNode)node; boolean actual = eachNode.contains(eachFile); boolean expected = map.get(eachFile).contains(eachNode); if (actual != expected) { boolean actual1 = eachNode.contains(eachFile); boolean expected1 = map.get(eachFile).contains(eachNode); Assert.assertTrue("file=" + eachFile + " node=" + eachNode.getTestPresentation() + " expected:" + expected, false); } } } }
private void setUpDialog(@NotNull String projectPath) { final AbstractExternalSystemSettings externalSystemSettings = ExternalSystemApiUtil.getSettings(myProject, myProjectSystemId); //noinspection unchecked Collection<ExternalProjectSettings> projectsSettings = externalSystemSettings.getLinkedProjectsSettings(); List<ProjectItem> projects =, new Function<ExternalProjectSettings, ProjectItem>() { @Override public ProjectItem fun(ExternalProjectSettings settings) { return new ProjectItem(uiAware.getProjectRepresentationName(settings.getExternalProjectPath(), null), settings); } }); myTree = new SimpleTree(); myRootNode = new RootNode(); treeBuilder = createTreeBuilder(myProject, myRootNode, myTree); final ExternalProjectSettings currentProjectSettings = externalSystemSettings.getLinkedProjectSettings(projectPath); if (currentProjectSettings != null) { SwingHelper.updateItems(projectCombobox, projects, new ProjectItem(uiAware.getProjectRepresentationName(projectPath, null), currentProjectSettings)); } projectCombobox.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { updateTree(myRootNode); } }); }
@NotNull protected static String stringifyBranchesByRepos(@NotNull Map<GitRepository, String> heads) { MultiMap<String, VirtualFile> grouped = groupByBranches(heads); if (grouped.size() == 1) { return grouped.keySet().iterator().next(); } return StringUtil.join(grouped.entrySet(), new Function<Map.Entry<String, Collection<VirtualFile>>, String>() { @Override public String fun(Map.Entry<String, Collection<VirtualFile>> entry) { String roots = StringUtil.join(entry.getValue(), new Function<VirtualFile, String>() { @Override public String fun(VirtualFile file) { return file.getName(); } }, ", "); return entry.getKey() + " (in " + roots + ")"; } }, "<br/>"); }
@NotNull private static List<LibraryInfo> convert(final String urlPrefix, @NotNull ArtifactItem[] jars) { return ContainerUtil.mapNotNull(jars, new Function<ArtifactItem, LibraryInfo>() { @Override public LibraryInfo fun(ArtifactItem artifactItem) { String downloadUrl = artifactItem.getUrl(); if (urlPrefix != null) { if (downloadUrl == null) { downloadUrl = artifactItem.getName(); } if (!downloadUrl.startsWith("http://")) { downloadUrl = urlPrefix + downloadUrl; } } return new LibraryInfo(artifactItem.getName(), downloadUrl, downloadUrl, artifactItem.getMD5(), artifactItem.getRequiredClasses()); } }); }
protected <T> Map<String, T> getModulesMap(final Class<T> aClass) { final DomainObjectSet<? extends IdeaModule> ideaModules = allModels.getIdeaProject().getModules(); final String filterKey = "to_filter"; final Map<String, T> map = ContainerUtil.map2Map(ideaModules, new Function<IdeaModule, Pair<String, T>>() { @Override public Pair<String, T> fun(IdeaModule module) { final T value = allModels.getExtraProject(module, aClass); final String key = value != null ? module.getGradleProject().getPath() : filterKey; return Pair.create(key, value); } }); map.remove(filterKey); return map; }
boolean stripAndMerge(Collection<DfaMemoryStateImpl> group, Function<DfaMemoryStateImpl, DfaMemoryStateImpl> stripper) { if (group.size() <= 1) return false; boolean hasMerges = false; MultiMap<DfaMemoryStateImpl, DfaMemoryStateImpl> strippedToOriginals = MultiMap.create(); for (DfaMemoryStateImpl original : group) { strippedToOriginals.putValue(, original); } for (Map.Entry<DfaMemoryStateImpl, Collection<DfaMemoryStateImpl>> entry : strippedToOriginals.entrySet()) { Collection<DfaMemoryStateImpl> merged = entry.getValue(); if (merged.size() > 1) { myRemovedStates.addAll(merged); myMerged.add(entry.getKey()); hasMerges = true; } } return hasMerges; }
@NotNull public static Promise<Value> evaluateGet(@NotNull final Variable variable, @NotNull Object host, @NotNull EvaluateContext evaluateContext, @NotNull String selfName) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(selfName); appendUnquotedName(builder, variable.getName()); return evaluateContext.evaluate(builder.toString(), Collections.singletonMap(selfName, host), false) .then(new Function<EvaluateResult, Value>() { @Override public Value fun(EvaluateResult result) { variable.setValue(result.value); return result.value; } }); }
private void checkNullableStuffForMethod(PsiMethod method, final ProblemsHolder holder) { Annotated annotated = check(method, holder, method.getReturnType()); List<PsiMethod> superMethods = method.findSuperMethodSignaturesIncludingStatic(true), new Function<MethodSignatureBackedByPsiMethod, PsiMethod>() { @Override public PsiMethod fun(MethodSignatureBackedByPsiMethod signature) { return signature.getMethod(); } }); final NullableNotNullManager nullableManager = NullableNotNullManager.getInstance(holder.getProject()); checkSupers(method, holder, annotated, superMethods, nullableManager); checkParameters(method, holder, superMethods, nullableManager); checkOverriders(method, holder, annotated, nullableManager); }
@NotNull private static List<String> getCurrentCategories() { Enumeration currentLoggers = LogManager.getCurrentLoggers(); return ContainerUtil.mapNotNull(ContainerUtil.toList(currentLoggers), new Function<Object, String>() { @Override public String fun(Object o) { if (o instanceof org.apache.log4j.Logger) { String category = ((org.apache.log4j.Logger)o).getName(); if (Logger.getInstance(category).isDebugEnabled()) { return category; } } return null; } }); }
protected GitBranchOperation(@NotNull Project project, @NotNull GitPlatformFacade facade, @NotNull Git git, @NotNull GitBranchUiHandler uiHandler, @NotNull Collection<GitRepository> repositories) { myProject = project; myFacade = facade; myGit = git; myUiHandler = uiHandler; myRepositories = repositories; myCurrentHeads = ContainerUtil.map2Map(repositories, new Function<GitRepository, Pair<GitRepository, String>>() { @Override public Pair<GitRepository, String> fun(GitRepository repository) { GitLocalBranch currentBranch = repository.getCurrentBranch(); return Pair.create(repository, currentBranch == null ? repository.getCurrentRevision() : currentBranch.getName()); } }); mySuccessfulRepositories = new ArrayList<GitRepository>(); myRemainingRepositories = new ArrayList<GitRepository>(myRepositories); mySettings = myFacade.getSettings(myProject); }
@NotNull public Collection<PsiFileSystemItem> computeDefaultContexts() { final PsiFile file = getContainingFile(); if (file == null) return Collections.emptyList(); if (myOptions != null) { final Function<PsiFile, Collection<PsiFileSystemItem>> value = DEFAULT_PATH_EVALUATOR_OPTION.getValue(myOptions); if (value != null) { final Collection<PsiFileSystemItem> roots =; if (roots != null) { for (PsiFileSystemItem root : roots) { LOG.assertTrue(root != null, "Default path evaluator " + value + " produced a null root for " + file); } return roots; } } } if (isAbsolutePathReference()) { return getAbsoluteTopLevelDirLocations(file); } return getContextByFile(file); }
public static boolean hasAnyInterruptedControlFlowPaths(@NotNull PsiElement element) { final ScopeOwner owner = ScopeUtil.getScopeOwner(element); if (owner != null) { final ControlFlow flow = ControlFlowCache.getControlFlow(owner); final Instruction[] instructions = flow.getInstructions(); final int start = ControlFlowUtil.findInstructionNumberByElement(instructions, element); if (start >= 0) { final Ref<Boolean> resultRef = Ref.create(false); ControlFlowUtil.iteratePrev(start, instructions, new Function<Instruction, ControlFlowUtil.Operation>() { @Override public ControlFlowUtil.Operation fun(Instruction instruction) { if (instruction.allPred().isEmpty() && !isFirstInstruction(instruction)) { resultRef.set(true); return ControlFlowUtil.Operation.BREAK; } return ControlFlowUtil.Operation.NEXT; } }); return resultRef.get(); } } return false; }
protected void handleToggleAction() { final Object[] selectedValues = getList().getSelectedValues(); ListPopupStep<Object> listStep = getListStep(); final ActionPopupStep actionPopupStep = ObjectUtils.tryCast(listStep, ActionPopupStep.class); if (actionPopupStep == null) return; List<ToggleAction> filtered = ContainerUtil.mapNotNull(selectedValues, new Function<Object, ToggleAction>() { @Override public ToggleAction fun(Object o) { return getActionByClass(o, actionPopupStep, ToggleAction.class); } }); for (ToggleAction action : filtered) { actionPopupStep.performAction(action, 0); } for (ActionItem item : actionPopupStep.myItems) { updateActionItem(item); } getList().repaint(); }
private <T> Icon deferImpl(Icon base, T param, @NotNull Function<T, Icon> f, final boolean autoupdatable) { if (myEvaluationIsInProgress.get().booleanValue()) { return; } synchronized (LOCK) { Icon result = myIconsCache.get(param); if (result == null) { final long started = myLastClearTimestamp; result = new DeferredIconImpl<T>(base, param, f, new DeferredIconImpl.IconListener<T>() { @Override public void evalDone(DeferredIconImpl<T> source, T key, @NotNull Icon r) { synchronized (LOCK) { // check if our results is not outdated yet if (started == myLastClearTimestamp) { myIconsCache.put(key, autoupdatable ? source: r); } } } }, autoupdatable); myIconsCache.put(param, result); } return result; } }
public <T extends DomElement> TSStructureTreeElement( final T stableCopy, final Function<DomElement, DomService.StructureViewMode> myDescriptor, final DomElementNavigationProvider myNavigationProvider ) { super(stableCopy, myDescriptor, myNavigationProvider); this.myDescriptor = myDescriptor; this.myNavigationProvider = myNavigationProvider; }
public TSStructureViewBuilder( final XmlFile file, final Function<DomElement, DomService.StructureViewMode> descriptor ) { super(file, descriptor); myFile = file; myDescriptor = descriptor; }
@Override protected Function<VirtualFile, ? extends StudyItem> getStudyOrderable(@NotNull final StudyItem item) { return (Function<VirtualFile, StudyItem>)file -> { if (item instanceof Lesson) { return ((Lesson)item).getCourse().getLesson(file.getName()); } return null; }; }
@Override protected Function<VirtualFile, ? extends StudyItem> getStudyOrderable(@NotNull final StudyItem item) { return (Function<VirtualFile, StudyItem>)file -> { if (item instanceof Task) { return ((Task)item).getLesson().getTask(file.getName()); } return null; }; }
private static List<X509Certificate> extract(Collection<CertificateWrapper> wrappers) { return, new Function<CertificateWrapper, X509Certificate>() { @Override public X509Certificate fun(CertificateWrapper wrapper) { return wrapper.getCertificate(); } }); }
@NotNull public String getShortenName(){ switch (myType) { case CUSTOM: return myScope.getDisplayName(); case MODULE: return AnalysisScopeBundle.message("scope.option.module", myModule.getName()); case MODULES: String modules = StringUtil.join(myModules, new Function<Module, String>() { @Override @NotNull public String fun(@NotNull final Module module) { return module.getName(); } }, ", "); return AnalysisScopeBundle.message("scope.module.list", modules, Integer.valueOf(myModules.size())); case PROJECT: return AnalysisScopeBundle.message("scope.project", myProject.getName()); case FILE: final String relativePath = getRelativePath(); return relativePath != null ? AnalysisScopeBundle.message("scope.file", relativePath) : "Current File"; case DIRECTORY: final String relativeDirPath = getRelativePath(); return relativeDirPath != null ? AnalysisScopeBundle.message("", relativeDirPath) : "Current Directory"; case VIRTUAL_FILES: return AnalysisScopeBundle.message("scope.selected.files"); } return ""; }
private static String joinUsages(@NotNull Set<UsageDescriptor> usages) { // for instance, usage can be: "_foo"(equals "_foo=1") or "_foo=2" return StringUtil.join(usages, new Function<UsageDescriptor, String>() { @Override public String fun(UsageDescriptor usageDescriptor) { final String key = usageDescriptor.getKey(); final int value = usageDescriptor.getValue(); return value != 1 ? key + "=" + value : key; } }, TOKENIZER); }
/** * Allows to ask current wizard to move to the desired step. * * @param filter closure that allows to indicate target step - is called with each of registered steps and is expected * to return <code>true</code> for the step to go to * @return <code>true</code> if current wizard is navigated to the target step; <code>false</code> otherwise */ public boolean navigateToStep(@NotNull Function<Step, Boolean> filter) { for (int i = 0, myStepsSize = mySteps.size(); i < myStepsSize; i++) { ModuleWizardStep step = mySteps.get(i); if ( != Boolean.TRUE) { continue; } // Update current step. myCurrentStep = i; updateStep(); return true; } return false; }
@Override protected Function<VirtualFile, ? extends StudyItem> getStudyOrderable(@NotNull final StudyItem item) { return new Function<VirtualFile, StudyItem>() { @Override public StudyItem fun(VirtualFile file) { if (item instanceof Lesson) { return ((Lesson)item).getCourse().getLesson(file.getName()); } return null; } }; }
public void assertSuccessful() { if (!isSuccessful()) { Function<BuildMessage, String> toStringFunction = StringUtil.createToStringFunction(BuildMessage.class); fail("Build failed.\n" + "Errors:\n" + StringUtil.join(myErrorMessages, toStringFunction, "\n") + "\n" + "Info messages:\n" + StringUtil.join(myInfoMessages, toStringFunction, "\n")); } }
protected void fireModulesRenamed(@NotNull List<Module> modules, @NotNull final Map<Module, String> oldNames) { if (!modules.isEmpty()) { myMessageBus.syncPublisher(ProjectTopics.MODULES).modulesRenamed(myProject, modules, new Function<Module, String>() { @Override public String fun(Module module) { return oldNames.get(module); } }); } }
public void testInheritingParentProfiles() throws Exception { createProjectPom("<groupId>test</groupId>" + "<artifactId>parent</artifactId>" + "<version>1</version>" + "<profiles>" + " <profile>" + " <id>profileFromParent</id>" + " </profile>" + "</profiles>"); VirtualFile module = createModulePom("module", "<groupId>test</groupId>" + "<artifactId>module</artifactId>" + "<version>1</version>" + "<parent>" + " <groupId>test</groupId>" + " <artifactId>parent</artifactId>" + " <version>1</version>" + "</parent>" + "<profiles>" + " <profile>" + " <id>profileFromChild</id>" + " </profile>" + "</profiles>"); MavenModel p = readProject(module); assertOrderedElementsAreEqual(, new Function<MavenProfile, Object>() { @Override public Object fun(MavenProfile profile) { return profile.getId(); } }), "profileFromChild", "profileFromParent"); }
@NotNull @Override public String getDisplayName() { if (myDirectories.length == 1) { VirtualFile root = myDirectories[0]; return "Directory '" + root.getName() + "'"; } return "Directories " + StringUtil.join(myDirectories, new Function<VirtualFile, String>() { @Override public String fun(VirtualFile file) { return "'" + file.getName() + "'"; } }, ", "); }
private Set<String> groupByLeaves() throws Exception { SliceTreeStructure treeStructure = configureTree(getTestName(false)); final SliceRootNode root = (SliceRootNode)treeStructure.getRootElement(); Map<SliceNode, Collection<PsiElement>> map = SliceLeafAnalyzer.createMap(); Collection<PsiElement> leaves = SliceLeafAnalyzer.calcLeafExpressions(root, treeStructure, map); return ContainerUtil.map2Set(leaves, new Function<PsiElement, String>() { @Override public String fun(PsiElement element) { return element.getText(); } }); }
public static <T> ElementPattern<T> instanceOf(@NotNull Class<T>... classes) { ElementPattern[] patterns =, new Function<Class<T>, ElementPattern>() { @Override public ElementPattern fun(Class<T> aClass) { return instanceOf(aClass); } }, new ElementPattern[0]); return or(patterns); }
private static Function<MavenDomProjectModel, Set<MavenDomDependency>> getOccurencesFunction(final MavenDomDependency dependency) { return new Function<MavenDomProjectModel, Set<MavenDomDependency>>() { public Set<MavenDomDependency> fun(MavenDomProjectModel model) { DependencyConflictId dependencyId = DependencyConflictId.create(dependency); if (dependencyId == null) return Collections.emptySet(); return MavenDomProjectProcessorUtils.searchDependencyUsages(model, dependencyId, Collections.singleton(dependency)); } }; }