private void findClassFqns( @NotNull HashSet<String> dest, ManModule start, ManModule module ) { for( ITypeManifold tm: module.getTypeManifolds() ) { if( tm.getProducerKind() == ITypeManifold.ProducerKind.Supplemental ) { continue; } dest.addAll( tm.getAllTypeNames().stream().map( ClassUtil::extractClassName ).collect( Collectors.toList() ) ); } for( Dependency d : module.getDependencies() ) { if( module == start || d.isExported() ) { findClassFqns( dest, start, (ManModule)d.getModule() ); } } }
private void resetSelection(@NotNull String[] selectedSerials) { MyDeviceTableModel model = (MyDeviceTableModel)myDeviceTable.getModel(); Set<String> selectedSerialsSet = new HashSet<String>(); Collections.addAll(selectedSerialsSet, selectedSerials); IDevice[] myDevices = model.myDevices; ListSelectionModel selectionModel = myDeviceTable.getSelectionModel(); boolean cleared = false; for (int i = 0, n = myDevices.length; i < n; i++) { String serialNumber = myDevices[i].getSerialNumber(); if (selectedSerialsSet.contains(serialNumber)) { if (!cleared) { selectionModel.clearSelection(); cleared = true; } selectionModel.addSelectionInterval(i, i); } } }
private static void excludeAllBuildConfigsFromCompilation(AndroidFacet facet, VirtualFile sourceRoot) { final Module module = facet.getModule(); final Project project = module.getProject(); final Set<String> packages = new HashSet<String>(); final Manifest manifest = facet.getManifest(); final String aPackage = manifest != null ? manifest.getPackage().getStringValue() : null; if (aPackage != null) { packages.add(aPackage); } packages.addAll(AndroidUtils.getDepLibsPackages(module)); for (String p : packages) { excludeFromCompilation(project, sourceRoot, p); } }
@NotNull private PsiElement[] getSelectedPsiElements() { final TreePath[] treePaths = myTree.getSelectionPaths(); if (treePaths != null) { Set<PsiElement> result = new HashSet<PsiElement>(); for (TreePath path : treePaths) { final Object component = path.getLastPathComponent(); if (component instanceof PackageDependenciesNode) { PackageDependenciesNode node = (PackageDependenciesNode)component; final PsiElement psiElement = node.getPsiElement(); if (psiElement != null && psiElement.isValid()) { result.add(psiElement); } } } return PsiUtilCore.toPsiElementArray(result); } return PsiElement.EMPTY_ARRAY; }
@NotNull private static Set<Module> getJava8Modules(Project project) { final boolean projectLevelIsHigh = PsiUtil.getLanguageLevel(project).isAtLeast(LanguageLevel.JDK_1_8); final Set<Module> highLevelModules = new HashSet<Module>(); for (Module module : ModuleManager.getInstance(project).getModules()) { final LanguageLevelModuleExtension extension = ModuleRootManager.getInstance(module).getModuleExtension(LanguageLevelModuleExtension.class); if (extension != null) { final LanguageLevel level = extension.getLanguageLevel(); if (level == null && projectLevelIsHigh || level != null && level.isAtLeast(LanguageLevel.JDK_1_8)) { highLevelModules.add(module); } } } return highLevelModules; }
@NotNull private static GlobalSearchScope convertToGlobalScope(Project project, SearchScope useScope) { final GlobalSearchScope scope; if (useScope instanceof GlobalSearchScope) { scope = (GlobalSearchScope)useScope; } else if (useScope instanceof LocalSearchScope) { final Set<VirtualFile> files = new HashSet<VirtualFile>(); addAllNotNull(files, map(((LocalSearchScope)useScope).getScope(), new Function<PsiElement, VirtualFile>() { @Override public VirtualFile fun(PsiElement element) { return PsiUtilCore.getVirtualFile(element); } })); scope = GlobalSearchScope.filesScope(project, files); } else { scope = new EverythingGlobalScope(project); } return scope; }
public static boolean isMethodEquivalentTo(@NotNull PsiMethod method1, PsiElement another) { if (method1 == another) return true; if (!(another instanceof PsiMethod)) return false; PsiMethod method2 = (PsiMethod)another; if (!another.isValid()) return false; if (!method1.getName().equals(method2.getName())) return false; PsiClass aClass1 = method1.getContainingClass(); PsiClass aClass2 = method2.getContainingClass(); PsiManager manager = method1.getManager(); if (!(aClass1 != null && aClass2 != null && manager.areElementsEquivalent(aClass1, aClass2))) return false; PsiParameter[] parameters1 = method1.getParameterList().getParameters(); PsiParameter[] parameters2 = method2.getParameterList().getParameters(); if (parameters1.length != parameters2.length) return false; for (int i = 0; i < parameters1.length; i++) { PsiParameter parameter1 = parameters1[i]; PsiParameter parameter2 = parameters2[i]; PsiType type1 = parameter1.getType(); PsiType type2 = parameter2.getType(); if (!compareParamTypes(manager, type1, type2, new HashSet<String>())) return false; } return true; }
public CloudModuleWizardStep(CloudModuleBuilder moduleBuilder, Project project, Disposable parentDisposable) { myModuleBuilder = moduleBuilder; myProject = project; myParentDisposable = parentDisposable; myApplicationConfigurableTypes = new HashSet<ServerType<?>>(); List<ServerType<?>> cloudTypes = new ArrayList<ServerType<?>>(); for (CloudModuleBuilderContributionFactory contribution : CloudModuleBuilderContributionFactory.EP_NAME.getExtensions()) { cloudTypes.add(contribution.getCloudType()); } myAccountSelectionPanel = new CloudAccountSelectionEditor(cloudTypes); myAccountPanelPlaceHolder.add(myAccountSelectionPanel.getMainPanel()); myAccountSelectionPanel.setAccountSelectionListener(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { onAccountSelectionChanged(); } }); onAccountSelectionChanged(); }
final Equation<Key, Value> notNullParamEquation(int i, boolean stable) { final Key key = new Key(method, new In(i, In.NOT_NULL_MASK), stable); final Result<Key, Value> result; if (interpreter.dereferencedParams[i]) { result = new Final<Key, Value>(Value.NotNull); } else { Set<ParamKey> calls = interpreter.parameterFlow[i]; if (calls == null || calls.isEmpty()) { result = new Final<Key, Value>(Value.Top); } else { Set<Key> keys = new HashSet<Key>(); for (ParamKey pk: calls) { keys.add(new Key(pk.method, new In(pk.i, In.NOT_NULL_MASK), pk.stable)); } result = new Pending<Key, Value>(new SingletonSet<Product<Key, Value>>(new Product<Key, Value>(Value.Top, keys))); } } return new Equation<Key, Value>(key, result); }
final Equation<Key, Value> nullableParamEquation(int i, boolean stable) { final Key key = new Key(method, new In(i, In.NULLABLE_MASK), stable); final Result<Key, Value> result; if (interpreter.dereferencedParams[i] || interpreter.notNullableParams[i] || returnValue instanceof NthParamValue && ((NthParamValue)returnValue).n == i) { result = new Final<Key, Value>(Value.Top); } else { Set<ParamKey> calls = interpreter.parameterFlow[i]; if (calls == null || calls.isEmpty()) { result = new Final<Key, Value>(Value.Null); } else { Set<Product<Key, Value>> sum = new HashSet<Product<Key, Value>>(); for (ParamKey pk: calls) { sum.add(new Product<Key, Value>(Value.Top, Collections.singleton(new Key(pk.method, new In(pk.i, In.NULLABLE_MASK), pk.stable)))); } result = new Pending<Key, Value>(sum); } } return new Equation<Key, Value>(key, result); }
final Equation<Key, Value> contractEquation(int i, Value inValue, boolean stable) { final Key key = new Key(method, new InOut(i, inValue), stable); final Result<Key, Value> result; HashSet<Key> keys = new HashSet<Key>(); for (int argI = 0; argI < conditionValue.args.size(); argI++) { BasicValue arg = conditionValue.args.get(argI); if (arg instanceof NthParamValue) { NthParamValue npv = (NthParamValue)arg; if (npv.n == i) { keys.add(new Key(conditionValue.method, new InOut(argI, inValue), conditionValue.stableCall, true)); } } } if (keys.isEmpty()) { result = new Final<Key, Value>(Value.Top); } else { result = new Pending<Key, Value>(new SingletonSet<Product<Key, Value>>(new Product<Key, Value>(Value.Top, keys))); } return new Equation<Key, Value>(key, result); }
@NotNull public static File[] getSourceRootsForModuleAndDependencies(@NotNull JpsModule rootModule) { final Set<File> result = new HashSet<File>(); for (JpsModule module : getRuntimeModuleDeps(rootModule)) { final JpsAndroidModuleExtension extension = getExtension(module); File resDir = null; File resDirForCompilation = null; if (extension != null) { resDir = extension.getResourceDir(); resDirForCompilation = extension.getResourceDirForCompilation(); } for (JpsModuleSourceRoot root : module.getSourceRoots()) { final File rootDir = JpsPathUtil.urlToFile(root.getUrl()); if ((JavaSourceRootType.SOURCE.equals(root.getRootType()) || JavaSourceRootType.TEST_SOURCE.equals(root.getRootType()) && extension != null && extension.isPackTestCode()) && !FileUtil.filesEqual(rootDir, resDir) && !rootDir.equals(resDirForCompilation)) { result.add(rootDir); } } } return result.toArray(new File[result.size()]); }
private void appendTestClass(PsiClass aClass, String testSuffix, final GlobalSearchScope moduleScope) { PsiShortNamesCache cache = PsiShortNamesCache.getInstance(aClass.getProject()); String klassName = aClass.getName(); Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(".*" + klassName + ".*" + testSuffix); HashSet<String> names = new HashSet<String>(); cache.getAllClassNames(names); for (String eachName : names) { if (pattern.matcher(eachName).matches()) { for (PsiClass eachClass : cache.getClassesByName(eachName, moduleScope)) { if (TestFrameworks.getInstance().isTestClass(eachClass)) { myElements.add(eachClass); } } } } }
@Nullable public static PackageDependenciesNode[] findNodeForPsiElement(PackageDependenciesNode parent, PsiElement element){ final Set<PackageDependenciesNode> result = new HashSet<PackageDependenciesNode>(); for (int i = 0; i < parent.getChildCount(); i++){ final TreeNode treeNode = parent.getChildAt(i); if (treeNode instanceof PackageDependenciesNode){ final PackageDependenciesNode node = (PackageDependenciesNode)treeNode; if (element instanceof PsiDirectory && node.getPsiElement() == element){ return new PackageDependenciesNode[] {node}; } if (element instanceof PsiFile) { PsiFile psiFile = null; if (node instanceof BasePsiNode) { psiFile = ((BasePsiNode)node).getContainingFile(); } else if (node instanceof FileNode) { //non java files psiFile = ((PsiFile)node.getPsiElement()); } if (psiFile != null && Comparing.equal(psiFile.getVirtualFile(), ((PsiFile)element).getVirtualFile())) { result.add(node); } } } } return result.isEmpty() ? null : result.toArray(new PackageDependenciesNode[result.size()]); }
/** * Updates the change list manager and checks that the given files are in the default change list. * @param only Set this to true if you want ONLY the specified files to be in the change list. * If set to false, the change list may contain some other files apart from the given ones. * @param files Files to be checked. */ public void checkFilesAreInList(boolean only, VirtualFile... files) { ensureUpToDate(); final Collection<Change> changes = peer.getDefaultChangeList().getChanges(); if (only) { Assert.assertEquals(changes.size(), files.length); } final Collection<VirtualFile> filesInChangeList = new HashSet<VirtualFile>(); for (Change c : changes) { filesInChangeList.add(c.getVirtualFile()); } for (VirtualFile f : files) { Assert.assertTrue(filesInChangeList.contains(f)); } }
public static PsiClass[] findImplementingClasses(PsiClass anInterface) { Set<PsiClass> result = new HashSet<PsiClass>(); _findImplementingClasses(anInterface, new HashSet<PsiClass>(), result); boolean classesRemoved = true; while(classesRemoved) { classesRemoved = false; loop1: for (Iterator<PsiClass> iterator = result.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { final PsiClass psiClass =; for (final PsiClass aClass : result) { if (psiClass.isInheritor(aClass, true)) { iterator.remove(); classesRemoved = true; break loop1; } } } } return result.toArray(new PsiClass[result.size()]); }
public static void dissociate(final Collection<ResourceBundle> resourceBundles, final Project project) { final FileEditorManager fileEditorManager = FileEditorManager.getInstance(project); final Set<PsiFileSystemItem> toUpdateInProjectView = new HashSet<PsiFileSystemItem>(); for (ResourceBundle resourceBundle : resourceBundles) { fileEditorManager.closeFile(new ResourceBundleAsVirtualFile(resourceBundle)); for (final PropertiesFile propertiesFile : resourceBundle.getPropertiesFiles()) { fileEditorManager.closeFile(propertiesFile.getVirtualFile()); PsiDirectory containingDirectory = propertiesFile.getContainingFile().getContainingDirectory(); if (containingDirectory != null) { toUpdateInProjectView.add(containingDirectory); } } ResourceBundleManager.getInstance(project).dissociateResourceBundle(resourceBundle); } AbstractProjectViewPane currentProjectViewPane = ProjectView.getInstance(project).getCurrentProjectViewPane(); if (currentProjectViewPane == null) { return; } AbstractTreeBuilder treeBuilder = currentProjectViewPane.getTreeBuilder(); if (treeBuilder != null) { for (PsiFileSystemItem item : toUpdateInProjectView) { treeBuilder.queueUpdateFrom(item, false); } } }
static boolean isMyFile(@NotNull AndroidFacet facet, XmlFile file) { String resourceType = facet.getLocalResourceManager().getFileResourceType(file); if (resourceType != null) { if (ourSupportedResourceTypes == null) { ourSupportedResourceTypes = new HashSet<String>(); for (DomFileDescription description : DomFileDescription.EP_NAME.getExtensions()) { if (description instanceof AndroidResourceDomFileDescription) { String[] resourceTypes = ((AndroidResourceDomFileDescription)description).getResourceTypes(); Collections.addAll(ourSupportedResourceTypes, resourceTypes); } } } if (!ourSupportedResourceTypes.contains(resourceType)) { return false; } if (ResourceType.XML.getName().equals(resourceType)) { final XmlTag rootTag = file.getRootTag(); return rootTag != null && AndroidXmlResourcesUtil.isSupportedRootTag(facet, rootTag.getName()); } return true; } return ManifestDomFileDescription.isManifestFile(file, facet); }
@NotNull private static Set<String> parse(VirtualFile moduleRoot, Project project) { VirtualFile buildGradle = moduleRoot.findChild(SdkConstants.FN_BUILD_GRADLE); if (buildGradle == null) { return Collections.emptySet(); } else { Set<String> result = new HashSet<String>(); GradleBuildFile buildFile = new GradleBuildFile(buildGradle, project); for (Dependency dependency : Iterables.filter(buildFile.getDependencies(), Dependency.class)) { if (dependency.type == Dependency.Type.MODULE) { String moduleName = dependency.getValueAsString(); result.add(moduleName); } } return result; } }
private Set<VirtualFile> getNotExcludedRoots() { Set<VirtualFile> roots = new LinkedHashSet<VirtualFile>(); String[] excludedRootUrls = getLibraryEditor().getExcludedRootUrls(); Set<VirtualFile> excludedRoots = new HashSet<VirtualFile>(); for (String url : excludedRootUrls) { ContainerUtil.addIfNotNull(excludedRoots, VirtualFileManager.getInstance().findFileByUrl(url)); } for (PersistentOrderRootType type : OrderRootType.getAllPersistentTypes()) { VirtualFile[] files = getLibraryEditor().getFiles(type); for (VirtualFile file : files) { if (!VfsUtilCore.isUnder(file, excludedRoots)) { roots.add(PathUtil.getLocalFile(file)); } } } return roots; }
public static Set<GrExpression> getAllReturnValues(@NotNull final GrControlFlowOwner block) { return CachedValuesManager.getCachedValue(block, new CachedValueProvider<Set<GrExpression>>() { @Override public Result<Set<GrExpression>> compute() { final Set<GrExpression> result = new HashSet<GrExpression>(); visitAllExitPoints(block, new ExitPointVisitor() { @Override public boolean visitExitPoint(Instruction instruction, @Nullable GrExpression returnValue) { ContainerUtil.addIfNotNull(result, returnValue); return true; } }); return Result.create(result, block); } }); }
@NotNull @Override public Object[] getVariants() { final PsiClass viewClass = JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(myElement.getProject()) .findClass(AndroidUtils.VIEW_CLASS_NAME, myFacet.getModule().getModuleWithDependenciesAndLibrariesScope(false)); if (viewClass == null) { return EMPTY_ARRAY; } final Set<Object> shortNames = new HashSet<Object>();, myFacet.getModule().getModuleWithDependenciesScope(), true). forEach(new Processor<PsiClass>() { @Override public boolean process(PsiClass aClass) { final String name = aClass.getName(); if (name != null) { shortNames.add(JavaLookupElementBuilder.forClass(aClass, name, true)); } return true; } }); return shortNames.toArray(); }
@NotNull public static Set<String> getProvidedLibraries(@NotNull BuildDataPaths paths, @NotNull JpsModule module) { final Set<String> result = new HashSet<String>(); processClasspath(paths, module, new AndroidDependencyProcessor() { @Override public void processProvidedLibrary(@NotNull File file) { result.add(file.getPath()); } @Override public boolean isToProcess(@NotNull AndroidDependencyType type) { return type == AndroidDependencyType.PROVIDED_LIBRARY; } }, false, false); return result; }
@Nullable private Set<Integer> getMatchingHeads(@NotNull VcsLogRefs refs, @NotNull Set<VirtualFile> roots, @NotNull VcsLogFilterCollection filters) { VcsLogBranchFilter branchFilter = filters.getBranchFilter(); VcsLogRootFilter rootFilter = filters.getRootFilter(); VcsLogStructureFilter structureFilter = filters.getStructureFilter(); if (branchFilter == null && rootFilter == null && structureFilter == null) return null; Set<Integer> filteredByBranch = null; if (branchFilter != null) { filteredByBranch = getMatchingHeads(refs, branchFilter); } Set<Integer> filteredByFile = getMatchingHeads(refs, VcsLogUtil .getAllVisibleRoots(roots, rootFilter, structureFilter)); if (filteredByBranch == null) return filteredByFile; if (filteredByFile == null) return filteredByBranch; return new HashSet<Integer>(ContainerUtil.intersection(filteredByBranch, filteredByFile)); }
public static Result searchForVarsToWrap(GroovyPsiElement root, Result analyzedVars, ExpressionContext context) { LocalVarAnalyzer visitor = new LocalVarAnalyzer(); root.accept(visitor); Map<PsiVariable, String> varToName = analyzedVars == null ? new HashMap<PsiVariable, String>() : analyzedVars.varToName; Set<PsiVariable> toWrap = analyzedVars == null ? new HashSet<PsiVariable>() : analyzedVars.toWrap; Set<PsiVariable> toMakeFinal = analyzedVars == null ? new HashSet<PsiVariable>() : analyzedVars.toMakeFinal; for (PsiVariable v : visitor.touched) { if (visitor.rewritten.contains(v)) { toWrap.add(v); if (v instanceof PsiParameter) { varToName.put(v, GenerationUtil.suggestVarName(v.getType(), root, context)); } else { varToName.put(v, v.getName()); } } else { toMakeFinal.add(v); varToName.put(v, v.getName()); } } return analyzedVars == null ? new Result(toMakeFinal, toWrap, varToName) : analyzedVars; }
public void setChanges(@NotNull ArrayList<Change> changes) { if (myChanges != null) { HashSet<Change> newChanges = new HashSet<Change>(changes); LOG.assertTrue(newChanges.size() == changes.size()); for (Iterator<Change> iterator = myChanges.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Change oldChange =; if (!newChanges.contains(oldChange)) { iterator.remove(); oldChange.onRemovedFromList(); } } } for (Change change : changes) { LOG.assertTrue(change.isValid()); } myChanges = new ArrayList<Change>(changes); myAppliedChanges = new ArrayList<Change>(); }
private void assertVisitedPaths(File from, String... expected) { VirtualFile vDir = refreshAndFind(from); assertNotNull(vDir); Set<String> expectedSet = ContainerUtil.map2Set(expected, new Function<String, String>() { @Override public String fun(String path) { return FileUtil.toSystemIndependentName(path); } }); expectedSet.add(vDir.getPath()); final Set<String> actualSet = new HashSet<String>(); VfsUtilCore.visitChildrenRecursively(vDir, new VirtualFileVisitor() { @Override public boolean visitFile(@NotNull VirtualFile file) { actualSet.add(file.getPath()); return true; } }); assertEquals(expectedSet, actualSet); }
/** * Iteratively applies given consumer for this class and all its super-classes. * Every super is visited only once, so this method takes care of inheritance cycles and rhombs */ private void walkInheritance( @NotNull final Consumer<TSMetaClassImpl> visitor ) { final Set<String> visited = new HashSet<>(); visited.add(getName()); visitor.accept(this); doWalkInheritance(visited, visitor); }
@NotNull @Override public PsiClass[] getClassesByName( @NotNull @NonNls String name, @NotNull GlobalSearchScope scope ) { Set<PsiClass> psiClasses = new HashSet<>(); for( ManModule module: ManTypeFinder.findModules( scope ) ) { findPsiClasses( name, scope, psiClasses, module ); } return psiClasses.toArray( new PsiClass[psiClasses.size()] ); }
@NotNull @Override public String[] getAllClassNames() { HashSet<String> names = new HashSet<>(); getAllClassNames( names ); return names.toArray( new String[names.size()] ); }
@Override public void getAllClassNames( @NotNull HashSet<String> dest ) { final ManProject manProject = ManProject.manProjectFrom( _psiManager.getProject() ); for( ManModule module: manProject.findRootModules() ) { findClassFqns( dest, module ); } }
@NotNull protected Set<VirtualFile> getAllValueResourceFiles() { final Set<VirtualFile> files = new HashSet<VirtualFile>(); for (VirtualFile valueResourceDir : getResourceSubdirs("values")) { for (VirtualFile valueResourceFile : valueResourceDir.getChildren()) { if (!valueResourceFile.isDirectory() && valueResourceFile.getFileType().equals(StdFileTypes.XML)) { files.add(valueResourceFile); } } } return files; }
@NotNull @Override public Object[] getVariants() { final Module module = ModuleUtilCore.findModuleForPsiElement(myElement); if (module == null) { return ResolveResult.EMPTY_ARRAY; } final PsiClass activityClass = AndroidMissingOnClickHandlerInspection.findActivityClass(module); if (activityClass == null) { return EMPTY_ARRAY; } final List<Object> result = new ArrayList<Object>(); final Set<String> methodNames = new HashSet<String>();, module.getModuleWithDependenciesScope(), true).forEach(new Processor<PsiClass>() { @Override public boolean process(PsiClass c) { for (PsiMethod method : c.getMethods()) { if (checkSignature(method) && methodNames.add(method.getName())) { result.add(createLookupElement(method)); } } return true; } }); return ArrayUtil.toObjectArray(result); }
private void obtainCurrentScopes(final HashSet<String> scopes) { for (int i = 0; i < myRoot.getChildCount(); i++) { final MyNode node = (MyNode)myRoot.getChildAt(i); final NamedScope scope = (NamedScope)node.getConfigurable().getEditableObject(); scopes.add(scope.getName()); } }
private static Set<VirtualFile> findCaptureFiles(@NotNull VirtualFile[] files, @NotNull CaptureType type) { Set<VirtualFile> set = new HashSet<VirtualFile>(); for (VirtualFile file : files) { if (type.isValidCapture(file)) { set.add(file); } } return set; }
@Nullable private static GithubInfo loadGithubInfoWithModal(@NotNull final GithubAuthDataHolder authHolder, @NotNull final Project project) { try { return GithubUtil .computeValueInModal(project, "Access to GitHub", new ThrowableConvertor<ProgressIndicator, GithubInfo, IOException>() { @NotNull @Override public GithubInfo convert(ProgressIndicator indicator) throws IOException { // get existing github repos (network) and validate auth data return GithubUtil.runTask(project, authHolder, indicator, new ThrowableConvertor<GithubConnection, GithubInfo, IOException>() { @NotNull @Override public GithubInfo convert(@NotNull GithubConnection connection) throws IOException { // check access to private repos (network) GithubUserDetailed userInfo = GithubApiUtil.getCurrentUserDetailed(connection); HashSet<String> names = new HashSet<String>(); for (GithubRepo info : GithubApiUtil.getUserRepos(connection)) { names.add(info.getName()); } return new GithubInfo(userInfo, names); } }); } }); } catch (IOException e) { GithubNotifications.showErrorDialog(project, "Failed to Connect to GitHub", e); return null; } }
private void updateExcluded() { Set<RangeMarker> invalid = new HashSet<RangeMarker>(); for (RangeMarker marker : myExcluded) { if (!marker.isValid()) { invalid.add(marker); marker.dispose(); } } myExcluded.removeAll(invalid); }
public ScrubberCellRenderer() { myScrubberLabel = new ScrubberLabel(); myOutstandingIconFetches = new HashSet<Integer>(); myCachedImages = new HashMap<Integer, ImageIcon>(); myRenderSettings = new RenderSettings(); myRenderSettings.setMaxWidth(MAX_WIDTH); myRenderSettings.setMaxHeight(MAX_HEIGHT); myRenderSettings.setWireframe(false); myBlankIcon = new ImageIcon(createBlankImage(DEFAULT_IMAGE_SIZE)); }
static HighlightInfo checkInterfaceMultipleInheritance(PsiClass aClass) { final PsiClassType[] types = aClass.getSuperTypes(); if (types.length < 2) return null; Map<PsiClass, PsiSubstitutor> inheritedClasses = new HashMap<PsiClass, PsiSubstitutor>(); final TextRange textRange = HighlightNamesUtil.getClassDeclarationTextRange(aClass); return checkInterfaceMultipleInheritance(aClass, aClass, PsiSubstitutor.EMPTY, inheritedClasses, new HashSet<PsiClass>(), textRange); }
@Override public void getAllClassNames(@NotNull HashSet<String> dest) { if (!myComponent.hasAnyDataBindingEnabledFacet()) { return; } dest.add(DataBindingUtil.BR); }