public static File getBundledCourseRoot(final String courseName, Class clazz) { @NonNls String jarPath = PathUtil.getJarPathForClass(clazz); if (jarPath.endsWith(".jar")) { final File jarFile = new File(jarPath); File pluginBaseDir = jarFile.getParentFile(); File coursesDir = new File(pluginBaseDir, "courses"); if (!coursesDir.exists()) { if (!coursesDir.mkdir()) {"Failed to create courses dir"); return coursesDir; } } try { ZipUtil.extract(jarFile, pluginBaseDir, (dir, name) -> name.equals(courseName)); } catch (IOException e) {"Failed to extract default course", e); } return coursesDir; } return new File(jarPath, "courses"); }
private static void packCourse(@NotNull final VirtualFile baseDir, String locationDir, String zipName, boolean showMessage) { try { final File zipFile = new File(locationDir, zipName + ".zip"); ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(zipFile))); VirtualFile[] courseFiles = baseDir.getChildren(); for (VirtualFile file : courseFiles) { ZipUtil.addFileOrDirRecursively(zos, null, new File(file.getPath()), file.getName(), null, null); } zos.close(); if (showMessage) { ApplicationManager.getApplication().invokeLater( () -> Messages.showInfoMessage("Course archive was saved to " + zipFile.getPath(), "Course Archive Was Created Successfully")); } } catch (IOException e1) { LOG.error(e1); } }
@Nullable public static IdeaPluginDescriptorImpl loadDescriptionFromJar(final File file) throws IOException { IdeaPluginDescriptorImpl descriptor = PluginManagerCore.loadDescriptorFromJar(file); if (descriptor == null) { if (file.getName().endsWith(".zip")) { final File outputDir = FileUtil.createTempDirectory("plugin", ""); try { ZipUtil.extract(file, outputDir, null); final File[] files = outputDir.listFiles(); if (files != null && files.length == 1) { descriptor = PluginManagerCore.loadDescriptor(files[0], PluginManagerCore.PLUGIN_XML); } } finally { FileUtil.delete(outputDir); } } } return descriptor; }
public void execute() throws IOException { if (!mySource.exists()) { // Note, that we can not use LOG at this moment because it throws AssertionError //noinspection HardCodedStringLiteral,UseOfSystemOutOrSystemErr System.err.println("Source file " + mySource.getAbsolutePath() + " does not exist for action " + this); } else if (!canCreateFile(myDestination)) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(JOptionPane.getRootFrame(), MessageFormat.format("<html>Cannot unzip {0}<br>to<br>{1}<br>Please, check your access rights on folder <br>{2}", mySource.getAbsolutePath(), myDestination.getAbsolutePath(), myDestination), "Installing Plugin", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } else { try { ZipUtil.extract(mySource, myDestination, myFilenameFilter); } catch(Exception ex) { //noinspection CallToPrintStackTrace ex.printStackTrace(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(JOptionPane.getRootFrame(), MessageFormat.format("<html>Failed to extract ZIP file {0}<br>to<br>{1}<br>You may need to re-download the plugin you tried to install.", mySource.getAbsolutePath(), myDestination.getAbsolutePath()), "Installing Plugin", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } }
@Override public void resolve(Project project, MavenProject mavenProject, NativeMavenProjectHolder nativeMavenProject, MavenEmbedderWrapper embedder, ResolveContext context) throws MavenProcessCanceledException { String version = getVersion(mavenProject); if (version != null) { List<MavenRemoteRepository> repos = mavenProject.getRemoteRepositories(); MavenArtifactInfo artifactInfo = new MavenArtifactInfo("", "appengine-java-sdk", version, "zip", null); MavenArtifact artifact = embedder.resolve(artifactInfo, repos); File file = artifact.getFile(); File unpackedSdkPath = new File(file.getParentFile(), "appengine-java-sdk"); if (file.exists() && !AppEngineSdkUtil.checkPath(FileUtil.toSystemIndependentName(unpackedSdkPath.getAbsolutePath())).isOk()) { try { ZipUtil.extract(file, unpackedSdkPath, null, false); } catch (IOException e) { MavenLog.LOG.warn("cannot unpack AppEngine SDK", e); } } } }
private static void makeAndAddLibraryJar(final VirtualFile virtualFile, final File zipFile, final String pluginName, final ZipOutputStream zos, final Set<String> usedJarNames, final ProgressIndicator progressIndicator, final String preferredName) throws IOException { File libraryJar = FileUtil.createTempFile(TEMP_PREFIX, JAR_EXTENSION); libraryJar.deleteOnExit(); ZipOutputStream jar = null; try { jar = new JarOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(libraryJar))); ZipUtil.addFileOrDirRecursively(jar, libraryJar, VfsUtilCore.virtualToIoFile(virtualFile), "", createFilter(progressIndicator, FileTypeManager.getInstance()), null); } finally { if (jar != null) jar.close(); } final String jarName = getLibraryJarName(virtualFile.getName() + JAR_EXTENSION, usedJarNames, preferredName == null ? null : preferredName + JAR_EXTENSION); ZipUtil.addFileOrDirRecursively(zos, zipFile, libraryJar, getZipPath(pluginName, jarName), createFilter(progressIndicator, null), null); }
private static File jarModulesOutput(@NotNull Set<Module> modules, @Nullable Manifest manifest, final @Nullable String pluginXmlPath) throws IOException { File jarFile = FileUtil.createTempFile(TEMP_PREFIX, JAR_EXTENSION); jarFile.deleteOnExit(); ZipOutputStream jarPlugin = null; try { BufferedOutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(jarFile)); jarPlugin = manifest != null ? new JarOutputStream(out, manifest) : new JarOutputStream(out); final ProgressIndicator progressIndicator = ProgressManager.getInstance().getProgressIndicator(); final Set<String> writtenItemRelativePaths = new HashSet<String>(); for (Module module : modules) { final VirtualFile compilerOutputPath = CompilerModuleExtension.getInstance(module).getCompilerOutputPath(); if (compilerOutputPath == null) continue; //pre-condition: output dirs for all modules are up-to-date ZipUtil.addDirToZipRecursively(jarPlugin, jarFile, new File(compilerOutputPath.getPath()), "", createFilter(progressIndicator, FileTypeManager.getInstance()), writtenItemRelativePaths); } if (pluginXmlPath != null) { ZipUtil.addFileToZip(jarPlugin, new File(pluginXmlPath), "/META-INF/plugin.xml", writtenItemRelativePaths, createFilter(progressIndicator, null)); } } finally { if (jarPlugin != null) jarPlugin.close(); } return jarFile; }
@Nullable public static IdeaPluginDescriptorImpl loadDescriptionFromJar(final File file) throws IOException { IdeaPluginDescriptorImpl descriptor = PluginManagerCore.loadDescriptorFromJar(file); if (descriptor == null) { if (file.getName().endsWith(".zip")) { final File outputDir = FileUtil.createTempDirectory("plugin", ""); try { ZipUtil.extract(file, outputDir, new FilenameFilter() { public boolean accept(final File dir, final String name) { return true; } }); final File[] files = outputDir.listFiles(); if (files != null && files.length == 1) { descriptor = PluginManagerCore.loadDescriptor(files[0], PluginManagerCore.PLUGIN_XML); } } finally { FileUtil.delete(outputDir); } } } return descriptor; }
public void execute() throws IOException { if (!mySource.exists()) { //noinspection HardCodedStringLiteral System.err.println("Source file " + mySource.getAbsolutePath() + " does not exist for action " + this); } else if (!canCreateFile(myDestination)) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(JOptionPane.getRootFrame(), MessageFormat.format("<html>Cannot unzip {0}<br>to<br>{1}<br>Please, check your access rights on folder <br>{2}", mySource.getAbsolutePath(), myDestination.getAbsolutePath(), myDestination), "Installing Plugin", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } else { try { ZipUtil.extract(mySource, myDestination, myFilenameFilter); } catch(Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(JOptionPane.getRootFrame(), MessageFormat.format("<html>Failed to extract ZIP file {0}<br>to<br>{1}<br>You may need to re-download the plugin you tried to install.", mySource.getAbsolutePath(), myDestination.getAbsolutePath()), "Installing Plugin", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } }
private void makeAndAddLibraryJar(final VirtualFile virtualFile, final File zipFile, final String pluginName, final ZipOutputStream zos, final Set<String> usedJarNames, final ProgressIndicator progressIndicator, final String preferredName) throws IOException { File libraryJar = FileUtil.createTempFile(TEMP_PREFIX, JAR_EXTENSION); libraryJar.deleteOnExit(); ZipOutputStream jar = null; try { jar = new JarOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(libraryJar))); ZipUtil.addFileOrDirRecursively(jar, libraryJar, VfsUtil.virtualToIoFile(virtualFile), "", createFilter(progressIndicator, myFileTypeManager), null); } finally { if (jar != null) jar.close(); } final String jarName = getLibraryJarName(virtualFile.getName() + JAR_EXTENSION, usedJarNames, preferredName == null ? null : preferredName + JAR_EXTENSION); ZipUtil.addFileOrDirRecursively(zos, zipFile, libraryJar, getZipPath(pluginName, jarName), createFilter(progressIndicator, null), null); }
private File preparePluginsJar(Module module, final HashSet<Module> modules) throws IOException { final PluginBuildConfiguration pluginModuleBuildProperties = PluginBuildConfiguration.getInstance(module); File jarFile = FileUtil.createTempFile(TEMP_PREFIX, JAR_EXTENSION); jarFile.deleteOnExit(); final Manifest manifest = createOrFindManifest(pluginModuleBuildProperties); ZipOutputStream jarPlugin = null; try { jarPlugin = new JarOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(jarFile)), manifest); final ProgressIndicator progressIndicator = ProgressManager.getInstance().getProgressIndicator(); final HashSet<String> writtenItemRelativePaths = new HashSet<String>(); for (Module module1 : modules) { final VirtualFile compilerOutputPath = CompilerModuleExtension.getInstance(module1).getCompilerOutputPath(); if (compilerOutputPath == null) continue; //pre-condition: output dirs for all modules are up-to-date ZipUtil.addDirToZipRecursively(jarPlugin, jarFile, new File(compilerOutputPath.getPath()), "", createFilter(progressIndicator, myFileTypeManager), writtenItemRelativePaths); } final String pluginXmlPath = pluginModuleBuildProperties.getPluginXmlPath(); @NonNls final String metaInf = "/META-INF/plugin.xml"; ZipUtil.addFileToZip(jarPlugin, new File(pluginXmlPath), metaInf, writtenItemRelativePaths, createFilter(progressIndicator, null)); } finally { if (jarPlugin != null) jarPlugin.close(); } return jarFile; }
public static void install(final File fromFile, final String pluginName, boolean deleteFromFile) throws IOException { // add command to unzip file to the plugins path String unzipPath; if (ZipUtil.isZipContainsFolder(fromFile)) { unzipPath = PathManager.getInstallPluginsPath(); } else { unzipPath = PathManager.getInstallPluginsPath() + File.separator + pluginName; } StartupActionScriptManager.ActionCommand unzip = new StartupActionScriptManager.UnzipCommand(fromFile, new File(unzipPath)); StartupActionScriptManager.addActionCommand(unzip); // add command to remove temp plugin file if (deleteFromFile) { StartupActionScriptManager.ActionCommand deleteTemp = new StartupActionScriptManager.DeleteCommand(fromFile); StartupActionScriptManager.addActionCommand(deleteTemp); } }
protected void unzip(@Nonnull ModifiableRootModel model) { InputStream resourceAsStream = getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(myPath); if(resourceAsStream == null) { LOGGER.error("Resource by path '" + myPath + "' not found"); return; } try { File tempFile = FileUtil.createTempFile("template", "zip"); FileUtil.writeToFile(tempFile, FileUtil.loadBytes(resourceAsStream)); final VirtualFile moduleDir = model.getModule().getModuleDir(); File outputDir = VfsUtil.virtualToIoFile(moduleDir); ZipUtil.extract(tempFile, outputDir, null); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error(e); } }
@Override public void execute(final Logger logger) throws IOException { if (!mySource.exists()) { logger.error("Source file " + mySource.getAbsolutePath() + " does not exist for action " + this); } else if (!canCreateFile(myDestination)) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(JOptionPane.getRootFrame(), MessageFormat .format("<html>Cannot unzip {0}<br>to<br>{1}<br>Please, check your access rights on folder <br>{2}", mySource.getAbsolutePath(), myDestination.getAbsolutePath(), myDestination), "Installing Plugin", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } else { try { ZipUtil.extract(mySource, myDestination, myFilenameFilter); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error(ex); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(JOptionPane.getRootFrame(), MessageFormat .format("<html>Failed to extract ZIP file {0}<br>to<br>{1}<br>You may need to re-download the plugin you tried to install.", mySource.getAbsolutePath(), myDestination.getAbsolutePath()), "Installing Plugin", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } }
private void downloadVersionWithProgress(String version, String destinationDir) { Messages.showInfoMessage(contentPane, "Download Is Going to Take Some Time. Good time for a coffee.", "Mule Distribution Download"); final Optional<MuleUrl> first = MuleUrl.getVERSIONS().stream().filter((url) -> url.getName().equals(version)).findFirst(); final MuleUrl muleUrl = first.get(); try { final ProgressManager instance = ProgressManager.getInstance(); final File distro = instance.runProcessWithProgressSynchronously(() -> { final URL artifactUrl = new URL(muleUrl.getUrl()); final File sourceFile = FileUtil.createTempFile("mule" + version, ".zip"); if (download(instance.getProgressIndicator(), artifactUrl, sourceFile, version)) { final File destDir = new File(destinationDir); destDir.mkdirs(); ZipUtil.extract(sourceFile, destDir, null); try (ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(sourceFile)) { String rootName = zipFile.entries().nextElement().getName(); return new File(destDir, rootName); } } else { return null; } }, "Downloading Mule Distribution " + muleUrl.getName(), true, null); if (distro != null) { final MuleSdk muleSdk = new MuleSdk(distro.getAbsolutePath()); MuleSdkManagerImpl.getInstance().addSdk(muleSdk); myTableModel.addRow(muleSdk); final int rowIndex = myTableModel.getRowCount() - 1; myInputsTable.getSelectionModel().setSelectionInterval(rowIndex, rowIndex); onOK(); } } catch (Exception e) { Messages.showErrorDialog("An error occurred while trying to download " + version + ".\n" + e.getMessage(), "Mule SDK Download Error"); } }
private void addFileOrDirRecursively(@NotNull ZipOutputStream jarOutputStream, @NotNull File file, SourceFileFilter filter, @NotNull String relativePath, String targetJarPath, @NotNull Set<String> writtenItemRelativePaths, List<String> packedFilePaths, int rootIndex) throws IOException { final String filePath = FileUtil.toSystemIndependentName(file.getAbsolutePath()); if (!filter.accept(filePath) || !filter.shouldBeCopied(filePath, myContext.getProjectDescriptor())) { return; } if (file.isDirectory()) { final String directoryPath = relativePath.length() == 0 ? "" : relativePath + "/"; if (!directoryPath.isEmpty()) { addDirectoryEntry(jarOutputStream, directoryPath, writtenItemRelativePaths); } final File[] children = file.listFiles(); if (children != null) { for (File child : children) { addFileOrDirRecursively(jarOutputStream, child, filter, directoryPath + child.getName(), targetJarPath, writtenItemRelativePaths, packedFilePaths, rootIndex); } } return; } final boolean added = ZipUtil.addFileToZip(jarOutputStream, file, relativePath, writtenItemRelativePaths, null); if (rootIndex != -1) { myOutSrcMapping.appendData(targetJarPath, rootIndex, filePath); if (added) { packedFilePaths.add(filePath); } } }
public static void assertJarFilesEqual(File file1, File file2) throws IOException { final File tempDirectory1; final File tempDirectory2; final JarFile jarFile1 = new JarFile(file1); try { final JarFile jarFile2 = new JarFile(file2); try { tempDirectory1 = PlatformTestCase.createTempDir("tmp1"); tempDirectory2 = PlatformTestCase.createTempDir("tmp2"); ZipUtil.extract(jarFile1, tempDirectory1, null); ZipUtil.extract(jarFile2, tempDirectory2, null); } finally { jarFile2.close(); } } finally { jarFile1.close(); } final VirtualFile dirAfter = LocalFileSystem.getInstance().refreshAndFindFileByIoFile(tempDirectory1); assertNotNull(tempDirectory1.toString(), dirAfter); final VirtualFile dirBefore = LocalFileSystem.getInstance().refreshAndFindFileByIoFile(tempDirectory2); assertNotNull(tempDirectory2.toString(), dirBefore); ApplicationManager.getApplication().runWriteAction(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { dirAfter.refresh(false, true); dirBefore.refresh(false, true); } }); assertDirectoriesEqual(dirAfter, dirBefore); }
public static void install(final File fromFile, final String pluginName, boolean deleteFromFile) throws IOException { //noinspection HardCodedStringLiteral if (fromFile.getName().endsWith(".jar")) { // add command to copy file to the IDEA/plugins path StartupActionScriptManager.ActionCommand copyPlugin = new StartupActionScriptManager.CopyCommand(fromFile, new File(PathManager.getPluginsPath() + File.separator + fromFile.getName())); StartupActionScriptManager.addActionCommand(copyPlugin); } else { // add command to unzip file to the IDEA/plugins path String unzipPath; if (ZipUtil.isZipContainsFolder(fromFile)) { unzipPath = PathManager.getPluginsPath(); } else { unzipPath = PathManager.getPluginsPath() + File.separator + pluginName; } StartupActionScriptManager.ActionCommand unzip = new StartupActionScriptManager.UnzipCommand(fromFile, new File(unzipPath)); StartupActionScriptManager.addActionCommand(unzip); } // add command to remove temp plugin file if (deleteFromFile) { StartupActionScriptManager.ActionCommand deleteTemp = new StartupActionScriptManager.DeleteCommand(fromFile); StartupActionScriptManager.addActionCommand(deleteTemp); } }
private void unpackPreGeneratedSkeletons() throws InvalidSdkException { indicate("Unpacking pregenerated skeletons..."); try { final VirtualFile jar = JarFileSystem.getInstance().getVirtualFileForJar(myPregeneratedSkeletons); if (jar != null) { ZipUtil.extract(new File(jar.getPath()), new File(getSkeletonsPath()), null); } } catch (IOException e) {"Error unpacking pregenerated skeletons", e); } }
private void packCourse(@NotNull final VirtualFile baseDir, @NotNull final Course course) { try { final File zipFile = new File(myLocationDir, myZipName + ".zip"); ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(zipFile))); final CCLanguageManager manager = CCUtils.getStudyLanguageManager(course); VirtualFile[] courseFiles = baseDir.getChildren(); for (VirtualFile file : courseFiles) { ZipUtil.addFileOrDirRecursively(zos, null, new File(file.getPath()), file.getName(), new FileFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File pathname) { String name = pathname.getName(); String nameWithoutExtension = FileUtil.getNameWithoutExtension(pathname); if (nameWithoutExtension.endsWith(".answer") || name.contains(EduNames.WINDOWS_POSTFIX) || name.contains(".idea") || FileUtil.filesEqual(pathname, zipFile)) { return false; } return manager != null && !manager.doNotPackFile(pathname); } }, null); } zos.close(); Messages.showInfoMessage("Course archive was saved to " + zipFile.getPath(), "Course Archive Was Created Successfully"); } catch (IOException e1) { LOG.error(e1); } }
private static boolean extractArtifact(String zipFilePath, String targetDirPath, Project project, String moduleName) { final File targetDir = new File(targetDirPath); if (targetDir.exists()) { if (!FileUtil.delete(targetDir)) { AndroidUtils.reportImportErrorToEventLog("Cannot delete old " + targetDirPath, moduleName, project); return false; } } if (!targetDir.mkdirs()) { AndroidUtils.reportImportErrorToEventLog("Cannot create directory " + targetDirPath, moduleName, project); return false; } final File artifactFile = new File(zipFilePath); if (artifactFile.exists()) { try { ZipUtil.extract(artifactFile, targetDir, null); } catch (IOException e) { reportIoErrorToEventLog(e, moduleName, project); return false; } } else { AndroidUtils.reportImportErrorToEventLog("Cannot find file " + artifactFile.getPath(), moduleName, project); } return true; }
private void prepareTest(File testDir) throws IOException { assertTrue("Temp directory was not created", myTempDir.mkdir()); FileUtil.copyDir(testDir, myTempDir); myGitDir = new File(myTempDir, ".git"); File dotGit = new File(myTempDir, "dot_git"); if (!dotGit.exists()) { File dotGitZip = new File(myTempDir, ""); assertTrue("Neither dot_git nor were found", dotGitZip.exists()); ZipUtil.extract(dotGitZip, myTempDir, null); } FileUtil.rename(dotGit, myGitDir); TestCase.assertTrue(myGitDir.exists()); myRepositoryReader = new GitRepositoryReader(myGitDir); }
private static void processLibrariesAndJpsPlugins(final File jarFile, final File zipFile, final String pluginName, final Set<Library> libs, Map<Module, String> jpsModules, final ProgressIndicator progressIndicator) throws IOException { if (FileUtil.ensureCanCreateFile(zipFile)) { ZipOutputStream zos = null; try { zos = new ZipOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(zipFile))); addStructure(pluginName, zos); addStructure(pluginName + "/" + MIDDLE_LIB_DIR, zos); final String entryName = pluginName + JAR_EXTENSION; ZipUtil.addFileToZip(zos, jarFile, getZipPath(pluginName, entryName), new HashSet<String>(), createFilter(progressIndicator, FileTypeManager.getInstance())); for (Map.Entry<Module, String> entry : jpsModules.entrySet()) { File jpsPluginJar = jarModulesOutput(Collections.singleton(entry.getKey()), null, null); ZipUtil.addFileToZip(zos, jpsPluginJar, getZipPath(pluginName, entry.getValue()), null, null); } Set<String> usedJarNames = new HashSet<String>(); usedJarNames.add(entryName); Set<VirtualFile> jarredVirtualFiles = new HashSet<VirtualFile>(); for (Library library : libs) { final VirtualFile[] files = library.getFiles(OrderRootType.CLASSES); for (VirtualFile virtualFile : files) { if (jarredVirtualFiles.add(virtualFile)) { if (virtualFile.getFileSystem() instanceof JarFileSystem) { addLibraryJar(virtualFile, zipFile, pluginName, zos, usedJarNames, progressIndicator); } else { makeAndAddLibraryJar(virtualFile, zipFile, pluginName, zos, usedJarNames, progressIndicator, library.getName()); } } } } } finally { if (zos != null) zos.close(); } } }
private static void addLibraryJar(final VirtualFile virtualFile, final File zipFile, final String pluginName, final ZipOutputStream zos, final Set<String> usedJarNames, final ProgressIndicator progressIndicator) throws IOException { File ioFile = VfsUtil.virtualToIoFile(virtualFile); final String jarName = getLibraryJarName(ioFile.getName(), usedJarNames, null); ZipUtil.addFileOrDirRecursively(zos, zipFile, ioFile, getZipPath(pluginName, jarName), createFilter(progressIndicator, null), null); }
@Override public void generateProject(@NotNull final Project project, final @NotNull VirtualFile baseDir, final @NotNull ShopwareInstallerSettings settings, @NotNull Module module) { String downloadPath = settings.getVersion().getUrl(); String toDir = baseDir.getPath(); VirtualFile zipFile = PhpConfigurationUtil.downloadFile(project, null, toDir, downloadPath, ""); if (zipFile == null) { showErrorNotification(project, "Cannot download file"); return; } // Convert files File zip = VfsUtil.virtualToIoFile(zipFile); File base = VfsUtil.virtualToIoFile(baseDir); Task.Backgroundable task = new Task.Backgroundable(project, "Extracting", true) { @Override public void run(@NotNull ProgressIndicator progressIndicator) { try { // unzip file ZipUtil.extract(zip, base, null); // Delete TMP File FileUtil.delete(zip); // Activate Plugin IdeHelper.enablePluginAndConfigure(project); } catch (IOException e) { showErrorNotification(project, "There is a error occurred"); } } }; ProgressManager.getInstance().run(task); }
private void addFileToJar(final @NotNull JarOutputStream jarOutputStream, final @NotNull File file, @NotNull String relativePath, final @NotNull THashSet<String> writtenPaths) throws IOException { if (!file.exists()) { return; } relativePath = addParentDirectories(jarOutputStream, writtenPaths, relativePath); myContext.getProgressIndicator().setText2(relativePath); ZipUtil.addFileToZip(jarOutputStream, file, relativePath, writtenPaths, myFileFilter); }
private static void exportInstalledPlugins(File saveFile, JarOutputStream output, HashSet<String> writtenItemRelativePaths) throws IOException { final List<String> oldPlugins = new ArrayList<String>(); for (IdeaPluginDescriptor descriptor : PluginManager.getPlugins()) { if (!descriptor.isBundled() && descriptor.isEnabled()) { oldPlugins.add(descriptor.getPluginId().getIdString()); } } if (!oldPlugins.isEmpty()) { final File tempFile = File.createTempFile("installed", "plugins"); tempFile.deleteOnExit(); PluginManager.savePluginsList(oldPlugins, false, tempFile); ZipUtil.addDirToZipRecursively(output, saveFile, tempFile, "/" + PluginManager.INSTALLED_TXT, null, writtenItemRelativePaths); } }
private static String getArtifactResolverJar(boolean isMaven3) throws IOException { Class marker = isMaven3 ? MavenArtifactResolvedM3RtMarker.class : MavenArtifactResolvedM2RtMarker.class; File classDirOrJar = new File(PathUtil.getJarPathForClass(marker)); if (!classDirOrJar.isDirectory()) { return classDirOrJar.getAbsolutePath(); // it's a jar in IDEA installation. } // it's a classes directory, we are in development mode. File tempFile = FileUtil.createTempFile("idea-", "-artifactResolver.jar"); tempFile.deleteOnExit(); ZipOutputStream zipOutput = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(tempFile)); try { ZipUtil.addDirToZipRecursively(zipOutput, null, classDirOrJar, "", null, null); if (isMaven3) { File m2Module = new File(PathUtil.getJarPathForClass(MavenModuleMap.class)); String commonClassesPath = MavenModuleMap.class.getPackage().getName().replace('.', '/'); ZipUtil.addDirToZipRecursively(zipOutput, null, new File(m2Module, commonClassesPath), commonClassesPath, null, null); } } finally { zipOutput.close(); } return tempFile.getAbsolutePath(); }
private void processLibraries(final File jarFile, final File zipFile, final String pluginName, final Set<Library> libs, final ProgressIndicator progressIndicator) throws IOException { if (FileUtil.ensureCanCreateFile(zipFile)) { ZipOutputStream zos = null; try { zos = new ZipOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(zipFile))); addStructure(pluginName, zos); addStructure(pluginName + "/" + MIDDLE_LIB_DIR, zos); final String entryName = pluginName + JAR_EXTENSION; ZipUtil.addFileToZip(zos, jarFile, getZipPath(pluginName, entryName), new HashSet<String>(), createFilter(progressIndicator, myFileTypeManager)); Set<String> usedJarNames = new HashSet<String>(); usedJarNames.add(entryName); Set<VirtualFile> jarredVirtualFiles = new HashSet<VirtualFile>(); for (Library library : libs) { final VirtualFile[] files = library.getFiles(OrderRootType.CLASSES); for (VirtualFile virtualFile : files) { if (jarredVirtualFiles.add(virtualFile)) { if (virtualFile.getFileSystem() instanceof JarFileSystem) { addLibraryJar(virtualFile, zipFile, pluginName, zos, usedJarNames, progressIndicator); } else { makeAndAddLibraryJar(virtualFile, zipFile, pluginName, zos, usedJarNames, progressIndicator, library.getName()); } } } } } finally { if (zos != null) zos.close(); } } }
private static void exportInstalledPlugins(File saveFile, JarOutputStream output, HashSet<String> writtenItemRelativePaths) throws IOException { final List<String> oldPlugins = new ArrayList<>(); for (IdeaPluginDescriptor descriptor : PluginManagerCore.getPlugins()) { if (!descriptor.isBundled() && descriptor.isEnabled()) { oldPlugins.add(descriptor.getPluginId().getIdString()); } } if (!oldPlugins.isEmpty()) { final File tempFile = File.createTempFile("installed", "plugins"); tempFile.deleteOnExit(); PluginManagerCore.savePluginsList(oldPlugins, false, tempFile); ZipUtil.addDirToZipRecursively(output, saveFile, tempFile, "/" + PluginManager.INSTALLED_TXT, null, writtenItemRelativePaths); } }
public static synchronized void captureMemoryDumpZipped(@Nonnull String zipPath) throws Exception { File tempFile = FileUtil.createTempFile("heapDump.", ".hprof"); FileUtil.delete(tempFile); captureMemoryDump(tempFile.getPath()); ZipUtil.compressFile(tempFile, new File(zipPath)); FileUtil.delete(tempFile); }
private static boolean doBuild(final CompileContext context, AndroidAarDepsBuildTarget target, BuildOutputConsumer outputConsumer) { final JpsModule module = target.getModule(); final JpsAndroidModuleExtension extension = AndroidJpsUtil.getExtension(module); if (extension == null || extension.isLibrary()) { return true; } File outputDir = AndroidJpsUtil.getDirectoryForIntermediateArtifacts(context, module); outputDir = AndroidJpsUtil.createDirIfNotExist(outputDir, context, BUILDER_NAME); if (outputDir == null) { return false; } final List<String> srcJarFiles = new ArrayList<String>(); for (BuildRootDescriptor descriptor : context.getProjectDescriptor().getBuildRootIndex().getTargetRoots(target, context)) { final File file = descriptor.getRootFile(); if (file.exists()) { srcJarFiles.add(file.getPath()); } } if (srcJarFiles.size() == 0) { return true; } context.processMessage(new ProgressMessage(AndroidJpsBundle.message( "android.jps.progress.aar.dependencies.packaging", module.getName()))); File tempDir = null; try { tempDir = FileUtil.createTempDirectory("extracted_aar_deps", "tmp"); for (int i = srcJarFiles.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ZipUtil.extract(new File(srcJarFiles.get(i)), tempDir, null, true); } final File outputJarFile = new File(outputDir, AndroidCommonUtils.AAR_DEPS_JAR_FILE_NAME); if (!packDirectoryIntoJar(tempDir, outputJarFile, context)) { return false; } final AndroidBuildTestingManager testingManager = AndroidBuildTestingManager.getTestingManager(); if (testingManager != null && outputJarFile.isFile()) { testingManager.getCommandExecutor().checkJarContent("aar_dependencies_package_jar", outputJarFile.getPath()); } outputConsumer.registerOutputFile(outputJarFile, srcJarFiles); return true; } catch (IOException e) { AndroidJpsUtil.reportExceptionError(context, null, e, BUILDER_NAME); return false; } finally { if (tempDir != null) { FileUtil.delete(tempDir); } } }
private static String getArtifactResolverJar(@Nullable String mavenVersion) throws IOException { boolean isMaven3; Class marker; if (mavenVersion != null && mavenVersion.compareTo("3.1.0") >= 0) { isMaven3 = true; marker = MavenArtifactResolvedM31RtMarker.class; } else if (mavenVersion != null && mavenVersion.compareTo("3.0.0") >= 0) { isMaven3 = true; marker = MavenArtifactResolvedM3RtMarker.class; } else { isMaven3 = false; marker = MavenArtifactResolvedM2RtMarker.class; } File classDirOrJar = new File(PathUtil.getJarPathForClass(marker)); if (!classDirOrJar.isDirectory()) { return classDirOrJar.getAbsolutePath(); // it's a jar in IDEA installation. } // it's a classes directory, we are in development mode. File tempFile = FileUtil.createTempFile("idea-", "-artifactResolver.jar"); tempFile.deleteOnExit(); ZipOutputStream zipOutput = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(tempFile)); try { ZipUtil.addDirToZipRecursively(zipOutput, null, classDirOrJar, "", null, null); if (isMaven3) { File m2Module = new File(PathUtil.getJarPathForClass(MavenModuleMap.class)); String commonClassesPath = MavenModuleMap.class.getPackage().getName().replace('.', '/'); ZipUtil.addDirToZipRecursively(zipOutput, null, new File(m2Module, commonClassesPath), commonClassesPath, null, null); } } finally { zipOutput.close(); } return tempFile.getAbsolutePath(); }
public void buildJavaFxArtifact(final String homePath) { if (!checkNotEmpty(getAppClass(), "Application class")) return; if (!checkNotEmpty(getWidth(), "Width")) return; if (!checkNotEmpty(getHeight(), "Height")) return; final String zipPath = getArtifactOutputFilePath(); final File tempUnzippedArtifactOutput; try { tempUnzippedArtifactOutput = FileUtil.createTempDirectory("artifact", "unzipped"); final File artifactOutputFile = new File(zipPath); ZipUtil.extract(artifactOutputFile, tempUnzippedArtifactOutput, null); copyLibraries(FileUtil.getNameWithoutExtension(artifactOutputFile), tempUnzippedArtifactOutput); } catch (IOException e) { registerJavaFxPackagerError(e); return; } final File tempDirectory = new File(tempUnzippedArtifactOutput, "deploy"); try { final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("<project default=\"build artifact\">\n"); buf.append("<taskdef resource=\"com/sun/javafx/tools/ant/antlib.xml\" uri=\"\" ") .append("classpath=\"").append(homePath).append("/lib/ant-javafx.jar\"/>\n"); buf.append("<target name=\"build artifact\" xmlns:fx=\"\">"); final String artifactFileName = getArtifactRootName(); final List<JavaFxAntGenerator.SimpleTag> tags = JavaFxAntGenerator.createJarAndDeployTasks(this, artifactFileName, getArtifactName(), tempUnzippedArtifactOutput.getPath()); for (JavaFxAntGenerator.SimpleTag tag : tags) { tag.generate(buf); } buf.append("</target>"); buf.append("</project>"); final int result = startAntTarget(buf.toString(), homePath); if (result == 0) { if (isEnabledSigning()) { signApp(homePath + File.separator + "bin", tempDirectory); } } else { registerJavaFxPackagerError("fx:deploy task has failed."); } } finally { copyResultsToArtifactsOutput(tempDirectory); FileUtil.delete(tempUnzippedArtifactOutput); } }