private boolean translatedViaDiff(DocumentEvent e, DocumentEventImpl event) { try { myLine = event.translateLineViaDiff(myLine); } catch (FilesTooBigForDiffException ignored) { return false; } if (myLine < 0 || myLine >= getDocument().getLineCount()) { invalidate(e); } else { DocumentEx document = getDocument(); setIntervalStart(document.getLineStartOffset(myLine)); setIntervalEnd(document.getLineEndOffset(myLine)); } return true; }
void rediff() { try { if (myTopMessageDiffPanel != null) { myPanel.removeTopComponent(myTopMessageDiffPanel); } LineBlocks blocks = myData.updateEditors(); setLineBlocks(blocks != null ? blocks : LineBlocks.EMPTY); if (blocks != null && blocks.getCount() == 0) { if (myData.isContentsEqual()) { setFileContentsAreIdentical(); } } } catch (FilesTooBigForDiffException e) { setTooBigFileErrorContents(); } }
@Nullable private static Pair<ProperTextRange, LinesCols> translateViaDiff(final DocumentEventImpl event, LinesCols linesCols) { try { int myStartLine = event.translateLineViaDiffStrict(linesCols.myStartLine); Document document = event.getDocument(); if (myStartLine < 0 || myStartLine >= document.getLineCount()) { return null; } int start = document.getLineStartOffset(myStartLine) + linesCols.myStartColumn; if (start >= document.getTextLength()) return null; int myEndLine = event.translateLineViaDiffStrict(linesCols.myEndLine); if (myEndLine < 0 || myEndLine >= document.getLineCount()) { return null; } int end = document.getLineStartOffset(myEndLine) + linesCols.myEndColumn; if (end > document.getTextLength() || end < start) return null; return Pair.create(new ProperTextRange(start, end), new LinesCols(myStartLine, linesCols.myStartColumn, myEndLine, linesCols.myEndColumn)); } catch (FilesTooBigForDiffException e) { return null; } }
@Nullable private Block getBlock(VcsFileRevision revision) throws FilesTooBigForDiffException, VcsException { if (myRevisionToContentMap.containsKey(revision)) { return myRevisionToContentMap.get(revision); } final String revisionContent = getContentOf(revision); if (revisionContent == null) return null; int index = myRevisions.indexOf(revision); Block blockByIndex = getBlock(index); if (blockByIndex == null) return null; myRevisionToContentMap.put(revision, new FindBlock(revisionContent, blockByIndex).getBlockInThePrevVersion()); return myRevisionToContentMap.get(revision); }
private ArrayList<Change> buildChanges() throws FilesTooBigForDiffException { Document base = getDocument(FragmentSide.SIDE1); DiffString[] baseLines = DiffUtil.convertToLines(base.getText()); Document version = getDocument(FragmentSide.SIDE2); DiffString[] versionLines = DiffUtil.convertToLines(version.getText()); DiffFragment[] fragments = ComparisonPolicy.DEFAULT.buildDiffFragmentsFromLines(baseLines, versionLines); final ArrayList<Change> result = new ArrayList<Change>(); new DiffFragmentsEnumerator(fragments) { @Override protected void process(DiffFragment fragment) { if (fragment.isEqual()) return; Context context = getContext(); TextRange range1 = context.createRange(FragmentSide.SIDE1); TextRange range2 = context.createRange(FragmentSide.SIDE2); result.add(new SimpleChange(ChangeType.fromDiffFragment(context.getFragment()), range1, range2, ChangeList.this)); } }.execute(); return result; }
private List<Range> getNewChangedRanges(int changedLine1, int changedLine2, int vcsLine1, int vcsLine2) throws FilesTooBigForDiffException { if (changedLine1 == changedLine2 && vcsLine1 == vcsLine2) { return Collections.emptyList(); } if (changedLine1 == changedLine2) { return Collections.singletonList(new Range(changedLine1, changedLine2, vcsLine1, vcsLine2)); } if (vcsLine1 == vcsLine2) { return Collections.singletonList(new Range(changedLine1, changedLine2, vcsLine1, vcsLine2)); } List<String> lines = new DocumentWrapper(myDocument).getLines(changedLine1, changedLine2 - 1); List<String> vcsLines = new DocumentWrapper(myVcsDocument).getLines(vcsLine1, vcsLine2 - 1); return new RangesBuilder(lines, vcsLines, changedLine1, vcsLine1, myMode).getRanges(); }
public void testChangedSpaceCorrection() throws FilesTooBigForDiffException { DiffCorrection correction = new DiffCorrection.ChangedSpace(ComparisonPolicy.DEFAULT); DiffFragment[] fragments = correction.correct(new DiffFragment[]{ new DiffFragment("x", "y"), new DiffFragment(" ", " "), new DiffFragment("ab", "ab"), new DiffFragment(" ", " "), new DiffFragment(" ", " w o r d"), new DiffFragment(" ", " w o r d")}); CHECK.compareAll(new DiffFragment[]{ new DiffFragment("x", "y"), new DiffFragment(null, " "), new DiffFragment(" ", " "), new DiffFragment("ab", "ab"), new DiffFragment(" ", " "), new DiffFragment(" ", " "), new DiffFragment(null, "w o r d"), new DiffFragment(" ", null), new DiffFragment(" ", " "), new DiffFragment(null, "w o r d")}, fragments); fragments = correction.correct(new DiffFragment[]{new DiffFragment("\n ", "\n ")}); CHECK.compareAll(new DiffFragment[]{new DiffFragment("\n", "\n"), new DiffFragment(" ", null), new DiffFragment(" ", " ")}, fragments); fragments = correction.correct(new DiffFragment[]{new DiffFragment("\n", "\n\n")}); CHECK.compareAll(new DiffFragment[]{new DiffFragment("\n", "\n"), new DiffFragment(null, "\n")}, fragments); }
public void testConcatinateSingleSide() throws FilesTooBigForDiffException { DiffCorrection correction = new DiffCorrection.ConcatenateSingleSide(); DiffFragment[] corrected = correction.correct( new DiffFragment[]{new DiffFragment(null, "a"), new DiffFragment("b", null), new DiffFragment("c", "d"), new DiffFragment(null, "a"), new DiffFragment("b", null), new DiffFragment("1", null), new DiffFragment("x", "x"), new DiffFragment(null, "a")}); CHECK.compareAll(new DiffFragment[]{new DiffFragment("b", "a"), new DiffFragment("c", "d"), new DiffFragment("b1", "a"), new DiffFragment("x", "x"), new DiffFragment(null, "a")}, corrected); }
public void testConnectSingleSideToChange() throws FilesTooBigForDiffException { DiffFragment first = DiffFragment.unchanged("a", "A"); DiffFragment oneSide = new DiffFragment(null, "b"); DiffFragment equal = new DiffFragment("c", "c"); DiffFragment last = DiffFragment.unchanged("g", "G"); DiffFragment[] fragments = DiffCorrection.ConnectSingleSideToChange.INSTANCE.correct(new DiffFragment[]{ first, oneSide, equal, new DiffFragment(null, "d"), new DiffFragment("e", "E"), new DiffFragment("f", null), last }); CHECK.compareAll(new DiffFragment[]{ first, oneSide, equal, new DiffFragment("ef", "dE"), last }, fragments); }
public Collection<TextRange> calculateDiff(@NotNull final Document beforeDocument, @NotNull final Document currentDocument) { myNewMarkup.ranges.clear(); myOldMarkup.document = beforeDocument; myNewMarkup.document = currentDocument; List<LineFragment> lineFragments; try { lineFragments = myCompareProcessor.process(beforeDocument.getText(), currentDocument.getText()); } catch (FilesTooBigForDiffException e) {; return Collections.emptyList(); } final FragmentHighlighterImpl fragmentHighlighter = new FragmentHighlighterImpl(myOldMarkup, myNewMarkup); for (Iterator<LineFragment> iterator = lineFragments.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { LineFragment fragment =; fragmentHighlighter.setIsLast(!iterator.hasNext()); fragment.highlight(fragmentHighlighter); } return new ArrayList<TextRange>(myNewMarkup.ranges); }
private static void doTest( String[] beforePrevBlock, String[] prevBlock, String[] afterPrevBlock, String[] beforeBlock, String[] block, String[] afterBlock) throws FilesTooBigForDiffException { String[] prevVersion = composeVersion(beforePrevBlock, prevBlock, afterPrevBlock); String[] currentVersion = composeVersion(beforeBlock, block, afterBlock); FindBlock findBlock = new FindBlock(prevVersion, new Block(currentVersion, beforeBlock.length, beforeBlock.length + block.length - 1)); Block actualBlock = findBlock.getBlockInThePrevVersion(); Block expectedBlock = new Block(prevVersion,beforePrevBlock.length, beforePrevBlock.length + prevBlock.length - 1); assertEquals(expectedBlock, actualBlock); }
private ArrayList<LineFragment> findSubFragments(@NotNull DiffString text1, @NotNull DiffString text2) throws FilesTooBigForDiffException { DiffFragment[] fragments = new ByWord(myComparisonPolicy).buildFragments(text1, text2); fragments = DiffCorrection.ConnectSingleSideToChange.INSTANCE.correct(fragments); fragments = UniteSameType.INSTANCE.correct(fragments); fragments = PreferWholeLines.INSTANCE.correct(fragments); fragments = UniteSameType.INSTANCE.correct(fragments); DiffFragment[][] lines = Util.splitByUnchangedLines(fragments); lines = Util.uniteFormattingOnly(lines); LineFragmentsCollector collector = new LineFragmentsCollector(); for (DiffFragment[] line : lines) { DiffFragment[][] subLines = LineBlockDivider.SINGLE_SIDE.divide(line); subLines = Util.uniteFormattingOnly(subLines); for (DiffFragment[] subLineFragments : subLines) { LineFragment subLine = collector.addDiffFragment(Util.concatenate(subLineFragments)); if (!subLine.isOneSide()) { subLine.setChildren(processInlineFragments(subLineFragments)); } } } return collector.getFragments(); }
@Override public void process(@NotNull DiffFragment fragment, @NotNull FragmentsCollector collector) throws FilesTooBigForDiffException { DiffString text1 = fragment.getText1(); DiffString text2 = fragment.getText2(); if (!fragment.isEqual()) { if (myComparisonPolicy.isEqual(fragment)) fragment = myComparisonPolicy.createFragment(text1, text2); collector.add(fragment); } else { assert text1 != null; assert text2 != null; DiffString[] lines1 = text1.tokenize(); DiffString[] lines2 = text2.tokenize(); LOG.assertTrue(lines1.length == lines2.length); for (int i = 0; i < lines1.length; i++) collector.addAll(myDiffPolicy.buildFragments(lines1[i], lines2[i])); } }
private void updateRevisionsList() throws VcsException { if (myIsInLoading) return; if (myChangesOnlyCheckBox.isSelected()) { loadContentsFor(myRevisions.toArray(new VcsFileRevision[myRevisions.size()])); try { ((ListTableModel)myList.getModel()).setItems(filteredRevisions()); } catch (FilesTooBigForDiffException e) { myChangesOnlyCheckBox.setEnabled(false); myChangesOnlyCheckBox.setSelected(false); setErrorText(e.getMessage()); ((ListTableModel)myList.getModel()).setItems(myRevisions); } ((ListTableModel)myList.getModel()).fireTableDataChanged(); updateDiff(0, 0); } else { ((ListTableModel)myList.getModel()).setItems(myRevisions); ((ListTableModel)myList.getModel()).fireTableDataChanged(); } }
private void addPostfixes() throws FilesTooBigForDiffException { DiffString postfix1 = myVersion1.getCurrentWordPostfixAndOneMore(); DiffString postfix2 = myVersion2.getCurrentWordPostfixAndOneMore(); int length1 = postfix1.length(); int length2 = postfix2.length(); DiffFragment wholePostfix = myComparisonPolicy.createFragment(postfix1, postfix2); if (wholePostfix.isEqual()) { add(DiffFragment.unchanged(cutLast(postfix1, length1), cutLast(postfix2, length2))); return; } if (length1 > 0 || length2 > 0) { DiffFragment[] fragments = BY_CHAR.buildFragments(postfix1, postfix2); DiffFragment firstFragment = fragments[0]; if (firstFragment.isEqual()) { final DiffString text1 = cutLast(firstFragment.getText1(), length1); final DiffString text2 = cutLast(firstFragment.getText2(), length2); add(myComparisonPolicy.createFragment(text1, text2)); //add(firstFragment); } } }
public int translateLineViaDiff(int line) throws FilesTooBigForDiffException { Diff.Change change = reBuildDiffIfNeeded(); if (change == null) return line; int newLine = line; while (change != null) { if (line < change.line0) break; if (line >= change.line0 + change.deleted) { newLine += change.inserted - change.deleted; } else { int delta = Math.min(change.inserted, line - change.line0); newLine = change.line1 + delta; break; } change =; } return newLine; }
@NotNull public static <T> FairDiffIterable diff(@NotNull T[] data1, @NotNull T[] data2, @NotNull ProgressIndicator indicator) { indicator.checkCanceled(); try { // TODO: use ProgressIndicator inside Diff.Change change = Diff.buildChanges(data1, data2); return fair(create(change, data1.length, data2.length)); } catch (FilesTooBigForDiffException e) { throw new DiffTooBigException(); } }
protected void doRevert() throws IOException, FilesTooBigForDiffException { Block b = myCalculator.getSelectionFor(myLeftRevision, new Progress() { public void processed(int percentage) { // should be already processed. } }); Document d = myGateway.getDocument(myRightEntry.getPath()); int from = d.getLineStartOffset(myFromLine); int to = d.getLineEndOffset(myToLine); d.replaceString(from, to, b.getBlockContent()); }
@Override protected boolean isLeftContentAvailable(RevisionProcessingProgress p) { try { return myCalculator.canCalculateFor(myLeftRevision, p); } catch (FilesTooBigForDiffException e) { return false; } }
@Override protected boolean isRightContentAvailable(RevisionProcessingProgress p) { try { return myCalculator.canCalculateFor(myRightRevision, p); } catch (FilesTooBigForDiffException e) { return false; } }
private String getContentOf(Revision r, RevisionProcessingProgress p) { try { return myCalculator.getSelectionFor(r, p).getBlockContent(); } catch (FilesTooBigForDiffException e) { return ""; } }
public Block getBlockInThePrevVersion() throws FilesTooBigForDiffException { Diff.Change change = Diff.buildChanges(myResult.getSource(), myCurrentVersion.getSource()); while (change != null) { shiftIndices(change.line1, change.line1, change.line0); shiftIndices(change.line1, change.line1 + change.inserted, change.line0 + change.deleted); change =; } if (myResult.getEnd() >= myResult.getSource().length){ myResult.setEnd(myResult.getSource().length - 1); } return myResult; }
@Nullable public static List<Cmd> createDiffCmds(@NotNull Model<Object> listModel, @NotNull Object[] oldElements, @NotNull Object[] newElements) { Diff.Change change = null; try { change = Diff.buildChanges(oldElements, newElements); } catch (FilesTooBigForDiffException e) { // should not occur } if (change == null) { return null; } List<Cmd> commands = new ArrayList<Cmd>(); int inserted = 0; int deleted = 0; while (change != null) { if (change.deleted > 0) { final int start = change.line0 + inserted - deleted; commands.add(new RemoveCmd<Object>(listModel, start, start + change.deleted - 1)); } if (change.inserted > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < change.inserted; i++) { commands.add(new InsertCmd<Object>(listModel, change.line0 + i + inserted - deleted, newElements[change.line1 + i])); } } deleted += change.deleted; inserted += change.inserted; change =; } return commands; }
@NotNull @Override public DiffFragment[] buildFragments(@NotNull DiffString text1, @NotNull DiffString text2) throws FilesTooBigForDiffException { final List<DiffFragment> fragments = new ArrayList<DiffFragment>(); for (int i = 0; i < myRanges.size(); i++) { final BeforeAfter<TextRange> range = myRanges.get(i); fragments.addAll(Arrays.asList(myDelegate.buildFragments( text1.substring(range.getBefore().getStartOffset(), range.getBefore().getEndOffset()).copy(), text2.substring(range.getAfter().getStartOffset(), range.getAfter().getEndOffset()).copy()))); } return fragments.toArray(new DiffFragment[fragments.size()]); }
public static ChangeList build(@NotNull Document base, @NotNull Document version, @NotNull Project project) throws FilesTooBigForDiffException { ChangeList result = new ChangeList(base, version, project); ArrayList<Change> changes = result.buildChanges(); Collections.sort(changes, CHANGE_ORDER); result.setChanges(changes); return result; }
@NotNull private static List<MergeFragment> processText(@NotNull String leftText, @NotNull String baseText, @NotNull String rightText, @NotNull ContextLogger logger) throws FilesTooBigForDiffException { DiffFragment[] leftFragments = DiffPolicy.DEFAULT_LINES.buildFragments(DiffString.create(baseText), DiffString.create(leftText)); DiffFragment[] rightFragments = DiffPolicy.DEFAULT_LINES.buildFragments(DiffString.create(baseText), DiffString.create(rightText)); int[] leftOffsets = {0, 0}; int[] rightOffsets = {0, 0}; int leftIndex = 0; int rightIndex = 0; MergeBuilder builder = new MergeBuilder(logger); while (leftIndex < leftFragments.length || rightIndex < rightFragments.length) { FragmentSide side; TextRange[] equalRanges = new TextRange[2]; if (leftOffsets[0] < rightOffsets[0] && leftIndex < leftFragments.length) { side = FragmentSide.SIDE1; getEqualRanges(leftFragments[leftIndex], leftOffsets, equalRanges); leftIndex++; } else if (rightIndex < rightFragments.length) { side = FragmentSide.SIDE2; getEqualRanges(rightFragments[rightIndex], rightOffsets, equalRanges); rightIndex++; } else break; if (equalRanges[0] != null && equalRanges[1] != null) builder.add(equalRanges[0], equalRanges[1], side); else logger.assertTrue(equalRanges[0] == null && equalRanges[1] == null); } return builder.finish(leftText.length(), baseText.length(), rightText.length()); }
public void testTrueLineBlock() throws FilesTooBigForDiffException { DiffCorrection.TrueLineBlocks correction = new DiffCorrection.TrueLineBlocks(ComparisonPolicy.DEFAULT); DiffFragment[] fragments = correction.correctAndNormalize(new DiffFragment[]{ DiffFragment.unchanged(" 1\n ab\n x\n", " 2\n ab\n x\n"), new DiffFragment("XXX\n111\n", "YYY\n222\n"), DiffFragment.unchanged(" a\n", " a\n")}); CHECK.compareAll(new DiffFragment[]{new DiffFragment(" 1\n", " 2\n"), new DiffFragment(" ab\n", " ab\n"), new DiffFragment(" x\n", " x\n"), new DiffFragment("XXX\n111\n", "YYY\n222\n"), new DiffFragment(" a\n", " a\n")}, fragments); }
public void testTrueLineBlocksWithSameLines() throws FilesTooBigForDiffException { DiffCorrection.TrueLineBlocks correction = new DiffCorrection.TrueLineBlocks(ComparisonPolicy.DEFAULT); DiffFragment[] fragments = correction.correctAndNormalize(new DiffFragment[]{ DiffFragment.unchanged(" X\n X\n X", " X\n X\n X")}); CHECK.compareAll(new DiffFragment[]{new DiffFragment(" X\n X\n", " X\n X\n"), new DiffFragment(" X", " X")}, fragments); }
public void test1() throws FilesTooBigForDiffException { DiffPolicy byWord = new ByWord(ComparisonPolicy.DEFAULT); DiffFragment[] fragments = byWord.buildFragments("abc def, 123", "ab def, 12"); CHECK.compareAll(new DiffFragment[]{new DiffFragment("abc", "ab"), new DiffFragment(" def, ", " def, "), new DiffFragment("123", "12")}, fragments); }
public void test2() throws FilesTooBigForDiffException { DiffPolicy byWord = new ByWord(ComparisonPolicy.DEFAULT); DiffFragment[] fragments = byWord.buildFragments(" a[xy]+1", ",a[]+1"); CHECK.compareAll(new DiffFragment[]{new DiffFragment(" ", null), new DiffFragment(null, ","), new DiffFragment("a[", "a["), new DiffFragment("xy", null), new DiffFragment("]+1", "]+1")}, fragments); }
public void test4() throws FilesTooBigForDiffException { DiffPolicy byWord = new ByWord(ComparisonPolicy.DEFAULT); DiffFragment[] fragments = byWord.buildFragments(" abc\n2222\n", " x = abc\nzzzz\n"); CHECK.compareAll(new DiffFragment[]{ new DiffFragment(null, " "), new DiffFragment(" ", " "), new DiffFragment(null, "x"), new DiffFragment(null, " ="), new DiffFragment(null, " "), new DiffFragment("abc\n", "abc\n"), new DiffFragment("2222", "zzzz"), new DiffFragment("\n", "\n")}, fragments); }
public void testIdea58505() throws FilesTooBigForDiffException { DiffPolicy byWord = new ByWord(ComparisonPolicy.DEFAULT); DiffFragment[] fragments = byWord.buildFragments(" if (eventMerger!=null && !dataSelection.getValueIsAdjusting()) {", " if (eventMerger!=null && (dataSelection==null || !dataSelection.getValueIsAdjusting())) {"); CHECK.compareAll(new DiffFragment[] { new DiffFragment(" if (eventMerger!=null && ", " if (eventMerger!=null && "), new DiffFragment("!", "("), new DiffFragment("dataSelection", "dataSelection"), new DiffFragment(null, "=="), new DiffFragment(null, "null || !dataSelection"), new DiffFragment(".getValueIsAdjusting())", ".getValueIsAdjusting())"), new DiffFragment(null, ")"), new DiffFragment(" {", " {") }, fragments); }
public void testIdea58505Trim() throws FilesTooBigForDiffException { DiffPolicy byWord = new ByWord(ComparisonPolicy.TRIM_SPACE); DiffFragment[] fragments = byWord.buildFragments(" if (eventMerger!=null && !dataSelection.getValueIsAdjusting()) {", " if (eventMerger!=null && (dataSelection==null || !dataSelection.getValueIsAdjusting())) {"); CHECK.compareAll(new DiffFragment[] { new DiffFragment(" if (eventMerger!=null && ", " if (eventMerger!=null && "), new DiffFragment("!", "("), new DiffFragment("dataSelection", "dataSelection"), new DiffFragment(null, "=="), new DiffFragment(null, "null || !dataSelection"), new DiffFragment(".getValueIsAdjusting())", ".getValueIsAdjusting())"), new DiffFragment(null, ")"), new DiffFragment(" {", " {") }, fragments); }
public void testIdea56428() throws FilesTooBigForDiffException { DiffPolicy byWord = new ByWord(ComparisonPolicy.DEFAULT); DiffFragment[] fragments = byWord.buildFragments("messageInsertStatement = connection.prepareStatement(\"INSERT INTO AUDIT (AUDIT_TYPE_ID, STATUS, SERVER_ID, INSTANCE_ID, REQUEST_ID) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)\");\n", "messageInsertStatement = connection.prepareStatement(\"INSERT INTO AUDIT (AUDIT_TYPE_ID, CREATION_TIMESTAMP, STATUS, SERVER_ID, INSTANCE_ID, REQUEST_ID) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)\");\n"); CHECK.compareAll(new DiffFragment[] { new DiffFragment("messageInsertStatement = connection.prepareStatement(\"INSERT INTO AUDIT (AUDIT_TYPE_ID, ", "messageInsertStatement = connection.prepareStatement(\"INSERT INTO AUDIT (AUDIT_TYPE_ID, "), new DiffFragment(null, "CREATION_TIMESTAMP"), new DiffFragment(null, ","), new DiffFragment(null, " "), new DiffFragment("STATUS, SERVER_ID, INSTANCE_ID, REQUEST_ID) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?", "STATUS, SERVER_ID, INSTANCE_ID, REQUEST_ID) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?"), new DiffFragment(null, ", ?"), new DiffFragment(")\");\n", ")\");\n"), }, fragments); }
public void testLeadingFormatting() throws FilesTooBigForDiffException { DiffPolicy byWord = new ByWord(ComparisonPolicy.DEFAULT); DiffFragment[] fragments = byWord.buildFragments(" abc\n 123", " 123"); CHECK.compareAll(new DiffFragment[]{new DiffFragment(" abc\n", null), new DiffFragment(" 123", " 123")}, UniteSameType.INSTANCE.correct(fragments)); }
public void testRestyleNewLines() throws FilesTooBigForDiffException { DiffPolicy byWord = new ByWord(ComparisonPolicy.DEFAULT); DiffFragment[] fragments = byWord.buildFragments("f(a, b);", "f(a,\n b);"); CHECK.compareAll(new DiffFragment[]{new DiffFragment("f(a,", "f(a,"), new DiffFragment(" ", "\n "), new DiffFragment("b);", "b);")}, UniteSameType.INSTANCE.correct(fragments)); }
@NotNull @Override protected FutureTask<Boolean> prepareTask(@NotNull final PsiFile file, final boolean processChangedTextOnly) { return new FutureTask<Boolean>(new Callable<Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean call() throws Exception { try { Collection<TextRange> ranges = getRangesToFormat(file, processChangedTextOnly); Document document = PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(myProject).getDocument(file); if (document != null && Rearranger.EXTENSION.forLanguage(file.getLanguage()) != null) { PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(myProject).doPostponedOperationsAndUnblockDocument(document); PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(myProject).commitDocument(document); Runnable command = prepareRearrangeCommand(file, ranges); try { CommandProcessor.getInstance().executeCommand(myProject, command, COMMAND_NAME, null); } finally { PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(myProject).commitDocument(document); } } return true; } catch (FilesTooBigForDiffException e) { handleFileTooBigException(LOG, e, file); return false; } } }); }
protected void handleFileTooBigException(Logger logger, FilesTooBigForDiffException e, @NotNull PsiFile file) {"Error while calculating changed ranges for: " + file.getVirtualFile(), e); if (!ApplicationManager.getApplication().isUnitTestMode()) { Notification notification = new Notification(ApplicationBundle.message("reformat.changed.text.file.too.big.notification.groupId"), ApplicationBundle.message("reformat.changed.text.file.too.big.notification.title"), ApplicationBundle.message("reformat.changed.text.file.too.big.notification.text", file.getName()), NotificationType.INFORMATION); notification.notify(file.getProject()); } }
public void testUnitDifferentOnesides() throws FilesTooBigForDiffException { DiffFragment[] fragments = UniteSameType.INSTANCE.correct(new DiffFragment[]{new DiffFragment("a", "b"), new DiffFragment(null, " "), new DiffFragment("\n ", null), new DiffFragment("x", "x")}); CHECK.compareAll(new DiffFragment[]{new DiffFragment("a\n ", "b "), new DiffFragment("x", "x")}, fragments); }
public void testUniteEqualsUnitesFormattingOnly() throws FilesTooBigForDiffException { DiffFragment changed = new DiffFragment("abc", "123"); DiffFragment equal = new DiffFragment("qqq", "qqq"); DiffFragment[] fragments = DiffCorrection.UnitEquals.INSTANCE.correct(new DiffFragment[]{ changed, new DiffFragment(" xxx", "xxx"), new DiffFragment("yyy", " yyy"), equal}); CHECK.compareAll(new DiffFragment[]{changed, new DiffFragment(" xxxyyy", "xxx yyy"), equal}, fragments); }