protected static Icon getSmallApplicationIcon() { if (ourSmallAppIcon == null) { try { Icon appIcon = IconLoader.findIcon(ApplicationInfoEx.getInstanceEx().getIconUrl()); if (appIcon != null) { if (appIcon.getIconWidth() == JBUI.scale(16) && appIcon.getIconHeight() == JBUI.scale(16)) { ourSmallAppIcon = appIcon; } else { BufferedImage image = ImageUtil.toBufferedImage(IconUtil.toImage(appIcon)); image = Scalr.resize(image, Scalr.Method.ULTRA_QUALITY, UIUtil.isRetina() ? 32 : JBUI.scale(16)); ourSmallAppIcon = toRetinaAwareIcon(image); } } } catch (Exception e) {// } if (ourSmallAppIcon == null) { ourSmallAppIcon = EmptyIcon.ICON_16; } } return ourSmallAppIcon; }
@Override public Icon scale(float scaleFactor) { if (scaleFactor == 1f) { return this; } if (scaledIcons == null) { scaledIcons = new HashMap<Float, Icon>(1); } Icon result = scaledIcons.get(scaleFactor); if (result != null) { return result; } final Image image = ImageUtil.filter(ImageLoader.loadFromUrl(myUrl, UIUtil.isUnderDarcula(), scaleFactor >= 1.5f), filter); if (image != null) { int width = (int)(getIconWidth() * scaleFactor); int height = (int)(getIconHeight() * scaleFactor); final BufferedImage resizedImage = Scalr.resize(ImageUtil.toBufferedImage(image), Scalr.Method.ULTRA_QUALITY, width, height); result = getIcon(resizedImage); scaledIcons.put(scaleFactor, result); return result; } return this; }
/** * Retrieves the orig icon based on the pixScale, then scale it by the instanceScale. */ public ImageIcon getOrScaleIcon(float pixScale, float instanceScale, boolean allowFloatScaling) { float effectiveScale = pixScale * instanceScale; ImageIcon icon = SoftReference.dereference(scaledIconsCache.get(effectiveScale)); if (icon != null) { return icon; } Image image = getOrLoadOrigImage(pixScale, allowFloatScaling); if (image == null) return null; image = ImageUtil.scaleImage(image, instanceScale); icon = checkIcon(image, myUrl); scaledIconsCache.put(effectiveScale, new SoftReference<ImageIcon>(icon)); return icon; }
/** * Returns JBHiDPIScaledImage of the same structure scaled by the provided factor. * * @param scaleFactor the scale factor * @return scaled instance */ public JBHiDPIScaledImage scale(float scaleFactor) { Image img = myImage == null ? this: myImage; int w = (int)(scaleFactor * getRealWidth(null)); int h = (int)(scaleFactor * getRealHeight(null)); if (w <= 0 || h <= 0) return this; Image scaled = Scalr.resize(ImageUtil.toBufferedImage(img), Scalr.Method.QUALITY, w, h); int newUserWidth = (int)(w / this.myScale); int newUserHeight = (int)(h / this.myScale); if (myImage != null) { return new JBHiDPIScaledImage(scaled, newUserWidth, newUserHeight, getType()); } JBHiDPIScaledImage newImg = new JBHiDPIScaledImage(newUserWidth, newUserHeight, getType()); Graphics2D g = newImg.createGraphics(); g.drawImage(scaled, 0, 0, newUserWidth, newUserHeight, 0, 0, scaled.getWidth(null), scaled.getHeight(null), null); g.dispose(); return newImg; }
@Nonnull public static Image scaleImage(Image image, float scale) { if (scale == 1.0) return image; if (image instanceof JBHiDPIScaledImage) { return ((JBHiDPIScaledImage)image).scale(scale); } int w = image.getWidth(null); int h = image.getHeight(null); if (w <= 0 || h <= 0) { return image; } int width = (int)(scale * w); int height = (int)(scale * h); // Using "QUALITY" instead of "ULTRA_QUALITY" results in images that are less blurry // because ultra quality performs a few more passes when scaling, which introduces blurriness // when the scaling factor is relatively small (i.e. <= 3.0f) -- which is the case here. return Scalr.resize(ImageUtil.toBufferedImage(image), Scalr.Method.QUALITY, width, height); }
private static BufferedImage loadAndScaleImage(File file) { try { Image img = ImageLoader.loadFromUrl(file.toURL()); return Scalr.resize(ImageUtil.toBufferedImage(img), Scalr.Method.ULTRA_QUALITY, UIUtil.isRetina() ? 32 : JBUI.scale(16)); } catch (MalformedURLException e) {// } return null; }
@NotNull private synchronized Icon getRealIcon() { if (isLoaderDisabled() && (myRealIcon == null || dark != USE_DARK_ICONS || scale != SCALE || filter != IMAGE_FILTER)) return EMPTY_ICON; if (dark != USE_DARK_ICONS || scale != SCALE || filter != IMAGE_FILTER) { myRealIcon = null; dark = USE_DARK_ICONS; scale = SCALE; filter = IMAGE_FILTER; } Object realIcon = myRealIcon; if (realIcon instanceof Icon) return (Icon)realIcon; Icon icon; if (realIcon instanceof Reference) { icon = ((Reference<Icon>)realIcon).get(); if (icon != null) return icon; } Image image = ImageUtil.filter(ImageLoader.loadFromUrl(myUrl), filter); icon = checkIcon(image, myUrl); if (icon != null) { if (icon.getIconWidth() < 50 && icon.getIconHeight() < 50) { realIcon = icon; } else { realIcon = new SoftReference<Icon>(icon); } myRealIcon = realIcon; } return icon == null ? EMPTY_ICON : icon; }
@NotNull private static Image scaleImage(Image image, float scale) { int width = (int)(scale * image.getWidth(null)); int height = (int)(scale * image.getHeight(null)); // Using "QUALITY" instead of "ULTRA_QUALITY" results in images that are less blurry // because ultra quality performs a few more passes when scaling, which introduces blurriness // when the scaling factor is relatively small (i.e. <= 3.0f) -- which is the case here. return Scalr.resize(ImageUtil.toBufferedImage(image), Scalr.Method.QUALITY, width, height); }
public ImageConverterChain withFilter(final ImageFilter filter) { return with(new ImageConverter() { @Override public Image convert(Image source, ImageDesc desc) { return ImageUtil.filter(source, filter); } }); }
public void show(boolean restoreBounds) { myFocusedCallback = new ActionCallback(); if (myProject != null) { IdeFocusManager.getInstance(myProject).typeAheadUntil(myFocusedCallback); } final Window frame = getFrame(); if (myStatusBar != null) { myStatusBar.install((IdeFrame)frame); } if (frame instanceof JFrame) { ((JFrame)frame).setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); } else { ((JDialog)frame).setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); } UIUtil.resetRootPaneAppearance(((RootPaneContainer)frame).getRootPane()); final WindowAdapter focusListener = new WindowAdapter() { @Override public void windowOpened(WindowEvent e) { IdeFocusManager fm = IdeFocusManager.getInstance(myProject); JComponent toFocus = getPreferredFocusedComponent(); if (toFocus == null) { toFocus = fm.getFocusTargetFor(myComponent); } if (toFocus != null) { fm.requestFocus(toFocus, true).notify(myFocusedCallback); } else { myFocusedCallback.setRejected(); } } }; frame.addWindowListener(focusListener); if ( { frame.setAlwaysOnTop(true); } Disposer.register(this, new Disposable() { @Override public void dispose() { frame.removeWindowListener(focusListener); } }); if (myCloseOnEsc) addCloseOnEsc((RootPaneContainer)frame); ((RootPaneContainer)frame).getContentPane().add(myComponent, BorderLayout.CENTER); if (frame instanceof JFrame) { ((JFrame)frame).setTitle(myTitle); } else { ((JDialog)frame).setTitle(myTitle); } if (myImages != null) { // unwrap the image before setting as frame's icon frame.setIconImages(, ImageUtil::toBufferedImage)); } else { AppUIUtil.updateWindowIcon(myFrame); } if (restoreBounds) { loadFrameState(); } myFocusWatcher = new FocusWatcher(); myFocusWatcher.install(myComponent); myShown = true; frame.setVisible(true); }