public void open() throws JSchException { JSch jsch = new JSch(); String conf = (String)Configure.getConfigure().getString("SshConfPath"); if (new File(conf).exists()) { try { ConfigRepository configRepository = OpenSSHConfig.parseFile(conf); jsch.setConfigRepository(configRepository); }catch(IOException ignore) { } } session = jsch.getSession(this.username,, this.port); session.setConfig("StrictHostKeyChecking", "no"); session.setPassword(this.password); session.setTimeout(timeout); session.connect(); channelSftp = (ChannelSftp) session.openChannel("sftp"); channelSftp.connect(); }
private static void createTunnelJSch(String gatewayHost, String remoteHost, int remotePort, int localPort) throws Exception { JSch.setLogger(new MyJSchLogger()); JSch jsch=new JSch(); try { // NOTE: jsch does not support all ciphers. User may be // prompted to accept host key authenticy even if // the key is in the known_hosts file. File knownHosts = new File(FileUtils.getHomeDir()+".ssh/known_hosts"); if (knownHosts.exists() && knownHosts.canRead()) jsch.setKnownHosts(knownHosts.getAbsolutePath()); ArrayList<File> privateKeys = new ArrayList<File>(); if (!getSshKey().isEmpty()) { byte[] keyPass = null, key; if (!sshKeyPass.getValue().isEmpty()) keyPass = sshKeyPass.getValue().getBytes(); jsch.addIdentity("TigerVNC", getSshKey().getBytes(), null, keyPass); } else if (!getSshKeyFile().isEmpty()) { File f = new File(getSshKeyFile()); if (!f.exists() || !f.canRead()) throw new Exception("Cannot access SSH key file "+getSshKeyFile()); privateKeys.add(f); } for (Iterator<File> i = privateKeys.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { File privateKey = (File); if (privateKey.exists() && privateKey.canRead()) if (!sshKeyPass.getValue().isEmpty()) jsch.addIdentity(privateKey.getAbsolutePath(), sshKeyPass.getValue()); else jsch.addIdentity(privateKey.getAbsolutePath()); } String user = getSshUser(); String label = new String("SSH Authentication"); PasswdDialog dlg = new PasswdDialog(label, (user == null ? false : true), false); dlg.userEntry.setText(user != null ? user : ""); File ssh_config = new File(sshConfig.getValue()); if (ssh_config.exists() && ssh_config.canRead()) { ConfigRepository repo = OpenSSHConfig.parse(ssh_config.getAbsolutePath()); jsch.setConfigRepository(repo); } Session session=jsch.getSession(user, gatewayHost, getSshPort()); session.setUserInfo(dlg); // OpenSSHConfig doesn't recognize StrictHostKeyChecking if (session.getConfig("StrictHostKeyChecking") == null) session.setConfig("StrictHostKeyChecking", "ask"); session.connect(); session.setPortForwardingL(localPort, remoteHost, remotePort); } catch (java.lang.Exception e) { throw new Exception(e.getMessage()); } }
public static SshConfiguration getConfiguration() throws IOException, JSchException { Assert.isTrue(Files.isRegularFile(getLocalSshConfigPath()), getLocalSshConfigPath() + " does not exist"); return new SshConfiguration(OpenSSHConfig.parseFile(getLocalSshConfigPath().toString())); }
/** * get a new session using the default attributes if the given String is a full uri, use the * data from the uri instead * * @param pathOrUri * might be just a path or a full ssh or sftp uri * @return matching Session * @throws IOException if something goes wrong */ protected Session getSession(String pathOrUri) throws IOException { URI uri = parseURI(pathOrUri); String host = getHost(); int port = getPort(); String user = getUser(); String userPassword = getUserPassword(); String sshConfig = getSshConfig(); File keyFile = getKeyFile(); if (uri != null && uri.getScheme() != null) { if (uri.getHost() != null) { host = uri.getHost(); } if (uri.getPort() != -1) { port = uri.getPort(); } if (uri.getUserInfo() != null) { String userInfo = uri.getUserInfo(); if (!userInfo.contains(":")) { user = userInfo; } else { user = userInfo.substring(0, userInfo.indexOf(":")); userPassword = userInfo.substring(userInfo.indexOf(":") + 1); } } } if (sshConfig != null) { ConfigRepository configRepository = OpenSSHConfig.parseFile(sshConfig); Config config = configRepository.getConfig(host); host = config.getHostname(); if (user == null) { user = config.getUser(); } String keyFilePath = config.getValue("IdentityFile"); if (keyFilePath != null && keyFile == null) { keyFile = new File(keyFilePath); } } if (host == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "missing host information. host should be provided either " + "directly on the repository or in the connection URI " + ", or in the openssh config file specified by sshConfig"); } if (user == null) { Credentials c = requestCredentials(host); if (c != null) { user = c.getUserName(); userPassword = c.getPasswd(); } else { Message.error("username is not set"); } } return SshCache.getInstance().getSession(host, port, user, userPassword, keyFile, getKeyFilePassword(), getPassFile(), isAllowedAgentUse()); }