private EmailDTO getEmail(Email email) { EmailDTO emailDTO = new EmailDTO(); if (email != null) { emailDTO.setAddress(email.getValue()); // emailDTO.setAddress(email.getValue()); // TODO: Add multi-type support StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Set<EmailType> types = SetUtil.fromList(email.getTypes()); if (types.size() > 0) { for (EmailType type : types) { sb.append(type.getValue()); } } else { sb.append("other"); } emailDTO.setType(sb.toString()); } return emailDTO; }
private PhoneDTO getPhone(Telephone phone) { PhoneDTO phoneDTO = new PhoneDTO(); if (phone != null) { phoneDTO.setNumber(phone.getText()); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Set<TelephoneType> types = SetUtil.fromList(phone.getTypes()); // TODO: Add support for multiple telephone types // e.g. home-fax, work-mobile, etc. if (types.size() > 0) { for (TelephoneType type : types) { sb.append(type.getValue()); } } else { sb.append("other"); } phoneDTO.setType(sb.toString()); } return phoneDTO; }
/** * Sets the dossier docs associated with the doc template, removing and adding associations as necessary. Also notifies the appropriate model listeners and clears the mapping table finder cache. * * @param pk the primary key of the doc template * @param dossierDocPKs the primary keys of the dossier docs to be associated with the doc template * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred */ @Override public void setDossierDocs(long pk, long[] dossierDocPKs) throws SystemException { Set<Long> newDossierDocPKsSet = SetUtil.fromArray(dossierDocPKs); Set<Long> oldDossierDocPKsSet = SetUtil.fromArray(docTemplateToDossierDocTableMapper.getRightPrimaryKeys( pk)); Set<Long> removeDossierDocPKsSet = new HashSet<Long>(oldDossierDocPKsSet); removeDossierDocPKsSet.removeAll(newDossierDocPKsSet); for (long removeDossierDocPK : removeDossierDocPKsSet) { docTemplateToDossierDocTableMapper.deleteTableMapping(pk, removeDossierDocPK); } newDossierDocPKsSet.removeAll(oldDossierDocPKsSet); for (long newDossierDocPK : newDossierDocPKsSet) { docTemplateToDossierDocTableMapper.addTableMapping(pk, newDossierDocPK); } }
/** * Sets the doc templates associated with the dossier doc, removing and adding associations as necessary. Also notifies the appropriate model listeners and clears the mapping table finder cache. * * @param pk the primary key of the dossier doc * @param docTemplatePKs the primary keys of the doc templates to be associated with the dossier doc * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred */ @Override public void setDocTemplates(long pk, long[] docTemplatePKs) throws SystemException { Set<Long> newDocTemplatePKsSet = SetUtil.fromArray(docTemplatePKs); Set<Long> oldDocTemplatePKsSet = SetUtil.fromArray(dossierDocToDocTemplateTableMapper.getRightPrimaryKeys( pk)); Set<Long> removeDocTemplatePKsSet = new HashSet<Long>(oldDocTemplatePKsSet); removeDocTemplatePKsSet.removeAll(newDocTemplatePKsSet); for (long removeDocTemplatePK : removeDocTemplatePKsSet) { dossierDocToDocTemplateTableMapper.deleteTableMapping(pk, removeDocTemplatePK); } newDocTemplatePKsSet.removeAll(oldDocTemplatePKsSet); for (long newDocTemplatePK : newDocTemplatePKsSet) { dossierDocToDocTemplateTableMapper.addTableMapping(pk, newDocTemplatePK); } }
/** * Sets the Job Poses associated with the employee, removing and adding associations as necessary. Also notifies the appropriate model listeners and clears the mapping table finder cache. * * @param pk the primary key of the employee * @param jobPosPKs the primary keys of the Job Poses to be associated with the employee * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred */ @Override public void setJobPoses(long pk, long[] jobPosPKs) throws SystemException { Set<Long> newJobPosPKsSet = SetUtil.fromArray(jobPosPKs); Set<Long> oldJobPosPKsSet = SetUtil.fromArray(employeeToJobPosTableMapper.getRightPrimaryKeys( pk)); Set<Long> removeJobPosPKsSet = new HashSet<Long>(oldJobPosPKsSet); removeJobPosPKsSet.removeAll(newJobPosPKsSet); for (long removeJobPosPK : removeJobPosPKsSet) { employeeToJobPosTableMapper.deleteTableMapping(pk, removeJobPosPK); } newJobPosPKsSet.removeAll(oldJobPosPKsSet); for (long newJobPosPK : newJobPosPKsSet) { employeeToJobPosTableMapper.addTableMapping(pk, newJobPosPK); } }
/** * Sets the employees associated with the Job Pos, removing and adding associations as necessary. Also notifies the appropriate model listeners and clears the mapping table finder cache. * * @param pk the primary key of the Job Pos * @param employeePKs the primary keys of the employees to be associated with the Job Pos * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred */ @Override public void setEmployees(long pk, long[] employeePKs) throws SystemException { Set<Long> newEmployeePKsSet = SetUtil.fromArray(employeePKs); Set<Long> oldEmployeePKsSet = SetUtil.fromArray(jobPosToEmployeeTableMapper.getRightPrimaryKeys( pk)); Set<Long> removeEmployeePKsSet = new HashSet<Long>(oldEmployeePKsSet); removeEmployeePKsSet.removeAll(newEmployeePKsSet); for (long removeEmployeePK : removeEmployeePKsSet) { jobPosToEmployeeTableMapper.deleteTableMapping(pk, removeEmployeePK); } newEmployeePKsSet.removeAll(oldEmployeePKsSet); for (long newEmployeePK : newEmployeePKsSet) { jobPosToEmployeeTableMapper.addTableMapping(pk, newEmployeePK); } }
/** * Sets the dictionary datas associated with the dictionary collection, removing and adding associations as necessary. Also notifies the appropriate model listeners and clears the mapping table finder cache. * * @param pk the primary key of the dictionary collection * @param dictDataPKs the primary keys of the dictionary datas to be associated with the dictionary collection * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred */ @Override public void setDictDatas(long pk, long[] dictDataPKs) throws SystemException { Set<Long> newDictDataPKsSet = SetUtil.fromArray(dictDataPKs); Set<Long> oldDictDataPKsSet = SetUtil.fromArray(dictCollectionToDictDataTableMapper.getRightPrimaryKeys( pk)); Set<Long> removeDictDataPKsSet = new HashSet<Long>(oldDictDataPKsSet); removeDictDataPKsSet.removeAll(newDictDataPKsSet); for (long removeDictDataPK : removeDictDataPKsSet) { dictCollectionToDictDataTableMapper.deleteTableMapping(pk, removeDictDataPK); } newDictDataPKsSet.removeAll(oldDictDataPKsSet); for (long newDictDataPK : newDictDataPKsSet) { dictCollectionToDictDataTableMapper.addTableMapping(pk, newDictDataPK); } }
/** * Sets the dictionary collections associated with the dictionary data, removing and adding associations as necessary. Also notifies the appropriate model listeners and clears the mapping table finder cache. * * @param pk the primary key of the dictionary data * @param dictCollectionPKs the primary keys of the dictionary collections to be associated with the dictionary data * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred */ @Override public void setDictCollections(long pk, long[] dictCollectionPKs) throws SystemException { Set<Long> newDictCollectionPKsSet = SetUtil.fromArray(dictCollectionPKs); Set<Long> oldDictCollectionPKsSet = SetUtil.fromArray(dictDataToDictCollectionTableMapper.getRightPrimaryKeys( pk)); Set<Long> removeDictCollectionPKsSet = new HashSet<Long>(oldDictCollectionPKsSet); removeDictCollectionPKsSet.removeAll(newDictCollectionPKsSet); for (long removeDictCollectionPK : removeDictCollectionPKsSet) { dictDataToDictCollectionTableMapper.deleteTableMapping(pk, removeDictCollectionPK); } newDictCollectionPKsSet.removeAll(oldDictCollectionPKsSet); for (long newDictCollectionPK : newDictCollectionPKsSet) { dictDataToDictCollectionTableMapper.addTableMapping(pk, newDictCollectionPK); } }
/** * Sets the applications associated with the category, removing and adding associations as necessary. Also notifies the appropriate model listeners and clears the mapping table finder cache. * * @param pk the primary key of the category * @param applicationPKs the primary keys of the applications to be associated with the category * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred */ public void setApplications(long pk, long[] applicationPKs) throws SystemException { try { Set<Long> applicationPKSet = SetUtil.fromArray(applicationPKs); List<de.fraunhofer.fokus.movepla.model.Application> applications = getApplications(pk); for (de.fraunhofer.fokus.movepla.model.Application application : applications) { if (!applicationPKSet.remove(application.getPrimaryKey())) { removeApplication.remove(pk, application.getPrimaryKey()); } } for (Long applicationPK : applicationPKSet) { addApplication.add(pk, applicationPK); } } catch (Exception e) { throw processException(e); } finally { FinderCacheUtil.clearCache(CategoryModelImpl.MAPPING_TABLE_MVP_APPLICATION_CATEGORY_NAME); } }
/** * Sets the applications associated with the region, removing and adding associations as necessary. Also notifies the appropriate model listeners and clears the mapping table finder cache. * * @param pk the primary key of the region * @param applicationPKs the primary keys of the applications to be associated with the region * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred */ public void setApplications(long pk, long[] applicationPKs) throws SystemException { try { Set<Long> applicationPKSet = SetUtil.fromArray(applicationPKs); List<de.fraunhofer.fokus.movepla.model.Application> applications = getApplications(pk); for (de.fraunhofer.fokus.movepla.model.Application application : applications) { if (!applicationPKSet.remove(application.getPrimaryKey())) { removeApplication.remove(pk, application.getPrimaryKey()); } } for (Long applicationPK : applicationPKSet) { addApplication.add(pk, applicationPK); } } catch (Exception e) { throw processException(e); } finally { FinderCacheUtil.clearCache(RegionModelImpl.MAPPING_TABLE_MVP_APPLICATION_REGION_NAME); } }
/** * Sets the categories associated with the application, removing and adding associations as necessary. Also notifies the appropriate model listeners and clears the mapping table finder cache. * * @param pk the primary key of the application * @param categoryPKs the primary keys of the categories to be associated with the application * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred */ public void setCategories(long pk, long[] categoryPKs) throws SystemException { try { Set<Long> categoryPKSet = SetUtil.fromArray(categoryPKs); List<de.fraunhofer.fokus.movepla.model.Category> categories = getCategories(pk); for (de.fraunhofer.fokus.movepla.model.Category category : categories) { if (!categoryPKSet.remove(category.getPrimaryKey())) { removeCategory.remove(pk, category.getPrimaryKey()); } } for (Long categoryPK : categoryPKSet) { addCategory.add(pk, categoryPK); } } catch (Exception e) { throw processException(e); } finally { FinderCacheUtil.clearCache(ApplicationModelImpl.MAPPING_TABLE_MVP_APPLICATION_CATEGORY_NAME); } }
/** * Sets the regions associated with the application, removing and adding associations as necessary. Also notifies the appropriate model listeners and clears the mapping table finder cache. * * @param pk the primary key of the application * @param regionPKs the primary keys of the regions to be associated with the application * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred */ public void setRegions(long pk, long[] regionPKs) throws SystemException { try { Set<Long> regionPKSet = SetUtil.fromArray(regionPKs); List<de.fraunhofer.fokus.movepla.model.Region> regions = getRegions(pk); for (de.fraunhofer.fokus.movepla.model.Region region : regions) { if (!regionPKSet.remove(region.getPrimaryKey())) { removeRegion.remove(pk, region.getPrimaryKey()); } } for (Long regionPK : regionPKSet) { addRegion.add(pk, regionPK); } } catch (Exception e) { throw processException(e); } finally { FinderCacheUtil.clearCache(ApplicationModelImpl.MAPPING_TABLE_MVP_APPLICATION_REGION_NAME); } }
/** * Sets the languages associated with the application, removing and adding associations as necessary. Also notifies the appropriate model listeners and clears the mapping table finder cache. * * @param pk the primary key of the application * @param languagePKs the primary keys of the languages to be associated with the application * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred */ public void setLanguages(long pk, long[] languagePKs) throws SystemException { try { Set<Long> languagePKSet = SetUtil.fromArray(languagePKs); List<de.fraunhofer.fokus.movepla.model.Language> languages = getLanguages(pk); for (de.fraunhofer.fokus.movepla.model.Language language : languages) { if (!languagePKSet.remove(language.getPrimaryKey())) { removeLanguage.remove(pk, language.getPrimaryKey()); } } for (Long languagePK : languagePKSet) { addLanguage.add(pk, languagePK); } } catch (Exception e) { throw processException(e); } finally { FinderCacheUtil.clearCache(ApplicationModelImpl.MAPPING_TABLE_MVP_APPLICATION_LANGUAGE_NAME); } }
/** * Sets the applications associated with the language, removing and adding associations as necessary. Also notifies the appropriate model listeners and clears the mapping table finder cache. * * @param pk the primary key of the language * @param applicationPKs the primary keys of the applications to be associated with the language * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred */ public void setApplications(long pk, long[] applicationPKs) throws SystemException { try { Set<Long> applicationPKSet = SetUtil.fromArray(applicationPKs); List<de.fraunhofer.fokus.movepla.model.Application> applications = getApplications(pk); for (de.fraunhofer.fokus.movepla.model.Application application : applications) { if (!applicationPKSet.remove(application.getPrimaryKey())) { removeApplication.remove(pk, application.getPrimaryKey()); } } for (Long applicationPK : applicationPKSet) { addApplication.add(pk, applicationPK); } } catch (Exception e) { throw processException(e); } finally { FinderCacheUtil.clearCache(LanguageModelImpl.MAPPING_TABLE_MVP_APPLICATION_LANGUAGE_NAME); } }
/** * Sets the a h cat entrieses associated with the a h offer, removing and adding associations as necessary. Also notifies the appropriate model listeners and clears the mapping table finder cache. * * @param pk the primary key of the a h offer * @param ahCatEntriesPKs the primary keys of the a h cat entrieses to be associated with the a h offer * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred */ @Override public void setAHCatEntrieses(long pk, long[] ahCatEntriesPKs) throws SystemException { Set<Long> newAHCatEntriesPKsSet = SetUtil.fromArray(ahCatEntriesPKs); Set<Long> oldAHCatEntriesPKsSet = SetUtil.fromArray(ahOfferToAHCatEntriesTableMapper.getRightPrimaryKeys( pk)); Set<Long> removeAHCatEntriesPKsSet = new HashSet<Long>(oldAHCatEntriesPKsSet); removeAHCatEntriesPKsSet.removeAll(newAHCatEntriesPKsSet); for (long removeAHCatEntriesPK : removeAHCatEntriesPKsSet) { ahOfferToAHCatEntriesTableMapper.deleteTableMapping(pk, removeAHCatEntriesPK); } newAHCatEntriesPKsSet.removeAll(oldAHCatEntriesPKsSet); for (long newAHCatEntriesPK : newAHCatEntriesPKsSet) { ahOfferToAHCatEntriesTableMapper.addTableMapping(pk, newAHCatEntriesPK); } }
/** * Sets the a h subscriptions associated with the a h cat entries, removing and adding associations as necessary. Also notifies the appropriate model listeners and clears the mapping table finder cache. * * @param pk the primary key of the a h cat entries * @param ahSubscriptionPKs the primary keys of the a h subscriptions to be associated with the a h cat entries * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred */ @Override public void setAHSubscriptions(long pk, long[] ahSubscriptionPKs) throws SystemException { Set<Long> newAHSubscriptionPKsSet = SetUtil.fromArray(ahSubscriptionPKs); Set<Long> oldAHSubscriptionPKsSet = SetUtil.fromArray(ahCatEntriesToAHSubscriptionTableMapper.getRightPrimaryKeys( pk)); Set<Long> removeAHSubscriptionPKsSet = new HashSet<Long>(oldAHSubscriptionPKsSet); removeAHSubscriptionPKsSet.removeAll(newAHSubscriptionPKsSet); for (long removeAHSubscriptionPK : removeAHSubscriptionPKsSet) { ahCatEntriesToAHSubscriptionTableMapper.deleteTableMapping(pk, removeAHSubscriptionPK); } newAHSubscriptionPKsSet.removeAll(oldAHSubscriptionPKsSet); for (long newAHSubscriptionPK : newAHSubscriptionPKsSet) { ahCatEntriesToAHSubscriptionTableMapper.addTableMapping(pk, newAHSubscriptionPK); } }
/** * Sets the a h offers associated with the a h cat entries, removing and adding associations as necessary. Also notifies the appropriate model listeners and clears the mapping table finder cache. * * @param pk the primary key of the a h cat entries * @param ahOfferPKs the primary keys of the a h offers to be associated with the a h cat entries * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred */ @Override public void setAHOffers(long pk, long[] ahOfferPKs) throws SystemException { Set<Long> newAHOfferPKsSet = SetUtil.fromArray(ahOfferPKs); Set<Long> oldAHOfferPKsSet = SetUtil.fromArray(ahCatEntriesToAHOfferTableMapper.getRightPrimaryKeys( pk)); Set<Long> removeAHOfferPKsSet = new HashSet<Long>(oldAHOfferPKsSet); removeAHOfferPKsSet.removeAll(newAHOfferPKsSet); for (long removeAHOfferPK : removeAHOfferPKsSet) { ahCatEntriesToAHOfferTableMapper.deleteTableMapping(pk, removeAHOfferPK); } newAHOfferPKsSet.removeAll(oldAHOfferPKsSet); for (long newAHOfferPK : newAHOfferPKsSet) { ahCatEntriesToAHOfferTableMapper.addTableMapping(pk, newAHOfferPK); } }
/** * Sets the a h cat entrieses associated with the a h subscription, removing and adding associations as necessary. Also notifies the appropriate model listeners and clears the mapping table finder cache. * * @param pk the primary key of the a h subscription * @param ahCatEntriesPKs the primary keys of the a h cat entrieses to be associated with the a h subscription * @throws SystemException if a system exception occurred */ @Override public void setAHCatEntrieses(long pk, long[] ahCatEntriesPKs) throws SystemException { Set<Long> newAHCatEntriesPKsSet = SetUtil.fromArray(ahCatEntriesPKs); Set<Long> oldAHCatEntriesPKsSet = SetUtil.fromArray(ahSubscriptionToAHCatEntriesTableMapper.getRightPrimaryKeys( pk)); Set<Long> removeAHCatEntriesPKsSet = new HashSet<Long>(oldAHCatEntriesPKsSet); removeAHCatEntriesPKsSet.removeAll(newAHCatEntriesPKsSet); for (long removeAHCatEntriesPK : removeAHCatEntriesPKsSet) { ahSubscriptionToAHCatEntriesTableMapper.deleteTableMapping(pk, removeAHCatEntriesPK); } newAHCatEntriesPKsSet.removeAll(oldAHCatEntriesPKsSet); for (long newAHCatEntriesPK : newAHCatEntriesPKsSet) { ahSubscriptionToAHCatEntriesTableMapper.addTableMapping(pk, newAHCatEntriesPK); } }
public BBCodeParser() { _blockElements = SetUtil.fromArray( new String[] { "*", "center", "code", "justify", "left", "li", "list", "q", "quote", "right", "table", "td", "th", "tr" }); _inlineElements = SetUtil.fromArray( new String[] { "b", "color", "font", "i", "img", "s", "size", "u", "url", "youtube" }); _selfCloseElements = SetUtil.fromArray(new String[] {"*"}); }
protected void initXStream() { _xStream = new XStream(null, new XppDriver(), new ClassLoaderReference( XStreamConfiguratorRegistryUtil.getConfiguratorsClassLoader(XStream.class.getClassLoader()))); _xStream.omitField(HashMap.class, "cache_bitmask"); Set<XStreamConfigurator> xStreamConfigurators = XStreamConfiguratorRegistryUtil.getXStreamConfigurators(); if (SetUtil.isEmpty(xStreamConfigurators)) { return; } List<String> allowedTypeNames = new ArrayList<>(); for (XStreamConfigurator xStreamConfigurator : xStreamConfigurators) { List<XStreamAlias> xStreamAliases = xStreamConfigurator.getXStreamAliases(); if (ListUtil.isNotEmpty(xStreamAliases)) { for (XStreamAlias xStreamAlias : xStreamAliases) { _xStream.alias(xStreamAlias.getName(), xStreamAlias.getClazz()); } } List<XStreamConverter> xStreamConverters = xStreamConfigurator.getXStreamConverters(); if (ListUtil.isNotEmpty(xStreamConverters)) { for (XStreamConverter xStreamConverter : xStreamConverters) { _xStream.registerConverter(new ConverterAdapter(xStreamConverter), XStream.PRIORITY_VERY_HIGH); } } List<XStreamType> xStreamTypes = xStreamConfigurator.getAllowedXStreamTypes(); if (ListUtil.isNotEmpty(xStreamTypes)) { for (XStreamType xStreamType : xStreamTypes) { allowedTypeNames.add(xStreamType.getTypeExpression()); } } } // For default permissions, first wipe than add default _xStream.addPermission(NoTypePermission.NONE); // Add permissions _xStream.addPermission(PrimitiveTypePermission.PRIMITIVES); _xStream.addPermission(XStreamStagedModelTypeHierarchyPermission.STAGED_MODELS); _xStream.allowTypes(_XSTREAM_DEFAULT_ALLOWED_TYPES); _xStream.allowTypeHierarchy(List.class); _xStream.allowTypeHierarchy(Map.class); _xStream.allowTypeHierarchy(Timestamp.class); _xStream.allowTypeHierarchy(Set.class); _xStream.allowTypes(allowedTypeNames.toArray(new String[0])); _xStream.allowTypesByWildcard(new String[] { "com.thoughtworks.xstream.mapper.DynamicProxyMapper*" }); }