public void createDoc() throws FileNotFoundException{ /** 创建Document对象(word文档) */ Rectangle rectPageSize = new Rectangle(PageSize.A4); rectPageSize = rectPageSize.rotate(); // 创建word文档,并设置纸张的大小 doc = new Document(PageSize.A4); file=new File(path+docFileName); fileOutputStream=new FileOutputStream(file); /** 建立一个书写器与document对象关联,通过书写器可以将文档写入到输出流中 */ RtfWriter2.getInstance(doc, fileOutputStream );; //设置页边距,上、下25.4毫米,即为72f,左、右31.8毫米,即为90f doc.setMargins(90f, 90f, 72f, 72f); //设置标题字体样式,粗体、二号、华文中宋 tfont = DocStyleUtils.setFontStyle("华文中宋", 22f, Font.BOLD); //设置正文内容的字体样式,常规、三号、仿宋_GB2312 bfont = DocStyleUtils.setFontStyle("仿宋_GB2312", 16f, Font.NORMAL); }
private float addText(PdfPCell cell, String text, boolean bold, boolean italic, boolean underline, Color color, Color bgColor) { Font font = PdfFont.getFont(bold, italic, underline, color); Chunk chunk = new Chunk(text, font); if (bgColor!=null) chunk.setBackground(bgColor); if (cell.getPhrase()==null) { cell.setPhrase(new Paragraph(chunk)); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_TOP); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); } else { cell.getPhrase().add(chunk); } float width = 0; if (text.indexOf('\n')>=0) { for (StringTokenizer s = new StringTokenizer(text,"\n"); s.hasMoreTokens();) width = Math.max(width,font.getBaseFont().getWidthPoint(s.nextToken(), font.getSize())); } else width = Math.max(width,font.getBaseFont().getWidthPoint(text, font.getSize())); return width; }
protected static float textWidth(Font font, TimetableGridCell cell, boolean showRoom, boolean showInstructor, boolean showTime, boolean showPreference, boolean showDate) { float width = 0; if (cell.getNrNames() > 0) { for (String name: cell.getNames()) width = Math.max(width, font.getBaseFont().getWidthPoint(name, font.getSize())); } if (showTime && cell.hasTime()) width = Math.max(width, font.getBaseFont().getWidthPoint(cell.getTime(), font.getSize())); if (showDate && cell.hasDate()) width = Math.max(width, font.getBaseFont().getWidthPoint(cell.getDate(), font.getSize())); if (showRoom && cell.getNrRooms() > 0) for (String room: cell.getRooms()) width = Math.max(width, font.getBaseFont().getWidthPoint(room, font.getSize())); if (showInstructor && cell.getNrInstructors() > 0) for (String instructor: cell.getInstructors()) width = Math.max(width, font.getBaseFont().getWidthPoint(instructor, font.getSize())); if (showPreference && cell.hasPreference()) width = Math.max(width, font.getBaseFont().getWidthPoint(cell.getPreference().replaceAll("\\<[^>]*>",""), font.getSize())); return width; }
/** * Returns the PDF representation of this <CODE>PdfOutline</CODE>. * * @param writer the encryption information * @param os * @throws IOException */ public void toPdf(PdfWriter writer, OutputStream os) throws IOException { if (color != null && !color.equals( { put(PdfName.C, new PdfArray(new float[]{color.getRed()/255f,color.getGreen()/255f,color.getBlue()/255f})); } int flag = 0; if ((style & Font.BOLD) != 0) flag |= 2; if ((style & Font.ITALIC) != 0) flag |= 1; if (flag != 0) put(PdfName.F, new PdfNumber(flag)); if (parent != null) { put(PdfName.PARENT, parent.indirectReference()); } if (destination != null && destination.hasPage()) { put(PdfName.DEST, destination); } if (action != null) put(PdfName.A, action); if (count != 0) { put(PdfName.COUNT, new PdfNumber(count)); } super.toPdf(writer, os); }
/** * Create a font via the <code>FontFactory</code> * * @param fontName The font name to create * @return The created <code>Font</code> object * * @since 2.0.8 */ private Font createfont(String fontName) { Font f1 = null; int pos=-1; do { f1 = FontFactory.getFont(fontName); if(f1.getBaseFont() != null) break; // found a font, exit the do/while pos = fontName.lastIndexOf(' '); // find the last space if(pos>0) { fontName = fontName.substring(0, pos ); // truncate it to the last space } } while(pos>0); return f1; }
public void start() throws DocumentException,IOException { //Create the font we are going to print to bf = BaseFont.createFont(BaseFont.HELVETICA, BaseFont.CP1252, BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED); font = new Font(bf, FONTSIZE, Font.NORMAL); boldFont = new Font(bf,FONTSIZE,Font.BOLD); //Create the document we are going to write to document = new Document(); writer = PdfWriterFactory.newInstance(document, os, FontSettings.HELVETICA_10PT); // writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document,os); // writer.setPageEvent(new EndPage()); writer.setStrictImageSequence(true); document.setPageSize(PageSize.LETTER);; }
/** * Sets the correct font name from the family name. * * @param familyname The family name to set the name to. */ private void setToDefaultFamily(String familyname){ switch (Font.getFamilyIndex(familyname)) { case Font.COURIER: this.fontName = "Courier"; break; case Font.HELVETICA: this.fontName = "Arial"; break; case Font.SYMBOL: this.fontName = "Symbol"; this.charset = 2; break; case Font.TIMES_ROMAN: this.fontName = "Times New Roman"; break; case Font.ZAPFDINGBATS: this.fontName = "Windings"; break; default: this.fontName = familyname; } }
/** * Compares this <code>RtfFont</code> to either a {@link com.lowagie.text.Font} or * an <code>RtfFont</code>. * * @since 2.1.0 */ public int compareTo(Object object) { if (object == null) { return -1; } if(object instanceof RtfFont) { if(this.getFontName().compareTo(((RtfFont) object).getFontName()) != 0) { return 1; } else { return super.compareTo(object); } } else if(object instanceof Font) { return super.compareTo(object); } else { return -3; } }
/** * Using a True Type Font. */ @Test public void main() throws Exception { // step 1: creation of a document-object Document document = new Document(); // step 2: // we create a writer that listens to the document // and directs a PDF-stream to a file PdfWriter.getInstance(document,PdfTestBase.getOutputStream("truetype.pdf")); // step 3: we open the document; String f = new File(PdfTestBase.RESOURCES_DIR + "liberation-fonts-ttf/LiberationMono-Regular.ttf").getAbsolutePath(); // step 4: we add content to the document BaseFont bfComic = BaseFont.createFont(f, BaseFont.CP1252, BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED); Font font = new Font(bfComic, 12); String text1 = "This is the quite popular Liberation Mono."; document.add(new Paragraph(text1, font)); // step 5: we close the document document.close(); }
/** * Changing the width of font glyphs. * * @param args * no arguments needed */ @Test public void main() throws Exception { // step 1 Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4, 50, 50, 50, 50); // step 2 PdfWriter.getInstance(document, PdfTestBase.getOutputStream("fixedfontwidth.pdf")); // step 3; // step 4 BaseFont bf = BaseFont.createFont("Helvetica", "winansi", false, false, null, null); int widths[] = bf.getWidths(); for (int k = 0; k < widths.length; ++k) { if (widths[k] != 0) widths[k] = 1000; } bf.setForceWidthsOutput(true); document.add(new Paragraph("A big text to show Helvetica with fixed width.", new Font(bf))); // step 5 document.close(); }
/** * Specifying an encoding. */ @Test public void main() throws Exception { // step 1: creation of a document-object Document document = new Document(); // step 2: creation of the writer PdfWriter.getInstance(document, PdfTestBase.getOutputStream("fontencoding.pdf")); // step 3: we open the document; // step 4: we add content to the document BaseFont helvetica = BaseFont.createFont(BaseFont.HELVETICA, BaseFont.CP1252, BaseFont.EMBEDDED); Font font = new Font(helvetica, 12, Font.NORMAL); Chunk chunk = new Chunk("Sponsor this example and send me 1\u20ac. These are some special characters: \u0152\u0153\u0160\u0161\u0178\u017D\u0192\u02DC\u2020\u2021\u2030", font); document.add(chunk); // step 5: we close the document document.close(); }
/** * Using oth */ @Test public void main() throws Exception { // step 1 Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4, 50, 50, 50, 50); // step 2 PdfWriter.getInstance(document, PdfTestBase.getOutputStream("opentypefont.pdf")); // step 3; // step 4 BaseFont bf = BaseFont.createFont(PdfTestBase.RESOURCES_DIR + "liz.otf", BaseFont.CP1252, true); String text = "Some text with the otf font LIZ."; document.add(new Paragraph(text, new Font(bf, 14))); // step 5 document.close(); }
public void createContent(WebInput wi, DocInfo di)throws ControllerException { Document pdfDoc = di.getPdfDocument(); try { pdfDoc.add(new Paragraph("Hello World!")); try { BaseFont bf = BaseFont.createFont("STSong-Light", "UniGB-UCS2-H", BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED); Font FontChinese = new Font(bf, 12, Font.NORMAL); String info=wi.getParameter("info"); Paragraph p0 = new Paragraph(info, FontChinese); pdfDoc.add(p0); Paragraph p1 = new Paragraph("Beetle Web Framework 页面生成PDF文件演示!", FontChinese); pdfDoc.add(p1); } catch (Exception ex1) { throw new ControllerException(ex1); } } catch (DocumentException ex) { throw new ControllerException(ex); } }
/** * Using FontSelector. */ @Test public void main() throws Exception { // step 1 Document document = new Document(); // step 2 PdfWriter.getInstance(document, PdfTestBase.getOutputStream("differentfonts.pdf")); // step 3; // step 4 Paragraph p = new Paragraph(); p.add(new Chunk("This text is in Times Roman. This is ZapfDingbats: ", new Font(Font.TIMES_ROMAN, 12))); p.add(new Chunk("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", new Font(Font.ZAPFDINGBATS, 12))); p.add(new Chunk(". This is font Symbol: ", new Font(Font.TIMES_ROMAN, 12))); p.add(new Chunk("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", new Font(Font.SYMBOL, 12))); document.add(new Paragraph(p)); // step 5 document.close(); }
/** * Using FontSelector. */ @Test public void main() throws Exception { // step 1 Document document = new Document(); // step 2 PdfWriter.getInstance(document, PdfTestBase.getOutputStream("fontselection.pdf")); // step 3; // step 4 String text = "This text is the first verse of \u275dThe Iliad\u275e. It's not polytonic as it should be " + "with \u2798 and \u279a entoation variants but that's all we have for now.\n\n" + "\u2766\u00a0\u00a0\u039c\u03b7\u03bd\u03b9\u03bd \u03b1\u03b5\u03b9\u03b4\u03b5, \u03b8\u03b5\u03b1, \u03a0\u03b7\u03bb\u03b7\u03b9\u03b1\u03b4\u03b5\u03c9 \u0391\u03c7\u03b9\u03bb\u03b7\u03bf\u03c2"; FontSelector sel = new FontSelector(); sel.addFont(new Font(Font.TIMES_ROMAN, 12)); sel.addFont(new Font(Font.ZAPFDINGBATS, 12)); sel.addFont(new Font(Font.SYMBOL, 12)); Phrase ph = sel.process(text); document.add(new Paragraph(ph)); // step 5 document.close(); }
protected void writePageAnchor(int pageIndex) throws DocumentException { Map<Attribute,Object> attributes = new HashMap<Attribute,Object>(); fontUtil.getAttributesWithoutAwtFont(attributes, new JRBasePrintText(jasperPrint.getDefaultStyleProvider())); Font pdfFont = getFont(attributes, getLocale(), false); Chunk chunk = new Chunk(" ", pdfFont); chunk.setLocalDestination(JR_PAGE_ANCHOR_PREFIX + reportIndex + "_" + (pageIndex + 1)); tagHelper.startPageAnchor(); ColumnText colText = new ColumnText(pdfContentByte); colText.setSimpleColumn( new Phrase(chunk), 0, pageFormat.getPageHeight(), 1, 1, 0, Element.ALIGN_LEFT ); colText.go(); tagHelper.endPageAnchor(); }
private static PdfPCell makeCell(String text, int vAlignment, int hAlignment, Font font, float leading, float padding, Rectangle borders, boolean ascender, boolean descender) { Paragraph p = new Paragraph(text, font); p.setLeading(leading); PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(p); cell.setLeading(leading, 0); cell.setVerticalAlignment(vAlignment); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(hAlignment); cell.cloneNonPositionParameters(borders); cell.setUseAscender(ascender); cell.setUseDescender(descender); cell.setUseBorderPadding(true); cell.setPadding(padding); return cell; }
/** * Extended font example. * * */ @Test public void main() throws Exception { Document document = new Document(); RtfWriter2.getInstance(document, PdfTestBase.getOutputStream("ExtendedFont.rtf"));; // Create a RtfFont with the desired font name. RtfFont msComicSans = new RtfFont("Comic Sans MS"); // Use the RtfFont like any other Font. document.add(new Paragraph("This paragraph uses the" + " Comic Sans MS font.", msComicSans)); // Font size, font style and font colour can also be specified. RtfFont bigBoldGreenArial = new RtfFont("Arial", 36, Font.BOLD, Color.GREEN); document.add(new Paragraph("This is a really big bold green Arial text", bigBoldGreenArial)); document.close(); }
@Test public void testSimplePdf() throws FileNotFoundException, DocumentException { BaseFont font = null; try { font = BaseFont.createFont("LiberationSerif-Regular.ttf", BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, false); } catch (IOException ioe) { // nop } Document document = null; try { document = PdfTestBase.createPdf("unicode.pdf"); // new page with a rectangle; Element unicodeParagraph = new Paragraph(INPUT, new Font(font, 12)); document.add(unicodeParagraph); } finally { // close document if (document != null) document.close(); } }
public PdfRecordPrinter(HttpServletRequest request, OutputStream os) throws DocumentException,IOException { this.request = request; this.os = os; formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy"); //Create the font we are going to print to bf = BaseFont.createFont(BaseFont.HELVETICA, BaseFont.CP1252, BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED); font = new Font(bf, FONTSIZE, Font.NORMAL); boldFont = new Font(bf,FONTSIZE,Font.BOLD); //Create the document we are going to write to document = new Document(); writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document,os); writer.setPageEvent(new EndPage()); writer.setStrictImageSequence(true); document.setPageSize(PageSize.LETTER);; }
private void writeColumns(PDFDocument document, PdfPTable tb) { PdfPTable tabla = new PdfPTable(anchoColumnas); tabla.setWidthPercentage(100); // this.tabla.setSplitRows(true); Font font = document.getContext().getDefaultFont(); PdfPCell cell; cell = createCell("",Rectangle.LEFT | Rectangle.RIGHT); tabla.addCell(cell); for(int i=0; i<columnas.size(); i++) { cell = createCell((String)columnas.get(i),document.getContext().getColor(204,204,204), Rectangle.ALIGN_CENTER,font); tabla.addCell(cell); } cell = createCell("",Rectangle.LEFT | Rectangle.RIGHT); tabla.addCell(cell); addTabla(tb,tabla); }
private void writeCampos(PDFDocument document, PdfPTable tb) { PdfPTable tabla = new PdfPTable(anchoColumnas); PdfPCell cell; tabla.setWidthPercentage(100); Font font = document.getContext().getDefaultFont(); for(int i=0; i<campos.size();i++) { cell = createCell("",Rectangle.LEFT | Rectangle.RIGHT); tabla.addCell(cell); Vector cp = (Vector)campos.get(i); for(int j=0; j<cp.size(); j++) { cell = createCell((String)cp.get(j),font); tabla.addCell(cell); } cell = createCell("",Rectangle.LEFT | Rectangle.RIGHT); tabla.addCell(cell); } addTabla(tb,tabla); }
private PdfPTable createNeedHeader(String name) throws DocumentException { Font whiteFont = new Font(Font.HELVETICA,14,Font.BOLD,Color.WHITE); PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(3); table.setWidthPercentage(100); table.setWidths(new float[]{0.10f,0.20f,0.70f}); PdfPCell emptyCell = new PdfPCell(); emptyCell.setBorder(0); table.addCell(emptyCell); PdfPCell headerCell = new PdfPCell(); headerCell.setColspan(2); headerCell.setPhrase(new Phrase(name,whiteFont)); headerCell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); headerCell.setBackgroundColor(Color.LIGHT_GRAY); table.addCell(headerCell); return table; }
public OscarChartPrinter(HttpServletRequest request, OutputStream os) throws DocumentException,IOException { this.request = request; this.os = os; document = new Document(); // writer = PdfWriterFactory.newInstance(document, os, FontSettings.HELVETICA_10PT); writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document,os); writer.setPageEvent(new EndPage()); document.setPageSize(PageSize.LETTER);; //Create the font we are going to print to bf = BaseFont.createFont(BaseFont.HELVETICA, BaseFont.CP1252, BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED); font = new Font(bf, FONTSIZE, Font.NORMAL); boldFont = new Font(bf,FONTSIZE,Font.BOLD); }
@Override public void installTabbedContainerSettings() { super.installTabbedContainerSettings(); UIManager.put("TabbedPane.textIconGap", 30); UIManager.put("JTabbedPaneSmartIcon.font", new UIDefaults.ProxyLazyValue("javax.swing.plaf.FontUIResource", null, new Object[] { "Dialog", Font.NORMAL, 13 })); }
public void addTextVertical(PdfPCell cell, String text, boolean bold) throws Exception { if (text==null) return; if (text.indexOf("<span")>=0) text = text.replaceAll("</span>","").replaceAll("<span .*>", ""); Font font = PdfFont.getFont(bold); BaseFont bf = font.getBaseFont(); float width = bf.getWidthPoint(text, font.getSize()); PdfTemplate template = iWriter.getDirectContent().createTemplate(2 * font.getSize() + 4, width); template.beginText(); template.setColorFill(Color.BLACK); template.setFontAndSize(bf, font.getSize()); template.setTextMatrix(0, 2); template.showText(text); template.endText(); template.setWidth(width); template.setHeight(font.getSize() + 2); //make an Image object from the template Image img = Image.getInstance(template); img.setRotationDegrees(270); //embed the image in a Chunk Chunk ck = new Chunk(img, 0, 0); if (cell.getPhrase()==null) { cell.setPhrase(new Paragraph(ck)); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); } else { cell.getPhrase().add(ck); } }
public static float getWidth(String text, boolean bold, boolean italic) { Font font = PdfFont.getFont(bold, italic); float width = 0; if (text.indexOf('\n')>=0) { for (StringTokenizer s = new StringTokenizer(text,"\n"); s.hasMoreTokens();) width = Math.max(width,font.getBaseFont().getWidthPoint(s.nextToken(), font.getSize())); } else width = Math.max(width,font.getBaseFont().getWidthPoint(text, font.getSize())); return width; }
public static float getWidthOfLastLine(String text, boolean bold, boolean italic) { Font font = PdfFont.getFont(bold, italic); float width = 0; if (text.indexOf('\n')>=0) { for (StringTokenizer s = new StringTokenizer(text,"\n"); s.hasMoreTokens();) width = font.getBaseFont().getWidthPoint(s.nextToken(), font.getSize()); } else width = Math.max(width,font.getBaseFont().getWidthPoint(text, font.getSize())); return width; }
/** * Constructor for PdfEventHandler * */ public PdfEventHandler() throws DocumentException, IOException { super(); Font font = PdfFont.getSmallFont(); setBaseFont(font.getBaseFont()); setFontSize(font.getSize()); return; }
private static Font getFont(float size, boolean fixed, boolean bold, boolean italic) { if (ApplicationProperty.PdfFontCache.isTrue()) { Font font = sFontCache.get(size + (fixed ? "F": "") + (bold ? "B": "") + (italic ? "I" : "")); if (font == null) { font = createFont(size, fixed, bold, italic); sFontCache.put(size + (fixed ? "F": "") + (bold ? "B": "") + (italic ? "I" : ""), font); } return font; } else { return createFont(size, fixed, bold, italic); } }
@Override public void printHeader(String... fields) { iTable = new PdfPTable(fields.length - iHiddenColumns.size()); iMaxWidth = new float[fields.length]; iTable.setHeaderRows(1); iTable.setWidthPercentage(100); for (int idx = 0; idx < fields.length; idx++) { if (iHiddenColumns.contains(idx)) continue; String f = fields[idx]; PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(); cell.setBorder(Rectangle.BOTTOM); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_TOP); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT); Font font = PdfFont.getFont(true); Paragraph ch = new Paragraph(f, font); ch.setLeading(0f, 1f); cell.addElement(ch); iTable.addCell(cell); float width = 0; if (f.indexOf('\n')>=0) { for (StringTokenizer s = new StringTokenizer(f,"\n"); s.hasMoreTokens();) width = Math.max(width,font.getBaseFont().getWidthPoint(s.nextToken(), font.getSize())); } else width = Math.max(width,font.getBaseFont().getWidthPoint(f, font.getSize())); iMaxWidth[idx] = width; } }
public float getWidth(Font font) { if (hasText()) { if (getText().indexOf('\n')>=0) { float width = 0f; for (StringTokenizer s = new StringTokenizer(getText(),"\n"); s.hasMoreTokens();) width = Math.max(width, width(s.nextToken(), font)); return width; } else { return width(getText(), font); } } else { return 0f; } }
/** * 功能说明:设置段落的样式,设置前半截内容和后半截内容格式不一样的段落样式</BR> * 修改日:2011-04-27 * @author myclover * @param content 前半截内容 * @param font 字体的样式 * @param firstLineIndent 首行缩进多少字符,16f约等于一个字符 * @param appendStr 后半截内容 * @return */ public static Paragraph setParagraphStyle(String content , Font font , float firstLineIndent , String appendStr){ Paragraph par = setParagraphStyle(content, font, 0f, 12f); Phrase phrase = new Phrase(); phrase.add(par); phrase.add(appendStr); Paragraph paragraph = new Paragraph(phrase); paragraph.setFirstLineIndent(firstLineIndent); //设置对齐方式为两端对齐 paragraph.setAlignment(Paragraph.ALIGN_JUSTIFIED_ALL); return paragraph; }
/** * Gets a chunk with a symbol character. * @param e a symbol value (see Entities class: alfa is greek alfa,...) * @param font the font if the symbol isn't found (otherwise Font.SYMBOL) * @return a Chunk */ public static Chunk get(String e, Font font) { char s = getCorrespondingSymbol(e); if (s == (char)0) { try { return new Chunk(String.valueOf((char)Integer.parseInt(e)), font); } catch(Exception exception) { return new Chunk(e, font); } } Font symbol = new Font(Font.SYMBOL, font.getSize(), font.getStyle(), font.getColor()); return new Chunk(String.valueOf(s), symbol); }
/** * Adds a <CODE>Font</CODE> to be searched for valid characters. * @param font the <CODE>Font</CODE> */ public void addFont(Font font) { if (font.getBaseFont() != null) { fonts.add(font); return; } BaseFont bf = font.getCalculatedBaseFont(true); Font f2 = new Font(bf, font.getSize(), font.getCalculatedStyle(), font.getColor()); fonts.add(f2); }
public RtfListLevel(RtfDocument doc) { super(doc); templateID = document.getRandomInt(); setFontNumber( new RtfFont(document, new Font(Font.TIMES_ROMAN, 10, Font.NORMAL, new Color(0, 0, 0)))); setBulletFont(new Font(Font.SYMBOL, 10, Font.NORMAL, new Color(0, 0, 0))); }
private void setAppointmentInfo(EctConsultationFormRequestUtil reqForm) throws DocumentException{ printClinicData(reqForm); Font font = new Font(bf, FONTSIZE, Font.NORMAL); // Set consultant info cb.beginText(); cb.setFontAndSize(bf, FONTSIZE); cb.showTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_LEFT, reqForm.referalDate, 190, height - 112, 0); cb.showTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_LEFT, reqForm.urgency.equals("1") ? "Urgent" : (reqForm.urgency.equals("2") ? "Non-Urgent" : "Return"), 190, height - 125, 0); cb.showTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_LEFT, reqForm.getServiceName(reqForm.service), 190, height - 139, 0); cb.showTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_LEFT, reqForm.getSpecailistsName(reqForm.specialist), 190, height - 153, 0); cb.showTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_LEFT, reqForm.specPhone, 190, height - 166, 0); cb.showTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_LEFT, reqForm.specFax, 190, height - 181, 0); cb.endText(); ct.setSimpleColumn(new Float(190), height - 223, new Float(290), height - 181, LINEHEIGHT, Element.ALIGN_LEFT); ct.addText(new Phrase(reqForm.specAddr.replaceAll("<br>", "\n"), font)); ct.go(); // Set patient info cb.beginText(); cb.setFontAndSize(bf, FONTSIZE); cb.showTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_LEFT, reqForm.patientName, 385, height - 112, 0); cb.endText(); ct.setSimpleColumn(new Float(385), height - 153, new Float(585), height - 112, LINEHEIGHT, Element.ALIGN_LEFT); ct.addText(new Phrase(reqForm.patientAddress.replaceAll("<br>", " "), font)); ct.go(); cb.beginText(); cb.setFontAndSize(bf, FONTSIZE); cb.showTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_LEFT, reqForm.patientPhone, 385, height - 166, 0); cb.showTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_LEFT, reqForm.patientDOB, 385, height - 181, 0); cb.showTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_LEFT, (reqForm.patientHealthCardType+" "+reqForm.patientHealthNum+" "+reqForm.patientHealthCardVersionCode).trim(), 440, height - 195, 0); cb.showTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_LEFT, reqForm.appointmentHour+":"+reqForm.appointmentMinute+" "+reqForm.appointmentPm+" " + reqForm.appointmentDate, 440, height - 208, 0); cb.showTextAligned(PdfContentByte.ALIGN_LEFT, reqForm.patientChartNo, 385, height - 222, 0); cb.endText(); }
/** * Constructs a RtfFont from a com.lowagie.text.Font * @param doc The RtfDocument this font appears in * @param font The Font to use as a base */ public RtfFont(RtfDocument doc, Font font) { this.document = doc; if(font != null) { if(font instanceof RtfFont) { this.fontName = ((RtfFont) font).getFontName(); this.charset = ((RtfFont) font).getCharset(); } else { setToDefaultFamily(font.getFamilyname()); } if(font.getBaseFont() != null) { String[][] fontNames = font.getBaseFont().getFullFontName(); for(int i = 0; i < fontNames.length; i++) { if(fontNames[i][2].equals("0")) { this.fontName = fontNames[i][3]; break; } else if(fontNames[i][2].equals("1033") || fontNames[i][2].equals("")) { this.fontName = fontNames[i][3]; } } } if(this.fontName.equalsIgnoreCase("unknown")) { this.fontName = DEFAULT_FONT; } setSize(font.getSize()); setStyle(font.getStyle()); setColor(font.getColor()); if(document != null) { this.fontNumber = document.getDocumentHeader().getFontNumber(this); } } if(document != null) { setRtfDocument(document); } }
public void printRtf()throws IOException, DocumentException{ //create an input stream from the rtf string bytes byte[] rtfBytes = handler.getOBXResult(0, 0).getBytes(); ByteArrayInputStream rtfStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(rtfBytes); //create & open the document we are going to write to and its writer document = new Document(); RtfWriter2 writer = RtfWriter2.getInstance(document,os); document.setPageSize(PageSize.LETTER); document.addTitle("Title of the Document"); document.addCreator("OSCAR");; //Create the fonts that we are going to use bf = BaseFont.createFont(BaseFont.HELVETICA, BaseFont.CP1252, BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED); font = new Font(bf, 11, Font.NORMAL); boldFont = new Font(bf, 12, Font.BOLD); // redFont = new Font(bf, 11, Font.NORMAL, Color.RED); //add the patient information addRtfPatientInfo(); //add the results writer.importRtfDocument(rtfStream, null); document.close(); os.flush(); }
/** * Replaces the attributes that are equal to <VAR>null</VAR> with * the attributes of a given font. * * @param font The surrounding font * @return A RtfFont */ public Font difference(Font font) { String dFamilyname = font.getFamilyname(); if(dFamilyname == null || dFamilyname.trim().equals("") || dFamilyname.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("unknown")) { dFamilyname = this.fontName; } float dSize = font.getSize(); if(dSize == Font.UNDEFINED) { dSize = this.getSize(); } int dStyle = Font.UNDEFINED; if(this.getStyle() != Font.UNDEFINED && font.getStyle() != Font.UNDEFINED) { dStyle = this.getStyle() | font.getStyle(); } else if(this.getStyle() != Font.UNDEFINED) { dStyle = this.getStyle(); } else if(font.getStyle() != Font.UNDEFINED) { dStyle = font.getStyle(); } Color dColor = font.getColor(); if(dColor == null) { dColor = this.getColor(); } int dCharset = this.charset; if(font instanceof RtfFont) { dCharset = ((RtfFont) font).getCharset(); } return new RtfFont(dFamilyname, dSize, dStyle, dColor, dCharset); }