Java 类com.mysql.jdbc.NonRegisteringDriver 实例源码

项目:OpenVertretung    文件   
 * Required method to support this class as a <CODE>Referenceable</CODE>.
 * @return a Reference to this data source
 * @throws NamingException
 *             if a JNDI error occurs
public Reference getReference() throws NamingException {
    String factoryName = "com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlDataSourceFactory";
    Reference ref = new Reference(getClass().getName(), factoryName, null);
    ref.add(new StringRefAddr(NonRegisteringDriver.USER_PROPERTY_KEY, getUser()));
    ref.add(new StringRefAddr(NonRegisteringDriver.PASSWORD_PROPERTY_KEY, this.password));
    ref.add(new StringRefAddr("serverName", getServerName()));
    ref.add(new StringRefAddr("port", "" + getPort()));
    ref.add(new StringRefAddr("databaseName", getDatabaseName()));
    ref.add(new StringRefAddr("url", getUrl()));
    ref.add(new StringRefAddr("explicitUrl", String.valueOf(this.explicitUrl)));

    // Now store all of the 'non-standard' properties...
    try {
    } catch (SQLException sqlEx) {
        throw new NamingException(sqlEx.getMessage());

    return ref;
项目:ProyectoPacientes    文件   
 * Required method to support this class as a <CODE>Referenceable</CODE>.
 * @return a Reference to this data source
 * @throws NamingException
 *             if a JNDI error occurs
public Reference getReference() throws NamingException {
    String factoryName = "com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlDataSourceFactory";
    Reference ref = new Reference(getClass().getName(), factoryName, null);
    ref.add(new StringRefAddr(NonRegisteringDriver.USER_PROPERTY_KEY, getUser()));
    ref.add(new StringRefAddr(NonRegisteringDriver.PASSWORD_PROPERTY_KEY, this.password));
    ref.add(new StringRefAddr("serverName", getServerName()));
    ref.add(new StringRefAddr("port", "" + getPort()));
    ref.add(new StringRefAddr("databaseName", getDatabaseName()));
    ref.add(new StringRefAddr("url", getUrl()));
    ref.add(new StringRefAddr("explicitUrl", String.valueOf(this.explicitUrl)));

    // Now store all of the 'non-standard' properties...
    try {
    } catch (SQLException sqlEx) {
        throw new NamingException(sqlEx.getMessage());

    return ref;
项目:the-vigilantes    文件   
public void testJdbc4LoadBalancing() throws Exception {
    Properties props = new Properties();
    props.setProperty("loadBalanceStrategy", CountingReBalanceStrategy.class.getName());
    props.setProperty("loadBalanceAutoCommitStatementThreshold", "3");

    String portNumber = new NonRegisteringDriver().parseURL(dbUrl, null).getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.PORT_PROPERTY_KEY);

    if (portNumber == null) {
        portNumber = "3306";

    Connection conn2 = this.getUnreliableLoadBalancedConnection(new String[] { "first", "second" }, props);
    try {
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        fail("Unable to call Connection.createNClob() in load-balanced connection");

项目:the-vigilantes    文件   
public void testPropertiesDescriptionsKeys() throws Exception {
    DriverPropertyInfo[] dpi = new NonRegisteringDriver().getPropertyInfo(dbUrl, null);

    for (int i = 0; i < dpi.length; i++) {
        String description = dpi[i].description;
        String propertyName = dpi[i].name;

        if (description.indexOf("Missing error message for key '") != -1 || description.startsWith("!")) {
            fail("Missing message for configuration property " + propertyName);

        if (description.length() < 10) {
            fail("Suspiciously short description for configuration property " + propertyName);
项目:the-vigilantes    文件   
private void checkBug32216(String host, String port, String dbname) throws SQLException {
    NonRegisteringDriver driver = new NonRegisteringDriver();

    StringBuilder url = new StringBuilder("jdbc:mysql://");

    if (port != null) {


    Properties result = driver.parseURL(url.toString(), new Properties());

    assertEquals("hostname not equal", host, result.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.HOST_PROPERTY_KEY));
    if (port != null) {
        assertEquals("port not equal", port, result.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.PORT_PROPERTY_KEY));
    } else {
        assertEquals("port default incorrect", "3306", result.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.PORT_PROPERTY_KEY));

    assertEquals("dbname not equal", dbname, result.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.DBNAME_PROPERTY_KEY));
项目:ProyectoPacientes    文件   
private void checkBug32216(String host, String port, String dbname) throws SQLException {
    NonRegisteringDriver driver = new NonRegisteringDriver();

    StringBuilder url = new StringBuilder("jdbc:mysql://");

    if (port != null) {


    Properties result = driver.parseURL(url.toString(), new Properties());

    assertEquals("hostname not equal", host, result.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.HOST_PROPERTY_KEY));
    if (port != null) {
        assertEquals("port not equal", port, result.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.PORT_PROPERTY_KEY));
    } else {
        assertEquals("port default incorrect", "3306", result.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.PORT_PROPERTY_KEY));

    assertEquals("dbname not equal", dbname, result.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.DBNAME_PROPERTY_KEY));
项目:the-vigilantes    文件   
public void testChangeUser() throws Exception {
    Properties props = getPropertiesFromTestsuiteUrl();

    Connection testConn = getConnectionWithProps(props);
    Statement testStmt = testConn.createStatement();

    for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) {
        ((com.mysql.jdbc.Connection) testConn).changeUser(props.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.USER_PROPERTY_KEY),

        if (i % 10 == 0) {
            try {
                ((com.mysql.jdbc.Connection) testConn).changeUser("bubba", props.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.PASSWORD_PROPERTY_KEY));
            } catch (SQLException sqlEx) {
                if (versionMeetsMinimum(5, 6, 13)) {
                    testConn = getConnectionWithProps(props);
                    testStmt = testConn.createStatement();
        } = testStmt.executeQuery("SELECT 1");
项目:the-vigilantes    文件   
public void testChangeUserClosedConn() throws Exception {
    Properties props = getPropertiesFromTestsuiteUrl();
    Connection newConn = getConnectionWithProps((Properties) null);

    try {
        ((com.mysql.jdbc.Connection) newConn).changeUser(props.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.USER_PROPERTY_KEY),
        fail("Expected SQL Exception");
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
        // expected
        if (!ex.getClass().getName().endsWith("MySQLNonTransientConnectionException")) {
            throw ex;
    } finally {
项目:the-vigilantes    文件   
 * Tests fix for BUG#68400 useCompression=true and connect to server, zip native method cause out of memory
 * @throws Exception
 *             if any errors occur
public void testBug68400() throws Exception {

    Field f = com.mysql.jdbc.NonRegisteringDriver.class.getDeclaredField("connectionPhantomRefs");
    Map<?, ?> connectionTrackingMap = (Map<?, ?>) f.get(com.mysql.jdbc.NonRegisteringDriver.class);

    Field referentField = java.lang.ref.Reference.class.getDeclaredField("referent");

    createTable("testBug68400", "(x VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '')");
    String s1 = "a very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very large string to ensure compression enabled";
    this.stmt.executeUpdate("insert into testBug68400 values ('" + s1 + "')");

    Properties props = new Properties();
    props.setProperty("useCompression", "true");
    props.setProperty("connectionAttributes", "testBug68400:true");

    testMemLeakBatch(props, connectionTrackingMap, referentField, 0, 0, s1, "testBug68400:true");
    testMemLeakBatch(props, connectionTrackingMap, referentField, 0, 1, s1, "testBug68400:true");
    testMemLeakBatch(props, connectionTrackingMap, referentField, 0, 2, s1, "testBug68400:true");


项目:ProyectoPacientes    文件   
public void testNewHostParsing() throws Exception {
    Properties parsedProps = new NonRegisteringDriver().parseURL(dbUrl, null);
    String host = parsedProps.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.HOST_PROPERTY_KEY);
    String port = parsedProps.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.PORT_PROPERTY_KEY);
    String user = parsedProps.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.USER_PROPERTY_KEY);
    String password = parsedProps.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.PASSWORD_PROPERTY_KEY);
    String database = parsedProps.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.DBNAME_PROPERTY_KEY);

    String newUrl = String.format("jdbc:mysql://address=(protocol=tcp)(host=%s)(port=%s)(user=%s)(password=%s)/%s", host, port, user != null ? user : "",
            password != null ? password : "", database);

    Properties props = getHostFreePropertiesFromTestsuiteUrl();

    try {
        getConnectionWithProps(newUrl, props);
    } catch (SQLException sqlEx) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Failed to connect with URL " + newUrl, sqlEx);
项目:BibliotecaPS    文件   
 * Required method to support this class as a <CODE>Referenceable</CODE>.
 * @return a Reference to this data source
 * @throws NamingException
 *             if a JNDI error occurs
public Reference getReference() throws NamingException {
    String factoryName = "com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlDataSourceFactory";
    Reference ref = new Reference(getClass().getName(), factoryName, null);
    ref.add(new StringRefAddr(NonRegisteringDriver.USER_PROPERTY_KEY, getUser()));
    ref.add(new StringRefAddr(NonRegisteringDriver.PASSWORD_PROPERTY_KEY, this.password));
    ref.add(new StringRefAddr("serverName", getServerName()));
    ref.add(new StringRefAddr("port", "" + getPort()));
    ref.add(new StringRefAddr("databaseName", getDatabaseName()));
    ref.add(new StringRefAddr("url", getUrl()));
    ref.add(new StringRefAddr("explicitUrl", String.valueOf(this.explicitUrl)));

    // Now store all of the 'non-standard' properties...
    try {
    } catch (SQLException sqlEx) {
        throw new NamingException(sqlEx.getMessage());

    return ref;
项目:the-vigilantes    文件   
 * Fix for BUG#22628 - Driver.getPropertyInfo() throws NullPointerException
 * for URL that only specifies host and/or port.
 * @throws Exception
 *             if the test fails.
public void testBug22628() throws Exception {
    DriverPropertyInfo[] dpi = new NonRegisteringDriver().getPropertyInfo("jdbc:mysql://bogus:9999", new Properties());

    boolean foundHost = false;
    boolean foundPort = false;

    for (int i = 0; i < dpi.length; i++) {
        if ("bogus".equals(dpi[i].value)) {
            foundHost = true;

        if ("9999".equals(dpi[i].value)) {
            foundPort = true;

    assertTrue(foundHost && foundPort);
项目:the-vigilantes    文件   
 * Tests fix for BUG#16791 - NullPointerException in MysqlDataSourceFactory
 * due to Reference containing RefAddrs with null content.
 * @throws Exception
 *             if the test fails
public void testBug16791() throws Exception {
    MysqlDataSource myDs = new MysqlDataSource();
    Reference asRef = myDs.getReference();

    removeFromRef(asRef, "port");
    removeFromRef(asRef, NonRegisteringDriver.USER_PROPERTY_KEY);
    removeFromRef(asRef, NonRegisteringDriver.PASSWORD_PROPERTY_KEY);
    removeFromRef(asRef, "serverName");
    removeFromRef(asRef, "databaseName");

    //MysqlDataSource newDs = (MysqlDataSource)
    new MysqlDataSourceFactory().getObjectInstance(asRef, null, null, null);
项目:the-vigilantes    文件   
 * Returns the properties that represent the default URL used for
 * connections for all testcases.
 * @return properties parsed from com.mysql.jdbc.testsuite.url
 * @throws SQLException
 *             if parsing fails
protected Properties getPropertiesFromTestsuiteUrl() throws SQLException {
    Properties props = new NonRegisteringDriver().parseURL(dbUrl, null);

    String hostname = props.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.HOST_PROPERTY_KEY);
    if (hostname == null) {
        props.setProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.HOST_PROPERTY_KEY, "localhost");
    } else if (hostname.startsWith(":")) {
        props.setProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.HOST_PROPERTY_KEY, "localhost");
        props.setProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.PORT_PROPERTY_KEY, hostname.substring(1));

    String portNumber = props.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.PORT_PROPERTY_KEY);
    if (portNumber == null) {
        props.setProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.PORT_PROPERTY_KEY, "3306");

    return props;
项目:the-vigilantes    文件   
 * Creates a new connection with the given username and password
 * @param userID
 *            the user id to connect with
 * @param password
 *            the password to connect with
 * @return a connection to the database
 * @throws SQLException
 *             if an error occurs
public java.sql.Connection getConnection(String userID, String pass) throws SQLException {
    Properties props = new Properties();

    if (userID != null) {
        props.setProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.USER_PROPERTY_KEY, userID);

    if (pass != null) {
        props.setProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.PASSWORD_PROPERTY_KEY, pass);


    return getConnection(props);
项目:the-vigilantes    文件   
 * Required method to support this class as a <CODE>Referenceable</CODE>.
 * @return a Reference to this data source
 * @throws NamingException
 *             if a JNDI error occurs
public Reference getReference() throws NamingException {
    String factoryName = "com.mysql.jdbc.jdbc2.optional.MysqlDataSourceFactory";
    Reference ref = new Reference(getClass().getName(), factoryName, null);
    ref.add(new StringRefAddr(NonRegisteringDriver.USER_PROPERTY_KEY, getUser()));
    ref.add(new StringRefAddr(NonRegisteringDriver.PASSWORD_PROPERTY_KEY, this.password));
    ref.add(new StringRefAddr("serverName", getServerName()));
    ref.add(new StringRefAddr("port", "" + getPort()));
    ref.add(new StringRefAddr("databaseName", getDatabaseName()));
    ref.add(new StringRefAddr("url", getUrl()));
    ref.add(new StringRefAddr("explicitUrl", String.valueOf(this.explicitUrl)));

    // Now store all of the 'non-standard' properties...
    try {
    } catch (SQLException sqlEx) {
        throw new NamingException(sqlEx.getMessage());

    return ref;
项目:OpenVertretung    文件   
public void testCannedConfigs() throws Exception {
    String url = "jdbc:mysql:///?useConfigs=clusterBase";

    Properties cannedProps = new NonRegisteringDriver().parseURL(url, null);


    // this will fail, but we test that too
    url = "jdbc:mysql:///?useConfigs=clusterBase,clusterBase2";

    try {
        cannedProps = new NonRegisteringDriver().parseURL(url, null);
        fail("should've bailed on that one!");
    } catch (SQLException sqlEx) {
项目:OpenVertretung    文件   
public void testJdbc4LoadBalancing() throws Exception {
    Properties props = new Properties();
    props.setProperty("loadBalanceStrategy", CountingReBalanceStrategy.class.getName());
    props.setProperty("loadBalanceAutoCommitStatementThreshold", "3");

    String portNumber = new NonRegisteringDriver().parseURL(dbUrl, null).getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.PORT_PROPERTY_KEY);

    if (portNumber == null) {
        portNumber = "3306";

    Connection conn2 = this.getUnreliableLoadBalancedConnection(new String[] { "first", "second" }, props);
    try {
    } catch (SQLException e) {
        fail("Unable to call Connection.createNClob() in load-balanced connection");

项目:ProyectoPacientes    文件   
public void testPropertiesDescriptionsKeys() throws Exception {
    DriverPropertyInfo[] dpi = new NonRegisteringDriver().getPropertyInfo(dbUrl, null);

    for (int i = 0; i < dpi.length; i++) {
        String description = dpi[i].description;
        String propertyName = dpi[i].name;

        if (description.indexOf("Missing error message for key '") != -1 || description.startsWith("!")) {
            fail("Missing message for configuration property " + propertyName);

        if (description.length() < 10) {
            fail("Suspiciously short description for configuration property " + propertyName);
项目:BibliotecaPS    文件   
 * Returns the properties that represent the default URL used for
 * connections for all testcases.
 * @return properties parsed from com.mysql.jdbc.testsuite.url
 * @throws SQLException
 *             if parsing fails
protected Properties getPropertiesFromTestsuiteUrl() throws SQLException {
    Properties props = new NonRegisteringDriver().parseURL(dbUrl, null);

    String hostname = props.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.HOST_PROPERTY_KEY);
    if (hostname == null) {
        props.setProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.HOST_PROPERTY_KEY, "localhost");
    } else if (hostname.startsWith(":")) {
        props.setProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.HOST_PROPERTY_KEY, "localhost");
        props.setProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.PORT_PROPERTY_KEY, hostname.substring(1));

    String portNumber = props.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.PORT_PROPERTY_KEY);
    if (portNumber == null) {
        props.setProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.PORT_PROPERTY_KEY, "3306");

    return props;
项目:OpenVertretung    文件   
public void testPropertiesDescriptionsKeys() throws Exception {
    DriverPropertyInfo[] dpi = new NonRegisteringDriver().getPropertyInfo(dbUrl, null);

    for (int i = 0; i < dpi.length; i++) {
        String description = dpi[i].description;
        String propertyName = dpi[i].name;

        if (description.indexOf("Missing error message for key '") != -1 || description.startsWith("!")) {
            fail("Missing message for configuration property " + propertyName);

        if (description.length() < 10) {
            fail("Suspiciously short description for configuration property " + propertyName);
项目:OpenVertretung    文件   
public void testChangeUserClosedConn() throws Exception {
    Properties props = getPropertiesFromTestsuiteUrl();
    Connection newConn = getConnectionWithProps((Properties) null);

    try {
        ((com.mysql.jdbc.Connection) newConn).changeUser(props.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.USER_PROPERTY_KEY),
        fail("Expected SQL Exception");
    } catch (SQLException ex) {
        // expected
        if (!ex.getClass().getName().endsWith("MySQLNonTransientConnectionException")) {
            throw ex;
    } finally {
项目:OpenVertretung    文件   
 * Tests fix for BUG#68400 useCompression=true and connect to server, zip native method cause out of memory
 * @throws Exception
 *             if any errors occur
public void testBug68400() throws Exception {

    Field f = com.mysql.jdbc.NonRegisteringDriver.class.getDeclaredField("connectionPhantomRefs");
    Map<?, ?> connectionTrackingMap = (Map<?, ?>) f.get(com.mysql.jdbc.NonRegisteringDriver.class);

    Field referentField = java.lang.ref.Reference.class.getDeclaredField("referent");

    createTable("testBug68400", "(x VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '')");
    String s1 = "a very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very large string to ensure compression enabled";
    this.stmt.executeUpdate("insert into testBug68400 values ('" + s1 + "')");

    Properties props = new Properties();
    props.setProperty("useCompression", "true");
    props.setProperty("connectionAttributes", "testBug68400:true");

    testMemLeakBatch(props, connectionTrackingMap, referentField, 0, 0, s1, "testBug68400:true");
    testMemLeakBatch(props, connectionTrackingMap, referentField, 0, 1, s1, "testBug68400:true");
    testMemLeakBatch(props, connectionTrackingMap, referentField, 0, 2, s1, "testBug68400:true");


项目:ProyectoPacientes    文件   
 * Tests fix for BUG#68400 useCompression=true and connect to server, zip native method cause out of memory
 * @throws Exception
 *             if any errors occur
public void testBug68400() throws Exception {

    Field f = com.mysql.jdbc.NonRegisteringDriver.class.getDeclaredField("connectionPhantomRefs");
    Map<?, ?> connectionTrackingMap = (Map<?, ?>) f.get(com.mysql.jdbc.NonRegisteringDriver.class);

    Field referentField = java.lang.ref.Reference.class.getDeclaredField("referent");

    createTable("testBug68400", "(x VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '')");
    String s1 = "a very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very large string to ensure compression enabled";
    this.stmt.executeUpdate("insert into testBug68400 values ('" + s1 + "')");

    Properties props = new Properties();
    props.setProperty("useCompression", "true");
    props.setProperty("connectionAttributes", "testBug68400:true");

    testMemLeakBatch(props, connectionTrackingMap, referentField, 0, 0, s1, "testBug68400:true");
    testMemLeakBatch(props, connectionTrackingMap, referentField, 0, 1, s1, "testBug68400:true");
    testMemLeakBatch(props, connectionTrackingMap, referentField, 0, 2, s1, "testBug68400:true");


项目:BibliotecaPS    文件   
 * Creates a new connection with the given username and password
 * @param userID
 *            the user id to connect with
 * @param password
 *            the password to connect with
 * @return a connection to the database
 * @throws SQLException
 *             if an error occurs
public java.sql.Connection getConnection(String userID, String pass) throws SQLException {
    Properties props = new Properties();

    if (userID != null) {
        props.setProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.USER_PROPERTY_KEY, userID);

    if (pass != null) {
        props.setProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.PASSWORD_PROPERTY_KEY, pass);


    return getConnection(props);
项目:OpenVertretung    文件   
 * Returns the properties that represent the default URL used for
 * connections for all testcases.
 * @return properties parsed from com.mysql.jdbc.testsuite.url
 * @throws SQLException
 *             if parsing fails
protected Properties getPropertiesFromTestsuiteUrl() throws SQLException {
    Properties props = new NonRegisteringDriver().parseURL(dbUrl, null);

    String hostname = props.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.HOST_PROPERTY_KEY);
    if (hostname == null) {
        props.setProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.HOST_PROPERTY_KEY, "localhost");
    } else if (hostname.startsWith(":")) {
        props.setProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.HOST_PROPERTY_KEY, "localhost");
        props.setProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.PORT_PROPERTY_KEY, hostname.substring(1));

    String portNumber = props.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.PORT_PROPERTY_KEY);
    if (portNumber == null) {
        props.setProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.PORT_PROPERTY_KEY, "3306");

    return props;
项目:ProyectoPacientes    文件   
protected ReplicationConnection getUnreliableReplicationConnection(Set<MockConnectionConfiguration> configs, Properties props) throws Exception {
    NonRegisteringDriver d = new NonRegisteringDriver();
    props = getHostFreePropertiesFromTestsuiteUrl(props);
    props.setProperty("socketFactory", "testsuite.UnreliableSocketFactory");

    Properties parsed = d.parseURL(BaseTestCase.dbUrl, props);
    String db = parsed.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.DBNAME_PROPERTY_KEY);
    String port = parsed.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.PORT_PROPERTY_KEY);
    String host = getPortFreeHostname(parsed, d);


    StringBuilder hostString = new StringBuilder();
    String glue = "";
    for (MockConnectionConfiguration config : configs) {
        UnreliableSocketFactory.mapHost(config.hostName, host);
        glue = ",";
        if (config.port == null) {
            config.port = (port == null ? "3306" : port);
        if (config.isDowned) {

    return (ReplicationConnection) getConnectionWithProps("jdbc:mysql:replication://" + hostString.toString() + "/" + db, props);
项目:OpenVertretung    文件   
protected String getPortFreeHostname(Properties props, NonRegisteringDriver d) throws SQLException {
    String host = d.parseURL(BaseTestCase.dbUrl, props).getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.HOST_PROPERTY_KEY);

    if (host == null) {
        host = "localhost";

    host = host.split(":")[0];
    return host;
项目:BibliotecaPS    文件   
public void testIsLocal() throws Exception {
    Properties parsedProps = new NonRegisteringDriver().parseURL(dbUrl, null);
    String host = parsedProps.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.HOST_PROPERTY_KEY, "localhost");

    if (host.equals("localhost") || host.equals("")) {
        // we can actually test this
        assertTrue(((com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl) this.conn).isServerLocal());

项目:BibliotecaPS    文件   
 * Test for Bug#62577 - XA connection fails with ClassCastException
public void testBug62577() throws Exception {

    Properties props = new NonRegisteringDriver().parseURL(dbUrl, null);
    String host = props.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.HOST_PROPERTY_KEY, "localhost");
    String port = props.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.PORT_PROPERTY_KEY, "3306");

    String hostSpec = host;

    if (!NonRegisteringDriver.isHostPropertiesList(host)) {
        hostSpec = host + ":" + port;

    String database = props.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.DBNAME_PROPERTY_KEY);

    StringBuilder configs = new StringBuilder();
    for (@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
    Map.Entry entry : props.entrySet()) {
    String cfg1 = configs.toString();

    String cfg2 = configs.toString();

    // load-balance
    testBug62577TestUrl(String.format("jdbc:mysql:loadbalance://%s,%s/%s?%s", hostSpec, hostSpec, database, cfg1));
    testBug62577TestUrl(String.format("jdbc:mysql:loadbalance://%s,%s/%s?%s", hostSpec, hostSpec, database, cfg2));
    // failover
    testBug62577TestUrl(String.format("jdbc:mysql://%s,%s/%s?%s", hostSpec, hostSpec, database, cfg1));
    testBug62577TestUrl(String.format("jdbc:mysql://%s,%s/%s?%s", hostSpec, hostSpec, database, cfg2));
项目:the-vigilantes    文件   
 * Test for Bug#62577 - XA connection fails with ClassCastException
public void testBug62577() throws Exception {

    Properties props = new NonRegisteringDriver().parseURL(dbUrl, null);
    String host = props.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.HOST_PROPERTY_KEY, "localhost");
    String port = props.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.PORT_PROPERTY_KEY, "3306");

    String hostSpec = host;

    if (!NonRegisteringDriver.isHostPropertiesList(host)) {
        hostSpec = host + ":" + port;

    String database = props.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.DBNAME_PROPERTY_KEY);

    StringBuilder configs = new StringBuilder();
    for (@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")
    Map.Entry entry : props.entrySet()) {
    String cfg1 = configs.toString();

    String cfg2 = configs.toString();

    // load-balance
    testBug62577TestUrl(String.format("jdbc:mysql:loadbalance://%s,%s/%s?%s", hostSpec, hostSpec, database, cfg1));
    testBug62577TestUrl(String.format("jdbc:mysql:loadbalance://%s,%s/%s?%s", hostSpec, hostSpec, database, cfg2));
    // failover
    testBug62577TestUrl(String.format("jdbc:mysql://%s,%s/%s?%s", hostSpec, hostSpec, database, cfg1));
    testBug62577TestUrl(String.format("jdbc:mysql://%s,%s/%s?%s", hostSpec, hostSpec, database, cfg2));
项目:the-vigilantes    文件   
public void testBug15121() throws Exception {
    if (!this.DISABLED_testBug15121 /* needs to be fixed on server */) {
        if (versionMeetsMinimum(5, 0)) {
            createProcedure("p_testBug15121", "()\nBEGIN\nSELECT * from idonotexist;\nEND");

            Properties props = new Properties();
            props.setProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.DBNAME_PROPERTY_KEY, "");

            Connection noDbConn = null;

            try {
                noDbConn = getConnectionWithProps(props);

                StringBuilder queryBuf = new StringBuilder("{call ");
                String quotedId = this.conn.getMetaData().getIdentifierQuoteString();

            } finally {
                if (noDbConn != null) {
项目:BibliotecaPS    文件   
public void testBug15121() throws Exception {
    if (!this.DISABLED_testBug15121 /* needs to be fixed on server */) {
        if (versionMeetsMinimum(5, 0)) {
            createProcedure("p_testBug15121", "()\nBEGIN\nSELECT * from idonotexist;\nEND");

            Properties props = new Properties();
            props.setProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.DBNAME_PROPERTY_KEY, "");

            Connection noDbConn = null;

            try {
                noDbConn = getConnectionWithProps(props);

                StringBuilder queryBuf = new StringBuilder("{call ");
                String quotedId = this.conn.getMetaData().getIdentifierQuoteString();

            } finally {
                if (noDbConn != null) {
项目:the-vigilantes    文件   
protected void removeHostRelatedProps(Properties props) {

    int numHosts = Integer.parseInt(props.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.NUM_HOSTS_PROPERTY_KEY));

    for (int i = 1; i <= numHosts; i++) {
        props.remove(NonRegisteringDriver.HOST_PROPERTY_KEY + "." + i);
        props.remove(NonRegisteringDriver.PORT_PROPERTY_KEY + "." + i);

项目:the-vigilantes    文件   
protected String getMasterSlaveUrl() throws SQLException {
    Properties defaultProps = getPropertiesFromTestsuiteUrl();
    String hostname = defaultProps.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.HOST_PROPERTY_KEY);

    if (NonRegisteringDriver.isHostPropertiesList(hostname)) {
        String url = String.format("jdbc:mysql://%s,%s/", hostname, hostname);

        return url;

    StringBuilder urlBuf = new StringBuilder("jdbc:mysql://");

    String portNumber = defaultProps.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.PORT_PROPERTY_KEY, "3306");

    hostname = (hostname == null ? "localhost" : hostname);

    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {

        if (i == 0) {

    return urlBuf.toString();
项目:the-vigilantes    文件   
protected String getPort(Properties props, NonRegisteringDriver d) throws SQLException {
    String port = d.parseURL(BaseTestCase.dbUrl, props).getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.PORT_PROPERTY_KEY);
    if (port == null) {
        port = "3306";
    return port;
项目:the-vigilantes    文件   
protected String getPortFreeHostname(Properties props, NonRegisteringDriver d) throws SQLException {
    String host = d.parseURL(BaseTestCase.dbUrl, props).getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.HOST_PROPERTY_KEY);

    if (host == null) {
        host = "localhost";

    host = host.split(":")[0];
    return host;
项目:the-vigilantes    文件   
protected Connection getUnreliableMultiHostConnection(String haMode, String[] hostNames, Properties props, Set<String> downedHosts) throws Exception {
    if (downedHosts == null) {
        downedHosts = new HashSet<String>();

    NonRegisteringDriver driver = new NonRegisteringDriver();

    props = getHostFreePropertiesFromTestsuiteUrl(props);
    props.setProperty("socketFactory", "testsuite.UnreliableSocketFactory");

    Properties parsedProps = driver.parseURL(BaseTestCase.dbUrl, props);
    String db = parsedProps.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.DBNAME_PROPERTY_KEY);
    String port = parsedProps.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.PORT_PROPERTY_KEY);
    String host = getPortFreeHostname(parsedProps, driver);


    StringBuilder hostString = new StringBuilder();
    String delimiter = "";
    for (String hostName : hostNames) {
        UnreliableSocketFactory.mapHost(hostName, host);
        delimiter = ",";
        hostString.append(hostName + ":" + (port == null ? "3306" : port));

        if (downedHosts.contains(hostName)) {

    if (haMode == null) {
        haMode = "";
    } else if (haMode.length() > 0) {
        haMode += ":";

    return getConnectionWithProps("jdbc:mysql:" + haMode + "//" + hostString.toString() + "/" + db, props);
项目:the-vigilantes    文件   
protected ReplicationConnection getUnreliableReplicationConnection(Set<MockConnectionConfiguration> configs, Properties props) throws Exception {
    NonRegisteringDriver d = new NonRegisteringDriver();
    props = getHostFreePropertiesFromTestsuiteUrl(props);
    props.setProperty("socketFactory", "testsuite.UnreliableSocketFactory");

    Properties parsed = d.parseURL(BaseTestCase.dbUrl, props);
    String db = parsed.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.DBNAME_PROPERTY_KEY);
    String port = parsed.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.PORT_PROPERTY_KEY);
    String host = getPortFreeHostname(parsed, d);


    StringBuilder hostString = new StringBuilder();
    String glue = "";
    for (MockConnectionConfiguration config : configs) {
        UnreliableSocketFactory.mapHost(config.hostName, host);
        glue = ",";
        if (config.port == null) {
            config.port = (port == null ? "3306" : port);
        if (config.isDowned) {

    return (ReplicationConnection) getConnectionWithProps("jdbc:mysql:replication://" + hostString.toString() + "/" + db, props);
项目:ProyectoPacientes    文件   
protected String getMasterSlaveUrl() throws SQLException {
    Properties defaultProps = getPropertiesFromTestsuiteUrl();
    String hostname = defaultProps.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.HOST_PROPERTY_KEY);

    if (NonRegisteringDriver.isHostPropertiesList(hostname)) {
        String url = String.format("jdbc:mysql://%s,%s/", hostname, hostname);

        return url;

    StringBuilder urlBuf = new StringBuilder("jdbc:mysql://");

    String portNumber = defaultProps.getProperty(NonRegisteringDriver.PORT_PROPERTY_KEY, "3306");

    hostname = (hostname == null ? "localhost" : hostname);

    for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {

        if (i == 0) {

    return urlBuf.toString();