private void writeGetPort(Port port, JType retType, JDefinedClass cls) { JMethod m = cls.method(JMod.PUBLIC, retType, port.getPortGetter()); JDocComment methodDoc = m.javadoc(); if (port.getJavaDoc() != null) { methodDoc.add(port.getJavaDoc()); } JCommentPart ret = methodDoc.addReturn(); JCommentPart paramDoc = methodDoc.addParam("features"); paramDoc.append("A list of "); paramDoc.append("{@link " + WebServiceFeature.class.getName() + "}"); paramDoc.append("to configure on the proxy. Supported features not in the <code>features</code> parameter will have their default values."); ret.add("returns " +; m.varParam(WebServiceFeature.class, "features"); JBlock body = m.body(); StringBuilder statement = new StringBuilder("return "); statement.append("super.getPort(new QName(\"").append(port.getName().getNamespaceURI()).append("\", \"").append(port.getName().getLocalPart()).append("\"), "); statement.append(; statement.append(".class, features);"); body.directStatement(statement.toString()); writeWebEndpoint(port, m); }
private void writeDefaultGetPort(Port port, JType retType, JDefinedClass cls) { String portGetter = port.getPortGetter(); JMethod m = cls.method(JMod.PUBLIC, retType, portGetter); JDocComment methodDoc = m.javadoc(); if (port.getJavaDoc() != null) { methodDoc.add(port.getJavaDoc()); } JCommentPart ret = methodDoc.addReturn(); ret.add("returns " +; JBlock body = m.body(); StringBuilder statement = new StringBuilder("return "); statement.append("super.getPort(new QName(\"").append(port.getName().getNamespaceURI()).append("\", \"").append(port.getName().getLocalPart()).append("\"), "); statement.append(; statement.append(".class);"); body.directStatement(statement.toString()); writeWebEndpoint(port, m); }
private void writeMember(JDefinedClass cls, TypeMirror paramType, String paramName) { if (cls == null) return; String accessorName =BindingHelper.mangleNameToPropertyName(paramName); String getterPrefix = paramType.toString().equals("boolean")? "is" : "get"; JType propType = getType(paramType); JMethod m = cls.method(JMod.PUBLIC, propType, getterPrefix+ accessorName); JDocComment methodDoc = m.javadoc(); JCommentPart ret = methodDoc.addReturn(); ret.add("returns "; JBlock body = m.body(); body._return( JExpr._this().ref(paramName) ); m = cls.method(JMod.PUBLIC, cm.VOID, "set"+accessorName); JVar param = m.param(propType, paramName); methodDoc = m.javadoc(); JCommentPart part = methodDoc.addParam(paramName); part.add("the value for the "+ paramName+" property"); body = m.body(); body.assign( JExpr._this().ref(paramName), param ); }
/** * Generates the minimum {@link JDefinedClass} skeleton * without filling in its body. */ private ClassOutlineImpl generateClassDef(CClassInfo bean) { ImplStructureStrategy.Result r = model.strategy.createClasses(this, bean); JClass implRef; if (bean.getUserSpecifiedImplClass() != null) { // create a place holder for a user-specified class. JDefinedClass usr; try { usr = codeModel._class(bean.getUserSpecifiedImplClass()); // but hide that file so that it won't be generated. usr.hide(); } catch (JClassAlreadyExistsException e) { // it's OK for this to collide. usr = e.getExistingClass(); } usr._extends(r.implementation); implRef = usr; } else { implRef = r.implementation; } return new ClassOutlineImpl(this, bean,, r.implementation, implRef); }
/** * Generates the minimum {@link JDefinedClass} skeleton * without filling in its body. */ private EnumOutline generateEnumDef(CEnumLeafInfo e) { JDefinedClass type; type = getClassFactory().createClass( getContainer(e.parent, EXPOSED), e.shortName, e.getLocator(), ClassType.ENUM); type.javadoc().append(e.javadoc); return new EnumOutline(e, type) { @Override public @NotNull Outline parent() { return BeanGenerator.this; } }; }
public boolean run( Outline outline, Options opt, ErrorHandler errorHandler ) { for( ClassOutline ci : outline.getClasses() ) { JDefinedClass impl = ci.implClass; if (ci.getSuperClass() == null) { JVar $loc = impl.field(JMod.PROTECTED, Locator.class, fieldName); $loc.annotate(XmlLocation.class); $loc.annotate(XmlTransient.class); impl._implements(Locatable.class); impl.method(JMod.PUBLIC, Locator.class, "sourceLocation").body()._return($loc); JMethod setter = impl.method(JMod.PUBLIC, Void.TYPE, "setSourceLocation"); JVar $newLoc = setter.param(Locator.class, "newLocator"); setter.body().assign($loc, $newLoc); } } return true; }
public TypeUse getTypeUse(XSSimpleType owner) { if(typeUse!=null) return typeUse; JCodeModel cm = getCodeModel(); JDefinedClass a; try { a = cm._class(adapter); a.hide(); // we assume this is given by the user a._extends(cm.ref(XmlAdapter.class).narrow(String.class).narrow( cm.ref(type))); } catch (JClassAlreadyExistsException e) { a = e.getExistingClass(); } // TODO: it's not correct to say that it adapts from String, // but OTOH I don't think we can compute that. typeUse = TypeUseFactory.adapt( CBuiltinLeafInfo.STRING, new CAdapter(a)); return typeUse; }
/** Gets the xjc:superClass customization if it's turned on. */ public JClass getSuperClass() { Element sc = DOMUtil.getElement(dom,XJC_NS,"superClass"); if (sc == null) return null; JDefinedClass c; try { String v = DOMUtil.getAttribute(sc,"name"); if(v==null) return null; c = codeModel._class(v); c.hide(); } catch (JClassAlreadyExistsException e) { c = e.getExistingClass(); } return c; }
/** Gets the xjc:superInterface customization if it's turned on. */ public JClass getSuperInterface() { Element sc = DOMUtil.getElement(dom,XJC_NS,"superInterface"); if (sc == null) return null; String name = DOMUtil.getAttribute(sc,"name"); if (name == null) return null; JDefinedClass c; try { c = codeModel._class(name, ClassType.INTERFACE); c.hide(); } catch (JClassAlreadyExistsException e) { c = e.getExistingClass(); } return c; }