Java 类com.sun.codemodel.JClassContainer 实例源码

项目:GitHub    文件   
 * Applies this schema rule to take the required code generation steps.
 * <p>
 * At the root of a schema document this rule should be applied (schema
 * documents contain a schema), but also in many places within the document.
 * Each property of type "object" is itself defined by a schema, the items
 * attribute of an array is a schema, the additionalProperties attribute of
 * a schema is also a schema.
 * <p>
 * Where the schema value is a $ref, the ref URI is assumed to be applicable
 * as a URL (from which content will be read). Where the ref URI has been
 * encountered before, the root Java type created by that schema will be
 * re-used (generation steps won't be repeated).
 * @param schema
 *            the schema within which this schema rule is being applied
public JType apply(String nodeName, JsonNode schemaNode, JClassContainer generatableType, Schema schema) {

    if (schemaNode.has("$ref")) {
        schema = ruleFactory.getSchemaStore().create(schema, schemaNode.get("$ref").asText(), ruleFactory.getGenerationConfig().getRefFragmentPathDelimiters());
        schemaNode = schema.getContent();

        if (schema.isGenerated()) {
            return schema.getJavaType();

        return apply(nodeName, schemaNode, generatableType, schema);

    JType javaType;
    if (schemaNode.has("enum")) {
        javaType = ruleFactory.getEnumRule().apply(nodeName, schemaNode, generatableType, schema);
    } else {
        javaType = ruleFactory.getTypeRule().apply(nodeName, schemaNode, generatableType.getPackage(), schema);

    return javaType;
项目:jsonschema2pojo    文件   
 * Applies this schema rule to take the required code generation steps.
 * <p>
 * At the root of a schema document this rule should be applied (schema
 * documents contain a schema), but also in many places within the document.
 * Each property of type "object" is itself defined by a schema, the items
 * attribute of an array is a schema, the additionalProperties attribute of
 * a schema is also a schema.
 * <p>
 * Where the schema value is a $ref, the ref URI is assumed to be applicable
 * as a URL (from which content will be read). Where the ref URI has been
 * encountered before, the root Java type created by that schema will be
 * re-used (generation steps won't be repeated).
 * @param schema
 *            the schema within which this schema rule is being applied
public JType apply(String nodeName, JsonNode schemaNode, JClassContainer generatableType, Schema schema) {

    if (schemaNode.has("$ref")) {
        schema = ruleFactory.getSchemaStore().create(schema, schemaNode.get("$ref").asText());
        schemaNode = schema.getContent();

        if (schema.isGenerated()) {
            return schema.getJavaType();

        return apply(nodeName, schemaNode, generatableType, schema);

    JType javaType;
    if (schemaNode.has("enum")) {
        javaType = ruleFactory.getEnumRule().apply(nodeName, schemaNode, generatableType, schema);
    } else {
        javaType = ruleFactory.getTypeRule().apply(nodeName, schemaNode, generatableType.getPackage(), schema);

    return javaType;
项目:GitHub    文件   
private String getEnumName(String nodeName, JsonNode node, JClassContainer container) {
    String fieldName = ruleFactory.getNameHelper().getFieldName(nodeName, node);
    String className = ruleFactory.getNameHelper().replaceIllegalCharacters(capitalize(fieldName));
    String normalizedName = ruleFactory.getNameHelper().normalizeName(className);

    Collection<String> existingClassNames = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (Iterator<JDefinedClass> classes = container.classes(); classes.hasNext();) {
    return makeUnique(normalizedName, existingClassNames);
项目:GitHub    文件   
public static JClass resolveType(JClassContainer _package, String typeDefinition) {

        try {
            FieldDeclaration fieldDeclaration = (FieldDeclaration) JavaParser.parseBodyDeclaration(typeDefinition + " foo;");
            ClassOrInterfaceType c = (ClassOrInterfaceType) ((ReferenceType) fieldDeclaration.getType()).getType();

            return buildClass(_package, c, 0);
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            throw new GenerationException(e);
项目:GitHub    文件   
private static JClass buildClass(JClassContainer _package, ClassOrInterfaceType c, int arrayCount) {
    final String packagePrefix = (c.getScope() != null) ? c.getScope().toString() + "." : "";

    JClass _class;
    try {
        _class = _package.owner().ref(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass(packagePrefix + c.getName()));
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
        _class = _package.owner().ref(packagePrefix + c.getName());

    for (int i=0; i<arrayCount; i++) {
        _class = _class.array();

    List<Type> typeArgs = c.getTypeArgs();
    if (typeArgs != null && typeArgs.size() > 0) {
        JClass[] genericArgumentClasses = new JClass[typeArgs.size()];

        for (int i=0; i<typeArgs.size(); i++) {
            genericArgumentClasses[i] = buildClass(_package, (ClassOrInterfaceType) ((ReferenceType) typeArgs.get(i)).getType(), ((ReferenceType) typeArgs.get(i)).getArrayCount());

        _class = _class.narrow(genericArgumentClasses);

    return _class;
项目:kb_sdk    文件   
private JType getSuperType(String nodeName, JsonNode node, JClassContainer jClassContainer, Schema schema) {
    JType superType = jClassContainer.owner().ref(Object.class);
    if (node.has("extends")) {
        superType = ruleFactory.getSchemaRule().apply(nodeName + "Parent", node.get("extends"), jClassContainer, schema);
    return superType;
项目:jaxb2-basics    文件   
public static JDefinedClass getOrCreateClass(JClassContainer container,
        int flags, String name) {
    try {
        return container._class(flags, name);
    } catch (JClassAlreadyExistsException jcaeex) {
        return jcaeex.getExistingClass();
项目:jsonschema2pojo    文件   
 * Applies this schema rule to take the required code generation steps.
 * <p>
 * When applied, this rule reads the details of the given node to determine
 * the appropriate Java type to return. This may be a newly generated type,
 * it may be a primitive type or other type such as {@link java.lang.String}
 * or {@link java.lang.Object}.
 * <p>
 * JSON schema types and their Java type equivalent:
 * <ul>
 * <li>"type":"any" => {@link java.lang.Object}
 * <li>"type":"array" => Either {@link java.util.Set} or
 * <li>"type":"boolean" => <code>boolean</code>
 * <li>"type":"integer" => <code>int</code>
 * <li>"type":"null" => {@link java.lang.Object}
 * <li>"type":"number" => <code>double</code>
 * <li>"type":"object" => Generated type (see {@link ObjectRule})
 * {@link java.util.List}, see {@link ArrayRule}
 * <li>"type":"string" => {@link java.lang.String} (or alternative based on
 * presence of "format", see {@link FormatRule})
 * </ul>
 * @param nodeName
 *            the name of the node for which this "type" rule applies
 * @param node
 *            the node for which this "type" rule applies
 * @param jClassContainer
 *            the package into which any newly generated type may be placed
 * @return the Java type which, after reading the details of the given
 *         schema node, most appropriately matches the "type" specified
public JType apply(String nodeName, JsonNode node, JClassContainer jClassContainer, Schema schema) {

    String propertyTypeName = getTypeName(node);

    JType type;

    if (propertyTypeName.equals("string")) {

        type = jClassContainer.owner().ref(String.class);
    } else if (propertyTypeName.equals("number")) {

        type = unboxIfNecessary(jClassContainer.owner().ref(Double.class), ruleFactory.getGenerationConfig());
    } else if (propertyTypeName.equals("integer")) {

        JType typeToUseForIntegers = getIntegerType(jClassContainer.owner(), ruleFactory.getGenerationConfig());
        type = unboxIfNecessary(typeToUseForIntegers, ruleFactory.getGenerationConfig());
    } else if (propertyTypeName.equals("boolean")) {

        type = unboxIfNecessary(jClassContainer.owner().ref(Boolean.class), ruleFactory.getGenerationConfig());
    } else if (propertyTypeName.equals("object")) {

        type = ruleFactory.getObjectRule().apply(nodeName, node, jClassContainer.getPackage(), schema);
    } else if (propertyTypeName.equals("array")) {

        type = ruleFactory.getArrayRule().apply(nodeName, node, jClassContainer.getPackage(), schema);
    } else {

        type = jClassContainer.owner().ref(Object.class);

    if (node.has("format")) {
        type = ruleFactory.getFormatRule().apply(nodeName, node.get("format"), type, schema);

    return type;
项目:jsonschema2pojo    文件   
private JType getSuperType(String nodeName, JsonNode node, JClassContainer jClassContainer, Schema schema) {
    JType superType = jClassContainer.owner().ref(Object.class);
    if (node.has("extends")) {
        superType = ruleFactory.getSchemaRule().apply(nodeName + "Parent", node.get("extends"), jClassContainer, schema);
    return superType;
项目:GitHub    文件   
 * Applies this schema rule to take the required code generation steps.
 * <p>
 * A Java {@link Enum} is created, with constants for each of the enum
 * values present in the schema. The enum name is derived from the nodeName,
 * and the enum type itself is created as an inner class of the owning type.
 * In the rare case that no owning type exists (the enum is the root of the
 * schema), then the enum becomes a public class in its own right.
 * <p>
 * The actual JSON value for each enum constant is held in a property called
 * "value" in the generated type. A static factory method
 * <code>fromValue(String)</code> is added to the generated enum, and the
 * methods are annotated to allow Jackson to marshal/unmarshal values
 * correctly.
 * @param nodeName
 *            the name of the property which is an "enum"
 * @param node
 *            the enum node
 * @param container
 *            the class container (class or package) to which this enum
 *            should be added
 * @return the newly generated Java type that was created to represent the
 *         given enum
public JType apply(String nodeName, JsonNode node, JClassContainer container, Schema schema) {

    JDefinedClass _enum;
    try {
        _enum = createEnum(node, nodeName, container);
    } catch (ClassAlreadyExistsException e) {
        return e.getExistingClass();


    if (node.has("javaInterfaces")) {
        addInterfaces(_enum, node.get("javaInterfaces"));

    // copy our node; remove the javaType as it will throw off the TypeRule for our case
    ObjectNode typeNode = (ObjectNode)node.deepCopy();

    // If type is specified on the enum, get a type rule for it.  Otherwise, we're a string.
    // (This is different from the default of Object, which is why we don't do this for every case.)
    JType backingType = node.has("type") ?
            ruleFactory.getTypeRule().apply(nodeName, typeNode, container, schema) :

            JFieldVar valueField = addValueField(_enum, backingType);

            // override toString only if we have a sensible string to return
                addToString(_enum, valueField);

            addValueMethod(_enum, valueField);

            addEnumConstants(node.path("enum"), _enum, node.path("javaEnumNames"), backingType);
            addFactoryMethod(_enum, backingType);

            return _enum;
项目:GitHub    文件   
 * Applies this schema rule to take the required code generation steps.
 * <p>
 * When applied, this rule reads the details of the given node to determine
 * the appropriate Java type to return. This may be a newly generated type,
 * it may be a primitive type or other type such as {@link java.lang.String}
 * or {@link java.lang.Object}.
 * <p>
 * JSON schema types and their Java type equivalent:
 * <ul>
 * <li>"type":"any" =&gt; {@link java.lang.Object}
 * <li>"type":"array" =&gt; Either {@link java.util.Set} or
 * {@link java.util.List}, see {@link ArrayRule}
 * <li>"type":"boolean" =&gt; <code>boolean</code>
 * <li>"type":"integer" =&gt; <code>int</code>
 * <li>"type":"null" =&gt; {@link java.lang.Object}
 * <li>"type":"number" =&gt; <code>double</code>
 * <li>"type":"object" =&gt; Generated type (see {@link ObjectRule})
 * <li>"type":"string" =&gt; {@link java.lang.String} (or alternative based
 * on presence of "format", see {@link FormatRule})
 * </ul>
 * @param nodeName
 *            the name of the node for which this "type" rule applies
 * @param node
 *            the node for which this "type" rule applies
 * @param jClassContainer
 *            the package into which any newly generated type may be placed
 * @return the Java type which, after reading the details of the given
 *         schema node, most appropriately matches the "type" specified
public JType apply(String nodeName, JsonNode node, JClassContainer jClassContainer, Schema schema) {

    String propertyTypeName = getTypeName(node);

    JType type;

    if (propertyTypeName.equals("object") || node.has("properties") && node.path("properties").size() > 0) {

        type = ruleFactory.getObjectRule().apply(nodeName, node, jClassContainer.getPackage(), schema);
    } else if (node.has("javaType")) {
        String typeName = node.path("javaType").asText();

        if (isPrimitive(typeName, jClassContainer.owner())) {
            type = primitiveType(typeName, jClassContainer.owner());
        } else {
            type = resolveType(jClassContainer, typeName);
    } else if (propertyTypeName.equals("string")) {

        type = jClassContainer.owner().ref(String.class);
    } else if (propertyTypeName.equals("number")) {

        type = getNumberType(jClassContainer.owner(), ruleFactory.getGenerationConfig());
    } else if (propertyTypeName.equals("integer")) {

        type = getIntegerType(jClassContainer.owner(), node, ruleFactory.getGenerationConfig());
    } else if (propertyTypeName.equals("boolean")) {

        type = unboxIfNecessary(jClassContainer.owner().ref(Boolean.class), ruleFactory.getGenerationConfig());
    } else if (propertyTypeName.equals("array")) {

        type = ruleFactory.getArrayRule().apply(nodeName, node, jClassContainer.getPackage(), schema);
    } else {

        type = jClassContainer.owner().ref(Object.class);

    if (!node.has("javaType") && node.has("format")) {
        type = ruleFactory.getFormatRule().apply(nodeName, node.get("format"), type, schema);
    } else if (!node.has("javaType") && propertyTypeName.equals("string") && node.has("media")) {
        type = ruleFactory.getMediaRule().apply(nodeName, node.get("media"), type, schema);

    return type;
项目:jsonschema2pojo-bacta    文件   
public Rule<JClassContainer, JType> getTypeRule() {
    return new SoeTypeRule(this);
项目:jsonschema2pojo-bacta    文件   
 * Applies this schema rule to take the required code generation steps.
 * <p>
 * When applied, this rule reads the details of the given node to determine
 * the appropriate Java type to return. This may be a newly generated type,
 * it may be a primitive type or other type such as {@link java.lang.String}
 * or {@link java.lang.Object}.
 * <p>
 * JSON schema types and their Java type equivalent:
 * <ul>
 * <li>"type":"any" =&gt; {@link java.lang.Object}
 * <li>"type":"array" =&gt; Either {@link java.util.Set} or
 * <li>"type":"boolean" =&gt; <code>boolean</code>
 * <li>"type":"integer" =&gt; <code>int</code>
 * <li>"type":"null" =&gt; {@link java.lang.Object}
 * <li>"type":"number" =&gt; <code>double</code>
 * <li>"type":"object" =&gt; Generated type (see {@link org.jsonschema2pojo.rules.ObjectRule})
 * {@link java.util.List}, see {@link org.jsonschema2pojo.rules.ArrayRule}
 * <li>"type":"string" =&gt; {@link java.lang.String} (or alternative based on
 * presence of "format", see {@link org.jsonschema2pojo.rules.FormatRule})
 * </ul>
 * @param nodeName
 *            the name of the node for which this "type" rule applies
 * @param node
 *            the node for which this "type" rule applies
 * @param jClassContainer
 *            the package into which any newly generated type may be placed
 * @return the Java type which, after reading the details of the given
 *         schema node, most appropriately matches the "type" specified
public JType apply(String nodeName, JsonNode node, JClassContainer jClassContainer, Schema schema) {

    String propertyTypeName = getTypeName(node);

    JType type;

    if (propertyTypeName.equals("string")) {

        type = jClassContainer.owner().ref(String.class);
    } else if (propertyTypeName.equals("number")) {

        JType typeToUseForNumbers = getNumberType(jClassContainer.owner(), ruleFactory.getGenerationConfig());
        type = unboxIfNecessary(typeToUseForNumbers, ruleFactory.getGenerationConfig());
    } else if (propertyTypeName.equals("integer")) {

        JType typeToUseForIntegers = getIntegerType(jClassContainer.owner(), ruleFactory.getGenerationConfig());
        type = unboxIfNecessary(typeToUseForIntegers, ruleFactory.getGenerationConfig());
    } else if (propertyTypeName.equals("short")) {

        JType typeToUseForShorts = jClassContainer.owner().ref(Short.class);
        type = unboxIfNecessary(typeToUseForShorts, ruleFactory.getGenerationConfig());

    } else if (propertyTypeName.equals("byte")) {

        JType typeToUseForBytes = jClassContainer.owner().ref(Byte.class);
        type = unboxIfNecessary(typeToUseForBytes, ruleFactory.getGenerationConfig());
    } else if (propertyTypeName.equals("boolean")) {

        type = unboxIfNecessary(jClassContainer.owner().ref(Boolean.class), ruleFactory.getGenerationConfig());
    } else if (propertyTypeName.equals("object") || (node.has("properties") && node.path("properties").size() > 0)) {

        type = ruleFactory.getObjectRule().apply(nodeName, node, jClassContainer.getPackage(), schema);
    } else if (propertyTypeName.equals("array")) {

        type = ruleFactory.getArrayRule().apply(nodeName, node, jClassContainer.getPackage(), schema);
    } else {

        type = jClassContainer.owner().ref(Object.class);

    if (node.has("format")) {
        type = ruleFactory.getFormatRule().apply(nodeName, node.get("format"), type, schema);
    } else if(propertyTypeName.equals("string") && node.has("media")) {
        type = ruleFactory.getMediaRule().apply(nodeName, node.get("media"), type, schema);

    return type;
项目:jsonschema2pojo    文件   
 * Applies this schema rule to take the required code generation steps.
 * <p>
 * A Java {@link Enum} is created, with constants for each of the enum
 * values present in the schema. The enum name is derived from the nodeName,
 * and the enum type itself is created as an inner class of the owning type.
 * In the rare case that no owning type exists (the enum is the root of the
 * schema), then the enum becomes a public class in its own right.
 * <p>
 * The actual JSON value for each enum constant is held in a property called
 * "value" in the generated type. A static factory method
 * <code>fromValue(String)</code> is added to the generated enum, and the
 * methods are annotated to allow Jackson to marshal/unmarshal values
 * correctly.
 * @param nodeName
 *            the name of the property which is an "enum"
 * @param node
 *            the enum node
 * @param container
 *            the class container (class or package) to which this enum
 *            should be added
 * @return the newly generated Java type that was created to represent the
 *         given enum
public JType apply(String nodeName, JsonNode node, JClassContainer container, Schema schema) {

    JDefinedClass _enum;
    try {
        _enum = createEnum(node, nodeName, container);
    } catch (ClassAlreadyExistsException e) {
        return e.getExistingClass();



    JFieldVar valueField = addValueField(_enum);
    addToString(_enum, valueField);
    addEnumConstants(node.path("enum"), _enum);
    addFactoryMethod(node.path("enum"), _enum);

    return _enum;
项目:GitHub    文件   
 * Provides a rule instance that should be applied when an "enum"
 * declaration is found in the schema.
 * @return a schema rule that can handle the "enum" declaration.
public Rule<JClassContainer, JType> getEnumRule() {
    return new EnumRule(this);
项目:GitHub    文件   
 * Provides a rule instance that should be applied to a node to find its
 * equivalent Java type. Typically invoked for properties, arrays, etc for
 * which a Java type must be found/generated.
 * @return a schema rule that can find/generate the relevant Java type for a
 *         given schema node.
public Rule<JClassContainer, JType> getTypeRule() {
    return new TypeRule(this);
项目:GitHub    文件   
 * Provides a rule instance that should be applied when a schema declaration
 * is found in the schema.
 * @return a schema rule that can handle a schema declaration.
public Rule<JClassContainer, JType> getSchemaRule() {
    return new SchemaRule(this);
项目:jsonschema2pojo    文件   
 * Provides a rule instance that should be applied when an "enum"
 * declaration is found in the schema.
 * @return a schema rule that can handle the "enum" declaration.
public Rule<JClassContainer, JType> getEnumRule() {
    return new EnumRule(this);
项目:jsonschema2pojo    文件   
 * Provides a rule instance that should be applied to a node to find its
 * equivalent Java type. Typically invoked for properties, arrays, etc for
 * which a Java type must be found/generated.
 * @return a schema rule that can find/generate the relevant Java type for a
 *         given schema node.
public Rule<JClassContainer, JType> getTypeRule() {
    return new TypeRule(this);
项目:jsonschema2pojo    文件   
 * Provides a rule instance that should be applied when a schema declaration
 * is found in the schema.
 * @return a schema rule that can handle a schema declaration.
public Rule<JClassContainer, JType> getSchemaRule() {
    return new SchemaRule(this);