public Variable getPendingVariable(Object action) { Variable var; synchronized (pendingActionsLock) { var = (action == pendingAction) ? pendingVariable : null; } if (var == null) { StringReference sr = threadReference.virtualMachine().mirrorOf(getPendingString(action)); var = new AbstractObjectVariable (debugger, sr, null); } synchronized (pendingActionsLock) { if (action == pendingAction) { pendingVariable = var; } } return var; }
private String getMessageFromField() throws InternalExceptionWrapper, VMDisconnectedExceptionWrapper, ObjectCollectedExceptionWrapper, ClassNotPreparedExceptionWrapper { List<ReferenceType> throwableClasses = VirtualMachineWrapper.classesByName(exeption.virtualMachine(), Throwable.class.getName()); if (throwableClasses.isEmpty()) { return null; } Field detailMessageField = ReferenceTypeWrapper.fieldByName(throwableClasses.get(0), "detailMessage"); if (detailMessageField != null) { Value messageValue = ObjectReferenceWrapper.getValue(exeption, detailMessageField); if (messageValue instanceof StringReference) { message = StringReferenceWrapper.value((StringReference) messageValue); if (invocationMessage != null) { return invocationMessage + ": " + message; } else { return message; } } } return null; }
private static StringReference createStringMirrorWithDisabledCollection(String s, VirtualMachine vm, EvaluationContext evaluationContext) { StringReference sr; do { try { sr = vm.mirrorOf(s); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { Assert.error(null, "unsupportedStringCreation"); return null; } try { evaluationContext.disableCollectionOf(sr); } catch (ObjectCollectedException oce) { sr = null; // Already collected! Create a new value and try again... } } while (sr == null); return sr; }
@Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof JDIValue)) return false; Value v = ((JDIValue) obj).value; if (value == null) return v == null; if (value instanceof StringReference) { if (!(v instanceof StringReference)) return false; return ((StringReference) value).value().equals(((StringReference) v).value()); } if (value instanceof ArrayReference) { if (!(v instanceof ArrayReference)) return false; ArrayReference a1 = (ArrayReference) value; ArrayReference a2 = (ArrayReference) v; if (!a1.type().equals(a2.type())) return false; if (a1.length() != a2.length()) return false; int n = a1.length(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (!new JDIValue(a1.getValue(i)).equals(new JDIValue(a2.getValue(i)))) { return false; } } return true; } return value.equals(v); }
/********** test core **********/ protected void runTests() throws Exception { /* * Run to String.<init> */ startUp("GetUninitializedStringValueTarg"); BreakpointEvent bpe = resumeTo("java.lang.String", "<init>", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V"); /* * We've arrived. Look at 'this' - it will be uninitialized (the value field will not be set yet). */ StackFrame frame = bpe.thread().frame(0); StringReference sr = (StringReference)frame.thisObject(); if (!sr.value().equals("")) { throw new Exception("Unexpected value for the uninitialized String"); } /* * resume the target listening for events */ listenUntilVMDisconnect(); }
@Test public void testToString() throws Exception { Value string = this.getLocalValue("str"); Map<String, Object> options = formatter.getDefaultOptions(); options.put(MAX_STRING_LENGTH_OPTION, 4); assertEquals("Should be able to format string type.", String.format("\"s...\" (id=%d)", ((ObjectReference) string).uniqueID()), formatter.toString(string, options)); options.put(MAX_STRING_LENGTH_OPTION, 5); assertEquals("Should be able to format string type.", String.format("\"st...\" (id=%d)", ((ObjectReference) string).uniqueID()), formatter.toString(string, options)); assertTrue("Should not trim long string by default", formatter.toString(string, new HashMap<>()).contains(((StringReference) string).value())); }
private String getBundleLocation(ObjectReference permissions) { List<String> walker; if (hasBundlePerms(permissions)) { walker = BUNDLE_PERM_WALKER; } else if (hasBlueprintProtectionDomain(permissions)) { walker = BLUEPRINT_PERM_WALKER; } else { walker = BUNDLE_PROTDOMAIN_WALKER; } ObjectReference revList = getReference(permissions, walker); ArrayReference revArray = (ArrayReference) revList.getValue(revList.referenceType().fieldByName("elementData")); ObjectReference moduleRev = (ObjectReference) revArray.getValue(0); return getValue( moduleRev, ImmutableList.of("symbolicName"), currRef -> ((StringReference) currRef).value()); }
public static F3ObjectReference wrap(F3VirtualMachine f3vm, ObjectReference ref) { if (ref == null) { return null; } else if (ref instanceof ArrayReference) { return f3vm.arrayReference((ArrayReference)ref); } else if (ref instanceof StringReference) { return f3vm.stringReference((StringReference)ref); } else if (ref instanceof ThreadReference) { return f3vm.threadReference((ThreadReference)ref); } else if (ref instanceof ThreadGroupReference) { return f3vm.threadGroupReference((ThreadGroupReference)ref); } else if (ref instanceof ClassLoaderReference) { return f3vm.classLoaderReference((ClassLoaderReference)ref); } else if (ref instanceof ClassObjectReference) { return f3vm.classObjectReference((ClassObjectReference)ref); } else { return f3vm.objectReference(ref); } }
public Data getObj(boolean force,String name,Value value,List<Long> objectProcessed){ Data object = null; if (value instanceof ArrayReference){ object = getArrayFromArrayReference(force,name,(ArrayReference)value,objectProcessed); } else if (value instanceof PrimitiveValue){ object = getPrimitiveObject(name,value); } else if (value instanceof StringReference){ object = getStringFromStringReference(name,(StringReference)value); } else if (value instanceof ObjectReference){ object = getObjectFromObjectReference(force,name,(ObjectReference)value,objectProcessed); } else if (value == null){ object = new NullData(name); } return object; }
private static void retrieveScreenshots(JPDAThreadImpl t, final ThreadReference tr, VirtualMachine vm, DebuggerEngine engine, JPDADebuggerImpl d, final List<RemoteScreenshot> screenshots) throws RetrievalException { try { final ClassType windowClass = getClass(vm, tr, "javafx.stage.Window"); Method getWindows = windowClass.concreteMethodByName("impl_getWindows", "()Ljava/util/Iterator;"); Method windowName = windowClass.concreteMethodByName("impl_getMXWindowType", "()Ljava/lang/String;"); ObjectReference iterator = (ObjectReference)windowClass.invokeMethod(tr, getWindows, Collections.EMPTY_LIST, ObjectReference.INVOKE_SINGLE_THREADED); ClassType iteratorClass = (ClassType)iterator.referenceType(); Method hasNext = iteratorClass.concreteMethodByName("hasNext", "()Z"); Method next = iteratorClass.concreteMethodByName("next", "()Ljava/lang/Object;"); boolean nextFlag = false; do { BooleanValue bv = (BooleanValue)iterator.invokeMethod(tr, hasNext, Collections.EMPTY_LIST, ObjectReference.INVOKE_SINGLE_THREADED); nextFlag = bv.booleanValue(); if (nextFlag) { ObjectReference window = (ObjectReference)iterator.invokeMethod(tr, next, Collections.EMPTY_LIST, ObjectReference.INVOKE_SINGLE_THREADED); StringReference name = (StringReference)window.invokeMethod(tr, windowName, Collections.EMPTY_LIST, ObjectReference.INVOKE_SINGLE_THREADED); SGComponentInfo windowInfo = new SGComponentInfo(t, window); screenshots.add(createRemoteFXScreenshot(engine, vm, tr, name.value(), window, windowInfo)); } } while (nextFlag); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RetrievalException(e.getMessage(), e); } }
private static ReferenceType getType(VirtualMachine vm, ThreadReference tr, String name) { List<ReferenceType> classList = VirtualMachineWrapper.classesByName0(vm, name); if (!classList.isEmpty()) { return classList.iterator().next(); } List<ReferenceType> classClassList = VirtualMachineWrapper.classesByName0(vm, "java.lang.Class"); // NOI18N if (classClassList.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot load class Class"); // NOI18N } ClassType cls = (ClassType) classClassList.iterator().next(); try { Method m = ClassTypeWrapper.concreteMethodByName(cls, "forName", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;"); // NOI18N StringReference mirrorOfName = VirtualMachineWrapper.mirrorOf(vm, name); ClassTypeWrapper.invokeMethod(cls, tr, m, Collections.singletonList(mirrorOfName), ObjectReference.INVOKE_SINGLE_THREADED); List<ReferenceType> classList2 = VirtualMachineWrapper.classesByName0(vm, name); if (!classList2.isEmpty()) { return classList2.iterator().next(); } } catch (ClassNotLoadedException | ClassNotPreparedExceptionWrapper | IncompatibleThreadStateException | InvalidTypeException | InvocationException | InternalExceptionWrapper | ObjectCollectedExceptionWrapper | UnsupportedOperationExceptionWrapper | VMDisconnectedExceptionWrapper ex) { logger.log(Level.FINE, "Cannot load class " + name, ex); // NOI18N } return null; }
private void addProperties() { addPropertySet(new PropertySet("main", NbBundle.getMessage(JavaComponentInfo.class, "MSG_ComponentPropMain"), NbBundle.getMessage(JavaComponentInfo.class, "MSG_ComponentPropMainDescr")) { @Override public Property<?>[] getProperties() { return new Property[] { new ReadOnly("name", String.class, NbBundle.getMessage(JavaComponentInfo.class, "MSG_ComponentPropName"), NbBundle.getMessage(JavaComponentInfo.class, "MSG_ComponentPropNameDescr")) { @Override public Object getValue() throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException { return JavaComponentInfo.this.getName(); } }, new ReadOnly("type", String.class, NbBundle.getMessage(JavaComponentInfo.class, "MSG_ComponentPropType"), NbBundle.getMessage(JavaComponentInfo.class, "MSG_ComponentPropTypeDescr")) { @Override public Object getValue() throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException { return JavaComponentInfo.this.getType(); } }, new ReadOnly("bounds", String.class, NbBundle.getMessage(JavaComponentInfo.class, "MSG_ComponentPropBounds"), NbBundle.getMessage(JavaComponentInfo.class, "MSG_ComponentPropBoundsDescr")) { @Override public Object getValue() throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException { Rectangle r = JavaComponentInfo.this.getWindowBounds(); return "[x=" + r.x + ",y=" + r.y + ",width=" + r.width + ",height=" + r.height + "]"; } }, }; } }); final LazyProperties lazyProperties = new LazyProperties(); addPropertySet( new PropertySet("Properties", NbBundle.getMessage(JavaComponentInfo.class, "MSG_ComponentProps"), NbBundle.getMessage(JavaComponentInfo.class, "MSG_ComponentPropsDescr")) { @Override public Property<?>[] getProperties() { //System.err.println("JavaComponentInfo.Properties PropertySet.getProperties()"); // To fix // // Do not compute properties above, compute them on demand in a separate thread now. // When done, fire Node.PROP_PROPERTY_SETS, null, null. Property<?>[] props = lazyProperties.getProperties(); //System.err.println("\nprops = "+props.length+"\n"); return props; } }); try { Method getTextMethod = ClassTypeWrapper.concreteMethodByName( (ClassType) ObjectReferenceWrapper.referenceType(component), "getText", "()Ljava/lang/String;"); //Method getTextMethod = methodsByName.get("getText"); // NOI18N if (getTextMethod != null) { try { Value theText = ObjectReferenceWrapper.invokeMethod(component, getThread().getThreadReference(), getTextMethod, Collections.EMPTY_LIST, ObjectReference.INVOKE_SINGLE_THREADED); if (theText instanceof StringReference) { setComponentText(StringReferenceWrapper.value((StringReference) theText)); } } catch (VMDisconnectedExceptionWrapper vmdex) { return; } catch (Exception ex) { Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex); } } } catch (ClassNotPreparedExceptionWrapper | InternalExceptionWrapper | ObjectCollectedExceptionWrapper | VMDisconnectedExceptionWrapper cnpe) { } }
static String getValue (Value v) { if (v == null) { return "null"; } if (v instanceof VoidValue) { return "void"; } if (v instanceof CharValue) { return "\'" + v.toString () + "\'"; } if (v instanceof PrimitiveValue) { return v.toString (); } try { if (v instanceof StringReference) { String str = ShortenedStrings.getStringWithLengthControl((StringReference) v); return "\"" + str + "\""; } if (v instanceof ClassObjectReference) { return "class " + v)); } if (v instanceof ArrayReference) { return "#" + ObjectReferenceWrapper.uniqueID((ArrayReference) v) + "(length=" + ArrayReferenceWrapper.length((ArrayReference) v) + ")"; } return "#" + ObjectReferenceWrapper.uniqueID((ObjectReference) v); } catch (InternalExceptionWrapper iex) { return ""; } catch (ObjectCollectedExceptionWrapper oex) { return ""; } catch (VMDisconnectedExceptionWrapper dex) { return ""; } }
private Value getEnumConstant(Tree arg0, VariableElement ve, EvaluationContext evaluationContext) { String constantName = ve.getSimpleName().toString(); ReferenceType enumType = getClassType(arg0, ve.asType(), evaluationContext); Method valueOfMethod = enumType.methodsByName("valueOf").get(0); VirtualMachine vm = evaluationContext.getDebugger().getVirtualMachine(); if (vm == null) { return null; } StringReference constantNameRef = createStringMirrorWithDisabledCollection(constantName, vm, evaluationContext); Value enumValue = invokeMethod(arg0, valueOfMethod, true, (ClassType) enumType, null, Collections.singletonList((Value) constantNameRef), evaluationContext, false); return enumValue; }
private String toString(Tree arg0, Mirror v, EvaluationContext evaluationContext) { if (v instanceof PrimitiveValue) { PrimitiveValue pv = (PrimitiveValue) v; PrimitiveType t = (PrimitiveType) pv.type(); if (t instanceof ByteType) { return Byte.toString(pv.byteValue()); } if (t instanceof BooleanType) { return Boolean.toString(pv.booleanValue()); } if (t instanceof CharType) { return Character.toString(pv.charValue()); } if (t instanceof ShortType) { return Short.toString(pv.shortValue()); } if (t instanceof IntegerType) { return Integer.toString(pv.intValue()); } if (t instanceof LongType) { return Long.toString(pv.longValue()); } if (t instanceof FloatType) { return Float.toString(pv.floatValue()); } if (t instanceof DoubleType) { return Double.toString(pv.doubleValue()); } throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown primitive type: "+t); } if (v == null) { return "" + null; } ObjectReference ov = (ObjectReference) v; if (ov instanceof ArrayReference) { return "#" + ov.uniqueID() + " " + ov.type().name() + "(length=" + ((ArrayReference) ov).length() + ")"; } if (ov instanceof StringReference) { return ((StringReference) ov).value(); } // Call toString() method: List<? extends TypeMirror> typeArguments = Collections.emptyList(); Method method; try { method = getConcreteMethod((ReferenceType) ov.type(), "toString", typeArguments); } catch (UnsuitableArgumentsException uaex) { throw new IllegalStateException(uaex); } ((ClassType) ov.type()).methodsByName("toString"); List<Value> argVals = Collections.emptyList(); Value sv = invokeMethod(arg0, method, false, null, ov, argVals, evaluationContext, false); if (sv instanceof StringReference) { return ((StringReference) sv).value(); } else if (sv == null) { return null; } else { return "Result of toString() call on "+ov+" is not a String, but: "+sv; // NOI18N - should not ever happen. } }
public void testTargetMirrors() throws Exception { try { Utils.BreakPositions bp = Utils.getBreakPositions(System.getProperty ("test.dir.src") + "org/netbeans/api/debugger/jpda/testapps/"); LineBreakpoint lb = bp.getLineBreakpoints().get(0); dm.addBreakpoint (lb); support = JPDASupport.attach ("org.netbeans.api.debugger.jpda.testapps.MirrorValuesApp"); support.waitState (JPDADebugger.STATE_STOPPED); // breakpoint hit JPDADebugger debugger = support.getDebugger(); List<JPDAClassType> systemClasses = debugger.getClassesByName("java.lang.System"); assertEquals(systemClasses.size(), 1); JPDAClassType systemClass = systemClasses.get(0); Properties properties = System.getProperties(); Variable propertiesVar = systemClass.invokeMethod("getProperties", "()Ljava/util/Properties;", new Variable[]{}); Value pv = ((JDIVariable) propertiesVar).getJDIValue(); assertTrue("Properties "+pv, (pv instanceof ObjectReference) && Properties.class.getName().equals(((ClassType) pv.type()).name())); String userHomeProperty = properties.getProperty("user.home"); Variable propVar = ((ObjectVariable) propertiesVar).invokeMethod("getProperty", "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;", new Variable[] { debugger.createMirrorVar("user.home") }); Value p = ((JDIVariable) propVar).getJDIValue(); assertTrue(p instanceof StringReference); assertEquals(userHomeProperty, ((StringReference) p).value()); } finally { support.doFinish (); } }
public void testTargetMirrors() throws Exception { try { Utils.BreakPositions bp = Utils.getBreakPositions(System.getProperty ("test.dir.src") + "org/netbeans/api/debugger/jpda/testapps/"); LineBreakpoint lb = bp.getLineBreakpoints().get(0); dm.addBreakpoint (lb); support = JPDASupport.attach (CLASS_NAME); support.waitState (JPDADebugger.STATE_STOPPED); // breakpoint hit JPDADebugger debugger = support.getDebugger(); Variable mirrorVar = debugger.createMirrorVar("Test"); Value v = ((JDIVariable) mirrorVar).getJDIValue(); assertTrue("Value "+v+" should be a String", v instanceof StringReference); assertEquals("Test", ((StringReference) v).value()); Point p = new Point(-1, 1); mirrorVar = debugger.createMirrorVar(p); Object mp = mirrorVar.createMirrorObject(); assertTrue("Correct point was created: "+mp, p.equals(mp)); mirrorVar = debugger.createMirrorVar(1); v = ((JDIVariable) mirrorVar).getJDIValue(); assertTrue("Value "+v+" should be an Integer object.", (v.type() instanceof ClassType) && Integer.class.getName().equals(((ClassType) v.type()).name())); mirrorVar = debugger.createMirrorVar(1, true); v = ((JDIVariable) mirrorVar).getJDIValue(); assertTrue("Value "+v+" should be an int.", v instanceof IntegerValue); assertEquals(((IntegerValue) v).value(), 1); } finally { support.doFinish (); } }
public String value() { if (value == null) { // Does not need synchronization, since worst-case // static info is fetched twice try { value = JDWP.StringReference.Value. process(vm, this).stringValue; } catch (JDWPException exc) { throw exc.toJDIException(); } } return value; }
public StringReference mirrorOf(String value) { validateVM(); try { return JDWP.VirtualMachine.CreateString. process(vm, value).stringObject; } catch (JDWPException exc) { throw exc.toJDIException(); } }
@Override public String toString(Object value, Map<String, Object> options) { int maxLength = getMaxStringLength(options); return String.format("\"%s\" %s", maxLength > 0 ? StringUtils.abbreviate(((StringReference) value).value(), maxLength) : ((StringReference) value).value(), getIdPostfix((ObjectReference) value, options)); }
private Types typesFromTypeInfo(ObjectReference typeInfo) { Field typeField = typeInfo.referenceType().fieldByName("type"); ObjectReference typeValue = (ObjectReference) typeInfo.getValue(typeField); Field nameField = typeValue.referenceType().fieldByName("name"); String typeName = ((StringReference)typeValue.getValue(nameField)).value(); return Types.valueOf(typeName); }
@Test public void testStringSequencesSet() { compile("VSGC4440Test.f3"); stop("in VSGC4440Test.func"); f3run(); resumeToBreakpoint(); F3SequenceReference seq = (F3SequenceReference) evaluate("VSGC4440Test.seq"); // used to get NPE from this setValue call. seq.setValue(0, vm().mirrorOf("sun")); Assert.assertEquals(((StringReference)seq.getValue(0)).value(), "sun"); }
@Test public void testDNU() throws Throwable { ObjectReference promise = remote.evaluateForked("3 fromage"); ThreadReference thread = ((ThreadReference) remote.invokeMethod( promise, "thread")); remote.invokeMethod(thread, "start"); ObjectReference state = (ObjectReference) remote.invokeMethod(thread, "getState"); StringReference str = (StringReference) remote.invokeMethod(state, "toString"); System.out.println(str.value()); printStack(thread); // assertFalse(thread.isSuspended()); printThreadState(); System.out.println("VMTargetStarter.sleep(1000)"); VMTargetStarter.sleep(1000); printStack(thread); printThreadState(); boolean isFinished = ((BooleanValue) remote.invokeMethod(promise, "isFinished")).booleanValue(); assertFalse(isFinished); printThreadState(); printStack(thread); assertTrue(thread.isAtBreakpoint()); }
@Override public boolean handleEvent(Event event, JDIDebugTarget target, boolean suspendVote, EventSet eventSet) { try { //System.out.println("Reflection: " + event); ThreadReference thread = ((LocatableEvent)event).thread(); StackFrame stack = thread.frame(0); ObjectReference fieldValue = stack.thisObject(); ReferenceType fieldType = fieldValue.referenceType(); //String className = ((ObjectReference)fieldValue.getValue(fieldType.fieldByName("clazz"))).invokeMethod(thread, event.virtualMachine().classesByName("java.lang.Class").get(0).methodsByName("getName").get(0), new ArrayList<Value>(0), 0).toString(); // Calling methods in the child JVM seems to crash here. //String className = ((StringReference)((ObjectReference)fieldValue.getValue(fieldType.fieldByName("clazz"))).getValue(event.virtualMachine().classesByName("java.lang.Class").get(0).fieldByName("name"))).value(); // This works in JDK 7 but breaks in JDK 8 (because getting fields no longer calls SecurityManager.checkMemberAccess). String className = ((ClassObjectReference)fieldValue.getValue(fieldType.fieldByName("clazz"))).reflectedType().name(); String fieldName = ((StringReference)fieldValue.getValue(fieldType.fieldByName("name"))).value(); Field field = event.virtualMachine().classesByName(className).get(0).fieldByName(fieldName); List<Value> argValues = stack.getArgumentValues(); ObjectReference obj = (ObjectReference)argValues.get(0); if (!field.isStatic() && obj == null) return true; // The execution will crash. Value oldValue = field.isStatic() ? field.declaringType().getValue(field) : obj.getValue(field); if (argValues.size() == 2) { // We're setting the value of a field. Value newValue = argValues.get(1); if (newValue instanceof ObjectReference && EclipseUtils.isPrimitive(field.signature())) // Unbox primitive values. newValue = ((ObjectReference)newValue).getValue(((ReferenceType)newValue.type()).fieldByName("value")); recordEffect(FieldLVal.makeFieldLVal(obj, field), oldValue, newValue); } else if (oldValue instanceof ArrayReference) // We're reading the value of an array. backupArray(FieldLVal.makeFieldLVal(obj, field), oldValue); } catch (IncompatibleThreadStateException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return true; }
private static void register(String shortedString, StringReference sr, int length, ArrayReference chars) { StringInfo si = new StringInfo(sr, shortedString.length() - 3, length, chars); synchronized (infoStrings) { infoStrings.put(shortedString, si); } }
private StringInfo(StringReference sr, int shortLength, int length, ArrayReference chars) { = sr; this.shortLength = shortLength; this.length = length; this.chars = chars; }
@Override public synchronized String getMessage() { if (message == null) { try { Method getMessageMethod = ClassTypeWrapper.concreteMethodByName((ClassType) ValueWrapper.type(exeption), "getMessage", "()Ljava/lang/String;"); // NOI18N if (getMessageMethod == null) { if (invocationMessage != null) { message = ""; } else { message = "Unknown exception message"; } } else { try { StringReference sr = (StringReference) debugger.invokeMethod ( preferredThread, exeption, getMessageMethod, new Value [0], this ); message = sr != null ? StringReferenceWrapper.value(sr) : ""; // NOI18N } catch (InvalidExpressionException ex) { if (ex.getTargetException() == this) { String msg = getMessageFromField(); if (msg == null) { if (invocationMessage != null) { message = ""; } else { message = "Unknown exception message"; } } } else { return ex.getMessage(); } } catch (VMMismatchException vmMismatchEx) { VirtualMachine ptvm = ((preferredThread != null) ? preferredThread.getThreadReference().virtualMachine() : null); VirtualMachine ctvm = null; JPDAThread currentThread = debugger.getCurrentThread(); if (currentThread != null) { ctvm = ((JPDAThreadImpl) currentThread).getThreadReference().virtualMachine(); } throw Exceptions.attachMessage(vmMismatchEx, "DBG VM = "+printVM(debugger.getVirtualMachine())+ ", preferredThread VM = "+printVM(ptvm)+ ", currentThread VM = "+printVM(ctvm)+ ", exeption VM = "+printVM(exeption.virtualMachine())); } } } catch (InternalExceptionWrapper iex) { return iex.getMessage(); } catch (VMDisconnectedExceptionWrapper vdex) { return vdex.getMessage(); } catch (ObjectCollectedExceptionWrapper ocex) { Exceptions.printStackTrace(ocex); return ocex.getMessage(); } catch (ClassNotPreparedExceptionWrapper cnpex) { return cnpex.getMessage(); } } if (invocationMessage != null) { return invocationMessage + ": " + message; } else { return message; } }
@Override public String getLocalizedMessage() { if (localizedMessage == null) { try { Method getMessageMethod = ClassTypeWrapper.concreteMethodByName((ClassType) ValueWrapper.type(exeption), "getLocalizedMessage", "()Ljava/lang/String;"); // NOI18N if (getMessageMethod == null) { if (invocationMessage != null) { localizedMessage = ""; } else { localizedMessage = "Unknown exception message"; } } else { try { StringReference sr = (StringReference) debugger.invokeMethod ( preferredThread, exeption, getMessageMethod, new Value [0], this ); localizedMessage = sr == null ? "" : StringReferenceWrapper.value(sr); // NOI18N } catch (InvalidExpressionException ex) { if (ex.getTargetException() == this) { String msg = getMessageFromField(); if (msg == null) { if (invocationMessage != null) { localizedMessage = ""; } else { localizedMessage = "Unknown exception message"; } } } else { return ex.getLocalizedMessage(); } } catch (AssertionError ae) { Exceptions.printStackTrace(new IllegalStateException("Do preload the exception content", createdAt)); throw ae; } } } catch (InternalExceptionWrapper iex) { return iex.getMessage(); } catch (VMDisconnectedExceptionWrapper vdex) { return vdex.getMessage(); } catch (ObjectCollectedExceptionWrapper ocex) { Exceptions.printStackTrace(ocex); return ocex.getMessage(); } catch (ClassNotPreparedExceptionWrapper cnpex) { return cnpex.getMessage(); } } if (invocationMessage != null) { return invocationMessage + ": " + localizedMessage; } else { return localizedMessage; } }
@Override public Mirror visitLiteral(LiteralTree arg0, EvaluationContext evaluationContext) { VirtualMachine vm = evaluationContext.getDebugger().getVirtualMachine(); if (vm == null) { return null; } Object value = arg0.getValue(); if (value instanceof Boolean) { return mirrorOf(vm, value); } if (value instanceof Byte) { return mirrorOf(vm, value); } if (value instanceof Character) { return mirrorOf(vm, value); } if (value instanceof Double) { return mirrorOf(vm, value); } if (value instanceof Float) { return mirrorOf(vm, value); } if (value instanceof Integer) { return mirrorOf(vm, value); } if (value instanceof Long) { return mirrorOf(vm, value); } if (value instanceof Short) { return mirrorOf(vm, value); } if (value instanceof String) { StringReference str = createStringMirrorWithDisabledCollection((String) value, vm, evaluationContext); VMCache cache = evaluationContext.getVMCache(); ClassType strClass = (ClassType) cache.getClass(String.class.getName()); if (strClass == null) { return str; } try { List<Value> args = Collections.emptyList(); return invokeMethod(arg0, strClass.methodsByName("intern").get(0), false, strClass, str, args, evaluationContext, false); } catch (Exception ex) { return str; } } if (value == null) { return null; } throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported value: "+value); }
public StringReferenceProxy(VirtualMachineProxyImpl virtualMachineProxy, StringReference objectReference) { super(virtualMachineProxy, objectReference); }
public StringReference getStringReference() { return (StringReference)getObjectReference(); }
String getStringReference(ObjectReference or, String field) { return ((StringReference) or.getValue(or.referenceType().fieldByName(field))).value(); }
public F3StringReference(F3VirtualMachine f3vm, StringReference underlying) { super(f3vm, underlying); }