private long getDiskSize(Disk disk) { long result = -1l; Kernel32 kernel32 = Kernel32.INSTANCE; HANDLE diskHandle = kernel32.CreateFile(disk.path, WinNT.GENERIC_READ, WinNT.FILE_SHARE_READ, null, WinNT.OPEN_EXISTING, WinNT.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, null); if (WinBase.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE.equals(diskHandle)) { return result; } try { Memory output = new Memory(Native.getNativeSize(LARGE_INTEGER.class)); IntByReference lpBytes = new IntByReference(); boolean success = kernel32.DeviceIoControl(diskHandle, WinioctlUtil.CTL_CODE(Winioctl.FILE_DEVICE_DISK, 0x17, Winioctl.METHOD_BUFFERED, Winioctl.FILE_READ_ACCESS), null, 0, output, Native.getNativeSize(LARGE_INTEGER.class), lpBytes, null); // TODO: Check success? result = output.getLong(0); } finally { Kernel32Util.closeHandle(diskHandle); } return result; }
private void calc() { if (System.currentTimeMillis() - _lastCall < 500) return; WinBase.MEMORYSTATUSEX lpBuffer = new WinBase.MEMORYSTATUSEX(); lpBuffer.dwLength = new DWORD(lpBuffer.size()); if (Kernel32.INSTANCE.GlobalMemoryStatusEx(lpBuffer)) {; _freeRAM = lpBuffer.ullAvailPhys.longValue(); _totalRAM = lpBuffer.ullTotalPhys.longValue(); _lastCall = System.currentTimeMillis(); } else { if (_logger != null) _logger.severe("ERROR: could not read free/total RAM"); else System.out.println("ERROR: could not read free/total RAM"); } }
private LRESULT processMessage(HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { WinBase.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES psa = null; String mapname = readFileNameFromInput(lParam); sharedFile = libK.CreateFileMapping(WinBase.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, psa, WinNT.PAGE_READWRITE, 0, 8192, // AGENT_MAX_MSGLEN mapname); sharedMemory = Kernel32.INSTANCE.MapViewOfFile(sharedFile, WinNT.SECTION_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, 0); int ret = answerIfDevicePresent(sharedMemory); disconnectFromSharedMemory(); return new LRESULT(ret); }
public boolean terminate() { Kernel32.HANDLE process = Kernel32.INSTANCE.OpenProcess(WinNT.PROCESS_TERMINATE | WinNT.SYNCHRONIZE, false, pid); if (process.getPointer() == null) { Runner.logger.warn("Unable to find process " + name + "(" + pid + ")"); return false; } else { Kernel32.INSTANCE.TerminateProcess(process, 1); int wait = Kernel32.INSTANCE.WaitForSingleObject(process, 1000); if (wait != WinBase.WAIT_OBJECT_0) { Runner.logger.warn("Timed out while waiting for process " + name + "(" + pid + ") to end"); return false; } Kernel32.INSTANCE.CloseHandle(process); return true; } }
@Override protected void _truncateFile(long size) throws IOException { // TODO Handle lp of size int resSFP = MMFKernel32.INSTANCE.SetFilePointer(file, size, Pointer.NULL, 1); if (WinBase.INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER == resSFP) { throw new IOException("INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER: " + Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetLastError()); } Kernel32.INSTANCE.CloseHandle(mapping); mapping = null; boolean resSEOF = MMFKernel32.INSTANCE.SetEndOfFile(file); if (!resSEOF) { throw new IOException( "Unable to SetEndOfFile: " + getLastErrorAsString()); } }
public static List<MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION> getPageRanges(WinNT.HANDLE hOtherProcess) { List<MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION> ret = new ArrayList<>(); MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION mbi; WinBase.SYSTEM_INFO si = new WinBase.SYSTEM_INFO(); Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetSystemInfo(si); Pointer lpMem = si.lpMinimumApplicationAddress; while (pointerToAddress(lpMem) < pointerToAddress(si.lpMaximumApplicationAddress)) { mbi = new MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION(); BaseTSD.SIZE_T t = Kernel32.INSTANCE.VirtualQueryEx(hOtherProcess, lpMem, mbi, new BaseTSD.SIZE_T(mbi.size())); if (t.longValue() == 0) { Logger.getLogger(Win32ProcessTools.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, "Cannot get page ranges. Last error:" + Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetLastError()); break; } ret.add(mbi); lpMem = new Pointer(pointerToAddress(mbi.baseAddress) + mbi.regionSize.longValue()); } return ret; }
public CygwinPtyProcess(String[] command, Map<String, String> environment, String workingDirectory, File logFile, boolean console) throws IOException { String pipePrefix = String.format("\\\\.\\pipe\\cygwinpty-%d-%d-", KERNEL32.GetCurrentProcessId(), processCounter.getAndIncrement()); String inPipeName = pipePrefix + "in"; String outPipeName = pipePrefix + "out"; String errPipeName = pipePrefix + "err"; myInputHandle = KERNEL32.CreateNamedPipeA(inPipeName, PIPE_ACCESS_OUTBOUND | WinNT.FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, null); myOutputHandle = KERNEL32.CreateNamedPipeA(outPipeName, PIPE_ACCESS_INBOUND | WinNT.FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, null); myErrorHandle = console ? KERNEL32.CreateNamedPipeA(errPipeName, PIPE_ACCESS_INBOUND | WinNT.FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, null) : null; if (myInputHandle == WinBase.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || myOutputHandle == WinBase.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || myErrorHandle == WinBase.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { closeHandles(); throw new IOException("Unable to create a named pipe"); } myInputPipe = new NamedPipe(myInputHandle, false); myOutputPipe = new NamedPipe(myOutputHandle, false); myErrorPipe = myErrorHandle != null ? new NamedPipe(myErrorHandle, false) : null; myProcess = startProcess(inPipeName, outPipeName, errPipeName, workingDirectory, command, environment, logFile, console); }
/** * Get all sub keys of a key. * * @param rootKey * root key * @param parent * key name * @return array with all sub key names */ public static String[] getSubKeys(REGISTRY_ROOT_KEY rootKey, String parent) { Advapi32 advapi32; HKEY handle = null; int dwIndex; char[] lpName; IntByReference lpcName; WinBase.FILETIME lpftLastWriteTime; TreeSet<String> subKeys = new TreeSet<String>(); advapi32 = Advapi32.INSTANCE; handle = openKey(rootKey, parent, WinNT.KEY_READ); lpName = new char[256]; lpcName = new IntByReference(256); lpftLastWriteTime = new WinNT.FILETIME(); if (handle != null) { dwIndex = 0; while (advapi32.RegEnumKeyEx(handle, dwIndex, lpName, lpcName, null, null, null, lpftLastWriteTime) == WINERROR.ERROR_SUCCESS) { subKeys.add(new String(lpName, 0, lpcName.getValue())); lpcName.setValue(256); dwIndex++; } advapi32.RegCloseKey(handle); } return (subKeys.toArray(new String[] {})); }
public GPS(CefBrowser pBrowser, Option pOptions) { this.sharedFile = Kernel32.INSTANCE.CreateFileMapping( WinBase.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, null, WinNT.PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, 0, MEM_MAP_SIZE, MEM_MAP_NAME); this.sharedMemory = Kernel32.INSTANCE.MapViewOfFile( this.sharedFile, WinNT.SECTION_MAP_READ, 0, 0, MEM_MAP_SIZE); this.TheBrowser = pBrowser; this.TheOptions = pOptions; }
public static boolean openDevice() throws IOException { /* Kernel32RW.GENERIC_READ | Kernel32RW.GENERIC_WRITE not used in dwDesiredAccess field for system devices such a keyboard or mouse */ int shareMode = WinNT.FILE_SHARE_READ | WinNT.FILE_SHARE_WRITE; int Access = WinNT.GENERIC_WRITE | WinNT.GENERIC_READ; HandleToDevice = Kernel32.INSTANCE.CreateFile( Devices.getConnectedDeviceWin32().getDevPath(), Access, shareMode, null, WinNT.OPEN_EXISTING, 0,//WinNT.FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, (WinNT.HANDLE)null); if (HandleToDevice == WinBase.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) throw new IOException(getLastError()); return true; }
public static boolean openDeviceAsync() throws IOException { /* Kernel32RW.GENERIC_READ | Kernel32RW.GENERIC_WRITE not used in dwDesiredAccess field for system devices such a keyboard or mouse */ int shareMode = WinNT.FILE_SHARE_READ | WinNT.FILE_SHARE_WRITE; int Access = WinNT.GENERIC_WRITE | WinNT.GENERIC_READ; HandleToDevice = Kernel32.INSTANCE.CreateFile( Devices.getConnectedDeviceWin32().getDevPath(), Access, shareMode, null, WinNT.OPEN_EXISTING, WinNT.FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, (WinNT.HANDLE)null); if (HandleToDevice == WinBase.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) throw new IOException(getLastError()); return true; }
public static WinNT.HANDLE createEvent() throws IOException { WinNT.HANDLE hevent = kernel32.CreateEvent(null, false, false, null); int res = kernel32.GetLastError(); if (hevent == WinBase.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || res!=0) throw new IOException(JKernel32.getLastError()); return hevent; }
public static boolean closeDevice() { boolean result = true; if (HandleToDevice != WinBase.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { result = kernel32.CloseHandle(HandleToDevice); } HandleToDevice = WinBase.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; return result; }
WinNT.HANDLE CreateFile( String lpFileName, int dwDesiredAccess, int dwShareMode, WinBase.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes, int dwCreationDisposition, int dwFlagsAndAttributes, WinNT.HANDLE hTemplateFile);
private void internalWaitFor(final int timeoutInMillis) throws InterruptedException { final int res = Kernel32.INSTANCE.WaitForSingleObject(this.handle, timeoutInMillis); if (res < 0 || res == WinBase.WAIT_FAILED) { win32ErrorRuntime("WaitForSingleObject"); } // Check for interruption if (Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } }
/** * Returns the exit value for the subprocess. * * @return the exit value of the subprocess represented by this * <code>WindowsProcess</code> object. by convention, the value * <code>0</code> indicates normal termination. * @exception IllegalThreadStateException if the subprocess represented * by this <code>WindowsProcess</code> object has not yet terminated. */ public int exitValue() { final IntByReference exitCodeRef = new IntByReference(); // Retrieves the termination status of the specified process boolean success = Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetExitCodeProcess(this.handle, exitCodeRef); if (!success) { win32ErrorRuntime("GetExitCodeProcess"); } // As said in msdn an application should not use STILL_ACTIVE (259) as an error code int exitCode = exitCodeRef.getValue(); if (exitCode == WinBase.STILL_ACTIVE) { throw new IllegalThreadStateException("process has not exited"); } return exitCode; }
WinNT.HANDLE CreateNamedPipeA(String lpName, int dwOpenMode, int dwPipeMode, int nMaxInstances, int nOutBufferSize, int nInBufferSize, int nDefaultTimeout, WinBase.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES securityAttributes);
private static void waitForPipe(WinNT.HANDLE handle) throws IOException { WinNT.HANDLE connectEvent = KERNEL32.CreateEventA(null, true, false, null); WinBase.OVERLAPPED povl = new WinBase.OVERLAPPED(); povl.hEvent = connectEvent; boolean success = KERNEL32.ConnectNamedPipe(handle, povl); if (!success) { switch (KERNEL32.GetLastError()) { case WinError.ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED: success = true; break; case WinError.ERROR_IO_PENDING: if (KERNEL32.WaitForSingleObject(connectEvent, CONNECT_PIPE_TIMEOUT) != WinBase.WAIT_OBJECT_0) { KERNEL32.CancelIo(handle); success = false; } else { success = true; } break; } } KERNEL32.CloseHandle(connectEvent); if (!success) throw new IOException("Cannot connect to a named pipe"); }
public SP_DRVINFO_DATA() { DriverDate = new WinBase.FILETIME(); }
WinNT.HANDLE CreateEvent( WinBase.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpEventAttributes, boolean bManualReset, boolean bInitialState, String lpName);
private static WinBase.OVERLAPPED createOverlapped(WinNT.HANDLE event) { WinBase.OVERLAPPED olap = new WinBase.OVERLAPPED(); olap.hEvent = event; olap.write(); return olap; }
public void startWithLogon(final String cmd[] // can be null ) throws IOException { // Merge the command array into a single string final String lpCommandLine = this.internalMergeCommand(cmd); try { // Fill the security attributes final WinBase.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa = new WinBase.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES(); sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = null; sa.bInheritHandle = true;// true otherwise streams are not piped sa.write(); // Create pipes if (!(Kernel32.INSTANCE.CreatePipe(this.inRead, this.inWrite, sa, 0) && Kernel32.INSTANCE.CreatePipe(this.outRead, this.outWrite, sa, 0) && Kernel32.INSTANCE .CreatePipe(this.errRead, this.errWrite, sa, 0))) { throw win32ErrorIOException("CreatePipe"); } final WinBase.STARTUPINFO si = new WinBase.STARTUPINFO(); si.dwFlags = WinBase.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW | WinBase.STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; si.hStdInput = this.inRead.getValue(); si.hStdOutput = this.outWrite.getValue(); si.hStdError = this.errWrite.getValue(); si.wShowWindow = new WinDef.WORD(0); // SW_HIDE si.write(); final WinBase.PROCESS_INFORMATION pi = new WinBase.PROCESS_INFORMATION(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CreateProcessWithLogonW cannot be used since its parent process is svchost.exe and // it breaks away from ProActive Agent job object. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// boolean result = MyAdvapi.INSTANCE.CreateProcessWithLogonW( /* String */this.user, this.domain, this.password, /* int */MyAdvapi.LOGON_WITH_PROFILE, // load user profile /* String */null, // The name of the module to be executed /* String */lpCommandLine, // The command line to be executed /* int */WinBase.CREATE_NO_WINDOW | WinBase.CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT, // creation flags /* String */null, // the new process uses an environment created from the profile of the user /* String */null, // the new process has the same current drive and directory as the calling process /* WinBase.STARTUPINFO */si, // pointer to STARTUPINFO or STARTUPINFOEX structure /* WinBase.PROCESS_INFORMATION */pi); // pointer to PROCESS_FORMATION structure if (!result) { throw win32ErrorIOException("CreateProcessWithLogon"); } Kernel32.INSTANCE.CloseHandle(pi.hThread); = pi.dwProcessId.intValue(); this.handle = pi.hProcess; // Connect java-side streams this.internalConnectStreams(); } catch (Exception ex) { // Clean up the parent's side of the pipes in case of failure only closeSafely(this.inWrite); closeSafely(this.outRead); closeSafely(this.errRead); // If rethrow the internal IOException if (ex instanceof IOException) { throw (IOException) ex; } else { throw new IOException(ex); } } finally { // Always clean up the child's side of the pipes closeSafely(this.inRead); closeSafely(this.outWrite); closeSafely(this.errWrite); } }
/** * The RegQueryInfoKey function retrieves information about the specified * registry key. * * @param hKey * A handle to an open key. The key must have been opened with * the KEY_QUERY_VALUE access right. * @param lpClass * A pointer to a buffer that receives the null-terminated class * string of the key. This parameter can be ignored. This * parameter can be NULL. * @param lpcClass * A pointer to a variable that specifies the size of the buffer * pointed to by the lpClass parameter, in characters. * @param lpReserved * Reserved; must be NULL. * @param lpcSubKeys * A pointer to a variable that receives the number of subkeys * that are contained by the specified key. This parameter can be * NULL. * @param lpcMaxSubKeyLen * A pointer to a variable that receives the size of the key's * subkey with the longest name, in characters, not including the * terminating null character. This parameter can be NULL. * @param lpcMaxClassLen * A pointer to a variable that receives the size of the longest * string that specifies a subkey class, in characters. The count * returned does not include the terminating null character. This * parameter can be NULL. * @param lpcValues * A pointer to a variable that receives the number of values * that are associated with the key. This parameter can be NULL. * @param lpcMaxValueNameLen * A pointer to a variable that receives the size of the key's * longest value name, in characters. The size does not include * the terminating null character. This parameter can be NULL. * @param lpcMaxValueLen * A pointer to a variable that receives the size of the longest * data component among the key's values, in bytes. This * parameter can be NULL. * @param lpcbSecurityDescriptor * A pointer to a variable that receives the size of the key's * security descriptor, in bytes. This parameter can be NULL. * @param lpftLastWriteTime * A pointer to a FILETIME structure that receives the last write * time. This parameter can be NULL. * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS. If * the function fails, the return value is a nonzero error code * defined in Winerror.h. */ public int RegQueryInfoKey(HKEY hKey, char[] lpClass, IntByReference lpcClass, IntByReference lpReserved, IntByReference lpcSubKeys, IntByReference lpcMaxSubKeyLen, IntByReference lpcMaxClassLen, IntByReference lpcValues, IntByReference lpcMaxValueNameLen, IntByReference lpcMaxValueLen, IntByReference lpcbSecurityDescriptor, WinBase.FILETIME lpftLastWriteTime);
/** * Creates a new process and its primary thread. The new process runs in the * security context of the user represented by the specified token. * * Typically, the process that calls the CreateProcessAsUser function must * have the SE_INCREASE_QUOTA_NAME privilege and may require the * SE_ASSIGNPRIMARYTOKEN_NAME privilege if the token is not assignable. If * this function fails with ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD (1314), use the * CreateProcessWithLogonW function instead. CreateProcessWithLogonW * requires no special privileges, but the specified user account must be * allowed to log on interactively. Generally, it is best to use * CreateProcessWithLogonW to create a process with alternate credentials. * * @param hToken * A handle to the primary token that represents a user. * @param lpApplicationName * The name of the module to be executed. * @param lpCommandLine * The command line to be executed. * @param lpProcessAttributes * A pointer to a SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure that specifies a * security descriptor for the new process object and determines * whether child processes can inherit the returned handle to the * process. * @param lpThreadAttributes * A pointer to a SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure that specifies a * security descriptor for the new thread object and determines * whether child processes can inherit the returned handle to the * thread. * @param bInheritHandles * If this parameter is TRUE, each inheritable handle in the * calling process is inherited by the new process. If the * parameter is FALSE, the handles are not inherited. Note that * inherited handles have the same value and access rights as the * original handles. * @param dwCreationFlags * The flags that control the priority class and the creation of * the process. For a list of values, see Process Creation Flags. * @param lpEnvironment * A pointer to an environment block for the new process. If this * parameter is NULL, the new process uses the environment of the * calling process. * * An environment block consists of a null-terminated block of * null-terminated strings. Each string is in the following form: * name=value\0 * @param lpCurrentDirectory * The full path to the current directory for the process. The * string can also specify a UNC path. * @param lpStartupInfo * A pointer to a STARTUPINFO or STARTUPINFOEX structure. * @param lpProcessInformation * A pointer to a PROCESS_INFORMATION structure that receives * identification information about the new process. * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero. If the * function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error * information, call GetLastError. */ public boolean CreateProcessAsUser(HANDLE hToken, String lpApplicationName, String lpCommandLine, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpProcessAttributes, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpThreadAttributes, boolean bInheritHandles, int dwCreationFlags, String lpEnvironment, String lpCurrentDirectory, WinBase.STARTUPINFO lpStartupInfo, WinBase.PROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInformation);
/** * The DuplicateTokenEx function creates a new access token that duplicates * an existing token. This function can create either a primary token or an * impersonation token. * * @param hExistingToken * A handle to an access token opened with TOKEN_DUPLICATE * access. * @param dwDesiredAccess * Specifies the requested access rights for the new token. * @param lpTokenAttributes * A pointer to a SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure that specifies a * security descriptor for the new token and determines whether * child processes can inherit the token. * @param ImpersonationLevel * Specifies a value from the SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL * enumeration that indicates the impersonation level of the new * token. * @param TokenType * Specifies one of the following values from the TOKEN_TYPE * enumeration. * @param phNewToken * A pointer to a HANDLE variable that receives the new token. * @return If the function succeeds, the function returns a nonzero value. * If the function fails, it returns zero. To get extended error * information, call GetLastError. */ public boolean DuplicateTokenEx(HANDLE hExistingToken, int dwDesiredAccess, WinBase.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpTokenAttributes, int ImpersonationLevel, int TokenType, HANDLEByReference phNewToken);
/** * The RegEnumKeyEx function enumerates subkeys of the specified open * registry key. The function retrieves information about one subkey each * time it is called. * * @param hKey * Handle to an open key. The key must have been opened with the * KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS access right. * @param dwIndex * Index of the subkey to retrieve. This parameter should be zero * for the first call to the RegEnumKeyEx function and then * incremented for subsequent calls. Because subkeys are not * ordered, any new subkey will have an arbitrary index. This * means that the function may return subkeys in any order. * @param lpName * Pointer to a buffer that receives the name of the subkey, * including the terminating null character. The function copies * only the name of the subkey, not the full key hierarchy, to * the buffer. * @param lpcName * Pointer to a variable that specifies the size of the buffer * specified by the lpName parameter, in TCHARs. This size should * include the terminating null character. When the function * returns, the variable pointed to by lpcName contains the * number of characters stored in the buffer. The count returned * does not include the terminating null character. * @param reserved * Reserved; must be NULL. * @param lpClass * Pointer to a buffer that receives the null-terminated class * string of the enumerated subkey. This parameter can be NULL. * @param lpcClass * Pointer to a variable that specifies the size of the buffer * specified by the lpClass parameter, in TCHARs. The size should * include the terminating null character. When the function * returns, lpcClass contains the number of characters stored in * the buffer. The count returned does not include the * terminating null character. This parameter can be NULL only if * lpClass is NULL. * @param lpftLastWriteTime * Pointer to a variable that receives the time at which the * enumerated subkey was last written. * @return If the function succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS. If * the function fails, the return value is a nonzero error code * defined in Winerror.h. */ public int RegEnumKeyEx(HKEY hKey, int dwIndex, char[] lpName, IntByReference lpcName, IntByReference reserved, char[] lpClass, IntByReference lpcClass, WinBase.FILETIME lpftLastWriteTime);
/** * BOOL WINAPI CreateProcessWithLogonW( __in LPCWSTR lpUsername, * __in_opt LPCWSTR lpDomain, __in LPCWSTR lpPassword, __in DWORD * dwLogonFlags, __in_opt LPCWSTR lpApplicationName, __inout_opt LPWSTR * lpCommandLine, __in DWORD dwCreationFlags, __in_opt LPVOID * lpEnvironment, __in_opt LPCWSTR lpCurrentDirectory, __in * LPSTARTUPINFOW lpStartupInfo, __out LPPROCESS_INFORMATION * lpProcessInfo ); */ boolean CreateProcessWithLogonW(String lpUsername, String lpDomain, String lpPassword, int dwLogonFlags, String lpApplicationName, String lpCommandLine, int dwCreationFlags, String lpEnvironment, String lpCurrentDirectory, WinBase.STARTUPINFO lpStartupInfo, WinBase.PROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInfo);
public boolean CreateProcess(String lpApplicationName, String lpCommandLine, WinBase.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpProcessAttributes, WinBase.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpThreadAttributes, WinDef.BOOL bInheritHandles, WinDef.DWORD dwCreationFlags, Pointer lpEnvironment, String lpCurrentDirectory, WinBase.STARTUPINFO lpStartupInfo, WinBase.PROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInformation);
boolean ConnectNamedPipe(WinNT.HANDLE hNamedPipe, WinBase.OVERLAPPED overlapped);
WinNT.HANDLE CreateEventA(WinBase.SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpEventAttributes, boolean bManualReset, boolean bInitialState, String lpName);