public Boolean visitBlock(BlockTree node, TreePath p) { if (p == null) { super.visitBlock(node, p); return false; } if (p.getLeaf().getKind() != Kind.BLOCK) { //single-statement blocks are considered to be equivalent to statements //TODO: some parents may need to be more strict, esp. synchronized and do-while assert node.getStatements().size() == 1; assert !node.isStatic(); if (p.getLeaf() == searchingFor.getLeaf()) return false; return checkLists(node.getStatements(), Collections.singletonList(p.getLeaf()), p.getParentPath()); } BlockTree at = (BlockTree) p.getLeaf(); if (node.isStatic() != at.isStatic()) { return false; } return checkLists(node.getStatements(), at.getStatements(), p); }
public Boolean visitBlock(BlockTree node, ConstructorData p) { List<? extends StatementTree> statements = new ArrayList<StatementTree>(node.getStatements()); for (int i = 0; i < statements.size(); i++) { StatementTree st = statements.get(i); if (st.getKind() == Kind.IF) { IfTree it = (IfTree) st; if (it.getElseStatement() == null && Utilities.exitsFromAllBranchers(info, new TreePath(new TreePath(getCurrentPath(), it), it.getThenStatement()))) { generalizedIf(it.getCondition(), it.getThenStatement(), statements.subList(i + 1, statements.size()), false); break; } } scan(st, null); } return null; }
private static MethodTree createHashCodeMethod(WorkingCopy wc, Iterable<? extends VariableElement> hashCodeFields, Scope scope) { TreeMaker make = wc.getTreeMaker(); Set<Modifier> mods = EnumSet.of(Modifier.PUBLIC); int startNumber = generatePrimeNumber(2, 10); int multiplyNumber = generatePrimeNumber(10, 100); List<StatementTree> statements = new ArrayList<>(); //int hash = <startNumber>; statements.add(make.Variable(make.Modifiers(EnumSet.noneOf(Modifier.class)), "hash", make.PrimitiveType(TypeKind.INT), make.Literal(startNumber))); //NOI18N for (VariableElement ve : hashCodeFields) { TypeMirror tm = ve.asType(); ExpressionTree variableRead = prepareExpression(wc, HASH_CODE_PATTERNS, tm, ve, scope); statements.add(make.ExpressionStatement(make.Assignment(make.Identifier("hash"), make.Binary(Tree.Kind.PLUS, make.Binary(Tree.Kind.MULTIPLY, make.Literal(multiplyNumber), make.Identifier("hash")), variableRead)))); //NOI18N } statements.add(make.Return(make.Identifier("hash"))); //NOI18N BlockTree body = make.Block(statements, false); ModifiersTree modifiers = prepareModifiers(wc, mods,make); return make.Method(modifiers, "hashCode", make.PrimitiveType(TypeKind.INT), Collections.<TypeParameterTree> emptyList(), Collections.<VariableTree>emptyList(), Collections.<ExpressionTree>emptyList(), body, null); //NOI18N }
private void generateMethodContents(List<StatementTree> methodStatements) { Iterator<TypeMirrorHandle> additionalType = additionalLocalTypes.iterator(); Iterator<String> additionalName = additionalLocalNames.iterator(); while (additionalType.hasNext() && additionalName.hasNext()) { TypeMirror tm =; if (tm == null) { //XXX: return; } Tree type = make.Type(tm); methodStatements.add(make.Variable(make.Modifiers(EnumSet.noneOf(Modifier.class)),, type, null)); } if (from == to && statements.get(from).getKind() == Tree.Kind.BLOCK) { methodStatements.addAll(((BlockTree) statements.get(from)).getStatements()); } else { methodStatements.addAll(statements.subList(from, to + 1)); } }
private int[] getBounds(TreeUtilities tu, SourcePositions sp, CompilationUnitTree cut, Tree tree) { int[] bounds = {-1, -1}; if (tree != null) { if (tree.getKind() == Tree.Kind.BLOCK) { List<? extends StatementTree> stats = ((BlockTree) tree).getStatements(); if (stats != null && !stats.isEmpty()) { bounds[0] = getStart(tu, sp, cut, stats.get(0)); bounds[1] = getEnd(tu, sp, cut, stats.get(stats.size() - 1)); } } else { bounds[0] = getStart(tu, sp, cut, tree); bounds[1] = getEnd(tu, sp, cut, tree); } } return bounds; }
@Override public Mirror visitBlock(BlockTree arg0, EvaluationContext evaluationContext) { Mirror lastResult = null; try { evaluationContext.pushBlock(); for (StatementTree statementTree : arg0.getStatements()) { Mirror res = statementTree.accept(this, evaluationContext); if (res != null) { lastResult = res; } if (res instanceof CommandMirror) { break; } } } finally { evaluationContext.popBlock(); } return lastResult; }
/** */ protected MethodTree composeNewTestMethod(String testMethodName, BlockTree testMethodBody, List<ExpressionTree> throwsList, WorkingCopy workingCopy) { TreeMaker maker = workingCopy.getTreeMaker(); return maker.Method( maker.Modifiers(createModifierSet(PUBLIC)), testMethodName, maker.PrimitiveType(TypeKind.VOID), Collections.<TypeParameterTree>emptyList(), Collections.<VariableTree>emptyList(), throwsList, testMethodBody, null); //default value - used by annotations }
private MethodTree createGetter(ModifiersTree mods, TypeMirror valueType) { StringBuilder getterName = GeneratorUtils.getCapitalizedName(config.getName()); getterName.insert(0, valueType.getKind() == TypeKind.BOOLEAN ? "is" : "get"); ReturnTree returnTree = make.Return(make.MethodInvocation(Collections.EMPTY_LIST, make.MemberSelect(make.Identifier(config.getName()), hasGet ? "get" : "getValue"), Collections.EMPTY_LIST)); BlockTree getterBody = make.Block(Collections.singletonList(returnTree), false); Tree valueTree; if (valueType.getKind() == TypeKind.DECLARED) { valueTree = make.QualIdent(((DeclaredType) valueType).asElement()); } else if (valueType.getKind().isPrimitive()) { valueTree = make.PrimitiveType(valueType.getKind()); } else { valueTree = make.Identifier(valueType.toString()); } MethodTree getter = make.Method(mods, getterName, valueTree, Collections.EMPTY_LIST, Collections.EMPTY_LIST, Collections.EMPTY_LIST, getterBody, null); return getter; }
private StatementTree findMatchingMethodInvocation(CompilationInfo info, BlockTree block, int offset) { for (StatementTree t : block.getStatements()) { if (t.getKind() != Kind.EXPRESSION_STATEMENT) continue; long statementStart = info.getTrees().getSourcePositions().getStartPosition(info.getCompilationUnit(), t); if (offset < statementStart) return null; ExpressionStatementTree est = (ExpressionStatementTree) t; long statementEnd = info.getTrees().getSourcePositions().getEndPosition(info.getCompilationUnit(), t); long expressionEnd = info.getTrees().getSourcePositions().getEndPosition(info.getCompilationUnit(), est.getExpression()); if (expressionEnd <= offset && offset < statementEnd) { return t; } } return null; }
@TriggerTreeKind(Tree.Kind.ENHANCED_FOR_LOOP) @Messages("ERR_ForLoopToFunctionalHint=Can use functional operations") public static ErrorDescription computeWarning(HintContext ctx) { if (ctx.getInfo().getElements().getTypeElement("") == null && !DISABLE_CHECK_FOR_STREAM) return null; PreconditionsChecker pc = new PreconditionsChecker(ctx.getPath().getLeaf(), ctx.getInfo()); if (pc.isSafeToRefactor()) { EnhancedForLoopTree eflt = (EnhancedForLoopTree)ctx.getPath().getLeaf(); StatementTree stmt = eflt.getStatement(); if (stmt == null) { return null; } if (stmt.getKind() == Tree.Kind.BLOCK) { BlockTree bt = (BlockTree)stmt; if (bt.getStatements() == null || bt.getStatements().isEmpty()) { return null; } } Fix fix = new FixImpl(ctx.getInfo(), ctx.getPath(), null).toEditorFix(); return ErrorDescriptionFactory.forName(ctx, ctx.getPath(), Bundle.ERR_ForLoopToFunctionalHint(), fix); } return null; }
private boolean isLastInControlFlow(TreePath pathToInstruction) { Tree currentTree = pathToInstruction.getLeaf(); Tree parentTree = pathToInstruction.getParentPath().getLeaf(); if (parentTree.equals(this.loop)) { return true; } else if (parentTree.getKind() == Tree.Kind.BLOCK) { List<? extends StatementTree> ls = ((BlockTree) parentTree).getStatements(); if (ls.get(ls.size() - 1).equals(currentTree)) { return isLastInControlFlow(pathToInstruction.getParentPath()); } else { return false; } } else if (parentTree.getKind() == Tree.Kind.AND.IF && ((IfTree) parentTree).getElseStatement() != null) { return false; } else { return this.isLastInControlFlow(pathToInstruction.getParentPath()); } }
/** * find the enclosing method, lambda expression or initializer block for the leaf of some tree * path * * @param path the tree path * @return the closest enclosing method / lambda */ @Nullable public static TreePath findEnclosingMethodOrLambdaOrInitializer(TreePath path) { while (path != null) { if (path.getLeaf() instanceof MethodTree || path.getLeaf() instanceof LambdaExpressionTree) { return path; } TreePath parent = path.getParentPath(); if (parent != null && parent.getLeaf() instanceof ClassTree) { if (path.getLeaf() instanceof BlockTree) { // found initializer block return path; } if (path.getLeaf() instanceof VariableTree && ((VariableTree) path.getLeaf()).getInitializer() != null) { // found field with an inline initializer return path; } } path = parent; } return null; }
@Override protected void performRewrite(TransformationContext ctx) throws Exception { Tree t = ctx.getPath().getLeaf(); if (t.getKind() != Tree.Kind.BLOCK) { return; } BlockTree bl = (BlockTree)t; WorkingCopy wc = ctx.getWorkingCopy(); GeneratorUtilities gu = GeneratorUtilities.get(wc); gu.importComments(bl, wc.getCompilationUnit()); TreeMaker mk = wc.getTreeMaker(); BlockTree nbl = mk.Block(bl.getStatements(), true); gu.copyComments(bl, nbl, true); gu.copyComments(bl, nbl, false); wc.rewrite(bl, nbl); }
private static TreePath findOuterIf(HintContext ctx, TreePath treePath) { while (!ctx.isCanceled()) { treePath = treePath.getParentPath(); if (treePath == null) { break; } Tree leaf = treePath.getLeaf(); if (leaf.getKind() == Kind.IF) { return treePath; } if (leaf.getKind() == Kind.BLOCK) { BlockTree b = (BlockTree)leaf; if (b.getStatements().size() == 1) { // ok, empty blocks can be around synchronized(this) // statements continue; } } return null; } return null; }
static boolean needsStaticRelativeTo(CompilationInfo info, TreePath targetClass, TreePath occurrence) { while (occurrence != null && targetClass.getLeaf() != occurrence.getLeaf()) { switch (occurrence.getLeaf().getKind()) { case METHOD: if (((MethodTree) occurrence.getLeaf()).getModifiers().getFlags().contains(Modifier.STATIC)) { return true; } break; case BLOCK: if (((BlockTree) occurrence.getLeaf()).isStatic()) { return true; } break; case INTERFACE: return true; } occurrence = occurrence.getParentPath(); } return false; }
static void removeFromParent(WorkingCopy parameter, TreePath what) throws IllegalAccessException { final TreeMaker make = parameter.getTreeMaker(); Tree parentTree = what.getParentPath().getLeaf(); Tree original = what.getLeaf(); Tree newParent; switch (parentTree.getKind()) { case BLOCK: newParent = make.removeBlockStatement((BlockTree) parentTree, (StatementTree) original); break; case CASE: newParent = make.removeCaseStatement((CaseTree) parentTree, (StatementTree) original); break; case CLASS: case ENUM: case INTERFACE: newParent = make.removeClassMember((ClassTree)parentTree, original); break; default: throw new IllegalAccessException(parentTree.getKind().toString()); } parameter.rewrite(parentTree, newParent); }
/** * Generates a simple implementation of an abstract method declared * in a supertype. * * @param abstractMethod the method whose implementation is to be generated */ private static MethodTree generateAbstractMethodImpl( ExecutableElement abstractMethod, WorkingCopy workingCopy) { final TreeMaker maker = workingCopy.getTreeMaker(); TypeMirror returnType = abstractMethod.getReturnType(); List<? extends StatementTree> content; if (returnType.getKind() == TypeKind.VOID) { content = Collections.<StatementTree>emptyList(); } else { content = Collections.singletonList( maker.Return(getDefaultValue(maker, returnType))); } BlockTree body = maker.Block(content, false); return maker.Method( maker.Modifiers(Collections.singleton(PUBLIC)), abstractMethod.getSimpleName(), maker.Type(returnType), makeTypeParamsCopy(abstractMethod.getTypeParameters(), maker), makeParamsCopy(abstractMethod.getParameters(), maker), makeDeclaredTypesCopy((List<? extends DeclaredType>) abstractMethod.getThrownTypes(), maker), body, null); }
@Hint(displayName = "", description = "", category = "class_structure", enabled = false, suppressWarnings = {"NoopMethodInAbstractClass"}, options=Options.QUERY) //NOI18N @TriggerTreeKind(Kind.METHOD) public static ErrorDescription noopMethodInAbstractClass(HintContext context) { final MethodTree mth = (MethodTree) context.getPath().getLeaf(); final Tree parent = context.getPath().getParentPath().getLeaf(); if (TreeUtilities.CLASS_TREE_KINDS.contains(parent.getKind()) && ((ClassTree) parent).getModifiers().getFlags().contains(Modifier.ABSTRACT)) { final BlockTree body = mth.getBody(); if (body != null && body.getStatements().isEmpty()) { return ErrorDescriptionFactory.forName(context, mth, NbBundle.getMessage(ClassStructure.class, "MSG_NoopMethodInAbstractClass", mth.getName())); //NOI18N } } return null; }
/** * Generates a set-up or a tear-down method. * The generated method will have no arguments, void return type * and a declaration that it may throw {@code java.lang.Exception}. * The method will have a declared protected member access. * The method contains call of the corresponding super method, i.e. * {@code super.setUp()} or {@code super.tearDown()}. * * @param methodName name of the method to be created * @return created method */ private MethodTree generateInitMethod(String methodName, String annotationClassName, boolean isStatic, WorkingCopy workingCopy) { Set<Modifier> methodModifiers = isStatic ? createModifierSet(PUBLIC, STATIC) : Collections.<Modifier>singleton(PUBLIC); ModifiersTree modifiers = createModifiersTree(annotationClassName, methodModifiers, workingCopy); TreeMaker maker = workingCopy.getTreeMaker(); BlockTree methodBody = maker.Block( Collections.<StatementTree>emptyList(), false); MethodTree method = maker.Method( modifiers, // modifiers methodName, // name maker.PrimitiveType(TypeKind.VOID), // return type Collections.<TypeParameterTree>emptyList(), // type params Collections.<VariableTree>emptyList(), // parameters Collections.<ExpressionTree>singletonList( maker.Identifier("Exception")), // throws...//NOI18N methodBody, null); // default value return method; }
/** * computes those fields always initialized by callee safe init methods before a read operation * (pathToRead) is invoked. See <a * href="">the * docs</a> for what is considered a safe initializer method. */ private Set<Element> safeInitByCalleeBefore( TreePath pathToRead, VisitorState state, TreePath enclosingBlockPath) { Set<Element> result = new LinkedHashSet<>(); Set<Element> safeInitMethods = new LinkedHashSet<>(); Tree enclosingBlockOrMethod = enclosingBlockPath.getLeaf(); if (enclosingBlockOrMethod instanceof VariableTree) { return Collections.emptySet(); } BlockTree blockTree = enclosingBlockOrMethod instanceof BlockTree ? (BlockTree) enclosingBlockOrMethod : ((MethodTree) enclosingBlockOrMethod).getBody(); List<? extends StatementTree> statements = blockTree.getStatements(); Tree readExprTree = pathToRead.getLeaf(); int readStartPos = getStartPos((JCTree) readExprTree); Symbol.ClassSymbol classSymbol = enclosingClassSymbol(enclosingBlockPath); // bound loop at size-1 since the final statement cannot appear before the read for (int i = 0; i < statements.size() - 1; i++) { StatementTree curStmt = statements.get(i), nextStmt = statements.get(i + 1); if (getStartPos((JCTree) nextStmt) <= readStartPos) { Element privMethodElem = getInvokeOfSafeInitMethod(curStmt, classSymbol, state); if (privMethodElem != null) { safeInitMethods.add(privMethodElem); } } } addGuaranteedNonNullFromInvokes( state, Trees.instance(JavacProcessingEnvironment.instance(state.context)), safeInitMethods, getNullnessAnalysis(state), result); return result; }
private Symbol.ClassSymbol enclosingClassSymbol(TreePath enclosingBlockPath) { Tree leaf = enclosingBlockPath.getLeaf(); if (leaf instanceof BlockTree) { // parent must be a ClassTree Tree parent = enclosingBlockPath.getParentPath().getLeaf(); return ASTHelpers.getSymbol((ClassTree) parent); } else { return ASTHelpers.enclosingClass(ASTHelpers.getSymbol(leaf)); } }
private java.util.List<? extends StatementTree> getStatements(Tree tree) { switch (tree.getKind()) { case BLOCK: return ((BlockTree) tree).getStatements(); case CASE: return ((CaseTree) tree).getStatements(); default: return null; } }
private static boolean isSingleStatemenBlockAndStatement(Tree t1, Tree t2) { Kind k1 = t1.getKind(); Kind k2 = t2.getKind(); if (k1 == Kind.BLOCK && ((BlockTree) t1).getStatements().size() == 1 && !((BlockTree) t1).isStatic()) { return StatementTree.class.isAssignableFrom(k2.asInterface()); } return false; }
public static List<? extends StatementTree> getStatements(TreePath firstLeaf) { switch (firstLeaf.getParentPath().getLeaf().getKind()) { case BLOCK: return ((BlockTree) firstLeaf.getParentPath().getLeaf()).getStatements(); case CASE: return ((CaseTree) firstLeaf.getParentPath().getLeaf()).getStatements(); default: return Collections.singletonList((StatementTree) firstLeaf.getLeaf()); } }
private static void doMoveComments(WorkingCopy wc, Tree from, Tree to, int offset, List<Comment> comments, int fromIdx, int toIdx) { if (comments.isEmpty()) { return; } TreeMaker tm = wc.getTreeMaker(); Tree tree = from; switch (from.getKind()) { case METHOD: tree = tm.setLabel(from, ((MethodTree)from).getName()); break; case VARIABLE: tree = tm.setLabel(from, ((VariableTree)from).getName()); break; case BLOCK: tree = tm.Block(((BlockTree)from).getStatements(), ((BlockTree)from).isStatic()); GeneratorUtilities gu = GeneratorUtilities.get(wc); gu.copyComments(from, tree, true); gu.copyComments(from, tree, false); break; } boolean before = (int)wc.getTrees().getSourcePositions().getStartPosition(wc.getCompilationUnit(), from) >= offset; if (fromIdx >=0 && toIdx >= 0 && toIdx - fromIdx > 0) { for (int i = toIdx - 1; i >= fromIdx; i--) { tm.removeComment(tree, i, before); } } wc.rewrite(from, tree); for (Comment comment : comments) { tm.addComment(to, comment, comment.pos() <= offset); } }
/** * Tags first method in the list, in order to select it later inside editor * @param methods list of methods to be implemented/overridden */ private void tagFirst(List<MethodTree> methods) { //tag first method body, if any if (methods.size() > 0) { BlockTree body = methods.get(0).getBody(); if (body != null && !body.getStatements().isEmpty()) { copy.tag(body.getStatements().get(0), "methodBodyTag"); // NOI18N } } }
/** * Returns the group number of the class member. Elements with the same * number form a group. Groups with lower numbers should be positioned * higher in the class member list. * @param tree the member tree * @return the group number * @since 0.96 */ public int getGroupId(Tree tree) { ElementKind kind = ElementKind.OTHER; Set<Modifier> modifiers = null; switch (tree.getKind()) { case ANNOTATION_TYPE: case CLASS: case ENUM: case INTERFACE: kind = ElementKind.CLASS; modifiers = ((ClassTree)tree).getModifiers().getFlags(); break; case METHOD: MethodTree mt = (MethodTree)tree; if (mt.getName().contentEquals("<init>")) { //NOI18N kind = ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR; } else { kind = ElementKind.METHOD; } modifiers = mt.getModifiers().getFlags(); break; case VARIABLE: kind = ElementKind.FIELD; modifiers = ((VariableTree)tree).getModifiers().getFlags(); break; case BLOCK: kind = ((BlockTree)tree).isStatic() ? ElementKind.STATIC_INIT : ElementKind.INSTANCE_INIT; break; } for (Info info : infos) { if (info.check(kind, modifiers)) return info.groupId; } return infos.length; }
@Override public Void visitBlock(BlockTree node, Void p) { if (getCurrentPath().getParentPath().getLeaf().getKind() != Tree.Kind.CLASS) { return super.visitBlock(node, p); } Element prevOwner = currentOwner; try { currentOwner = null; return super.visitBlock(node, p); } finally { currentOwner = prevOwner; } }
public MethodTree makeMethod() { Set<Modifier> emptyModifs = Collections.emptySet(); List<TypeParameterTree> emptyTpt= Collections.emptyList(); List<VariableTree> emptyVt = Collections.emptyList(); List<ExpressionTree> emptyEt = Collections.emptyList(); return make.Method( make.Modifiers(emptyModifs), (CharSequence)"", (ExpressionTree) null, emptyTpt, emptyVt, emptyEt, (BlockTree) null, (ExpressionTree)null); }
private void addStat(StatementTree stat, List<StatementTree> to) { if (stat != null) { if (stat.getKind() == Tree.Kind.BLOCK) { to.addAll(((BlockTree) stat).getStatements()); } else { to.add(stat); } } }
private boolean testBranch(StringWriter writer, SourcePositions sp, String text, CompilationUnitTree cut, StatementTree statementTree) { if (statementTree instanceof BlockTree) { return testBlock(writer, sp, text, cut, (BlockTree) statementTree); } else if (isLegal(statementTree)) { return testStatement(writer, sp, text, cut, statementTree); } return true; }
public ChangeInfo implement() throws Exception { js.runModificationTask(new Task<WorkingCopy>() { public void run(WorkingCopy wc) throws Exception { wc.toPhase(Phase.RESOLVED); TreePath ifTP = ifHandle.resolve(wc); TreePath resolvedExpression = expression.resolve(wc); TypeMirror resolvedType = type.resolve(wc); if (ifTP == null || resolvedType == null || resolvedExpression == null) { return ; } IfTree ift = (IfTree) ifTP.getLeaf(); StatementTree then = ift.getThenStatement(); if (then.getKind() == Kind.ERRONEOUS) { return ; //TODO. } List<StatementTree> statements = new LinkedList<StatementTree>(); if (then.getKind() == Kind.BLOCK) { statements.addAll(((BlockTree) then).getStatements()); } else { statements.add(then); } TreeMaker make = wc.getTreeMaker(); VariableTree decl = make.Variable(make.Modifiers(EnumSet.noneOf(Modifier.class)), name, make.Type(resolvedType), make.TypeCast(make.Type(resolvedType), (ExpressionTree) resolvedExpression.getLeaf())); statements.add(0, decl); BlockTree nue = make.Block(statements, false); wc.rewrite(then, nue); } }).commit(); return null; }
public void testLambdaFullBody2Expression() throws Exception { testFile = new File(getWorkDir(), ""); TestUtilities.copyStringToFile(testFile, "package hierbas.del.litoral;\n\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public static void taragui() {\n" + " ChangeListener l = (e) -> {return 1;};\n" + " }\n" + "}\n" ); String golden = "package hierbas.del.litoral;\n\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public static void taragui() {\n" + " ChangeListener l = (e) -> 1;\n" + " }\n" + "}\n"; JavaSource src = getJavaSource(testFile); Task<WorkingCopy> task = new Task<WorkingCopy>() { public void run(final WorkingCopy workingCopy) throws IOException { workingCopy.toPhase(Phase.RESOLVED); final TreeMaker make = workingCopy.getTreeMaker(); new ErrorAwareTreeScanner<Void, Void>() { @Override public Void visitLambdaExpression(LambdaExpressionTree node, Void p) { ReturnTree t = (ReturnTree) ((BlockTree) node.getBody()).getStatements().get(0); workingCopy.rewrite(node, make.setLambdaBody(node, t.getExpression())); return super.visitLambdaExpression(node, p); } }.scan(workingCopy.getCompilationUnit(), null); } }; src.runModificationTask(task).commit(); String res = TestUtilities.copyFileToString(testFile); System.err.println(res); assertEquals(golden, res); }
public Void visitClass(ClassTree node, Object p) { TypeElement te = (TypeElement)model.getElement(node); if (te != null) { List<Tree> members = new ArrayList<Tree>(node.getMembers()); int pos = putBefore != null ? members.indexOf(putBefore) + 1: members.size(); Set<Modifier> mods = EnumSet.of(Modifier.PUBLIC); //create body: List<StatementTree> statements = new ArrayList(); List<VariableTree> arguments = new ArrayList(); for (VariableElement ve : fields) { AssignmentTree a = make.Assignment(make.MemberSelect(make.Identifier("this"), ve.getSimpleName()), make.Identifier(ve.getSimpleName())); statements.add(make.ExpressionStatement(a)); arguments.add(make.Variable(make.Modifiers(EnumSet.noneOf(Modifier.class)), ve.getSimpleName(), make.Type(ve.asType()), null)); } BlockTree body = make.Block(statements, false); members.add(pos, make.Method(make.Modifiers(mods), "<init>", null, Collections.<TypeParameterTree> emptyList(), arguments, Collections.<ExpressionTree>emptyList(), body, null)); ClassTree decl = make.Class(node.getModifiers(), node.getSimpleName(), node.getTypeParameters(), node.getExtendsClause(), (List<ExpressionTree>)node.getImplementsClause(), members); model.setElement(decl, te); model.setType(decl, model.getType(node)); model.setPos(decl, model.getPos(node)); copy.rewrite(node, decl); } return null; }
@Override protected void performRewrite(TransformationContext ctx) throws Exception { MethodTree mt = (MethodTree) ctx.getPath().getLeaf(); MethodTree nue = ctx.getWorkingCopy().getTreeMaker().Method(mt.getModifiers(), mt.getName(), mt.getReturnType(), mt.getTypeParameters(), mt.getParameters(), mt.getThrows(), (BlockTree) null, (ExpressionTree) mt.getDefaultValue()); ctx.getWorkingCopy().rewrite(mt, nue); }
public static @NonNull Collection<? extends TreePath> resolveFieldGroup(@NonNull CompilationInfo info, @NonNull TreePath variable) { Tree leaf = variable.getLeaf(); if (leaf.getKind() != Kind.VARIABLE) { return Collections.singleton(variable); } TreePath parentPath = variable.getParentPath(); Iterable<? extends Tree> children; switch (parentPath.getLeaf().getKind()) { case BLOCK: children = ((BlockTree) parentPath.getLeaf()).getStatements(); break; case ANNOTATION_TYPE: case CLASS: case ENUM: case INTERFACE: children = ((ClassTree) parentPath.getLeaf()).getMembers(); break; case CASE: children = ((CaseTree) parentPath.getLeaf()).getStatements(); break; default: children = Collections.singleton(leaf); break; } List<TreePath> result = new LinkedList<TreePath>(); ModifiersTree currentModifiers = ((VariableTree) leaf).getModifiers(); for (Tree c : children) { if (c.getKind() != Kind.VARIABLE) continue; if (((VariableTree) c).getModifiers() == currentModifiers) { result.add(new TreePath(parentPath, c)); } } return result; }
public void testCommentsCopyingNull() throws Exception {//#165241 performTest("package test;\npublic abstract class Test {\npublic abstract void test();\n }\n", new Task<WorkingCopy>() { @Override public void run(WorkingCopy parameter) throws Exception { parameter.toPhase(Phase.RESOLVED); ClassTree clazz = (ClassTree) parameter.getCompilationUnit().getTypeDecls().get(0); MethodTree mt = (MethodTree) clazz.getMembers().get(1); BlockTree nue = parameter.getTreeMaker().Block(Collections.<StatementTree>emptyList(), false); GeneratorUtilities.get(parameter).copyComments(mt.getBody(), nue, true); } }, new Validator() { public void validate(CompilationInfo info) {} }); }
void testPositionBrokenSource126732b() throws IOException { String[] commands = new String[]{ "break", "break A", "continue ", "continue A",}; for (String command : commands) { String code = "package test;\n" + "public class Test {\n" + " public static void test() {\n" + " while (true) {\n" + " " + command + " {\n" + " new Runnable() {\n" + " };\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}"; JavacTaskImpl ct = (JavacTaskImpl) tool.getTask(null, fm, null, null, null, Arrays.asList(new MyFileObject(code))); CompilationUnitTree cut = ct.parse().iterator().next(); ClassTree clazz = (ClassTree) cut.getTypeDecls().get(0); MethodTree method = (MethodTree) clazz.getMembers().get(0); List<? extends StatementTree> statements = ((BlockTree) ((WhileLoopTree) method.getBody().getStatements().get(0)).getStatement()).getStatements(); StatementTree ret = statements.get(0); StatementTree block = statements.get(1); Trees t = Trees.instance(ct); int len = code.indexOf(command + " {") + (command + " ").length(); assertEquals(command, len, t.getSourcePositions().getEndPosition(cut, ret)); assertEquals(command, len, t.getSourcePositions().getStartPosition(cut, block)); } }
/** * Generates a set-up or a tear-down method. * The generated method will have no arguments, void return type * and a declaration that it may throw {@code java.lang.Exception}. * The method will have a declared protected member access. * The method contains call of the corresponding super method, i.e. * {@code super.setUp()} or {@code super.tearDown()}. * * @param methodName name of the method to be created * @return created method * @see * methods {@code setUp()} and {@code tearDown()} */ private MethodTree generateInitMethod(String methodName, String annotationClassName, boolean isStatic, WorkingCopy workingCopy) { Set<Modifier> methodModifiers = isStatic ? createModifierSet(PUBLIC, STATIC) : Collections.<Modifier>singleton(PUBLIC); ModifiersTree modifiers = createModifiersTree(annotationClassName, methodModifiers, workingCopy); TreeMaker maker = workingCopy.getTreeMaker(); BlockTree methodBody = maker.Block( Collections.<StatementTree>emptyList(), false); MethodTree method = maker.Method( modifiers, // modifiers methodName, // name maker.PrimitiveType(TypeKind.VOID), // return type Collections.<TypeParameterTree>emptyList(), // type params Collections.<VariableTree>emptyList(), // parameters Collections.<ExpressionTree>singletonList( maker.Identifier("Exception")), // throws...//NOI18N methodBody, null); // default value return method; }
/** * Generates a set-up or a tear-down method. * The generated method will have no arguments, void return type * and a declaration that it may throw {@code java.lang.Exception}. * The method will have a declared protected member access. * The method contains call of the corresponding super method, i.e. * {@code super.setUp()} or {@code super.tearDown()}. * * @param methodName name of the method to be created * @return created method * @see * methods {@code setUp()} and {@code tearDown()} */ protected MethodTree generateInitMethod(String methodName, TreeMaker maker, WorkingCopy workingCopy) { Set<Modifier> modifiers = Collections.<Modifier>singleton(PROTECTED); ModifiersTree modifiersTree = useAnnotations ? createModifiersTree(OVERRIDE, modifiers, workingCopy) : maker.Modifiers(modifiers); ExpressionTree superMethodCall = maker.MethodInvocation( Collections.<ExpressionTree>emptyList(), // type params. maker.MemberSelect( maker.Identifier("super"), methodName), //NOI18N Collections.<ExpressionTree>emptyList()); BlockTree methodBody = maker.Block( Collections.<StatementTree>singletonList( maker.ExpressionStatement(superMethodCall)), false); MethodTree method = maker.Method( modifiersTree, // modifiers methodName, // name maker.PrimitiveType(TypeKind.VOID), // return type Collections.<TypeParameterTree>emptyList(), // type params Collections.<VariableTree>emptyList(), // parameters Collections.<ExpressionTree>singletonList( maker.Identifier("Exception")), // throws...//NOI18N methodBody, null); // default value return method; }