public Element readFrom(InputStream in) throws IOException { try { = in; ClassFile c =; // read the file header if (c.magic != 0xCAFEBABE) { throw new RuntimeException("bad magic number " + Integer.toHexString(c.magic)); } cfile.setAttr("magic", "" + c.magic); int minver = c.minor_version; int majver = c.major_version; cfile.setAttr("minver", "" + minver); cfile.setAttr("majver", "" + majver); readCP(c); readClass(c); return result(); } catch (InvalidDescriptor | ConstantPoolException ex) { throw new IOException("Fatal error", ex); } }
private void readClass(ClassFile c) throws IOException, ConstantPoolException, InvalidDescriptor { klass = new Element("Class"); cfile.add(klass); String thisk = c.getName(); klass.setAttr("name", thisk); AccessFlags af = new AccessFlags(c.access_flags.flags); klass.setAttr("flags", flagString(af, klass)); if (!"java/lang/Object".equals(thisk)) { klass.setAttr("super", c.getSuperclassName()); } for (int i : c.interfaces) { klass.add(new Element("Interface", "name", getCpString(i))); } readFields(c, klass); readMethods(c, klass); readAttributesFor(c, c.attributes, klass); klass.trimToSize(); }
void checkClassFile(File file) throws IOException, ConstantPoolException, InvalidDescriptor { ClassFile classFile =; ConstantPool constantPool = classFile.constant_pool; //lets get all the methods in the class file. for (Method method : classFile.methods) { for (ElementKey elementKey: aliveRangeMap.keySet()) { String methodDesc = method.getName(constantPool) + method.descriptor.getParameterTypes(constantPool).replace(" ", ""); if (methodDesc.equals(elementKey.elem.toString())) { checkMethod(constantPool, method, aliveRangeMap.get(elementKey)); seenAliveRanges.add(elementKey); } } } }
void check(String dir, String... fileNames) throws IOException, ConstantPoolException, Descriptor.InvalidDescriptor { for (String fileName : fileNames) { ClassFile classFileToCheck = File(dir, fileName)); for (Method method : classFileToCheck.methods) { if ((method.access_flags.flags & ACC_STRICT) == 0) { errors.add(String.format(offendingMethodErrorMessage, method.getName(classFileToCheck.constant_pool), classFileToCheck.getName())); } } } }
private void run() throws IOException, ConstantPoolException, InvalidDescriptor, URISyntaxException { JavaCompiler tool = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler(); try (StandardJavaFileManager fm = tool.getStandardFileManager(null, null, null)) { for (String module: modules) { analyzeModule(fm, module); } } if (errors.size() > 0) { for (String error: errors) { System.err.println(error); } throw new AssertionError("There are mutable fields, " + "please check output"); } }
void analyzeModule(StandardJavaFileManager fm, String moduleName) throws IOException, ConstantPoolException, InvalidDescriptor { JavaFileManager.Location location = fm.getLocationForModule(StandardLocation.SYSTEM_MODULES, moduleName); if (location == null) throw new AssertionError("can't find module " + moduleName); for (JavaFileObject file : fm.list(location, "", EnumSet.of(CLASS), true)) { String className = fm.inferBinaryName(location, file); int index = className.lastIndexOf('.'); String pckName = index == -1 ? "" : className.substring(0, index); if (shouldAnalyzePackage(pckName)) { analyzeClassFile(; } } }
private void readClass(ClassFile c) throws IOException, ConstantPoolException, InvalidDescriptor { klass = new Element("Class"); cfile.add(klass); String thisk = c.getName(); klass.setAttr("name", thisk); AccessFlags af = new AccessFlags(c.access_flags.flags); klass.setAttr("flags", flagString(af, klass)); if (!"java/lang/Object".equals(thisk)) { if (c.super_class != 0) { klass.setAttr("super", c.getSuperclassName()); } } for (int i : c.interfaces) { klass.add(new Element("Interface", "name", getCpString(i))); } readFields(c, klass); readMethods(c, klass); readAttributesFor(c, c.attributes, klass); klass.trimToSize(); }
void analyzeModule(StandardJavaFileManager fm, String moduleName) throws IOException, ConstantPoolException, InvalidDescriptor { JavaFileManager.Location location = fm.getModuleLocation(StandardLocation.SYSTEM_MODULES, moduleName); if (location == null) throw new AssertionError("can't find module " + moduleName); for (JavaFileObject file : fm.list(location, "", EnumSet.of(CLASS), true)) { String className = fm.inferBinaryName(location, file); int index = className.lastIndexOf('.'); String pckName = index == -1 ? "" : className.substring(0, index); if (shouldAnalyzePackage(pckName)) { analyzeClassFile(; } } }
private void run() throws IOException, ConstantPoolException, InvalidDescriptor, URISyntaxException { URI resource = findResource(keyResource); if (resource == null) { throw new AssertionError("Resource " + keyResource + "not found in the class path"); } analyzeResource(resource); if (errors.size() > 0) { for (String error: errors) { System.err.println(error); } throw new AssertionError("There are mutable fields, " + "please check output"); } }
void analyzeResource(URI resource) throws IOException, ConstantPoolException, InvalidDescriptor { JavaCompiler tool = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler(); StandardJavaFileManager fm = tool.getStandardFileManager(null, null, null); JavaFileManager.Location location = StandardLocation.locationFor(resource.getPath()); fm.setLocation(location, new File(resource.getPath()))); for (JavaFileObject file : fm.list(location, "", EnumSet.of(CLASS), true)) { String className = fm.inferBinaryName(location, file); int index = className.lastIndexOf('.'); String pckName = index == -1 ? "" : className.substring(0, index); if (shouldAnalyzePackage(pckName)) { analyzeClassFile(; } } }
static void check(Map<ClassFile, List<Method>> refMembers, Map<ClassFile, List<Method>> membersToCheck) throws ConstantPoolException, InvalidDescriptor { for (Map.Entry<ClassFile, List<Method>> ref : refMembers.entrySet()) { ClassFile cRef = ref.getKey(); for (Method mRef : ref.getValue()) { boolean ok = false; for (Map.Entry<ClassFile, List<Method>> toCheck : membersToCheck.entrySet()) { ClassFile cToCheck = toCheck.getKey(); for (Method mToCheck : toCheck.getValue()) { if (cRef.getName().equals(cToCheck.getName()) && mRef.descriptor.getReturnType(cRef.constant_pool).equals( mToCheck.descriptor.getReturnType(cToCheck.constant_pool)) && mRef.descriptor.getParameterTypes(cRef.constant_pool).equals( mToCheck.descriptor.getParameterTypes(cToCheck.constant_pool))) { ok = true; } } } if (!ok) { throw new AssertionError("Matching method descriptor for " + mRef.descriptor.getParameterTypes(cRef.constant_pool) + "not found"); } } } }