Java 类com.vividsolutions.jts.geomgraph.Position 实例源码

项目:Earth    文件   
private void visitInteriorRing(LineString ring, PlanarGraph graph) {
    Coordinate[] pts = ring.getCoordinates();
    Coordinate pt0 = pts[0];
     * Find first point in coord list different to initial point.
     * Need special check since the first point may be repeated.
    Coordinate pt1 = findDifferentPoint(pts, pt0);
    Edge e = graph.findEdgeInSameDirection(pt0, pt1);
    DirectedEdge de = (DirectedEdge) graph.findEdgeEnd(e);
    DirectedEdge intDe = null;
    if (de.getLabel().getLocation(0, Position.RIGHT) == Location.INTERIOR) {
        intDe = de;
    } else if (de.getSym().getLabel().getLocation(0, Position.RIGHT) == Location.INTERIOR) {
        intDe = de.getSym();
    Assert.isTrue(intDe != null, "unable to find dirEdge with Interior on RHS");

项目:Earth    文件   
     * Find all edges whose label indicates that they are in the result area(s),
     * according to the operation being performed.  Since we want polygon shells to be
     * oriented CW, choose dirEdges with the interior of the result on the RHS.
     * Mark them as being in the result.
     * Interior Area edges are the result of dimensional collapses.
     * They do not form part of the result area boundary.
    private void findResultAreaEdges(int opCode) {
        for (Object o : graph.getEdgeEnds()) {
            DirectedEdge de = (DirectedEdge) o;
            // mark all dirEdges with the appropriate label
            Label label = de.getLabel();
            if (label.isArea()
                    && !de.isInteriorAreaEdge()
                    && isResultOfOp(
                    label.getLocation(0, Position.RIGHT),
                    label.getLocation(1, Position.RIGHT),
                    opCode)) {
//Debug.print("in result "); Debug.println(de);
项目:Earth    文件   
private int getRightmostSideOfSegment(DirectedEdge de, int i) {
    Edge e = de.getEdge();
    Coordinate coord[] = e.getCoordinates();

    if (i < 0 || i + 1 >= coord.length) {
        return -1;
    if (coord[i].y == coord[i + 1].y) {
        return -1;    // indicates edge is parallel to x-axis

    int pos = Position.LEFT;
    if (coord[i].y < coord[i + 1].y) {
        pos = Position.RIGHT;
    return pos;
项目:Earth    文件   
private void computeRingBufferCurve(Coordinate[] inputPts, int side, OffsetSegmentGenerator segGen) {
        // simplify input line to improve performance
        double distTol = simplifyTolerance(this.distance);
        // ensure that correct side is simplified
        if (side == Position.RIGHT) {
            distTol = -distTol;
        Coordinate[] simp = BufferInputLineSimplifier.simplify(inputPts, distTol);
//    Coordinate[] simp = inputPts;

        int n = simp.length - 1;
        segGen.initSideSegments(simp[n - 1], simp[0], side);
        for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
            boolean addStartPoint = i != 1;
            segGen.addNextSegment(simp[i], addStartPoint);
项目:Earth    文件   
 * Adds an offset curve for a polygon ring.
 * The side and left and right topological location arguments
 * assume that the ring is oriented CW.
 * If the ring is in the opposite orientation,
 * the left and right locations must be interchanged and the side flipped.
 * @param coord the coordinates of the ring (must not contain repeated points)
 * @param offsetDistance the distance at which to create the buffer
 * @param side the side of the ring on which to construct the buffer line
 * @param cwLeftLoc the location on the L side of the ring (if it is CW)
 * @param cwRightLoc the location on the R side of the ring (if it is CW)
private void addPolygonRing(Coordinate[] coord, double offsetDistance, int side, int cwLeftLoc, int cwRightLoc) {
    // don't bother adding ring if it is "flat" and will disappear in the output
    if (offsetDistance == 0.0 && coord.length < LinearRing.MINIMUM_VALID_SIZE) {

    int leftLoc = cwLeftLoc;
    int rightLoc = cwRightLoc;
    if (coord.length >= LinearRing.MINIMUM_VALID_SIZE
            && CGAlgorithms.isCCW(coord)) {
        leftLoc = cwRightLoc;
        rightLoc = cwLeftLoc;
        side = Position.opposite(side);
    Coordinate[] curve = this.curveBuilder.getRingCurve(coord, side, offsetDistance);
    this.addCurve(curve, leftLoc, rightLoc);
项目:Earth    文件   
     * Find all edges whose depths indicates that they are in the result area(s).
     * Since we want polygon shells to be
     * oriented CW, choose dirEdges with the interior of the result on the RHS.
     * Mark them as being in the result.
     * Interior Area edges are the result of dimensional collapses.
     * They do not form part of the result area boundary.
    public void findResultEdges() {
        for (Object aDirEdgeList : dirEdgeList) {
            DirectedEdge de = (DirectedEdge) aDirEdgeList;
             * Select edges which have an interior depth on the RHS
             * and an exterior depth on the LHS.
             * Note that because of weird rounding effects there may be
             * edges which have negative depths!  Negative depths
             * count as "outside".
            // <FIX> - handle negative depths
            if (de.getDepth(Position.RIGHT) >= 1
                    && de.getDepth(Position.LEFT) <= 0
                    && !de.isInteriorAreaEdge()) {
//Debug.print("in result "); Debug.println(de);
项目:jts    文件   
private void computeRingBufferCurve(Coordinate[] inputPts, int side, OffsetSegmentGenerator segGen) {
        // simplify input line to improve performance
        double distTol = simplifyTolerance(distance);
        // ensure that correct side is simplified
        if (side == Position.RIGHT)
            distTol = -distTol;
        Coordinate[] simp = BufferInputLineSimplifier.simplify(inputPts, distTol);
//    Coordinate[] simp = inputPts;

        int n = simp.length - 1;
        segGen.initSideSegments(simp[n - 1], simp[0], side);
        for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
            boolean addStartPoint = i != 1;
            segGen.addNextSegment(simp[i], addStartPoint);
项目:jts    文件   
 * Adds an offset curve for a polygon ring.
 * The side and left and right topological location arguments
 * assume that the ring is oriented CW.
 * If the ring is in the opposite orientation,
 * the left and right locations must be interchanged and the side flipped.
 * @param coord          the coordinates of the ring (must not contain repeated points)
 * @param offsetDistance the distance at which to create the buffer
 * @param side           the side of the ring on which to construct the buffer line
 * @param cwLeftLoc      the location on the L side of the ring (if it is CW)
 * @param cwRightLoc     the location on the R side of the ring (if it is CW)
private void addPolygonRing(Coordinate[] coord, double offsetDistance, int side, int cwLeftLoc, int cwRightLoc) {
    // don't bother adding ring if it is "flat" and will disappear in the output
    if (offsetDistance == 0.0 && coord.length < LinearRing.MINIMUM_VALID_SIZE)

    int leftLoc = cwLeftLoc;
    int rightLoc = cwRightLoc;
    if (coord.length >= LinearRing.MINIMUM_VALID_SIZE
            && CGAlgorithms.isCCW(coord)) {
        leftLoc = cwRightLoc;
        rightLoc = cwLeftLoc;
        side = Position.opposite(side);
    Coordinate[] curve = curveBuilder.getRingCurve(coord, side, offsetDistance);
    addCurve(curve, leftLoc, rightLoc);
项目:jts    文件   
public void addNextSegment(Coordinate p, boolean addStartPoint) {
    // s0-s1-s2 are the coordinates of the previous segment and the current one
    s0 = s1;
    s1 = s2;
    s2 = p;
    seg0.setCoordinates(s0, s1);
    computeOffsetSegment(seg0, side, distance, offset0);
    seg1.setCoordinates(s1, s2);
    computeOffsetSegment(seg1, side, distance, offset1);

    // do nothing if points are equal
    if (s1.equals(s2)) return;

    int orientation = CGAlgorithms.computeOrientation(s0, s1, s2);
    boolean outsideTurn =
            (orientation == CGAlgorithms.CLOCKWISE && side == Position.LEFT)
                    || (orientation == CGAlgorithms.COUNTERCLOCKWISE && side == Position.RIGHT);

    if (orientation == 0) { // lines are collinear
    } else if (outsideTurn) {
        addOutsideTurn(orientation, addStartPoint);
    } else { // inside turn
        addInsideTurn(orientation, addStartPoint);
项目:geodroid_master_update    文件   
private void computeRingBufferCurve(Coordinate[] inputPts, int side, OffsetSegmentGenerator segGen)
    // simplify input line to improve performance
    double distTol = simplifyTolerance(distance);
    // ensure that correct side is simplified
    if (side == Position.RIGHT)
      distTol = -distTol;
    Coordinate[] simp = BufferInputLineSimplifier.simplify(inputPts, distTol);
//    Coordinate[] simp = inputPts;

    int n = simp.length - 1;
    segGen.initSideSegments(simp[n - 1], simp[0], side);
    for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
      boolean addStartPoint = i != 1;
      segGen.addNextSegment(simp[i], addStartPoint);
项目:geodroid_master_update    文件   
 * merge updates only the NULL attributes of this object
 * with the attributes of another.
public void merge(TopologyLocation gl)
  // if the src is an Area label & and the dest is not, increase the dest to be an Area
  if (gl.location.length > location.length) {
    int [] newLoc = new int[3];
    newLoc[Position.ON] = location[Position.ON];
    newLoc[Position.LEFT] = Location.NONE;
    newLoc[Position.RIGHT] = Location.NONE;
    location = newLoc;
  for (int i = 0; i < location.length; i++) {
    if (location[i] == Location.NONE && i < gl.location.length)
      location[i] = gl.location[i];
项目:fluxomajic    文件   
private void addRoughOffsetCurves(Collection offsetCurves, Geometry sourceCurve, BufferParameters parameters, Double offsetDistance) {

        OffsetCurveBuilder builder = new OffsetCurveBuilder(
                sourceCurve.getFactory().getPrecisionModel(), parameters);

        for (int i = 0; i < sourceCurve.getNumGeometries(); i++) {
            if (sourceCurve.getGeometryN(i) instanceof LineString) {
                LineString lineString = (LineString) sourceCurve.getGeometryN(i);
                Coordinate[] cc = lineString.getCoordinates();
                if (lineString.isClosed()) {
                            offsetDistance > 0 ? Position.LEFT : Position.RIGHT,
                } else {
                            builder.getOffsetCurve(cc, offsetDistance)));
项目:terraingis    文件   
private void computeRingBufferCurve(Coordinate[] inputPts, int side, OffsetSegmentGenerator segGen)
    // simplify input line to improve performance
    double distTol = simplifyTolerance(distance);
    // ensure that correct side is simplified
    if (side == Position.RIGHT)
      distTol = -distTol;
    Coordinate[] simp = BufferInputLineSimplifier.simplify(inputPts, distTol);
//    Coordinate[] simp = inputPts;

    int n = simp.length - 1;
    segGen.initSideSegments(simp[n - 1], simp[0], side);
    for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
      boolean addStartPoint = i != 1;
      segGen.addNextSegment(simp[i], addStartPoint);
项目:terraingis    文件   
 * merge updates only the NULL attributes of this object
 * with the attributes of another.
public void merge(TopologyLocation gl)
  // if the src is an Area label & and the dest is not, increase the dest to be an Area
  if (gl.location.length > location.length) {
    int [] newLoc = new int[3];
    newLoc[Position.ON] = location[Position.ON];
    newLoc[Position.LEFT] = Location.NONE;
    newLoc[Position.RIGHT] = Location.NONE;
    location = newLoc;
  for (int i = 0; i < location.length; i++) {
    if (location[i] == Location.NONE && i < gl.location.length)
      location[i] = gl.location[i];
项目:Earth    文件   
private void setInteriorEdgesInResult(PlanarGraph graph) {
    for (Object o : graph.getEdgeEnds()) {
        DirectedEdge de = (DirectedEdge) o;
        if (de.getLabel().getLocation(0, Position.RIGHT) == Location.INTERIOR) {
项目:Earth    文件   
private boolean isPotentialResultAreaEdge(DirectedEdge de, int opCode) {
    // mark all dirEdges with the appropriate label
    Label label = de.getLabel();
    return label.isArea()
            && !de.isInteriorAreaEdge()
            && OverlayOp.isResultOfOp(
            label.getLocation(0, Position.RIGHT),
            label.getLocation(1, Position.RIGHT),
项目:Earth    文件   
 * Update the labels for edges according to their depths.
 * For each edge, the depths are first normalized.
 * Then, if the depths for the edge are equal,
 * this edge must have collapsed into a line edge.
 * If the depths are not equal, update the label
 * with the locations corresponding to the depths
 * (i.e. a depth of 0 corresponds to a Location of EXTERIOR,
 * a depth of 1 corresponds to INTERIOR)
private void computeLabelsFromDepths() {
    for (Iterator it = this.edgeList.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
        Edge e = (Edge);
        Label lbl = e.getLabel();
        Depth depth = e.getDepth();
         * Only check edges for which there were duplicates,
         * since these are the only ones which might
         * be the result of dimensional collapses.
        if (!depth.isNull()) {
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
                if (!lbl.isNull(i) && lbl.isArea() && !depth.isNull(i)) {
                     * if the depths are equal, this edge is the result of
                     * the dimensional collapse of two or more edges.
                     * It has the same location on both sides of the edge,
                     * so it has collapsed to a line.
                    if (depth.getDelta(i) == 0) {
                    } else {
                         * This edge may be the result of a dimensional collapse,
                         * but it still has different locations on both sides.  The
                         * label of the edge must be updated to reflect the resultant
                         * side locations indicated by the depth values.
                        Assert.isTrue(!depth.isNull(i, Position.LEFT), "depth of LEFT side has not been initialized");
                        lbl.setLocation(i, Position.LEFT, depth.getLocation(i, Position.LEFT));
                        Assert.isTrue(!depth.isNull(i, Position.RIGHT), "depth of RIGHT side has not been initialized");
                        lbl.setLocation(i, Position.RIGHT, depth.getLocation(i, Position.RIGHT));
项目:Earth    文件   
public void findEdge(List dirEdgeList) {
     * Check all forward DirectedEdges only.  This is still general,
     * because each edge has a forward DirectedEdge.
    for (Object aDirEdgeList : dirEdgeList) {
        DirectedEdge de = (DirectedEdge) aDirEdgeList;
        if (!de.isForward()) {

     * If the rightmost point is a node, we need to identify which of
     * the incident edges is rightmost.
    Assert.isTrue(this.minIndex != 0 || this.minCoord.equals(this.minDe.getCoordinate()), "inconsistency in rightmost processing");
    if (this.minIndex == 0) {
    } else {
     * now check that the extreme side is the R side.
     * If not, use the sym instead.
    this.orientedDe = this.minDe;
    int rightmostSide = this.getRightmostSide(this.minDe, this.minIndex);
    if (rightmostSide == Position.LEFT) {
        this.orientedDe = this.minDe.getSym();
项目:Earth    文件   
private void computeLineBufferCurve(Coordinate[] inputPts, OffsetSegmentGenerator segGen) {
        double distTol = simplifyTolerance(this.distance);

        //--------- compute points for left side of line
        // Simplify the appropriate side of the line before generating
        Coordinate[] simp1 = BufferInputLineSimplifier.simplify(inputPts, distTol);
        // MD - used for testing only (to eliminate simplification)
//    Coordinate[] simp1 = inputPts;

        int n1 = simp1.length - 1;
        segGen.initSideSegments(simp1[0], simp1[1], Position.LEFT);
        for (int i = 2; i <= n1; i++) {
            segGen.addNextSegment(simp1[i], true);
        // add line cap for end of line
        segGen.addLineEndCap(simp1[n1 - 1], simp1[n1]);

        //---------- compute points for right side of line
        // Simplify the appropriate side of the line before generating
        Coordinate[] simp2 = BufferInputLineSimplifier.simplify(inputPts, -distTol);
        // MD - used for testing only (to eliminate simplification)
//    Coordinate[] simp2 = inputPts;
        int n2 = simp2.length - 1;

        // since we are traversing line in opposite order, offset position is still LEFT
        segGen.initSideSegments(simp2[n2], simp2[n2 - 1], Position.LEFT);
        for (int i = n2 - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
            segGen.addNextSegment(simp2[i], true);
        // add line cap for start of line
        segGen.addLineEndCap(simp2[1], simp2[0]);

项目:Earth    文件   
private void computeSingleSidedBufferCurve(Coordinate[] inputPts, boolean isRightSide, OffsetSegmentGenerator segGen) {
        double distTol = simplifyTolerance(this.distance);

        if (isRightSide) {
            // add original line
            segGen.addSegments(inputPts, true);

            //---------- compute points for right side of line
            // Simplify the appropriate side of the line before generating
            Coordinate[] simp2 = BufferInputLineSimplifier.simplify(inputPts, -distTol);
            // MD - used for testing only (to eliminate simplification)
            //    Coordinate[] simp2 = inputPts;
            int n2 = simp2.length - 1;

            // since we are traversing line in opposite order, offset position is still LEFT
            segGen.initSideSegments(simp2[n2], simp2[n2 - 1], Position.LEFT);
            for (int i = n2 - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
                segGen.addNextSegment(simp2[i], true);
        } else {
            // add original line
            segGen.addSegments(inputPts, false);

            //--------- compute points for left side of line
            // Simplify the appropriate side of the line before generating
            Coordinate[] simp1 = BufferInputLineSimplifier.simplify(inputPts, distTol);
            // MD - used for testing only (to eliminate simplification)
//      Coordinate[] simp1 = inputPts;

            int n1 = simp1.length - 1;
            segGen.initSideSegments(simp1[0], simp1[1], Position.LEFT);
            for (int i = 2; i <= n1; i++) {
                segGen.addNextSegment(simp1[i], true);
项目:Earth    文件   
private void computeOffsetCurve(Coordinate[] inputPts, boolean isRightSide, OffsetSegmentGenerator segGen) {
        double distTol = simplifyTolerance(this.distance);

        if (isRightSide) {
            //---------- compute points for right side of line
            // Simplify the appropriate side of the line before generating
            Coordinate[] simp2 = BufferInputLineSimplifier.simplify(inputPts, -distTol);
            // MD - used for testing only (to eliminate simplification)
            //    Coordinate[] simp2 = inputPts;
            int n2 = simp2.length - 1;

            // since we are traversing line in opposite order, offset position is still LEFT
            segGen.initSideSegments(simp2[n2], simp2[n2 - 1], Position.LEFT);
            for (int i = n2 - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
                segGen.addNextSegment(simp2[i], true);
        } else {
            //--------- compute points for left side of line
            // Simplify the appropriate side of the line before generating
            Coordinate[] simp1 = BufferInputLineSimplifier.simplify(inputPts, distTol);
            // MD - used for testing only (to eliminate simplification)
//      Coordinate[] simp1 = inputPts;

            int n1 = simp1.length - 1;
            segGen.initSideSegments(simp1[0], simp1[1], Position.LEFT);
            for (int i = 2; i <= n1; i++) {
                segGen.addNextSegment(simp1[i], true);
项目:Earth    文件   
 * Compute the change in depth as an edge is crossed from R to L
private static int depthDelta(Label label) {
    int lLoc = label.getLocation(0, Position.LEFT);
    int rLoc = label.getLocation(0, Position.RIGHT);
    if (lLoc == Location.INTERIOR && rLoc == Location.EXTERIOR) {
        return 1;
    } else if (lLoc == Location.EXTERIOR && rLoc == Location.INTERIOR) {
        return -1;
    return 0;
项目:Earth    文件   
public void computeDepth(int outsideDepth) {
    // find an outside edge to assign depth to
    DirectedEdge de = this.finder.getEdge();
    Node n = de.getNode();
    Label label = de.getLabel();
    // right side of line returned by finder is on the outside
    de.setEdgeDepths(Position.RIGHT, outsideDepth);

    //computeNodeDepth(n, de);
项目:Earth    文件   
public void addNextSegment(Coordinate p, boolean addStartPoint) {
    // s0-s1-s2 are the coordinates of the previous segment and the current one
    this.s0 = this.s1;
    this.s1 = this.s2;
    this.s2 = p;
    this.seg0.setCoordinates(this.s0, this.s1);
    this.computeOffsetSegment(this.seg0, this.side, this.distance, this.offset0);
    this.seg1.setCoordinates(this.s1, this.s2);
    this.computeOffsetSegment(this.seg1, this.side, this.distance, this.offset1);

    // do nothing if points are equal
    if (this.s1.equals(this.s2)) {

    int orientation = CGAlgorithms.computeOrientation(this.s0, this.s1, this.s2);
    boolean outsideTurn =
            (orientation == CGAlgorithms.CLOCKWISE && this.side == Position.LEFT)
                    || (orientation == CGAlgorithms.COUNTERCLOCKWISE && this.side == Position.RIGHT);

    if (orientation == 0) { // lines are collinear
    } else if (outsideTurn) {
        this.addOutsideTurn(orientation, addStartPoint);
    } else { // inside turn
        this.addInsideTurn(orientation, addStartPoint);
项目:Earth    文件   
 * Compute an offset segment for an input segment on a given side and at a given distance.
 * The offset points are computed in full double precision, for accuracy.
 * @param seg the segment to offset
 * @param side the side of the segment ({@link Position}) the offset lies on
 * @param distance the offset distance
 * @param offset the points computed for the offset segment
private void computeOffsetSegment(LineSegment seg, int side, double distance, LineSegment offset) {
    int sideSign = side == Position.LEFT ? 1 : -1;
    double dx = seg.p1.x - seg.p0.x;
    double dy = seg.p1.y - seg.p0.y;
    double len = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
    // u is the vector that is the length of the offset, in the direction of the segment
    double ux = sideSign * distance * dx / len;
    double uy = sideSign * distance * dy / len;
    offset.p0.x = seg.p0.x - uy;
    offset.p0.y = seg.p0.y + ux;
    offset.p1.x = seg.p1.x - uy;
    offset.p1.y = seg.p1.y + ux;
项目:jts    文件   
private void computeLineBufferCurve(Coordinate[] inputPts, OffsetSegmentGenerator segGen) {
        double distTol = simplifyTolerance(distance);

        //--------- compute points for left side of line
        // Simplify the appropriate side of the line before generating
        Coordinate[] simp1 = BufferInputLineSimplifier.simplify(inputPts, distTol);
        // MD - used for testing only (to eliminate simplification)
//    Coordinate[] simp1 = inputPts;

        int n1 = simp1.length - 1;
        segGen.initSideSegments(simp1[0], simp1[1], Position.LEFT);
        for (int i = 2; i <= n1; i++) {
            segGen.addNextSegment(simp1[i], true);
        // add line cap for end of line
        segGen.addLineEndCap(simp1[n1 - 1], simp1[n1]);

        //---------- compute points for right side of line
        // Simplify the appropriate side of the line before generating
        Coordinate[] simp2 = BufferInputLineSimplifier.simplify(inputPts, -distTol);
        // MD - used for testing only (to eliminate simplification)
//    Coordinate[] simp2 = inputPts;
        int n2 = simp2.length - 1;

        // since we are traversing line in opposite order, offset position is still LEFT
        segGen.initSideSegments(simp2[n2], simp2[n2 - 1], Position.LEFT);
        for (int i = n2 - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
            segGen.addNextSegment(simp2[i], true);
        // add line cap for start of line
        segGen.addLineEndCap(simp2[1], simp2[0]);

项目:jts    文件   
private void computeSingleSidedBufferCurve(Coordinate[] inputPts, boolean isRightSide, OffsetSegmentGenerator segGen) {
        double distTol = simplifyTolerance(distance);

        if (isRightSide) {
            // add original line
            segGen.addSegments(inputPts, true);

            //---------- compute points for right side of line
            // Simplify the appropriate side of the line before generating
            Coordinate[] simp2 = BufferInputLineSimplifier.simplify(inputPts, -distTol);
            // MD - used for testing only (to eliminate simplification)
            //    Coordinate[] simp2 = inputPts;
            int n2 = simp2.length - 1;

            // since we are traversing line in opposite order, offset position is still LEFT
            segGen.initSideSegments(simp2[n2], simp2[n2 - 1], Position.LEFT);
            for (int i = n2 - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
                segGen.addNextSegment(simp2[i], true);
        } else {
            // add original line
            segGen.addSegments(inputPts, false);

            //--------- compute points for left side of line
            // Simplify the appropriate side of the line before generating
            Coordinate[] simp1 = BufferInputLineSimplifier.simplify(inputPts, distTol);
            // MD - used for testing only (to eliminate simplification)
//      Coordinate[] simp1 = inputPts;

            int n1 = simp1.length - 1;
            segGen.initSideSegments(simp1[0], simp1[1], Position.LEFT);
            for (int i = 2; i <= n1; i++) {
                segGen.addNextSegment(simp1[i], true);
项目:jts    文件   
private void computeOffsetCurve(Coordinate[] inputPts, boolean isRightSide, OffsetSegmentGenerator segGen) {
        double distTol = simplifyTolerance(distance);

        if (isRightSide) {
            //---------- compute points for right side of line
            // Simplify the appropriate side of the line before generating
            Coordinate[] simp2 = BufferInputLineSimplifier.simplify(inputPts, -distTol);
            // MD - used for testing only (to eliminate simplification)
            //    Coordinate[] simp2 = inputPts;
            int n2 = simp2.length - 1;

            // since we are traversing line in opposite order, offset position is still LEFT
            segGen.initSideSegments(simp2[n2], simp2[n2 - 1], Position.LEFT);
            for (int i = n2 - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
                segGen.addNextSegment(simp2[i], true);
        } else {
            //--------- compute points for left side of line
            // Simplify the appropriate side of the line before generating
            Coordinate[] simp1 = BufferInputLineSimplifier.simplify(inputPts, distTol);
            // MD - used for testing only (to eliminate simplification)
//      Coordinate[] simp1 = inputPts;

            int n1 = simp1.length - 1;
            segGen.initSideSegments(simp1[0], simp1[1], Position.LEFT);
            for (int i = 2; i <= n1; i++) {
                segGen.addNextSegment(simp1[i], true);
项目:jts    文件   
 * Compute an offset segment for an input segment on a given side and at a given distance.
 * The offset points are computed in full double precision, for accuracy.
 * @param seg      the segment to offset
 * @param side     the side of the segment ({@link Position}) the offset lies on
 * @param distance the offset distance
 * @param offset   the points computed for the offset segment
private void computeOffsetSegment(LineSegment seg, int side, double distance, LineSegment offset) {
    int sideSign = side == Position.LEFT ? 1 : -1;
    double dx = seg.p1.x - seg.p0.x;
    double dy = seg.p1.y - seg.p0.y;
    double len = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
    // u is the vector that is the length of the offset, in the direction of the segment
    double ux = sideSign * distance * dx / len;
    double uy = sideSign * distance * dy / len;
    offset.p0.x = seg.p0.x - uy;
    offset.p0.y = seg.p0.y + ux;
    offset.p1.x = seg.p1.x - uy;
    offset.p1.y = seg.p1.y + ux;
项目:jts    文件   
 * Finds all non-horizontal segments intersecting the stabbing line
 * in the input dirEdge.
 * The stabbing line is the ray to the right of stabbingRayLeftPt.
 * @param stabbingRayLeftPt the left-hand origin of the stabbing line
 * @param stabbedSegments   the current list of {@link DepthSegments} intersecting the stabbing line
private void findStabbedSegments(Coordinate stabbingRayLeftPt,
                                 DirectedEdge dirEdge,
                                 List stabbedSegments) {
    Coordinate[] pts = dirEdge.getEdge().getCoordinates();
    for (int i = 0; i < pts.length - 1; i++) {
        seg.p0 = pts[i];
        seg.p1 = pts[i + 1];
        // ensure segment always points upwards
        if (seg.p0.y > seg.p1.y)

        // skip segment if it is left of the stabbing line
        double maxx = Math.max(seg.p0.x, seg.p1.x);
        if (maxx < stabbingRayLeftPt.x)

        // skip horizontal segments (there will be a non-horizontal one carrying the same depth info
        if (seg.isHorizontal())

        // skip if segment is above or below stabbing line
        if (stabbingRayLeftPt.y < seg.p0.y || stabbingRayLeftPt.y > seg.p1.y)

        // skip if stabbing ray is right of the segment
        if (CGAlgorithms.computeOrientation(seg.p0, seg.p1, stabbingRayLeftPt)
                == CGAlgorithms.RIGHT)

        // stabbing line cuts this segment, so record it
        int depth = dirEdge.getDepth(Position.LEFT);
        // if segment direction was flipped, use RHS depth instead
        if (!seg.p0.equals(pts[i]))
            depth = dirEdge.getDepth(Position.RIGHT);
        DepthSegment ds = new DepthSegment(seg, depth);
项目:geodroid_master_update    文件   
private void computeLineBufferCurve(Coordinate[] inputPts, OffsetSegmentGenerator segGen)
    double distTol = simplifyTolerance(distance);

    //--------- compute points for left side of line
    // Simplify the appropriate side of the line before generating
    Coordinate[] simp1 = BufferInputLineSimplifier.simplify(inputPts, distTol);
    // MD - used for testing only (to eliminate simplification)
//    Coordinate[] simp1 = inputPts;

    int n1 = simp1.length - 1;
    segGen.initSideSegments(simp1[0], simp1[1], Position.LEFT);
    for (int i = 2; i <= n1; i++) {
      segGen.addNextSegment(simp1[i], true);
    // add line cap for end of line
    segGen.addLineEndCap(simp1[n1 - 1], simp1[n1]);

    //---------- compute points for right side of line
    // Simplify the appropriate side of the line before generating
    Coordinate[] simp2 = BufferInputLineSimplifier.simplify(inputPts, -distTol);
    // MD - used for testing only (to eliminate simplification)
//    Coordinate[] simp2 = inputPts;
    int n2 = simp2.length - 1;

    // since we are traversing line in opposite order, offset position is still LEFT
    segGen.initSideSegments(simp2[n2], simp2[n2 - 1], Position.LEFT);
    for (int i = n2 - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
      segGen.addNextSegment(simp2[i], true);
    // add line cap for start of line
    segGen.addLineEndCap(simp2[1], simp2[0]);

项目:geodroid_master_update    文件   
private void computeOffsetCurve(Coordinate[] inputPts, boolean isRightSide, OffsetSegmentGenerator segGen)
    double distTol = simplifyTolerance(distance);

    if (isRightSide) {
      //---------- compute points for right side of line
      // Simplify the appropriate side of the line before generating
      Coordinate[] simp2 = BufferInputLineSimplifier.simplify(inputPts, -distTol);
      // MD - used for testing only (to eliminate simplification)
  //    Coordinate[] simp2 = inputPts;
      int n2 = simp2.length - 1;

      // since we are traversing line in opposite order, offset position is still LEFT
      segGen.initSideSegments(simp2[n2], simp2[n2 - 1], Position.LEFT);
      for (int i = n2 - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
        segGen.addNextSegment(simp2[i], true);
    else {
      //--------- compute points for left side of line
      // Simplify the appropriate side of the line before generating
      Coordinate[] simp1 = BufferInputLineSimplifier.simplify(inputPts, distTol);
      // MD - used for testing only (to eliminate simplification)
//      Coordinate[] simp1 = inputPts;

      int n1 = simp1.length - 1;
      segGen.initSideSegments(simp1[0], simp1[1], Position.LEFT);
      for (int i = 2; i <= n1; i++) {
        segGen.addNextSegment(simp1[i], true);
项目:geodroid_master_update    文件   
public void addNextSegment(Coordinate p, boolean addStartPoint)
  // s0-s1-s2 are the coordinates of the previous segment and the current one
  s0 = s1;
  s1 = s2;
  s2 = p;
  seg0.setCoordinates(s0, s1);
  computeOffsetSegment(seg0, side, distance, offset0);
  seg1.setCoordinates(s1, s2);
  computeOffsetSegment(seg1, side, distance, offset1);

  // do nothing if points are equal
  if (s1.equals(s2)) return;

  int orientation = CGAlgorithms.computeOrientation(s0, s1, s2);
  boolean outsideTurn =
        (orientation == CGAlgorithms.CLOCKWISE        && side == Position.LEFT)
    ||  (orientation == CGAlgorithms.COUNTERCLOCKWISE && side == Position.RIGHT);

  if (orientation == 0) { // lines are collinear
  else if (outsideTurn) 
    addOutsideTurn(orientation, addStartPoint);
  else { // inside turn
    addInsideTurn(orientation, addStartPoint);
项目:geodroid_master_update    文件   
 * Compute an offset segment for an input segment on a given side and at a given distance.
 * The offset points are computed in full double precision, for accuracy.
 * @param seg the segment to offset
 * @param side the side of the segment ({@link Position}) the offset lies on
 * @param distance the offset distance
 * @param offset the points computed for the offset segment
private void computeOffsetSegment(LineSegment seg, int side, double distance, LineSegment offset)
  int sideSign = side == Position.LEFT ? 1 : -1;
  double dx = seg.p1.x - seg.p0.x;
  double dy = seg.p1.y - seg.p0.y;
  double len = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
  // u is the vector that is the length of the offset, in the direction of the segment
  double ux = sideSign * distance * dx / len;
  double uy = sideSign * distance * dy / len;
  offset.p0.x = seg.p0.x - uy;
  offset.p0.y = seg.p0.y + ux;
  offset.p1.x = seg.p1.x - uy;
  offset.p1.y = seg.p1.y + ux;
项目:geodroid_master_update    文件   
public void flip()
  if (location.length <= 1) return;
  int temp = location[Position.LEFT];
  location[Position.LEFT] = location[Position.RIGHT];
  location[Position.RIGHT] = temp;
项目:geodroid_master_update    文件   
public String toString()
  StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
  if (location.length > 1) buf.append(Location.toLocationSymbol(location[Position.LEFT]));
  if (location.length > 1) buf.append(Location.toLocationSymbol(location[Position.RIGHT]));
  return buf.toString();
项目:terraingis    文件   
private void computeLineBufferCurve(Coordinate[] inputPts, OffsetSegmentGenerator segGen)
    double distTol = simplifyTolerance(distance);

    //--------- compute points for left side of line
    // Simplify the appropriate side of the line before generating
    Coordinate[] simp1 = BufferInputLineSimplifier.simplify(inputPts, distTol);
    // MD - used for testing only (to eliminate simplification)
//    Coordinate[] simp1 = inputPts;

    int n1 = simp1.length - 1;
    segGen.initSideSegments(simp1[0], simp1[1], Position.LEFT);
    for (int i = 2; i <= n1; i++) {
      segGen.addNextSegment(simp1[i], true);
    // add line cap for end of line
    segGen.addLineEndCap(simp1[n1 - 1], simp1[n1]);

    //---------- compute points for right side of line
    // Simplify the appropriate side of the line before generating
    Coordinate[] simp2 = BufferInputLineSimplifier.simplify(inputPts, -distTol);
    // MD - used for testing only (to eliminate simplification)
//    Coordinate[] simp2 = inputPts;
    int n2 = simp2.length - 1;

    // since we are traversing line in opposite order, offset position is still LEFT
    segGen.initSideSegments(simp2[n2], simp2[n2 - 1], Position.LEFT);
    for (int i = n2 - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
      segGen.addNextSegment(simp2[i], true);
    // add line cap for start of line
    segGen.addLineEndCap(simp2[1], simp2[0]);

项目:terraingis    文件   
private void computeOffsetCurve(Coordinate[] inputPts, boolean isRightSide, OffsetSegmentGenerator segGen)
    double distTol = simplifyTolerance(distance);

    if (isRightSide) {
      //---------- compute points for right side of line
      // Simplify the appropriate side of the line before generating
      Coordinate[] simp2 = BufferInputLineSimplifier.simplify(inputPts, -distTol);
      // MD - used for testing only (to eliminate simplification)
  //    Coordinate[] simp2 = inputPts;
      int n2 = simp2.length - 1;

      // since we are traversing line in opposite order, offset position is still LEFT
      segGen.initSideSegments(simp2[n2], simp2[n2 - 1], Position.LEFT);
      for (int i = n2 - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
        segGen.addNextSegment(simp2[i], true);
    else {
      //--------- compute points for left side of line
      // Simplify the appropriate side of the line before generating
      Coordinate[] simp1 = BufferInputLineSimplifier.simplify(inputPts, distTol);
      // MD - used for testing only (to eliminate simplification)
//      Coordinate[] simp1 = inputPts;

      int n1 = simp1.length - 1;
      segGen.initSideSegments(simp1[0], simp1[1], Position.LEFT);
      for (int i = 2; i <= n1; i++) {
        segGen.addNextSegment(simp1[i], true);
项目:terraingis    文件   
public void addNextSegment(Coordinate p, boolean addStartPoint)
  // s0-s1-s2 are the coordinates of the previous segment and the current one
  s0 = s1;
  s1 = s2;
  s2 = p;
  seg0.setCoordinates(s0, s1);
  computeOffsetSegment(seg0, side, distance, offset0);
  seg1.setCoordinates(s1, s2);
  computeOffsetSegment(seg1, side, distance, offset1);

  // do nothing if points are equal
  if (s1.equals(s2)) return;

  int orientation = CGAlgorithms.computeOrientation(s0, s1, s2);
  boolean outsideTurn =
        (orientation == CGAlgorithms.CLOCKWISE        && side == Position.LEFT)
    ||  (orientation == CGAlgorithms.COUNTERCLOCKWISE && side == Position.RIGHT);

  if (orientation == 0) { // lines are collinear
  else if (outsideTurn) 
    addOutsideTurn(orientation, addStartPoint);
  else { // inside turn
    addInsideTurn(orientation, addStartPoint);
项目:terraingis    文件   
 * Compute an offset segment for an input segment on a given side and at a given distance.
 * The offset points are computed in full double precision, for accuracy.
 * @param seg the segment to offset
 * @param side the side of the segment ({@link Position}) the offset lies on
 * @param distance the offset distance
 * @param offset the points computed for the offset segment
private void computeOffsetSegment(LineSegment seg, int side, double distance, LineSegment offset)
  int sideSign = side == Position.LEFT ? 1 : -1;
  double dx = seg.p1.x - seg.p0.x;
  double dy = seg.p1.y - seg.p0.y;
  double len = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
  // u is the vector that is the length of the offset, in the direction of the segment
  double ux = sideSign * distance * dx / len;
  double uy = sideSign * distance * dy / len;
  offset.p0.x = seg.p0.x - uy;
  offset.p0.y = seg.p0.y + ux;
  offset.p1.x = seg.p1.x - uy;
  offset.p1.y = seg.p1.y + ux;