/** * Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link NotFound }{@code >}} * */ @XmlElementDecl(namespace = "urn:pbm", name = "NotFoundFault") public JAXBElement<NotFound> createNotFoundFault(NotFound value) { return new JAXBElement<NotFound>(_NotFoundFault_QNAME, NotFound.class, null, value); }
/** * Retrieves the vm managed object reference for the specified vm name using * the vim port type. * * @param vimPortType * @param serviceContent * @param vmname * @return * @throws NotFoundFaultMsg * @throws RuntimeFaultFaultMsg * @throws InvalidPropertyFaultMsg */ public static ManagedObjectReference getVM(VimPortType vimPortType, ServiceContent serviceContent, String vmname) throws NotFoundFaultMsg, InvalidPropertyFaultMsg, RuntimeFaultFaultMsg { ManagedObjectReference propCollectorRef = serviceContent .getPropertyCollector(); ManagedObjectReference rootFolderRef = serviceContent.getRootFolder(); ManagedObjectReference retVmRef = null; TraversalSpec tSpec = getVMTraversalSpec(); PropertySpec propertySpec = new PropertySpec(); propertySpec.setAll(Boolean.FALSE); propertySpec.getPathSet().add("name"); propertySpec.setType("VirtualMachine"); ObjectSpec objectSpec = new ObjectSpec(); objectSpec.setObj(rootFolderRef); objectSpec.setSkip(Boolean.TRUE); objectSpec.getSelectSet().add(tSpec); PropertyFilterSpec propertyFilterSpec = new PropertyFilterSpec(); propertyFilterSpec.getPropSet().add(propertySpec); propertyFilterSpec.getObjectSet().add(objectSpec); List<PropertyFilterSpec> listpfs = new ArrayList<PropertyFilterSpec>(1); listpfs.add(propertyFilterSpec); List<ObjectContent> listobjcont = retrievePropertiesAllObjects( vimPortType, propCollectorRef, listpfs); if (listobjcont != null) { for (ObjectContent oc : listobjcont) { ManagedObjectReference mr = oc.getObj(); String vmnm = null; List<DynamicProperty> dps = oc.getPropSet(); if (dps != null) { for (DynamicProperty dp : dps) { vmnm = (String) dp.getVal(); } } if (vmnm != null && vmnm.equals(vmname)) { retVmRef = mr; break; } } } if (retVmRef == null) { throw new NotFoundFaultMsg("VM Not Found - " + vmname, new NotFound()); } return retVmRef; }
/** @since SDK5.1 */ public StoragePerformanceSummary[] queryDatastorePerformanceSummary(Datastore datastore) throws NotFound, RuntimeFault, RemoteException { return getVimService().queryDatastorePerformanceSummary(getMOR(), datastore.getMOR()); }
public String queryConfiguredModuleOptionString(String name) throws NotFound, RuntimeFault, RemoteException { return getVimService().queryConfiguredModuleOptionString(getMOR(), name); }
public void updateModuleOptionString(String name, String options) throws NotFound, RuntimeFault, RemoteException { getVimService().updateModuleOptionString(getMOR(), name, options); }
public DistributedVirtualSwitch queryDvsByUuid(String uuid) throws NotFound, RuntimeFault, RemoteException { ManagedObjectReference mor = getVimService().queryDvsByUuid(getMOR(), uuid); return new DistributedVirtualSwitch(getServerConnection(), mor); }
/** @since SDK5.1 */ public Task dVSManagerExportEntity_Task(SelectionSet[] selectionSet) throws BackupBlobWriteFailure, NotFound, RuntimeFault, RemoteException { ManagedObjectReference taskMor = getVimService().dVSManagerExportEntity_Task(getMOR(), selectionSet); return new Task(getServerConnection(), taskMor); }
/** @since SDK5.1 */ public Task dVSManagerImportEntity_Task(EntityBackupConfig[] entityBackup, String importType) throws DvsFault, NotFound, RuntimeFault, RemoteException { ManagedObjectReference taskMor = getVimService().dVSManagerImportEntity_Task(getMOR(), entityBackup, importType); return new Task(getServerConnection(), taskMor); }
/** @since SDK5.1 */ public DistributedVirtualPortgroup dVSManagerLookupDvPortGroup(String switchUuid, String portgroupKey) throws NotFound, RuntimeFault, RemoteException { ManagedObjectReference mor = getVimService().dVSManagerLookupDvPortGroup(getMOR(), switchUuid, portgroupKey); return new DistributedVirtualPortgroup(getServerConnection(), mor); }
/** @since SDK4.0 */ public void setExtensionCertificate(String extensionKey, String certificatePem) throws NotFound, NoClientCertificate, RuntimeFault, RemoteException { getVimService().setExtensionCertificate(getMOR(), extensionKey, certificatePem); }
/** @since SDK5.1 */ public DistributedVirtualPortgroup lookupDvPortGroup(String portgroupKey) throws NotFound, RuntimeFault, RemoteException { ManagedObjectReference mor = getVimService().lookupDvPortGroup(getMOR(), portgroupKey); return new DistributedVirtualPortgroup(getServerConnection(), mor); }
public Task mergeDvs_Task(DistributedVirtualSwitch dvs) throws InvalidHostState, DvsFault, NotFound, ResourceInUse, RuntimeFault, RemoteException { ManagedObjectReference taskMor = getVimService().mergeDvs_Task(getMOR(), dvs.getMOR()); return new Task(getServerConnection(), taskMor); }
public Task moveDVPort_Task(String[] portKey, String destinationPortgroupKey) throws DvsFault, NotFound, ConcurrentAccess, RuntimeFault, RemoteException { ManagedObjectReference taskMor = getVimService().moveDVPort_Task(getMOR(), portKey, destinationPortgroupKey); return new Task(getServerConnection(), taskMor); }
public Task reconfigureDvs_Task(DVSConfigSpec spec) throws DvsNotAuthorized, DvsFault, ConcurrentAccess, DuplicateName, InvalidState, InvalidName, NotFound, AlreadyExists, LimitExceeded, ResourceInUse, ResourceNotAvailable, RuntimeFault, RemoteException { ManagedObjectReference taskMor = getVimService().reconfigureDvs_Task(getMOR(), spec); return new Task(getServerConnection(), taskMor); }
public Task rectifyDvsHost_Task(HostSystem[] hosts) throws DvsFault, NotFound, RuntimeFault, RemoteException { ManagedObjectReference[] mors = MorUtil.createMORs(hosts); ManagedObjectReference mor = getVimService().rectifyDvsHost_Task(getMOR(), mors); return new Task(getServerConnection(), mor); }
public void refreshDVPortState(String[] portKeys) throws DvsFault, NotFound, RuntimeFault, RemoteException { getVimService().refreshDVPortState(getMOR(), portKeys); }
/** * @since SDK5.0 */ public void removeNetworkResourcePool(String[] key) throws DvsFault, NotFound, InvalidName, ResourceInUse, RuntimeFault, RemoteException { getVimService().removeNetworkResourcePool(getMOR(), key); }
/** @since SDK4.1 */ public void updateNetworkResourcePool(DVSNetworkResourcePoolConfigSpec[] configSpec) throws DvsFault, NotFound, InvalidName, RuntimeFault, RemoteException { getVimService().updateNetworkResourcePool(getMOR(), configSpec); }
public Task reconfigureDVPort_Task(DVPortConfigSpec[] port) throws DvsFault, NotFound, ResourceInUse, ConcurrentAccess, RuntimeFault, RemoteException { ManagedObjectReference mor = getVimService().reconfigureDVPort_Task(getMOR(), port); return new Task(getServerConnection(), mor); }
public VirtualDiskVFlashCacheConfigInfo hostGetVFlashModuleDefaultConfig(String vFlashModule) throws NotFound, HostConfigFault, RuntimeFault, RemoteException { return getVimService().hostGetVFlashModuleDefaultConfig(this.getMOR(), vFlashModule); }
public void hostRemoveVFlashResource() throws NotFound, HostConfigFault, ResourceInUse, RuntimeFault, RemoteException { getVimService().hostRemoveVFlashResource(this.getMOR()); }
public void createDiagnosticPartition(HostDiagnosticPartitionCreateSpec spec) throws HostConfigFault, NotFound, RuntimeFault, RemoteException { getVimService().createDiagnosticPartition(getMOR(), spec); }
public HostDiagnosticPartitionCreateDescription queryPartitionCreateDesc(String diskUuid, String diagnosticType) throws HostConfigFault, NotFound, RuntimeFault, RemoteException { return getVimService().queryPartitionCreateDesc(getMOR(), diskUuid, diagnosticType); }
public void selectActivePartition(HostScsiDiskPartition partition) throws HostConfigFault, NotFound, RuntimeFault, RemoteException { getVimService().selectActivePartition(getMOR(), partition); }
/** * Un-register an existing plugin If <code>keyStr</code> is null then a * <code>NullPointerException</code> is thrown. * * @param keyStr * The unique key of the plugin * @throws RemoteException * @throws RuntimeFault * @throws NotFound * either because of the web service itself, or because of the * service provider unable to handle the request. */ public void unregisterExtension(String keyStr) throws NotFound, RuntimeFault, RemoteException { if (keyStr == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } getVimService().unregisterExtension(getMOR(), keyStr); }
/** * Update an existing plugin with modified information If * <code>extension</code> is null then a <code>NullPointerException</code> is * thrown. * * @param extension * The extension object with updated information * @throws RemoteException * @throws RuntimeFault * @throws NotFound * either because of the web service itself, or because of the * service provider unable to handle the request. */ public void updateExtension(Extension extension) throws NotFound, RuntimeFault, RemoteException { if (extension == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } encodeUrl(extension); getVimService().updateExtension(getMOR(), extension); }
/** * Un-register an existing plugin * If <code>keyStr</code> is null then a <code>NullPointerException</code> * is thrown. * * @param keyStr The unique key of the plugin * @throws RemoteException * @throws RuntimeFault * @throws com.vmware.vim25.NotFound either because of the web service itself, or because of the service * provider unable to handle the request. */ void unregisterExtension(String keyStr) throws NotFound, RuntimeFault, RemoteException;
/** * Update an existing plugin with modified information * If <code>extension</code> is null then a <code>NullPointerException</code> is thrown. * * @param extension The extension object with updated information * @throws RemoteException * @throws RuntimeFault * @throws NotFound either because of the web service itself, or because of the service * provider unable to handle the request. */ void updateExtension(Extension extension) throws NotFound, RuntimeFault, RemoteException;
/** * @since SDK4.0 */ UserSession loginExtensionBySubjectName(String extensionKey, String locale) throws InvalidLogin, InvalidLocale, NotFound, NoClientCertificate, NoSubjectName, RuntimeFault, RemoteException;
/** * @since SDK5.1 */ Task dVSManagerExportEntityTask(List<SelectionSet> selectionSet) throws BackupBlobWriteFailure, NotFound, RuntimeFault, RemoteException;
/** * @since SDK5.1 */ Task dVSManagerImportEntityTask(List<EntityBackupConfig> entityBackup, String importType) throws DvsFault, NotFound, RuntimeFault, RemoteException;
/** * @since SDK5.1 */ DistributedVirtualPortgroup dVSManagerLookupDvPortGroup(String switchUuid, String portgroupKey) throws NotFound, RuntimeFault, RemoteException;
void deleteCustomizationSpec(String name) throws NotFound, RuntimeFault, RemoteException;
void duplicateCustomizationSpec(String name, String newName) throws AlreadyExists, NotFound, RuntimeFault, RemoteException;
CustomizationSpecItem getCustomizationSpec(String name) throws NotFound, RuntimeFault, RemoteException;
void overwriteCustomizationSpec(CustomizationSpecItem item) throws NotFound, RuntimeFault, RemoteException;
void renameCustomizationSpec(String name, String newName) throws AlreadyExists, NotFound, RuntimeFault, RemoteException;
void mergePermissions(int srcRoleId, int dstRoleId) throws AuthMinimumAdminPermission, NotFound, RuntimeFault, RemoteException;
void removeAuthorizationRole(int roleId, boolean failIfUsed) throws RemoveFailed, NotFound, RuntimeFault, RemoteException;
void removeEntityPermission(ManagedEntity entity, String user, boolean isGroup) throws AuthMinimumAdminPermission, NotFound, RuntimeFault, RemoteException;