public String getVmxHttpAccessUrl() throws Exception { Pair<DatacenterMO, String> dcInfo = getOwnerDatacenter(); VirtualMachineFileInfo fileInfo = getFileInfo(); String vmxFilePath = fileInfo.getVmPathName(); String vmxPathTokens[] = vmxFilePath.split("\\[|\\]|/"); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("https://" + _context.getServerAddress() + "/folder/"); sb.append(URLEncoder.encode(vmxPathTokens[2].trim(), "UTF-8")); sb.append("/"); sb.append(URLEncoder.encode(vmxPathTokens[3].trim(), "UTF-8")); sb.append("?dcPath="); sb.append(URLEncoder.encode(dcInfo.second(), "UTF-8")); sb.append("&dsName="); sb.append(URLEncoder.encode(vmxPathTokens[1].trim(), "UTF-8")); return sb.toString(); }
public String[] getCurrentSnapshotDiskChainDatastorePaths(String diskDevice) throws Exception { HostMO hostMo = getRunningHost(); List<Pair<ManagedObjectReference, String>> mounts = hostMo.getDatastoreMountsOnHost(); VirtualMachineFileInfo vmFileInfo = getFileInfo(); SnapshotDescriptor descriptor = getSnapshotDescriptor(); SnapshotInfo[] snapshotInfo = descriptor.getCurrentDiskChain(); List<String> diskDsFullPaths = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < snapshotInfo.length; i++) { SnapshotDescriptor.DiskInfo[] disks = snapshotInfo[i].getDisks(); if (disks != null) { for (SnapshotDescriptor.DiskInfo disk : disks) { String deviceNameInDisk = disk.getDeviceName(); if (diskDevice == null || diskDevice.equalsIgnoreCase(deviceNameInDisk)) { String vmdkFullDsPath = getSnapshotDiskFileDatastorePath(vmFileInfo, mounts, disk.getDiskFileName()); diskDsFullPaths.add(vmdkFullDsPath); } } } } return diskDsFullPaths.toArray(new String[0]); }
/** * Creates a spec used to create the VM. * * @param datastoreName * @return * @throws InvalidPropertyFaultMsg * @throws FinderException * @throws RuntimeFaultFaultMsg */ private VirtualMachineConfigSpec buildVirtualMachineConfigSpec(String datastoreName) throws InvalidPropertyFaultMsg, FinderException, RuntimeFaultFaultMsg { String displayName =; VirtualMachineConfigSpec spec = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); spec.setName(displayName); spec.setNumCPUs((int) this.ctx.child.description.cpuCount); spec.setGuestId(VirtualMachineGuestOsIdentifier.OTHER_GUEST_64.value()); spec.setMemoryMB(toMemoryMb(this.ctx.child.description.totalMemoryBytes)); VirtualMachineFileInfo files = new VirtualMachineFileInfo(); // Use a full path to the config file to avoid creating a VM with the same name String path = String.format("[%s] %s/%s.vmx", datastoreName, displayName, displayName); files.setVmPathName(path); spec.setFiles(files); for (NetworkInterfaceStateWithDetails ni : this.ctx.nics) { VirtualDevice nic = createNic(ni, null); addDeviceToVm(spec, nic); } VirtualDevice scsi = createScsiController(); addDeviceToVm(spec, scsi); return spec; }
/** * Retrieve path info to access VM files via vSphere web interface * @return [0] vm-name, [1] data-center-name, [2] datastore-name * @throws Exception */ public String[] getHttpAccessPathInfo() throws Exception { String[] pathInfo = new String[3]; Pair<DatacenterMO, String> dcInfo = getOwnerDatacenter(); VirtualMachineFileInfo fileInfo = getFileInfo(); String vmxFilePath = fileInfo.getVmPathName(); String vmxPathTokens[] = vmxFilePath.split("\\[|\\]|/"); assert (vmxPathTokens.length == 4); pathInfo[1] = vmxPathTokens[1].trim(); // vSphere vm name pathInfo[2] = dcInfo.second(); // vSphere datacenter name pathInfo[3] = vmxPathTokens[0].trim(); // vSphere datastore name return pathInfo; }
public void redoRegistration(ManagedObjectReference morHost) throws Exception { String vmName = getVmName(); VirtualMachineFileInfo vmFileInfo = getFileInfo(); boolean isTemplate = isTemplate(); HostMO hostMo; if (morHost != null) hostMo = new HostMO(getContext(), morHost); else hostMo = getRunningHost(); ManagedObjectReference morFolder = getParentMor(); ManagedObjectReference morPool = hostMo.getHyperHostOwnerResourcePool(); _context.getService().unregisterVM(_mor); ManagedObjectReference morTask = _context.getService().registerVMTask(morFolder, vmFileInfo.getVmPathName(), vmName, false, morPool, hostMo.getMor()); boolean result = _context.getVimClient().waitForTask(morTask); if (!result) { throw new Exception("Unable to register template due to " + TaskMO.getTaskFailureInfo(_context, morTask)); } else { _context.waitForTaskProgressDone(morTask); if (isTemplate) { VirtualMachineMO vmNewRegistration = hostMo.findVmOnHyperHost(vmName); assert (vmNewRegistration != null); vmNewRegistration.markAsTemplate(); } } }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { if(args.length!=3) { System.out.println("Usage: java CreateVM <url> " + "<username> <password>"); System.exit(0); } String dcName = "ha-datacenter"; String vmName = "vimasterVM"; long memorySizeMB = 500; int cupCount = 1; String guestOsId = "sles10Guest"; long diskSizeKB = 1000000; // mode: persistent|independent_persistent, // independent_nonpersistent String diskMode = "persistent"; String datastoreName = "storage1 (2)"; String netName = "VM Network"; String nicName = "Network Adapter 1"; ServiceInstance si = new ServiceInstance( new URL(args[0]), args[1], args[2], true); Folder rootFolder = si.getRootFolder(); Datacenter dc = (Datacenter) new InventoryNavigator( rootFolder).searchManagedEntity("Datacenter", dcName); ResourcePool rp = (ResourcePool) new InventoryNavigator( dc).searchManagedEntities("ResourcePool")[0]; Folder vmFolder = dc.getVmFolder(); // create vm config spec VirtualMachineConfigSpec vmSpec = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); vmSpec.setName(vmName); vmSpec.setAnnotation("VirtualMachine Annotation"); vmSpec.setMemoryMB(memorySizeMB); vmSpec.setNumCPUs(cupCount); vmSpec.setGuestId(guestOsId); // create virtual devices int cKey = 1000; VirtualDeviceConfigSpec scsiSpec = createScsiSpec(cKey); VirtualDeviceConfigSpec diskSpec = createDiskSpec( datastoreName, cKey, diskSizeKB, diskMode); VirtualDeviceConfigSpec nicSpec = createNicSpec( netName, nicName); vmSpec.setDeviceChange(new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec[] {scsiSpec, diskSpec, nicSpec}); // create vm file info for the vmx file VirtualMachineFileInfo vmfi = new VirtualMachineFileInfo(); vmfi.setVmPathName("["+ datastoreName +"]"); vmSpec.setFiles(vmfi); // call the createVM_Task method on the vm folder Task task = vmFolder.createVM_Task(vmSpec, rp, null); String result = task.waitForMe(); if(result == Task.SUCCESS) { System.out.println("VM Created Sucessfully"); } else { System.out.println("VM could not be created. "); } }
public static VirtualMachineMO createWorkerVM(VmwareHypervisorHost hyperHost, DatastoreMO dsMo, String vmName) throws Exception { // Allow worker VM to float within cluster so that we will have better chance to // create it successfully ManagedObjectReference morCluster = hyperHost.getHyperHostCluster(); if (morCluster != null) hyperHost = new ClusterMO(hyperHost.getContext(), morCluster); VirtualMachineMO workingVM = null; VirtualMachineConfigSpec vmConfig = new VirtualMachineConfigSpec(); vmConfig.setName(vmName); vmConfig.setMemoryMB((long)4); vmConfig.setNumCPUs(1); vmConfig.setGuestId(VirtualMachineGuestOsIdentifier.OTHER_GUEST.value()); VirtualMachineFileInfo fileInfo = new VirtualMachineFileInfo(); fileInfo.setVmPathName(dsMo.getDatastoreRootPath()); vmConfig.setFiles(fileInfo); VirtualLsiLogicController scsiController = new VirtualLsiLogicController(); scsiController.setSharedBus(VirtualSCSISharing.NO_SHARING); scsiController.setBusNumber(0); scsiController.setKey(1); VirtualDeviceConfigSpec scsiControllerSpec = new VirtualDeviceConfigSpec(); scsiControllerSpec.setDevice(scsiController); scsiControllerSpec.setOperation(VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperation.ADD); vmConfig.getDeviceChange().add(scsiControllerSpec); if (hyperHost.createVm(vmConfig)) { // Ugly work-around, it takes time for newly created VM to appear for (int i = 0; i < 10 && workingVM == null; i++) { workingVM = hyperHost.findVmOnHyperHost(vmName); try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { s_logger.debug("[ignored] interupted while waiting to config vm."); } } } if (workingVM != null) { workingVM.setCustomFieldValue(CustomFieldConstants.CLOUD_WORKER, "true"); String workerTag = String.format("%d-%s", System.currentTimeMillis(), hyperHost.getContext().getStockObject("noderuninfo")); workingVM.setCustomFieldValue(CustomFieldConstants.CLOUD_WORKER_TAG, workerTag); } return workingVM; }
public VirtualMachineFileInfo getFileInfo() throws Exception { return (VirtualMachineFileInfo)_context.getVimClient().getDynamicProperty(_mor, "config.files"); }
@Deprecated public void setSnapshotDirectory(String snapshotDir) throws Exception { VirtualMachineFileInfo fileInfo = getFileInfo(); Pair<DatacenterMO, String> dcInfo = getOwnerDatacenter(); String vmxUrl = _context.composeDatastoreBrowseUrl(dcInfo.second(), fileInfo.getVmPathName()); byte[] vmxContent = _context.getResourceContent(vmxUrl); BufferedReader in = null; BufferedWriter out = null; ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); boolean replaced = false; try { in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(vmxContent),"UTF-8")); out = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(bos,"UTF-8")); String line; while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { if (line.startsWith("workingDir")) { replaced = true; out.write(String.format("workingDir=\"%s\"", snapshotDir)); out.newLine(); } else { out.write(line); out.newLine(); } } if (!replaced) { out.newLine(); out.write(String.format("workingDir=\"%s\"", snapshotDir)); out.newLine(); } } finally { if (in != null) { in.close(); } if (out != null) { out.close(); } } _context.uploadResourceContent(vmxUrl, bos.toByteArray()); // It seems that I don't need to do re-registration. VMware has bug in writing the correct snapshot's VMDK path to // its disk backing info anyway. // redoRegistration(); }
public void backupCurrentSnapshot(String deviceName, ManagedObjectReference morDestDs, String destDsDirectory, String destName, boolean includeBase) throws Exception { SnapshotDescriptor descriptor = getSnapshotDescriptor(); SnapshotInfo[] snapshotInfo = descriptor.getCurrentDiskChain(); if (snapshotInfo.length == 0) { String msg = "No snapshot found in this VM"; throw new Exception(msg); } HostMO hostMo = getRunningHost(); DatacenterMO dcMo = getOwnerDatacenter().first(); List<Pair<ManagedObjectReference, String>> mounts = hostMo.getDatastoreMountsOnHost(); VirtualMachineFileInfo vmFileInfo = getFileInfo(); List<Ternary<String, String, String>> backupInfo = new ArrayList<Ternary<String, String, String>>(); for (int i = 0; i < snapshotInfo.length; i++) { if (!includeBase && i == snapshotInfo.length - 1) { break; } SnapshotDescriptor.DiskInfo[] disks = snapshotInfo[i].getDisks(); if (disks != null) { String destBaseFileName; String destFileName; String destParentFileName; for (SnapshotDescriptor.DiskInfo disk : disks) { if (deviceName == null || deviceName.equals(disk.getDeviceName())) { String srcVmdkFullDsPath = getSnapshotDiskFileDatastorePath(vmFileInfo, mounts, disk.getDiskFileName()); Pair<DatastoreMO, String> srcDsInfo = getOwnerDatastore(srcVmdkFullDsPath); Pair<VmdkFileDescriptor, byte[]> vmdkInfo = getVmdkFileInfo(srcVmdkFullDsPath); String srcVmdkBaseFilePath = DatastoreFile.getCompanionDatastorePath(srcVmdkFullDsPath, vmdkInfo.first().getBaseFileName()); destFileName = destName + (snapshotInfo.length - i - 1) + ".vmdk"; if (vmdkInfo.first().getParentFileName() != null) { destBaseFileName = destName + (snapshotInfo.length - i - 1) + "-delta.vmdk"; destParentFileName = destName + (snapshotInfo.length - i - 2) + ".vmdk"; } else { destBaseFileName = destName + (snapshotInfo.length - i - 1) + "-flat.vmdk"; destParentFileName = null; }"Copy VMDK base file " + srcVmdkBaseFilePath + " to " + destDsDirectory + "/" + destBaseFileName); srcDsInfo.first().copyDatastoreFile(srcVmdkBaseFilePath, dcMo.getMor(), morDestDs, destDsDirectory + "/" + destBaseFileName, dcMo.getMor(), true); byte[] newVmdkContent = VmdkFileDescriptor.changeVmdkContentBaseInfo(vmdkInfo.second(), destBaseFileName, destParentFileName); String vmdkUploadUrl = getContext().composeDatastoreBrowseUrl(dcMo.getName(), destDsDirectory + "/" + destFileName);"Upload VMDK content file to " + destDsDirectory + "/" + destFileName); getContext().uploadResourceContent(vmdkUploadUrl, newVmdkContent); backupInfo.add(new Ternary<String, String, String>(destFileName, destBaseFileName, destParentFileName)); } } } } byte[] vdiskInfo = VmwareHelper.composeDiskInfo(backupInfo, snapshotInfo.length, includeBase); String vdiskUploadUrl = getContext().composeDatastoreBrowseUrl(dcMo.getName(), destDsDirectory + "/" + destName + ".vdisk"); getContext().uploadResourceContent(vdiskUploadUrl, vdiskInfo); }