Java 类 实例源码

项目:vijava    文件   
 * @param propertyName The property name of current managed object
 * @return it will return either an array of related data objects, or an data object itself.
 * ManagedObjectReference objects are data objects!!!
 * @throws RemoteException 
 * @throws RuntimeFault 
 * @throws InvalidProperty 
 * @

protected Object getCurrentProperty(String propertyName)  
    ObjectContent objContent = retrieveObjectProperties(new String[] { propertyName });

    Object propertyValue = null;

    if (objContent != null) 
        DynamicProperty[] dynaProps = objContent.getPropSet();

        if ((dynaProps != null) && (dynaProps[0]!= null)) 
            propertyValue = PropertyCollectorUtil.convertProperty(dynaProps[0].getVal());
    return propertyValue;
项目:vijava    文件   
protected ObjectContent retrieveObjectProperties(String[] properties) 
    ObjectSpec oSpec = PropertyCollectorUtil.creatObjectSpec(
            getMOR(), Boolean.FALSE, null);

    PropertySpec pSpec = PropertyCollectorUtil.createPropertySpec(
            properties == null || properties.length == 0, //if true, all props of this obj are to be read regardless of propName

    PropertyFilterSpec pfSpec = new PropertyFilterSpec();
    pfSpec.setObjectSet(new ObjectSpec[] { oSpec });
    pfSpec.setPropSet(new PropertySpec[] { pSpec });

    PropertyCollector pc = getServerConnection().getServiceInstance().getPropertyCollector();

    ObjectContent[] objs;
        objs = pc.retrieveProperties(new PropertyFilterSpec[] { pfSpec });
    } catch(Exception e)
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

    if (objs == null || objs[0]==null)
        return null;
        return objs[0];
项目:vijava    文件   
 * Get multiple properties by their paths
 * @param propPaths an array of strings for property path
 * @return a Hashtable holding with the property path as key, and the value.
 * @throws InvalidProperty
 * @throws RuntimeFault
 * @throws RemoteException
public Hashtable getPropertiesByPaths(String[] propPaths) 
    throws InvalidProperty, RuntimeFault, RemoteException
    Hashtable[] pht = PropertyCollectorUtil.retrieveProperties(
            new ManagedObject[] { this }, getMOR().getType(), propPaths);
        return pht[0];
        return null;
项目:contrail-vcenter-plugin    文件   
public SortedMap<String, VirtualNetworkInfo> readVirtualNetworks()
        throws Exception {"Start reading virtual networks from vcenter ...");

    SortedMap<String, VirtualNetworkInfo> map =
            new ConcurrentSkipListMap<String, VirtualNetworkInfo>();

    if (contrailDVS == null) {
        s_logger.error("dvSwitch: " + contrailDvSwitchName +
                " NOT configured");
        return map;
    // Extract distributed virtual port groups
    DistributedVirtualPortgroup[] dvPgs = contrailDVS.getPortgroup();
    if (dvPgs == null || dvPgs.length == 0) {
        s_logger.error("dvSwitch: " + contrailDvSwitchName +
                " Distributed portgroups NOT configured");
        return map;

    Hashtable[] pTables = PropertyCollectorUtil.retrieveProperties(dvPgs,
            new String[] {"name",

    for (int i=0; i < dvPgs.length; i++) {
        // Extract dvPg configuration info and port setting
        DVPortSetting portSetting = (DVPortSetting) pTables[i].get("config.defaultPortConfig");

        if (doIgnoreVirtualNetwork(portSetting)) {
        VirtualNetworkInfo vnInfo =
                new VirtualNetworkInfo(
                        this, dvPgs[i], pTables[i], contrailDC, contrailDataCenterName,
                        contrailDVS, contrailDvSwitchName);"Read from vcenter " + vnInfo + ", ipPoolId " + vnInfo.getIpPoolId());
        map.put(vnInfo.getUuid(), vnInfo);
    }"Done reading from vcenter, found " + map.size() + " Virtual Networks");
    return map;
项目:contrail-vcenter-plugin    文件   
public VirtualNetworkInfo(Event event,  VCenterDB vcenterDB, VncDB vncDB) throws Exception {
    vmiInfoMap = new ConcurrentSkipListMap<String, VirtualMachineInterfaceInfo>();

    if (event.getDatacenter() != null) {
        dcName = event.getDatacenter().getName();
        dc = vcenterDB.getVmwareDatacenter(dcName);

    if (event.getDvs() != null) {
        dvsName = event.getDvs().getName();
        dvs = vcenterDB.getVmwareDvs(dvsName, dc, dcName);
    } else {
        dvsName = vcenterDB.contrailDvSwitchName;
        dvs = vcenterDB.getVmwareDvs(dvsName, dc, dcName);

    if (event.getNet() != null) {
        name = event.getNet().getName();
        net = vcenterDB.getVmwareNetwork(name, dvs, dvsName, dcName);

    dpg = vcenterDB.getVmwareDpg(name, dvs, dvsName, dcName);
    ManagedObject mo[] = new ManagedObject[1];
    mo[0] = dpg;

    Hashtable[] pTables = PropertyCollectorUtil.retrieveProperties(mo,
            new String[] {"name",

    if (pTables == null || pTables[0] == null) {
        throw new RemoteException("Could not read properties for network " + name);

    populateInfo(vcenterDB, pTables[0]);

    if (vcenterDB.mode == Mode.VCENTER_AS_COMPUTE) {
       apiVn = vncDB.findVirtualNetwork(uuid);
项目:vijava    文件   
private ObjectContent[] retrieveObjectContents(String[][] typeinfo, boolean recurse ) throws InvalidProperty, RuntimeFault, RemoteException
    if (typeinfo == null || typeinfo.length == 0) 
        return null;

    PropertyCollector pc = rootEntity.getServerConnection().getServiceInstance().getPropertyCollector();

    if (recurse && selectionSpecs==null) 
      AboutInfo ai = rootEntity.getServerConnection().getServiceInstance().getAboutInfo();

      /* The apiVersion values in all the shipped products
      "2.0.0"    VI 3.0
      "2.5.0"    VI 3.5 (and u1)
      "2.5u2"   VI 3.5u2 (and u3, u4)
      "4.0"       vSphere 4.0 (and u1)
      "4.1"       vSphere 4.1
      "5.0"       vSphere 5.0
      "6.0"       vSphere 6.0
        if(ai.apiVersion.startsWith("4") || ai.apiVersion.startsWith("5") || ai.apiVersion.startsWith("6"))
          selectionSpecs = PropertyCollectorUtil.buildFullTraversalV4();
          selectionSpecs = PropertyCollectorUtil.buildFullTraversal();

    PropertySpec[] propspecary = PropertyCollectorUtil.buildPropertySpecArray(typeinfo);

    ObjectSpec os = new ObjectSpec();

    PropertyFilterSpec spec = new PropertyFilterSpec();
    spec.setObjectSet(new ObjectSpec[] { os });

    return pc.retrieveProperties(new PropertyFilterSpec[] { spec } );