Java 类cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLPreInitializationEvent 实例源码

项目:connor41-etfuturum2    文件   
public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event) {
    ConfigurationHandler.INSTANCE.init(new File(event.getModConfigurationDirectory().getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + Reference.MOD_ID + ".cfg"));

    GameRegistry.registerWorldGenerator(new EtFuturumWorldGenerator(), 0);
    GameRegistry.registerWorldGenerator(new EtFuturumNetherGenerator(), 1);



    NetworkRegistry.INSTANCE.registerGuiHandler(instance, proxy);
    networkWrapper = NetworkRegistry.INSTANCE.newSimpleChannel(Reference.MOD_ID);
    networkWrapper.registerMessage(ArmourStandInteractHandler.class, ArmourStandInteractMessage.class, 0, Side.SERVER);
    networkWrapper.registerMessage(BlackHeartParticlesHandler.class, BlackHeartParticlesMessage.class, 1, Side.CLIENT);
    networkWrapper.registerMessage(SetPlayerModelHandler.class, SetPlayerModelMessage.class, 2, Side.CLIENT);
项目:minecraft-quiverbow    文件   
public void addProps(FMLPreInitializationEvent event, Configuration config)
    this.Enabled = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Am I enabled? (default true)", true).getBoolean(true);
    this.namePublic = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What's my name?", this.nameInternal).getString();

    this.DmgMin = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage am I dealing, at least? (default 1)", 1).getInt();
    this.DmgMax = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage am I dealing, tops? (default 3)", 3).getInt();

    this.Speed = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How fast are my projectiles? (default 2.0 BPT (Blocks Per Tick))", 2.0).getDouble();

    this.Kickback = (byte) config.get(this.nameInternal, "How hard do I kick the user back when firing? (default 1)", 1).getInt();
    this.Spread = (float) config.get(this.nameInternal, "How accurate am I? (default 10 spread)", 10).getDouble();

    this.isMobUsable = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Can I be used by QuiverMobs? (default true. They'll probably figure it out.)", true).getBoolean(true);
项目:minecraft-quiverbow    文件   
public void addProps(FMLPreInitializationEvent event, Configuration config)
    this.Enabled = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Am I enabled? (default true)", true).getBoolean(true);
    this.namePublic = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What's my name?", this.nameInternal).getString();

    this.DmgMin = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage am I dealing, at least? (default 10)", 10).getInt();
    this.DmgMax = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage am I dealing, tops? (default 16)", 16).getInt();

    this.Speed = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How fast are my projectiles? (default 2.5 BPT (Blocks Per Tick))", 2.5).getDouble();
    this.Knockback = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How hard do I knock the target back when firing? (default 1)", 1).getInt();

    this.Cooldown = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How long until I can fire again? (default 8 ticks)", 8).getInt();

    this.isMobUsable = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Can I be used by QuiverMobs? (default false.)", false).getBoolean(true);
项目:minecraft-quiverbow    文件   
public void addProps(FMLPreInitializationEvent event, Configuration config)
    this.Enabled = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Am I enabled? (default true)", true).getBoolean(true);
    this.namePublic = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What's my name?", this.nameInternal).getString();

    this.DmgMin = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage am I dealing, at least? (default 1)", 1).getInt();
    this.DmgMax = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage am I dealing, tops? (default 3)", 3).getInt();

    this.Speed = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How fast are my projectiles? (default 2.5 BPT (Blocks Per Tick))", 2.5).getDouble();

    this.Weakness_Strength = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How strong is my Weakness effect? (default 2)", 2).getInt();
    this.Weakness_Duration = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How long does my Weakness effect last? (default 40 ticks)", 40).getInt();
    this.Nausea_Duration = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How long does my Nausea effect last? (default 40 ticks)", 40).getInt();
    this.Hunger_Strength = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How strong is my Hunger effect? (default 2)", 2).getInt();
    this.Hunger_Duration = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How long does my Hunger effect last? (default 40 ticks)", 40).getInt();

    this.isMobUsable = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Can I be used by QuiverMobs? (default true.)", true).getBoolean(true);
项目:minecraft-quiverbow    文件   
public void addProps(FMLPreInitializationEvent event, Configuration config)
    this.Enabled = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Am I enabled? (default true)", true).getBoolean(true);
    this.namePublic = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What's my name?", this.nameInternal).getString();

    this.DmgMin = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage am I dealing, at least? (default 8)", 8).getInt();
    this.DmgMax = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage am I dealing, tops? (default 16)", 16).getInt();

    this.Speed = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How fast are my projectiles? (default 5.0 BPT (Blocks Per Tick))", 5.0).getDouble();
    this.Kickback = (byte) config.get(this.nameInternal, "How hard do I kick the user back when firing? (default 3)", 3).getInt();
    this.Cooldown = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How long until I can fire again? (default 40 ticks. That's 2 sec)", 40).getInt();

    this.PassThroughMax = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Through how many entities and blocks can I punch, tops? (default 5)", 5).getInt();
    this.MaxTicks = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How long does my beam exist, tops? (default 60 ticks)", 60).getInt();

    this.isMobUsable = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Can I be used by QuiverMobs? (default true.)", true).getBoolean(true);
项目:minecraft-quiverbow    文件   
public void addProps(FMLPreInitializationEvent event, Configuration config)
    this.Enabled = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Am I enabled? (default true)", true).getBoolean(true);
    this.namePublic = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What's my name?", this.nameInternal).getString();

    this.DmgMin = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage am I dealing, at least? (default 4)", 4).getInt();
    this.DmgMax = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage am I dealing, tops? (default 8)", 8).getInt();

    this.Speed = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How fast are my projectiles? (default 1.7 BPT (Blocks Per Tick))", 1.7).getDouble();

    this.Cooldown = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How long until I can fire again? (default 15 ticks)", 15).getInt();

    this.Wither_Strength = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How strong is my Wither effect? (default 1)", 1).getInt();
    this.Wither_Duration = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How long does my Wither effect last? (default 61 ticks)", 61).getInt();

    this.isMobUsable = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Can I be used by QuiverMobs? (default true.)", true).getBoolean(true);
项目:minecraft-quiverbow    文件   
public void addProps(FMLPreInitializationEvent event, Configuration config)
    this.Enabled = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Am I enabled? (default true)", true).getBoolean(true);
    this.namePublic = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What's my name?", this.nameInternal).getString();

    this.DmgMin = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage am I dealing, at least? (default 7)", 7).getInt();
    this.DmgMax = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage am I dealing, tops? (default 13)", 13).getInt();

    this.DmgMagicMin = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What magic damage am I dealing, at least? (default 6)", 6).getInt();
    this.DmgMagicMax = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What magic damage am I dealing, tops? (default 14)", 14).getInt();

    this.Speed = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How fast are my projectiles? (default 3.0 BPT (Blocks Per Tick))", 3.0).getDouble();

    this.Knockback = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How hard do I knock the target back when firing? (default 2)", 2).getInt();
    this.Kickback = (byte) config.get(this.nameInternal, "How hard do I kick the user back when firing? (default 6)", 6).getInt();

    this.Cooldown = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How long until I can fire again? (default 60 ticks)", 60).getInt();

    this.Wither_Strength = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How strong is my Wither effect? (default 3)", 3).getInt();
    this.Wither_Duration = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How long does my Wither effect last? (default 61 ticks)", 61).getInt();

    this.isMobUsable = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Can I be used by QuiverMobs? (default false. Too high-power for them.)", false).getBoolean();
项目:minecraft-quiverbow    文件   
public void addProps(FMLPreInitializationEvent event, Configuration config)
    this.Enabled = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Am I enabled? (default true)", true).getBoolean(true);

    this.namePublic = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What's my name?", this.nameInternal).getString();

    this.DmgMin = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage am I dealing, at least? (default 20)", 20).getInt();
    this.DmgMax = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage am I dealing, tops? (default 30)", 30).getInt();

    this.Speed = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How fast are my projectiles? (default 3.0 BPT (Blocks Per Tick))", 3.0).getDouble();
    this.Knockback = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How hard do I knock the target back when firing? (default 2)", 2).getInt();

    this.FireDur = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How long is the target on fire? (default 15 sec)", 15).getInt();
    this.FireDurInGround = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How long do I keep burning when stuck in the ground? (default 10 sec)", 10).getInt();

    this.isMobUsable = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Can I be used by QuiverMobs? (default false)", false).getBoolean(true);
项目:minecraft-quiverbow    文件   
public void addProps(FMLPreInitializationEvent event, Configuration config)
    this.Enabled = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Am I enabled? (default true)", true).getBoolean(true);
    this.namePublic = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What's my name?", this.nameInternal).getString();

    this.DmgMin = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage are my rockets dealing, at least? (default 4)", 4).getInt();
    this.DmgMax = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage are my rockets dealing, tops? (default 6)", 6).getInt();

    this.Speed = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How fast are my projectiles? (default 1.5 BPT (Blocks Per Tick))", 1.5).getDouble();
    this.Kickback = (byte) config.get(this.nameInternal, "How hard do I kick the user back when firing? (default 3)", 3).getInt();

    this.Cooldown = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How long until I can fire again? (default 20 ticks)", 20).getInt();

    this.FireDur = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How long is what I hit on fire? (default 6s)", 6).getInt();
    this.ExplosionSize = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How big are my explosions? (default 1.0 blocks, for no terrain damage. TNT is 4.0 blocks)", 1.0).getDouble();

    this.isMobUsable = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Can I be used by QuiverMobs? (default true.)", true).getBoolean(true);
项目:minecraft-quiverbow    文件   
public void addProps(FMLPreInitializationEvent event, Configuration config) 
    this.Enabled = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Am I enabled? (default true)", true).getBoolean(true);
    this.namePublic = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What's my name?", this.nameInternal).getString();

    this.DmgMin = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage am I dealing with a direct hit, at least? (default 120)", 120).getInt();
    this.DmgMax = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage am I dealing with a direct hit, tops? (default 150)", 150).getInt();

    this.explosionSelf = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How big are my explosions when leaving the barrel? (default 4.0 blocks. TNT is 4.0 blocks)", 4.0).getDouble();
    this.explosionTarget = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How big are my explosions when hitting a target? (default 8.0 blocks. TNT is 4.0 blocks)", 8.0).getDouble();

    this.Kickback = (byte) config.get(this.nameInternal, "How hard do I kick the user back when firing? (default 30)", 30).getInt();

    this.dmgTerrain = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Can I damage terrain, when in player hands? (default true)", true).getBoolean(true);

    this.isMobUsable = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Can I be used by QuiverMobs? (default false. Too high-power and suicidal.)", false).getBoolean();
项目:minecraft-quiverbow    文件   
public void addProps(FMLPreInitializationEvent event, Configuration config)
    this.Enabled = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Am I enabled? (default true)", true).getBoolean(true);
    this.namePublic = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What's my name?", this.nameInternal).getString();

    this.DmgMin = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage am I dealing, at least? (default 1)", 1).getInt();
    this.DmgMax = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage am I dealing, tops? (default 2)", 2).getInt();

    this.Speed = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How fast are my projectiles? (default 1.5 BPT (Blocks Per Tick))", 1.5).getDouble();
    this.Kickback = (byte) config.get(this.nameInternal, "How hard do I kick the user back when firing? (default 2)", 2).getInt();
    this.Cooldown = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How long until I can fire again? (default 15 ticks)", 15).getInt();

    this.Slow_Strength = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How strong is my Slowness effect? (default 3)", 3).getInt();
    this.Slow_Duration = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How long does my Slowness effect last? (default 40 ticks)", 40).getInt();

    this.isMobUsable = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Can I be used by QuiverMobs? (default true)", true).getBoolean(true);
项目:minecraft-quiverbow    文件   
public void addProps(FMLPreInitializationEvent event, Configuration config)
    this.Enabled = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Am I enabled? (default true)", true).getBoolean(true);
    this.namePublic = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What's my name?", this.nameInternal).getString();

    this.DmgMin = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage am I dealing per thorn, at least? (default 1)", 1).getInt();
    this.DmgMax = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage am I dealing per thorn, tops? (default 2)", 2).getInt();

    this.Speed = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How fast are my projectiles? (default 2.0 BPT (Blocks Per Tick))", 2.0).getDouble();
    this.MaxTicks = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How long do my projectiles stick around, tops? (default 6000 ticks. That's 5 min.)", 6000).getInt();

    this.Kickback = (byte) config.get(this.nameInternal, "How hard do I kick the user back when firing? (default 2)", 2).getInt();

    this.Cooldown = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How long until I can fire again? (default 20 ticks)", 20).getInt();
    this.ProxyCheck = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How long does my projectile wait inbetween each proximity check? (default 20 ticks)", 20).getInt();
    this.ThornAmount = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How many thorns does my projectile burst into? (default 32)", 32).getInt();
    this.triggerDist = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What is the trigger distance of my projectiles? (default 2.0 blocks)", 2.0).getDouble();

    this.isMobUsable = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Can I be used by QuiverMobs? (default false)", false).getBoolean();
项目:minecraft-quiverbow    文件   
public void addProps(FMLPreInitializationEvent event, Configuration config)
    this.Enabled = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Am I enabled? (default true)", true).getBoolean(true);
    this.namePublic = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What's my name?", this.nameInternal).getString();

    this.DmgMin = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage am I dealing, at least? (default 4)", 4).getInt();
    this.DmgMax = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage am I dealing, tops? (default 6)", 6).getInt();

    this.Speed = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How fast are my projectiles? (default 1.3 BPT (Blocks Per Tick))", 1.3).getDouble();

    this.Knockback = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How hard do I knock the target back when firing? (default 2)", 2).getInt();
    this.Kickback = (byte) config.get(this.nameInternal, "How hard do I kick the user back when firing? (default 1)", 1).getInt();

    this.Cooldown = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How long until I can fire again? (default 10 ticks)", 10).getInt();

    this.FireDur = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How long is what I hit on fire? (default 6s)", 6).getInt();

    this.ExplosionSize = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How big are my explosions? (default 1.0 blocks, for no terrain damage. TNT is 4.0 blocks)", 1.0).getDouble();
    this.dmgTerrain = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Can I damage terrain, when in player hands? (default true)", true).getBoolean(true);

    this.isMobUsable = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Can I be used by QuiverMobs? (default false. A bit too high-power for them.)", false).getBoolean();
项目:minecraft-quiverbow    文件   
public void addProps(FMLPreInitializationEvent event, Configuration config)
    this.Enabled = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Am I enabled? (default true)", true).getBoolean(true);
    this.namePublic = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What's my name?", this.nameInternal).getString();

    this.DmgMin = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage am I dealing, at least? (default 16)", 16).getInt();
    this.DmgMax = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage am I dealing, tops? (default 24)", 24).getInt();

    this.Speed = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How fast are my projectiles? (default 5.0 BPT (Blocks Per Tick))", 5.0).getDouble();
    this.MaxTicks = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How long does my projectile exist, tops? (default 40 ticks)", 40).getInt();

    this.Kickback = (byte) config.get(this.nameInternal, "How hard do I kick the user back when firing? (default 1)", 1).getInt();

    this.Cooldown = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How long until I can fire again? (default 20 ticks)", 20).getInt();

    this.isMobUsable = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Can I be used by QuiverMobs? (default false)", false).getBoolean(true);
项目:minecraft-quiverbow    文件   
public void addProps(FMLPreInitializationEvent event, Configuration config)
    this.Enabled = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Am I enabled? (default true)", true).getBoolean(true);
    this.namePublic = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What's my name?", this.nameInternal).getString();

    this.DmgMin = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage are my arrows dealing, at least? (default 2)", 2).getInt();
    this.DmgMax = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage are my arrows dealing, tops? (default 10)", 10).getInt();

    this.Speed = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How fast are my projectiles? (default 1.5 BPT (Blocks Per Tick))", 1.5).getDouble();
    this.Kickback = (byte) config.get(this.nameInternal, "How hard do I kick the user back when firing? (default 3)", 3).getInt();

    this.Cooldown = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How long until I can fire again? (default 20 ticks)", 20).getInt();

    this.isMobUsable = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Can I be used by QuiverMobs? (default true.)", true).getBoolean(true);
项目:minecraft-quiverbow    文件   
public void addProps(FMLPreInitializationEvent event, Configuration config)
    this.Enabled = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Am I enabled? (default true)", true).getBoolean(true);
    this.namePublic = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What's my name?", this.nameInternal).getString();

    this.DmgMin = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage am I dealing, at least? (default 2)", 2).getInt();
    this.DmgMax = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage am I dealing, tops? (default 5)", 5).getInt();

    this.Speed = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How fast are my projectiles? (default 1.5 BPT (Blocks Per Tick))", 1.5).getDouble();
    this.Cooldown = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How long until I can fire again? (default 15)", 15).getInt();

    this.isMobUsable = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Can I be used by QuiverMobs? (default true.)", true).getBoolean(true);

    this.shouldDrop = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Do I drop naked potatoes on misses? (default true)", true).getBoolean(true);
项目:minecraft-quiverbow    文件   
public void addProps(FMLPreInitializationEvent event, Configuration config)
    this.Enabled = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Am I enabled? (default true)", true).getBoolean(true);
    this.namePublic = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What's my name?", this.nameInternal).getString();

    this.DmgMin = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage am I dealing, at least? (default 7)", 7).getInt();
    this.DmgMax = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage am I dealing, tops? (default 13)", 13).getInt();

    this.Speed = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How fast are my projectiles? (default 3.0 BPT (Blocks Per Tick))", 3.0).getDouble();

    this.Knockback = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How hard do I knock the target back when firing? (default 2)", 2).getInt();
    this.Kickback = (byte) config.get(this.nameInternal, "How hard do I kick the user back when firing? (default 4)", 4).getInt();

    this.Cooldown = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How long until I can fire again? (default 100 ticks)", 100).getInt();

    this.Wither_Strength = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How strong is my Wither effect? (default 3)", 3).getInt();
    this.Wither_Duration = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How long does my Wither effect last? (default 61 ticks)", 61).getInt();

    this.isMobUsable = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Can I be used by QuiverMobs? (default true.)", true).getBoolean(true);
项目:minecraft-quiverbow    文件   
public void addProps(FMLPreInitializationEvent event, Configuration config) 
    this.Enabled = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Am I enabled? (default true)", true).getBoolean(true);
    this.namePublic = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What's my name?", this.nameInternal).getString();

    this.DmgMin = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage are my arrows dealing, at least? (default 14)", 14).getInt();
    this.DmgMax = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage are my arrows dealing, tops? (default 20)", 20).getInt();

    this.Speed = 4.0f;
    this.Kickback = (byte) config.get(this.nameInternal, "How hard do I kick the user back when firing? (default 3)", 3).getInt();

    this.Cooldown = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How long until I can fire again? (default 120 ticks)", 120).getInt();

    this.FireDur = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How long is what I hit on fire? (default 10s)", 10).getInt();
    this.MaxTicks = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How long does my beam exist, tops? (default 60 ticks)", 60).getInt();
    this.LightMin = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What light level do I need to recharge, at least? (default 12)", 12).getInt();

    this.isMobUsable = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Can I be used by QuiverMobs? (default false. Too damn bright for their taste.)", false).getBoolean();
项目:minecraft-quiverbow    文件   
public void addProps(FMLPreInitializationEvent event, Configuration config)
    this.Enabled = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Am I enabled? (default true)", true).getBoolean(true);
    this.namePublic = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What's my name?", this.nameInternal).getString();

    this.DmgMin = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage am I dealing, at least? (default 4)", 4).getInt();
    this.DmgMax = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage am I dealing, tops? (default 6)", 6).getInt();

    this.Speed = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How fast are my projectiles? (default 1.3 BPT (Blocks Per Tick))", 1.3).getDouble();

    this.Knockback = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How hard do I knock the target back when firing? (default 2)", 2).getInt();
    this.Kickback = (byte) config.get(this.nameInternal, "How hard do I kick the user back when firing? (default 1)", 1).getInt();

    this.Cooldown = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How long until I can fire again? (default 10 ticks)", 10).getInt();

    this.FireDur = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How long is what I hit on fire? (default 6s)", 6).getInt();

    this.ExplosionSize = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How big are my explosions? (default 1.0 blocks, for no terrain damage. TNT is 4.0 blocks)", 1.0).getDouble();
    this.dmgTerrain = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Can I damage terrain, when in player hands? (default true)", true).getBoolean(true);

    this.isMobUsable = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Can I be used by QuiverMobs? (default true)", true).getBoolean(true);
项目:Prospecting    文件   
public ProspectingConfiguration(FMLPreInitializationEvent e) {
    final Configuration config = new Configuration(e.getSuggestedConfigurationFile());


    // this.nugget_amount = config.getInt("Nuggets Per Chunk", "General", 1, 0, 999999999, "The number of nuggets that can be prospected in a chunk, if it has applicable ore in it.");
    this.chunk_expiry = config.getInt("Chunk Expiry", "Caching", 300, 1, 999999999, "The number of seconds until a chunk's cache expires. After the cache expires, the chunk will be re-scanned for ore when it is prospected.");

    this.nugget_chance = config.getFloat("Nugget Chance", "Probabilities", 0.8f, 0f, 1f, "The chance that a chunk will have nuggets. The number of nuggets produced is determined by the \"Ore Per Nugget\" setting");
    this.ore_per_nugget = config.getInt("Ore Per Nugget", "Probabilities", 50, 0, 4096, "The number of ore, on average, that will produce 1 nugget in a chunk. For example, if this value is 50, and a chunk has 100 iron ore, you can expect to get 2 nuggets from the chunk through prospecting.");
    this.ore_per_nugget_deviation = config.getInt("Ore Per Nugget Deviation", "Probabilities", 10, 0, 4096, "The maximum deviation for nugget calculations. Your value for \"Ore Per Nugget\" well be randomly modified +- this value when calculating nuggets.");
    this.max_nuggets = config.getInt("Maximum Nugget Count", "Probabilities", 5, 0, 4096, "The maximum number of nuggets to spawn in a given chunk for each ore.");
    this.flower_chance = config.getFloat("Flower Chance", "Probabilities", 0.8f, 0f, 1f, "The chance that a given chunk will produce flowers, if it contains ore. The number of flowers produced is determined by the \"Ore Per Flower\" setting.");
    this.flower_false_chance = config.getFloat("Flower False Positive Chance", "Probabilities", 0.05f, 0f, 1f, "This chance that a chunk will have some indicator flowers spawn despite having no ore.");
    this.ore_per_flower = config.getInt("Ore Per Flower", "Probabilities", 50, 0, 4096, "The number of ore, on average, that it takes to produce 1 flower on the surface.");
    this.ore_per_flower_deviation = config.getInt("Ore Per Flower Deviation", "Probabilities", 10, 0, 4096, "The maximum deviation for flower calculations. Your value for \"Ore Per Flower\" well be randomly modified +- this value when calculating flowers.");
    this.max_flowers = config.getInt("Maximum Flower Count", "Probabilities", 10, 0, 4096, "The maximum number of flowers to spawn in a given chunk for each type of ore.");;
项目:4Space-5    文件   
public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event)

    //Initialise configs, converting mars.conf + asteroids.conf to planets.conf if necessary
    File oldMarsConf = new File(event.getModConfigurationDirectory(), "Galacticraft/mars.conf");
    File newPlanetsConf = new File(event.getModConfigurationDirectory(), "Galacticraft/planets.conf");
    boolean update = false;
    if (oldMarsConf.exists())
        update = true;
    new ConfigManagerMars(newPlanetsConf, update);
    new ConfigManagerAsteroids(new File(event.getModConfigurationDirectory(), "Galacticraft/asteroids.conf"));

    GalacticraftPlanets.commonModules.put(GalacticraftPlanets.MODULE_KEY_MARS, new MarsModule());
    GalacticraftPlanets.commonModules.put(GalacticraftPlanets.MODULE_KEY_ASTEROIDS, new AsteroidsModule());
项目:SignPicture    文件   
public void preInit(final @Nonnull FMLPreInitializationEvent event) {

    Log.log = event.getModLog();

    // Setup stencil clip
    // StencilClip.init();

    // Setup location
    Client.initLocation(new Locations(event.getSourceFile(), getDataDirectory()));

    // Get Id
    final String id =;
    try {
        final Object o = UUIDTypeAdapter.fromString(id);
        if (o!=null) {
   = id;
            final Session s =;
   = s.getUsername();
            Client.token = s.getToken();
    } catch (final IllegalArgumentException e) {
项目:BIGB    文件   
 * This loads all of the data from the config file.
public static void LoadAll(FMLPreInitializationEvent event)
        config = new Configuration(event.getSuggestedConfigurationFile());
        config.addCustomCategoryComment("Blocks", "Contains some settings about blocks.");
        config.addCustomCategoryComment("ID", "Some settings to do with ID's");
        config.addCustomCategoryComment("OreGeneration", "Contains some settings that are centered around ore generation");
        config.addCustomCategoryComment("Minecraft", "Contains some settings that affect what this mod does when minecraft is loaded");
        config.addCustomCategoryComment("Other", "Settings that don't fit in any other catagories");
        config.addCustomCategoryComment("ProjectE", "Contains settings which affect ProjectE and this mod.");
        config.addCustomCategoryComment("Extra Utilities", "Adds settings which affect Extra Utilities and this mod.");
        config.addCustomCategoryComment("AutoBlocks", "A section which contains all of the auto blocks for this mod");
        config.addCustomCategoryComment("AutoItem", "A section which contains all of the auto items for this mod");
项目:FiveNightsAtFreddysUniverseMod    文件   
public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event)

    blockTile = new BlockTile(Material.rock).setBlockName("BlockTile").setBlockTextureName("fnafmod:tile_floor").setCreativeTab(tabFNAF);
    blockMultiTile = new BlockMultiTile(Material.rock).setBlockName("BlockMultiTile").setBlockTextureName("fnafmod:multi_tiled_floor").setCreativeTab(tabFNAF);

    GameRegistry.registerBlock(blockTile, blockTile.getUnlocalizedName().substring(5));
    GameRegistry.registerBlock(blockMultiTile, blockMultiTile.getUnlocalizedName().substring(5));


项目:RorysMod    文件   
public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event) {
    instance = this;

    versionCheker = new Version();

    settings = new RorysConfig(event);

    creativeTab = new CreativeTabs("rorysMobTab") {
        public Item getTabIconItem() {
            return RorysMod.items.rifle1;



项目:LetsEncryptRoot    文件   
public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event){
    if (event.getSide() == Side.SERVER) {"Client side only mod - not doing anything on the server!");
项目:Steam-and-Steel    文件   
public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent e) {
项目:CreeperHostGui    文件   
public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent e)
    if (!
    logger = e.getModLog();
项目:ElementalElaboration    文件   
public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent e)
    config = new Configuration(e.getSuggestedConfigurationFile());

项目:ElementalElaboration    文件   
public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent e)
项目:TRAPPIST-1    文件   
public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event) {

    TPDimensionConfig.initalize(new File(event.getModConfigurationDirectory(), "TrappistOne/dimension.cfg"));
    TPBiomeConfig.initalize(new File(event.getModConfigurationDirectory(), "TrappistOne/biome.cfg"));
项目:minecraft-quiverbow    文件   
private static void addAllProps(FMLPreInitializationEvent event, Configuration config)
    // Ammo first
    for(_AmmoBase ammunition : ammo)

    // Weapons last
    for(_WeaponBase weapon : weapons)
        weapon.addProps(event, config);
项目:minecraft-quiverbow    文件   
public void addProps(FMLPreInitializationEvent event, Configuration config)
    this.Enabled = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Am I enabled? (default true)", true).getBoolean(true);
    this.namePublic = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What's my name?", this.nameInternal).getString();

    this.DmgMin = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage am I dealing, at least? (default 14)", 14).getInt();
    this.DmgMax = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage am I dealing, tops? (default 20)", 20).getInt();

    this.Speed = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How fast are my projectiles? (default 2.5 BPT (Blocks Per Tick))", 2.5).getDouble();
    this.Knockback = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How hard do I knock the target back when firing? (default 2)", 2).getInt();
    this.Cooldown = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How long until I can fire again? (default 25 ticks)", 25).getInt();

    this.isMobUsable = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Can I be used by QuiverMobs? (default true)", true).getBoolean(true);
项目:minecraft-quiverbow    文件   
public void addProps(FMLPreInitializationEvent event, Configuration config)
    this.Enabled = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Am I enabled? (default true)", true).getBoolean(true);
    this.namePublic = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What's my name?", this.nameInternal).getString();
    this.Speed = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How fast are my projectiles? (default 0.75 BPT (Blocks Per Tick))", 0.75).getDouble();
    this.Dmg = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage am I dealing per projectile? (default 1)", 1).getInt();
    this.FireDur = config.get(this.nameInternal, "For how long do I set things on fire? (default 3 sec)", 3).getInt();

    this.isMobUsable = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Can I be used by QuiverMobs? (default true.)", true).getBoolean(true);
项目:minecraft-quiverbow    文件   
public void addProps(FMLPreInitializationEvent event, Configuration config) 
    this.Enabled = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Am I enabled? (default true)", true).getBoolean(true);
    this.namePublic = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What's my name?", this.nameInternal).getString();

    this.isMobUsable = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Can I be used by QuiverMobs? (default false. They're not friends with AAs.)", false).getBoolean(true);
项目:minecraft-quiverbow    文件   
public void addProps(FMLPreInitializationEvent event, Configuration config)
    this.Enabled = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Am I enabled? (default true)", true).getBoolean(true);
    this.namePublic = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What's my name?", this.nameInternal).getString();

    this.Speed = 1.5f;  // Fixed value

    this.Dmg = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What damage am I dealing? (default 1)", 1).getInt();
    this.MaxBlocks = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How much range do I have? (default ~7 blocks)", 7).getInt();

    this.isMobUsable = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Can I be used by QuiverMobs? (default false. They have no interest in dirt.)", false).getBoolean(true);
项目:minecraft-quiverbow    文件   
public void addProps(FMLPreInitializationEvent event, Configuration config)
    this.Enabled = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Am I enabled? (default true)", true).getBoolean(true);
    this.namePublic = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What's my name?", this.nameInternal).getString();
    this.Speed = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How fast are my projectiles? (default 2.0 BPT (Blocks Per Tick))", 2.0).getDouble();
    this.Kickback = (byte) config.get(this.nameInternal, "How hard do I kick the user back when firing? (default 3)", 3).getInt();
    this.ExplosionSize = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How big are my explosions? (default 4.0 blocks, like TNT)", 4.0).getDouble();
    this.travelTime = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How many ticks can my rocket fly before exploding? (default 20 ticks)", 20).getInt();
    this.dmgTerrain = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Can I damage terrain, when in player hands? (default true)", true).getBoolean(true);

    this.isMobUsable = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Can I be used by QuiverMobs? (default true)", true).getBoolean(true);
项目:minecraft-quiverbow    文件   
public void addProps(FMLPreInitializationEvent event, Configuration config) 
    this.Enabled = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Am I enabled? (default true)", true).getBoolean(true);
    this.namePublic = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What's my name?", this.nameInternal).getString();
    this.Ticks = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How often should I display the predictive projectile? (default every 5 ticks. That's 4 per second.)", 5).getInt();
    this.ZoomMax = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How far can I zoom in? (default 30. Lower equals more zoom.)", 30).getInt();

    this.isMobUsable = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Can I be used by QuiverMobs? (default false. They don't know how to pull a string anymore.)", false).getBoolean();
项目:minecraft-quiverbow    文件   
public void addProps(FMLPreInitializationEvent event, Configuration config)
    this.Enabled = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Am I enabled? (default true)", true).getBoolean(true);
    this.namePublic = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What's my name?", this.nameInternal).getString();

    this.isMobUsable = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Can I be used by QuiverMobs? (default false. They don't know how to span the string.)", false).getBoolean(true);
项目:minecraft-quiverbow    文件   
public void addProps(FMLPreInitializationEvent event, Configuration config)
    this.Enabled = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Am I enabled? (default true)", true).getBoolean(true);
    this.namePublic = config.get(this.nameInternal, "What's my name?", this.nameInternal).getString();

    this.Speed = config.get(this.nameInternal, "How fast are my beams? (default 5.0 BPT (Blocks Per Tick))", 5.0).getDouble();

    this.isMobUsable = config.get(this.nameInternal, "Can I be used by QuiverMobs? (default false. They don't know what friends are.)", false).getBoolean(true);