@Mod.EventHandler public void init(FMLInitializationEvent event) { Configurator.configure(new File("config/" + MODID + ".cfg")); GameRegistry.registerWorldGenerator(new Decorator(), 4096); FMLCommonHandler.instance().bus().register(this); MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(this); }
@EventHandler public void init(FMLInitializationEvent evt) { INSTANCE.registerMessage(LobbyPlayerOpenedGuiPacketHandler.class, LobbyPlayerOpenedGuiPacket.class, 0, Side.SERVER); INSTANCE.registerMessage(LobbyBeginGamePacketHandler.class, LobbyBeginGamePacket.class, 1, Side.SERVER); INSTANCE.registerMessage(PacketSyncPlayerPropertiesClientHandler.class, PacketSyncPlayerPropertiesClient.class, 2, Side.CLIENT); INSTANCE.registerMessage(PacketSyncPlayerPropertiesServerHandler.class, PacketSyncPlayerPropertiesServer.class, 3, Side.SERVER); INSTANCE.registerMessage(PacketSyncTileEntityServerHandler.class, PacketSyncTileEntityServer.class, 4, Side.SERVER); INSTANCE.registerMessage(PacketSyncTileEntityClientHandler.class, PacketSyncTileEntityClient.class, 5, Side.CLIENT); NetworkRegistry.INSTANCE.registerGuiHandler(PAYDAY.instance, new MGuiHandler()); GameRegistry.registerBlock(lobbyBlock, "Lobby"); GameRegistry.registerTileEntity(LobbyTileEntity.class, "lobby_tile_entity"); FMLCommonHandler.instance().bus().register(eventHandler); MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(eventHandler); }
public static final void init() { copperingot = new CopperIngot(); aluminiumingot = new AluminiumIngot(); leadingot = new LeadIngot(); nickelingot = new NickelIngot(); tiningot = new TinIngot(); uraniumingot = new UraniumIngot(); ruby = new Ruby(); sulfurdust = new SulfurDust(); glassbottomtank = new GlassBottomTank(); GameRegistry.registerItem(copperingot, "copper_ingot"); GameRegistry.registerItem(aluminiumingot, "aluminium_ingot"); GameRegistry.registerItem(leadingot, "lead_ingot"); GameRegistry.registerItem(nickelingot, "nickel_ingot"); GameRegistry.registerItem(tiningot, "tin_ingot"); GameRegistry.registerItem(uraniumingot, "uranium_ingot"); GameRegistry.registerItem(ruby, "ruby"); GameRegistry.registerItem(sulfurdust, "sulfur_dust"); GameRegistry.registerItem(glassbottomtank, "glass_bottom_tank"); }
public static void addRecipe() { GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ItemStack(GrandBlocks.aluminiumblock), new Object[] { "###", "###", "###", '#', GrandItem.aluminiumingot}); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ItemStack(GrandItem.aluminiumingot, 9), new Object[] { "#", '#', GrandBlocks.aluminiumblock}); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ItemStack(GrandBlocks.copperblock), new Object[] { "###", "###", "###", '#', GrandItem.copperingot}); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ItemStack(GrandItem.copperingot, 9), new Object[] { "#", '#', GrandBlocks.copperblock}); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ItemStack(GrandBlocks.leadblock), new Object[] { "###", "###", "###", '#', GrandItem.leadingot}); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ItemStack(GrandItem.leadingot, 9), new Object[] { "#", '#', GrandBlocks.leadblock}); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ItemStack(GrandBlocks.nickelblock), new Object[] { "###", "###", "###", '#', GrandItem.nickelingot}); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ItemStack(GrandItem.nickelingot, 9), new Object[] { "#", '#', GrandBlocks.nickelblock}); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ItemStack(GrandBlocks.rubyblock), new Object[] { "###", "###", "###", '#', GrandItem.ruby}); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ItemStack(GrandItem.ruby, 9), new Object[] { "#", '#', GrandBlocks.rubyblock}); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ItemStack(GrandBlocks.tinblock), new Object[] { "###", "###", "###", '#', GrandItem.tiningot}); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ItemStack(GrandItem.tiningot, 9), new Object[] { "#", '#', GrandBlocks.tinblock}); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ItemStack(GrandBlocks.uraniumblock), new Object[] { "###", "###", "###", '#', GrandItem.uraniumingot}); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ItemStack(GrandItem.uraniumingot, 9), new Object[] { "#", '#', GrandBlocks.uraniumblock}); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ItemStack(GrandFluidTank.glassfluidtank), new Object[] { "###", "# #", "111", '#', Blocks.glass, '1', GrandItem.glassbottomtank}); GameRegistry.addRecipe( new ItemStack(GrandItem.glassbottomtank, 3), new Object[] { "###", '#', Blocks.glass_pane}); }
@EventHandler public void init(FMLInitializationEvent event) { NetworkRegistry.INSTANCE.registerGuiHandler(instance, proxy); ModRecipes.init(); proxy.registerEvents(); proxy.registerEntities(); proxy.registerRenderers(); if (ModEntityList.hasEntitiesWithEggs()) { ModEntityList.entity_egg = new ItemEntityEgg(); GameRegistry.registerItem(ModEntityList.entity_egg, "entity_egg"); OreDictionary.registerOre("mobEgg", ModEntityList.entity_egg); } isTinkersConstructLoaded = Loader.isModLoaded("TConstruct"); }
private void addWeapon(_WeaponBase weapon, ModelBase model, String weaponName, boolean isClient, String handedness) { if (Main.weapons == null) { Main.weapons = new ArrayList<_WeaponBase>(); } Main.weapons.add(weapon); GameRegistry.registerItem(weapon, "weaponchevsky_" + weaponName); // And register it weapon.setUniqueName(weaponName); if (isClient && useModels && model != null) // Do we care about models? And if we do, do we got a custom weapon model? :O { if (Main.models == null) { Main.models = new ArrayList<ModelBase>(); } // Init Main.models.add(model); // Keeping track of it proxy.registerWeaponRenderer(weapon, (byte) Main.models.indexOf(model)); // And registering its renderer } }
@Override public void addRecipes() { // A bundle of ice-laced iron ingots (4), merged with a slime ball GameRegistry.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(this), Items.iron_ingot, Items.iron_ingot, Items.iron_ingot, Items.iron_ingot, Blocks.ice, Blocks.ice, Blocks.ice, Blocks.ice, Items.slime_ball ); }
@Override public void addRecipes() { // A box of flint dust (4 dust per flint, meaning 32 per box), merged with wooden planks GameRegistry.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(this), Items.flint, Items.flint, Items.flint, Items.flint, Items.flint, Items.flint, Items.flint, Items.flint, Blocks.planks ); }
@Override public void addRecipes() { if (this.Enabled) { // One redstone sprayer (empty) GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(this, 1 , this.getMaxDamage()), "zxz", "zbz", "cya", 'x', Blocks.piston, 'y', Blocks.tripwire_hook, 'z', Blocks.obsidian, 'a', Items.repeater, 'b', Blocks.sticky_piston, 'c', Items.flint_and_steel ); } else if (Main.noCreative) { this.setCreativeTab(null); } // Not enabled and not allowed to be in the creative menu Helper.registerAmmoRecipe(LargeNetherrackMagazine.class, this); }
@Override public void addRecipes() { if (this.Enabled) { // One Sugar Gatling (empty) GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(this, 1 , this.getMaxDamage()), "b b", "b b", " m ", 'b', Helper.getAmmoStack(Part_GatlingBarrel.class, 0), 'm', Helper.getAmmoStack(Part_GatlingBody.class, 0) ); } else if (Main.noCreative) { this.setCreativeTab(null); } // Not enabled and not allowed to be in the creative menu // Reloading with gatling ammo, setting its clip metadata as ours (Need to be empty for that) Helper.registerAmmoRecipe(GatlingAmmo.class, this); }
@Override public void addRecipes() { if (this.Enabled) { // One auto-crossbow (empty) GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(this, 1 , this.getMaxDamage()), "iii", "scs", " i ", 'i', Items.iron_ingot, 's', Blocks.sticky_piston, 'c', Helper.getWeaponStackByClass(Crossbow_Auto.class, true) ); } else if (Main.noCreative) { this.setCreativeTab(null); } // Not enabled and not allowed to be in the creative menu ItemStack ammo = Helper.getAmmoStack(ArrowBundle.class, 0); // Fill what can be filled. One arrow bundle for 8 shots, for up to 2 bundles Helper.makeAmmoRecipe(ammo, 1, 8, this.getMaxDamage(), this); Helper.makeAmmoRecipe(ammo, 2, 16, this.getMaxDamage(), this); }
@Override public void addRecipes() { if (this.Enabled) { // One Obsidian Splinter GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(this, 1 , this.getMaxDamage()), " io", "ipi", "oft", 'o', Blocks.obsidian, 'i', Items.iron_ingot, 'p', Blocks.piston, 'f', Items.flint_and_steel, 't', Blocks.tripwire_hook ); } else if (Main.noCreative) { this.setCreativeTab(null); } // Not enabled and not allowed to be in the creative menu // Reloading with obsidian magazine, setting its ammo metadata as ours (Need to be empty for that) Helper.registerAmmoRecipe(ObsidianMagazine.class, this); }
@Override public void addRecipes() { if (this.Enabled) { // One Firework Rocket Launcher (empty) GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(this, 1 , this.getMaxDamage()), "x ", "yx ", "zyx", 'x', Blocks.planks, 'y', Items.iron_ingot, 'z', Items.flint_and_steel ); } else if (Main.noCreative) { this.setCreativeTab(null); } // Not enabled and not allowed to be in the creative menu // Fill the RPG with 1 rocket GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(this), " ab", "zya", " x ", 'x', new ItemStack(this, 1 , this.getMaxDamage()), 'y', Blocks.tnt, 'z', Blocks.planks, 'a', Items.paper, 'b', Items.string ); }
@Override public void addRecipes() { if (this.Enabled) { // One wither rifle (empty) GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(this, 1 , this.getMaxDamage()), "odo", "owo", "oso", 'o', Blocks.obsidian, 'd', Items.diamond, 's', Items.nether_star, 'w', Helper.getWeaponStackByClass(OSR.class, true) ); } else if (Main.noCreative) { this.setCreativeTab(null); } // Not enabled and not allowed to be in the creative menu // Reloading with obsidian magazine, setting its ammo metadata as ours (Need to be empty for that) Helper.registerAmmoRecipe(ObsidianMagazine.class, this); }
@Override public void addRecipes() { if (this.Enabled) { // One blaze crossbow (empty) GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(this, 1 , this.getMaxDamage()), "bib", "ici", "bib", 'b', Items.blaze_powder, 'i', Items.iron_ingot, 'c', Helper.getWeaponStackByClass(Crossbow_Compact.class, true) ); } else if (Main.noCreative) { this.setCreativeTab(null); } // Not enabled and not allowed to be in the creative menu GameRegistry.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(this), // Fill the empty blaze crossbow with one rod Items.blaze_rod, new ItemStack(this, 1 , this.getMaxDamage()) ); }
@Override public void addRecipes() // Enabled defines whether or not the item can be crafted. Reloading existing weapons is always permitted. { if (this.Enabled) { // One quiverbow with 256 damage value (empty) GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(this, 1 , this.getMaxDamage()), "zxy", "xzy", "zxy", 'x', Items.stick, 'y', Items.string, 'z', Items.leather ); } else if (Main.noCreative) { this.setCreativeTab(null); } // Not enabled and not allowed to be in the creative menu // Ammo ItemStack bundle = Helper.getAmmoStack(ArrowBundle.class, 0); Helper.makeAmmoRecipe(bundle, 1, 8, this.getMaxDamage(), this); Helper.makeAmmoRecipe(bundle, 2, 16, this.getMaxDamage(), this); Helper.makeAmmoRecipe(bundle, 3, 24, this.getMaxDamage(), this); Helper.makeAmmoRecipe(bundle, 4, 32, this.getMaxDamage(), this); Helper.makeAmmoRecipe(bundle, 5, 40, this.getMaxDamage(), this); Helper.makeAmmoRecipe(bundle, 6, 48, this.getMaxDamage(), this); Helper.makeAmmoRecipe(bundle, 7, 56, this.getMaxDamage(), this); Helper.makeAmmoRecipe(bundle, 8, 64, this.getMaxDamage(), this); }
@Override public void addRecipes() { if (this.Enabled) { // Use a beacon for this (+ obsidian, tripwire hook... what else) GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(this, 1 , this.getMaxDamage()), "bi ", "ico", " ot", 'b', Blocks.beacon, 'o', Blocks.obsidian, 't', Blocks.tripwire_hook, 'c', Items.cauldron, 'i', Items.iron_ingot ); } else if (Main.noCreative) { this.setCreativeTab(null); } // Not enabled and not allowed to be in the creative menu RecipeSorter.register("quiverchevsky:recipehandler_roh_reload", Recipe_RayOfHope_Reload.class, RecipeSorter.Category.SHAPELESS, "after:minecraft:shapeless"); ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); list.add(new ItemStack(Items.potionitem, 1, 8193)); list.add(new ItemStack(Items.potionitem, 1, 8225)); GameRegistry.addRecipe(new Recipe_RayOfHope_Reload(new ItemStack(this), list, new ItemStack(Items.potionitem, 1, 8193), new ItemStack(Items.potionitem, 1, 8225))); }
@Override public void addRecipes() { if (Enabled) { // One Aqua Accelerator (empty) GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(this, 1 , this.getMaxDamage()), "ihi", "gpg", "iti", 'p', Blocks.piston, 't', Blocks.tripwire_hook, 'i', Items.iron_ingot, 'h', Blocks.hopper, 'g', Blocks.glass_pane ); } else if (Main.noCreative) { this.setCreativeTab(null); } // Not enabled and not allowed to be in the creative menu // Fill the AA with one water bucket GameRegistry.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(this), Items.water_bucket, new ItemStack(this, 1 , this.getMaxDamage()) // Empty ); }
private void registerRepair() { ItemStack[] repair = new ItemStack[9]; // Top row //repair[0] = new ItemStack(Item.getItemFromBlock(Blocks.obsidian)); repair[1] = new ItemStack(Blocks.golden_rail); //repair[2] = new ItemStack(Item.getItemFromBlock(Blocks.obsidian)); // Middle row repair[3] = new ItemStack(Blocks.golden_rail); repair[4] = new ItemStack(this, 1 , this.getMaxDamage()); repair[5] = new ItemStack(Blocks.golden_rail); // Bottom row repair[6] = new ItemStack(Items.redstone); repair[7] = new ItemStack(Items.iron_ingot); repair[8] = new ItemStack(Items.redstone); GameRegistry.addRecipe(new Recipe_ERA(repair, new ItemStack(this))); }
private void registerUpgrade() { ItemStack[] recipe = new ItemStack[9]; // Top row recipe[0] = new ItemStack(Blocks.quartz_block); // 0 1 2 recipe[1] = new ItemStack(Items.emerald); // - - - //recipe[2] = null; // - - - // Middle row recipe[3] = new ItemStack(Blocks.emerald_block); // - - - //recipe[4] = null; // 3 4 5 recipe[5] = new ItemStack(Items.emerald); // - - - // Bottom row recipe[6] = new ItemStack(this); // - - - recipe[7] = new ItemStack(Blocks.emerald_block); // - - - recipe[8] = new ItemStack(Blocks.quartz_block); // 6 7 8 GameRegistry.addRecipe(new Recipe_Weapon(recipe, new ItemStack(this), 1)); // Emerald Muzzle }
@Override public void addRecipes() { if (this.Enabled) { // One Fen Fire (empty) GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(this, 1 , this.getMaxDamage()), "di ", "i i", " ts", 't', Blocks.tripwire_hook, 'i', Items.iron_ingot, 's', Blocks.sticky_piston, 'd', Blocks.trapdoor ); } else if (Main.noCreative) { this.setCreativeTab(null); } // Not enabled and not allowed to be in the creative menu ItemStack stack = new ItemStack(Blocks.glowstone); Helper.makeAmmoRecipe(stack, 1, 4, this.getMaxDamage(), this); Helper.makeAmmoRecipe(stack, 2, 8, this.getMaxDamage(), this); Helper.makeAmmoRecipe(stack, 3, 12, this.getMaxDamage(), this); Helper.makeAmmoRecipe(stack, 4, 16, this.getMaxDamage(), this); Helper.makeAmmoRecipe(stack, 5, 20, this.getMaxDamage(), this); Helper.makeAmmoRecipe(stack, 6, 24, this.getMaxDamage(), this); Helper.makeAmmoRecipe(stack, 7, 28, this.getMaxDamage(), this); Helper.makeAmmoRecipe(stack, 8, 32, this.getMaxDamage(), this); }
@Override public void addRecipes() { if (this.Enabled) { GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(this, 1 , this.getMaxDamage()), "ihi", "bpb", "tsi", 't', Blocks.tripwire_hook, 'b', Blocks.iron_bars, 'i', Items.iron_ingot, 'h', Blocks.hopper, 's', Blocks.sticky_piston, 'p', Blocks.piston ); } else if (Main.noCreative) { this.setCreativeTab(null); } // Not enabled and not allowed to be in the creative menu // Ammo Helper.registerAmmoRecipe(NeedleMagazine.class, this); }
@Override public void addRecipes() { if (this.Enabled) { // Modifying the powder knuckle once GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(this, 1 , this.getMaxDamage()), "ooo", "oco", "i i", 'c', Helper.getWeaponStackByClass(PowderKnuckle.class, true), 'o', Blocks.obsidian, 'i', Items.iron_ingot ); } else if (Main.noCreative) { this.setCreativeTab(null); } // Not enabled and not allowed to be in the creative menu ItemStack stack = new ItemStack(Items.gunpowder); Helper.makeAmmoRecipe(stack, 1, 1, this.getMaxDamage(), this); Helper.makeAmmoRecipe(stack, 2, 2, this.getMaxDamage(), this); Helper.makeAmmoRecipe(stack, 3, 3, this.getMaxDamage(), this); Helper.makeAmmoRecipe(stack, 4, 4, this.getMaxDamage(), this); Helper.makeAmmoRecipe(stack, 5, 5, this.getMaxDamage(), this); Helper.makeAmmoRecipe(stack, 6, 6, this.getMaxDamage(), this); Helper.makeAmmoRecipe(stack, 7, 7, this.getMaxDamage(), this); Helper.makeAmmoRecipe(stack, 8, 8, this.getMaxDamage(), this); }
@Override public void addRecipes() { if (Enabled) { // One Thorn Spitter (empty) GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(this, 1 , this.getMaxDamage()), "bib", "php", "sts", 't', Blocks.tripwire_hook, 'b', Blocks.iron_bars, 'i', Items.iron_ingot, 'h', Blocks.hopper, 's', Blocks.sticky_piston, 'p', Blocks.piston ); } else if (Main.noCreative) { this.setCreativeTab(null); } // Not enabled and not allowed to be in the creative menu Helper.registerAmmoRecipe(NeedleMagazine.class, this); }
@Override public void addRecipes() { if (this.Enabled) { // One QuadBox (empty) An upgrade from the regular Dragonbox (so 3 more flint&steel + Pistons for reloading mechanism + more barrels) GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(this, 1 , this.getMaxDamage()), "ddd", "pdp", "sts", 'p', Blocks.piston, 's', Blocks.sticky_piston, 't', Blocks.tripwire_hook, 'd', Helper.getWeaponStackByClass(DragonBox.class, true) ); } else if (Main.noCreative) { this.setCreativeTab(null); } // Not enabled and not allowed to be in the creative menu ItemStack stack = Helper.getAmmoStack(RocketBundle.class, 0); Helper.makeAmmoRecipe(stack, 1, 8, this.getMaxDamage(), this); Helper.makeAmmoRecipe(stack, 2, 16, this.getMaxDamage(), this); Helper.makeAmmoRecipe(stack, 3, 24, this.getMaxDamage(), this); Helper.makeAmmoRecipe(stack, 4, 32, this.getMaxDamage(), this); Helper.makeAmmoRecipe(stack, 5, 40, this.getMaxDamage(), this); Helper.makeAmmoRecipe(stack, 6, 48, this.getMaxDamage(), this); Helper.makeAmmoRecipe(stack, 7, 56, this.getMaxDamage(), this); Helper.makeAmmoRecipe(stack, 8, 64, this.getMaxDamage(), this); }
@Override public void addRecipes() { if (this.Enabled) { // One Soul Cairn (empty) GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(this, 1 , this.getMaxDamage()), "e e", "epe", "oto", 'o', Blocks.obsidian, 'e', Blocks.end_stone, 't', Blocks.tripwire_hook, 'p', Blocks.piston ); } else if (Main.noCreative) { this.setCreativeTab(null); } // Not enabled and not allowed to be in the creative menu // Reload with 1 diamond GameRegistry.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(this), Items.diamond, new ItemStack(this, 1 , this.getMaxDamage()) ); }
@Override public void addRecipes() { if (this.Enabled) { // One compact crossbow (empty) GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(this, 1 , this.getMaxDamage()), "zxy", "xzy", "zxy", 'x', Items.stick, 'y', Items.string, 'z', Blocks.planks ); } else if (Main.noCreative) { this.setCreativeTab(null); } // Not enabled and not allowed to be in the creative menu GameRegistry.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(this), // Fill the empty crossbow with one arrow Items.arrow, new ItemStack(this, 1 , this.getMaxDamage()) ); }
@Override public void addRecipes() { if (this.Enabled) { // One Seed Sweeper (empty) GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(this, 1 , this.getMaxDamage()), " i ", "ipi", " it", 'p', Blocks.piston, 'i', Items.iron_ingot, 't', Blocks.tripwire_hook ); } else if (Main.noCreative) { this.setCreativeTab(null); } // Not enabled and not allowed to be in the creative menu Helper.registerAmmoRecipe(SeedJar.class, this); }
@Override public void addRecipes() { if (this.Enabled) { // Modifying the Coin Tosser with double piston tech GameRegistry.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(this, 1 , this.getMaxDamage()), Helper.getWeaponStackByClass(CoinTosser.class, true), Blocks.sticky_piston, Blocks.tripwire_hook, Items.iron_ingot, Items.iron_ingot ); } else if (Main.noCreative) { this.setCreativeTab(null); } // Not enabled and not allowed to be in the creative menu // Ammo Helper.registerAmmoRecipe(GoldMagazine.class, this); }
@Override public void addRecipes() { if (this.Enabled) { // One Powder Knuckle with 8 damage value (empty) GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(this, 1 , this.getMaxDamage()), "yyy", "xzx", "x x", 'x', Items.leather, 'y', Items.iron_ingot, 'z', Items.stick ); } else if (Main.noCreative) { this.setCreativeTab(null); } // Not enabled and not allowed to be in the creative menu ItemStack stack = new ItemStack(Items.gunpowder); Helper.makeAmmoRecipe(stack, 1, 1, this.getMaxDamage(), this); Helper.makeAmmoRecipe(stack, 2, 2, this.getMaxDamage(), this); Helper.makeAmmoRecipe(stack, 3, 3, this.getMaxDamage(), this); Helper.makeAmmoRecipe(stack, 4, 4, this.getMaxDamage(), this); Helper.makeAmmoRecipe(stack, 5, 5, this.getMaxDamage(), this); Helper.makeAmmoRecipe(stack, 6, 6, this.getMaxDamage(), this); Helper.makeAmmoRecipe(stack, 7, 7, this.getMaxDamage(), this); Helper.makeAmmoRecipe(stack, 8, 8, this.getMaxDamage(), this); }
@Override public void addRecipes() { if (this.Enabled) { // One Improved Rocket Launcher (empty) GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(this, 1 , this.getMaxDamage()), "xxx", "yzy", "xxx", 'x', Blocks.obsidian, // Adding an obsidian frame to the RPG 'y', Items.iron_ingot, 'z', Helper.getWeaponStackByClass(RPG.class, true) ); } else if (Main.noCreative) { this.setCreativeTab(null); } // Not enabled and not allowed to be in the creative menu // Fill the launcher with 1 big rocket Helper.makeAmmoRecipe(Helper.getAmmoStack(LargeRocket.class, 0), 1, 1, this.getMaxDamage(), this); }
@Override public void addRecipes() { if (this.Enabled) { // One auto-crossbow (empty) GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(this, 1 , this.getMaxDamage()), "iii", "pcp", " t ", 'i', Items.iron_ingot, 'p', Blocks.piston, 't', Blocks.tripwire_hook, 'c', Helper.getWeaponStackByClass(Crossbow_Double.class, true) ); } else if (Main.noCreative) { this.setCreativeTab(null); } // Not enabled and not allowed to be in the creative menu GameRegistry.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(this), // Fill the empty auto-crossbow with one arrow bundle Helper.getAmmoStack(ArrowBundle.class, 0), new ItemStack(this, 1 , this.getMaxDamage()) ); }
@Override public void addRecipes() { if (this.Enabled) { // One obsidigun (empty) GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(this, 1 , this.getMaxDamage()), "x x", "zbz", "xyx", 'x', Blocks.obsidian, 'y', Blocks.lever, 'z', Items.iron_ingot, 'a', Items.repeater, 'b', Blocks.piston ); } else if (Main.noCreative) { this.setCreativeTab(null); } // Not enabled and not allowed to be in the creative menu // Reloading with obsidian magazine, setting its ammo metadata as ours (Need to be empty for that) Helper.registerAmmoRecipe(ObsidianMagazine.class, this); }
@Override public void addRecipes() { if (this.Enabled) { // One redstone sprayer (empty) GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(this, 1 , this.getMaxDamage()), "zxz", "aba", "zyz", 'x', Blocks.piston, 'y', Blocks.tripwire_hook, 'z', Items.iron_ingot, 'a', Items.repeater, 'b', Blocks.sticky_piston ); } else if (Main.noCreative) { this.setCreativeTab(null); } // Not enabled and not allowed to be in the creative menu Helper.registerAmmoRecipe(LargeRedstoneMagazine.class, this); }
@Override public void addRecipes() { if (this.Enabled) { // Upgrade of the EnderRifle // One Frost Lancer (empty) GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(this, 1 , this.getMaxDamage()), "qiq", "prs", " o ", 'o', Blocks.obsidian, 'q', Items.quartz, 'i', Items.iron_ingot, 'p', Blocks.piston, 's', Blocks.sticky_piston, 'r', Helper.getWeaponStackByClass(EnderRifle.class, true) // One empty Ender Rifle ); } else if (Main.noCreative) { this.setCreativeTab(null); } // Not enabled and not allowed to be in the creative menu // Reloading with one Frost Clip GameRegistry.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(this), new ItemStack(this, 1 , this.getMaxDamage()), Helper.getAmmoStack(ColdIronClip.class, 0) ); }
@Override public void addRecipes() { if (Enabled) { // Using a beacon and solar panels/Daylight Sensors, meaning a nether star is required. So this is a high power item GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(this), "bs ", "oos", " rt", 'b', Blocks.beacon, 'o', Blocks.obsidian, 's', Blocks.daylight_detector, 't', Blocks.tripwire_hook, 'r', Items.repeater ); } else if (Main.noCreative) { this.setCreativeTab(null); } // Not enabled and not allowed to be in the creative menu }
@Override public void addRecipes() { if (this.Enabled) { // One dragonbox (empty) GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack(this, 1 , this.getMaxDamage()), "zxy", "azy", "zxy", 'x', Items.stick, 'y', Items.string, 'z', Items.iron_ingot, 'a', Items.flint_and_steel ); } else if (Main.noCreative) { this.setCreativeTab(null); } // Not enabled and not allowed to be in the creative menu ItemStack stack = Helper.getAmmoStack(RocketBundle.class, 0); Helper.makeAmmoRecipe(stack, 1, 8, this.getMaxDamage(), this); Helper.makeAmmoRecipe(stack, 2, 16, this.getMaxDamage(), this); Helper.makeAmmoRecipe(stack, 3, 24, this.getMaxDamage(), this); Helper.makeAmmoRecipe(stack, 4, 32, this.getMaxDamage(), this); Helper.makeAmmoRecipe(stack, 5, 40, this.getMaxDamage(), this); Helper.makeAmmoRecipe(stack, 6, 48, this.getMaxDamage(), this); Helper.makeAmmoRecipe(stack, 7, 56, this.getMaxDamage(), this); Helper.makeAmmoRecipe(stack, 8, 64, this.getMaxDamage(), this); }
private static void registerItems() { GameRegistry.registerItem(itemWoodenTwig, "itemWoodenTwig"); GameRegistry.registerItem(powderAsh, "powderAsh"); GameRegistry.registerItem(woodenBucket_BasePotashLiquor, "woodenBucket_BasePotashLiquor"); if (TFCPrimitiveTech.instance.isPaperEnabled) { GameRegistry.registerItem(itemCelluloseFibers, "itemCelluloseFibers"); GameRegistry.registerItem(itemWoodenPress, "itemWoodenPress"); } GameRegistry.registerItem(itemLeatherBelt, "itemLeatherBelt"); GameRegistry.registerItem(itemWoodenClub, "itemWoodenClub"); GameRegistry.registerItem(itemClayBrick, "itemClayBrick"); if (TFCPrimitiveTech.instance.isSlingshotEnabled) { GameRegistry.registerItem(itemSharpStone, "itemSharpStone"); GameRegistry.registerItem(itemHardStone, "itemHardStone"); GameRegistry.registerItem(itemSoftStone, "itemSoftStone"); GameRegistry.registerItem(itemSlingshot, "itemSlingshot"); } // GameRegistry.registerItem(itemSack, "itemSack"); }
public static final void init() { blockcopperore = new BlockCopperOre(); blocktinore = new BlockTinOre(); blockleadore = new BlockLeadOre(); blockuraniumore = new BlockUraniumOre(); blockaluminiumore = new BlockAluminiumOre(); blocknickelore = new BlockNickelOre(); blockrubyore = new BlockRubyOre(); blocksulfurore = new BlockSulfurOre(); aluminiumblock = new AluminiumBlock(); copperblock = new CopperBlock(); nickelblock = new NickelBlock(); rubyblock = new RubyBlock(); leadblock = new LeadBlock(); tinblock = new TinBlock(); uraniumblock = new UraniumBlock(); GameRegistry.registerBlock(blockcopperore, "block_copper_ore"); GameRegistry.registerBlock(blocktinore, "block_tin_ore"); GameRegistry.registerBlock(blockleadore, "block_lead_ore"); GameRegistry.registerBlock(blockuraniumore, "block_uranium_ore"); GameRegistry.registerBlock(blockaluminiumore, "block_aluminium_ore"); GameRegistry.registerBlock(blocknickelore, "block_nickel_ore"); GameRegistry.registerBlock(blockrubyore, "block_ruby_ore"); GameRegistry.registerBlock(blocksulfurore, "block_sulfur_ore"); GameRegistry.registerBlock(aluminiumblock, "aluminium_block"); GameRegistry.registerBlock(copperblock, "copper_block"); GameRegistry.registerBlock(leadblock, "lead_block"); GameRegistry.registerBlock(nickelblock, "nickel_block"); GameRegistry.registerBlock(rubyblock, "ruby_block"); GameRegistry.registerBlock(tinblock, "tin_block"); GameRegistry.registerBlock(uraniumblock, "uranium_block"); }
public static void addSmelting() { GameRegistry.addSmelting(GrandBlocks.blockcopperore, new ItemStack(GrandItem.copperingot), 0.7F); GameRegistry.addSmelting(GrandBlocks.blockaluminiumore, new ItemStack(GrandItem.aluminiumingot), 0.7F); GameRegistry.addSmelting(GrandBlocks.blockleadore, new ItemStack(GrandItem.leadingot), 0.7F); GameRegistry.addSmelting(GrandBlocks.blocknickelore, new ItemStack(GrandItem.nickelingot), 0.7F); GameRegistry.addSmelting(GrandBlocks.blockrubyore, new ItemStack(GrandItem.ruby), 1F); GameRegistry.addSmelting(GrandBlocks.blocktinore, new ItemStack(GrandItem.tiningot), 0.7F); GameRegistry.addSmelting(GrandBlocks.blockuraniumore, new ItemStack(GrandItem.uraniumingot), 1F); }