public Robot() { stick = new Joystick(0); driveLeftFront = new Victor(LEFT_FRONT_DRIVE); driveLeftRear = new Victor(LEFT_REAR_DRIVE); driveRightFront = new Victor(RIGHT_FRONT_DRIVE); driveRightRear = new Victor(RIGHT_REAR_DRIVE); enhancedDriveLeft = new Victor(ENHANCED_LEFT_DRIVE); enhancedDriveRight = new Victor(ENHANCED_RIGHT_DRIVE); gearBox = new DoubleSolenoid(GEAR_BOX_PART1, GEAR_BOX_PART2); climber1 = new Victor(CLIMBER_PART1); climber2 = new Victor(CLIMBER_PART2); vexSensorBackLeft = new Ultrasonic(0, 1); vexSensorBackRight = new Ultrasonic(2, 3); vexSensorFrontLeft = new Ultrasonic(4, 5); vexSensorFrontRight = new Ultrasonic(6, 7); Skylar = new RobotDrive(driveLeftFront, driveLeftRear, driveRightFront, driveRightRear); OptimusPrime = new RobotDrive(enhancedDriveLeft, enhancedDriveRight); }
/** * This function is run when the robot is first started up and should be * used for any initialization code. */ public void robotInit() { // instantiate the command used for the autonomous period autonomousCommand = new ExampleCommand(); frontLeft = new Victor(1); // Creating Victor motors frontRight = new Victor(2); rearLeft = new Victor(3); rearRight = new Victor(4); myDrive = new RobotDrive(frontLeft, frontRight); // myDrive = new RobotDrive(frontLeft,frontRight,rearLeft,rearRight); driveStick = new Joystick(1); gyro = new Gyro(1); // Initialize all subsystems CommandBase.init(); }
/** * */ public DriveTrain() { super("DriveTrain"); FLeftMotor = new Victor(RobotMap.FLeftMotorPWM); FRightMotor = new Victor(RobotMap.FRightMotorPWM); BLeftMotor = new Victor(RobotMap.BLeftMotorPWM); BRightMotor = new Victor(RobotMap.BRightMotorPWM); //MLeftMotor = new Victor(RobotMap.MLeftMotorPWM); //MRightMotor = new Victor(RobotMap.MRightMotorPWM); drive = new RobotDrive(FLeftMotor, BLeftMotor, FRightMotor, BRightMotor); //drive.setInvertedMotor(RobotDrive.MotorType.kFrontRight, true); //drive.setInvertedMotor(RobotDrive.MotorType.kRearLeft, true); GShiftSolDown = new Solenoid(RobotMap.DriveTrainLowGearSolenoid); GShiftSolUp = new Solenoid(RobotMap.DriveTrainHighGearSolenoid); display = DriverStationLCD.getInstance(); }
public PainTrain(){ m_leftGearbox = new ThreeCimBallShifter( new Victor(1), new Victor(2), new Victor(3), new DoubleSolenoid (1,2) ); m_rightGearbox = new ThreeCimBallShifter( new Victor(4), new Victor(5), new Victor(6)); m_shooter = new Shooter(7,8,7,8,9); m_intake = new Intake( 3, 5, 10 ); m_encodeLeft = new Encoder(2,3); m_encodeRight = new Encoder(5,6); m_compressor = new Compressor(1,4); m_compressor.start(); }
public void init() { if(!hasInit) { left = new Victor(HardwareDefines.RIGHT_LOADER_VICTOR); try { right = new CANJaguar(HardwareDefines.LEFT_LOADER_JAG); } catch(CANTimeoutException e) { System.out.println("Could not instantiate left loader jag!"); } hasInit = true; } else { System.out.println("The loader subsystem has already " + "been initialized!"); return; } }
public DriveTrainSubsystem() { motors = new SpeedController[RobotMap.DRIVE_TRAIN.MOTORS.length]; for (int i = 0; i < RobotMap.DRIVE_TRAIN.MOTORS.length; i++) { motors[i] = new Victor(RobotMap.DRIVE_TRAIN.MOTORS[i]); } doubleSidedPid = new PIDController649(EncoderBasedDriving.AUTO_DRIVE_P, EncoderBasedDriving.AUTO_DRIVE_I, EncoderBasedDriving.AUTO_DRIVE_D, this, this); doubleSidedPid.setAbsoluteTolerance(EncoderBasedDriving.ABSOLUTE_TOLERANCE); doubleSidedPid.setOutputRange(-EncoderBasedDriving.MAX_MOTOR_POWER, EncoderBasedDriving.MAX_MOTOR_POWER); encoders = new Encoder[RobotMap.DRIVE_TRAIN.ENCODERS.length / 2]; for (int x = 0; x < RobotMap.DRIVE_TRAIN.ENCODERS.length; x += 2) { encoders[x / 2] = new Encoder(RobotMap.DRIVE_TRAIN.ENCODERS[x], RobotMap.DRIVE_TRAIN.ENCODERS[x + 1], x == 0, EncodingType.k2X); encoders[x / 2].setDistancePerPulse(EncoderBasedDriving.ENCODER_DISTANCE_PER_PULSE); } lastRates = new Vector(); shifterSolenoid = new DoubleSolenoid(RobotMap.DRIVE_TRAIN.FORWARD_SOLENOID_CHANNEL, RobotMap.DRIVE_TRAIN.REVERSE_SOLENOID_CHANNEL); }
public Loader() { Conveyor = new Victor(ReboundRumble.LOADER_CONVEYOR_PWM); loaderInSolenoid = new Solenoid(ReboundRumble.LOADER_IN_SOLENOID_CHANNEL); loaderOutSolenoid = new Solenoid(ReboundRumble.LOADER_OUT_SOLENOID_CHANNEL); loaderUpSolenoid = new Solenoid(ReboundRumble.LOADER_UP_SOLENOID_CHANNEL); loaderDownSolenoid = new Solenoid(ReboundRumble.LOADER_DOWN_SOLENOID_CHANNEL); loaderIn = new DigitalInput(ReboundRumble.LOAD_IN_GPIO_CHANNEL); loaderOut = new DigitalInput(ReboundRumble.LOAD_OUT_GPIO_CHANNEL); loaderUp = new DigitalInput(ReboundRumble.LOAD_UP_GPIO_CHANNEL); loaderDown = new DigitalInput(ReboundRumble.LOAD_DOWN_GPIO_CHANNEL); loaderDownSolenoid.set(false); loaderUpSolenoid.set(true); loaderOutSolenoid.set(false); loaderInSolenoid.set(true); }
public SystemShooter() { super(); wheel1 = new Victor(5); // Both bots: 5 wheel2 = new Victor(6); // Both bots: 6 cockOn = new Solenoid(4); //competition: 4 / practice: 1 cockOff = new Solenoid(3); //competition: 3 / practice: 2 fireOn = new Solenoid(6); // competition: 6 / practice: 5 fireOff = new Solenoid(5); // competition: 5 / practice 6 gateUp = new Solenoid(1); // competition: 1 / practice 3 gateDown = new Solenoid(2); // competition: 2 / practice 4 autoShoot = false; isShootingAngle = true; frisbeesShot = 0; enteringLoop = false; cockTime = WiredCats2415.textReader.getValue("cockTime"); gatesDownTime = WiredCats2415.textReader.getValue("gatesDownTime"); fireTime = WiredCats2415.textReader.getValue("fireTime"); System.out.println("[WiredCats] Initialized System Shooter"); }
public SystemArm(ControllerShooter cs) { super(); this.shooter = cs; arm = new Victor(3); // Both bots: 3 kp = WiredCats2415.textReader.getValue("propConstantArm"); ki = WiredCats2415.textReader.getValue("integralConstantArm"); kd = WiredCats2415.textReader.getValue("derivativeConstantArm"); intakePreset = WiredCats2415.textReader.getValue("intakePreset"); backPyramidPreset = WiredCats2415.textReader.getValue("backPyramidPreset"); frontPyramidPreset = WiredCats2415.textReader.getValue("frontPyramidPreset"); hoverPreset = WiredCats2415.textReader.getValue("hoverPreset"); upperBoundHardStop = WiredCats2415.textReader.getValue("upperBoundHardStop"); desiredArmAngle = 0; isManualControl = false; armHasBeenReset = false; System.out.println("[WiredCats] Initialized System Arm."); }
public RightTankDrivePIDSubsystem() { super("LeftTankDrivePIDSubsystem", Kp, Ki, Kd); // Use these to get going: // setSetpoint() - Sets where the PID controller should move the system // to // enable() - Enables the PID controller. frontRightMotor = new Victor(RobotMap.FRONT_RIGHT_DRIVE_MOTOR); backRightMotor = new Victor(RobotMap.BACK_RIGHT_DRIVE_MOTOR); rightEncoder = new Encoder(RobotMap.FRONT_RIGHT_ENCODER_A, RobotMap.FRONT_RIGHT_ENCODER_B); rightEncoder.start(); rightEncoder.setDistancePerPulse(1.0); rampTimer = new Timer(); rampTimer.start(); }
public LeftTankDrivePIDSubsystem() { super("LeftTankDrivePIDSubsystem", Kp, Ki, Kd); // Use these to get going: // setSetpoint() - Sets where the PID controller should move the system // to // enable() - Enables the PID controller. frontLeftMotor = new Victor(RobotMap.FRONT_LEFT_DRIVE_MOTOR); backLeftMotor = new Victor(RobotMap.BACK_LEFT_DRIVE_MOTOR); leftEncoder = new Encoder(RobotMap.FRONT_LEFT_ENCODER_A, RobotMap.FRONT_LEFT_ENCODER_B); leftEncoder.start(); leftEncoder.setDistancePerPulse(1.0); rampTimer = new Timer(); rampTimer.start(); }
public static void init() { // BEGIN AUTOGENERATED CODE, SOURCE=ROBOTBUILDER ID=CONSTRUCTORS driveTrainLeftFront = new Victor(0); LiveWindow.addActuator("DriveTrain", "LeftFront", (Victor) driveTrainLeftFront); driveTrainLeftRear = new Victor(1); LiveWindow.addActuator("DriveTrain", "LeftRear", (Victor) driveTrainLeftRear); driveTrainRightFront = new Victor(2); LiveWindow.addActuator("DriveTrain", "RightFront", (Victor) driveTrainRightFront); driveTrainRightRear = new Victor(3); LiveWindow.addActuator("DriveTrain", "RightRear", (Victor) driveTrainRightRear); driveTrainRobotDrive = new RobotDrive(driveTrainLeftFront, driveTrainLeftRear, driveTrainRightFront, driveTrainRightRear); driveTrainRobotDrive.setSafetyEnabled(false); driveTrainRobotDrive.setExpiration(0.1); driveTrainRobotDrive.setSensitivity(1.0); driveTrainRobotDrive.setMaxOutput(1.0); shootershooterTalon = new CANTalon(0); LiveWindow.addActuator("Shooter", "shooterTalon", shootershooterTalon); // END AUTOGENERATED CODE, SOURCE=ROBOTBUILDER ID=CONSTRUCTORS // set this up gyro = new ADXRS450_Gyro(); }
public Intake() { Actuator = new DoubleSolenoid(RobotMap.Solenoid.IntakeSolenoidForwards, RobotMap.Solenoid.IntakeSolenoidBackwards); IntakeCIM = new Victor(RobotMap.Pwm.MainIntakeVictor); IntakeCIM2 = new Victor(RobotMap.Pwm.CrossIntakeVictor); }
public AimShooter() { pot = new AnalogInput(RobotMap.Analog.ShooterPotAngle); pot.setPIDSourceType(PIDSourceType.kDisplacement); motor = new Victor(RobotMap.Pwm.ShooterAngleMotor); anglePID = new PIDSpeedController(pot, motor, "anglePID", "AimShooter"); updatePIDConstants(); anglePID.set(0); }
public void reset() { for (int i = 0; i < motors.length; i++) { if (motors[i] == null) { continue; } if (motors[i] instanceof CANTalon) { ((CANTalon) motors[i]).delete(); } else if (motors[i] instanceof Victor) { ((Victor) motors[i]).free(); } } motors = new SpeedController[64]; for (int i = 0; i < solenoids.length; i++) { if (solenoids[i] == null) { continue; } solenoids[i].free(); } solenoids = new Solenoid[64]; for (int i = 0; i < relays.length; i++) { if (relays[i] == null) { continue; } relays[i].free(); } relays = new Relay[64]; for (int i = 0; i < analogInputs.length; i++) { if (analogInputs[i] == null) { continue; } analogInputs[i].free(); } analogInputs = new AnalogInput[64]; if (compressor != null); }
public Robot() { stick = new Joystick(0); try { /* Construct Digital I/O Objects */ pwm_out_9 = new Victor( getChannelFromPin( PinType.PWM, 9 )); pwm_out_8 = new Jaguar( getChannelFromPin( PinType.PWM, 8 )); dig_in_7 = new DigitalInput( getChannelFromPin( PinType.DigitalIO, 7 )); dig_in_6 = new DigitalInput( getChannelFromPin( PinType.DigitalIO, 6 )); dig_out_5 = new DigitalOutput( getChannelFromPin( PinType.DigitalIO, 5 )); dig_out_4 = new DigitalOutput( getChannelFromPin( PinType.DigitalIO, 4 )); enc_3and2 = new Encoder( getChannelFromPin( PinType.DigitalIO, 3 ), getChannelFromPin( PinType.DigitalIO, 2 )); enc_1and0 = new Encoder( getChannelFromPin( PinType.DigitalIO, 1 ), getChannelFromPin( PinType.DigitalIO, 0 )); /* Construct Analog I/O Objects */ /* NOTE: Due to a board layout issue on the navX MXP board revision */ /* 3.3, there is noticeable crosstalk between AN IN pins 3, 2 and 1. */ /* For that reason, use of pin 3 and pin 2 is NOT RECOMMENDED. */ an_in_1 = new AnalogInput( getChannelFromPin( PinType.AnalogIn, 1 )); an_trig_0 = new AnalogTrigger( getChannelFromPin( PinType.AnalogIn, 0 )); an_trig_0_counter = new Counter( an_trig_0 ); an_out_1 = new AnalogOutput( getChannelFromPin( PinType.AnalogOut, 1 )); an_out_0 = new AnalogOutput( getChannelFromPin( PinType.AnalogOut, 0 )); /* Configure I/O Objects */ pwm_out_9.setSafetyEnabled(false); /* Disable Motor Safety for Demo */ pwm_out_8.setSafetyEnabled(false); /* Disable Motor Safety for Demo */ /* Configure Analog Trigger */ an_trig_0.setAveraged(true); an_trig_0.setLimitsVoltage(MIN_AN_TRIGGER_VOLTAGE, MAX_AN_TRIGGER_VOLTAGE); } catch (RuntimeException ex ) { DriverStation.reportError( "Error instantiating MXP pin on navX MXP: " + ex.getMessage(), true); } }
public Claw() { super(); motor = new Victor(7); contact = new DigitalInput(5); // Let's show everything on the LiveWindow LiveWindow.addActuator("Claw", "Motor", (Victor) motor); LiveWindow.addActuator("Claw", "Limit Switch", contact); }
@Override public void initialize() { m_victor = new Victor(RobotMap.LIFT_MOTOR); m_victor.enableDeadbandElimination(true); m_victor.setExpiration(Victor.DEFAULT_SAFETY_EXPIRATION); m_encoder = new Encoder(RobotMap.ENCODER_DIO_PORTA, RobotMap.ENCODER_DIO_PORTB, true); m_encoder.setSamplesToAverage(10); m_maxLimit = new DigitalInput(RobotMap.LIMIT_DIO_PORT1); max_counter = new Counter(m_maxLimit); }
Winch(JoyStickCustom inStick){ winchRelease=new Pneumatics(1,2); winch= new Victor(5); states[0]="WINDING"; states[1]="RELEASING"; states[2]="HOLDING"; setState(HOLDING1);//same as holding used to be limitSwitch= new DigitalInput(4); secondStick = inStick; winchE= new Encoder(3,2); winchE.start(); }
public void robotInit(){ driveStick= new JoyStickCustom(1, DEADZONE); secondStick=new JoyStickCustom(2, DEADZONE); frontLeft= new Talon(1); rearLeft= new Talon(2); frontRight= new Talon(3); rearRight= new Talon(4); timer=new Timer(); timer.start(); armM = new Victor(7); rollers =new Victor(6); mainDrive=new RobotDrive(frontLeft,rearLeft,frontRight,rearRight); mainDrive.setInvertedMotor(RobotDrive.MotorType.kFrontRight,true); mainDrive.setInvertedMotor(RobotDrive.MotorType.kRearRight, true); armP = new AnalogPotentiometer(1); distance= new AnalogChannel(2); ultra=new Ultrasonic(6,7); ultra.setAutomaticMode(true); compress=new Compressor(5,1); handJoint=new Pneumatics(3,4); //ultra = new Ultrasonic(6,5); //ultra.setAutomaticMode(true); winch = new Winch(secondStick); }
public EncoderPIDSubsystem(String name, double kP, double kI, double kD, int motorChannel, int encoderAChannel, int encoderBChannel, boolean reverseEncoder, double gearRatioEncoderToOutput) { super(name, kP, kI, kD); try { m_motorController = new Victor(motorChannel); m_encoder = new Encoder(1, encoderAChannel, 1, encoderBChannel, reverseEncoder, CounterBase.EncodingType.k4X); double degPerPulse = 360.0 / gearRatioEncoderToOutput / DEFAULT_PULSES_PER_ROTATION; m_encoder.setDistancePerPulse(degPerPulse); resetZeroPosition(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Unknown error initializing " + getName() + "-EncoderPIDSubsystem. Message = " + e.getMessage()); } }
public EncoderPIDSubsystem(String name, double kP, double kI, double kD, int motorChannel, int encoderAChannel, int encoderBChannel, boolean reverseEncoder, double wheelDiameter, double gearRatioEncoderToWheel) { super(name, kP, kI, kD); try { m_motorController = new Victor(motorChannel); m_encoder = new Encoder(1, encoderAChannel, 1, encoderBChannel, reverseEncoder, CounterBase.EncodingType.k4X); double distancePerPulse = Math.PI * wheelDiameter / gearRatioEncoderToWheel / DEFAULT_PULSES_PER_ROTATION; m_encoder.setDistancePerPulse(distancePerPulse); resetZeroPosition(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Unknown error initializing " + getName() + "-EncoderPIDSubsystem. Message = " + e.getMessage()); } }
public Intake() { super("Intake", RobotMap.INTAKE_EXTEND_PNEUMATIC_MODULE_ID, RobotMap.INTAKE_EXTEND_PNEUMATIC_RELAY_ID, RobotMap.INTAKE_RETRACT_PNEUMATIC_MODULE_ID, RobotMap.INTAKE_RETRACT_PNEUMATIC_RELAY_ID); try { m_ballDetectSwitch1 = new DigitalInput(RobotMap.BALL_INTAKE_1_DSC_DIO_ID); m_motorControllerTop = new Victor(RobotMap.INTAKE_TOP_DSC_PWM_ID); m_motorControllerBottom = new Victor(RobotMap.INTAKE_BOTTOM_DSC_PWM_ID); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Unknown error initializing " + getName() + ". Message = " + e.getMessage()); } }
public MotorTest(int numMotors) { super("MotorTestSubsystem"); try { m_motorController = new Victor[numMotors]; for (int motorId = 0; motorId < numMotors; motorId++) { m_motorController[motorId] = new Victor(motorId+1); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Unknown error initializing " + getName() + ". Message = " + e.getMessage()); } }
public WsDriveSpeed(String name, int channel1, int channel2) { this.motorSpeed = new DoubleSubject(name); this.victor1 = new Victor(channel1); this.victor2 = new Victor(channel2); motorSpeed.setValue(0.0); }
/** * the winch of the shooter device */ public Winch() { rightMotor = new Victor(RobotMap.rightShooterMotor); leftMotor = new Victor(RobotMap.leftShooterMotor); limitSwitch = new DigitalInput(RobotMap.shooterLimitSwitch); winch = new Piston(RobotMap.shooterExtended, RobotMap.shooterRetracted); }
/** * controls the drive train motors of the robot */ public Drivetrain() { left = new Victor(RobotMap.leftMotors); leftTwo = new Victor(RobotMap.leftTwoMotors); right = new Victor(RobotMap.rightMotors); rightTwo = new Victor(RobotMap.rightTwoMotors); }
public Shooter(int encoderA, int encoderB, int victor1, int victor2, int victor3) { m_encode = new Encoder(encoderA, encoderB); m_encode.start(); m_encode.reset(); m_motor1 = new Victor(victor1); m_motor2 = new Victor(victor2); m_motor3 = new Victor(victor3); m_shootTimer = new Timer(); m_retractTimer = new Timer(); }
Intake(int solenoid1Port1, int solenoid2Port1, int victorNumber){ m_leftSolenoid = new DoubleSolenoid(solenoid1Port1, solenoid1Port1 +1); m_rightSolenoid = new DoubleSolenoid(solenoid2Port1, solenoid2Port1 +1); m_intakeMotor = new Victor(victorNumber); m_solenoidTime = new NerdyTimer(.05); m_solenoidTime.start(); }
public TitanSpeedController create(int pChannel, Class<?> pClass, Switch pForwardLimitSwitch, Switch pReverseLimitSwitch, boolean pInvertDirection) { TitanSpeedController controller; if (pClass.equals(Talon.class)) { controller = new TitanSpeedController(new Talon(pChannel), pForwardLimitSwitch, pReverseLimitSwitch, pInvertDirection); } else if (pClass.equals(Victor.class)) { controller = new TitanSpeedController(new Victor(pChannel), pForwardLimitSwitch, pReverseLimitSwitch, pInvertDirection); } else { controller = new TitanSpeedController(new Jaguar(pChannel), pForwardLimitSwitch, pReverseLimitSwitch, pInvertDirection); } return controller; }
public TitanSpeedController create(int pChannel, Class pClass, Switch pForwardLimitSwitch, Switch pReverseLimitSwitch, boolean pInvertDirection) { TitanSpeedController controller; if (pClass.equals(Talon.class)) { controller = new TitanSpeedController(new Talon(pChannel), pForwardLimitSwitch, pReverseLimitSwitch, pInvertDirection); } else if (pClass.equals(Victor.class)) { controller = new TitanSpeedController(new Victor(pChannel), pForwardLimitSwitch, pReverseLimitSwitch, pInvertDirection); } else { controller = new TitanSpeedController(new Jaguar(pChannel), pForwardLimitSwitch, pReverseLimitSwitch, pInvertDirection); } return controller; }
public O_SwerveModule(O_Point center, int CimPort, int turnPort, int turnEncoderA, int turnEncoderB, int zeroPort, double zeroOffset, boolean reverseEncoder){ location = center; cim = new Victor(RobotMap.driveModule, CimPort); cim.setExpiration(0.5); turnMotor = new Talon(RobotMap.turnModule, turnPort); turnMotor.setExpiration(0.5); turnEncoder = new O_TurnEncoder(turnEncoderA, turnEncoderB, zeroPort, zeroOffset, reverseEncoder); turn = new PIDController(1.0, 0.1, 0.1, turnEncoder, turnMotor, .0010) {{ setInputRange(-180, 180); setOutputRange(-.85, .85); setContinuous(); enable(); }}; }
public void ControlToggleRunMotor(Victor vMotor, int speed) { if (!toggleMotor) { vMotor.set(speed); toggleMotor = true; }else if (toggleMotor) { vMotor.set(0.0); toggleMotor = false; } }
public void ControlHoldRunMotor(Victor vMotor, int speed, boolean holdingButton) { if (holdingButton) { vMotor.set(speed); }else{ vMotor.set(0.0); } }
public void AutoRunMotor(Victor vMotor, int speed, int seconds) { queueThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { R.autonomousCounter = 0; while ((Math.floor(R.autonomousCounter / loopsPerSecond)) <= seconds) { vMotor.set(speed); Timer.delay(timerDelay); } vMotor.set(0.0); } }); }
@Override public void initialize() { //PWM liftMotor = new Victor(0); //2); leftMotors = new Victor(1); rightMotors = new Victor(2); //0); armMotors = new Victor(3); transmission = new Servo(7); //CAN armSolenoid = new DoubleSolenoid(4,5); //DIO liftEncoder = new Encoder(0, 1, false, EncodingType.k4X); liftBottomLimit = new DigitalInput(2); liftTopLimit = new DigitalInput(3); backupLiftBottomLimit = new DigitalInput(5); switch1 = new DigitalInput(9); switch2 = new DigitalInput(8); //ANALOG gyro = new Gyro(0); //roboRio accelerometer = new BuiltInAccelerometer(); //Stuff drivetrain = new RobotDrive(leftMotors, rightMotors); liftSpeedRatio = 1; //Half power default liftGear = 1; driverSpeedRatio = 1; debounceComp = 0; drivetrain.setInvertedMotor(MotorType.kRearLeft, true); drivetrain.setInvertedMotor(MotorType.kRearRight, true); }
public ClawPivotSubsystem() { super("ClawSubsystem"); motor = new Victor(RobotMap.CLAW_PIVOT.MOTOR); potentiometer = new AnalogPotentiometer(RobotMap.CLAW_PIVOT.POTENTIOMETER); clawPID = new PIDController649(kP, kI, kD, potentiometer, this); clawPID.setAbsoluteTolerance(0.01); clawPID.setOutputRange(MAX_FORWARD_SPEED, MAX_BACKWARD_SPEED); }
/** * Creates a pickup object using the controlPack and sensorPack */ public Pickup(){ //motors rightPickupUpDown = new Victor(Channels.PICKUP_RAISE_LOWER_RIGHT_CHANNEL); leftPickupUpDown = new Victor(Channels.PICKUP_RAISE_LOWER_LEFT_CHANNEL);//was (1, CONSTANT) pickupRoller = new Victor(Channels.PICKUP_ROLLER_CHANNEL); // pickupEncoder = new Encoder(Channels.PICKUP_ENCODER_A_CHANNEL, Channels.PICKUP_ENCODER_B_CHANNEL); // sensors // pickupLoweredSwitch = new DigitalInput(Channels.PICKUP_LOWERED_CHANNEL); // pickupLiftedSwitch = new DigitalInput(Channels.PICKUP_RAISED_CHANNEL); controls = ControlPack.getInstance(); System.out.println("Pickup online"); }