public VisionAlignment() { table = NetworkTable.getTable("Vision"); double dist = table.getNumber("est_distance", 0); double incr = 0.5; int reps = (int) (dist / incr); for(int i = 0; i<reps; i++) { addSequential(new VisionGyroAlign(), 1.5); addSequential(new WaitCommand(0.7)); addSequential(new DriveForwardDistance(-.2,-.2, -incr/1.5, -incr/1.5, true)); addSequential(new WaitCommand(0.5)); } }
public DFDSMove(double speedL, double speedR, double distanceL, double distanceR) { requires(Robot.driveTrain); _initLeftSpeed = speedL; _initRightSpeed = speedR; _initDistanceL = distanceL*TICKSPERMETER; _initDistanceR = distanceR*TICKSPERMETER; table = NetworkTable.getTable("Console"); if(speedL > 0) table.putString("Message", "Backwards DFD Speed"); else table.putString("Message", "Forwards DFD Speed"); Robot.driveTrain.resetEnc(); Robot.driveTrain.resetGyro(); Robot.driveTrain.speedControl(); Robot.driveTrain.setBrakeMode(); }
/** * Creates the instance of VisionSubsystem. */ public Vision() { logger.trace("Initialize"); ledRing0 = new Relay(RobotMap.RELAY_LED_RING_0); ledRing1 = new Relay(RobotMap.RELAY_LED_RING_1); gearVision.table = NetworkTable.getTable("Vision_Gear"); boilerVision.table = NetworkTable.getTable("Vision_Boiler"); initPhoneVars(gearVision, DEFAULT_GEAR_TARGET_WIDTH, DEFAULT_GEAR_TARGET_HEIGHT); initPhoneVars(boilerVision, DEFAULT_BOILER_TARGET_WIDTH, DEFAULT_BOILER_TARGET_HEIGHT); Thread forwardThread = new Thread(this::packetForwardingThread); forwardThread.setDaemon(true); forwardThread.setName("Packet Forwarding Thread"); forwardThread.start(); Thread dataThread = new Thread(this::dataThread); dataThread.setDaemon(true); dataThread.setName("Vision Data Thread"); dataThread.start(); }
public static void init() { nt = NetworkTable.getTable("vision"); nt.addTableListener((source, key, value, isNew) -> { // System.out.println("Value changed. Key = " + key + ", Value = " + value); switch (key) { case FOUND_TARGET_KEY: foundTarget = (Boolean) value; break; case AREA_KEY: area = (Double) value; break; case OFFSET_KEY: offset = (Double) value; break; case SKEW_KEY: skew = (Double) value; break; case ANGLE_KEY: angle = (Double) value; break; } }); }
/** * Initializes a few items related to writing elements of a codex to a network table. * Do this ahead of time to prevent issues with timing on the first cycle. * @param pEnum */ public <V, E extends Enum<E> & CodexOf<V>> void registerCodex(Class<E> pEnum) { Integer hash = EnumUtils.hashOf(pEnum); String tablename = pEnum.getSimpleName().toUpperCase(); mLog.debug("Registering codex " + tablename + " with hash " + hash); mTables.put(hash, NetworkTable.getTable(tablename)); + " is connected: " + mTables.get(hash).isConnected()); Class<V> type = CodexMagic.getTypeOfCodex(pEnum); if(type.equals(Double.class)) { mWriters.put(hash, ((nt, key, val) -> nt.putNumber(key, (double)val))); } else if(type.equals(Integer.class)) { mWriters.put(hash, ((nt, key, val) -> nt.putNumber(key, (int)val))); } else if(type.equals(Boolean.class)) { mWriters.put(hash, ((nt, key, val) -> nt.putBoolean(key, (boolean)val))); } else if(type.equals(Float.class)) { mWriters.put(hash, ((nt, key, val) -> nt.putNumber(key, (float)val))); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Type " + type.getSimpleName() + " is not supported by CodexNetworkTables."); } }
/** * Writes the elements and metadata values of the codex to the NetworkTables that * corresponds to the Codex's enum class name.s * @param pCodex */ public <V, E extends Enum<E> & CodexOf<V>> void send(Codex<V,E> pCodex) { int hash = EnumUtils.hashOf(pCodex.meta().getEnum()); if(!mWriters.containsKey(hash) || !mTables.containsKey(hash)) { mLog.warn("Cannot send codex " + pCodex.meta().getEnum().getSimpleName() + " because it has not been registered."); return; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Put<V> writer = (Put<V>)mWriters.get(hash); NetworkTable nt = mTables.get(hash); nt.putNumber("ID", pCodex.meta().id()); nt.putNumber("KEY", pCodex.meta().key()); nt.putNumber("TIME_NS", pCodex.meta().timestamp()); for(E e : EnumSet.allOf(pCodex.meta().getEnum())) { if(pCodex.isSet(e)) { writer.write(nt,, pCodex.get(e)); } // grumble grumble.... NT doesn't have a way to clear a field. } }
public SplinePlannerWidget() { super(false, 10); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); mPanel = new SplinePlotterPanel(); add(mPanel); mTable = NetworkTable.getTable(SmartDashBoardNames.sSPLINE_NAMESPACE); mLastIndex = 0; mIdealSplineName = SmartDashBoardNames.sSPLINE_IDEAL_POINTS; mRealSplineName = SmartDashBoardNames.sSPLINE_REAL_POINT; addPathListener(); }
public PlotPlannerWidget() { super(false, 10); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); mPanel = new PathPlotterPanel(); add(mPanel); mLastIndex = 0; mTableNamespace = SmartDashBoardNames.sPATH_NAMESPACE; mSDIdealPathName = SmartDashBoardNames.sPATH_IDEAL_POINTS; mSDRealPathname = SmartDashBoardNames.sPATH_POINT; mTable = NetworkTable.getTable(mTableNamespace); addPathListener(); }
/** * Initialize all the LiveWindow elements the first time we enter LiveWindow mode. By holding off * creating the NetworkTable entries, it allows them to be redefined before the first time in * LiveWindow mode. This allows default sensor and actuator values to be created that are replaced * with the custom names from users calling addActuator and addSensor. */ private static void initializeLiveWindowComponents() { System.out.println("Initializing the components first time"); livewindowTable = NetworkTable.getTable("LiveWindow"); statusTable = livewindowTable.getSubTable("~STATUS~"); for (Enumeration e = components.keys(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { LiveWindowSendable component = (LiveWindowSendable) e.nextElement(); LiveWindowComponent liveWindowComponent = (LiveWindowComponent) components.get(component); String subsystem = liveWindowComponent.getSubsystem(); String name = liveWindowComponent.getName(); System.out.println("Initializing table for '" + subsystem + "' '" + name + "'"); livewindowTable.getSubTable(subsystem).putString("~TYPE~", "LW Subsystem"); ITable table = livewindowTable.getSubTable(subsystem).getSubTable(name); table.putString("~TYPE~", component.getSmartDashboardType()); table.putString("Name", name); table.putString("Subsystem", subsystem); component.initTable(table); if (liveWindowComponent.isSensor()) { sensors.addElement(component); } } }
private void loadConfig(String aFile) { try { if (!Files.exists(Paths.get(aFile))) { System.err.println("Could not read properties file, will use defaults and will overwrite the file if it exists"); Files.copy(Paths.get(""), Paths.get(aFile)); } Properties p = new Properties(); p.load(new FileInputStream(new File(aFile))); mClassName = p.getProperty("robot_class"); mSimulatorClassName = p.getProperty("simulator_class"); NetworkTable.setPersistentFilename(sUSER_CONFIG_DIR + mClassName + ".preferences.ini"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.err.println("Could not read properties file"); } }
public AutonomousFactory(Snobot2017 aSnobot, IDriverJoystick aDriverJoystick) { mPositionChooser = new SendableChooser<StartingPositions>(); mCommandParser = new CommandParser(aSnobot, mPositionChooser); mAutoModeTable = NetworkTable.getTable(SmartDashBoardNames.sAUTON_TABLE_NAME); mPositioner = aSnobot.getPositioner(); mAutonModeChooser = new SnobotAutonCrawler(Properties2017.sAUTON_FILE_FILTER.getValue()) .loadAutonFiles(Properties2017.sAUTON_DIRECTORY.getValue() + "/", Properties2017.sAUTON_DEFAULT_FILE.getValue()); SmartDashboard.putData(SmartDashBoardNames.sAUTON_CHOOSER, mAutonModeChooser); for (StartingPositions pos : StartingPositions.values()) { mPositionChooser.addObject(pos.toString(), pos); } SmartDashboard.putData(SmartDashBoardNames.sPOSITION_CHOOSER, mPositionChooser); addListeners(); }
public AutonFactory(IPositioner aPositioner, Snobot aSnobot) { mSelectStartPosition = new SelectStartPosition(aPositioner); mDefenseInFront = new DefenseInFront(); mSelectAutonomous = new SelectAutonomous(); mDefenseTable = NetworkTable.getTable(SmartDashBoardNames.sDEFENSE_AUTON_TABLE); mPostDefenseTable = NetworkTable.getTable(SmartDashBoardNames.sPOST_DEFENSE_AUTON_TABLE); mDefenseCommandParser = new CommandParser(aSnobot, mDefenseTable, mSelectStartPosition, "Defense"); mPostDefenseCommandParser = new CommandParser(aSnobot, mPostDefenseTable, "PostDefense", mSelectStartPosition, mDefenseCommandParser, mDefenseInFront); this.putOnDash(); addListeners(); }
public void init() { // This sets everything up to listen! try { new ProcessBuilder(CLEAR_TMP_CMD).inheritIO().start(); // new ProcessBuilder(GRIP_CMD).inheritIO().start(); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println(e); } time.reset(); time.start(); GRIPTable = NetworkTable.getTable("GRIP/myLinesReport"); GRIPTable.addTableListener(updater); // new Thread(crashCheck).start(); }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { NetworkTable.setClientMode(); InetAddress address = InetAddress.getByName("roborio-1458-frc.local"); NetworkTable.setIPAddress(address.getHostAddress()); NetworkTable SmartDashboard = NetworkTable.getTable("SmartDashboard"); Scanner s = new Scanner(; //SmartDashboard.putNumber("TestValueJetson", 42); while(true) { if(s.hasNextInt()) { SmartDashboard.putNumber("TestValueJetson", s.nextInt()); } } }
public AimWithCamera() { requires((Subsystem) driveTrain); requires((Subsystem) shooterArticulator); if (CommandBase.lightSystem != null) requires((Subsystem) lightSystem); table = NetworkTable.getTable("IMGPROC"); TOLERANCE = Double.parseDouble(BadPreferences.getValue(toleranceKey, "" + TOLERANCE)); TURN_SPEED = Double.parseDouble(BadPreferences.getValue(turnKey, "" + TURN_SPEED)); NUMBER_CYCLES_TO_VERIFY = Integer.parseInt( BadPreferences.getValue(neededCyclesKey, "" + NUMBER_CYCLES_TO_VERIFY)); SWEET_SPOT_X = Double.parseDouble(BadPreferences.getValue(sweetXKey, "" + SWEET_SPOT_X)); SWEET_SPOT_Y = Double.parseDouble(BadPreferences.getValue(sweetYKey, "" + SWEET_SPOT_Y)); }
public void robotInit() { // instantiate the command used for the autonomous period //autonomousCommand = new ExampleCommand(); // Initialize all subsystems CommandBase.init(); table = NetworkTable.getTable("CRIO"); table.putBoolean("bool", true); table.putNumber("double", 3.1415927); table.putString("sring", "a string"); LogDebugger.log("robot init!!!"); // LiveWindow.addActuator("compressor", "alt relay", RobotMap.testCompRelay); // LiveWindow.addActuator("compressor", "act compressor", RobotMap.airCompressor); // LiveWindow.addSensor("compressor", "sensor compressor", RobotMap.airCompressor); }
/** * Setup Network Tables, and get the NetworkTable for the SmartDashboard. * @return The network table for the SmartDashboard. */ private NetworkTable getNetworkTable() { NetworkTable.setTeam(1899); NetworkTable.setServerMode(); try { NetworkTable.initialize(); } catch (IOException exception) { Logger.log(exception); } return NetworkTable.getTable("SmartDashboard"); }
public LeftPeg() { Robot.driveTrain.resetEnc(); table = NetworkTable.getTable("Vision"); addSequential(new DFDSpeed(-200, -200, 1.55, 1.55)); addSequential(new WaitCommand(0.2)); addSequential(new GyroTurn(-150, 50), 2); addSequential(new WaitCommand(0.2)); addSequential(new VisionGyroAlign(), 1); addSequential(new WaitCommand(0.2)); addSequential(new MovingVisionAlignment(), 5); //removed timeout addSequential(new WaitCommand(0.5)); addSequential(new DFDSMove(200, 200, 1.0, 1.0), 2); addSequential(new WaitCommand(0.1)); addSequential(new MovingVisionAlignment(), 5); //removed timeout addSequential(new WaitCommand(0.1)); addSequential(new DFDSMove(200, 200, 1.0, 1.0), 2); addSequential(new WaitCommand(0.1)); addSequential(new MovingVisionAlignment(), 5); //removed timeout addSequential(new WaitCommand(0.1)); addSequential(new DFDSMove(200, 200, 1.0, 1.0), 2); addSequential(new WaitCommand(0.1)); addSequential(new MovingVisionAlignment()); //removed timeout addSequential(new WaitCommand(0.1)); addSequential(new GearOn(false, false), 1); addSequential(new WaitCommand(0.5)); addSequential(new DFDSpeed(200, 200, 1.4, 1.4)); }
public RightPeg() { Robot.driveTrain.resetEnc(); table = NetworkTable.getTable("Vision"); addSequential(new DFDSpeed(-200, -200, 1.60, 1.60)); addSequential(new WaitCommand(0.2)); addSequential(new GyroTurn(-150, -50), 2); //CHECK + AND - addSequential(new WaitCommand(0.2)); addSequential(new VisionGyroAlign(), 1); addSequential(new WaitCommand(0.2)); addSequential(new MovingVisionAlignment(), 5); //removed timeout addSequential(new WaitCommand(0.2)); //Move back retry addSequential(new DFDSMove(200, 200, 1.0, 1.0), 2); addSequential(new WaitCommand(0.1)); addSequential(new MovingVisionAlignment(), 5); //removed timeout addSequential(new WaitCommand(0.1)); addSequential(new DFDSMove(200, 200, 1.0, 1.0), 2); addSequential(new WaitCommand(0.1)); addSequential(new MovingVisionAlignment(), 5); //removed timeout addSequential(new WaitCommand(0.1)); addSequential(new DFDSMove(200, 200, 1.0, 1.0), 2); addSequential(new WaitCommand(0.1)); addSequential(new MovingVisionAlignment()); //removed timeout addSequential(new WaitCommand(0.1)); addSequential(new GearOn(false, false), 1); addSequential(new WaitCommand(0.5)); addSequential(new DFDSpeed(200, 200, 1.4, 1.4)); }
public VisionGyroAlign () { requires(Robot.driveTrain); table = NetworkTable.getTable("Vision"); Robot.driveTrain.resetLeftEnc(); Robot.driveTrain.resetRightEnc(); Robot.driveTrain.resetGyro(); _turnPower = -125; }
public AutoDrive(double speed) { requires(Robot.driveTrain); table = NetworkTable.getTable("Vision"); _leftSpeed = speed*1.15; _rightSpeed = speed; Robot.driveTrain.percentVbusControl(); }
public DriveForwardDistance(double speedL, double speedR, double distanceL, double distanceR, boolean slow) { requires(Robot.driveTrain); _initLeftSpeed = speedL; _initRightSpeed = speedR; _initDistanceL = distanceL*TICKSPERMETER; _initDistanceR = distanceR*TICKSPERMETER; _slow = slow; Robot.driveTrain.percentVbusControl(); table = NetworkTable.getTable("Console"); }
public DriveForwardPosition(double speed, double distanceL, double distanceR) { //requires(Robot.driveTrainPID); _initLeftSpeed = speed*1.15; _initRightSpeed = speed; _initDistanceL = distanceL*TICKSPERMETER; _initDistanceR = distanceR*TICKSPERMETER; //Robot.driveTrainPID.percentVbusControl(); table = NetworkTable.getTable("Console"); }
public DFDSpeed(double speedL, double speedR, double distanceL, double distanceR) { requires(Robot.driveTrain); _initLeftSpeed = speedL; _initRightSpeed = speedR; _initDistanceL = distanceL*TICKSPERMETER; _initDistanceR = distanceR*TICKSPERMETER; table = NetworkTable.getTable("Console"); if(speedL > 0) table.putString("Message", "Backwards DFD Speed"); else table.putString("Message", "Forwards DFD Speed"); }
@Override protected void initDefaultCommand() { table = NetworkTable.getTable("Vision"); // TODO Auto-generated method stub LEDZ = NetworkTable.getTable("LEDS"); }
public DataLogger() { fields = new LinkedHashMap<String,String>(); loggables = new ArrayList<>(); table = NetworkTable.getTable("logging"); for(String s : table.getKeys()) { table.delete(s); } }
/** * This function is run when the robot is first started up and should be * used for any initialization code. */ public void robotInit() { RobotMap.init(); // BEGIN AUTOGENERATED CODE, SOURCE=ROBOTBUILDER ID=CONSTRUCTORS driveTrain = new DriveTrain(); pDP = new PDP(); intake = new Intake(); climber = new Climber(); shooter = new Shooter(); // END AUTOGENERATED CODE, SOURCE=ROBOTBUILDER ID=CONSTRUCTORS // OI must be constructed after subsystems. If the OI creates Commands //(which it very likely will), subsystems are not guaranteed to be // constructed yet. Thus, their requires() statements may grab null // pointers. Bad news. Don't move it. oi = new OI(); // initializes networktable table = NetworkTable.getTable("HookContoursReport"); // sets up camera switcher server = CameraServer.getInstance(); server.startAutomaticCapture(0); // cameraInit(); // set up sendable chooser for autonomous autoChooser = new SendableChooser(); autoChooser.addDefault("Middle Hook", new AUTOMiddleHook()); autoChooser.addObject("Left Hook", new AUTOLeftHook()); autoChooser.addObject("RightHook", new AUTORightHook()); SmartDashboard.putData("Auto Chooser", autoChooser); // instantiate the command used for the autonomous period // BEGIN AUTOGENERATED CODE, SOURCE=ROBOTBUILDER ID=AUTONOMOUS // END AUTOGENERATED CODE, SOURCE=ROBOTBUILDER ID=AUTONOMOUS }
/** * Updates the local contoursReport table. WARNING, this has to be somewhat * syncrhonized so one thing doesn't update the table while another tries to * access an element that might not exist in the updated table * */ public void updateContoursReport() { // A contours report contains centerX[], centerY[], solidity[], // height[], area[], and width[] // I think that it publishes the contours with the smallest area first // in the array contoursReport = NetworkTable.getTable("GRIP/myContoursReport"); }
public GripContourReport(NetworkTable table) { area = table.getNumberArray("area", new double[0]); if (area.length>0) { width = table.getNumberArray("width", new double[0]); height = table.getNumberArray("height", new double[0]); centerX = table.getNumberArray("centerX", new double[0]); centerY = table.getNumberArray("centerY", new double[0]); Debug.msg("GRIP", "FOUND"); } else { width = new double[0]; height = new double[0]; centerX = new double[0]; centerY = new double[0]; Debug.msg("GRIP", "NOT FOUND"); } double maxArea = -1.0; int max = -1; for(int i=0; i<area.length;i++) { if(area[i]>maxArea) { maxArea=area[i]; max = i; } } this.max=max; if(max>-1&&max<centerX.length) maxCenterX=(int)(centerX[max]+0.5); else maxCenterX=-1; if(max>-1&&max<centerY.length) maxCenterY=(int)(centerY[max]+0.5); else maxCenterY=-1; }
private void initializeTrajectoryListener() { ITable mTable = NetworkTable.getTable(SmartDashBoardNames.sSPLINE_NAMESPACE); ITableListener idealSplineListener = new ITableListener() { @Override public void valueChanged(ITable arg0, String arg1, Object arg2, boolean arg3) { mCoordinateGui.setPath(IdealSplineSerializer.deserializePath(arg2.toString())); } }; mTable.addTableListener(SmartDashBoardNames.sSPLINE_IDEAL_POINTS, idealSplineListener, true); }
/** * Constructor for a generic robot program. User code should be placed in the constructor that * runs before the Autonomous or Operator Control period starts. The constructor will run to * completion before Autonomous is entered. * * <p>This must be used to ensure that the communications code starts. In the future it would be * nice * to put this code into it's own task that loads on boot so ensure that it runs. */ protected RobotBase() { // TODO: StartCAPI(); // TODO: See if the next line is necessary // Resource.RestartProgram(); NetworkTable.setNetworkIdentity("Robot"); NetworkTable.setServerMode();// must be before b m_ds = DriverStation.getInstance(); NetworkTable.getTable(""); // forces network tables to initialize NetworkTable.getTable("LiveWindow").getSubTable("~STATUS~").putBoolean("LW Enabled", false); }
/** * Creates a CommandParser object. * * @param aSnobot * The robot using the CommandParser. * @param aPositionChooser * @param aStartPosition */ public CommandParser(Snobot2017 aSnobot, SendableChooser<StartingPositions> aPositionChooser) { super(NetworkTable.getTable(SmartDashBoardNames.sAUTON_TABLE_NAME), SmartDashBoardNames.sROBOT_COMMAND_TEXT, SmartDashBoardNames.sSUCCESFULLY_PARSED_AUTON, " ", "#"); mSnobot = aSnobot; mPositionChooser = aPositionChooser; }
public TrajectoryPathCommand(IDriveTrain aDrivetrain, IPositioner aPositioner, Path aPath) { mDrivetrain = aDrivetrain; mPositioner = aPositioner; mPath = aPath; mTable = NetworkTable.getTable(SmartDashBoardNames.sSPLINE_NAMESPACE); mSDIdealName = SmartDashBoardNames.sSPLINE_IDEAL_POINTS; mSDRealName = SmartDashBoardNames.sSPLINE_REAL_POINT; double kP = Properties2017.sDRIVE_PATH_KP.getValue(); double kD = Properties2017.sDRIVE_PATH_KD.getValue(); double kVelocity = Properties2017.sDRIVE_PATH_KV.getValue(); double kAccel = Properties2017.sDRIVE_PATH_KA.getValue(); mKTurn = Properties2017.sSPLINE_TURN_FACTOR.getValue(); followerLeft.configure(kP, 0, kD, kVelocity, kAccel); followerRight.configure(kP, 0, kD, kVelocity, kAccel); followerLeft.reset(); followerRight.reset(); followerLeft.setTrajectory(aPath.getLeftWheelTrajectory()); followerRight.setTrajectory(aPath.getRightWheelTrajectory()); if (mTable.getString(mSDIdealName, "").isEmpty()) { sendIdealPath(); } }
public TrajectoryPathCommand(IDriveTrain aDrivetrain, IPositioner aPositioner, Path aPath) { mDrivetrain = aDrivetrain; mPositioner = aPositioner; mPath = aPath; mTable = NetworkTable.getTable(SmartDashBoardNames.sSPLINE_NAMESPACE); mSDIdealName = SmartDashBoardNames.sSPLINE_IDEAL_POINTS; mSDRealName = SmartDashBoardNames.sSPLINE_REAL_POINT; double kP = Properties2016.sDRIVE_PATH_KP.getValue(); double kD = Properties2016.sDRIVE_PATH_KD.getValue(); double kVelocity = Properties2016.sDRIVE_PATH_KV.getValue(); double kAccel = Properties2016.sDRIVE_PATH_KA.getValue(); mKTurn = Properties2016.sSPLINE_TURN_FACTOR.getValue(); followerLeft.configure(kP, 0, kD, kVelocity, kAccel); followerRight.configure(kP, 0, kD, kVelocity, kAccel); followerLeft.reset(); followerRight.reset(); followerLeft.setTrajectory(aPath.getLeftWheelTrajectory()); followerRight.setTrajectory(aPath.getRightWheelTrajectory()); if (mTable.getString(mSDIdealName, "").isEmpty()) { sendIdealPath(); } }
@Override public void run() { while (true) { ITable grip = NetworkTable.getTable("GRIP/myLinesReport"); ; VisionHandler.getInstance().update(grip); try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } }
protected void initialize() { firstTurn = true; shouldSetTimeout = true; waiting = false; table = NetworkTable.getTable("vision"); }
protected void initialize() { visionTable = NetworkTable.getTable("vision"); controlTable = NetworkTable.getTable("control_daemon"); SmartDashboard.putData("Horizontal align", new HorizontalAlign(true)); SmartDashboard.putData("Vertical align", new VerticalAlign(true)); SmartDashboard.putData("Free fire (normal)", new FreeFire(false)); SmartDashboard.putData("Free fire (Menzie)", new FreeFire(true)); SmartDashboard.putNumber("Bonus Angle", 0); SmartDashboard.putData("Unstick Ball", new UnstickBall()); SmartDashboard.putData("Calibrate vision", new CalibrateVisionAngle()); }
/** * This function is run when the robot is first started up and should be * used for any initialization code. */ public void robotInit() { NetworkTable.globalDeleteAll(); oi = new OI(); teleop = new Teleop(); uHGSD = new UpdateHighGoalShooterDashboard(); autonomousCommand = new Autonomous(2, 2); CameraServer server = CameraServer.getInstance(); server.startAutomaticCapture("cam0"); hood.resetEncoder(hood.HOOD_START); }
/** * This function is called once each time the robot enters Disabled mode. * You can use it to reset any subsystem information you want to clear when * the robot is disabled. */ public void disabledInit() { SmartDashboard.putNumber("Auto mode", SmartDashboard.getNumber("Auto mode", 2)); SmartDashboard.putNumber("Robot in front of defense", SmartDashboard.getNumber("Robot in front of defense", 2)); table = NetworkTable.getTable("PiTouch"); controlTable = NetworkTable.getTable("control_daemon"); SmartDashboard.putNumber("pid error", 0); SmartDashboard.putBoolean("On target!", false); SmartDashboard.putBoolean("Shoot Horizontally Aligned", false); SmartDashboard.putBoolean("Shoot RPM Aligned", false); SmartDashboard.putNumber("distance", 0); SmartDashboard.putNumber("New flipper angle", 0); SmartDashboard.putNumber("New Hood Angle", hood.HOOD_START); //SmartDashboard.putData("Set Hood PID", new SetPID("hood", Robot.hood.pidController)); SmartDashboard.putData("Move Hood", new MoveHoodSmartDashboard()); SmartDashboard.putNumber("New RPM", 0); //SmartDashboard.putData("Set RPM PID", new SetPID("rpm", Robot.shootingWheel.shootingWheelPIDController)); SmartDashboard.putData("Set RPM", new MoveShootingWheelSmartDashboard()); SmartDashboard.putData("Stop RPM", new MoveShootingWheel(0)); SmartDashboard.putNumber("New Turntable 1", 0); SmartDashboard.putNumber("New Turntable 2", 0); SmartDashboard.putData("Set Turntable PID", new SetPID("turntable", Robot.turntable.pidController)); SmartDashboard.putData("Set Turntable 1", new MoveTurnTableSmartDashboard("New Turntable 1")); SmartDashboard.putData("Set Turntable 2", new MoveTurnTableSmartDashboard("New Turntable 2")); SmartDashboard.putData("Shoot", new FireShooter()); SmartDashboard.putData("Set Flipper", new SetShooterFlipper(1)); uHGSD.start(); }
protected void initialize() { table = NetworkTable.getTable("vision"); table.putNumber("heartbeat", 1); SmartDashboard.putBoolean("Shoot Horizontally Aligned", false); firstTime = true; aligned = false; targetTime = Timer.getFPGATimestamp(); }