ShooterControl(Encoder encoder, SpeedController pullBackSpeedController, double speedControllerMaxRpm, DigitalInput limitSwitch, DoubleSolenoid gearControl, Servo latchServo, Relay angleControl) { m_latchReleaseServo = latchServo; m_currentState = SHOOTER_CONTROL_STATE_WAIT; m_encoder = encoder; m_pullBackSpeedController = pullBackSpeedController; m_angleControl = angleControl; m_speedControllerMaxRpm = speedControllerMaxRpm; m_limitSwitch = limitSwitch; m_pullBackEncoderRpm = new EncoderRPM(); m_pullBackEncoderRpm.Init(m_pullBackSpeedController, m_encoder, (-1)*m_speedControllerMaxRpm, m_speedControllerMaxRpm, 0.05, 100, m_limitSwitch); m_releaseFromMidptEncoderRpm = new EncoderRPM(); m_releaseFromMidptEncoderRpm.Init(m_pullBackSpeedController, m_encoder,(-1)*m_speedControllerMaxRpm/4,m_speedControllerMaxRpm,0.05, 3); m_gearControl = gearControl; m_latchReleased = false; m_gearReleased = false; m_isPulledBack = false; }
/** * Set the angular position of a servo. * * @param angle in degrees (0 - 180) to set the servo to. * @param invert clockwise or counterclockwise rotation. Clockwise if false. * @param servo the Servo object to set the angle of. * @param minAngle the minimum allowable angle for the servo to travel to, * not to be lower than 0.0. * @param maxAngle the maximum allowable angle for the servo to travel to, * not to exceed 170.0. */ private void setAngle(double angle, boolean invert, Servo servo, double minAngle, double maxAngle) { //The Servo class has hard coded ranges of travel. if(minAngle < 0) { minAngle = 0.0; } if(maxAngle > 170.0){ maxAngle = 170.0; } //Get angle in range if(angle > maxAngle) { angle = maxAngle; } else if(angle < minAngle) { angle = minAngle; } if(invert) { angle = maxAngle - angle; } servo.setAngle(angle); }
/** * Creates the Stirrer subsystem. */ public Stirrer() {"Initialize"); // HSR-1425CR stirrerServo = new Servo(RobotMap.STIRRER_SERVO_CHANNEL); // values for the servo we have. stirrerServo.setBounds(2.4, 0, 0, 0, 0.9); stirrerServo.setPeriodMultiplier(PeriodMultiplier.k4X); setStirrer(RobotMap.STIRRER_SERVO_VALUE_STOP); }
/** * Creates the GearManipulator, and sets servo to closed position. */ public GearManipulator() {"Initialize"); gearServo = new Servo(RobotMap.GEAR_SERVO_CHANNEL); gearServo.setBounds(2.4, 0, 0, 0, 0.8); gearServo.setPeriodMultiplier(PeriodMultiplier.k4X); setPosition(Position.CLOSED); lsSpokeDown = new AnalogInput(RobotMap.AI_LS_SPOKE_DOWN); lsWedgeDown = new AnalogInput(RobotMap.AI_LS_WEDGE_DOWN); pressurePlate = new AnalogInput(RobotMap.AI_PRESSURE_PLATE); }
public static void initialize(){ climbingWinch = new CANTalon(8); //this value is guessed as of 3/21 release = new Servo(2); //this value is guessed as of 3/21 motorLatch = new Servo(3); //this value is guessed as of 3/21 climbingWinch.changeControlMode(CANTalon.TalonControlMode.PercentVbus); climbingWinch.enableBrakeMode(true); }
/** * This function is run when the robot is first started up and should be * used for any initialization code. */ public void robotInit() { // PWM's mTestMotor1 = new Talon(0); mTestMotor2 = new Jaguar(1); mServo = new Servo(2); // Digital IO mDigitalOutput = new DigitalOutput(0); mRightEncoder = new Encoder(4, 5); mLeftEncoder = new Encoder(1, 2); mUltrasonic = new Ultrasonic(7, 6); // Analog IO mAnalogGryo = new AnalogGyro(0); mPotentiometer = new AnalogPotentiometer(1); // Solenoid mSolenoid = new Solenoid(0); // Relay mRelay = new Relay(0); // Joysticks mJoystick1 = new Joystick(0); mJoystick2 = new XboxController(1); // SPI mSpiGryo = new ADXRS450_Gyro(); // Utilities mTimer = new Timer(); mPDP = new PowerDistributionPanel(); Preferences.getInstance().putDouble("Motor One Speed", .5); }
/** * Instantiate latch and sensor */ public Climber() { armLatch = new Servo(RobotMap.CLIMBER_LATCH); dart = new Talon(4); // atBottom = new DigitalInput(RobotMap.ClimberBottomSensor); dartLimit = new DigitalInput(RobotMap.CLIMBER_DART_LIMIT); winchBanner = new DigitalInput(RobotMap.CLIMBER_BANNER); }
/** * Code for driving robot */ public Drive() { leftDrive = new Talon(RobotMap.LEFT_DRIVE_TALON); rightDrive = new Talon(RobotMap.RIGHT_DRIVE_TALON); PTOMotor = new Servo(RobotMap.DRIVE_PTO); gyro = new AnalogGyro(0); }
public CameraSubsystem(Servo _horizontal, Servo _vertical, Relay _lights) { this._horizontal = _horizontal; this._vertical = _vertical; this._lights = _lights; this.setDataKey(CameraSubsystemDataKey.HORIZONTAL_ROTATION_DEGREES, 90.0d); this.setDataKey(CameraSubsystemDataKey.VERTICAL_ROTATION_DEGREES, 0.0d); this.setDataKey(CameraSubsystemDataKey.LIGHTS, false); }
public TurtlePWMServo(int channel, double startingAngle, double degreesPerSec, double maxMovement) { servo = new Servo(channel); currentAngle = startingAngle; degreesPerSecond = degreesPerSec; max = maxMovement; timer = new Timer(); servo.setAngle(currentAngle); timer.start(); }
public void initialize() { rearLeftMotor = new Jaguar(0); frontLeftMotor = new Jaguar(1); liftMotor = new Jaguar(2); liftMotor2 = new Jaguar(3); liftEncoder = new Encoder(6, 7, false, EncodingType.k4X); drivetrain = new RobotDrive(rearLeftMotor, frontLeftMotor); drivetrain.setInvertedMotor(MotorType.kFrontLeft, true); drivetrain.setInvertedMotor(MotorType.kFrontRight, true); halsensor = new DigitalInput(0); horizontalCamera = new Servo(8); verticalCamera = new Servo(9); solenoid = new DoubleSolenoid(0,1); gyro = new Gyro(1); accelerometer = new BuiltInAccelerometer(); liftEncoder.reset(); RobotHardwareWoodbot hardware = (RobotHardwareWoodbot); LiveWindow.addActuator("Drive Train", "Front Left Motor", (Jaguar)hardware.frontLeftMotor); LiveWindow.addActuator("Drive Train", "Back Left Motor", (Jaguar)hardware.rearLeftMotor); //LiveWindow.addActuator("Drive Train", "Front Right Motor", (Jaguar)hardware.frontRightMotor); //LiveWindow.addActuator("Drive Train", "Back Right Motor", (Jaguar)hardware.rearRightMotor); }
@Override public void initialize() { //PWM liftMotor = new Victor(0); //2); leftMotors = new Victor(1); rightMotors = new Victor(2); //0); armMotors = new Victor(3); transmission = new Servo(7); //CAN armSolenoid = new DoubleSolenoid(4,5); //DIO liftEncoder = new Encoder(0, 1, false, EncodingType.k4X); liftBottomLimit = new DigitalInput(2); liftTopLimit = new DigitalInput(3); backupLiftBottomLimit = new DigitalInput(5); switch1 = new DigitalInput(9); switch2 = new DigitalInput(8); //ANALOG gyro = new Gyro(0); //roboRio accelerometer = new BuiltInAccelerometer(); //Stuff drivetrain = new RobotDrive(leftMotors, rightMotors); liftSpeedRatio = 1; //Half power default liftGear = 1; driverSpeedRatio = 1; debounceComp = 0; drivetrain.setInvertedMotor(MotorType.kRearLeft, true); drivetrain.setInvertedMotor(MotorType.kRearRight, true); }
@Override public void initialize() { //PWM liftMotor = new Talon(0); //2); leftMotors = new Talon(1); rightMotors = new Talon(2); //0); armMotors = new Talon(3); transmission = new Servo(7); //CAN armSolenoid = new DoubleSolenoid(4,5); //DIO /*liftEncoder = new Encoder(0, 1, false, EncodingType.k4X); liftBottomLimit = new DigitalInput(2); liftTopLimit = new DigitalInput(3); backupLiftBottomLimit = new DigitalInput(4); switch1 = new DigitalInput(9); switch2 = new DigitalInput(8);*/ //ANALOG gyro = new Gyro(0); //roboRio accelerometer = new BuiltInAccelerometer(); //Stuff drivetrain = new RobotDrive(leftMotors, rightMotors); liftSpeedRatio = 1; //Half power default liftGear = 1; driverSpeedRatio = 1; debounceComp = 0; drivetrain.setInvertedMotor(MotorType.kRearLeft, true); drivetrain.setInvertedMotor(MotorType.kRearRight, true); }
/** * Default constructor for vision target. TCP Listens on Port 1111; */ private Vision() { cam = new TCPCameraSensor(1111, 200); vision_servo = new Servo(RobotMap.visionServo.getInt()); //initialize data variable dataReceived = new String[cam.getMessageLength()]; for(int i = 0; i < cam.getMessageLength(); i++) dataReceived[i] = "0"; LeftOrRightHot = 0; cam.start(); }
/** * A private constructor to prevent multiple instances from being created. */ private ServoBallTapper() { leftTapper = new Servo(RobotMap.leftTapperServo.getInt()); rightTapper = new Servo(RobotMap.rightTapperServo.getInt()); setLeftAngle(0); setRightAngle(0); }
/** * Get the angle of a servo. * @param inverted specifies if positive angles should be * clockwise (false) or counterclockwise (true). * @param servo The Servo object to get the angle of. * @param maxAngle The maximum angle the servo can travel. * @return the angle of the zero (degrees). */ private double getAngle(boolean inverted, Servo servo, double maxAngle) { double angle = servo.getAngle(); if(inverted) { angle = -angle + maxAngle; } return angle; }
public CameraUnit() { camera = AxisCamera.getInstance(ReboundRumble.CAMERA_IP); camera.writeResolution(AxisCamera.ResolutionT.k320x240); camera.writeExposurePriority(AxisCamera.ExposurePriorityT.imageQuality); camera.writeExposureControl(AxisCamera.ExposureT.hold); camera.writeWhiteBalance(AxisCamera.WhiteBalanceT.fixedIndoor); cc = new CriteriaCollection(); cc.addCriteria(MeasurementType.IMAQ_MT_BOUNDING_RECT_WIDTH, 15, 400, false); cc.addCriteria(MeasurementType.IMAQ_MT_BOUNDING_RECT_HEIGHT, 15, 400, false); cameraPan = new Servo(1, 6); cameraTilt = new Servo(1, 7); }
public Climber(int leftM, int rightM, int leftSecondaryM, int rightSecondaryM, int leftS, int rightS, int gyro) { this.leftM = new Jaguar(leftM); this.rightM = new Jaguar(rightM); this.leftSecondaryM = new Victor(leftSecondaryM); this.rightSecondaryM = new Victor(rightSecondaryM); this.leftS = new Servo(leftS); this.rightS = new Servo(rightS); this.gyro = new Gyro(gyro); this.gyro.setSensitivity(.007); System.out.println("Sensitivity set"); this.gyro.reset(); Log.v(TAG, "Climber subsystem instantiated."); }
public AimingSystem() { camera = AxisCamera.getInstance(Parameters.cameraIP); camera.writeResolution(AxisCamera.ResolutionT.k640x480); camera.writeExposurePriority(AxisCamera.ExposurePriorityT.imageQuality); camera.writeExposureControl(AxisCamera.ExposureT.hold); camera.writeWhiteBalance(AxisCamera.WhiteBalanceT.fixedIndoor); cc = new CriteriaCollection(); cc.addCriteria(NIVision.MeasurementType.IMAQ_MT_AREA, 500, 65535, false); ultrasonicSensor = new Ultrasonic(Parameters.UltrasonicAnalogChannel); servo = new Servo(Parameters.cameraServoPWMChannel); setShootPosition(); }
public Drive(JoystickControl controller) { leftMotor = new Motor(JAGUAR_LEFT_ID, JAGUAR_LEFT_INVERTED); rightMotor = new Motor(JAGUAR_RIGHT_ID, JAGUAR_RIGHT_INVERTED); leftEncoderInput = new DigitalInput(ENCODER_DIGITAL_SIDECAR_CHANNEL, ENCODER_LEFT_CHANNEL); rightEncoderInput = new DigitalInput(ENCODER_DIGITAL_SIDECAR_CHANNEL, ENCODER_RIGHT_CHANNEL); leftEncoder = new Encoder(leftEncoderInput, leftEncoderInput, false, EncodingType.k1X); rightEncoder = new Encoder(rightEncoderInput, rightEncoderInput, false, EncodingType.k1X); raiseServo = new Servo(5); this.controller = controller; }
public Gear() { left = new Servo(Constants.GEAR_LEFT); right = new Servo(Constants.GEAR_RIGHT); isGearOut = false; }
@Override protected String header() { Servo servo = servoSet.getServo(); String id = servo != null ? String.valueOf(servo.getChannel()) : ""; return Messages.boldGreen("\nServo: " + id + "\n"); }
public Servo getServo() { return servo; }
public void setServo(Servo servo) { clearSelected(); this.servo = servo; }
public ServoItem(Servo servo, String description) { super(TYPE, description, MEASURES); this.servo = servo; }
public ServoItem(Servo servo) { this(servo, "Servo " + servo.getChannel()); }
public static void initialize() { if (initialized) return; // reset trigger init time initTriggerTime = Utility.getFPGATime(); cameraLedRelay = new Relay(HardwareIDs.CAMERA_LED_RELAY_CHANNEL,Relay.Direction.kForward); cameraLedRelay.set(Relay.Value.kOff); positionServo = new Servo(HardwareIDs.CAMERA_SERVO_PWM_ID); gamepad = new Joystick(HardwareIDs.DRIVER_CONTROL_ID); ledState = false; initialized = true; }
public WsServo(String name, int channel) { this.position = new DoubleSubject(name); this.servo = new Servo(channel); angleSet = false; }
CameraMount() { tilt = new Servo(HardwareDefines.DIGITAL_MODULE_PORT, HardwareDefines.TILT_SERVO_CHANNEL); rotate = new Servo(HardwareDefines.DIGITAL_MODULE_PORT, HardwareDefines.ROT_SERVO_CHANNEL); }
/** * This function is run when the robot is first started up and should be * used for any initialization code. */ public void robotInit() { // Initializes the Talon motor controllers for driving frontLeftTalon = new Talon(1); backLeftTalon = new Talon(2); frontRightTalon = new Talon(3); backRightTalon = new Talon(4); // Initializes the controller for the four driving motors and reverses two of them driveControl = new RobotDrive(frontLeftTalon, backLeftTalon, frontRightTalon, backRightTalon); driveControl.setInvertedMotor(RobotDrive.MotorType.kFrontRight, true); driveControl.setInvertedMotor(RobotDrive.MotorType.kRearRight, true); // Initializes the rest of the jaguars and talons for various functions frisbeeAcceleratorTalon = new Talon(5); frisbeePusherJaguar = new Jaguar(6); leftHookTalon = new Talon(7); rightHookTalon = new Talon(8); shooterTiltTalon = new Talon(9); // Initialize joysticks driverJoystick = new Joystick(1); secondJoystick = new Joystick(2); // Initialize the limit switches for the hooks hookLimitLeft = new DigitalInput(1); hookLimitRight = new DigitalInput(2); // Initialize toggle switch for the hooks runningHooks = false; // Initialize the limit switches for the frisbee pusher pusherLimitFront = new DigitalInput(3); pusherLimitBack = new DigitalInput(4); // Initialize the limit switch on the shooter tilt tiltLimitBottom = new DigitalInput(5); tiltLimitTop = new DigitalInput(6); // Initialize autonomous timer frisbeeAutoTimer = new Timer(); // Initialize encoder encoder = new AnalogChannel(3); gyro = new Gyro(1); camServoX = new Servo(2, 1); camServoY = new Servo(2, 2); camServoXAngle = 0; camServoYAngle = 0; }
protected LeftLock() { lock = new Servo(Constants.P_LEFT_LOCK_CAR, Constants.P_LEFT_LOCK_CHAN); }
private RightLock(){ this.lock = new Servo(Constants.P_RIGHT_LOCK_CAR, Constants.P_RIGHT_LOCK_CHAN); }
public static Servo getServo(){ return new SlowServo(1, 1); }