public AbsoluteAnalogEncoder(int channel, double minVoltage, double maxVoltage, double offsetDegrees) { super(channel); if (minVoltage >= maxVoltage) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Minimum voltage must be less than maximum voltage"); if (offsetDegrees < 0 || offsetDegrees > 360) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Offset must be between 0 and 360 degrees"); _channel = channel; _minVoltage = minVoltage; _maxVoltage = maxVoltage; _offsetDegrees = offsetDegrees; // Turn counter only ever stores 0 // _turnCounter = new Counter(); _turnCounter.reset(); _turnCounter.stop(); }
/** * Constructs a new Launcher, with two Talons for winding, a release relay, * and a limit switch for winding regulation based on input from a * MaxbotixUltrasonic rangefinder. */ public Launcher() { super("Launcher"); winderL = new Talon(RobotMap.WIND_LEFT_PORT); winderR = new Talon(RobotMap.WIND_RIGHT_PORT); releaseMotor = new Relay(RobotMap.RELAY_PORT); camera = new AxisCameraM1101(); rangefinder = new MaxbotixUltrasonic(RobotMap.ULTRASONIC_RANGEFINDER); limitSwitch = new DigitalInput(RobotMap.LIMIT_SWITCH); counter = new Counter(limitSwitch); counterInit(counter); }
public Shooter(Vision vision, JoystickControl controller) { = vision; this.controller = controller; averageSpeed = new MovingAverage(ENCODER_AVERAGE_SAMPLES); feeder = new Relay(FEEDER_RELAY_CHANNEL); feeder.setDirection(Relay.Direction.kForward); feederSwitch = new DigitalInput(FEEDER_DIGITAL_SIDECAR_SLOT, FEEDER_DIGITAL_CHANNEL); encoderInput = new DigitalInput(ENCODER_DIGITAL_SIDECAR_SLOT, ENCODER_DIGITAL_CHANNEL); shooterEncoder = new Counter(encoderInput); shooterEncoder.setSemiPeriodMode(true); shooterMotor = new Motor(SHOOTER_JAGUAR_CHANNEL, SHOOTER_JAGUAR_INVERTED); cycleCounts = 0; rateCount = 0.0; prevTime = 0.0; currentSpeed = 0.0; }
public USensor() { leftPulse = new DigitalOutput(RobotMap.LEFT_PULSE); left = new Counter(RobotMap.LEFT_ECHO); left.setMaxPeriod(1); left.setSemiPeriodMode(true); left.reset(); rightPulse = new DigitalOutput(RobotMap.RIGHT_PULSE); right = new Counter(RobotMap.RIGHT_ECHO); right.setMaxPeriod(1); right.setSemiPeriodMode(true); right.reset(); threadInit(() -> { leftPulse.pulse(RobotMap.US_PULSE); rightPulse.pulse(RobotMap.US_PULSE); do { try { Thread.sleep(1); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } while (left.get() < 2 || right.get() < 2); leftDistant = left.getPeriod() * 0.5 * RobotMap.SPEED_OF_SOUND; rightDistant = right.getPeriod() * 0.5 * RobotMap.SPEED_OF_SOUND; SmartDashboard.putNumber("left dis", leftDistant); SmartDashboard.putNumber("right dis", rightDistant); left.reset(); right.reset(); }); }
public FRCPulseCounter(DigitalInput port, boolean pulseLength) { counter = new Counter(); if(pulseLength){ counter.setPulseLengthMode(0.01); }else{ counter.setUpSource(port); counter.setUpDownCounterMode(); counter.setSemiPeriodMode(false); } quadrature = false; }
public FRCPulseCounter(DigitalInput upPort, DigitalInput downPort) { counter = new Counter(); counter.setUpSource(upPort); counter.setDownSource(downPort); counter.setUpDownCounterMode(); counter.setSemiPeriodMode(false); quadrature = true; }
public Shooter() { shooterMotor = new VictorSP(Constants.SHOOTER); shooterMotor2 = new VictorSP(Constants.SHOOTER_2); shooterMotor.setInverted(true); shooterMotor2.setInverted(true); hallEffect = new Counter(Constants.HALL_EFFECT); hallEffect.setDistancePerPulse(1); }
public FlyWheels() { left = new CANTalon(RobotMap.LEFT_SHOOTER_MOTOR); right = new CANTalon(RobotMap.RIGHT_SHOOTER_MOTOR); left.enableBrakeMode(true); right.enableBrakeMode(true); right.changeControlMode(CANTalon.TalonControlMode.Follower); right.reverseOutput(true); pusher = new DoubleSolenoid(RobotMap.PUSHER_OUT_PORT, RobotMap.PUSHER_IN_PORT); wheelSwitch = new DigitalInput(RobotMap.FLYWHEEL_ENCODER_SWITCH); counter = new Counter(wheelSwitch); }
/** * Set the negative limit switch for this Talon. * <p> * This limit switch will stop the motor (set the talon to zero) if the limit switch * is engaged and the motor set value is negative (<0). Any calls to {@link #pidWrite(double)} * or {@link #set(double)} that contain a negative value will be overridden to zero. Positive * motor speeds will still be accepted. * * @param negativeLimitSwitch - a digital input used for this limit switch. * @param defaultState - the default state for this limit switch. The value opposite of the default * state is used to determine if the switch is engaged. */ public void setNegativeLimitSwitch(DigitalInput negativeLimitSwitch, boolean defaultState) { this.negativeLimitSwitch = negativeLimitSwitch; this.negativeLimitSwitchDefaultState = defaultState; // If the default state is true, the counter should detect falling edges this.negativeLimitSwitchCounter = new Counter(this.negativeLimitSwitch); if (defaultState == false) { this.negativeLimitSwitchCounter.setUpSourceEdge(true, false); } else { this.negativeLimitSwitchCounter.setUpSourceEdge(false, true); } this.negativeLimitSwitchCounter.reset(); }
/** * Set the positive limit switch for this Talon. * <p> * This limit switch will stop the motor (set the talon to zero) if the limit switch * is engaged and the motor set value is positive (>0). Any calls to {@link #pidWrite(double)} * or {@link #set(double)} that contain a positive value will be overridden to zero. Negative * motor speeds will still be accepted. * * @param positiveLimitSwitch - a digital input used for this limit switch. * @param defaultState - the default state for this limit switch. The value opposite of the default * state is used to determine if the switch is engaged. */ public void setPositiveLimitSwitch(DigitalInput positiveLimitSwitch, boolean defaultState) { this.positiveLimitSwitch = positiveLimitSwitch; this.positiveLimitSwitchDefaultState = defaultState; // If the default state is true, the counter should detect falling edges this.positiveLimitSwitchCounter = new Counter(this.positiveLimitSwitch); if (defaultState == false) { this.positiveLimitSwitchCounter.setUpSourceEdge(true, false); } else { this.positiveLimitSwitchCounter.setUpSourceEdge(false, true); } this.positiveLimitSwitchCounter.reset(); }
public TurtleHallSensor(int port, boolean countHighs) { c = new Counter(); c.setUpSource(port); c.setUpDownCounterMode(); c.setSemiPeriodMode(countHighs); c.setMaxPeriod(1); c.setDistancePerPulse(1); c.setSamplesToAverage(6); }
public Robot() { stick = new Joystick(0); try { /* Construct Digital I/O Objects */ pwm_out_9 = new Victor( getChannelFromPin( PinType.PWM, 9 )); pwm_out_8 = new Jaguar( getChannelFromPin( PinType.PWM, 8 )); dig_in_7 = new DigitalInput( getChannelFromPin( PinType.DigitalIO, 7 )); dig_in_6 = new DigitalInput( getChannelFromPin( PinType.DigitalIO, 6 )); dig_out_5 = new DigitalOutput( getChannelFromPin( PinType.DigitalIO, 5 )); dig_out_4 = new DigitalOutput( getChannelFromPin( PinType.DigitalIO, 4 )); enc_3and2 = new Encoder( getChannelFromPin( PinType.DigitalIO, 3 ), getChannelFromPin( PinType.DigitalIO, 2 )); enc_1and0 = new Encoder( getChannelFromPin( PinType.DigitalIO, 1 ), getChannelFromPin( PinType.DigitalIO, 0 )); /* Construct Analog I/O Objects */ /* NOTE: Due to a board layout issue on the navX MXP board revision */ /* 3.3, there is noticeable crosstalk between AN IN pins 3, 2 and 1. */ /* For that reason, use of pin 3 and pin 2 is NOT RECOMMENDED. */ an_in_1 = new AnalogInput( getChannelFromPin( PinType.AnalogIn, 1 )); an_trig_0 = new AnalogTrigger( getChannelFromPin( PinType.AnalogIn, 0 )); an_trig_0_counter = new Counter( an_trig_0 ); an_out_1 = new AnalogOutput( getChannelFromPin( PinType.AnalogOut, 1 )); an_out_0 = new AnalogOutput( getChannelFromPin( PinType.AnalogOut, 0 )); /* Configure I/O Objects */ pwm_out_9.setSafetyEnabled(false); /* Disable Motor Safety for Demo */ pwm_out_8.setSafetyEnabled(false); /* Disable Motor Safety for Demo */ /* Configure Analog Trigger */ an_trig_0.setAveraged(true); an_trig_0.setLimitsVoltage(MIN_AN_TRIGGER_VOLTAGE, MAX_AN_TRIGGER_VOLTAGE); } catch (RuntimeException ex ) { DriverStation.reportError( "Error instantiating MXP pin on navX MXP: " + ex.getMessage(), true); } }
@Override public void initialize() { m_victor = new Victor(RobotMap.LIFT_MOTOR); m_victor.enableDeadbandElimination(true); m_victor.setExpiration(Victor.DEFAULT_SAFETY_EXPIRATION); m_encoder = new Encoder(RobotMap.ENCODER_DIO_PORTA, RobotMap.ENCODER_DIO_PORTB, true); m_encoder.setSamplesToAverage(10); m_maxLimit = new DigitalInput(RobotMap.LIMIT_DIO_PORT1); max_counter = new Counter(m_maxLimit); }
public AbsoluteAnalogEncoder(int channel, double minVoltage, double maxVoltage, double offsetDegrees, int analogSampleRate, double analogTriggerThresholdDifference) { //TODO: Implement direction super(channel); _channel = channel; if (minVoltage >= maxVoltage) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Minimum voltage must be less than maximum voltage"); if (offsetDegrees < 0 || offsetDegrees > 360) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Offset must be between 0 and 360 degrees"); // Initialize analog trigger // _analogTrigger = new AnalogTrigger(channel); _analogTrigger.setFiltered(true); _analogTrigger.setLimitsVoltage(minVoltage + analogTriggerThresholdDifference, maxVoltage - analogTriggerThresholdDifference); AnalogTriggerOutput _analogTriggerFalling = new AnalogTriggerOutput(_analogTrigger, AnalogTriggerOutput.Type.kFallingPulse); AnalogTriggerOutput _analogTriggerRising = new AnalogTriggerOutput(_analogTrigger, AnalogTriggerOutput.Type.kRisingPulse); // Set analog module sampling rate // AnalogModule module = (AnalogModule) Module.getModule(ModulePresence.ModuleType.kAnalog, DEFAULT_ANALOG_MODULE); module.setSampleRate(analogSampleRate); // Initialize turn counter // _turnCounter = new Counter(); _turnCounter.setUpDownCounterMode(); _turnCounter.setUpSource(_analogTriggerRising); _turnCounter.setDownSource(_analogTriggerFalling); _turnCounter.start(); _minVoltage = minVoltage; _maxVoltage = maxVoltage; _offsetDegrees = offsetDegrees; }
/** * Measures a physical switch press and translates it to virtual meaning. If * the winder motor is moving in the negative direction, the mechanism is * unwinding and so the switch press count should decrease, and if the motor * is moving in the positive direction, the mechanism is winding, and thus * the switch press count should increase. * * @param counter The Counter object that represents the physical limit * switch virtually. A physical switch press increments the counter value * twice: once on the press (by 4 - 10) and once on the release (by 1 - 3). * The code only acknowledges the presses by ignoring all increases that are * less than 4. */ private void isSwitchPressed(Counter counter) { if (counter.get() > 3) { if (winderL.get() <= -0.1) { currentClick--; } else if (winderL.get() >= 0.1) { currentClick++; } else { System.out.println("The switch should not have been pressed."); } clickTime = Timer.getFPGATimestamp(); } counter.reset(); }
public void update (){ enter_wheel_speed = ((Double) WsOutputManager.getInstance().getOutput(WsOutputManager.SHOOTER_VICTOR_ENTER).get((IOutputEnum) null)); exit_wheel_speed = ((Double) WsOutputManager.getInstance().getOutput(WsOutputManager.SHOOTER_VICTOR_EXIT).get((IOutputEnum) null)); //Use instanteous speed to update encoders if (enter_wheel_speed > 0) { enter_wheel_encoder+= AMOUNT_TO_CHANGE; } else { enter_wheel_encoder-= AMOUNT_TO_CHANGE; if (enter_wheel_encoder < 0){ enter_wheel_encoder = 0 ; } } if (exit_wheel_speed > 0) { exit_wheel_encoder+= AMOUNT_TO_CHANGE; } else { exit_wheel_encoder-= AMOUNT_TO_CHANGE; if (exit_wheel_encoder < 0){ exit_wheel_encoder = 0 ; } } ((Counter) ((WsShooter) WsSubsystemContainer.getInstance().getSubsystem(WsSubsystemContainer.WS_SHOOTER)).getEnterCounter()).set(enter_wheel_encoder); ((Counter) ((WsShooter) WsSubsystemContainer.getInstance().getSubsystem(WsSubsystemContainer.WS_SHOOTER)).getExitCounter()).set(exit_wheel_encoder); }
public ShootArm() { arm = new Talon(Ports.SHOOTER_LAUNCHER); arm.set(0); launcherEncoder = new Encoder(Ports.SHOOTER_ENCODER_1, Ports.SHOOTER_ENCODER_2, false, Encoder.EncodingType.k4X); launcherEncoder.start(); launcherEncoder.setDistancePerPulse(0.96); launcherEncoder.setMinRate(1); armHome = new DigitalInput(Ports.SHOOTER_HOME); armCounter = new Counter(armHome); armCounter.start(); state = 0; }
public AnalogChannelVolt(int moduleNumber, int channel) { super(moduleNumber, channel); this.getModule().setSampleRate(1000); m_trig = new AnalogTrigger(moduleNumber, channel); m_trig.setFiltered(true); m_trig.setLimitsVoltage(1.35, 3.65); m_count = new Counter(); m_count.setUpDownCounterMode(); m_count.setUpSource(m_trig, AnalogTriggerOutput.Type.kFallingPulse); m_count.setDownSource(m_trig, AnalogTriggerOutput.Type.kRisingPulse); m_count.start(); }
/** * Initializes important objects for the */ private void initialize() { counter = new Counter(input); counter.setSemiPeriodMode(false); rateCalc = new RateCalculator(counter); rateThread = new Thread(rateCalc); }
public RateCalculator(Counter c) { this.c = c; lastRate = 0; lastCount = 0; lastTick = System.currentTimeMillis(); delayPerLoop = 10; updateRate = 200; }
public Auger(int augerRelay, int augerRotationSwitch, int augerTopSwitch) { super("Auger"); auger = new Relay(augerRelay); augerRotateSwitch = new DigitalInput(augerRotationSwitch); augerTopLimitSwitch = new DigitalInput(augerTopSwitch); counter = new Counter(augerRotateSwitch); counter.setSemiPeriodMode(false); direction = AugerDirection.AUGER_STOP; counter.start(); }
private Shooter(int motorChannel, int loader, int tilter, int encoder) { motor = new Victor(motorChannel); loaderPiston = new Solenoid(loader); tilterPiston = new Solenoid(tilter); cntr = new Counter(encoder); //cntr.setSemiPeriodMode(true); cntr.start(); new Thread(this).start(); }
public EncoderShooter() { backMotor = new Victor(RobotMap.BACK_SHOOTER_MOTOR); frontMotor = new Victor(RobotMap.FRONT_SHOOTER_MOTOR); counter = new Counter(RobotMap.SHOOTER_ENCODER); counter.setUpDownCounterMode(); counter.start(); setpoint = RobotMap.DEFAULT_SETPOINT; backMotor.set(RobotMap.BACK_SHOOTING_SPEED); }
public ClimbingSystem(RobotTemplate robo) { try { up = new Solenoid(Wiring.CLIMB_SOLENOID_UP); down = new Solenoid(Wiring.CLIMB_SOLENOID_DOWN); forward = new Solenoid(Wiring.CLIMBING_SOLENOID_FORWARD); back = new Solenoid(Wiring.CLIMBING_SOLENOID_BACKWARD); home = new DigitalInput(Wiring.CYLINDER_HOME); part = new DigitalInput(Wiring.CYLINDER_PART); max = new DigitalInput(Wiring.CYLINDER_MAX); winch = new CANJaguar(Wiring.WINCH_MOTOR); countPart = new Counter(part); countPart.setUpSourceEdge(true, false); countPart.reset(); countPart.start(); winch.configMaxOutputVoltage(6.0); forward.set(true); back.set(false); this.robo = robo; time.start(); typicalCurrent = 0; } catch (CANTimeoutException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } }
public HallEffectSensor(int port){ _hallEffect = new DigitalInput(port); _counter = new Counter(_hallEffect); }
public Counter getEnterCounter() { return counterEnter; }
public Counter getExitCounter() { return counterExit; }
public Counter getEnterCounterValue() { return counterEnter; }
public Counter getExitCounterValue() { return counterExit; }
public HallEffectSpeedSensor(int port) { _hallEffect = new DigitalInput(port); _counter = new Counter(_hallEffect); _counter.start(); }
public MecanumEncoder(int pin) { encoder = new Counter(new DigitalInput(pin)); encoder.setDistancePerPulse(this.distance_per_pulse); encoder.setMaxPeriod(this.max_period); }
public MecanumEncoder(int pin, double dist, double period) { encoder = new Counter(new DigitalInput(pin)); encoder.setDistancePerPulse(dist); encoder.setMaxPeriod(period); }
public void setup() { counter = new Counter(DIOCrossConnectD1); fakeEncoder = new FakeCounterSource(2, DIOCrossConnectD2); }
public void setup() { counter = new Counter(DIOCrossConnectA1); counter2 = new Counter(DIOCrossConnectB1); fakeQEncoder = new FakeEncoderSource(2, DIOCrossConnectA2, 2, DIOCrossConnectB2); }
public void setup() { victor = new Victor(2); gts = new Counter(2, GreyJagGearTooth); // need to encode this slot number }