protected void robotInit() { //We need to create the speed controllers for our drive system. //In this example, we have a mecanum drive, so we create 4 speed //controller objects from WPILib. We will use the TalonSRX speed controllers. TalonSRX frontRight = new TalonSRX(0); TalonSRX rearRight = new TalonSRX(1); TalonSRX frontLeft = new TalonSRX(2); TalonSRX rearLeft = new TalonSRX(3); //Since FlashLib wasn't specifically built for FRC, //MecanumDrive cannot receive WPILib speed controller objects. //We need to create a FlashSpeedController object to wrap the speed //controllers. We will use FRCSpeedControllers. This class can receive //several speed controller objects. //We will create 4 wrappers: one for each controller FRCSpeedControllers frontRightWrapper = new FRCSpeedControllers(frontRight); FRCSpeedControllers rearRightWrapper = new FRCSpeedControllers(rearRight); FRCSpeedControllers frontLeftWrapper = new FRCSpeedControllers(frontLeft); FRCSpeedControllers rearLeftWrapper = new FRCSpeedControllers(rearLeft); //Now we can create the MecanumDrive object and pass it or speed controller //wrappers. driveTrain = new MecanumDrive(frontRightWrapper, rearRightWrapper, frontLeftWrapper, rearLeftWrapper); //Creating our controller for channel 0 of the DriverStation. controller = new XboxController(0); }
protected void robotInit() { //We need to create the speed controllers for our drive system. //In this example, we have an omni drive with 4 motors: //one on the right side and one on the left side (moving the robot along the Y axis) //one on the front of the robot and one on the rear of the robot (moving the robot along the X axis) //so we create 4 speed controller objects from WPILib. We will use the TalonSRX speed controllers. TalonSRX front = new TalonSRX(0); TalonSRX rear = new TalonSRX(1); TalonSRX left = new TalonSRX(2); TalonSRX right = new TalonSRX(3); //Since FlashLib wasn't specifically built for FRC, //FlashDrive cannot receive WPILib speed controller objects. //We need to create a FlashSpeedController object to wrap the speed //controllers. We will use FRCSpeedControllers. //We will create 4 wrappers: one for each side FRCSpeedControllers frontWrapper = new FRCSpeedControllers(front); FRCSpeedControllers rearWrapper = new FRCSpeedControllers(rear); FRCSpeedControllers rightWrapper = new FRCSpeedControllers(right); FRCSpeedControllers leftWrapper = new FRCSpeedControllers(left); //Now we can create the FlashDrive object and pass it or speed controller //wrappers. driveTrain = new FlashDrive(rightWrapper, leftWrapper, frontWrapper, rearWrapper); //Creating our controller for channel 0 of the DriverStation. controller = new XboxController(0); }
protected void robotInit() { //We need to create the speed controllers for our drive system. //In this example, we have a 4x4 tank drive, so we create 4 speed //controller objects from WPILib. We will use the TalonSRX speed controllers. TalonSRX frontRight = new TalonSRX(0); TalonSRX rearRight = new TalonSRX(1); TalonSRX frontLeft = new TalonSRX(2); TalonSRX rearLeft = new TalonSRX(3); //Since FlashLib wasn't specifically built for FRC, //FlashDrive cannot receive WPILib speed controller objects. //We need to create a FlashSpeedController object to wrap the speed //controllers. We will use FRCSpeedControllers. This class can receive //several speed controller objects. //We will create 2 wrappers: one for the left side, another for the right side FRCSpeedControllers rightControllers = new FRCSpeedControllers(frontRight, rearRight); FRCSpeedControllers leftControllers = new FRCSpeedControllers(frontLeft, rearLeft); //Now we can create the FlashDrive object and pass it or speed controller //wrappers. driveTrain = new FlashDrive(rightControllers, leftControllers); //Creating our controller for channel 0 of the DriverStation. controller = new XboxController(0); }
public void robotInit() { this.mod1Spin = new TalonSRX(Constants.MOD1SPIN); this.mod1Drive = new TalonSRX(Constants.MOD1DRIVE); this.spinEncoder1 = new Encoder(0, 0); //Needs real values this.driveEncoder1 = new Encoder(0, 0); //Needs real values this.mod2Spin = new TalonSRX(Constants.MOD2SPIN); this.mod2Drive = new TalonSRX(Constants.MOD2DRIVE); this.spinEncoder2 = new Encoder(0, 0); //Needs real values this.driveEncoder2 = new Encoder(0, 0); //Needs real values this.mod3Spin = new TalonSRX(Constants.MOD3SPIN); this.mod3Drive = new TalonSRX(Constants.MOD3DRIVE); this.spinEncoder3 = new Encoder(0, 0); //Needs real values this.driveEncoder3 = new Encoder(0, 0); //Needs real values this.mod4Spin = new TalonSRX(Constants.MOD4SPIN); this.mod4Drive = new TalonSRX(Constants.MOD4DRIVE); this.spinEncoder4 = new Encoder(0, 0); //Needs real values this.driveEncoder4 = new Encoder(0, 0); //Needs real values this.xboxDrive = new Joystick(Constants.XBOXDRIVEPORT); this.frontLeft = new SwerveModule("frontLeft", mod1Drive, mod1Spin, spinEncoder1, driveEncoder1); // needs completion0 this.backLeft = new SwerveModule("backLeft", mod2Drive, mod2Spin, spinEncoder2, driveEncoder2); this.frontRight = new SwerveModule("frontRight", mod3Drive, mod3Spin, spinEncoder3, driveEncoder3); this.backRight = new SwerveModule("backRight", mod4Drive, mod4Spin, spinEncoder4, driveEncoder4); this.swerveDrive = new SwerveDrive(this.frontLeft, this.backLeft, this.frontRight, this.backRight, 25, 25); crab = new CrabDrive(swerveDrive, xboxDrive, "crabDrive", 1); spin = new SpinDrive(swerveDrive, xboxDrive, "spinDrive", 2); unicorn = new UnicornDrive(swerveDrive, xboxDrive, "unicornDrive", 3); drive = new DriveBase(crab, spin, unicorn, "driveBase", 0); drive.init(); }
public ClawArm() { System.out.println("Claw arm constructor method called"); armMotor = new TalonSRX(RobotMap.ClawArmMotor); clawPiston = new Solenoid(RobotMap.ClawPiston); armAngleSensor = new AnalogPotentiometer(RobotMap.ClawArmAngleSensor,270); bottomSwitch = new DigitalInput(RobotMap.ClawBottomSwitch); topSwitch = new DigitalInput(RobotMap.ClawTopSwitch); System.out.println("Claw arm constructor method complete."); }
/** * This is the initialization for all robot code */ public void robotInit() { robotDrive = new RobotDrive(0,1); driveStick = new Joystick(0); liftServo = new TalonSRX(3); liftStick = new Joystick(3); server = CameraServer.getInstance(); server.setQuality(50); server.startAutomaticCapture("cam0"); }
public DriveMotor(int frontChannel, int backChannel) { front = new TalonSRX(frontChannel); back = new TalonSRX(backChannel); }
public Drive() { leftDrive = new TalonSRX(RobotMap.DriveLeftMotor); rightDrive = new TalonSRX(RobotMap.DriveRightMotor); gyro = new AnalogGyro(RobotMap.DriveGyro); }
public RightDrive() { rightDrive = new TalonSRX(1); }
public LeftDrive() { leftDrive = new TalonSRX(0); }
public SpeedControllerSubsystem(SpeedControllerSubsystemType type, final int channel) { switch(type) { case CAN_JAGUAR: this._controller = new CANJaguar(channel); break; case CAN_TALON: this._controller = new CANTalon(channel); break; case JAGUAR: this._controller = new Jaguar(channel); break; case SD540: this._controller = new SD540(channel); break; case SPARK: this._controller = new Spark(channel); break; case TALON: this._controller = new Talon(channel); break; case TALON_SRX: this._controller = new TalonSRX(channel); break; case VICTOR: this._controller = new Victor(channel); break; case VICTOR_SP: this._controller = new VictorSP(channel); break; default: break; } }
public static void init() { // BEGIN AUTOGENERATED CODE, SOURCE=ROBOTBUILDER ID=CONSTRUCTORS driveTrainleftFrontTalon0 = new TalonSRX(0); LiveWindow.addActuator("DriveTrain", "leftFrontTalon0", (TalonSRX) driveTrainleftFrontTalon0); driveTrainleftBackTalon1 = new TalonSRX(1); LiveWindow.addActuator("DriveTrain", "leftBackTalon1", (TalonSRX) driveTrainleftBackTalon1); driveTrainrightFrontTalon2 = new TalonSRX(2); LiveWindow.addActuator("DriveTrain", "rightFrontTalon2", (TalonSRX) driveTrainrightFrontTalon2); driveTrainrightBackTalon3 = new TalonSRX(3); LiveWindow.addActuator("DriveTrain", "rightBackTalon3", (TalonSRX) driveTrainrightBackTalon3); driveTrainRobotDrive = new RobotDrive(driveTrainleftFrontTalon0, driveTrainleftBackTalon1, driveTrainrightFrontTalon2, driveTrainrightBackTalon3); driveTrainRobotDrive.setSafetyEnabled(true); driveTrainRobotDrive.setExpiration(0.1); driveTrainRobotDrive.setSensitivity(0.5); driveTrainRobotDrive.setMaxOutput(1.0); driveTraingyro = new Gyro(0); LiveWindow.addSensor("DriveTrain", "gyro", driveTraingyro); driveTraingyro.setSensitivity(0.007); driveTrainleftFrontEncoder = new Encoder(17, 18, false, EncodingType.k4X); LiveWindow.addSensor("DriveTrain", "leftFrontEncoder", driveTrainleftFrontEncoder); driveTrainleftFrontEncoder.setDistancePerPulse(1.0); driveTrainleftFrontEncoder.setPIDSourceParameter(PIDSourceParameter.kRate); driveTrainleftBackEncoder = new Encoder(19, 20, false, EncodingType.k4X); LiveWindow.addSensor("DriveTrain", "leftBackEncoder", driveTrainleftBackEncoder); driveTrainleftBackEncoder.setDistancePerPulse(1.0); driveTrainleftBackEncoder.setPIDSourceParameter(PIDSourceParameter.kRate); driveTrainrightFrontEncoder = new Encoder(21, 22, false, EncodingType.k4X); LiveWindow.addSensor("DriveTrain", "rightFrontEncoder", driveTrainrightFrontEncoder); driveTrainrightFrontEncoder.setDistancePerPulse(1.0); driveTrainrightFrontEncoder.setPIDSourceParameter(PIDSourceParameter.kRate); driveTrainrightBackEncoder = new Encoder(23, 24, false, EncodingType.k4X); LiveWindow.addSensor("DriveTrain", "rightBackEncoder", driveTrainrightBackEncoder); driveTrainrightBackEncoder.setDistancePerPulse(1.0); driveTrainrightBackEncoder.setPIDSourceParameter(PIDSourceParameter.kRate); // END AUTOGENERATED CODE, SOURCE=ROBOTBUILDER ID=CONSTRUCTORS }
public TurtleTalonSRXPWM(int port, boolean isReversed) { v = new TalonSRX(port); this.isReversed = isReversed; }
public static void init() { driveTrainPWM0 = new TalonSRX(0); LiveWindow.addActuator("DriveTrain", "PWM0", (TalonSRX) driveTrainPWM0); driveTrainPWM9 = new TalonSRX(9); LiveWindow.addActuator("DriveTrain", "PWM9", (TalonSRX) driveTrainPWM9); driveTrainRobotDrive = new RobotDrive(driveTrainPWM0, driveTrainPWM9); driveTrainRobotDrive.setSafetyEnabled(true); driveTrainRobotDrive.setExpiration(0.1); driveTrainRobotDrive.setSensitivity(0.5); driveTrainRobotDrive.setMaxOutput(1.0); intakePWM4 = new TalonSRX(4); LiveWindow.addActuator("Intake", "PWM4", (TalonSRX) intakePWM4); intakePWM5 = new TalonSRX(5); LiveWindow.addActuator("Intake", "PWM5", (TalonSRX) intakePWM5); elevatorPWM3 = new TalonSRX(3); LiveWindow.addActuator("Elevator", "PWM3", (TalonSRX) elevatorPWM3); elevatorPWM6 = new TalonSRX(6); LiveWindow.addActuator("Elevator", "PWM6", (TalonSRX) elevatorPWM6); armPWM2 = new TalonSRX(2); LiveWindow.addActuator("Arm", "PWM2", (TalonSRX) armPWM2); }