public PartialOrder(DifferenceSets differenceSets) { TIntIntHashMap orderMap = new TIntIntHashMap(); for (DifferenceSet differenceSet : differenceSets) { // increase the cover count for set columns long bitIndex = 0; while (bitIndex < differenceSet.getNumberOfColumns()) { long currentNextSetBit = differenceSet.nextSetBit(bitIndex); if (currentNextSetBit != -1) { bitIndex = currentNextSetBit + 1; orderMap.putIfAbsent((int) currentNextSetBit, 0); orderMap.increment((int) currentNextSetBit); } else { bitIndex = differenceSet.getNumberOfColumns(); } } } for (Integer index : orderMap.keys()) { this.add(new CoverOrder(index, orderMap.get(index))); } Collections.sort(this, Collections.reverseOrder()); }
public PartialOrder(DifferenceSets differenceSets, long columnIndexToSkip) { TIntIntHashMap orderMap = new TIntIntHashMap(); for (DifferenceSet differenceSet : differenceSets) { // increase the cover count for set columns long bitIndex = columnIndexToSkip; while (bitIndex < differenceSet.getNumberOfColumns()) { long currentNextSetBit = differenceSet.nextSetBit(bitIndex); if (currentNextSetBit != -1) { bitIndex = currentNextSetBit + 1; orderMap.putIfAbsent((int) currentNextSetBit, 0); orderMap.increment((int) currentNextSetBit); } else { bitIndex = differenceSet.getNumberOfColumns(); } } } for (Integer index : orderMap.keys()) { this.add(new CoverOrder(index, orderMap.get(index))); } Collections.sort(this, Collections.reverseOrder()); }
private boolean notUseAfterLastDef(int reg, MachineBasicBlock mbb, int dist, TIntIntHashMap distanceMap, OutParamWrapper<Integer> lastDef) { lastDef.set(0); int lastUse = dist; for (DefUseChainIterator itr = mri.getRegIterator(reg); itr.hasNext();) { MachineOperand mo = itr.getOpearnd(); MachineInstr mi = itr.getMachineInstr(); if (!mi.getParent().equals(mbb)) continue; if (!distanceMap.containsKey(mi.index())) continue; if (mo.isUse() && distanceMap.get(mi.index()) < lastUse) lastUse = distanceMap.get(mi.index()); if (mo.isDef() && distanceMap.get(mi.index()) > lastDef.get()) lastDef.set(distanceMap.get(mi.index()));; } return (!(lastUse > lastDef.get() && lastUse < dist)); }
/** * This method must be overridded by concrete subclass for performing * desired machine code transformation or analysis. * * @param mf * @return */ @Override public boolean runOnMachineFunction(MachineFunction mf) { = mf; tm = mf.getTarget(); regInfo = tm.getRegisterInfo(); instrInfo = tm.getInstrInfo(); stackSlotForVirReg = new TIntIntHashMap(); regUsed = new BitMap(); regClassIdx = new TObjectIntHashMap<>(); for (MachineBasicBlock mbb : mf.getBasicBlocks()) allocateBasicBlock(mbb); stackSlotForVirReg.clear(); return true; }
private void cleanInput() { final TIntIntMap patternMap = new TIntIntHashMap(this.patternMap); for (int i = 0; i < 81 && !patternMap.isEmpty(); i++) { final ItemStack itemStack = itemStacks[i]; final int key = MetaItem.get(itemStack); if (patternMap.containsKey(key)) { final int total = patternMap.get(key); final int dif = MathHelper.clamp_int(total, 1, itemStack.stackSize); if (!itemStack.getItem().hasContainerItem(itemStack)) itemStack.stackSize -= dif; if (dif - total == 0) patternMap.remove(key); else patternMap.put(key, total - dif); if (itemStack.stackSize == 0) itemStacks[i] = null; } } }
/** * Start exploration on an abstract dataset */ public ExplorationStep(int minimumSupport, int k, Iterable<TransactionReader> source) { this.core_item = Integer.MAX_VALUE; this.selectChain = null; Holder<int[]> renamingHolder = new Holder<int[]>(); DenseCounters firstCounter = new DenseCounters(minimumSupport, source.iterator(), renamingHolder); this.counters = firstCounter; TransactionsRenamingDecorator filtered = new TransactionsRenamingDecorator(source.iterator(), renamingHolder.value); this.dataset = new Dataset(this.counters, filtered, this.counters.getMinSupport(), this.counters.getMaxFrequent()); this.candidates = this.counters.getExtensionsIterator(); this.failedFPTests = new TIntIntHashMap(); this.datasetProvider = new DatasetProvider(this); ExplorationStep.findUnclosedInsertionBound(firstCounter.getSupportCounts(), minimumSupport + k); }
private static TIntIntMap readIntIntMap(URI[] files, Configuration conf, String token, int size) throws IOException { TIntIntMap map = new TIntIntHashMap(size, Constants.DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR, -1, -1); for (URI file : files) { if (file.getPath().contains(token)) { SequenceFile.Reader reader = new SequenceFile.Reader(conf, Reader.file(new Path(file))); IntWritable key = new IntWritable(); IntWritable value = new IntWritable(); while (, value)) { map.put(key.get(), value.get()); } reader.close(); } } return map; }
public final TIntIntMap getTopKBounds() { final TIntIntMap output = new TIntIntHashMap(this.topK.size()); this.topK.forEachEntry(new TIntObjectProcedure<PatternWithFreq[]>() { @Override public boolean execute(int k, PatternWithFreq[] v) { int s; PatternWithFreq p = v[v.length - 1]; if (p == null) { s = -1; } else if (p.isClosed()) { s = p.getSupportCount() + 1; } else { s = p.getSupportCount(); } output.put(k, s); return true; } }); return output; }
@Override public void initialize(Timestamp timestamp) { this.timestamp = Revision.compressTime(timestamp.getTime()); /** * filled in revisions */ pageIdRevMap = new HashMap<Integer, Long>(); textIdPageIdMap = new TIntIntHashMap(); /** * filled in pages */ pPageIdNameMap = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); pNamePageIdMap = new TIntIntHashMap(); cNamePageIdMap = new TIntIntHashMap(); rPageIdNameMap = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); /** * filled in categories */ disambiguations = new TIntHashSet(); }
@Override public void initialize(Timestamp timestamp) { this.timestamp = Revision.compressTime(timestamp.getTime()); /** * filled in revisions */ pageIdRevMap = new HashMap<Integer, Long>(); textIdPageIdMap = new TIntIntHashMap(); /** * filled in pages */ pPageIdNameMap = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); pNamePageIdMap = new HashMap<KeyType, Integer>(); cNamePageIdMap = new HashMap<KeyType, Integer>(); rPageIdNameMap = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); /** * filled in categories */ disambiguations = new TIntHashSet(); }
public static void loadInputMetadataID(String metadata_file_index, String input_uri, TIntIntHashMap input_metadata_id){ TObjectIntHashMap<String> metadata_index = new TObjectIntHashMap<String>(); loadIndex(metadata_file_index, metadata_index); try{ BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(input_uri)); String line = null; while((line=br.readLine()) != null){ String[] vals = line.split("\t"); if(metadata_index.containsKey(vals[1])); input_metadata_id.put(Integer.parseInt(vals[0]), metadata_index.get(vals[1])); } br.close(); } catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } }
@Override public void addBranches(String key, int value){ if (!this.branches.containsKey(key)) this.branches.put(key, new TIntIntHashMap()); if(this.branches.get(key)!=null){ if(this.branches.get(key).containsKey(value)){ if(this.branches.get(key).get(value) < Integer.MAX_VALUE) this.branches.get(key).adjustValue(value, 1); } else this.branches.get(key).put(value, 1); } else{ TIntIntHashMap tmp = new TIntIntHashMap(); tmp.put(value, 1); this.branches.put(key, tmp); } }
/** * Constuctor */ public ItemPathExtractorWorker(SynchronizedCounter counter, TObjectIntHashMap<String> path_index, TIntObjectHashMap<String> inverse_path_index, ItemTree main_item, ArrayList<ItemTree> items, TIntObjectHashMap<String> props_index, boolean inverseProps, TextFileManager textWriter, StringFileManager pathWriter, boolean select_top_path, TIntIntHashMap input_metadata_id, boolean computeInversePaths, TIntObjectHashMap<TIntHashSet> items_link){ this.counter = counter; this.path_index = path_index; this.main_item = main_item; this.items = items; this.props_index = props_index; this.inverseProps = inverseProps; this.textWriter = textWriter; this.pathWriter = pathWriter; this.select_top_path = select_top_path; this.input_metadata_id = input_metadata_id; this.computeInversePaths = computeInversePaths; this.items_link = items_link; this.inverse_path_index = inverse_path_index; }
public Evaluator(Options options, DependencyPipe pipe) { uas = las = tot = 0; corr = totp = totg = 0; whole = nsents = 0; vis = 0; learnLabel = options.learnLabel; numArgs = pipe.smnFactory.numSemanticLabels; argLabels = pipe.args; timeStamps = new int[numArgs]; argFreqCnts = new int[numArgs]; argAppearCnts = new int[numArgs]; goldlengthCounts = new TIntIntHashMap(); predlengthCounts = new TIntIntHashMap(); corrPL = new int[15]; totPL = new int[15]; corrGL = new int[15]; totGL = new int[15]; }
private void dumpPathStats(TObjectIntHashMap<String> pathCounts, TIntIntHashMap pathlengthCounts) throws IOException { BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("")); for (int length : pathlengthCounts.keys()) { writer.write(""+length); writer.write("\t"); writer.write(""+pathlengthCounts.get(length)); writer.write("\n"); } for (Object obj : pathCounts.keys()) { String key = (String) obj; writer.write(key); writer.write("\t"); writer.write(""+pathCounts.get(key)); writer.write("\n"); } writer.close(); }
private void removeFromVariableCaches (Variable victim) { Set survivors = new THashSet(variablesSet ()); survivors.remove (victim); int vi = 0; TIntIntHashMap dict = new TIntIntHashMap (survivors.size ()); // dict.setDefaultValue (-1); No longer supported, but this.getIndex() written to avoid need for this. my2global = new int[survivors.size ()]; for (Iterator it = survivors.iterator (); it.hasNext();) { Variable var = (Variable) (); int gvi = var.getIndex (); dict.put (gvi, vi); my2global [vi] = gvi; } projectionMap = dict; numNodes--; // do this at end b/c it affects getVertexSet() }
private void recacheStateTopicDistribution(int state, TIntIntHashMap topicCounts) { int[] currentStateTopicCounts = stateTopicCounts[state]; double[][] currentStateCache = topicLogGammaCache[state]; double[] cache; for (int topic: topicCounts.keys()) { cache = currentStateCache[topic]; cache[0] = 0.0; for (int i=1; i < cache.length; i++) { cache[i] = cache[ i-1 ] + Math.log( alpha[topic] + i - 1 + currentStateTopicCounts[topic] ); } } docLogGammaCache[state][0] = 0.0; for (int i=1; i < docLogGammaCache[state].length; i++) { docLogGammaCache[state][i] = docLogGammaCache[state][ i-1 ] + Math.log( alphaSum + i - 1 + stateTopicTotals[state] ); } }
private void initializeForTypes (Alphabet alphabet) { if (this.alphabet == null) { this.alphabet = alphabet; this.numTypes = alphabet.size(); this.typeTopicCounts = new TIntIntHashMap[numTypes]; for (int fi = 0; fi < numTypes; fi++) typeTopicCounts[fi] = new TIntIntHashMap(); this.betaSum = beta * numTypes; } else if (alphabet != this.alphabet) { throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Cannot change Alphabet."); } else if (alphabet.size() != this.numTypes) { this.numTypes = alphabet.size(); TIntIntHashMap[] newTypeTopicCounts = new TIntIntHashMap[numTypes]; for (int i = 0; i < typeTopicCounts.length; i++) newTypeTopicCounts[i] = typeTopicCounts[i]; for (int i = typeTopicCounts.length; i < numTypes; i++) newTypeTopicCounts[i] = new TIntIntHashMap(); // TODO AKM July 18: Why wasn't the next line there previously? // this.typeTopicCounts = newTypeTopicCounts; this.betaSum = beta * numTypes; } // else, nothing changed, nothing to be done }
/** @param alpha this parameter balances the local document topic counts with * the global distribution over topics. * @param gamma this parameter is the weight on a completely new, never-before-seen topic * in the global distribution. * @param beta this parameter controls the variability of the topic-word distributions */ public NPTopicModel (double alpha, double gamma, double beta) { = new ArrayList<TopicAssignment>(); this.topicAlphabet = AlphabetFactory.labelAlphabetOfSize(1); this.alpha = alpha; this.gamma = gamma; this.beta = beta; this.random = new Randoms(); tokensPerTopic = new TIntIntHashMap(); docsPerTopic = new TIntIntHashMap(); formatter = NumberFormat.getInstance(); formatter.setMaximumFractionDigits(5);"Non-Parametric LDA"); }
public Instance pipe(Instance instance) { TIntIntHashMap localCounter = new TIntIntHashMap(); if (instance.getData() instanceof FeatureSequence) { FeatureSequence features = (FeatureSequence) instance.getData(); for (int position = 0; position < features.size(); position++) { localCounter.adjustOrPutValue(features.getIndexAtPosition(position), 1, 1); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Looking for a FeatureSequence, found a " + instance.getData().getClass()); } for (int feature: localCounter.keys()) { counter.increment(feature); } numInstances++; return instance; }
/** * @throws IOException * Load X input and y output from {@link #INPUT_LOCATION} and * {@link #OUTPUT_LOCATION} */ public HandWritingNeuralNetSANDIA() throws IOException { final BufferedReader xReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( HandWritingNeuralNetSANDIA.class.getResourceAsStream(INPUT_LOCATION))); final BufferedReader yReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( HandWritingNeuralNetSANDIA.class.getResourceAsStream(OUTPUT_LOCATION))); this.xVals = fromCSV(xReader, 5000); this.yVals = fromCSV(yReader, 5000); examples = new TIntIntHashMap(); this.tests = new TIntObjectHashMap<List<IndependentPair<Vector, Vector>>>(); prepareDataCollection(); learnNeuralNet(); testNeuralNet(); // new HandWritingInputDisplay(xVals); }
@Override public void train(List<? extends Annotated<OBJECT, ANNOTATION>> data) { final HashSet<ANNOTATION> annotationsSet = new HashSet<ANNOTATION>(); final TIntIntHashMap nAnnotationCounts = new TIntIntHashMap(); int maxVal = 0; for (final Annotated<OBJECT, ANNOTATION> sample : data) { final Collection<ANNOTATION> annos = sample.getAnnotations(); annotationsSet.addAll(annos); nAnnotationCounts.adjustOrPutValue(annos.size(), 1, 1); if (annos.size() > maxVal) maxVal = annos.size(); } annotations = new ArrayList<ANNOTATION>(annotationsSet); rnd = new Uniform(0, annotations.size() - 1, new MersenneTwister()); numAnnotations.train(data); }
@Override public <O, A> void train(List<? extends Annotated<O, A>> data) { TIntIntHashMap nAnnotationCounts = new TIntIntHashMap(); int maxVal = 0; for (Annotated<O, A> sample : data) { Collection<A> annos = sample.getAnnotations(); nAnnotationCounts.adjustOrPutValue(annos.size(), 1, 1); if (annos.size()>maxVal) maxVal = annos.size(); } //build distribution and rng for the number of annotations double [] distr = new double[maxVal+1]; for (int i=0; i<=maxVal; i++) distr[i] = nAnnotationCounts.get(i); numAnnotations = new EmpiricalWalker(distr, Empirical.NO_INTERPOLATION, new MersenneTwister()); }
/** * @param is * @param invCor * @return the cluster with the maximum */ public static IntIntPair findMaxClassCount(int[] is, Map<Integer, Integer> invCor) { TIntIntHashMap classCounts = new TIntIntHashMap(); int max = 0; int c = 0; for (int i : is) { Integer c_i = invCor.get(i); if(c_i == null) continue; int count = classCounts.adjustOrPutValue(c_i, 1, 1); if(count > max){ max = count; c = c_i; } } return IntIntPair.pair(c, max); }
public void similarity() throws InterruptedException { System.out.println("相似度"); ThreadPoolExecutor pool = new ThreadPoolExecutor(numThreads, numThreads, 1000, TimeUnit.SECONDS, new ArrayBlockingQueue<Runnable>(capacity )); similarityMap = new TIntIntHashMap[docs.size()]; Iterator<Entry<String, TIntArrayList>> iterator = locationMap.entrySet().iterator(); while(iterator.hasNext()) { if(pool.getQueue().remainingCapacity()==0){ Thread.sleep(10); continue; } Entry<String, TIntArrayList> entry =; TIntArrayList al = entry.getValue(); CalcSimilarity cs = new CalcSimilarity(al); pool.execute(cs); } while(pool.getActiveCount()>0){ Thread.sleep(10); } pool.shutdown(); }
/** * Start exploration on a dataset contained in a file. * * @param minimumSupport * @param path * to an input file in ASCII format. Each line should be a * transaction containing space-separated item IDs. */ public ExplorationStep(int minimumSupport, String path) { this.parent = null; this.core_item = Integer.MAX_VALUE; this.selectChain = null; this.childrenThreshold = minimumSupport; FileReader reader = new FileReader(path); this.counters = new Counters(minimumSupport, reader); reader.close(this.counters.renaming); this.pattern = this.counters.closure; this.dataset = new Dataset(this.counters, reader); this.candidates = this.counters.getExtensionsIterator(); this.failedFPTests = new TIntIntHashMap(); }
public EfficientHashMap(int initCapacity){ map = new TIntIntHashMap(initCapacity); collisionMap = new TObjectIntHashMap<String>(initCapacity); values = new ArrayList<V>(initCapacity); counter = 0; }
public EfficientHashMap(){ map = new TIntIntHashMap(); collisionMap = new TObjectIntHashMap<String>(); values = new ArrayList<V>(); counter = 0; }
private boolean commuteInstruction( OutParamWrapper<Integer> mi, MachineBasicBlock mbb, int regC, int dist, TIntIntHashMap distanceMap) { MachineInstr newMI = tii.commuteInstruction(mbb.getInstAt(mi.get())); if (newMI== null) { return false; } if (!newMI.equals(mbb.getInstAt(mi.get()))) { if (lv != null) lv.replaceKillInstruction(regC, mbb.getInstAt(mi.get()), newMI); mbb.insert(mi.get(), newMI); mbb.remove(mi.get()); mi.set(newMI.index()); distanceMap.put(newMI.index(), dist); } return true; }
private boolean isProfitableToCommute(int regB, int regC, MachineInstr mi, MachineBasicBlock mbb, int dist, TIntIntHashMap distanceMap) { // Determine if it's profitable to commute this two address instruction. In // general, we want no uses between this instruction and the definition of // the two-address register. // e.g. // %reg1028<def> = EXTRACT_SUBREG %reg1027<kill>, 1 // %reg1029<def> = MOV8rr %reg1028 // %reg1029<def> = SHR8ri %reg1029, 7, %EFLAGS<imp-def,dead> // insert => %reg1030<def> = MOV8rr %reg1028 // %reg1030<def> = ADD8rr %reg1028<kill>, %reg1029<kill>, %EFLAGS<imp-def,dead> // In this case, it might not be possible to coalesce the second MOV8rr // instruction if the first one is coalesced. So it would be profitable to // commute it: // %reg1028<def> = EXTRACT_SUBREG %reg1027<kill>, 1 // %reg1029<def> = MOV8rr %reg1028 // %reg1029<def> = SHR8ri %reg1029, 7, %EFLAGS<imp-def,dead> // insert => %reg1030<def> = MOV8rr %reg1029 // %reg1030<def> = ADD8rr %reg1029<kill>, %reg1028<kill>, %EFLAGS<imp-def,dead> if (!mi.killsRegister(regC)) return false; OutParamWrapper<Integer> x = new OutParamWrapper<>(0); if (notUseAfterLastDef(regC, mbb, dist, distanceMap, x)) return false; int lastDefC = x.get(); x.set(0); if (notUseAfterLastDef(regB, mbb, dist, distanceMap, x)) return false; int lastDefB = x.get(); return lastDefB !=0 && lastDefC != 0 && lastDefC > lastDefB; }
private boolean isProfitableToReMat(int reg, TargetRegisterClass rc, MachineInstr mi, MachineInstr defMI, MachineBasicBlock mbb, int loc, TIntIntHashMap distanceMap) { boolean otherUse = false; for (DefUseChainIterator itr = mri.getUseIterator(reg); itr.hasNext(); ) { MachineOperand useMO = itr.getOpearnd(); MachineInstr useMI = itr.getMachineInstr(); MachineBasicBlock useBB = useMI.getParent(); if (useBB.equals(mbb)) { int idx = useMI.index(); if (distanceMap.containsKey(idx) && distanceMap.get(idx) == loc) { otherUse = true; if (isTwoAddrUse(useMI, reg)) return true; } } } if (otherUse) return false; return mbb.equals(defMI.getParent()); }
@Override public boolean runOnMachineFunction(MachineFunction mf) { = mf; ec = new IntEqClasses(mf.getNumBlockIDs()*2); for (MachineBasicBlock mbb : mf.getBasicBlocks()) { int outEdge = mbb.getNumber()*2 + 1; // Join the outgoing for (Iterator<MachineBasicBlock> itr = mbb.succIterator(); itr.hasNext(); ) { ec.join(outEdge,*2); } } blocks = new TIntArrayList[getNumBundles()]; for (int i = 0, e; i < getNumBundles(); i++) blocks[i] = new TIntArrayList(); groupID = new TIntIntHashMap(); for (int i = 0; i < ec.getNumIds(); i++) { int leading = ec.findLeader(i); if (!groupID.containsKey(leading)) groupID.put(leading, nextID++); } for (int i = 0, e = mf.getNumBlockIDs(); i < e; i++) { int b0 = getBundles(i, false); int b1 = getBundles(i, true); blocks[b0].add(i); if (b1 != b0) blocks[b1].add(i); } nextID = 0; return false; }
public VirtRegMap(MachineFunction mf) { = mf; v2pMap = new TIntIntHashMap(); v2StackSlotMap = new TIntIntHashMap(); mi2vMap = new SetMultiMap<>(); }
/** * Constructor * @param length the length for this array * @param defaultValue the default value for array */ SparseArrayOfInts(int length, Integer defaultValue) { super(Integer.class, ArrayStyle.SPARSE, false); this.length = length; this.defaultValue = defaultValue != null ? defaultValue : 0; this.values = new TIntIntHashMap((int)Math.max(length * 0.5, 10d), 0.8f, -1, this.defaultValue); }
/** * Constructor * @param length the length for this array * @param defaultValue the default value for array * @param coding the coding for this array */ SparseArrayWithIntCoding(int length, T defaultValue, IntCoding<T> coding) { super(coding.getType(), ArrayStyle.SPARSE, false); this.length = length; this.coding = coding; this.defaultValue = defaultValue; this.defaultCode = coding.getCode(defaultValue); = new TIntIntHashMap((int)Math.max(length * 0.5, 10d), 0.8f, -1, defaultCode); }