private AppNavSecondGroupVoCollection copyAppNavSecGrpVoCollection(AppNavSecondGroupVoCollection coll) { if (coll == null) return null; AppNavSecondGroupVoCollection ret = new AppNavSecondGroupVoCollection(); for (int i = 0; i < coll.size(); i++) { AppNavSecondGroupVo src = coll.get(i); AppNavSecondGroupVo dst = new AppNavSecondGroupVo(); dst.setIsRIE(Boolean.FALSE); dst.setGroupName(src.getGroupName()); dst.setPosIndex(src.getPosIndex()); dst.setForms(copyAppNavFormVoCollection(src.getForms())); ret.add(dst); } return ret; }
private void addNewRootGroup() { String rootText = "New Top Group " + (form.treNav().getNodes().size() + 1); form.chkShowImages().setValue(Boolean.TRUE); AppNavRootGroupVo rootGrp = new AppNavRootGroupVo(); rootGrp.setGroupName(rootText); rootGrp.setGroups(new AppNavSecondGroupVoCollection()); rootGrp.setForms(new AppNavFormVoCollection()); form.getGlobalContext().Admin.setNavigationEditedGroup(rootGrp);; }
private AppNavRootGroupVo getClone(AppNavRootGroupVo appNavRootGroupVo) { if (appNavRootGroupVo == null) return null; AppNavRootGroupVo result = (AppNavRootGroupVo) appNavRootGroupVo.clone(); result.clearIDAndVersion(); AppNavSecondGroupVoCollection secondGroupVoCollection = appNavRootGroupVo.getGroups(); if (secondGroupVoCollection != null) { result.setGroups(new AppNavSecondGroupVoCollection()); for (int i = 0; i < secondGroupVoCollection.size(); i++) { result.getGroups().add(getClone(secondGroupVoCollection.get(i))); } } AppNavFormVoCollection appNavFormVoCollection = appNavRootGroupVo.getForms(); if (appNavFormVoCollection != null) { result.setForms(new AppNavFormVoCollection()); for (int i = 0; i < appNavFormVoCollection.size(); i++) { result.getForms().add(getClone(appNavFormVoCollection.get(i))); } } return result; }
private void createTree(INavigationNode element, TreeNode parent) { TreeNode newNode = createNewTreeNode(element, parent); // we prepare the childs for the Navigation Node as we need to sort them ArrayList<INavigationNode> childs = new ArrayList<INavigationNode>(); // first we take the second groups if any AppNavSecondGroupVoCollection secGroups = element.getGroupsChildsNode(); if (secGroups != null) { childs.addAll(getAsList(secGroups)); } // secondly we take the forms if any AppNavFormVoCollection forms = element.getFormChildsNode(); if (forms != null) { childs.addAll(getAsList(forms)); } if (childs.size() == 0) return; // now we sort the list using the Nav Collections.sort(childs, new NavPosIndexComparator()); // after this we add recursively all childs for (int i = 0; i < childs.size(); i++) { createTree(childs.get(i), newNode); } }
private ArrayList<INavigationNode> getAsList(AppNavSecondGroupVoCollection group) { if (group == null) return null; ArrayList<INavigationNode> result = new ArrayList<INavigationNode>(); for (int i = 0; i < group.size(); i++) { result.add(group.get(i)); } return result; }
private void addNewRootGroup()//WDEV-19366 { String rootText = "New Top Group " + (form.treNav().getNodes().size() + 1); AppNavRootGroupVo rootGrp = new AppNavRootGroupVo(); rootGrp.setGroupName(rootText); rootGrp.setGroups(new AppNavSecondGroupVoCollection()); rootGrp.setForms(new AppNavFormVoCollection()); form.getGlobalContext().Admin.setNavigationEditedGroup(rootGrp);; }