public ActivitySchedVo saveSchedActivity(ActivitySchedVo activityVo) throws ims.domain.exceptions.StaleObjectException, UniqueKeyViolationException { if(!activityVo.isValidated()) throw new DomainRuntimeException("ActivitySchedVo not validated"); DomainFactory factory = getDomainFactory(); //TODO this implementation is not ideal - the recordExistForNameAndIsActiveAndActivityType should really take the record id attemptimg to be saved if applicable(update) as a param //instead of calling getActivityFromactivity_unq1 to check that the conflict is not with this record itself(update) if(Activity.recordExistForNameAndIsActiveAndActivityType(factory, activityVo.getName(), activityVo.getIsActive(), getDomLookup( activityVo.getActivityType()))) { if(activityVo.getID_ActivityIsNotNull()) { Activity doConflictingActivity = Activity.getActivityFromactivity_unq1(factory, activityVo.getName(), activityVo.getIsActive(), getDomLookup( activityVo.getActivityType())); if(!doConflictingActivity.getId().equals(activityVo.getID_Activity())) throw new UniqueKeyViolationException("An " + (activityVo.getIsActive() ? "active" : "inactive") + " Activity of this Type and Name already exists"); } else throw new UniqueKeyViolationException("An " + (activityVo.getIsActive() ? "active" : "inactive") + " Activity of this Type and Name already exists"); } Activity doActivity = ActivitySchedVoAssembler.extractActivity(factory, activityVo); try {; } catch (UnqViolationUncheckedException e) { throw new UniqueKeyViolationException("An activity with the same code mapping exists"); } return ActivitySchedVoAssembler.create(doActivity); }
public ActivitySchedVoCollection listSchedActivities(Boolean isActive) { DomainFactory factory = getDomainFactory(); if(isActive == null) return ActivitySchedVoAssembler.createActivitySchedVoCollectionFromActivity(factory.listDomainObjects(Activity.class)); return ActivitySchedVoAssembler.createActivitySchedVoCollectionFromActivity(factory.find(" select act from Activity act left join act.activityType as type where act.isActive = :isActive and" , new String[]{"isActive"},new Object[]{isActive})); }
/** * list activities for ActivityType */ public ims.core.vo.ActivitySchedVoCollection listActivitiesForType(ims.core.vo.lookups.ActivityType actType, CatsReferralRefVo catsReferral) { if(catsReferral == null) return null; DomainFactory factory = getDomainFactory(); List appointments = factory.find("select from CatsReferral as cats right join cats.appointments as appts where = :CatsReferralId", new String[] {"CatsReferralId"}, new Object[] {catsReferral.getID_CatsReferral()}); String query = null; if(appointments == null || appointments.size() == 0) { query = "select act from Activity act where act.activityType = :actType and act.isActive = :isActive and (act.firstAppointment = 1 or act.diagnostic = 1) order by asc"; } else { query = "select act from Activity act where act.activityType = :actType and act.isActive = :isActive order by asc"; } if(query != null && query.length() > 0) { return ActivitySchedVoAssembler.createActivitySchedVoCollectionFromActivity(factory.find(query, new String[]{"actType", "isActive"}, new Object[]{getDomLookup(actType), Boolean.TRUE}));//WDEV-16073 } return null; }
/** * list activities for ActivityType */ public ims.core.vo.ActivitySchedVoCollection listActivitiesForType(ims.core.vo.lookups.ActivityType actType, CatsReferralRefVo catsReferral, ServiceRefVo service) { if(catsReferral == null || service == null || service.getID_Service() == null) return null; DomainFactory factory = getDomainFactory(); String query = null; // WDEV-22672 Long noConsultationActivityRequiredForReferral = factory.countWithHQL("select count( from CatsReferral as cats where = :CatsReferralId and (cats.consultationActivityRequired = 0 or cats.consultationActivityRequired is null) ", new String[] {"CatsReferralId"}, new Object[] {catsReferral.getID_CatsReferral()}); if (noConsultationActivityRequiredForReferral == null || noConsultationActivityRequiredForReferral == 0) //WDEV-22672 { List appointments = factory.find("select from CatsReferral as cats right join cats.appointments as appts where appts.theatreBooking is null and = :CatsReferralId", new String[] {"CatsReferralId"}, new Object[] {catsReferral.getID_CatsReferral()}); if(appointments == null || appointments.size() == 0) { query = "select act from ServiceActivity as servActivity left join servActivity.activity as act left join servActivity.service as serv where = :serviceID and act.activityType = :actType and servActivity.isActive = :isActive and (act.firstAppointment = 1 or act.diagnostic = 1) order by asc"; } else { query = "select act from ServiceActivity as servActivity left join servActivity.activity as act left join servActivity.service as serv where = :serviceID and act.activityType = :actType and servActivity.isActive = :isActive order by asc"; } } else { query = "select act from ServiceActivity as servActivity left join servActivity.activity as act left join servActivity.service as serv where = :serviceID and act.activityType = :actType and servActivity.isActive = :isActive order by asc"; } if(query != null && query.length() > 0) { return ActivitySchedVoAssembler.createActivitySchedVoCollectionFromActivity(factory.find(query, new String[]{"serviceID", "actType", "isActive"}, new Object[]{service.getID_Service(), getDomLookup(actType), Boolean.TRUE}));//WDEV-16073 } return null; }
public ActivitySchedVoCollection listActivitiesForType(ActivityType actType) { DomainFactory factory = getDomainFactory(); return ActivitySchedVoAssembler.createActivitySchedVoCollectionFromActivity(factory.find("from Activity act where act.activityType = :actType and act.isActive = :isActive", new String[]{"actType", "isActive"}, new Object[]{getDomLookup(actType), Boolean.TRUE})); }