@Override protected void onQmbConsultantTextSubmited(String value) throws ims.framework.exceptions.PresentationLogicException { clearConsultantCombo(); if (value != null) { MedicLiteVoCollection voMedicColl = domain.listActiveMedics(value); if (voMedicColl != null) { for (int i = 0; i < voMedicColl.size(); i++) { MedicLiteVo med = voMedicColl.get(i); form.qmbConsultant().newRow(med, med.toString()); } } if (voMedicColl != null && voMedicColl.size() == 1) form.qmbConsultant().setValue(voMedicColl.get(0)); else if (voMedicColl != null && voMedicColl.size() > 1) form.qmbConsultant().showOpened(); } }
protected void onQmbSignedByTextSubmited(String value) throws PresentationLogicException { form.qmbSignedBy().clear(); MedicLiteVoCollection voCollMedics = domain.listSignatories(value); for (int i = 0; i < voCollMedics.size(); i++) { MedicLiteVo hcp = voCollMedics.get(i); form.qmbSignedBy().newRow(hcp, hcp.getMos().getName().toShortForm()); } if (voCollMedics.size() == 1) { form.qmbSignedBy().setValue(voCollMedics.get(0)); } else if (voCollMedics.size() > 1) { form.qmbSignedBy().showOpened(); } }
private MedicLiteVoCollection listConsultantsByName(String consultantName) throws CodingRuntimeException { // Leave throws so that clinics are not cleared when an invalid search is made if (consultantName == null || consultantName.trim().length() < 3) throw new CodingRuntimeException("Consultant name search must be at least 3 characters long"); // Build filtering VO MedicLiteVo filterVo = new MedicLiteVo(); filterVo.setMos(new MemberOfStaffLiteVo()); filterVo.getMos().setName(new PersonName()); filterVo.getMos().getName().setSurname(consultantName); filterVo.getMos().getName().setForename(consultantName); // Retrieve the consultants (list from domain) try { return domain.listConsultants(filterVo); } catch (DomainInterfaceException exception) { throw new CodingRuntimeException(exception.getMessage()); } }
protected void onQmbConsultantTextSubmited(String value) throws PresentationLogicException { clearConsultantCombo(); if (value != null) { MedicLiteVoCollection voMedicColl = domain.listActiveMedics(value); if (voMedicColl != null) { for (int i = 0; i < voMedicColl.size(); i++) { MedicLiteVo med = voMedicColl.get(i); form.qmbConsultant().newRow(med, med.toString()); } } if (voMedicColl != null && voMedicColl.size() == 1) form.qmbConsultant().setValue(voMedicColl.get(0)); else if (voMedicColl != null && voMedicColl.size() > 1) form.qmbConsultant().showOpened(); } }
private void populateQueryConsultants(DynamicGridCell cell, String textTyped) { cell.getItems().clear(); MedicLiteVoCollection medicColl = domain.listConsultants(textTyped); if(medicColl != null) { for(int i=0; i<medicColl.size(); i++) { if(consultantNotOnScreen(medicColl.get(i), cell.getRow().getParent())) { DynamicGridCellItem newComboItem = cell.getItems().newItem(medicColl.get(i)); } } if(medicColl.size() > 0) { cell.showOpened(); } } }
private MedicLiteVoCollection listConsultantsByName(String medicName) throws CodingRuntimeException { // Leave throws so that consultants are not cleared when an invalid search is made if (medicName == null || medicName.trim().length() < 3) throw new CodingRuntimeException("Consultant name search must be at least 3 characters long"); // Build filtering VO MedicLiteVo filterVo = new MedicLiteVo(); filterVo.setMos(new MemberOfStaffLiteVo()); filterVo.getMos().setName(new PersonName()); filterVo.getName().setSurname(medicName); filterVo.getName().setForename(medicName); // Retrieve the medics (list from domain) try { return domain.listConsultants(filterVo); } catch (DomainInterfaceException exception) { throw new CodingRuntimeException(exception.getMessage()); } }
/** * */ private void listConsultants() { MedicLiteVoCollection voCollConsultants = domain.listConsultants(); if (voCollConsultants != null) { form.grdConsultant().getRows().clear(); for (int i=0; i < voCollConsultants.size(); i++) { GenForm.grdConsultantRow consRow = form.grdConsultant().getRows().newRow(); consRow.setValue(voCollConsultants.get(i)); consRow.setColConsultantImage(form.getImages().Admin.MemberOfStaff); consRow.setcolConsultant(voCollConsultants.get(i).getMos().getName().toShortForm()); } } }
public MedicLiteVoCollection listConsultants(String textTyped) { if(textTyped == null) throw new CodingRuntimeException("Cannot search on null text!"); MedicLiteVoCollection voCollMedicsLite = new MedicLiteVoCollection(); List lstMedics = listActiveMedics(textTyped); if (lstMedics != null) { for (int i = 0; i < lstMedics.size(); i++) { Hcp hcp = (Hcp) lstMedics.get(i); if (Medic.class.isAssignableFrom(hcp.getClass())) voCollMedicsLite.add(MedicLiteVoAssembler.create((Medic) hcp)); } } return voCollMedicsLite; }
private MedicLiteVoCollection listMedicsLite(String textToSearch) { MedicLiteVoCollection voCollMedicsLite = new MedicLiteVoCollection(); List lstMedics = listActiveMedics(textToSearch); if (lstMedics != null) { for (int i = 0; i < lstMedics.size(); i++) { Hcp hcp = (Hcp) lstMedics.get(i); if (Medic.class.isAssignableFrom(hcp.getClass())) voCollMedicsLite.add(MedicLiteVoAssembler.create((Medic) hcp)); } } return voCollMedicsLite; }
@Override protected void onQmbConsTextSubmited(String value) throws ims.framework.exceptions.PresentationLogicException { form.qmbCons().clear(); if (value != null) { MedicLiteVo med = null; MedicLiteVoCollection voMedicColl = domain.listConsultants(value); if (voMedicColl != null) { for (int i = 0; i < voMedicColl.size(); i++) { med = voMedicColl.get(i); form.qmbCons().newRow(med, med.toString()); } } if (voMedicColl != null && voMedicColl.size() == 1) form.qmbCons().setValue(voMedicColl.get(0)); else if (voMedicColl != null && voMedicColl.size() > 1) form.qmbCons().showOpened(); } }
public MedicLiteVoCollection listMedicsLite() { MedicLiteVoCollection voCollMedicsLite = new MedicLiteVoCollection(); List lstMedics = listActiveMedics(); if (lstMedics != null) { for (int i = 0; i < lstMedics.size(); i++) { Hcp hcp = (Hcp) lstMedics.get(i); if (Medic.class.isAssignableFrom(hcp.getClass())) voCollMedicsLite.add(MedicLiteVoAssembler.create((Medic) hcp)); } } return voCollMedicsLite; }
public MedicVoCollection listFullMedicsForMedicLites(MedicLiteVoCollection voCollLiteMedics) { DomainFactory factory = getDomainFactory(); StringBuffer hqlStart = new StringBuffer(); String hql; hqlStart.append("from Hcp hcp where hcp.id in ( "); for (int i = 0; i < voCollLiteMedics.size(); i++) hqlStart.append(voCollLiteMedics.get(i) + ","); if (hqlStart.toString().endsWith(",")) hql = hqlStart.toString().substring(0, hqlStart.length() - 1); else hql = hqlStart.toString(); hql += " )"; return MedicVoAssembler.createMedicVoCollectionFromMedic(factory.find(hql)); }
@Override protected void onQmbConsultantSearchTextSubmited(String value) throws PresentationLogicException { form.qmbConsultantSearch().clear(); MedicLiteVoCollection coll = domain.listMedics(value); for (int i = 0; i < coll.size(); i++) { MedicLiteVo med = coll.get(i); form.qmbConsultantSearch().newRow(med, med.getMos().getName().toString()); } if (coll.size() == 1) { form.qmbConsultantSearch().setValue(coll.get(0)); } else if (coll.size() > 1) { form.qmbConsultantSearch().showOpened(); } }
private MedicLiteVoCollection getAnaesthetist() { MedicLiteVoCollection tempColl = new MedicLiteVoCollection(); for( int i = 0; i < form.grdAnaesthetist().getRows().size();i++) { tempColl.add(form.grdAnaesthetist().getRows().get(i).getValue()); } for( int j = 0; j < form.grdAnaesthetistAssistedBy().getRows().size();j++) { tempColl.add(form.grdAnaesthetistAssistedBy().getRows().get(j).getValue()); } for( int k = 0; k < form.grdOperationPerformedBy().getRows().size();k++) { tempColl.add(form.grdOperationPerformedBy().getRows().get(k).getValue()); } for( int l = 0; l < form.grdConsultantAssistedBy().getRows().size();l++) { tempColl.add(form.grdConsultantAssistedBy().getRows().get(l).getValue()); } return tempColl; }
private MedicLiteVoCollection getAllMedics() { MedicLiteVoCollection tempColl = new MedicLiteVoCollection(); for( int i = 0; i < form.grdAnaesthetist().getRows().size();i++) { tempColl.add(form.grdAnaesthetist().getRows().get(i).getValue()); } for( int j = 0; j < form.grdAnaesthetistAssistedBy().getRows().size();j++) { tempColl.add(form.grdAnaesthetistAssistedBy().getRows().get(j).getValue()); } for( int k = 0; k < form.grdOperationPerformedBy().getRows().size();k++) { tempColl.add(form.grdOperationPerformedBy().getRows().get(k).getValue()); } for( int l = 0; l < form.grdConsultantAssistedBy().getRows().size();l++) { tempColl.add(form.grdConsultantAssistedBy().getRows().get(l).getValue()); } return tempColl; }
public MedicLiteVo getMedicLiteVo(HcpRefVo hcp) { if( hcp == null ) return null; DomainFactory factory = getDomainFactory(); List medics = factory.find("select m1_1 from Medic as m1_1 left join m1_1.mos as m2_1 left join m2_1.hcp as h1_1 where (h1_1.id = :hcpId)", new String[] {"hcpId"}, new Object[] {hcp.getID_Hcp()}); if( medics != null && medics.size() > 0) { MedicLiteVoCollection tempColl = MedicLiteVoAssembler.createMedicLiteVoCollectionFromMedic(medics); if( tempColl != null && tempColl.size() > 0) return tempColl.get(0); } return null; }
/** * Function to populate consultants * @param consultants - values to be populated */ private void populateConsultants(MedicLiteVoCollection consultants) { form.qmbConsultant().clear(); if (consultants == null) return; for (MedicLiteVo consultant : consultants) { form.qmbConsultant().newRow(consultant, consultant.getIMosName()); } if (consultants.size() == 1) form.qmbConsultant().setValue(consultants.get(0)); else form.qmbConsultant().showOpened(); }
public MedicLiteVoCollection listReferringConsultants(String name) { ArrayList<String> paramNames = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<Object> paramValues = new ArrayList<Object>(); StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder("SELECT medic FROM Medic AS medic "); query.append(" LEFT JOIN medic.mos AS mos "); query.append(" LEFT JOIN medic.grade AS medicGrade "); query.append(" WHERE "); query.append(" medicGrade.id = :CONSULTANT "); paramNames.add("CONSULTANT"); paramValues.add(MedicGrade.CONS.getID()); if (name != null && name.length() > 0) { query.append(" AND mos.name.upperSurname LIKE :SURNAME AND mos.name.upperForename LIKE :FORENAME " ); paramNames.add("SURNAME"); paramValues.add(name.toUpperCase() + "%"); paramNames.add("FORENAME"); paramValues.add(name.toUpperCase() + "%"); } query.append(" ORDER BY mos.name.upperSurname, mos.name.upperForename "); return MedicLiteVoAssembler.createMedicLiteVoCollectionFromMedic(getDomainFactory().find(query.toString(), paramNames, paramValues)); }
@Override protected void onGrdAssistingSurgeonsGridQueryComboBoxTextSubmited(int column, grdAssistingSurgeonsRow row, String text) throws PresentationLogicException { if (text == null || text.length() < 3) { engine.showMessage("Please enter a minimum of 3 characters to search by"); return; } MedicLiteVoCollection voCollMedics = domain.listMedicLiteVo(text); //WDEV-21778 row.getColAssistingSurgeon().clear(); for (int i = 0; i < voCollMedics.size(); i++) { row.getColAssistingSurgeon().newRow(voCollMedics.get(i), voCollMedics.get(i).getMos().toString()); } if (voCollMedics.size() == 1) row.getColAssistingSurgeon().setValue(voCollMedics.get(0)); else row.getColAssistingSurgeon().showOpened(); }
@Override protected void onGrdAssistingSurgeonsGridQueryComboBoxTextSubmited(int column, grdAssistingSurgeonsRow row, String text) throws PresentationLogicException { if (text == null || text.length() < 3) { engine.showMessage("Please enter a minimum of 3 characters to search by"); return; } MedicLiteVoCollection voCollMedics = domain.listMedicLiteVo(text); for (int i = 0; i < voCollMedics.size(); i++) { row.getColAssistingSurgeon().newRow(voCollMedics.get(i), voCollMedics.get(i).getMos().toString()); } if (voCollMedics.size() == 1) row.getColAssistingSurgeon().setValue(voCollMedics.get(0)); else row.getColAssistingSurgeon().showOpened(); }