public MosLiteEDVoCollection getMedics(ILocation location) { if (location == null ) { throw new CodingRuntimeException("Cannot get Location on null Id "); } DomainFactory factory = getDomainFactory(); StringBuffer hql = new StringBuffer(); //WDEV-16816 hql.append("select m2_1 "); hql.append(" from Tracking as t1_1 left join t1_1.seenBy as seenBy left join seenBy.allocatedMedic as m1_1 left join m1_1.mos as m2_1"); hql.append(" where "); hql.append(" ( = :Location_id and seenBy.allocatedMedic is not null ) "); hql.append(" order by asc, asc "); List<?> list = factory.find(hql.toString(), new String[] {"Location_id"}, new Object[] {location.getID()}); return MosLiteEDVoAssembler.createMosLiteEDVoCollectionFromMemberOfStaff(list); }
public MosLiteEDVoCollection getNurses(ILocation location) { if (location == null ) { throw new CodingRuntimeException("Cannot get Location on null Id "); } DomainFactory factory = getDomainFactory(); StringBuffer hql = new StringBuffer(); //WDEV-16816 hql.append("select m1_1 "); hql.append(" from Tracking as t1_1 left join t1_1.seenBy as seenBy left join seenBy.allocatedNurse as h1_1 left join h1_1.mos as m1_1"); hql.append(" where "); hql.append(" ( = :Location_id and seenBy.allocatedNurse is not null ) "); hql.append(" order by asc, asc "); List<?> list = factory.find(hql.toString(), new String[] {"Location_id"}, new Object[] {location.getID()}); return MosLiteEDVoAssembler.createMosLiteEDVoCollectionFromMemberOfStaff(list); }