private void prepopulateSpecimenGrid() { SpecimenCollectionTimeCollection collCollectionTime = LookupHelper.getSpecimenCollectionTime(domain.getLookupService()); form.lyrSpecColConfig().tabSpecCollectionConfig().grdSpecimenCollection().getRows().clear(); GenForm.lyrSpecColConfigLayer.tabSpecCollectionConfigContainer.grdSpecimenCollectionRow row; SpecimenCollectionTime collectionTime; for (int i = 0; i < collCollectionTime.size(); i++) { collectionTime = collCollectionTime.get(i); row = form.lyrSpecColConfig().tabSpecCollectionConfig().grdSpecimenCollection().getRows().newRow(); row.setcolTime(collectionTime); } }
private SpecimenCollectionSettings getSettings(SpecimenCollectionMethod type) { SpecimenCollectionSettings settings = new SpecimenCollectionSettings(); settings.setSpecimenCollectionMethod(type); if (type.equals(SpecimenCollectionMethod.INPATIENT)) { settings.setDate(form.lyrDetails().tabPathDetails().lyrPathology().tabPhlebotomy().dteCollect().getValue()); // date control has been cleared using the keyboard if (settings.getDate() == null) form.lyrDetails().tabPathDetails().lyrPathology().tabPhlebotomy().cmbTime().clear(); settings.setSelectedTime(form.lyrDetails().tabPathDetails().lyrPathology().tabPhlebotomy().cmbTime().getValue()); if (form.lyrDetails().tabPathDetails().lyrPathology().tabPhlebotomy().cmbTime().getValues().size() > 0) { settings.setCollTimes(new SpecimenCollectionTimeCollection()); for (int i = 0; i < form.lyrDetails().tabPathDetails().lyrPathology().tabPhlebotomy().cmbTime().getValues().size(); i++) { settings.getCollTimes().add((SpecimenCollectionTime) form.lyrDetails().tabPathDetails().lyrPathology().tabPhlebotomy().cmbTime().getValues().get(i)); } } } else if (type.equals(SpecimenCollectionMethod.OUTPATIENT)) { settings.setUnits(form.lyrDetails().tabPathDetails().lyrPathology().tabPhlebotomy().intDuration().getValue()); settings.setDuration(form.lyrDetails().tabPathDetails().lyrPathology().tabPhlebotomy().cmbDuration().getValue()); } return settings; }
public PhlebotomyRoundShortVoCollection listClosedRounds(Date date, SpecimenCollectionTime round, LocationRefVo ward) { if (date == null || round == null || ward == null) return null; DomainFactory factory = getDomainFactory(); String hql = "select pRound from PhlebotomyRound" + " as pRound left join pRound.wards as ward where = :date and pRound.roundToCollect = :round and = :wardId"; List items = factory.find(hql, new String[]{"date", "round", "wardId"}, new Object[]{date.getDate(), getDomLookup(round), ward.getID_Location()}); if (items != null && items.size() > 0) return PhlebotomyRoundShortVoAssembler.createPhlebotomyRoundShortVoCollectionFromPhlebotomyRound(items); return null; }
protected final SpecimenCollectionTime getSelectedTime() { return selectedTime; }
protected final void setSelectedTime(SpecimenCollectionTime selectedTime) { this.selectedTime = selectedTime; }
public LocShortMappingsVoCollection listActiveWardsForHospital(LocationRefVo hospital, Date dateToCollect, SpecimenCollectionTime roundToCollect) { List locations = listLocations(LocationType.WARD,hospital,Boolean.TRUE,null,null,null, dateToCollect, roundToCollect); return LocShortMappingsVoAssembler.createLocShortMappingsVoCollectionFromLocation(locations).sort(); }
private List listLocations(LocationType locType, LocationRefVo parentLocation, Boolean activeOnly, Boolean includeReferringHosp, Boolean includeTreatingHosp, String name, Date dateToCollect, SpecimenCollectionTime roundToCollect) { DomainFactory factory = getDomainFactory(); List locations; String hql = " from Location loc "; StringBuffer condStr = new StringBuffer(); String andStr = " "; ArrayList markers = new ArrayList(); ArrayList values = new ArrayList(); if (locType != null) { condStr.append(andStr + " loc.type = :locType"); markers.add("locType"); values.add(getDomLookup(locType)); andStr = " and "; } if (parentLocation != null) { condStr.append(andStr + " = :parentID"); markers.add("parentID"); values.add(parentLocation.getID_Location()); andStr = " and "; } if (activeOnly != null && activeOnly.booleanValue()) { condStr.append(andStr + " loc.isActive = :active"); markers.add("active"); values.add(activeOnly); andStr = " and "; } if (includeReferringHosp != null && includeReferringHosp.booleanValue()) { condStr.append(andStr + " loc.referringHospital = :referring"); markers.add("referring"); values.add(includeReferringHosp); andStr = " and "; } if (includeTreatingHosp != null && includeTreatingHosp.booleanValue()) { condStr.append(andStr + " loc.treatingHosp = :treating"); markers.add("treating"); values.add(includeTreatingHosp); andStr = " and "; } if (name != null) { condStr.append(andStr + " upper( like :name"); markers.add("name"); values.add("%" + name.toUpperCase() + "%"); andStr = " and "; } if(dateToCollect != null && roundToCollect != null) { condStr.append(andStr + " not in (select " + " from PhlebotomyRound as p1_1 join p1_1.wards as l1_1" + //WDEV-12893 " where " + " = :DATE and = :ROUND and p1_1.isRIE is null)"); markers.add("DATE"); values.add(dateToCollect.getDate()); markers.add("ROUND"); values.add(new Integer(roundToCollect.getID())); andStr = " and "; } if (andStr.equals(" and ")) { hql += " where "; } hql += condStr.toString(); locations = factory.find(hql, markers, values); return locations; }
public PhlebotomyRoundShortVoCollection listClosedRounds(Date date, SpecimenCollectionTime round, LocationRefVo ward) { MyOrder myOrderImpl = (MyOrder) getDomainImpl(MyOrderImpl.class); return myOrderImpl.listClosedRounds(date, round, ward); }
private List listLocations(LocationType locType, LocationRefVo parentLocation, Boolean activeOnly, Boolean includeReferringHosp, Boolean includeTreatingHosp, String name, Date dateToCollect, SpecimenCollectionTime roundToCollect) { DomainFactory factory = getDomainFactory(); List locations; String hql = " from Location loc "; StringBuffer condStr = new StringBuffer(); String andStr = " "; ArrayList markers = new ArrayList(); ArrayList values = new ArrayList(); if (locType != null) { condStr.append(andStr + " loc.type = :locType"); markers.add("locType"); values.add(getDomLookup(locType)); andStr = " and "; } if (parentLocation != null) { condStr.append(andStr + " = :parentID"); markers.add("parentID"); values.add(parentLocation.getID_Location()); andStr = " and "; } if (activeOnly != null && activeOnly.booleanValue()) { condStr.append(andStr + " loc.isActive = :active"); markers.add("active"); values.add(activeOnly); andStr = " and "; } if (includeReferringHosp != null && includeReferringHosp.booleanValue()) { condStr.append(andStr + " loc.referringHospital = :referring"); markers.add("referring"); values.add(includeReferringHosp); andStr = " and "; } if (includeTreatingHosp != null && includeTreatingHosp.booleanValue()) { condStr.append(andStr + " loc.treatingHosp = :treating"); markers.add("treating"); values.add(includeTreatingHosp); andStr = " and "; } if (name != null) { condStr.append(andStr + " loc.upperName like :name"); //WDEV-20219 markers.add("name"); values.add("%" + name.toUpperCase() + "%"); andStr = " and "; } if(dateToCollect != null && roundToCollect != null) { condStr.append(andStr + " not in (select " + " from PhlebotomyRound as p1_1 join p1_1.wards as l1_1" + //WDEV-12893 " where " + " = :DATE and = :ROUND and p1_1.isRIE is null)"); markers.add("DATE"); values.add(dateToCollect.getDate()); markers.add("ROUND"); values.add(new Integer(roundToCollect.getID())); andStr = " and "; } if (andStr.equals(" and ")) { hql += " where "; } hql += condStr.toString(); locations = factory.find(hql, markers, values); return locations; }