Server( AddressResolver addressResolver, EventLoopGroup eventLoopGroup, boolean customEventLoop, Timer timer, boolean customTimer, long bindTimeoutInNanos, StubStore stubStore, boolean activityLogging, ServerBootstrap serverBootstrap) { // custom constructor onyl made to help facilitate testing with a custom bootstrap. this.addressResolver = addressResolver; this.timer = timer; this.customTimer = customTimer; this.eventLoopGroup = eventLoopGroup; this.customEventLoop = customEventLoop; this.serverBootstrap = serverBootstrap; this.bindTimeoutInNanos = bindTimeoutInNanos; this.stubStore = stubStore; this.activityLogging = activityLogging; }
private Server( AddressResolver addressResolver, EventLoopGroup eventLoopGroup, Class<? extends ServerChannel> channelClass, boolean customEventLoop, Timer timer, boolean customTimer, long bindTimeoutInNanos, StubStore stubStore, boolean activityLogging) { this( addressResolver, eventLoopGroup, customEventLoop, timer, customTimer, bindTimeoutInNanos, stubStore, activityLogging, new ServerBootstrap() .group(eventLoopGroup) .channel(channelClass) .childHandler(new Initializer())); }
@Test public void testTryWithResourcesShouldCloseAllClustersButNotTimerIfProvided() throws Exception { EventLoopGroup eventLoop; Timer timer = new HashedWheelTimer(); try (Server server = Server.builder().withTimer(timer).build()) { // Do nothing here, since this is a unit test, we don't want to create any inet sockets // which is what Server does by default. eventLoop = server.eventLoopGroup; } // event loop should have been closed since a custom one was not provided. assertThat(eventLoop.isShutdown()).isTrue(); // timer should not have been closed since a custom one was provided. timer.newTimeout( timeout -> { // noop }, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS); timer.stop(); }
@Deprecated public RedisClient(final Timer timer, ExecutorService executor, EventLoopGroup group, Class<? extends SocketChannel> socketChannelClass, String host, int port, int connectTimeout, int commandTimeout) { RedisClientConfig config = new RedisClientConfig(); config.setTimer(timer).setExecutor(executor).setGroup(group).setSocketChannelClass(socketChannelClass) .setAddress(host, port).setConnectTimeout(connectTimeout).setCommandTimeout(commandTimeout); this.config = config; this.executor = config.getExecutor(); this.timer = config.getTimer(); addr = new InetSocketAddress(config.getAddress().getHost(), config.getAddress().getPort()); channels = new DefaultChannelGroup(config.getGroup().next()); bootstrap = createBootstrap(config, Type.PLAIN); pubSubBootstrap = createBootstrap(config, Type.PUBSUB); this.commandTimeout = config.getCommandTimeout(); }
public OFChannelInitializer(IOFSwitchManager switchManager, INewOFConnectionListener connectionListener, IDebugCounterService debugCounters, Timer timer, List<U32> ofBitmaps, OFFactory defaultFactory, String keyStore, String keyStorePassword) { super(); this.switchManager = switchManager; this.connectionListener = connectionListener; this.timer = timer; this.debugCounters = debugCounters; this.defaultFactory = defaultFactory; this.ofBitmaps = ofBitmaps; this.keyStore = keyStore; this.keyStorePassword = keyStorePassword; }
public OFConnection(@Nonnull DatapathId dpid, @Nonnull OFFactory factory, @Nonnull Channel channel, @Nonnull OFAuxId auxId, @Nonnull IDebugCounterService debugCounters, @Nonnull Timer timer) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(dpid, "dpid"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(factory, "factory"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(channel, "channel"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(timer, "timer"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(debugCounters); this.listener = NullConnectionListener.INSTANCE; this.dpid = dpid; this.factory = factory; = channel; this.auxId = auxId; this.connectedSince = new Date(); this.xidDeliverableMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); this.counters = new OFConnectionCounters(debugCounters, dpid, this.auxId); this.timer = timer; this.latency = U64.ZERO; }
/** * Creates a handler for interacting with the switch channel * * @param controller * the controller * @param newConnectionListener * the class that listens for new OF connections (switchManager) * @param pipeline * the channel pipeline * @param threadPool * the thread pool * @param idleTimer * the hash wheeled timer used to send idle messages (echo). * passed to constructor to modify in case of aux connection. * @param debugCounters */ OFChannelHandler(@Nonnull IOFSwitchManager switchManager, @Nonnull INewOFConnectionListener newConnectionListener, @Nonnull ChannelPipeline pipeline, @Nonnull IDebugCounterService debugCounters, @Nonnull Timer timer, @Nonnull List<U32> ofBitmaps, @Nonnull OFFactory defaultFactory) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(switchManager, "switchManager"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(newConnectionListener, "connectionOpenedListener"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(pipeline, "pipeline"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(timer, "timer"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(debugCounters, "debugCounters"); this.pipeline = pipeline; this.debugCounters = debugCounters; this.newConnectionListener = newConnectionListener; this.counters = switchManager.getCounters(); this.state = new InitState(); this.timer = timer; this.ofBitmaps = ofBitmaps; this.factory = defaultFactory; log.debug("constructor on OFChannelHandler {}", String.format("%08x", System.identityHashCode(this))); }
@Override public AutoCloseable createInstance() { // The service is provided via blueprint so wait for and return it here for backwards compatibility. final WaitingServiceTracker<Timer> tracker = WaitingServiceTracker.create( Timer.class, bundleContext, "(type=global-timer)"); final Timer timer = tracker.waitForService(WaitingServiceTracker.FIVE_MINUTES); return Reflection.newProxy(AutoCloseableTimerInterface.class, new AbstractInvocationHandler() { @Override protected Object handleInvocation(final Object proxy, final Method method, final Object[] args) throws Throwable { if (method.getName().equals("close")) { tracker.close(); return null; } else { return method.invoke(timer, args); } } }); }
public TimeoutsHolder(Timer nettyTimer, NettyResponseFuture<?> nettyResponseFuture, NettyRequestSender requestSender, AsyncHttpClientConfig config) { this.nettyTimer = nettyTimer; this.nettyResponseFuture = nettyResponseFuture; this.requestSender = requestSender; this.readTimeoutValue = config.getReadTimeout(); int requestTimeoutInMs = nettyResponseFuture.getTargetRequest().getRequestTimeout(); if (requestTimeoutInMs == 0) { requestTimeoutInMs = config.getRequestTimeout(); } if (requestTimeoutInMs != -1) { requestTimeoutMillisTime = millisTime() + requestTimeoutInMs; requestTimeout = newTimeout(new RequestTimeoutTimerTask(nettyResponseFuture, requestSender, this, requestTimeoutInMs), requestTimeoutInMs); } else { requestTimeoutMillisTime = -1L; requestTimeout = null; } }
/** * Intentional private local constructor * @param key the request key * @param request the request object * @param window the window * @param timeoutMillis the time after which this future will be cancelled * @param timer the timer used to implement the timeout functionality */ private TimedDeferredRequest(final K key, final R request, final Window<K, R, D> window, final Timer timer, final long timeoutMillis) { super(key, request, window); this.timeout = checkNotNull(timer).newTimeout(new TimerTask() { @Override public void run(Timeout timerTask) throws Exception {, new TimeoutException("The operation timed out (Window full)")); } }, timeoutMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); }
BoundNode( SocketAddress address, NodeSpec delegate, Map<String, Object> peerInfo, BoundCluster cluster, BoundDataCenter parent, Server server, Timer timer, Channel channel, boolean activityLogging) { super( address, delegate.getName(), delegate.getId() != null ? delegate.getId() : 0, delegate.getCassandraVersion(), delegate.getDSEVersion(), peerInfo, parent); this.cluster = cluster; this.server = server; // for test purposes server may be null. this.bootstrap = server != null ? server.serverBootstrap : null; this.timer = timer; = new AtomicReference<>(channel); this.stubStore = new StubStore(); this.activityLogging = activityLogging; this.frameCodec = buildFrameCodec(delegate).orElse(parent.getFrameCodec()); }
@Test public void testTryWithResourcesShouldCloseAllResources() throws Exception { EventLoopGroup eventLoop; Timer timer; try (Server server = Server.builder().build()) { // Do nothing here, since this is a unit test, we don't want to create any inet sockets // which is what Server does by default. eventLoop = server.eventLoopGroup; timer = server.timer; } // event loop should have been closed since a custom one was not provided. assertThat(eventLoop.isShutdown()).isTrue(); // timer should have since a custom one was not provided. try { timer.newTimeout( timeout -> { // noop }, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS); fail("Expected IllegalStateException"); } catch (IllegalStateException ise) { // expected } }
@Test public void testTryWithResourcesShouldCloseAllClustersButNotEventLoopAndTimerIfProvided() throws Exception { EventLoopGroup eventLoop = new DefaultEventLoopGroup(); Timer timer = new HashedWheelTimer(); BoundCluster cluster; MockClient client; try (Server server = Server.builder() .withAddressResolver(localAddressResolver) .withTimer(timer) .withEventLoopGroup(eventLoop, LocalServerChannel.class) .build()) { cluster = server.register(ClusterSpec.builder().withNodes(5)); BoundNode node = cluster.node(0); SocketAddress address = node.getAddress(); client = new MockClient(eventLoop); client.connect(address); } // event loop should not have been closed. assertThat(eventLoop.isShutdown()).isFalse(); // timer should not have since a custom one was not provided. cluster .getServer() .timer .newTimeout( timeout -> { // noop }, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS); eventLoop.shutdownGracefully(0, 0, TimeUnit.SECONDS); timer.stop(); }
public ConnectionWatcher(Bootstrap bootstrap, Timer timer, String host, int port, boolean reconnect){ this.bootstrap = bootstrap; this.timer = timer; = host; this.port = port; this.reconnect = reconnect; }
public HandshakeTimeoutHandler(RPCChannelHandler handler, Timer timer, long timeoutSeconds) { super(); this.handler = handler; this.timer = timer; this.timeoutNanos = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toNanos(timeoutSeconds); }
public RPCChannelInitializer(SyncManager syncManager, RPCService rpcService, Timer timer) { super(); this.syncManager = syncManager; this.rpcService = rpcService; this.timer = timer; }
public RPCService(SyncManager syncManager, IDebugCounterService debugCounter, Timer timer) { super(); this.syncManager = syncManager; this.debugCounter = debugCounter; this.timer = timer; messageWindows = new ConcurrentHashMap<Short, MessageWindow>(); }
public BootstrapTimeoutHandler(Timer timer, long timeoutSeconds) { super(); this.timer = timer; this.timeoutNanos = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toNanos(timeoutSeconds); }
public RSHandshakeTimeoutHandler(RemoteSyncChannelHandler channelHandler, Timer timer, long timeoutSeconds) { super(); this.channelHandler = channelHandler; this.timer = timer; this.timeoutNanos = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toNanos(timeoutSeconds); }
/** * Create a new unconnected OFChannelHandler. * @param controller * @param broker * @throws SwitchHandshakeHandlerException */ OFSwitchHandshakeHandler(@Nonnull IOFConnectionBackend connection, @Nonnull OFFeaturesReply featuresReply, @Nonnull IOFSwitchManager switchManager, @Nonnull RoleManager roleManager, @Nonnull Timer timer) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(connection, "connection"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(featuresReply, "featuresReply"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(switchManager, "switchManager"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(roleManager, "roleManager"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(timer, "timer"); Preconditions.checkArgument(connection.getAuxId().equals(OFAuxId.MAIN), "connection must be MAIN connection but is %s", connection); this.switchManager = switchManager; this.roleManager = roleManager; this.mainConnection = connection; this.auxConnections = new ConcurrentHashMap<OFAuxId, IOFConnectionBackend>(); this.featuresReply = featuresReply; this.timer = timer; this.switchManagerCounters = switchManager.getCounters(); this.factory = OFFactories.getFactory(featuresReply.getVersion()); this.roleChanger = new RoleChanger(DEFAULT_ROLE_TIMEOUT_NS); setState(new InitState()); this.pendingPortStatusMsg = new ArrayList<OFPortStatus>(); connection.setListener(this); }
public HandshakeTimeoutHandler(OFChannelHandler handshakeHandler, Timer timer, long timeoutSeconds) { super(); this.handshakeHandler = handshakeHandler; this.timer = timer; this.timeoutNanos = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toNanos(timeoutSeconds); }
@Test public void testRegisterCategory() { // Must be in INIT state Timer timer = createMock(Timer.class); replay(timer); switchManager = new OFSwitchManager(); switchManager.loadLogicalCategories(); assertTrue("Connections should be empty", switchManager.getNumRequiredConnections() == 0); // Add initial category switchManager = new OFSwitchManager(); LogicalOFMessageCategory category = new LogicalOFMessageCategory("aux1", 1); switchManager.registerLogicalOFMessageCategory(category); switchManager.loadLogicalCategories(); assertTrue("Required connections should be 1", switchManager.getNumRequiredConnections() == 1); // Multiple categories on the same auxId should produce one required connection switchManager = new OFSwitchManager(); switchManager.registerLogicalOFMessageCategory(new LogicalOFMessageCategory("aux1", 1)); switchManager.registerLogicalOFMessageCategory(new LogicalOFMessageCategory("aux1-2", 1)); switchManager.loadLogicalCategories(); assertTrue("Required connections should be 1", switchManager.getNumRequiredConnections() == 1); // Adding a category on a different aux ID should increase the required connection count switchManager = new OFSwitchManager(); switchManager.registerLogicalOFMessageCategory(new LogicalOFMessageCategory("aux1", 1)); switchManager.registerLogicalOFMessageCategory(new LogicalOFMessageCategory("aux2", 2)); switchManager.loadLogicalCategories(); assertTrue("Required connections should be 2", switchManager.getNumRequiredConnections() == 2); }
@Before public void setUp() throws Exception { /* * This needs to be called explicitly to ensure the featuresReply is not null. * Otherwise, there is no guarantee @Before will for setUpFeaturesReply() will * call that function before our @Before setUp() here. */ setUpFeaturesReply(); switchManager = createMock(IOFSwitchManager.class); roleManager = createMock(RoleManager.class); sw = createMock(IOFSwitchBackend.class); timer = createMock(Timer.class); expect(timer.newTimeout(anyObject(TimerTask.class), anyLong(), anyObject(TimeUnit.class))).andReturn(EasyMock.createNiceMock(Timeout.class)); replay(timer); seenXids = null; // TODO: should mock IDebugCounterService and make sure // the expected counters are updated. debugCounterService = new DebugCounterServiceImpl(); SwitchManagerCounters counters = new SwitchManagerCounters(debugCounterService); expect(switchManager.getCounters()).andReturn(counters).anyTimes(); replay(switchManager); connection = new MockOFConnection(featuresReply.getDatapathId(), OFAuxId.MAIN); switchHandler = new OFSwitchHandshakeHandler(connection, featuresReply, switchManager, roleManager, timer); // replay sw. Reset it if you need more specific behavior replay(sw); }