@Override public void paint(Graphics g) { Rectangle r = getBounds(); g.setColor(Color.lightGray); g.draw3DRect(0, 0, r.width, r.height, false); int n = getComponentCount(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { Component comp = getComponent(i); if (comp instanceof Checkbox) { Point loc = comp.getLocation(); Dimension d = comp.getSize(); g.setColor(comp.getForeground()); g.drawRect(loc.x - 1, loc.y - 1, d.width + 1, d.height + 1); } } }
public HashPreferences() { setLayout(null); explanation = new MessagePanel( "Enables files to be hashed in the background so they can be downloaded with multi source download.\n\n" + "NOTE: Files stop hashing after the current one."); explanation.setLocation(0, 0); explanation.setSize(STD_XSIZE, STD_YSIZE / 2 - CHECKBOX_Y_SIZE); add(explanation); enableHashing = new Checkbox("Enabling File Hashing"); enableHashing.setLocation(50, STD_YSIZE / 2 - CHECKBOX_Y_SIZE); enableHashing.setSize(STD_XSIZE - 50, CHECKBOX_Y_SIZE); add(enableHashing); setSize(STD_XSIZE, STD_YSIZE); }
/** * Run a demonstration. * * @param args ignored. * * @throws Exception when an error occurs. */ public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception { final Frame frame = new Frame(); final Panel panel = new Panel(); panel.setLayout(new RadialLayout()); panel.add(new Checkbox("One")); panel.add(new Checkbox("Two")); panel.add(new Checkbox("Three")); panel.add(new Checkbox("Four")); panel.add(new Checkbox("Five")); panel.add(new Checkbox("One")); panel.add(new Checkbox("Two")); panel.add(new Checkbox("Three")); panel.add(new Checkbox("Four")); panel.add(new Checkbox("Five")); frame.add(panel); frame.setSize(300, 500); frame.setVisible(true); }
public JPanel getPermissionsPanel(){ JPanel permissionsPanel = new JPanel(); Font labelFont = new Font("SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 12); Border paddingBorder = BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5,5,5,5); JLabel labelPerm = new JLabel("Permissions"); labelPerm.setFont(labelFont); labelPerm.setBorder(paddingBorder); labelPerm.setAlignmentX(Component.LEFT_ALIGNMENT); permissionsPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(permissionsPanel, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); permissionsPanel.add(labelPerm); JPanel permCBPanel = new JPanel(); permCBPanel.setAlignmentX(Component.LEFT_ALIGNMENT); permCBPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(0,2)); for(SeqDataUser u : users){ Checkbox cb = new Checkbox(u.getName(), sharedUsers.containsKey(u.getName()) && sharedUsers.get(u.getName())); if(u.isAdmin()) cb.setEnabled(false); userCheckboxes.put(u, cb); permCBPanel.add(cb); } permissionsPanel.add(permCBPanel); permissionsPanel.add(Box.createVerticalGlue()); return permissionsPanel; }
public void drawForm() { removeAll(); cRightAxis = new Choice(); Panel mainPanel = new Panel(); mainPanel.setLayout( new GridLayout(recorder.plotSize + 2, 0) ); mainPanel.add(L1); cRightAxis.addItem("Parameters (0 to 1)"); cRightAxis.addItem("Currents"); mainPanel.add(cRightAxis); for (int x = 0; x < recorder.plotSize; x++) { c[x] = new Checkbox(recorder.names[x] ); c[x].setForeground( recorder.colorArray[x] ); c[x].setState( recorder.plot[x] ); mainPanel.add(c[x]); } setLayout( new BorderLayout()); add("Center", mainPanel); validate(); }
protected WebPanel(JmolViewer viewer, JFileChooser fc, WebPanel[] webPanels, int panelIndex) { this.viewer = viewer; this.fc = fc; this.webPanels = webPanels; this.panelIndex = panelIndex; theWidgets = new Widgets(); nWidgets = theWidgets.widgetList.length; widgetCheckboxes = new Checkbox[nWidgets]; // Create the text fields for the path to the Jmol applet, page author(s) // name(s) and web page title. remoteAppletPath = new JTextField(20); remoteAppletPath.addActionListener(this); remoteAppletPath.setText(WebExport.getAppletPath(true)); localAppletPath = new JTextField(20); localAppletPath.addActionListener(this); localAppletPath.setText(WebExport.getAppletPath(false)); pageAuthorName = new JTextField(20); pageAuthorName.addActionListener(this); pageAuthorName.setText(WebExport.getPageAuthorName()); webPageTitle = new JTextField(20); webPageTitle.addActionListener(this); webPageTitle.setText(GT._("A web page containing Jmol applets")); }
public boolean dialogItemChanged(GenericDialog gd, AWTEvent e) { chosenFilter = gd.getNextChoice(); chosenRadius = (double) gd.getNextNumber(); chosenIteration = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); Checkbox previewCheckbox = (Checkbox) gd.getCheckboxes().get(0); if (gd.invalidNumber() || chosenRadius<=0 || chosenRadius>3 || chosenIteration<1 || chosenIteration>500) { if (previewCheckbox.getState()) { previewCheckbox.setSize(130, 20); previewCheckbox.setLabel("Invalid number"); } return false; } else { return true; } }
public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent check) { // Process the Checkboxes. First get the components // of the panel loopPanel and store in a Component // array (Note: the method getComponents() // is inherited from the Container class by the // subclass Panel). Component [] components = loopPanel.getComponents(); // Now process these components. First cast each // Component to a Checkbox. Then use the getState() // method of Checkbox to return boolean true if // checked and false otherwise, and act accordingly. // Since in this case the two checkboxes are exclusive // (only one can be true), we only need to process // one of them to know what to do. gp.loopFlag = ((Checkbox) components[1]).getState(); }
private void addCheckBoxes() { activeFeedbackCheckbox = new Checkbox(""); activeFeedbackCheckbox.setFocusable(false); activeFeedbackCheckbox.setState(cfg.getIsActiveFeedbackEnabled()); activeFeedbackCheckbox.setBackground(COLOR_UI_BACKGROUND); activeFeedbackCheckbox.setBounds(BOUNDS_ACTIVE_FEEDBACK_CHECKBOX); getContentPane().add(activeFeedbackCheckbox); defaultCollatedCheckbox = new Checkbox(""); defaultCollatedCheckbox.setFocusable(false); defaultCollatedCheckbox.setState(cfg.getIsDefaultCollated()); defaultCollatedCheckbox.setBackground(COLOR_UI_BACKGROUND); defaultCollatedCheckbox.setBounds(new Rectangle(846, 40, 25, 25)); getContentPane().add(defaultCollatedCheckbox); }
void configurationSwitchesCreate() { switchesLowerPanel.removeAll(); switchesUpperPanel.removeAll(); for (Iterator i = config.getSwitches().entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Entry e = (Entry) i.next(); final String name = (String) e.getKey(); final String setting = (String) e.getValue(); final Checkbox check = new Checkbox(name); //check.setFont(new Font("Monospaced", Font.PLAIN, 11)); check.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.PLAIN, 14)); check.setState(setting.equals("on") ? true : false); if (name.length() < 4) { switchesUpperPanel.add(check); } else { switchesLowerPanel.add(check); } } }
@Override public void queryAdditionalParameters( final GenericDialog gd ) { gd.addChoice( "ImgLib2_container_FFTs", BoundingBoxGUI.imgTypes, BoundingBoxGUI.imgTypes[ defaultFFTImgType ] ); gd.addCheckbox( "Save_memory (not keep FFT's on CPU, 2x time & 0.5x memory)", defaultSaveMemory ); saveMem = (Checkbox)gd.getCheckboxes().lastElement(); gd.addChoice( "Type_of_iteration", iterationTypeString, iterationTypeString[ defaultIterationType ] ); it = (Choice)gd.getChoices().lastElement(); gd.addChoice( "Image_weights", weightsString, weightsString[ defaultWeightType ] ); weight = (Choice)gd.getChoices().lastElement(); gd.addChoice( "OSEM_acceleration", osemspeedupChoice, osemspeedupChoice[ defaultOSEMspeedupIndex ] ); gd.addNumericField( "Number_of_iterations", defaultNumIterations, 0 ); gd.addCheckbox( "Debug_mode", defaultDebugMode ); gd.addCheckbox( "Adjust_blending_parameters (if stripes are visible)", defaultAdjustBlending ); gd.addCheckbox( "Use_Tikhonov_regularization", defaultUseTikhonovRegularization ); gd.addNumericField( "Tikhonov_parameter", defaultLambda, 4 ); gd.addChoice( "Compute", blocksChoice, blocksChoice[ defaultBlockSizeIndex ] ); block = (Choice)gd.getChoices().lastElement(); gd.addChoice( "Compute_on", computationOnChoice, computationOnChoice[ defaultComputationTypeIndex ] ); gpu = (Choice)gd.getChoices().lastElement(); gd.addChoice( "PSF_estimation", extractPSFChoice, extractPSFChoice[ defaultExtractPSF ] ); gd.addChoice( "PSF_display", displayPSFChoice, displayPSFChoice[ defaultDisplayPSF ] ); }
public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { Object actioner = e.getSource(); if (actioner == null) return; if ((Checkbox) actioner == subRandomSamplesCheckbox) { updateNumberOfSamples(); return; } if (setResultsOptionsCheckbox.getState()) { setResultsOptionsCheckbox.setState(false); setResultsOptions(); updateNumberOfSamples(); } }
private void createFrame() { setLayout(mainGrid); // Build a grid that shows the last pressed position. labels = new Label[6]; ImagePlus imp = getCurrentImage(); String title = (imp == null) ? "" : imp.getTitle(); createLabelPanel(labels[0] = new Label(), "Image", title); createLabelPanel(labels[1] = new Label(), "X", ""); createLabelPanel(labels[2] = new Label(), "Y", ""); createLabelPanel(labels[3] = new Label(), "Z", ""); createLabelPanel(labels[4] = new Label(), "C", ""); createLabelPanel(labels[5] = new Label(), "T", ""); overlayCheckbox = new Checkbox("Overlay", true); add(overlayCheckbox, 0, 1); }
public static boolean edit(Component parent, Line line) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub lineEditor.line.setLineType(line.getLineType()); lineEditor.line.setLineWidth(line.getLineWidth()); lineEditor.line.setInVisible(line.isInVisible()); lineEditor.cbHide.setSelected(line.isInVisible()); ((Checkbox)lineEditor.typeCheckBoxes.get(line.getLineType())).setState(true); ((Checkbox)lineEditor.widthCheckBoxes.get(line.getLineWidth()-1)).setState(true); if (ModalDialog.doModal(parent, lineEditor, StringResource.getString("lineEditorTitle"))) { line.setLineType(lineEditor.line.getLineType()); line.setLineWidth(lineEditor.line.getLineWidth()); line.setInVisible(lineEditor.line.isInVisible()); return true; } return false; }
/** * */ private int agregar(String nombreServidor, String version, String ip, String id) { Checkbox check = new Checkbox("", true, grupoConexiones); PanelConexion p = new PanelConexion(check, nombreServidor, version, ip, id, ++claveEntrada); Integer clave = new Integer(claveEntrada); int cant = panelConexiones.getComponentCount(); tablaConexiones.put(clave, p); tablaCheckbox.put(check, p); if (cant > 0) { layout.setRows(cant + 1); } panelConexiones.add(p); panelConexiones.validate(); validate(); return claveEntrada; }
public boolean queryOptions() { MesquiteInteger buttonPressed = new MesquiteInteger(1); String help = "If you select \"minimize objection function\", then Mesquite will search for trees that have smaller values of the number calculated for each tree; if you turn this option off, Mesquite will look for trees with larger values. "; help+="For example, if Treelength were the value calculated for each tree, one typically would search for trees with smaller values; i.e., one would choose \"minimize objection function\"."; help+= " If \"live updates\" is chosen, then each time a better tree is found, the tree will be redrawn (if it is visible in a tree window) and any calculations based upon the tree,"; help+=" such as tracing of a character history, a tree legend, or a chart, will be redone, which may substantially increase the time taken for the search."; ExtensibleDialog dialog = new ExtensibleDialog(containerOfModule(), "Options for Search for Better Tree",buttonPressed); //MesquiteTrunk.mesquiteTrunk.containerOfModule() dialog.appendToHelpString(help); dialog.addLabel("Options for Search for Better Tree"); Checkbox smallerIsBetterBox = dialog.addCheckBox("minimize objection function", smallerIsBetter); Checkbox liveUpdatesBox = dialog.addCheckBox("update display and calculations based upon tree as it is rearranged", liveUpdates); dialog.completeAndShowDialog(true); if (buttonPressed.getValue()==0) { smallerIsBetter = smallerIsBetterBox.getState(); liveUpdates = liveUpdatesBox.getState(); //storePreferences(); } dialog.dispose(); return (buttonPressed.getValue()==0); }
public boolean queryOptions() { MesquiteInteger buttonPressed = new MesquiteInteger(1); ExtensibleDialog dialog = new ExtensibleDialog(containerOfModule(), "Select Taxa by Name Search",buttonPressed); //MesquiteTrunk.mesquiteTrunk.containerOfModule() dialog.addLabel("Select Taxa by Name Search"); SingleLineTextField matchField = dialog.addTextField("Search string:", matchString, 20); Checkbox caseSensitiveBox = dialog.addCheckBox("case sensitive", caseSensitive); dialog.completeAndShowDialog(true); if (buttonPressed.getValue()==0) { matchString = matchField.getText(); caseSensitive = caseSensitiveBox.getState(); storePreferences(); } dialog.dispose(); return (buttonPressed.getValue()==0) ; }