MemoryPoolStat(String name, long usageThreshold, MemoryUsage usage, long lastGcId, long lastGcStartTime, long lastGcEndTime, long collectThreshold, MemoryUsage beforeGcUsage, MemoryUsage afterGcUsage) { this.poolName = name; this.usageThreshold = usageThreshold; this.usage = usage; this.lastGcId = lastGcId; this.lastGcStartTime = lastGcStartTime; this.lastGcEndTime = lastGcEndTime; this.collectThreshold = collectThreshold; this.beforeGcUsage = beforeGcUsage; this.afterGcUsage = afterGcUsage; }
/** * Get young gen memory usage. * * For G1 it is EdenUsage + SurvivorUsage, * for other GCs it is EdenUsage + 2 * SurvivorUsage. * For G1 max value is just LONG_MAX. * For all GCs used value is 0. */ private static MemoryUsage getYoungGenUsage() { MemoryUsage edenUsage = HeapRegionUsageTool.getEdenUsage(); MemoryUsage survivorUsage = HeapRegionUsageTool.getSurvivorUsage(); long edenUsageInit = edenUsage.getInit(); long edenUsageCommited = edenUsage.getCommitted(); long survivorUsageInit = survivorUsage.getInit(); long survivorUsageCommited = survivorUsage.getCommitted(); if (YOUNG_GC_TYPE == GCTypes.YoungGCType.G1) { return new MemoryUsage(edenUsageInit + survivorUsageInit, 0, edenUsageCommited + survivorUsageCommited, Long.MAX_VALUE); } else { return new MemoryUsage(edenUsageInit + survivorUsageInit * 2, 0, edenUsageCommited + survivorUsageCommited * 2, edenUsage.getMax() + survivorUsage.getMax() * 2); } }
private List<Object> eatMetaspace(float targetUsage) { List<Object> list = new ArrayList<>(); MemoryPoolMXBean metaspacePool = getMatchedMemoryPool(".*Metaspace.*"); float currentUsage; GeneratedClassProducer gp = new GeneratedClassProducer(); do { try { list.add(gp.create(0)); } catch (OutOfMemoryError oome) { list = null; throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected OOME '" + oome.getMessage() + "' while eating " + targetUsage + " of Metaspace."); } MemoryUsage memoryUsage = metaspacePool.getUsage(); currentUsage = (((float) memoryUsage.getUsed()) / memoryUsage.getMax()); } while (currentUsage < targetUsage); return list; }
public static void status(Scanner scanner, Message message) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); buffer.append("My Memory:\n\n"); buffer.append("\n\n"); for (MemPool pool : getPools()) { MemoryUsage usage = pool.getUsage(); buffer.append(pool.getName()).append("\n"); buffer.append("\tINIT: ").append(FileUtils.byteCountToDisplaySize(usage.getInit())) .append("\n"); buffer.append("\tUSED: ").append(FileUtils.byteCountToDisplaySize(usage.getUsed())) .append("\n"); buffer.append("\tCOMMITED: ") .append(FileUtils.byteCountToDisplaySize(usage.getCommitted())).append("\n"); buffer.append("\tMAX: ").append(FileUtils.byteCountToDisplaySize(usage.getMax())) .append("\n"); } Speaker.sayCode(message.getChannel(), buffer.toString()); }
@Override public Object next() { if (!beforeFirst) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } beforeFirst = false; final MemoryInfo memoryInfo = new MemoryInfo(); final DrillbitEndpoint endpoint = context.getIdentity(); memoryInfo.hostname = endpoint.getAddress(); memoryInfo.user_port = endpoint.getUserPort(); final MemoryUsage heapMemoryUsage = ManagementFactory.getMemoryMXBean().getHeapMemoryUsage(); memoryInfo.heap_current = heapMemoryUsage.getUsed(); memoryInfo.heap_max = heapMemoryUsage.getMax(); BufferPoolMXBean directBean = getDirectBean(); memoryInfo.jvm_direct_current = directBean.getMemoryUsed(); memoryInfo.direct_current = context.getDrillbitContext().getAllocator().getAllocatedMemory(); memoryInfo.direct_max = TopLevelAllocator.MAXIMUM_DIRECT_MEMORY; return memoryInfo; }
private GcInfo(GcInfoBuilder builder, long index, long startTime, long endTime, MemoryUsage[] muBeforeGc, MemoryUsage[] muAfterGc, Object[] extAttributes) { this.builder = builder; this.index = index; this.startTime = startTime; this.endTime = endTime; String[] poolNames = builder.getPoolNames(); this.usageBeforeGc = new HashMap<String, MemoryUsage>(poolNames.length); this.usageAfterGc = new HashMap<String, MemoryUsage>(poolNames.length); for (int i = 0; i < poolNames.length; i++) { this.usageBeforeGc.put(poolNames[i], muBeforeGc[i]); this.usageAfterGc.put(poolNames[i], muAfterGc[i]); } this.extAttributes = extAttributes; this.cdata = new GcInfoCompositeData(this, builder, extAttributes); }
/** * Returns a summary information about the memory pools. */ public static String poolSummaries() { // Why ? list-archive?4273859 // How ? // StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Iterator<MemoryPoolMXBean> iter = ManagementFactory.getMemoryPoolMXBeans().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { MemoryPoolMXBean item =; String name = item.getName(); MemoryType type = item.getType(); MemoryUsage usage = item.getUsage(); MemoryUsage peak = item.getPeakUsage(); MemoryUsage collections = item.getCollectionUsage(); sb.append(String.format("Memory pool name: " + name + ", type: " + type + ", usage: " + usage + ", peak: " + peak + ", collections: " + collections + "\n")); } return sb.toString(); }
@Override public Object next() { if (!beforeFirst) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } beforeFirst = false; final MemoryInfo memoryInfo = new MemoryInfo(); final NodeEndpoint endpoint = dbContext.getEndpoint(); memoryInfo.hostname = endpoint.getAddress(); memoryInfo.fabric_port = endpoint.getFabricPort(); final MemoryUsage heapMemoryUsage = ManagementFactory.getMemoryMXBean().getHeapMemoryUsage(); memoryInfo.heap_current = heapMemoryUsage.getUsed(); memoryInfo.heap_max = heapMemoryUsage.getMax(); BufferPoolMXBean directBean = getDirectBean(); memoryInfo.jvm_direct_current = directBean.getMemoryUsed(); memoryInfo.direct_current = dbContext.getAllocator().getAllocatedMemory(); memoryInfo.direct_max = SabotConfig.getMaxDirectMemory(); return memoryInfo; }
static void createNotification(String notifType, String poolName, MemoryUsage usage, long count) { MemoryImpl mbean = (MemoryImpl) ManagementFactory.getMemoryMXBean(); if (!mbean.hasListeners()) { // if no listener is registered. return; } long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); String msg = getNotifMsg(notifType); Notification notif = new Notification(notifType, mbean.getObjectName(), getNextSeqNumber(), timestamp, msg); MemoryNotificationInfo info = new MemoryNotificationInfo(poolName, usage, count); CompositeData cd = MemoryNotifInfoCompositeData.toCompositeData(info); notif.setUserData(cd); mbean.sendNotification(notif); }
private final void test() { System.gc(); MemoryUsagePrinter.printMemoryUsage("init"); eat(); MemoryUsagePrinter.printMemoryUsage("eaten"); MemoryUsage muFull = ManagementFactory.getMemoryMXBean().getHeapMemoryUsage(); free(); MemoryUsagePrinter.printMemoryUsage("free"); MemoryUsage muFree = ManagementFactory.getMemoryMXBean().getHeapMemoryUsage(); assertLessThan(muFree.getCommitted(), muFull.getCommitted(), String.format( "committed free heap size is not less than committed full heap size, heap hasn't been shrunk?%n" + "%s = %s%n%s = %s", MIN_FREE_RATIO_FLAG_NAME, ManagementFactory.getPlatformMXBean(HotSpotDiagnosticMXBean.class) .getVMOption(MIN_FREE_RATIO_FLAG_NAME).getValue(), MAX_FREE_RATIO_FLAG_NAME, ManagementFactory.getPlatformMXBean(HotSpotDiagnosticMXBean.class) .getVMOption(MAX_FREE_RATIO_FLAG_NAME).getValue() )); }
/** * @param c Configuration to use. * @param mu JMX Memory Bean * @return Returns L2 block cache instance (for now it is BucketCache BlockCache all the time) * or null if not supposed to be a L2. */ private static BlockCache getL2(final Configuration c, final MemoryUsage mu) { final boolean useExternal = c.getBoolean(EXTERNAL_BLOCKCACHE_KEY, EXTERNAL_BLOCKCACHE_DEFAULT); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Trying to use " + (useExternal?" External":" Internal") + " l2 cache"); } // If we want to use an external block cache then create that. if (useExternal) { return getExternalBlockcache(c); } // otherwise use the bucket cache. return getBucketCache(c, mu); }
@Override public String envi() { Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<String, String>(); // 系统信息 result.put(RegistryMonitorConstants.OSNAME, System.getProperty(RegistryMonitorConstants.OSNAME, "not specified")); result.put(RegistryMonitorConstants.JAVA_VERSION, System.getProperty(RegistryMonitorConstants.JAVA_VERSION, "not specified")); result.put(RegistryMonitorConstants.JDK_PATH, System.getProperty(RegistryMonitorConstants.JDK_PATH, "not specified")); result.put(RegistryMonitorConstants.APP_PATH, System.getProperty(RegistryMonitorConstants.APP_PATH, "not specified")); // jvm信息 MemoryMXBean memorymbean = ManagementFactory.getMemoryMXBean(); MemoryUsage usage = memorymbean.getHeapMemoryUsage(); result.put(RegistryMonitorConstants.JVM_INIT, String.valueOf(usage.getInit())); result.put(RegistryMonitorConstants.JVM_MAX, String.valueOf(usage.getMax())); result.put(RegistryMonitorConstants.JVM_USED, String.valueOf(usage.getUsed())); //线程信息 ThreadMXBean tm = (ThreadMXBean) ManagementFactory.getThreadMXBean(); result.put(RegistryMonitorConstants.JVM_THREAD_COUNT, String.valueOf(tm.getThreadCount())); result.put(RegistryMonitorConstants.JVM_PEAKTHREAD_COUNT, String.valueOf(tm.getPeakThreadCount())); result.put(RegistryMonitorConstants.JVM_CURRENTTHREAD_CPUTIME, String.valueOf(tm.getCurrentThreadCpuTime())); result.put(RegistryMonitorConstants.JVM_CURRENTTHREAD_USERTIME, String.valueOf(tm.getCurrentThreadUserTime())); return JSON.toJSONString(result); }
private final void test() { System.gc(); MemoryUsagePrinter.printMemoryUsage("init"); allocate(); MemoryUsagePrinter.printMemoryUsage("allocated"); MemoryUsage muFull = ManagementFactory.getMemoryMXBean().getHeapMemoryUsage(); free(); MemoryUsagePrinter.printMemoryUsage("free"); MemoryUsage muFree = ManagementFactory.getMemoryMXBean().getHeapMemoryUsage(); assertLessThan(muFree.getCommitted(), muFull.getCommitted(), String.format( "committed free heap size is not less than committed full heap size, heap hasn't been shrunk?%n" + "%s = %s%n%s = %s", MIN_FREE_RATIO_FLAG_NAME, ManagementFactory.getPlatformMXBean(HotSpotDiagnosticMXBean.class) .getVMOption(MIN_FREE_RATIO_FLAG_NAME).getValue(), MAX_FREE_RATIO_FLAG_NAME, ManagementFactory.getPlatformMXBean(HotSpotDiagnosticMXBean.class) .getVMOption(MAX_FREE_RATIO_FLAG_NAME).getValue() )); }
public static Map<String, MemoryUsage> getMemoryUsageAfterGc(CompositeData cd) { try { TabularData td = (TabularData) cd.get(MEMORY_USAGE_AFTER_GC); //return (Map<String,MemoryUsage>) return cast(memoryUsageMapType.toJavaTypeData(td)); } catch (InvalidObjectException | OpenDataException e) { // Should never reach here throw new AssertionError(e); } }
static long calculateMaxSize(Set<GarbageCollectionEvent> events) { if (events.size() < 1) { return -1; } // Maximum pool size is fixed, so we should only need to get it from the first event MemoryUsage usage = events.iterator().next().getUsage(); return usage.getMax(); }
public static Map<String, MemoryUsage> getMemoryUsageBeforeGc(CompositeData cd) { try { TabularData td = (TabularData) cd.get(MEMORY_USAGE_BEFORE_GC); return cast(memoryUsageMapType.toJavaTypeData(td)); } catch (InvalidObjectException | OpenDataException e) { // Should never reach here throw new AssertionError(e); } }
void triggerAction(MemoryUsage usage) { // create and send notification MemoryImpl.createNotification(MEMORY_THRESHOLD_EXCEEDED, pool.getName(), usage, getCount()); }
@Override protected void chore() { // Sample heap occupancy MemoryUsage memUsage = ManagementFactory.getMemoryMXBean().getHeapMemoryUsage(); heapOccupancyPercent = (float)memUsage.getUsed() / (float)memUsage.getCommitted(); // If we are above the heap occupancy alarm low watermark, switch to short // sleeps for close monitoring. Stop autotuning, we are in a danger zone. if (heapOccupancyPercent >= heapOccupancyLowWatermark) { if (!alarming) { LOG.warn("heapOccupancyPercent " + heapOccupancyPercent + " is above heap occupancy alarm watermark (" + heapOccupancyLowWatermark + ")"); alarming = true; } triggerNow(); try { // Need to sleep ourselves since we've told the chore's sleeper // to skip the next sleep cycle. Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // Interrupted, propagate Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } else { if (alarming) {"heapOccupancyPercent " + heapOccupancyPercent + " is now below the heap occupancy alarm watermark (" + heapOccupancyLowWatermark + ")"); alarming = false; } } // Autotune if tuning is enabled and allowed if (tunerOn && !alarming) { tune(); } }
/** * Returns the block cache or <code>null</code> in case none should be used. * Sets GLOBAL_BLOCK_CACHE_INSTANCE * * @param conf The current configuration. * @return The block cache or <code>null</code>. */ public static synchronized BlockCache instantiateBlockCache(Configuration conf) { if (GLOBAL_BLOCK_CACHE_INSTANCE != null) return GLOBAL_BLOCK_CACHE_INSTANCE; if (blockCacheDisabled) return null; MemoryUsage mu = ManagementFactory.getMemoryMXBean().getHeapMemoryUsage(); LruBlockCache l1 = getL1(conf, mu); // blockCacheDisabled is set as a side-effect of getL1(), so check it again after the call. if (blockCacheDisabled) return null; BlockCache l2 = getL2(conf, mu); if (l2 == null) { GLOBAL_BLOCK_CACHE_INSTANCE = l1; } else { boolean useExternal = conf.getBoolean(EXTERNAL_BLOCKCACHE_KEY, EXTERNAL_BLOCKCACHE_DEFAULT); boolean combinedWithLru = conf.getBoolean(BUCKET_CACHE_COMBINED_KEY, DEFAULT_BUCKET_CACHE_COMBINED); if (useExternal) { GLOBAL_BLOCK_CACHE_INSTANCE = new InclusiveCombinedBlockCache(l1, l2); } else { if (combinedWithLru) { GLOBAL_BLOCK_CACHE_INSTANCE = new CombinedBlockCache(l1, l2); } else { // L1 and L2 are not 'combined'. They are connected via the LruBlockCache victimhandler // mechanism. It is a little ugly but works according to the following: when the // background eviction thread runs, blocks evicted from L1 will go to L2 AND when we get // a block from the L1 cache, if not in L1, we will search L2. GLOBAL_BLOCK_CACHE_INSTANCE = l1; } } l1.setVictimCache(l2); } return GLOBAL_BLOCK_CACHE_INSTANCE; }
/** * Constructor accepts some system values and generates some Java values. * * @param rss Resident set size. */ Datum(long rss) { MemoryMXBean mmxb = ManagementFactory.getMemoryMXBean(); MemoryUsage muheap = mmxb.getHeapMemoryUsage(); MemoryUsage musys = mmxb.getNonHeapMemoryUsage(); timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.rss = rss; javatotalheapmem = muheap.getCommitted(); javausedheapmem = muheap.getUsed(); javatotalsysmem = musys.getCommitted(); javausedsysmem = musys.getUsed(); }
private static void appendMemUsage(StringBuilder sb, Map<String, MemoryUsage> memUsage) { for(Map.Entry<String, MemoryUsage> entry: memUsage.entrySet()) { if (memRegions.get(entry.getKey()).isHeap()) { sb.append(entry.getKey()).append(" used=") .append(entry.getValue().getUsed() >> 10) .append("K; "); } } }
private void getMemoryUsage(MetricsRecordBuilder rb) { MemoryUsage memNonHeap = memoryMXBean.getNonHeapMemoryUsage(); MemoryUsage memHeap = memoryMXBean.getHeapMemoryUsage(); Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime(); rb.addGauge(MemNonHeapUsedM, memNonHeap.getUsed() / M) .addGauge(MemNonHeapCommittedM, memNonHeap.getCommitted() / M) .addGauge(MemNonHeapMaxM, calculateMaxMemoryUsage(memNonHeap)) .addGauge(MemHeapUsedM, memHeap.getUsed() / M) .addGauge(MemHeapCommittedM, memHeap.getCommitted() / M) .addGauge(MemHeapMaxM, calculateMaxMemoryUsage(memHeap)) .addGauge(MemMaxM, runtime.maxMemory() / M); }
public static void printMemoryUsage(String label) { MemoryUsage memusage = ManagementFactory.getMemoryMXBean().getHeapMemoryUsage(); float freeratio = 1f - (float) memusage.getUsed() / memusage.getCommitted(); System.out.format("[%-24s] init: %-7s, used: %-7s, comm: %-7s, freeRatio ~= %.1f%%%n", label, NF.format(memusage.getInit()), NF.format(memusage.getUsed()), NF.format(memusage.getCommitted()), freeratio * 100 ); }
/** * Format contents of a MemoryUsage object. * @param name a text prefix used in formatting * @param usage the MemoryUsage object to format * @return the formatted contents */ private static String formatMemoryUsage(String name, MemoryUsage usage) { if (usage != null) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(INDENT1 + name + " init: " + usage.getInit() + CRLF); sb.append(INDENT1 + name + " used: " + usage.getUsed() + CRLF); sb.append(INDENT1 + name + " committed: " + usage.getCommitted() + CRLF); sb.append(INDENT1 + name + " max: " + usage.getMax() + CRLF); return sb.toString(); } return ""; }
public void run() { bContinue = true; try { while (bContinue) { MemoryMXBean memoryMXBean = ManagementFactory.getMemoryMXBean(); MemoryUsage memoryUsageHeap = memoryMXBean.getHeapMemoryUsage(); MemoryUsage memoryUsageNonHeap = memoryMXBean.getNonHeapMemoryUsage(); setUsageCounter("[Memory] Heap memory usage", memoryUsageHeap); setUsageCounter("[Memory] Non heap memory usage", memoryUsageNonHeap); setUsageCounter("[Memory] Total used", (memoryUsageHeap.getUsed() + memoryUsageNonHeap.getUsed()) / 1024 + "K"); synchronized (usageCounters) { List<String> ls = new ArrayList<String>(); ls.addAll(usageCounters.keySet()); Collections.sort(ls); for (String counter : ls) { + ": " + usageCounters.get(counter)); } } Thread.sleep(30000); } } catch (NullPointerException npe) { if (Engine.theApp == null) { // Engine.theApp == null probably means the engine is getting stopped // so gracefully ignore and exit thread return; } else { npe.printStackTrace(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } usageCounters = null; }
private static void verifyPSSurvivorRatio(int expectedRatio) { MemoryUsage edenUsage = HeapRegionUsageTool.getEdenUsage(); MemoryUsage survivorUsage = HeapRegionUsageTool.getSurvivorUsage(); long youngGenSize = edenUsage.getMax() + 2 * survivorUsage.getMax(); // for Paralle GC Min/InitialSurvivorRatio = SurvivorRatio + 2 long expectedSize = HeapRegionUsageTool.alignDown(youngGenSize / (expectedRatio + 2), wb.psHeapGenerationAlignment()); if (expectedSize != survivorUsage.getCommitted()) { throw new RuntimeException("Expected survivor size is: " + expectedSize + ", but observed size is: " + survivorUsage.getCommitted()); } }
GcInfo getLastGcInfo() { MemoryUsage[] usageBeforeGC = new MemoryUsage[poolNames.length]; MemoryUsage[] usageAfterGC = new MemoryUsage[poolNames.length]; Object[] values = new Object[gcExtItemCount]; return getLastGcInfo0(gc, gcExtItemCount, values, gcExtItemTypes, usageBeforeGC, usageAfterGC); }
public static void badTypeCompositeData() throws Exception { final int K = 1024; final Object[] values = { new Integer(5 * K), new Long(1 * K), new Long(10 * K), new Long(2 * K), "Dummy", "Dummy", }; CompositeType muct = new CompositeType("MyMemoryUsageCompositeType", "CompositeType for MemoryUsage", memoryUsageItemNames, memoryUsageItemNames, badMUItemTypes); CompositeData cd = new CompositeDataSupport(muct, memoryUsageItemNames, values); try { MemoryUsage u = MemoryUsage.from(cd); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { System.out.println("Expected exception: " + e.getMessage()); return; } throw new RuntimeException( "IllegalArgumentException not thrown"); }
@Override public MemoryPool getHeapMemoryPool(final MemoryMXBean memoryBean) { return new MemoryPoolImpl(MemoryPool.Type.HEAP, new Supplier<MemoryUsage>() { @Override public MemoryUsage get() { return memoryBean.getHeapMemoryUsage(); } }); }
public static Map<String, Long> readHeapUsage(MemoryUsage mu) { Map<String, Long> m = new LinkedHashMap<String, Long>(); m.put("heap_use", mu.getUsed()); m.put("heap_commit", mu.getCommitted()); m.put("heap_max", mu.getMax()); m.put("heap_init", mu.getInit()); return m; }
/** * Triggers this sensor piggybacking a memory usage object. * This method sets this sensor on * and increments the count with the input <tt>increment</tt>. */ public void trigger(int increment, MemoryUsage usage) { synchronized (lock) { on = true; count += increment; // Do something here... } triggerAction(usage); }
private MemoryUsage getMemoryUsage(MemoryType type) { if (type == MemoryType.HEAP) { return ManagementFactory.getMemoryMXBean().getHeapMemoryUsage(); } else { return ManagementFactory.getMemoryMXBean().getNonHeapMemoryUsage(); } }
MemoryUsage getNonHeapMemoryUsage() { try { final Map<Object, Object> m = JvmContextFactory.getUserData(); if (m != null) { final MemoryUsage cached = (MemoryUsage) m.get(nonHeapMemoryTag); if (cached != null) { log.debug("getNonHeapMemoryUsage", "jvmMemory.getNonHeapMemoryUsage found in cache."); return cached; } final MemoryUsage u = getMemoryUsage(MemoryType.NON_HEAP); // getNonHeapMemoryUsage() never returns null. // // if (u == null) u=MemoryUsage.INVALID; m.put(nonHeapMemoryTag,u); return u; } // Should never come here. // Log error! log.trace("getNonHeapMemoryUsage", "ERROR: should never come here!"); return getMemoryUsage(MemoryType.NON_HEAP); } catch (RuntimeException x) { log.trace("getNonHeapMemoryUsage", "Failed to get NonHeapMemoryUsage: " + x); log.debug("getNonHeapMemoryUsage",x); throw x; } }
void printMemoryUsage() { if (options.verbose) { MemoryUsage memusage = ManagementFactory.getMemoryMXBean().getHeapMemoryUsage(); float freeratio = 1f - (float) memusage.getUsed() / memusage.getCommitted(); log.format(" [used: %-7s, comm: %-7s, freeRatio ~= %.1f%%]", humanReadableByteCount(memusage.getUsed()), humanReadableByteCount(memusage.getCommitted()), freeratio * 100); } }
private static void verifyG1SurvivorRatio(int expectedRatio) { MemoryUsage survivorUsage = HeapRegionUsageTool.getSurvivorUsage(); int regionSize = wb.g1RegionSize(); int youngListLength = (int) Math.max(NEW_SIZE / regionSize, 1); int expectedSurvivorRegions = (int) Math.ceil(youngListLength / (double) expectedRatio); int observedSurvivorRegions = (int) (survivorUsage.getCommitted() / regionSize); if (expectedSurvivorRegions < observedSurvivorRegions) { throw new RuntimeException("Expected amount of G1 survivor regions is " + expectedSurvivorRegions + ", but observed " + observedSurvivorRegions); } }
public boolean isCollectionUsageThresholdExceeded() { if (!isCollectionUsageThresholdSupported()) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "CollectionUsage threshold is not supported"); } // return false if usage threshold crossing checking is disabled if (collectionThreshold == 0) { return false; } MemoryUsage u = getCollectionUsage0(); return (gcSensor.isOn() || (u != null && u.getUsed() >= collectionThreshold)); }