Java 类java.nio.charset.UnmappableCharacterException 实例源码

项目:actson    文件   
 * Decode bytes from {@link #byteBuf} and fill {@link #charBuf}. This method
 * is a no-op if {@link #charBuf} is not empty or if there are no bytes to
 * decode.
 * @return true if the buffer contains bytes now, false if it's still empty
 * @throws CharacterCodingException if the input data contains invalid
 * characters
private boolean fillBuffer() throws CharacterCodingException {
  if (charBuf.hasRemaining()) {
    return true;
  if (byteBuf.position() == 0) {
    return false;


  CoderResult result = decoder.decode(byteBuf, charBuf, done);
  if (result.isMalformed()) {
    throw new MalformedInputException(result.length());
  if (result.isUnmappable()) {
    throw new UnmappableCharacterException(result.length());


  return charBuf.hasRemaining();
项目:cn1    文件   
public void testMultiStepEncode() throws CharacterCodingException {
    try {
        fail("should unmappable");
    } catch (UnmappableCharacterException e) {
    ByteBuffer out = ByteBuffer.allocate(10);
    assertTrue(encoder.encode(CharBuffer.wrap("\ud800"), out, true)
    out = ByteBuffer.allocate(10);
    assertSame(CoderResult.UNDERFLOW, encoder.encode(CharBuffer
            .wrap("\ud800"), out, false));
    assertTrue(encoder.encode(CharBuffer.wrap("\udc00"), out, true)
项目:cn1    文件   
public void testMultiStepEncode() throws CharacterCodingException {
    try {
        fail("should unmappable");
    } catch (UnmappableCharacterException e) {
    ByteBuffer out = ByteBuffer.allocate(10);
    assertTrue(encoder.encode(CharBuffer.wrap("\ud800"), out, true)
    out = ByteBuffer.allocate(10);
    assertSame(CoderResult.UNDERFLOW, encoder.encode(CharBuffer
            .wrap("\ud800"), out, false));
    assertTrue(encoder.encode(CharBuffer.wrap("\udc00"), out, true)
项目:freeVM    文件   
public void testMultiStepEncode() throws CharacterCodingException {
    try {
        fail("should unmappable");
    } catch (UnmappableCharacterException e) {
    ByteBuffer out = ByteBuffer.allocate(10);
    assertTrue(encoder.encode(CharBuffer.wrap("\ud800"), out, true)
    out = ByteBuffer.allocate(10);
    assertSame(CoderResult.UNDERFLOW, encoder.encode(CharBuffer
            .wrap("\ud800"), out, false));
    assertTrue(encoder.encode(CharBuffer.wrap("\udc00"), out, true)
项目:freeVM    文件   
public void testMultiStepEncode() throws CharacterCodingException {
    try {
        fail("should unmappable");
    } catch (UnmappableCharacterException e) {
    ByteBuffer out = ByteBuffer.allocate(10);
    assertTrue(encoder.encode(CharBuffer.wrap("\ud800"), out, true)
    out = ByteBuffer.allocate(10);
    assertSame(CoderResult.UNDERFLOW, encoder.encode(CharBuffer
            .wrap("\ud800"), out, false));
    assertTrue(encoder.encode(CharBuffer.wrap("\udc00"), out, true)
项目:freeVM    文件   
public void testMultiStepEncode() throws CharacterCodingException {
    try {
        fail("should unmappable");
    } catch (UnmappableCharacterException e) {
    ByteBuffer out = ByteBuffer.allocate(10);
    assertTrue(encoder.encode(CharBuffer.wrap("\ud800"), out, true)
    out = ByteBuffer.allocate(10);
    assertSame(CoderResult.UNDERFLOW, encoder.encode(CharBuffer
            .wrap("\ud800"), out, false));
    assertTrue(encoder.encode(CharBuffer.wrap("\udc00"), out, true)
项目:freeVM    文件   
public void testMultiStepEncode() throws CharacterCodingException {
    try {
        fail("should unmappable");
    } catch (UnmappableCharacterException e) {
    ByteBuffer out = ByteBuffer.allocate(10);
    assertTrue(encoder.encode(CharBuffer.wrap("\ud800"), out, true)
    out = ByteBuffer.allocate(10);
    assertSame(CoderResult.UNDERFLOW, encoder.encode(CharBuffer
            .wrap("\ud800"), out, false));
    assertTrue(encoder.encode(CharBuffer.wrap("\udc00"), out, true)
项目:basis    文件   
public Appendable append(CharSequence csq, int start, int end) throws IOException {
    if (csq.length() < end) {
        throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
    if (csq instanceof ReadOnlyAsciiBuf) {
        content().writeBytes(((ReadOnlyAsciiBuf) csq).content());
    } else {
        for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
            char c =  csq.charAt(i);
            if (c >= '\u0080') {
                throw new UnmappableCharacterException(2);
            content().writeByte((byte) c);
    return this;
项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
public void testIncompatibleCharacter() throws Exception {
    DataObject d = DataObject.find(testFileObject);

    encodingName = "ISO-8859-1"; // NOI18N

    EditorCookie o = d.getLookup().lookup(EditorCookie.class);
    StyledDocument doc = o.openDocument();
    doc.insertString(0, CZECH_STRING_UTF, null);

    try {

        // try to open the file
        InputStream istm = testFileObject.getInputStream();
        try {
            BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(istm, "ISO-8859-2")); // NOI18N
            String line = r.readLine();

            int questionMarkPos = line.indexOf('?'); // NOI18N

            assertTrue("Should save question marks", questionMarkPos != -1); // NOI18N
        } finally {
        //fail("Exception expected");
    } catch (UnmappableCharacterException ex) {
        // expected exceptiom
项目:OpenJSharp    文件   
private void convertCharArray() {
    try {

        // Possible optimization of directly converting into the CDR buffer.
        // However, that means the CDR code would have to reserve
        // a 4 byte string length ahead of time, and we'd need a
        // confusing partial conversion scheme for when we couldn't
        // fit everything in the buffer but needed to know the
        // converted length before proceeding due to fragmentation.
        // Then there's the issue of the chunking code.
        // For right now, this is less messy and basic tests don't
        // show more than a 1 ms penalty worst case.  Less than a
        // factor of 2 increase.

        // Convert the characters
        buffer = ctb.encode(CharBuffer.wrap(chars,0,numChars));

        // ByteBuffer returned by the encoder will set its limit
        // to byte immediately after the last written byte.
        numBytes = buffer.limit();

    } catch (IllegalStateException ise) {
        // an encoding operation is already in progress
        throw wrapper.ctbConverterFailure( ise ) ;
    } catch (MalformedInputException mie) {
        // There were illegal Unicode char pairs
        throw wrapper.badUnicodePair( mie ) ;
    } catch (UnmappableCharacterException uce) {
        // A character doesn't map to the desired code set
        // CORBA formal 00-11-03.
        throw omgWrapper.charNotInCodeset( uce ) ;
    } catch (CharacterCodingException cce) {
        // If this happens, then some other encoding error occured
        throw wrapper.ctbConverterFailure( cce ) ;
项目:jdk8u-jdk    文件   
 * Exercise Files.write(Path, Iterable<? extends CharSequence>, Charset, OpenOption...)
public void testWriteLines() throws IOException {
    // zero lines
    Path result = Files.write(tmpfile, Collections.<String>emptyList(), US_ASCII);
    assert(Files.size(tmpfile) == 0);
    assert(result == tmpfile);

    // two lines
    List<String> lines = Arrays.asList("hi", "there");
    Files.write(tmpfile, lines, US_ASCII);
    List<String> actual = Files.readAllLines(tmpfile, US_ASCII);
    assertTrue(actual.equals(lines), "Unexpected lines");

    // append two lines
    Files.write(tmpfile, lines, US_ASCII, APPEND);
    List<String> expected = new ArrayList<>();
    assertTrue(expected.size() == 4, "List should have 4 elements");
    actual = Files.readAllLines(tmpfile, US_ASCII);
    assertTrue(actual.equals(expected), "Unexpected lines");

    // UnmappableCharacterException
    try {
        String s = "\u00A0\u00A1";
        Files.write(tmpfile, Arrays.asList(s), US_ASCII);
        fail("UnmappableCharacterException expected");
    } catch (UnmappableCharacterException ignore) { }
项目:openjdk-jdk10    文件   
private void convertCharArray() {
    try {

        // Possible optimization of directly converting into the CDR buffer.
        // However, that means the CDR code would have to reserve
        // a 4 byte string length ahead of time, and we'd need a
        // confusing partial conversion scheme for when we couldn't
        // fit everything in the buffer but needed to know the
        // converted length before proceeding due to fragmentation.
        // Then there's the issue of the chunking code.
        // For right now, this is less messy and basic tests don't
        // show more than a 1 ms penalty worst case.  Less than a
        // factor of 2 increase.

        // Convert the characters
        buffer = ctb.encode(CharBuffer.wrap(chars,0,numChars));

        // ByteBuffer returned by the encoder will set its limit
        // to byte immediately after the last written byte.
        numBytes = buffer.limit();

    } catch (IllegalStateException ise) {
        // an encoding operation is already in progress
        throw wrapper.ctbConverterFailure( ise ) ;
    } catch (MalformedInputException mie) {
        // There were illegal Unicode char pairs
        throw wrapper.badUnicodePair( mie ) ;
    } catch (UnmappableCharacterException uce) {
        // A character doesn't map to the desired code set
        // CORBA formal 00-11-03.
        throw omgWrapper.charNotInCodeset( uce ) ;
    } catch (CharacterCodingException cce) {
        // If this happens, then some other encoding error occured
        throw wrapper.ctbConverterFailure( cce ) ;
项目:openjdk-jdk10    文件   
 * Exercise Files.write(Path, Iterable<? extends CharSequence>, Charset, OpenOption...)
public void testWriteLines() throws IOException {
    // zero lines
    Path result = Files.write(tmpfile, Collections.<String>emptyList(), US_ASCII);
    assert(Files.size(tmpfile) == 0);
    assert(result == tmpfile);

    // two lines
    List<String> lines = Arrays.asList("hi", "there");
    Files.write(tmpfile, lines, US_ASCII);
    List<String> actual = Files.readAllLines(tmpfile, US_ASCII);
    assertTrue(actual.equals(lines), "Unexpected lines");

    // append two lines
    Files.write(tmpfile, lines, US_ASCII, APPEND);
    List<String> expected = new ArrayList<>();
    assertTrue(expected.size() == 4, "List should have 4 elements");
    actual = Files.readAllLines(tmpfile, US_ASCII);
    assertTrue(actual.equals(expected), "Unexpected lines");

    // UnmappableCharacterException
    try {
        String s = "\u00A0\u00A1";
        Files.write(tmpfile, Arrays.asList(s), US_ASCII);
        fail("UnmappableCharacterException expected");
    } catch (UnmappableCharacterException ignore) { }
项目:openjdk9    文件   
private void convertCharArray() {
    try {

        // Possible optimization of directly converting into the CDR buffer.
        // However, that means the CDR code would have to reserve
        // a 4 byte string length ahead of time, and we'd need a
        // confusing partial conversion scheme for when we couldn't
        // fit everything in the buffer but needed to know the
        // converted length before proceeding due to fragmentation.
        // Then there's the issue of the chunking code.
        // For right now, this is less messy and basic tests don't
        // show more than a 1 ms penalty worst case.  Less than a
        // factor of 2 increase.

        // Convert the characters
        buffer = ctb.encode(CharBuffer.wrap(chars,0,numChars));

        // ByteBuffer returned by the encoder will set its limit
        // to byte immediately after the last written byte.
        numBytes = buffer.limit();

    } catch (IllegalStateException ise) {
        // an encoding operation is already in progress
        throw wrapper.ctbConverterFailure( ise ) ;
    } catch (MalformedInputException mie) {
        // There were illegal Unicode char pairs
        throw wrapper.badUnicodePair( mie ) ;
    } catch (UnmappableCharacterException uce) {
        // A character doesn't map to the desired code set
        // CORBA formal 00-11-03.
        throw omgWrapper.charNotInCodeset( uce ) ;
    } catch (CharacterCodingException cce) {
        // If this happens, then some other encoding error occured
        throw wrapper.ctbConverterFailure( cce ) ;
项目:openjdk9    文件   
 * Exercise Files.write(Path, Iterable<? extends CharSequence>, Charset, OpenOption...)
public void testWriteLines() throws IOException {
    // zero lines
    Path result = Files.write(tmpfile, Collections.<String>emptyList(), US_ASCII);
    assert(Files.size(tmpfile) == 0);
    assert(result == tmpfile);

    // two lines
    List<String> lines = Arrays.asList("hi", "there");
    Files.write(tmpfile, lines, US_ASCII);
    List<String> actual = Files.readAllLines(tmpfile, US_ASCII);
    assertTrue(actual.equals(lines), "Unexpected lines");

    // append two lines
    Files.write(tmpfile, lines, US_ASCII, APPEND);
    List<String> expected = new ArrayList<>();
    assertTrue(expected.size() == 4, "List should have 4 elements");
    actual = Files.readAllLines(tmpfile, US_ASCII);
    assertTrue(actual.equals(expected), "Unexpected lines");

    // UnmappableCharacterException
    try {
        String s = "\u00A0\u00A1";
        Files.write(tmpfile, Arrays.asList(s), US_ASCII);
        fail("UnmappableCharacterException expected");
    } catch (UnmappableCharacterException ignore) { }
项目:actson    文件   
 * Tests if the feeder throws an exception if one of the output characters
 * is unmappable
 * @throws CharacterCodingException if the test is successful
@Test(expected = UnmappableCharacterException.class)
public void unmappableCharacter() throws CharacterCodingException {
  DefaultJsonFeeder feeder = new DefaultJsonFeeder(
  while (feeder.hasInput()) {
项目:jdk8u_jdk    文件   
 * Exercise Files.write(Path, Iterable<? extends CharSequence>, Charset, OpenOption...)
public void testWriteLines() throws IOException {
    // zero lines
    Path result = Files.write(tmpfile, Collections.<String>emptyList(), US_ASCII);
    assert(Files.size(tmpfile) == 0);
    assert(result == tmpfile);

    // two lines
    List<String> lines = Arrays.asList("hi", "there");
    Files.write(tmpfile, lines, US_ASCII);
    List<String> actual = Files.readAllLines(tmpfile, US_ASCII);
    assertTrue(actual.equals(lines), "Unexpected lines");

    // append two lines
    Files.write(tmpfile, lines, US_ASCII, APPEND);
    List<String> expected = new ArrayList<>();
    assertTrue(expected.size() == 4, "List should have 4 elements");
    actual = Files.readAllLines(tmpfile, US_ASCII);
    assertTrue(actual.equals(expected), "Unexpected lines");

    // UnmappableCharacterException
    try {
        String s = "\u00A0\u00A1";
        Files.write(tmpfile, Arrays.asList(s), US_ASCII);
        fail("UnmappableCharacterException expected");
    } catch (UnmappableCharacterException ignore) { }
项目:lookaside_java-1.8.0-openjdk    文件   
private void convertCharArray() {
    try {

        // Possible optimization of directly converting into the CDR buffer.
        // However, that means the CDR code would have to reserve
        // a 4 byte string length ahead of time, and we'd need a
        // confusing partial conversion scheme for when we couldn't
        // fit everything in the buffer but needed to know the
        // converted length before proceeding due to fragmentation.
        // Then there's the issue of the chunking code.
        // For right now, this is less messy and basic tests don't
        // show more than a 1 ms penalty worst case.  Less than a
        // factor of 2 increase.

        // Convert the characters
        buffer = ctb.encode(CharBuffer.wrap(chars,0,numChars));

        // ByteBuffer returned by the encoder will set its limit
        // to byte immediately after the last written byte.
        numBytes = buffer.limit();

    } catch (IllegalStateException ise) {
        // an encoding operation is already in progress
        throw wrapper.ctbConverterFailure( ise ) ;
    } catch (MalformedInputException mie) {
        // There were illegal Unicode char pairs
        throw wrapper.badUnicodePair( mie ) ;
    } catch (UnmappableCharacterException uce) {
        // A character doesn't map to the desired code set
        // CORBA formal 00-11-03.
        throw omgWrapper.charNotInCodeset( uce ) ;
    } catch (CharacterCodingException cce) {
        // If this happens, then some other encoding error occured
        throw wrapper.ctbConverterFailure( cce ) ;
项目:lookaside_java-1.8.0-openjdk    文件   
 * Exercise Files.write(Path, Iterable<? extends CharSequence>, Charset, OpenOption...)
public void testWriteLines() throws IOException {
    // zero lines
    Path result = Files.write(tmpfile, Collections.<String>emptyList(), US_ASCII);
    assert(Files.size(tmpfile) == 0);
    assert(result == tmpfile);

    // two lines
    List<String> lines = Arrays.asList("hi", "there");
    Files.write(tmpfile, lines, US_ASCII);
    List<String> actual = Files.readAllLines(tmpfile, US_ASCII);
    assertTrue(actual.equals(lines), "Unexpected lines");

    // append two lines
    Files.write(tmpfile, lines, US_ASCII, APPEND);
    List<String> expected = new ArrayList<>();
    assertTrue(expected.size() == 4, "List should have 4 elements");
    actual = Files.readAllLines(tmpfile, US_ASCII);
    assertTrue(actual.equals(expected), "Unexpected lines");

    // UnmappableCharacterException
    try {
        String s = "\u00A0\u00A1";
        Files.write(tmpfile, Arrays.asList(s), US_ASCII);
        fail("UnmappableCharacterException expected");
    } catch (UnmappableCharacterException ignore) { }
项目:pljava    文件   
private SQLException badRepresentation(Exception e)
    if ( e instanceof NullPointerException )
        return new SQLNonTransientException(
            "attempted write via SQLOutput after closing it", "55000", e);
    if ( e instanceof BufferOverflowException )
        return new SQLNonTransientException(
            "Byte limit exceeded for user-defined type",
    if ( e instanceof UnmappableCharacterException )
         * As long as the string encoding is unconditionally UTF-8, this
         * shouldn't really be possible, but if the encoding is ever made
         * selectable, this could happen.
         return new SQLDataException(
            "Character not available in destination encoding",
            "22P05", e);
    if ( e instanceof MalformedInputException )
         * This actually CAN happen ... as the input arrives in UTF-16,
         * not codepoints.
         return new SQLDataException(
            "Input that does not encode a valid character",
            "22021", e);
    return new SQLDataException(
        "Could not form binary representation of user-defined type",
        "22P03", e);
项目:jdk8u_corba    文件   
private void convertCharArray() {
    try {

        // Possible optimization of directly converting into the CDR buffer.
        // However, that means the CDR code would have to reserve
        // a 4 byte string length ahead of time, and we'd need a
        // confusing partial conversion scheme for when we couldn't
        // fit everything in the buffer but needed to know the
        // converted length before proceeding due to fragmentation.
        // Then there's the issue of the chunking code.
        // For right now, this is less messy and basic tests don't
        // show more than a 1 ms penalty worst case.  Less than a
        // factor of 2 increase.

        // Convert the characters
        buffer = ctb.encode(CharBuffer.wrap(chars,0,numChars));

        // ByteBuffer returned by the encoder will set its limit
        // to byte immediately after the last written byte.
        numBytes = buffer.limit();

    } catch (IllegalStateException ise) {
        // an encoding operation is already in progress
        throw wrapper.ctbConverterFailure( ise ) ;
    } catch (MalformedInputException mie) {
        // There were illegal Unicode char pairs
        throw wrapper.badUnicodePair( mie ) ;
    } catch (UnmappableCharacterException uce) {
        // A character doesn't map to the desired code set
        // CORBA formal 00-11-03.
        throw omgWrapper.charNotInCodeset( uce ) ;
    } catch (CharacterCodingException cce) {
        // If this happens, then some other encoding error occured
        throw wrapper.ctbConverterFailure( cce ) ;
项目:georocket    文件   
 * Append data to the window (i.e. make it larger)
 * @param buf the data to append
public void append(Buffer buf) {
  // append new bytes to buffered bytes or use them directly
  if (this.buf.length() > 0) {
  } else {
    this.buf = buf;

  // convert Vert.x buffer to ByteBuffer (ugly!)
  ByteBuffer byteBuf = ByteBuffer.wrap(this.buf.getBytes());

  // prepare temporary CharBuffer

  // decode ByteBuffer to temporary CharBuffer
  CoderResult result = decoder.decode(byteBuf, charBuf, false);
  if (result.isMalformed()) {
    throw new IllegalStateException(
      new MalformedInputException(result.length()));
  if (result.isUnmappable()) {
    throw new IllegalStateException(
      new UnmappableCharacterException(result.length()));

  // reset CharBuffer and remove decoded bytes from byte buffer
  this.buf = this.buf.getBuffer(byteBuf.position(), this.buf.length());

  // append to decoded string buffer
项目:ca-iris    文件   
/** Calculate a chunk array from an encoded string */
static private byte[] chunk(StringBuilder src) throws IOException {
    int c = 0;
    int s = 0;
    int i = 1;
    for (; s < src.length(); s++) {
        int v = getValue(src.charAt(s));
        if (v == UNMAPPED)
            throw new UnmappableCharacterException(0);
        if (v >= 0) {
            c |= v << (24 - i * 6);
            if (i > 4)
    src.delete(0, s);
    int l = Math.max(0, i - 2);
    byte[] b = new byte[l];
    if (l > 0)
        b[0] = (byte)((c >> 16) & 0xFF);
    if (l > 1)
        b[1] = (byte)((c >> 8) & 0xFF);
    if (l > 2)
        b[2] = (byte)(c & 0xFF);
    return b;
项目:infobip-open-jdk-8    文件   
private void convertCharArray() {
    try {

        // Possible optimization of directly converting into the CDR buffer.
        // However, that means the CDR code would have to reserve
        // a 4 byte string length ahead of time, and we'd need a
        // confusing partial conversion scheme for when we couldn't
        // fit everything in the buffer but needed to know the
        // converted length before proceeding due to fragmentation.
        // Then there's the issue of the chunking code.
        // For right now, this is less messy and basic tests don't
        // show more than a 1 ms penalty worst case.  Less than a
        // factor of 2 increase.

        // Convert the characters
        buffer = ctb.encode(CharBuffer.wrap(chars,0,numChars));

        // ByteBuffer returned by the encoder will set its limit
        // to byte immediately after the last written byte.
        numBytes = buffer.limit();

    } catch (IllegalStateException ise) {
        // an encoding operation is already in progress
        throw wrapper.ctbConverterFailure( ise ) ;
    } catch (MalformedInputException mie) {
        // There were illegal Unicode char pairs
        throw wrapper.badUnicodePair( mie ) ;
    } catch (UnmappableCharacterException uce) {
        // A character doesn't map to the desired code set
        // CORBA formal 00-11-03.
        throw omgWrapper.charNotInCodeset( uce ) ;
    } catch (CharacterCodingException cce) {
        // If this happens, then some other encoding error occured
        throw wrapper.ctbConverterFailure( cce ) ;
项目:infobip-open-jdk-8    文件   
 * Exercise Files.write(Path, Iterable<? extends CharSequence>, Charset, OpenOption...)
public void testWriteLines() throws IOException {
    // zero lines
    Path result = Files.write(tmpfile, Collections.<String>emptyList(), US_ASCII);
    assert(Files.size(tmpfile) == 0);
    assert(result == tmpfile);

    // two lines
    List<String> lines = Arrays.asList("hi", "there");
    Files.write(tmpfile, lines, US_ASCII);
    List<String> actual = Files.readAllLines(tmpfile, US_ASCII);
    assertTrue(actual.equals(lines), "Unexpected lines");

    // append two lines
    Files.write(tmpfile, lines, US_ASCII, APPEND);
    List<String> expected = new ArrayList<>();
    assertTrue(expected.size() == 4, "List should have 4 elements");
    actual = Files.readAllLines(tmpfile, US_ASCII);
    assertTrue(actual.equals(expected), "Unexpected lines");

    // UnmappableCharacterException
    try {
        String s = "\u00A0\u00A1";
        Files.write(tmpfile, Arrays.asList(s), US_ASCII);
        fail("UnmappableCharacterException expected");
    } catch (UnmappableCharacterException ignore) { }
项目:jdk8u-dev-jdk    文件   
 * Exercise Files.write(Path, Iterable<? extends CharSequence>, Charset, OpenOption...)
public void testWriteLines() throws IOException {
    // zero lines
    Path result = Files.write(tmpfile, Collections.<String>emptyList(), US_ASCII);
    assert(Files.size(tmpfile) == 0);
    assert(result == tmpfile);

    // two lines
    List<String> lines = Arrays.asList("hi", "there");
    Files.write(tmpfile, lines, US_ASCII);
    List<String> actual = Files.readAllLines(tmpfile, US_ASCII);
    assertTrue(actual.equals(lines), "Unexpected lines");

    // append two lines
    Files.write(tmpfile, lines, US_ASCII, APPEND);
    List<String> expected = new ArrayList<>();
    assertTrue(expected.size() == 4, "List should have 4 elements");
    actual = Files.readAllLines(tmpfile, US_ASCII);
    assertTrue(actual.equals(expected), "Unexpected lines");

    // UnmappableCharacterException
    try {
        String s = "\u00A0\u00A1";
        Files.write(tmpfile, Arrays.asList(s), US_ASCII);
        fail("UnmappableCharacterException expected");
    } catch (UnmappableCharacterException ignore) { }
项目:In-the-Box-Fork    文件   
public void assertDeserialized(Serializable initial,
        Serializable deserialized) {

    // do common checks for all throwable objects

    UnmappableCharacterException initEx = (UnmappableCharacterException) initial;
    UnmappableCharacterException desrEx = (UnmappableCharacterException) deserialized;

    assertEquals("InputLength", initEx.getInputLength(), desrEx
项目:In-the-Box-Fork    文件   
 * @tests serialization/deserialization compatibility.
    level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
    notes = "Verifies serialization.",
    method = "!SerializationSelf",
    args = {}
public void testSerializationSelf() throws Exception {

    SerializationTest.verifySelf(new UnmappableCharacterException(11),
项目:In-the-Box-Fork    文件   
 * @tests serialization/deserialization compatibility with RI.
    level = TestLevel.COMPLETE,
    notes = "Verifies serialization.",
    method = "!SerializationGolden",
    args = {}
public void testSerializationCompatibility() throws Exception {

    SerializationTest.verifyGolden(this, new UnmappableCharacterException(
            11), COMPARATOR);
项目:In-the-Box-Fork    文件   
        level = TestLevel.PARTIAL,
        notes = "Exceptions checking missed.",
        method = "encode",
        args = {java.nio.CharBuffer.class, java.nio.ByteBuffer.class, boolean.class}
        level = TestLevel.PARTIAL,
        notes = "Exceptions checking missed.",
        method = "encode",
        args = {java.nio.CharBuffer.class}
public void testMultiStepEncode() throws CharacterCodingException {
    try {
        fail("should unmappable");
    } catch (UnmappableCharacterException e) {
    ByteBuffer out = ByteBuffer.allocate(10);
    assertTrue(encoder.encode(CharBuffer.wrap("\ud800"), out, true)
    out = ByteBuffer.allocate(10);
    assertSame(CoderResult.UNDERFLOW, encoder.encode(CharBuffer
            .wrap("\ud800"), out, false));
    assertTrue(encoder.encode(CharBuffer.wrap("\udc00"), out, true)
项目:openjdk-source-code-learn    文件   
private void convertCharArray() {
    try {

        // Possible optimization of directly converting into the CDR buffer.
        // However, that means the CDR code would have to reserve
        // a 4 byte string length ahead of time, and we'd need a
        // confusing partial conversion scheme for when we couldn't
        // fit everything in the buffer but needed to know the
        // converted length before proceeding due to fragmentation.
        // Then there's the issue of the chunking code.
        // For right now, this is less messy and basic tests don't
        // show more than a 1 ms penalty worst case.  Less than a
        // factor of 2 increase.

        // Convert the characters
        buffer = ctb.encode(CharBuffer.wrap(chars,0,numChars));

        // ByteBuffer returned by the encoder will set its limit
        // to byte immediately after the last written byte.
        numBytes = buffer.limit();

    } catch (IllegalStateException ise) {
        // an encoding operation is already in progress
        throw wrapper.ctbConverterFailure( ise ) ;
    } catch (MalformedInputException mie) {
        // There were illegal Unicode char pairs
        throw wrapper.badUnicodePair( mie ) ;
    } catch (UnmappableCharacterException uce) {
        // A character doesn't map to the desired code set
        // CORBA formal 00-11-03.
        throw omgWrapper.charNotInCodeset( uce ) ;
    } catch (CharacterCodingException cce) {
        // If this happens, then some other encoding error occured
        throw wrapper.ctbConverterFailure( cce ) ;
项目:OLD-OpenJDK8    文件   
private void convertCharArray() {
    try {

        // Possible optimization of directly converting into the CDR buffer.
        // However, that means the CDR code would have to reserve
        // a 4 byte string length ahead of time, and we'd need a
        // confusing partial conversion scheme for when we couldn't
        // fit everything in the buffer but needed to know the
        // converted length before proceeding due to fragmentation.
        // Then there's the issue of the chunking code.
        // For right now, this is less messy and basic tests don't
        // show more than a 1 ms penalty worst case.  Less than a
        // factor of 2 increase.

        // Convert the characters
        buffer = ctb.encode(CharBuffer.wrap(chars,0,numChars));

        // ByteBuffer returned by the encoder will set its limit
        // to byte immediately after the last written byte.
        numBytes = buffer.limit();

    } catch (IllegalStateException ise) {
        // an encoding operation is already in progress
        throw wrapper.ctbConverterFailure( ise ) ;
    } catch (MalformedInputException mie) {
        // There were illegal Unicode char pairs
        throw wrapper.badUnicodePair( mie ) ;
    } catch (UnmappableCharacterException uce) {
        // A character doesn't map to the desired code set
        // CORBA formal 00-11-03.
        throw omgWrapper.charNotInCodeset( uce ) ;
    } catch (CharacterCodingException cce) {
        // If this happens, then some other encoding error occured
        throw wrapper.ctbConverterFailure( cce ) ;
项目:OLD-OpenJDK8    文件   
 * Exercise Files.write(Path, Iterable<? extends CharSequence>, Charset, OpenOption...)
public void testWriteLines() throws IOException {
    // zero lines
    Path result = Files.write(tmpfile, Collections.<String>emptyList(), US_ASCII);
    assert(Files.size(tmpfile) == 0);
    assert(result == tmpfile);

    // two lines
    List<String> lines = Arrays.asList("hi", "there");
    Files.write(tmpfile, lines, US_ASCII);
    List<String> actual = Files.readAllLines(tmpfile, US_ASCII);
    assertTrue(actual.equals(lines), "Unexpected lines");

    // append two lines
    Files.write(tmpfile, lines, US_ASCII, APPEND);
    List<String> expected = new ArrayList<>();
    assertTrue(expected.size() == 4, "List should have 4 elements");
    actual = Files.readAllLines(tmpfile, US_ASCII);
    assertTrue(actual.equals(expected), "Unexpected lines");

    // UnmappableCharacterException
    try {
        String s = "\u00A0\u00A1";
        Files.write(tmpfile, Arrays.asList(s), US_ASCII);
        fail("UnmappableCharacterException expected");
    } catch (UnmappableCharacterException ignore) { }
项目:cn1    文件   
public void assertDeserialized(Serializable initial,
        Serializable deserialized) {

    // do common checks for all throwable objects

    UnmappableCharacterException initEx = (UnmappableCharacterException) initial;
    UnmappableCharacterException desrEx = (UnmappableCharacterException) deserialized;

    assertEquals("InputLength", initEx.getInputLength(), desrEx
项目:openjdk-orb    文件   
private void convertCharArray() {
    try {

        // Possible optimization of directly converting into the CDR buffer.
        // However, that means the CDR code would have to reserve
        // a 4 byte string length ahead of time, and we'd need a
        // confusing partial conversion scheme for when we couldn't
        // fit everything in the buffer but needed to know the
        // converted length before proceeding due to fragmentation.
        // Then there's the issue of the chunking code.
        // For right now, this is less messy and basic tests don't
        // show more than a 1 ms penalty worst case.  Less than a
        // factor of 2 increase.

        // Convert the characters
        buffer = ctb.encode(CharBuffer.wrap(chars,0,numChars));

        // ByteBuffer returned by the encoder will set its limit
        // to byte immediately after the last written byte.
        numBytes = buffer.limit();

    } catch (IllegalStateException ise) {
        // an encoding operation is already in progress
        throw wrapper.ctbConverterFailure( ise ) ;
    } catch (MalformedInputException mie) {
        // There were illegal Unicode char pairs
        throw wrapper.badUnicodePair( mie ) ;
    } catch (UnmappableCharacterException uce) {
        // A character doesn't map to the desired code set
        // CORBA formal 00-11-03.
        throw omgWrapper.charNotInCodeset( uce ) ;
    } catch (CharacterCodingException cce) {
        // If this happens, then some other encoding error occured
        throw wrapper.ctbConverterFailure( cce ) ;
项目:freeVM    文件   
public void assertDeserialized(Serializable initial,
        Serializable deserialized) {

    // do common checks for all throwable objects

    UnmappableCharacterException initEx = (UnmappableCharacterException) initial;
    UnmappableCharacterException desrEx = (UnmappableCharacterException) deserialized;

    assertEquals("InputLength", initEx.getInputLength(), desrEx
项目:freeVM    文件   
public void assertDeserialized(Serializable initial,
        Serializable deserialized) {

    // do common checks for all throwable objects

    UnmappableCharacterException initEx = (UnmappableCharacterException) initial;
    UnmappableCharacterException desrEx = (UnmappableCharacterException) deserialized;

    assertEquals("InputLength", initEx.getInputLength(), desrEx
项目:openjdk-icedtea7    文件   
private void convertCharArray() {
    try {

        // Possible optimization of directly converting into the CDR buffer.
        // However, that means the CDR code would have to reserve
        // a 4 byte string length ahead of time, and we'd need a
        // confusing partial conversion scheme for when we couldn't
        // fit everything in the buffer but needed to know the
        // converted length before proceeding due to fragmentation.
        // Then there's the issue of the chunking code.
        // For right now, this is less messy and basic tests don't
        // show more than a 1 ms penalty worst case.  Less than a
        // factor of 2 increase.

        // Convert the characters
        buffer = ctb.encode(CharBuffer.wrap(chars,0,numChars));

        // ByteBuffer returned by the encoder will set its limit
        // to byte immediately after the last written byte.
        numBytes = buffer.limit();

    } catch (IllegalStateException ise) {
        // an encoding operation is already in progress
        throw wrapper.ctbConverterFailure( ise ) ;
    } catch (MalformedInputException mie) {
        // There were illegal Unicode char pairs
        throw wrapper.badUnicodePair( mie ) ;
    } catch (UnmappableCharacterException uce) {
        // A character doesn't map to the desired code set
        // CORBA formal 00-11-03.
        throw omgWrapper.charNotInCodeset( uce ) ;
    } catch (CharacterCodingException cce) {
        // If this happens, then some other encoding error occured
        throw wrapper.ctbConverterFailure( cce ) ;
项目:basis    文件   
public static ReadableCharBuf ascii(char[] values, int start, int length) {
    byte[] data = new byte[length];
    for (int i = start; i < (start + length); i++) {
        char c =  values[i];
        if (c >= '\u0080') {
            throw new RuntimeException(new UnmappableCharacterException(2));
        data[i] = (byte) c;
    return new ByteArrayReadOnlyAsciiBuf(data);
项目:basis    文件   
public Appendable append(char c) throws IOException {
    if (c >= '\u0080') {
        throw new UnmappableCharacterException(2);
    content().writeByte((byte) c);
    return this;