public List<FilterQueryContext> makeFilteringFieldsView() throws RemoteException, IOException, ExternalServiceException { List<FilterQueryContext> result = new ArrayList<FilterQueryContext>(); List<String> fields = getConfig().getFilteringFields(); Properties conditions = getConfig().getConditionOfFiltering(); Properties displayNames = getConfig().getDisplayNames(); for (String field : fields) { FilterQueryContext context = new FilterQueryContext(); context.setMatcherClass(getMatcherClass(conditions.getProperty(field))); context.setDisplayName(displayNames.getProperty(field)); context.setName(field); context.setEditorName(getEditorName(conditions.getProperty(field))); if (context.getEditorName() != null) { setProposals(field, context); } result.add(context); } return result; }
/** * Return the current set of monitorable Java Virtual Machines. * <p> * The set returned by this method depends on the user name passed * to the constructor. If no user name was specified, then this * method will return all candidate JVMs on the system. Otherwise, * only the JVMs for the given user will be returned. This assumes * that the RMI server process has the appropriate permissions to * access the target set of JVMs. * * @return Set - the Set of monitorable Java Virtual Machines */ public Set<Integer> activeVms() throws MonitorException { int[] active = null; try { active = remoteHost.activeVms(); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new MonitorException("Error communicating with remote host: " + e.getMessage(), e); } Set<Integer> activeSet = new HashSet<Integer>(active.length); for (int i = 0; i < active.length; i++) { activeSet.add(new Integer(active[i])); } return activeSet; }
public static void main(String[] args) { /* MarioNOTE: creating a connection to the database */ DatabaseConnection connection = new DatabaseConnection("java", "password"); try{ int port = 1099; /* MarioNOTE: creating a Registry that allows the server to publish a service and client to retrieve the proxy */ Registry registry = LocateRegistry.createRegistry(port); DatabaseGestion DBGestor = new DatabaseGestion(); registry.rebind("MyDatabase", DBGestor); System.out.println("\nServer is ready..."); }catch(RemoteException ex){ System.out.println("\nRMIDatabaseServer ERROR: " + ex); } }
synchronized MarshalledObject<? extends Remote> activate(ActivationID id, boolean force, ActivationInstantiator inst) throws RemoteException, ActivationException { MarshalledObject<? extends Remote> nstub = stub; if (removed) { throw new UnknownObjectException("object removed"); } else if (!force && nstub != null) { return nstub; } nstub = inst.newInstance(id, desc); stub = nstub; /* * stub could be set to null by a group reset, so return * the newstub here to prevent returning null. */ return nstub; }
@Override protected void serviceStarted() { super.serviceStarted(); String rmiServiceName = System.getProperty(PROPERTYNAME_RMISERVICENAME); if (rmiServiceName == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("system property '" + PROPERTYNAME_RMISERVICENAME+ "' を設定してください."); } try { TefService.instance().getRmiRegistry().bind(rmiServiceName, new MplsnmsRmiServiceAccessPoint.Impl()); } catch (RemoteException re) { throw new RuntimeException(re); } catch (AlreadyBoundException abe) { throw new RuntimeException(abe); } NaefTefService.instance().getRmcServerService() .registerMethod(AllocateVlanIpsubnetaddr.Call.class, new AllocateVlanIpsubnetaddr.Exec()); }
/** * Construct and attach to the specified mbo value * @throws RemoteException */ public FldBase64URN( MboValue mbv ) throws MXException, RemoteException { super( mbv ); String query = "(" + Constants.FIELD_SITEID + " = :" + Model.FIELD_SITEID + " OR " + Model.FIELD_SITEID + " IS NULL )" + " AND (" + Constants.FIELD_ORGID + " = :" + Model.FIELD_ORGID + " OR " + Model.FIELD_ORGID + " IS NULL )"; String thisAttr = getMboValue().getAttributeName() ; setRelationship( Viewable.TABLE_NAME, query ); setLookupKeyMapInOrder( new String[] { thisAttr, BuildingModel.FIELD_URL, BuildingModel.FIELD_PARAMNAME, BuildingModel.FIELD_DESCRIPTION, BuildingModel.FIELD_LONGDESCRIPTION } , new String[] { Viewable.FIELD_OBJECTKEY, Viewable.FIELD_BASE64URN, Viewable.FIELD_OBJECTKEY, Viewable.FIELD_DESCRIPTION, Viewable.FIELD_LONGDESCRIPTION } ); setListCriteria( query ); }
@Test(dataProvider = "bindData") public void UnicastServerRef(String name, Object obj, int expectedFilterCount) throws RemoteException { try { RemoteImpl impl = RemoteImpl.create(); UnicastServerRef ref = new UnicastServerRef(new LiveRef(0), impl.checker); Echo client = (Echo) ref.exportObject(impl, null, false); int count = client.filterCount(obj); System.out.printf("count: %d, obj: %s%n", count, obj); Assert.assertEquals(count, expectedFilterCount, "wrong number of filter calls"); } catch (RemoteException rex) { if (expectedFilterCount == -1 && UnmarshalException.class.equals(rex.getCause().getClass()) && InvalidClassException.class.equals(rex.getCause().getCause().getClass())) { return; // normal expected exception } rex.printStackTrace();"unexpected remote exception", rex); } catch (Exception ex) {"unexpected exception", ex); } }
private void populateNode() throws ExternalServiceException, IOException, RemoteException { ListView<NodeDto> list = new ListView<NodeDto>("nodeList", this.model) { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override protected void populateItem(ListItem<NodeDto> item) { NodeDto node = item.getModelObject(); BookmarkablePageLink<Void> link = NodePageUtil.createNodeLink("nodeLink", node); item.add(link); } }; add(list); WebMarkupContainer container = new WebMarkupContainer("nodeBlock"); add(container); container.setVisible(this.model.isVisible()); }
private String executeQuery() throws RemoteException { lastQueryTime =; String query = ""; setOptionsIn(""); try { if (getVersion().toString().equals("")) { query = getQuery("/1311/GetTrajectoryData.xml"); } else if (getVersion().toString().equals("")) { query = getQuery("/1411/GetTrajectoryData.xml"); setOptionsIn("dataVersion="); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Error in getQuery ex : " + ex); } query = query.replace("%uidWell%", wellId); query = query.replace("%uidWellbore%", wellboreId); query = query.replace("%uidTrajectory%", trajectoryId); query = query.replace("%mdMn%", getQueryStartMd()); setQuery(query); setCapabilitesIn(""); return witsmlClient.executeTrajectoryQuery(getQuery(), getOptionsIn(), getCapabilitiesIn()); }
public SessionCounter getSessionCounter(String registryHost) { SessionCounter sessionCounter = null; /* ottiene la factory del session counter */ SessionCounterFactory sessionCounterFactory = getSessionCounterFactory(registryHost); /* ora ottiene un riferimento al servizio remoto */ try {"ServiceFactory: Getting a session counter from the factory"); sessionCounter = sessionCounterFactory.getSessionCounter(); int counterId = sessionCounter.getId(); "ServiceFactory: Obtained a new session counter from the factory: " + "SessionCounter[" + counterId + "]" ); } catch (RemoteException e) {"ServiceFactory: RemoteException: " + e.getMessage()); } return sessionCounter; }
/** * Sets the orgid in the table that is referenced for the site selected. */ @Override public void action() throws MXException, RemoteException { super.action(); String URL = getMboValue().getString(); Mbo mbo = getMboValue().getMbo(); String bucketKey = DataRESTAPI.bucketFromBase64URN( URL ); mbo.setValue( Bucket.FIELD_BUCKETKEYFULL, bucketKey, NOACCESSCHECK ); }
public Object copyResult( Object result, ORB orb ) throws RemoteException { if (needsResultCopy) return Util.copyObject( result, orb ) ; else return result ; }
/** * Maps a SystemException to a RemoteException. * @param ex the SystemException to map. * @return the mapped exception. */ public static RemoteException mapSystemException(SystemException ex) { if (utilDelegate != null) { return utilDelegate.mapSystemException(ex); } return null; }
@Test public void simpleDepthBuiltinNonRejectable() throws RemoteException, AlreadyBoundException, NotBoundException { int depthOverride = Integer.getInteger("test.maxdepth", REGISTRY_MAX_DEPTH); depthOverride = Math.min(depthOverride, REGISTRY_MAX_DEPTH); System.out.printf("overrideDepth: %d, filter: %s%n", depthOverride, registryFilter); try { String name = "reject2"; DepthRejectableClass r1 = DepthRejectableClass.create(depthOverride); registry.bind(name, r1); registry.unbind(name); } catch (Exception rex) {"Registry filter should not have rejected depth: " + depthOverride); } }
@Override public ModelValidator makeModelValidator( BIMProjectRemote projectMbo, ModelLoaderOptions options, ProgressLogger<ItemFACILITY> logger ) throws RemoteException, MXException { System.out.println( "Ext Factry: makeModelValidator" ); return super.makeModelValidator( projectMbo, options, logger ); }
public void rebind(String name, Remote obj) throws RemoteException, AccessException { if (name.equals(NAME)) { throw new AccessException( "binding ActivationSystem is disallowed"); } else { super.rebind(name, obj); } }
public int detatchViewable() throws MXException, RemoteException { instantdelete(); save(); return EVENT_HANDLED; }
@Override public void deleteGoal(int idPartita, int minuto, int numeroGiocatore, String nomeSquadra, String cittaSquadra, String nomeTorneo, int annoTorneo) throws RemoteException { try{ query= "DELETE FROM GOAL\n " + "WHERE IDPARTITA = '" + idPartita + "' AND MINUTO = '" + minuto + "' AND MINUTO = '" + minuto + "' AND NUMEROGIOCATORE = '" + numeroGiocatore + "' AND NOMESQUADRA = '" + nomeSquadra.toUpperCase() + "' AND CITTASQUADRA = '" + cittaSquadra.toUpperCase() + "' AND NOMETORNEO = '" + nomeTorneo.toUpperCase() + "' AND ANNOTORENO = '" + annoTorneo + "' ;"; PreparedStatement posted = DatabaseConnection.connection.prepareStatement(query); posted.executeUpdate(query); }catch(SQLException ex){ System.out.println("ERROR:" + ex); } }
@Override public void updateNomeGiocatore(int numero, String nomeSquadra, String cittaSquadra, String nuovoNome) throws RemoteException { try{ query= "UPDATE GIOCATORE\n " + "SET NOMEGIOCATORE = '" + nuovoNome.toUpperCase() + "'\n " + "WHERE NUMERO = '" + numero + "' AND NOMESQUADRA = '" + nomeSquadra.toUpperCase() + "' AND CITTASQUADRA = '" + cittaSquadra.toUpperCase() + "' ;"; PreparedStatement posted = DatabaseConnection.connection.prepareStatement(query); posted.executeUpdate(query); }catch(SQLException ex){ System.out.println("ERROR:" + ex); } }
/** * "Use" supplied apple object. Create an AppleUserThread to * stress it out. */ public synchronized void useApple(Apple apple) throws RemoteException { String threadName = Thread.currentThread().getName(); logger.log(Level.FINEST, threadName + ": AppleUserImpl.useApple(): BEGIN"); AppleUserThread t = new AppleUserThread("AppleUserThread-" + (++threadNum), apple); t.start(); logger.log(Level.FINEST, threadName + ": AppleUserImpl.useApple(): END"); }
public ActivationDesc getActivationDesc(ActivationID id) throws ActivationException, UnknownObjectException, RemoteException { checkShutdown(); RegistryImpl.checkAccess("ActivationSystem.getActivationDesc"); return getGroupEntry(id).getActivationDesc(id); }
/** * Export the object so that it can accept incoming calls. */ public void exportObject(Target target) throws RemoteException { /* * Ensure that a server socket is listening, and count this * export while synchronized to prevent the server socket from * being closed due to concurrent unexports. */ synchronized (this) { listen(); exportCount++; } /* * Try to add the Target to the exported object table; keep * counting this export (to keep server socket open) only if * that succeeds. */ boolean ok = false; try { super.exportObject(target); ok = true; } finally { if (!ok) { synchronized (this) { decrementExportCount(); } } } }
public Object[] copyArguments( Object[] args, ORB orb ) throws RemoteException { if (needsArgumentCopy) return Util.copyObjects( args, orb ) ; else return args ; }
@Override public void setCommunityString(String community) { try { session.setCommunityString(community); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e.getMessage(), e); } }
@Test public void testRemoteRequestSerialTiming() throws NotBoundException, RemoteException { int count = 100; TestService srv = client.getInstance(); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { srv.getString("str" + i); } long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); long time = end - start; System.out.println(String.format("Executed %d invocations in %d ms (%.2f ms/req)", count, time, ((double) time) / count)); }
public AgentConfiguration getAgentConfiguration(final int in0) throws RemoteException { final AgentConfig o = BuilderConfigurationManager.getInstance().getAgentConfig(in0); final AgentConfiguration config = new AgentConfiguration(); config.setDescription(o.getDescription()); config.setEnabled(o.isEnabled()); config.setHost(o.getHost()); config.setID(o.getID()); config.setLocal(o.isLocal()); config.setTimeStamp(o.getTimeStamp()); return config; }
/** * put an object into a mailbox slot. The object must be java-serializable */ public void setMailbox(String boxName, Object value) { try { blackboard.setMailbox(boxName, value); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new RuntimeException("remote call failed", e); } }
/** * Create a PerfDataBuffer instance for accessing the specified * instrumentation buffer. * * @param rvm the proxy to the remote MonitredVm object * @param lvmid the local Java Virtual Machine Identifier of the * remote target. * * @throws MonitorException */ public PerfDataBuffer(RemoteVm rvm, int lvmid) throws MonitorException { this.rvm = rvm; try { ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(rvm.getCapacity()); sample(buffer); createPerfDataBuffer(buffer, lvmid); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new MonitorException("Could not read data for remote JVM " + lvmid, e); } }
@Override public void updateUsernameLogin(String username, String password, String nuovoUsername) throws RemoteException { try{ query= "UPDATE LOGIN\n " + "SET USERNAME = '" + nuovoUsername + "'\n " + "WHERE USERNAME = '" + username + "' AND PASSWORD = '" + password + "' ;"; PreparedStatement posted = DatabaseConnection.connection.prepareStatement(query); posted.executeUpdate(query); }catch(SQLException ex){ System.out.println("ERROR:" + ex); } }
/** * Construct the set of Non-Persistent Custom Mbos. * @param ms The MboServerInterface NonPersistentCustomMboSet uses to access * internals of the MXServer. */ public BucketAccessSet( MboServerInterface ms ) throws RemoteException { super(ms); }
/** * Returns the activation system stub if the specified name * matches the activation system's class name, otherwise * returns the result of invoking super.lookup with the specified * name. */ public Remote lookup(String name) throws RemoteException, NotBoundException { if (name.equals(NAME)) { return systemStub; } else { return super.lookup(name); } }
public void click( String text, String label, String tooltip, String inGroup, int index ) throws RemoteException;
public Impl() throws RemoteException { }
/** * @noinspection ZeroLengthArrayAllocation */ public IssueAttribute[] getIssueAttributes(final int issueID) throws RemoteException { return new IssueAttribute[0]; }
@Override public void Getmessage(String s,String User)throws RemoteException{ this.program.addMessageChat("["+User+"] : "+s); notifyClient(s,User); }
private AgentResponse returnTouchSensor() throws RemoteException { AgentResponse name = new AgentResponse("Firing in response to button"); touchSensor(); return name; }
public Remote create() throws RemoteException { return new ServerImpl(); }
@Override public void putPartita(int idPartita, String squadraCasa, String squadraOspite, Date data, String cfArbitro, String nomeTorneo, int annoTorneo) throws RemoteException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates. }
public <T extends EntityDto> Set<T> selectIdPoolUsers(IdPoolDto<?, ?, T> pool, List<SearchCondition> conditions) throws AuthenticationException, RemoteException;
public Remote[] call(Remote[] a) throws RemoteException { return a; }