Java 类 实例源码

项目:hadoop-oss    文件   
public EncryptedKeyVersion transformEncryptedKey(EncryptedKeyVersion encryptedKeyVersion, ReEncryptionKeyInstance reKey)
    throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException
    CryptoCodec reCC = CryptoCodec.getInstance(conf, suite);
    Encryptor encryptor = reCC.createEncryptor();
    encryptor.init(reKey.getMaterial(), null);
    int keyLen = encryptedKeyVersion.getEncryptedKeyVersion().getMaterial().length;
    ByteBuffer bbIn = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(keyLen);
    ByteBuffer bbOut = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(keyLen);
    encryptor.encrypt(bbIn, bbOut);
    byte[] encryptedKey = new byte[bbOut.limit()];
    final String dstKeyNameVersion = reKey.getDstNameVersion();
    return EncryptedKeyVersion.createForDecryption(KeyPairProvider.getBaseName(dstKeyNameVersion),
        encryptedKeyVersion.getEncryptedKeyIv(), encryptedKey);
项目:ipack    文件   
Cipher createRFC3211Wrapper(ASN1ObjectIdentifier algorithm)
    throws CMSException
    String cipherName = (String)BASE_CIPHER_NAMES.get(algorithm);

    if (cipherName == null)
        throw new CMSException("no name for " + algorithm);

    cipherName += "RFC3211Wrap";

         return helper.createCipher(cipherName);
    catch (GeneralSecurityException e)
        throw new CMSException("cannot create cipher: " + e.getMessage(), e);
项目:openjdk-jdk10    文件   
private byte[] stringToKey(char[] secret, byte[] salt, byte[] params)
    throws GeneralSecurityException {

    int iter_count = DEFAULT_ITERATION_COUNT;
    if (params != null) {
        if (params.length != 4) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Invalid parameter to stringToKey");
        iter_count = readBigEndian(params, 0, 4);

    byte[] tmpKey = randomToKey(PBKDF2(secret, salt, iter_count,
    byte[] result = dk(tmpKey, KERBEROS_CONSTANT);
    return result;
项目:Nird2    文件   
public Message createBlogComment(GroupId groupId, LocalAuthor author,
        @Nullable String comment, MessageId parentOriginalId,
        MessageId parentCurrentId)
        throws FormatException, GeneralSecurityException {

    if (comment != null) {
        int commentLength = StringUtils.toUtf8(comment).length;
        if (commentLength == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
        if (commentLength > MAX_BLOG_COMMENT_LENGTH)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException();

    long timestamp = clock.currentTimeMillis();

    // Generate the signature
    BdfList signed = BdfList.of(groupId, timestamp, comment,
            parentOriginalId, parentCurrentId);
    byte[] sig = clientHelper
            .sign(SIGNING_LABEL_COMMENT, signed, author.getPrivateKey());

    // Serialise the signed message
    BdfList message = BdfList.of(COMMENT.getInt(), comment,
            parentOriginalId, parentCurrentId, sig);
    return clientHelper.createMessage(groupId, timestamp, message);
项目:oscm    文件   
 * Encrypts a given byte array based on a shared secret.
 * @param bytes
 * @return the encrypted bytes as Base64
 * @throws GeneralSecurityException
 *             on any problem during encryption
public static byte[] encrypt(byte[] bytes) throws GeneralSecurityException {

    SecretKeySpec skeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(
            Base64.decodeBase64(ENCRYPTION_KEY), "AES");

    Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("AES");
    cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, skeySpec);

    byte[] encrypted = cipher.doFinal(bytes);
    return Base64.encodeBase64(encrypted);
项目:cas-5.1.0    文件   
 * Build the handler result.
 * @param credentials the provided credentials
 * @param profile     the retrieved user profile
 * @return the built handler result
 * @throws GeneralSecurityException On authentication failure.
 * @throws PreventedException       On the indeterminate case when authentication is prevented.
protected HandlerResult createResult(final ClientCredential credentials, final UserProfile profile)
        throws GeneralSecurityException, PreventedException {

    if (profile != null) {
        final String id;
        if (isTypedIdUsed) {
            id = profile.getTypedId();
        } else {
            id = profile.getId();
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(id)) {
            return new DefaultHandlerResult(
                    new BasicCredentialMetaData(credentials),
                    this.principalFactory.createPrincipal(id, profile.getAttributes()));

        throw new FailedLoginException("No identifier found for this user profile: " + profile);

    throw new FailedLoginException("Authentication did not produce a user profile for: " + credentials);
项目:alfresco-core    文件   
public void close() throws IOException
        // Write the last block
    catch (final GeneralSecurityException e)
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    // Write the MAC code
项目:Wurst-MC-1.12    文件   
private SecretKey getAesKey(Path path, KeyPair pair)
        return createAesKey(path, pair);

        return loadAesKey(path, pair);
    }catch(GeneralSecurityException | IOException e)
        System.err.println("Couldn't load AES key!");

        return createAesKey(path, pair);
项目:oneops    文件   
public void commitAndDeployTest() throws GeneralSecurityException{

    DelegateExecution delegateExecution = mock(DelegateExecution.class);
    CmsRelease cmsRelease = mock(CmsRelease.class);
    when(cmsRelease.getReleaseId()).thenReturn(TEST_CI_ID / 2);

    CmsCISimple cmsCISimpleEnv = mock(CmsCISimple.class);


    try {
    } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
        throw e;
项目:boohee_v5.6    文件   
private void a(boolean z, String str, String str2, Map<String, Object> map, cw cwVar,
               OnFailureCallBack onFailureCallBack) {
    try {
        RequestBody create;
        Builder c = c(str);
        if (z) {
            create = RequestBody.create(a, a((Map) map));
        } else {
            create = RequestBody.create(a, c.a((Map) map).toString());
        a(, cwVar, onFailureCallBack);
    } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
        if (onFailureCallBack != null) {
   bv(this, onFailureCallBack));
项目:cas4.0.x-server-wechat    文件   
private void validate(final X509Certificate cert) throws GeneralSecurityException {

    int pathLength = cert.getBasicConstraints();
    if (pathLength < 0) {
        if (!isCertificateAllowed(cert)) {
            throw new FailedLoginException(
                    "Certificate subject does not match pattern " + this.regExSubjectDnPattern.pattern());
        if (this.checkKeyUsage && !isValidKeyUsage(cert)) {
            throw new FailedLoginException(
                    "Certificate keyUsage constraint forbids SSL client authentication.");
    } else {
        // Check pathLength for CA cert
        if (pathLength == Integer.MAX_VALUE && this.maxPathLengthAllowUnspecified != true) {
            throw new FailedLoginException("Unlimited certificate path length not allowed by configuration.");
        } else if (pathLength > this.maxPathLength && pathLength < Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
            throw new FailedLoginException(String.format(
                    "Certificate path length %s exceeds maximum value %s.", pathLength, this.maxPathLength));
项目:springboot-shiro-cas-mybatis    文件   
 * Test method for {@link AbstractCRLRevocationChecker#check(X509Certificate)}.
public void checkCertificate() {
    try {
        for (final X509Certificate cert : this.certificates) {
        if (this.expected != null) {
  "Expected exception of type " + this.expected.getClass());
    } catch (final GeneralSecurityException e) {
        if (this.expected == null) {
  "Revocation check failed unexpectedly with exception: " + e);
        } else {
            final Class<?> expectedClass = this.expected.getClass();
            final Class<?> actualClass = e.getClass();
                    String.format("Expected exception of type %s but got %s", expectedClass, actualClass),
项目:lams    文件   
private byte[] computeSignature(String baseString)
        throws GeneralSecurityException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
    SecretKey key = null;
    synchronized (this) {
        if (this.key == null) {
            String keyString = OAuth.percentEncode(getConsumerSecret())
                    + '&' + OAuth.percentEncode(getTokenSecret());
            byte[] keyBytes = keyString.getBytes(ENCODING);
            this.key = new SecretKeySpec(keyBytes, MAC_NAME);
        key = this.key;
    Mac mac = Mac.getInstance(MAC_NAME);
    byte[] text = baseString.getBytes(ENCODING);
    return mac.doFinal(text);
项目:springboot-shiro-cas-mybatis    文件   
 * Test method for {@link ThresholdExpiredCRLRevocationPolicy#apply(}.
public void verifyApply() {
    try {
        if (this.expected != null) {
  "Expected exception of type " + this.expected.getClass());
    } catch (final GeneralSecurityException e) {
        if (this.expected == null) {
  "Revocation check failed unexpectedly with exception: " + e);
        } else {
            final Class<?> expectedClass = this.expected.getClass();
            final Class<?> actualClass = e.getClass();
                    String.format("Expected exception of type %s but got %s", expectedClass, actualClass),
项目:TARA-Server    文件   
protected HandlerResult doAuthentication(Credential credential) throws GeneralSecurityException, PreventedException {
    final Map<String, Object> map = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    if (credential instanceof TaraCredential) {
        TaraCredential taraCredential = (TaraCredential) credential;
        this.putIfNotEmpty(map, "principalCode", taraCredential.getPrincipalCode());
        this.putIfNotEmpty(map, "firstName", taraCredential.getFirstName());
        this.putIfNotEmpty(map, "lastName", taraCredential.getLastName());
        if (AuthenticationType.MobileID.equals(taraCredential.getType())) {
            this.putIfNotEmpty(map, "mobileNumber", taraCredential.getMobileNumber());
        return this.createHandlerResult(credential, this.principalFactory
            .createPrincipal(taraCredential.getId(), map), new ArrayList<>());
    return null;
项目:aos-FileCoreLibrary    文件   
public static byte[] getNTLM2Response(byte[] nTOWFv1,
                byte[] serverChallenge,
                byte[] clientChallenge)
    byte[] sessionHash = new byte[8];

    try {
        MessageDigest md5;
        md5 = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
        md5.update(clientChallenge, 0, 8);
        System.arraycopy(md5.digest(), 0, sessionHash, 0, 8);
    } catch (GeneralSecurityException gse) {
        if (log.level > 0)
        throw new RuntimeException("MD5", gse);

    byte[] key = new byte[21];
    System.arraycopy(nTOWFv1, 0, key, 0, 16);
    byte[] ntResponse = new byte[24];
    E(key, sessionHash, ntResponse);

    return ntResponse;
项目:CrashCoin    文件   
public static void main(final String[] argv) throws IOException, InvalidKeySpecException, NoSuchPaddingException, 
        InvalidKeyException, InvalidParameterSpecException, IllegalBlockSizeException, BadPaddingException,
        InvalidAlgorithmParameterException, ClassNotFoundException, GeneralSecurityException {

    if(argv.length >= 2) {
        ip = argv[0];
        port = Integer.parseInt(argv[1]);
    } else {
        Logger.getLogger(Main.class.getName()).log(Level.INFO, "Default ip and port were applied.");
        ip = Parameters.RELAY_IP;
        port = Parameters.RELAY_PORT_WALLET_LISTENER;

    // Init connection with relay
    try {
    } catch(IOException ex) {

    new ClientApplication();

项目:hadoop-oss    文件   
private HttpURLConnection configureConnection(HttpURLConnection conn)
    throws IOException {
  if (sslFactory != null) {
    HttpsURLConnection httpsConn = (HttpsURLConnection) conn;
    try {
    } catch (GeneralSecurityException ex) {
      throw new IOException(ex);
  return conn;
项目:cas-server-4.2.1    文件   
 * Authenticate and resolve principal.
 * @param builder the builder
 * @param credential the credential
 * @param resolver the resolver
 * @param handler the handler
 * @throws GeneralSecurityException the general security exception
 * @throws PreventedException the prevented exception
private void authenticateAndResolvePrincipal(final AuthenticationBuilder builder, final Credential credential,
                                             final PrincipalResolver resolver, final AuthenticationHandler handler)
        throws GeneralSecurityException, PreventedException {

    final Principal principal;
    final HandlerResult result = handler.authenticate(credential);
    builder.addSuccess(handler.getName(), result);"{} successfully authenticated {}", handler.getName(), credential);
    if (resolver == null) {
        principal = result.getPrincipal();
                "No resolver configured for {}. Falling back to handler principal {}",
    } else {
        principal = resolvePrincipal(handler.getName(), resolver, credential);
    // Must avoid null principal since AuthenticationBuilder/ImmutableAuthentication
    // require principal to be non-null
    if (principal != null) {
项目:privacyidea-authenticator    文件   
private static void generateKeyPair(Context context, String alias)
        throws GeneralSecurityException {
    final Calendar start = new GregorianCalendar();
    final Calendar end = new GregorianCalendar();
    end.add(Calendar.YEAR, 100);
    final KeyPairGenerator gen = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA", "AndroidKeyStore");
    final KeyPairGeneratorSpec spec = new KeyPairGeneratorSpec.Builder(context)
            .setSubject(new X500Principal("CN=" + alias))
项目:Nird2    文件   
public void testValidateProperBlogComment()
        throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException {
    // comment, parent_original_id, parent_id, signature
    String comment = "This is a blog comment";
    MessageId pOriginalId = new MessageId(TestUtils.getRandomId());
    MessageId currentId = new MessageId(TestUtils.getRandomId());
    final byte[] sigBytes = TestUtils.getRandomBytes(42);
    BdfList m = BdfList.of(COMMENT.getInt(), comment, pOriginalId,
            currentId, sigBytes);

    BdfList signed = BdfList.of(blog.getId(), message.getTimestamp(),
            comment, pOriginalId, currentId);
    expectCrypto(blog, SIGNING_LABEL_COMMENT, signed, sigBytes);
    final BdfDictionary result =
            validator.validateMessage(message, group, m).getDictionary();

    assertEquals(comment, result.getString(KEY_COMMENT));
    assertEquals(authorDict, result.getDictionary(KEY_AUTHOR));
    assertEquals(currentId.getBytes(), result.getRaw(KEY_PARENT_MSG_ID));
项目:incubator-netbeans    文件   
protected void addMoreLogs(List<? super String> params, boolean openPasswd) {
    if ((reportPanel != null) && (report)){
        try {
            char[] passwd = reportPanel.getPasswdChars();
            if ((openPasswd) && (passwd.length != 0) && (!reportPanel.asAGuest())){
                String pwd = new String(passwd);
                pwd = PasswdEncryption.encrypt(pwd);
            } else {
                params.add("*********");// NOI18N
        } catch (GeneralSecurityException | IOException exc) {
            LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "PASSWORD ENCRYPTION ERROR", exc);// NOI18N
项目:lams    文件   
private byte[] sign(byte[] message) throws GeneralSecurityException {
    if (privateKey == null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("need to set private key with " +
                                        "OAuthConsumer.setProperty when " +
                                        "generating RSA-SHA1 signatures.");
    Signature signer = Signature.getInstance("SHA1withRSA");
    return signer.sign();
项目:sample-acmegifts    文件   
public String createJWT(String username, Set<String> groups)
    throws GeneralSecurityException, IOException {
  // Create and Base64 encode the header portion of the JWT
  JsonObject headerObj =
          .add("alg", "RS256") /* Algorithm used */
          .add("typ", "JWT") /* Type of token */
          // .add("kid", "default") /* Hint about which key to use to sign, but the signature is
          // invalid when I include this. */
  String headerEnc = Base64Utility.encode(headerObj.toString().getBytes(), true);

  // Create and Base64 encode the claims portion of the JWT
  JsonObject claimsObj =
          .add("exp", (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000) + 300) /* Expire time */
          .add("iat", (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000)) /* Issued time */
          .add("aud", "acmeGifts") /* Audience */
          .add("jti", Long.toHexString(System.nanoTime())) /* Unique value */
          .add("sub", username) /* Subject */
          .add("upn", username) /* Subject again */
          .add("iss", JWT_ISSUER) /* Issuer */
          .add("groups", getGroupArray(groups)) /* Group list */
  String claimsEnc = Base64Utility.encode(claimsObj.toString().getBytes(), true);
  String headerClaimsEnc = headerEnc + "." + claimsEnc;

  // Open the keystore that the server will use to validate the JWT
  KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance("JCEKS");
  InputStream ksStream = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/keystore.jceks");
  char[] password = new String("secret").toCharArray();
  ks.load(ksStream, password);

  // Get the private key to use to sign the JWT.  Normally we would not do this but
  // we are pretending to be the user service here.
  KeyStore.ProtectionParameter keyPassword = new KeyStore.PasswordProtection(password);
  KeyStore.PrivateKeyEntry privateKeyEntry =
      (KeyStore.PrivateKeyEntry) ks.getEntry("default", keyPassword);
  PrivateKey privateKey = privateKeyEntry.getPrivateKey();

  // Sign the JWT
  Signature sig = Signature.getInstance(JWT_ALGORITHM);
  String sigEnc = Base64Utility.encode(sig.sign(), true);

  // Lets just check......
  String jwtEnc = headerClaimsEnc + "." + sigEnc; cert = ks.getCertificate("default");
  PublicKey publicKey = cert.getPublicKey();
  validateJWT("Bearer " + jwtEnc, publicKey);

  // Return the complete JWT (header, claims, signature).
  return jwtEnc;
项目:springboot-shiro-cas-mybatis    文件   
 * Creates a new test instance with given parameters.
 * @param checker Revocation checker instance.
 * @param expiredCRLPolicy Policy instance for handling expired CRL data.
 * @param certFiles File names of certificates to check.
 * @param crlFile File name of CRL file to serve out.
 * @param expected Expected result of check; null to indicate expected success.
public CRLDistributionPointRevocationCheckerTests(
        final CRLDistributionPointRevocationChecker checker,
        final RevocationPolicy<X509CRL> expiredCRLPolicy,
        final String[] certFiles,
        final String crlFile,
        final GeneralSecurityException expected) throws Exception {

    super(certFiles, expected);

    final File file = new File(System.getProperty(""), "ca.crl");
    if (file.exists()) {
    final OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file);
    IOUtils.copy(new ClassPathResource(crlFile).getInputStream(), out);

    this.checker = checker;
    this.webServer = new MockWebServer(8085, new FileSystemResource(file), "text/plain");
    logger.debug("Web server listening on port 8085 serving file {}", crlFile);
项目:format-preserving-encryption-java    文件   
public byte[] apply(byte[] plain) {
    try {
        Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(CIPHER_ALGORITHM);
        cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, new SecretKeySpec(key, KEY_ALGORITHM_NAME), new IvParameterSpec(initializationVector));
        byte[] result = cipher.doFinal(plain);
        return Arrays.copyOfRange(result, result.length - initializationVector.length, result.length);
    } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
        throw new SecurityException(e);

项目:quickstart    文件   
 * Extracts private key (predictive_services.pem) contents
private static PrivateKey getPrivateKey(String privateKeyBase64) {
  String privKeyPEM = privateKeyBase64.replace("-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n", "");
  privKeyPEM = privKeyPEM.replace("\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----", "");

  // Base64 decode the data
  byte[] encoded = Base64.decodeBase64(privKeyPEM);

  try {
    DerInputStream derReader = new DerInputStream(encoded);
    DerValue[] seq = derReader.getSequence(0);

    if (seq.length < 9) {
      throw new GeneralSecurityException("Could not read private key");

    // skip version seq[0];
    BigInteger modulus = seq[1].getBigInteger();
    BigInteger publicExp = seq[2].getBigInteger();
    BigInteger privateExp = seq[3].getBigInteger();
    BigInteger primeP = seq[4].getBigInteger();
    BigInteger primeQ = seq[5].getBigInteger();
    BigInteger expP = seq[6].getBigInteger();
    BigInteger expQ = seq[7].getBigInteger();
    BigInteger crtCoeff = seq[8].getBigInteger();

    RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec keySpec = new RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec(modulus, publicExp, privateExp,
        primeP, primeQ, expP, expQ, crtCoeff);

    KeyFactory factory = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
    return factory.generatePrivate(keySpec);
  } catch (IOException | GeneralSecurityException e) {
  return null;
项目:hadoop    文件   
public KeyVersion
decryptEncryptedKey(EncryptedKeyVersion encryptedKeyVersion)
    throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException {
  return keyProviderCryptoExtension.decryptEncryptedKey(
项目:javaide    文件   
 * Write the signature file to the given output stream.
private void generateSignatureFile(Manifest manifest, OutputStream out)
        throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException {
    out.write(("Signature-Version: 1.0\r\n").getBytes());
    out.write(("Created-By: 1.0 (Android SignApk)\r\n").getBytes());

    // BASE64Encoder base64 = new BASE64Encoder();
    MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA1");
    PrintStream print = new PrintStream(
            new DigestOutputStream(new ByteArrayOutputStream(), md),
            true, "UTF-8");

    // Digest of the entire manifest

    out.write(("SHA1-Digest-Manifest: " + Base64.encode(md.digest()) + "\r\n\r\n").getBytes());

    Map<String, Attributes> entries = manifest.getEntries();
    for (Map.Entry<String, Attributes> entry : entries.entrySet()) {
        if (canceled) break;
        progressHelper.progress(ProgressEvent.PRORITY_NORMAL, resourceAdapter.getString(ResourceAdapter.Item.GENERATING_SIGNATURE_FILE));
        // Digest of the manifest stanza for this entry.
        String nameEntry = "Name: " + entry.getKey() + "\r\n";
        for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> att : entry.getValue().entrySet()) {
            print.print(att.getKey() + ": " + att.getValue() + "\r\n");

        out.write(("SHA1-Digest: " + Base64.encode(md.digest()) + "\r\n\r\n").getBytes());

项目:DWSurvey    文件   
 * 生成HMAC-SHA1密钥,返回字节数组,长度为160位(20字节).
 * HMAC-SHA1算法对密钥无特殊要求, RFC2401建议最少长度为160位(20字节).
public static byte[] generateMacSha1Key() {
    try {
        KeyGenerator keyGenerator = KeyGenerator.getInstance(HMACSHA1);
        SecretKey secretKey = keyGenerator.generateKey();
        return secretKey.getEncoded();
    } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
        throw ExceptionUtils.unchecked(e);
项目:OpenJSharp    文件   
 * Decrypts data using specified key and initial vector.
 * @param baseKey encryption key to use
 * @param ciphertext  encrypted data to be decrypted
 * @param usage ignored
public byte[] decryptRaw(byte[] baseKey, int usage, byte[] ivec,
    byte[] ciphertext, int start, int len)
    throws GeneralSecurityException {

    if (!KeyUsage.isValid(usage)) {
        throw new GeneralSecurityException("Invalid key usage number: "
                                            + usage);
    byte[] output = decryptCTS(baseKey, usage, ivec, ciphertext,
                                    start, len, false);
    return output;
项目:springboot-shiro-cas-mybatis    文件   
public HandlerResult authenticate(final Credential credential)
        throws GeneralSecurityException, PreventedException {
    final OneTimePasswordCredential otp = (OneTimePasswordCredential) credential;
    final String valueOnRecord = credentialMap.get(otp.getId());
    if (otp.getPassword().equals(credentialMap.get(otp.getId()))) {
        return new DefaultHandlerResult(this, new BasicCredentialMetaData(otp),
                new DefaultPrincipalFactory().createPrincipal(otp.getId()));
    throw new FailedLoginException();
项目:OpenJSharp    文件   
 * Calculates keyed checksum.
 * @param data the data used to generate the checksum.
 * @param size length of the data.
 * @param key the key used to encrypt the checksum.
 * @return keyed checksum.
public byte[] calculateKeyedChecksum(byte[] data, int size, byte[] key,
    int usage) throws KrbCryptoException {

     try {
         return Des3.calculateChecksum(key, usage, data, 0, size);
     } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
         KrbCryptoException ke = new KrbCryptoException(e.getMessage());
         throw ke;
项目:Nird2    文件   
private BdfMessageContext validateInviteMessage(Message m, BdfList body)
        throws FormatException {
    checkSize(body, 7);
    String groupName = body.getString(1);
    checkLength(groupName, 1, MAX_GROUP_NAME_LENGTH);
    String creatorName = body.getString(2);
    checkLength(creatorName, 1, MAX_AUTHOR_NAME_LENGTH);
    byte[] creatorPublicKey = body.getRaw(3);
    checkLength(creatorPublicKey, 1, MAX_PUBLIC_KEY_LENGTH);
    byte[] salt = body.getRaw(4);
    checkLength(salt, GROUP_SALT_LENGTH);
    String message = body.getOptionalString(5);
    checkLength(message, 1, MAX_GROUP_INVITATION_MSG_LENGTH);
    byte[] signature = body.getRaw(6);
    checkLength(signature, 1, MAX_SIGNATURE_LENGTH);
    // Create the private group
    Author creator = authorFactory.createAuthor(creatorName,
    PrivateGroup privateGroup = privateGroupFactory.createPrivateGroup(
            groupName, creator, salt);
    // Verify the signature
    BdfList signed = BdfList.of(
    try {
        clientHelper.verifySignature(SIGNING_LABEL_INVITE, signature,
                creatorPublicKey, signed);
    } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
        throw new FormatException();
    // Create the metadata
    BdfDictionary meta = messageEncoder.encodeMetadata(INVITE,
            privateGroup.getId(), m.getTimestamp(), false, false, false,
            false, false);
    return new BdfMessageContext(meta);
项目:oneops    文件   
 * Gets the action orders.
 * @param exec the exec
 * @return the action orders
 * @throws GeneralSecurityException the general security exception

public void getActionOrders(DelegateExecution exec) throws GeneralSecurityException {
    CmsOpsProcedure proc = (CmsOpsProcedure) exec.getVariable("proc");
    Integer execOrder = (Integer) exec.getVariable(CmsConstants.EXEC_ORDER);"Geting action orders for procedure id = " + proc.getProcedureId());
    long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    try {
        //CmsActionOrderSimple[] aos = retryTemplate.execute(retryContext -> restTemplate.getForObject(serviceUrl + "/cm/ops/procedures/{procedureId}/actionorders?execorder={execOrder}&state=pending", CmsActionOrderSimple[].class, proc.getProcedureId(), execOrder));
        List<CmsActionOrderSimple> aoList = cmsWoProvider.getActionOrdersSimple(proc.getProcedureId(), OpsProcedureState.pending, execOrder);"Got " + aoList.size() + " action orders for procedure id = " + proc.getProcedureId() + "; Time taken: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + "ms"  );
        for (CmsActionOrderSimple ao : aoList) {
"Testing ao  " + ao.getCiId() + " bytes length : " + gson.toJson(ao).getBytes().length);
        exec.setVariable("cmsaos", aoList);
        if (exec.getVariable("procanchor") == null) {
            CmsCI procAnchorCI = cmsCmProcessor.getCiById(proc.getCiId());
                    //retryTemplate.execute(retryContext -> restTemplate.getForObject(serviceUrl + "/cm/cis/{ciId}", CmsCI.class, proc.getCiId()));
            exec.setVariable("procanchor", procAnchorCI);
    } catch (CmsBaseException rce) {
        exec.setVariable("proc", proc);
项目:openjdk-jdk10    文件   
public byte[] stringToKey(char[] salt) throws GeneralSecurityException {
    byte[] saltUtf8 = null;
    try {
        saltUtf8 = charToUtf8(salt);
        return stringToKey(saltUtf8, null);
    } finally {
        if (saltUtf8 != null) {
            Arrays.fill(saltUtf8, (byte)0);
        // Caller responsible for clearing its own salt
项目:Nird2    文件   
private SecretKey deriveSharedSecret(byte[] theirPublicKey)
        throws AbortException {
    try {
        return crypto.deriveSharedSecret(theirPublicKey, ourKeyPair, alice);
    } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
        throw new AbortException(e);
项目:TIIEHenry-Android-SDK    文件   
 * Decrypt and decode ciphertext using 256-bit AES with key generated from password
 * @param password used to generated key
 * @param base64EncodedCipherText the encrpyted message encoded with base64
 * @return message in Plain text (String UTF-8)
 * @throws GeneralSecurityException if there's an issue decrypting
public static String decrypt(final String password, String base64EncodedCipherText)
        throws GeneralSecurityException {

    try {
        final SecretKeySpec key = generateKey(password);
        byte[] decodedCipherText = Base64.decode(base64EncodedCipherText, Base64.NO_WRAP);
        byte[] decryptedBytes = decrypt(key, ivBytes, decodedCipherText);
        String message = new String(decryptedBytes, CHARSET);
        return message;
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
        throw new GeneralSecurityException(e);
项目:OpenJSharp    文件   
public byte[] decrypt(byte[] cipher, byte[] key, byte[] ivec, int usage)
    throws KrbApErrException, KrbCryptoException {
    try {
        return ArcFourHmac.decrypt(key, usage, ivec, cipher, 0, cipher.length);
    } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
        KrbCryptoException ke = new KrbCryptoException(e.getMessage());
        throw ke;
项目:GitHub    文件   
private KeyStore newEmptyKeyStore(char[] password) throws GeneralSecurityException {
  try {
    KeyStore keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance(KeyStore.getDefaultType());
    InputStream in = null; // By convention, 'null' creates an empty key store.
    keyStore.load(in, password);
    return keyStore;
  } catch (IOException e) {
    throw new AssertionError(e);