Java 类 实例源码

项目:AppCoins-ethereumj    文件   
 * Generate a new keypair using the given Java Security Provider.
 * All private key operations will use the provider.
public ECKey(Provider provider, SecureRandom secureRandom) {
  this.provider = provider;

  KeyPairGenerator keyPairGen = ECKeyPairGenerator.getInstance(provider, secureRandom);
  KeyPair keyPair = keyPairGen.generateKeyPair();

  this.privKey = keyPair.getPrivate();
  PublicKey pubKey = keyPair.getPublic();

  if (pubKey instanceof BCECPublicKey) {
    pub = ((BCECPublicKey) pubKey).getQ();
  } else if (pubKey instanceof ECPublicKey) {
    pub = extractPublicKey((ECPublicKey) pubKey);
  } else {
    throw new AssertionError("Expected Provider "
        + provider.getName()
        + " to produce a subtype of ECPublicKey, found "
        + pubKey.getClass());
项目:talchain    文件   
 * Generate a new keypair using the given Java Security Provider.
 * All private key operations will use the provider.
public ECKey(Provider provider, SecureRandom secureRandom) {
    this.provider = provider;

    final KeyPairGenerator keyPairGen = ECKeyPairGenerator.getInstance(provider, secureRandom);
    final KeyPair keyPair = keyPairGen.generateKeyPair();

    this.privKey = keyPair.getPrivate();

    final PublicKey pubKey = keyPair.getPublic();
    if (pubKey instanceof BCECPublicKey) {
        pub = ((BCECPublicKey) pubKey).getQ();
    } else if (pubKey instanceof ECPublicKey) {
        pub = extractPublicKey((ECPublicKey) pubKey);
    } else {
        throw new AssertionError(
            "Expected Provider " + provider.getName() +
            " to produce a subtype of ECPublicKey, found " + pubKey.getClass());
项目:AppCoins-ethereumj    文件   
 * Generate a new keypair using the given Java Security Provider.
 * All private key operations will use the provider.
public ECKey(Provider provider, SecureRandom secureRandom) {
    this.provider = provider;

    final KeyPairGenerator keyPairGen = ECKeyPairGenerator.getInstance(provider, secureRandom);
    final KeyPair keyPair = keyPairGen.generateKeyPair();

    this.privKey = keyPair.getPrivate();
    final PublicKey pubKey = keyPair.getPublic();

    if (pubKey instanceof BCECPublicKey) {
        pub = ((BCECPublicKey) pubKey).getQ();
    } else if (pubKey instanceof ECPublicKey) {
        pub = extractPublicKey((ECPublicKey) pubKey);
    } else {
        throw new AssertionError(
            "Expected Provider " + provider.getName() +
            " to produce a subtype of ECPublicKey, found " + pubKey.getClass());
项目:javaOIDCMsg    文件   
public void shouldDecodeECDSA384JOSE() throws Exception {
    ECDSAAlgorithm algorithm384 = (ECDSAAlgorithm) Algorithm.ECDSA384((ECPublicKey) readPublicKeyFromFile(PUBLIC_KEY_FILE_384, "EC"), (ECPrivateKey) readPrivateKeyFromFile(PRIVATE_KEY_FILE_384, "EC"));

    //Without padding
    byte[] joseSignature = createJOSESignature(48, false, false);
    byte[] derSignature = algorithm384.JOSEToDER(joseSignature);
    assertValidDERSignature(derSignature, 48, false, false);

    //With R padding
    joseSignature = createJOSESignature(48, true, false);
    derSignature = algorithm384.JOSEToDER(joseSignature);
    assertValidDERSignature(derSignature, 48, true, false);

    //With S padding
    joseSignature = createJOSESignature(48, false, true);
    derSignature = algorithm384.JOSEToDER(joseSignature);
    assertValidDERSignature(derSignature, 48, false, true);

    //With both paddings
    joseSignature = createJOSESignature(48, true, true);
    derSignature = algorithm384.JOSEToDER(joseSignature);
    assertValidDERSignature(derSignature, 48, true, true);
项目:mDL-ILP    文件   
 * Extract the raw bytes of the public ECC key in standard smart card format.
 * @param publicKey the key to extract the bytes of.
 * @param curveReference the reference to the standard curve of the key.
 * @return the extract bytes of the key.
public static byte[] decodeECCPublicKeyX509(PublicKey publicKey, EllipticCurveParameters curveReference)
    byte[] publicKeyBytes = {};

    if (publicKey instanceof ECPublicKey)
        final ECPoint w = ((ECPublicKey)publicKey).getW();

        final byte[] x = getStandardSizeInteger(w.getAffineX().toByteArray(), curveReference);
        final byte[] y = getStandardSizeInteger(w.getAffineY().toByteArray(), curveReference);

        publicKeyBytes = Bytes.concatenate(Bytes.bytes("04"), x, y); // Uncompressed format.

    return publicKeyBytes;
项目:javaOIDCMsg    文件   
public void shouldThrowOnSignWhenThePrivateKeyIsInvalid() throws Exception {
    exception.expectMessage("The Token's Signature couldn't be generated when signing using the Algorithm: some-algorithm");

    CryptoHelper crypto = mock(CryptoHelper.class);
    when(crypto.createSignatureFor(anyString(), any(PrivateKey.class), any(byte[].class)))

    ECPublicKey publicKey = mock(ECPublicKey.class);
    ECPrivateKey privateKey = mock(ECPrivateKey.class);
    ECDSAKeyProvider provider = ECDSAAlgorithm.providerForKeys(publicKey, privateKey);
    Algorithm algorithm = new ECDSAAlgorithm(crypto, "some-alg", "some-algorithm", 32, provider);
项目:GitHub    文件   
 * @param pair KeyPair to convert to an OpenSSH public key
 * @return OpenSSH-encoded pubkey
public static byte[] extractOpenSSHPublic(KeyPair pair) {
    try {
        PublicKey pubKey = pair.getPublic();
        if (pubKey instanceof RSAPublicKey) {
            return RSASHA1Verify.encodeSSHRSAPublicKey((RSAPublicKey) pubKey);
        } else if (pubKey instanceof DSAPublicKey) {
            return DSASHA1Verify.encodeSSHDSAPublicKey((DSAPublicKey) pubKey);
        } else if (pubKey instanceof ECPublicKey) {
            return ECDSASHA2Verify.encodeSSHECDSAPublicKey((ECPublicKey) pubKey);
        } else if (pubKey instanceof EdDSAPublicKey) {
            return Ed25519Verify.encodeSSHEd25519PublicKey((EdDSAPublicKey) pubKey);
        } else {
            return null;
    } catch (IOException e) {
        return null;
项目:javaOIDCMsg    文件   
public void shouldDoECDSA512SigningWithProvidedPrivateKey() throws Exception {
    ECDSAKeyProvider provider = mock(ECDSAKeyProvider.class);
    PrivateKey privateKey = readPrivateKeyFromFile(PRIVATE_KEY_FILE_512, "EC");
    PublicKey publicKey = readPublicKeyFromFile(PUBLIC_KEY_FILE_512, "EC");
    when(provider.getPrivateKey()).thenReturn((ECPrivateKey) privateKey);
    when(provider.getPublicKeyById(null)).thenReturn((ECPublicKey) publicKey);
    Algorithm algorithm = Algorithm.ECDSA512(provider);
    String jwtContent = String.format("%s.%s", ES512Header, auth0IssPayload);
    byte[] contentBytes = jwtContent.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
    byte[] signatureBytes = algorithm.sign(contentBytes);
    String jwtSignature = Base64.encodeBase64URLSafeString(signatureBytes);
    String token  = String.format("%s.%s", jwtContent, jwtSignature);

    assertThat(signatureBytes, is(notNullValue()));
    JWT jwt = JWT.require(algorithm).withIssuer("auth0").build();
    DecodedJWT decoded = jwt.decode(token);
    algorithm.verify(decoded, EncodeType.Base64);
项目:openjdk-jdk10    文件   
private void serverKeyExchange(ECDH_ServerKeyExchange mesg)
        throws IOException {
    if (debug != null && Debug.isOn("handshake")) {
    ECPublicKey key = mesg.getPublicKey();
    ecdh = new ECDHCrypt(key.getParams(), sslContext.getSecureRandom());
    ephemeralServerKey = key;

    // check constraints of EC PublicKey
    if (!algorithmConstraints.permits(
        EnumSet.of(CryptoPrimitive.KEY_AGREEMENT), ephemeralServerKey)) {

        throw new SSLHandshakeException("ECDH ServerKeyExchange " +
                "does not comply to algorithm constraints");
项目:citizen-sdk-android    文件   
public static boolean verifyECSignature(String encodededData, String encodedSignedData, String encodedPublicKey) throws CryptoException
    try {
        KeyFactory keyFactory = KeyFactory.getInstance("EC");
        X509EncodedKeySpec publicKeySpec = new X509EncodedKeySpec(Base64.decode(encodedPublicKey, Base64.DEFAULT));
        ECPublicKey publicKey = (ECPublicKey) keyFactory.generatePublic(publicKeySpec);

        Signature verificationFunction = Signature.getInstance(REST_AUTH_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM);
        verificationFunction.update(Base64.decode(encodededData, Base64.DEFAULT));

         if (verificationFunction.verify(Base64.decode(encodedSignedData, Base64.DEFAULT))) {
            return true;

    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | InvalidKeySpecException | InvalidKeyException |
             SignatureException e)
        throw new CryptoException("Unable to verify signature: " + e.getMessage());

    return false;
项目:JungleTree    文件   
private JWSHeader createServerTokenHeader(ECPublicKey serverPublicKey) {
    if (!serverPublicKey.getFormat().equals("X.509")) {
        throw new RuntimeException(String.format(
                "Server public key is not in X.509 format! Got %s instead",

    return new JWSHeader(
            URI.create(getServerPublicKeyBase64((ECPublicKey) serverKeyPair.getPublic())),
项目:xitk    文件   
public static AlgorithmIdentifier getSigAlgId(PublicKey pubKey, HashAlgoType hashAlgo,
        SignatureAlgoControl algoControl) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException {
    ParamUtil.requireNonNull("hashAlgo", hashAlgo);

    if (pubKey instanceof RSAPublicKey) {
        boolean rsaMgf1 = (algoControl == null) ? false : algoControl.isRsaMgf1();
        return getRSASigAlgId(hashAlgo, rsaMgf1);
    } else if (pubKey instanceof ECPublicKey) {
        boolean dsaPlain = (algoControl == null) ? false : algoControl.isDsaPlain();
        boolean gm =  (algoControl == null) ? false : algoControl.isGm();
        return getECSigAlgId(hashAlgo, dsaPlain, gm);
    } else if (pubKey instanceof DSAPublicKey) {
        return getDSASigAlgId(hashAlgo);
    } else {
        throw new NoSuchAlgorithmException("Unknown public key '"
                + pubKey.getClass().getName());
项目:xitk    文件   
public P11PrivateKey(P11CryptService p11CryptService, P11EntityIdentifier identityId)
        throws P11TokenException {
    this.p11CryptService = ParamUtil.requireNonNull("identityId", p11CryptService);
    this.identityId = ParamUtil.requireNonNull("entityId", identityId);

    this.publicKey = p11CryptService.getIdentity(identityId).publicKey();

    if (this.publicKey instanceof RSAPublicKey) {
        algorithm = "RSA";
        keysize = ((RSAPublicKey) publicKey).getModulus().bitLength();
    } else if (this.publicKey instanceof DSAPublicKey) {
        algorithm = "DSA";
        keysize = ((DSAPublicKey) publicKey).getParams().getP().bitLength();
    } else if (this.publicKey instanceof ECPublicKey) {
        algorithm = "EC";
        keysize = ((ECPublicKey) publicKey).getParams().getCurve().getField().getFieldSize();
    } else {
        throw new P11TokenException("unknown public key: " + publicKey);
项目:RISE-V2G    文件   
 * Returns the ECPublicKey instance from its encoded raw bytes. 
 * The first byte has the fixed value 0x04 indicating the uncompressed form.
 * Therefore, the byte array must be of form: [0x04, x coord of point (32 bytes), y coord of point (32 bytes)]
 * @param publicKeyBytes The byte array representing the encoded raw bytes of the public key
 * @return The ECPublicKey instance
public static ECPublicKey getPublicKey(byte[] publicKeyBytes) {
    // First we separate x and y of coordinates into separate variables
    byte[] x = new byte[32];
    byte[] y = new byte[32];
    System.arraycopy(publicKeyBytes, 1, x, 0, 32);
    System.arraycopy(publicKeyBytes, 33, y, 0, 32);

    try {
        KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance("EC");

        AlgorithmParameters parameters = AlgorithmParameters.getInstance("EC");
        parameters.init(new ECGenParameterSpec("secp256r1"));
        ECParameterSpec ecParameterSpec = parameters.getParameterSpec(ECParameterSpec.class);

        ECPublicKeySpec ecPublicKeySpec = new ECPublicKeySpec(new ECPoint(new BigInteger(x), new BigInteger(y)), ecParameterSpec);
        ECPublicKey ecPublicKey = (ECPublicKey) kf.generatePublic(ecPublicKeySpec);
        return ecPublicKey;
    } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException | InvalidParameterSpecException | InvalidKeySpecException e) {
        getLogger().error(e.getClass().getSimpleName() + " occurred when trying to get public key from raw bytes", e);
        return null;
项目:RISE-V2G    文件   
 * Returns the public key part of an elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman keypair
 * @param ecdhKeyPair The elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman keypair
 * @return The respective public key
public static DiffieHellmanPublickeyType getDHPublicKey(KeyPair ecdhKeyPair) {
    DiffieHellmanPublickeyType dhPublicKey = new DiffieHellmanPublickeyType();
     * Experience from the test symposium in San Diego (April 2016):
     * The Id element of the signature is not restricted in size by the standard itself. But on embedded 
     * systems, the memory is very limited which is why we should not use long IDs for the signature reference
     * element. A good size would be 3 characters max (like the example in the ISO 15118-2 annex J)

    byte[] uncompressedDHpublicKey = getUncompressedSubjectPublicKey((ECPublicKey) ecdhKeyPair.getPublic());

    getLogger().debug("Created DHpublickey: " + ByteUtils.toHexString(uncompressedDHpublicKey));

    return dhPublicKey;
项目:javaOIDCMsg    文件   
public void shouldThrowOnSignWhenTheSignatureIsNotPrepared() throws Exception {
    exception.expectMessage("The Token's Signature couldn't be generated when signing using the Algorithm: some-algorithm");

    CryptoHelper crypto = mock(CryptoHelper.class);
    when(crypto.createSignatureFor(anyString(), any(PrivateKey.class), any(byte[].class)))

    ECPublicKey publicKey = mock(ECPublicKey.class);
    ECPrivateKey privateKey = mock(ECPrivateKey.class);
    ECDSAKeyProvider provider = ECDSAAlgorithm.providerForKeys(publicKey, privateKey);
    Algorithm algorithm = new ECDSAAlgorithm(crypto, "some-alg", "some-algorithm", 32, provider);
项目:RISE-V2G    文件   
 * Java puts some encoding information into the ECPublicKey.getEncoded(). 
 * This method returns the raw ECPoint (the x and y coordinate of the public key) in uncompressed form 
 * (with the 0x04 as first octet), aka the Subject Public Key according to RFC 5480
 * @param ecPublicKey The ECPublicKey provided by Java
 * @return The uncompressed Subject Public Key (with the first octet set to 0x04)
public static byte[] getUncompressedSubjectPublicKey(ECPublicKey ecPublicKey) {
    byte[] uncompressedPubKey = new byte[65];
    uncompressedPubKey[0] = 0x04;

    byte[] affineX = ecPublicKey.getW().getAffineX().toByteArray();
    byte[] affineY = ecPublicKey.getW().getAffineY().toByteArray();

    // If the length is 33 bytes, then the first byte is a 0x00 which is to be omitted
    if (affineX.length == 33)
        System.arraycopy(affineX, 1, uncompressedPubKey, 1, 32);
        System.arraycopy(affineX, 0, uncompressedPubKey, 1, 32);

    if (affineY.length == 33)
        System.arraycopy(affineY, 1, uncompressedPubKey, 33, 32);
        System.arraycopy(affineY, 0, uncompressedPubKey, 33, 32);

    return uncompressedPubKey;
项目:lams    文件   
 * Check key encryption parameters for consistency and required values.
 * @param kekParams the key encryption parameters to check
 * @param allowEmpty if false, a null parameter is treated as an error
 * @throws EncryptionException thrown if any parameters are missing or have invalid values
protected void checkParams(KeyEncryptionParameters kekParams, boolean allowEmpty) throws EncryptionException {
    if (kekParams == null) {
        if (allowEmpty) {
        } else {
            log.error("Key encryption parameters are required");
            throw new EncryptionException("Key encryption parameters are required");
    Key key = SecurityHelper.extractEncryptionKey(kekParams.getEncryptionCredential());
    if (key == null) {
        log.error("Key encryption credential and contained key are required");
        throw new EncryptionException("Key encryption credential and contained key are required");
    } else if (key instanceof DSAPublicKey) {
        log.error("Attempt made to use DSA key for encrypted key transport");
        throw new EncryptionException("DSA keys may not be used for encrypted key transport");
    } else if (key instanceof ECPublicKey) {
        log.error("Attempt made to use EC key for encrypted key transport");
        throw new EncryptionException("EC keys may not be used for encrypted key transport");
    } else if (DatatypeHelper.isEmpty(kekParams.getAlgorithm())) {
        log.error("Key encryption algorithm URI is required");
        throw new EncryptionException("Key encryption algorithm URI is required");
项目:OpenJSharp    文件   
protected Key engineDoPhase(Key key, boolean lastPhase)
        throws InvalidKeyException, IllegalStateException {
    if (privateKey == null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Not initialized");
    if (publicValue != null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Phase already executed");
    if (lastPhase == false) {
        throw new IllegalStateException
            ("Only two party agreement supported, lastPhase must be true");
    if (key instanceof ECPublicKey == false) {
        throw new InvalidKeyException
            ("Key must be a PublicKey with algorithm EC");
    ECPublicKey ecKey = (ECPublicKey)key;
    int keyLenBits = ecKey.getParams().getCurve().getField().getFieldSize();
    secretLen = (keyLenBits + 7) >> 3;
    publicValue = P11ECKeyFactory.getEncodedPublicValue(ecKey);
    return null;
项目:jdk8u-jdk    文件   
protected Key engineDoPhase(Key key, boolean lastPhase)
        throws InvalidKeyException, IllegalStateException {
    if (privateKey == null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Not initialized");
    if (publicValue != null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Phase already executed");
    if (lastPhase == false) {
        throw new IllegalStateException
            ("Only two party agreement supported, lastPhase must be true");
    if (key instanceof ECPublicKey == false) {
        throw new InvalidKeyException
            ("Key must be a PublicKey with algorithm EC");
    ECPublicKey ecKey = (ECPublicKey)key;
    int keyLenBits = ecKey.getParams().getCurve().getField().getFieldSize();
    secretLen = (keyLenBits + 7) >> 3;
    publicValue = P11ECKeyFactory.getEncodedPublicValue(ecKey);
    return null;
项目:javaOIDCMsg    文件   
public void shouldDecodeECDSA512DER() throws Exception {
    ECDSAAlgorithm algorithm512 = (ECDSAAlgorithm) Algorithm.ECDSA512((ECPublicKey) readPublicKeyFromFile(PUBLIC_KEY_FILE_512, "EC"), (ECPrivateKey) readPrivateKeyFromFile(PRIVATE_KEY_FILE_512, "EC"));

    //Without padding
    byte[] derSignature = createDERSignature(66, false, false);
    byte[] joseSignature = algorithm512.DERToJOSE(derSignature);
    assertValidJOSESignature(joseSignature, 66, false, false);

    //With R padding
    derSignature = createDERSignature(66, true, false);
    joseSignature = algorithm512.DERToJOSE(derSignature);
    assertValidJOSESignature(joseSignature, 66, true, false);

    //With S padding
    derSignature = createDERSignature(66, false, true);
    joseSignature = algorithm512.DERToJOSE(derSignature);
    assertValidJOSESignature(joseSignature, 66, false, true);

    //With both paddings
    derSignature = createDERSignature(66, true, true);
    joseSignature = algorithm512.DERToJOSE(derSignature);
    assertValidJOSESignature(joseSignature, 66, true, true);
项目:javaOIDCMsg    文件   
public void shouldDecodeECDSA512DER() throws Exception {
    ECDSAAlgorithm algorithm512 = (ECDSAAlgorithm) Algorithm.ECDSA512((ECPublicKey) readPublicKeyFromFile(PUBLIC_KEY_FILE_512, "EC"), (ECPrivateKey) readPrivateKeyFromFile(PRIVATE_KEY_FILE_512, "EC"));

    //Without padding
    byte[] derSignature = createDERSignature(66, false, false);
    byte[] joseSignature = algorithm512.DERToJOSE(derSignature);
    assertValidJOSESignature(joseSignature, 66, false, false);

    //With R padding
    derSignature = createDERSignature(66, true, false);
    joseSignature = algorithm512.DERToJOSE(derSignature);
    assertValidJOSESignature(joseSignature, 66, true, false);

    //With S padding
    derSignature = createDERSignature(66, false, true);
    joseSignature = algorithm512.DERToJOSE(derSignature);
    assertValidJOSESignature(joseSignature, 66, false, true);

    //With both paddings
    derSignature = createDERSignature(66, true, true);
    joseSignature = algorithm512.DERToJOSE(derSignature);
    assertValidJOSESignature(joseSignature, 66, true, true);
项目:javaOIDCMsg    文件   
public void shouldDecodeECDSA256JOSE() throws Exception {
    ECDSAAlgorithm algorithm256 = (ECDSAAlgorithm) Algorithm.ECDSA256((ECPublicKey) readPublicKeyFromFile(PUBLIC_KEY_FILE_256, "EC"), (ECPrivateKey) readPrivateKeyFromFile(PRIVATE_KEY_FILE_256, "EC"));

    //Without padding
    byte[] joseSignature = createJOSESignature(32, false, false);
    byte[] derSignature = algorithm256.JOSEToDER(joseSignature);
    assertValidDERSignature(derSignature, 32, false, false);

    //With R padding
    joseSignature = createJOSESignature(32, true, false);
    derSignature = algorithm256.JOSEToDER(joseSignature);
    assertValidDERSignature(derSignature, 32, true, false);

    //With S padding
    joseSignature = createJOSESignature(32, false, true);
    derSignature = algorithm256.JOSEToDER(joseSignature);
    assertValidDERSignature(derSignature, 32, false, true);

    //With both paddings
    joseSignature = createJOSESignature(32, true, true);
    derSignature = algorithm256.JOSEToDER(joseSignature);
    assertValidDERSignature(derSignature, 32, true, true);
项目:javaOIDCMsg    文件   
public void shouldFailJOSEToDERConversionOnInvalidJOSESignatureLength() throws Exception {
    exception.expectMessage("The Token's Signature resulted invalid when verified using the Algorithm: SHA256withECDSA");
    exception.expectCause(hasMessage(is("Invalid JOSE signature format.")));

    byte[] bytes = new byte[256];
    new SecureRandom().nextBytes(bytes);
    String signature = Base64.encodeBase64URLSafeString(bytes);
    String token = "eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJhdXRoMCJ9." + signature;

    ECPublicKey publicKey = (ECPublicKey) readPublicKeyFromFile(PUBLIC_KEY_FILE_256, "EC");
    ECPrivateKey privateKey = mock(ECPrivateKey.class);
    ECDSAKeyProvider provider = ECDSAAlgorithm.providerForKeys(publicKey, privateKey);
    Algorithm algorithm = new ECDSAAlgorithm("ES256", "SHA256withECDSA", 128, provider);
    JWT jwt = JWT.require(algorithm).withIssuer("auth0").build();
    DecodedJWT decoded = jwt.decode(token);
    algorithm.verify(decoded, EncodeType.Base64);
项目:javaOIDCMsg    文件   
public void shouldThrowOnVerifyWhenThePublicKeyIsInvalid() throws Exception {
    exception.expectMessage("The provided Algorithm doesn't match the one defined in the JWT's Header.");

    CryptoHelper crypto = mock(CryptoHelper.class);
    when(crypto.verifySignatureFor(anyString(), any(PublicKey.class), any(byte[].class), any(byte[].class)))

    ECPublicKey publicKey = mock(ECPublicKey.class);
    ECPrivateKey privateKey = mock(ECPrivateKey.class);
    ECDSAKeyProvider provider = ECDSAAlgorithm.providerForKeys(publicKey, privateKey);
    Algorithm algorithm = new ECDSAAlgorithm(crypto, "some-alg", "some-algorithm", 32, provider);
    String token = "eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJhdXRoMCJ9.4iVk3-Y0v4RT4_9IaQlp-8dZ_4fsTzIylgrPTDLrEvTHBTyVS3tgPbr2_IZfLETtiKRqCg0aQ5sh9eIsTTwB1g";
    JWT jwt = JWT.require(algorithm).withIssuer("auth0").build();
    DecodedJWT decoded = jwt.decode(token);
    algorithm.verify(decoded, EncodeType.Base64);
项目:javaOIDCMsg    文件   
public void shouldDoECDSA384SigningWithProvidedPrivateKey() throws Exception {
    ECDSAKeyProvider provider = mock(ECDSAKeyProvider.class);
    PrivateKey privateKey = readPrivateKeyFromFile(PRIVATE_KEY_FILE_384, "EC");
    PublicKey publicKey = readPublicKeyFromFile(PUBLIC_KEY_FILE_384, "EC");
    when(provider.getPrivateKey()).thenReturn((ECPrivateKey) privateKey);
    when(provider.getPublicKeyById(null)).thenReturn((ECPublicKey) publicKey);
    Algorithm algorithm = Algorithm.ECDSA384(provider);
    String jwtContent = String.format("%s.%s", ES384Header, auth0IssPayload);
    byte[] contentBytes = jwtContent.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
    byte[] signatureBytes = algorithm.sign(contentBytes);
    String jwtSignature = Base64.encodeBase64URLSafeString(signatureBytes);
    String token = String.format("%s.%s", jwtContent, jwtSignature);

    assertThat(signatureBytes, is(notNullValue()));
    JWT jwt = JWT.require(algorithm).withIssuer("auth0").build();
    DecodedJWT decoded = jwt.decode(token);
    algorithm.verify(decoded, EncodeType.Base64);
项目:javaOIDCMsg    文件   
public void shouldThrowOnSignWhenThePrivateKeyIsInvalid() throws Exception {
    exception.expectMessage("The Token's Signature couldn't be generated when signing using the Algorithm: some-algorithm");

    CryptoHelper crypto = mock(CryptoHelper.class);
    when(crypto.createSignatureFor(anyString(), any(PrivateKey.class), any(byte[].class)))

    ECPublicKey publicKey = mock(ECPublicKey.class);
    ECPrivateKey privateKey = mock(ECPrivateKey.class);
    ECDSAKeyProvider provider = ECDSAAlgorithm.providerForKeys(publicKey, privateKey);
    Algorithm algorithm = new ECDSAAlgorithm(crypto, "some-alg", "some-algorithm", 32, provider);
项目:javaOIDCMsg    文件   
public void shouldDecodeECDSA384DER() throws Exception {
    ECDSAAlgorithm algorithm384 = (ECDSAAlgorithm) Algorithm.ECDSA384((ECPublicKey) readPublicKeyFromFile(PUBLIC_KEY_FILE_384, "EC"), (ECPrivateKey) readPrivateKeyFromFile(PRIVATE_KEY_FILE_384, "EC"));

    //Without padding
    byte[] derSignature = createDERSignature(48, false, false);
    byte[] joseSignature = algorithm384.DERToJOSE(derSignature);
    assertValidJOSESignature(joseSignature, 48, false, false);

    //With R padding
    derSignature = createDERSignature(48, true, false);
    joseSignature = algorithm384.DERToJOSE(derSignature);
    assertValidJOSESignature(joseSignature, 48, true, false);

    //With S padding
    derSignature = createDERSignature(48, false, true);
    joseSignature = algorithm384.DERToJOSE(derSignature);
    assertValidJOSESignature(joseSignature, 48, false, true);

    //With both paddings
    derSignature = createDERSignature(48, true, true);
    joseSignature = algorithm384.DERToJOSE(derSignature);
    assertValidJOSESignature(joseSignature, 48, true, true);
项目:openjdk-jdk10    文件   
protected Key engineDoPhase(Key key, boolean lastPhase)
        throws InvalidKeyException, IllegalStateException {
    if (privateKey == null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Not initialized");
    if (publicValue != null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Phase already executed");
    if (lastPhase == false) {
        throw new IllegalStateException
            ("Only two party agreement supported, lastPhase must be true");
    if (key instanceof ECPublicKey == false) {
        throw new InvalidKeyException
            ("Key must be a PublicKey with algorithm EC");
    ECPublicKey ecKey = (ECPublicKey)key;
    int keyLenBits = ecKey.getParams().getCurve().getField().getFieldSize();
    secretLen = (keyLenBits + 7) >> 3;
    publicValue = P11ECKeyFactory.getEncodedPublicValue(ecKey);
    return null;
项目:javaOIDCMsg    文件   
public void shouldDecodeECDSA256DER() throws Exception {
    ECDSAAlgorithm algorithm256 = (ECDSAAlgorithm) Algorithm.ECDSA256((ECPublicKey) readPublicKeyFromFile(PUBLIC_KEY_FILE_256, "EC"), (ECPrivateKey) readPrivateKeyFromFile(PRIVATE_KEY_FILE_256, "EC"));

    //Without padding
    byte[] derSignature = createDERSignature(32, false, false);
    byte[] joseSignature = algorithm256.DERToJOSE(derSignature);
    assertValidJOSESignature(joseSignature, 32, false, false);

    //With R padding
    derSignature = createDERSignature(32, true, false);
    joseSignature = algorithm256.DERToJOSE(derSignature);
    assertValidJOSESignature(joseSignature, 32, true, false);

    //With S padding
    derSignature = createDERSignature(32, false, true);
    joseSignature = algorithm256.DERToJOSE(derSignature);
    assertValidJOSESignature(joseSignature, 32, false, true);

    //With both paddings
    derSignature = createDERSignature(32, true, true);
    joseSignature = algorithm256.DERToJOSE(derSignature);
    assertValidJOSESignature(joseSignature, 32, true, true);
项目:javaOIDCMsg    文件   
public void shouldSignAndVerifyWithECDSA384() throws Exception {
    ECDSAAlgorithm algorithm384 = (ECDSAAlgorithm) Algorithm.ECDSA384((ECPublicKey) readPublicKeyFromFile(PUBLIC_KEY_FILE_384, "EC"), (ECPrivateKey) readPrivateKeyFromFile(PRIVATE_KEY_FILE_384, "EC"));
    String content384 = "eyJhbGciOiJFUzM4NCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJhdXRoMCJ9";

    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        byte[] signature = algorithm384.sign(content384.getBytes());
        String signature384 = Base64.encodeBase64URLSafeString((signature));

        String token  = content384 + "." + signature384;
        JWT jwt = JWT.require(algorithm384).withIssuer("auth0").build();
        DecodedJWT decoded = jwt.decode(token);
        algorithm384.verify(decoded, EncodeType.Base64);
项目:javaOIDCMsg    文件   
public void shouldDecodeECDSA256DER() throws Exception {
    ECDSAAlgorithm algorithm256 = (ECDSAAlgorithm) Algorithm.ECDSA256((ECPublicKey) readPublicKeyFromFile(PUBLIC_KEY_FILE_256, "EC"), (ECPrivateKey) readPrivateKeyFromFile(PRIVATE_KEY_FILE_256, "EC"));

    //Without padding
    byte[] derSignature = createDERSignature(32, false, false);
    byte[] joseSignature = algorithm256.DERToJOSE(derSignature);
    assertValidJOSESignature(joseSignature, 32, false, false);

    //With R padding
    derSignature = createDERSignature(32, true, false);
    joseSignature = algorithm256.DERToJOSE(derSignature);
    assertValidJOSESignature(joseSignature, 32, true, false);

    //With S padding
    derSignature = createDERSignature(32, false, true);
    joseSignature = algorithm256.DERToJOSE(derSignature);
    assertValidJOSESignature(joseSignature, 32, false, true);

    //With both paddings
    derSignature = createDERSignature(32, true, true);
    joseSignature = algorithm256.DERToJOSE(derSignature);
    assertValidJOSESignature(joseSignature, 32, true, true);
项目:javaOIDCMsg    文件   
public void shouldDecodeECDSA384JOSE() throws Exception {
    ECDSAAlgorithm algorithm384 = (ECDSAAlgorithm) Algorithm.ECDSA384((ECPublicKey) readPublicKeyFromFile(PUBLIC_KEY_FILE_384, "EC"), (ECPrivateKey) readPrivateKeyFromFile(PRIVATE_KEY_FILE_384, "EC"));

    //Without padding
    byte[] joseSignature = createJOSESignature(48, false, false);
    byte[] derSignature = algorithm384.JOSEToDER(joseSignature);
    assertValidDERSignature(derSignature, 48, false, false);

    //With R padding
    joseSignature = createJOSESignature(48, true, false);
    derSignature = algorithm384.JOSEToDER(joseSignature);
    assertValidDERSignature(derSignature, 48, true, false);

    //With S padding
    joseSignature = createJOSESignature(48, false, true);
    derSignature = algorithm384.JOSEToDER(joseSignature);
    assertValidDERSignature(derSignature, 48, false, true);

    //With both paddings
    joseSignature = createJOSESignature(48, true, true);
    derSignature = algorithm384.JOSEToDER(joseSignature);
    assertValidDERSignature(derSignature, 48, true, true);
项目:javaOIDCMsg    文件   
public void shouldDecodeECDSA384DER() throws Exception {
    ECDSAAlgorithm algorithm384 = (ECDSAAlgorithm) Algorithm.ECDSA384((ECPublicKey) readPublicKeyFromFile(PUBLIC_KEY_FILE_384, "EC"), (ECPrivateKey) readPrivateKeyFromFile(PRIVATE_KEY_FILE_384, "EC"));

    //Without padding
    byte[] derSignature = createDERSignature(48, false, false);
    byte[] joseSignature = algorithm384.DERToJOSE(derSignature);
    assertValidJOSESignature(joseSignature, 48, false, false);

    //With R padding
    derSignature = createDERSignature(48, true, false);
    joseSignature = algorithm384.DERToJOSE(derSignature);
    assertValidJOSESignature(joseSignature, 48, true, false);

    //With S padding
    derSignature = createDERSignature(48, false, true);
    joseSignature = algorithm384.DERToJOSE(derSignature);
    assertValidJOSESignature(joseSignature, 48, false, true);

    //With both paddings
    derSignature = createDERSignature(48, true, true);
    joseSignature = algorithm384.DERToJOSE(derSignature);
    assertValidJOSESignature(joseSignature, 48, true, true);
项目:GitHub    文件   
public void recoverKeyPair_Ec() throws Exception {
    KeyPair kp = PubkeyUtils.recoverKeyPair(EC_KEY_PKCS8);

    ECPublicKey pubKey = (ECPublicKey) kp.getPublic();

    assertEquals(EC_KEY_pub_x, pubKey.getW().getAffineX());
    assertEquals(EC_KEY_pub_y, pubKey.getW().getAffineY());
项目:toshi-headless-client    文件   
private static ECPoint extractPublicKey(final ECPublicKey ecPublicKey) {
    final publicPointW = ecPublicKey.getW();
    final BigInteger xCoord = publicPointW.getAffineX();
    final BigInteger yCoord = publicPointW.getAffineY();

    return CURVE.getCurve().createPoint(xCoord, yCoord);
项目:javaOIDCMsg    文件   
public void shouldPassECDSA512VerificationWithJOSESignatureWithBothKeys() throws Exception {
    String token  = "eyJhbGciOiJFUzUxMiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJhdXRoMCJ9.AeCJPDIsSHhwRSGZCY6rspi8zekOw0K9qYMNridP1Fu9uhrA1QrG-EUxXlE06yvmh2R7Rz0aE7kxBwrnq8L8aOBCAYAsqhzPeUvyp8fXjjgs0Eto5I0mndE2QHlgcMSFASyjHbU8wD2Rq7ZNzGQ5b2MZfpv030WGUajT-aZYWFUJHVg2";
    Algorithm algorithm = Algorithm.ECDSA512((ECPublicKey) readPublicKeyFromFile(PUBLIC_KEY_FILE_512, "EC"), (ECPrivateKey) readPrivateKeyFromFile(PRIVATE_KEY_FILE_512, "EC"));
    JWT jwt = JWT.require(algorithm).withIssuer("auth0").build();
    DecodedJWT decoded = jwt.decode(token);
    algorithm.verify(decoded, EncodeType.Base64);
项目:ipack    文件   
public BCDSTU4145PublicKey(
    ECPublicKey key)
    this.algorithm = key.getAlgorithm();
    this.ecSpec = key.getParams();
    this.q = EC5Util.convertPoint(this.ecSpec, key.getW(), false);
项目:ipack    文件   
public BCECPublicKey(
    ECPublicKey key,
    ProviderConfiguration configuration)
    this.algorithm = key.getAlgorithm();
    this.ecSpec = key.getParams();
    this.q = EC5Util.convertPoint(this.ecSpec, key.getW(), false);
项目:talchain    文件   
private static ECPoint extractPublicKey(final ECPublicKey ecPublicKey) {
  final publicPointW = ecPublicKey.getW();
  final BigInteger xCoord = publicPointW.getAffineX();
  final BigInteger yCoord = publicPointW.getAffineY();

  return CURVE.getCurve().createPoint(xCoord, yCoord);