private static void drawShapes(GraphicsContext gc) { gc.setFill(Color.GREEN); gc.setStroke(Color.BLUE); gc.setLineWidth(5); gc.strokeLine(40, 10, 10, 40); gc.fillOval(10, 60, 30, 30); gc.strokeOval(60, 60, 30, 30); gc.fillRoundRect(110, 60, 30, 30, 10, 10); gc.strokeRoundRect(160, 60, 30, 30, 10, 10); gc.fillArc(10, 110, 30, 30, 45, 240, ArcType.OPEN); gc.fillArc(60, 110, 30, 30, 45, 240, ArcType.CHORD); gc.fillArc(110, 110, 30, 30, 45, 240, ArcType.ROUND); gc.strokeArc(10, 160, 30, 30, 45, 240, ArcType.OPEN); gc.strokeArc(60, 160, 30, 30, 45, 240, ArcType.CHORD); gc.strokeArc(110, 160, 30, 30, 45, 240, ArcType.ROUND); gc.fillPolygon(new double[]{10, 40, 10, 40}, new double[]{210, 210, 240, 240}, 4); gc.strokePolygon(new double[]{60, 90, 60, 90}, new double[]{210, 210, 240, 240}, 4); gc.strokePolyline(new double[]{110, 140, 110, 140}, new double[]{210, 210, 240, 240}, 4); }
private void drawGradientBar() { double xy = TickLabelLocation.OUTSIDE == tickLabelLocation ? 0.115 * size : 0.0515 * size; double wh = TickLabelLocation.OUTSIDE == tickLabelLocation ? size * 0.77 : size * 0.897; double offset = 90 - startAngle; List<Stop> stops = getSkinnable().getGradientBarStops(); Map<Double, Color> stopAngleMap = new HashMap<>(stops.size()); for (Stop stop : stops) { stopAngleMap.put(stop.getOffset() * angleRange, stop.getColor()); } double offsetFactor = ScaleDirection.CLOCKWISE == scaleDirection ? (startAngle - 90) : (startAngle + 180); AngleConicalGradient gradient = new AngleConicalGradient(size * 0.5, size * 0.5, offsetFactor, stopAngleMap, getSkinnable().getScaleDirection()); double barStartAngle = ScaleDirection.CLOCKWISE == scaleDirection ? -minValue * angleStep : minValue * angleStep; double barAngleExtend = ScaleDirection.CLOCKWISE == scaleDirection ? getSkinnable().getRange() * angleStep : -getSkinnable().getRange() * angleStep;; tickMarkCtx.setStroke(gradient.getImagePattern(new Rectangle(xy - 0.026 * size, xy - 0.026 * size, wh + 0.052 * size, wh + 0.052 * size))); tickMarkCtx.setLineWidth(size * 0.052); tickMarkCtx.setLineCap(StrokeLineCap.BUTT); tickMarkCtx.strokeArc(xy, xy, wh, wh, -(offset + barStartAngle), -barAngleExtend, ArcType.OPEN); tickMarkCtx.restore(); }
@Override public Node drawNode() { Pane slot = new Pane(); final Canvas canvas = new Canvas(120, 120); GraphicsContext gc = canvas.getGraphicsContext2D(); effect.setEffect(gc, slot); gc.setLineCap(StrokeLineCap.ROUND); gc.fillArc(DEFAULT_ARC_X /2 , DEFAULT_ARC_Y /2 , 2*DEFAULT_ARC_RADIUS_X, 2*DEFAULT_ARC_RADIUS_X, DEFAULT_ARC_START_ANGLE, DEFAULT_ARC_LENGTH,ArcType.CHORD); gc.stroke(); return slot; }
@Override public Node drawNode() { Pane slot = new Pane(); final Canvas canvas = new Canvas(120, 120); GraphicsContext gc = canvas.getGraphicsContext2D(); effect.setEffect(gc, slot); gc.setLineCap(StrokeLineCap.ROUND); gc.fillArc(DEFAULT_ARC_X /2 , DEFAULT_ARC_Y /2, 2*DEFAULT_ARC_RADIUS_X, 2*DEFAULT_ARC_RADIUS_X, DEFAULT_ARC_START_ANGLE, DEFAULT_ARC_LENGTH, ArcType.ROUND); gc.stroke(); return slot; }
@Override public Node drawNode() { Pane slot = new Pane(); final Canvas canvas = new Canvas(120, 120); GraphicsContext gc = canvas.getGraphicsContext2D(); effect.setEffect(gc, slot); gc.setLineCap(StrokeLineCap.ROUND); gc.fillArc(DEFAULT_ARC_X /2 , DEFAULT_ARC_Y /2, 2*DEFAULT_ARC_RADIUS_X, 2*DEFAULT_ARC_RADIUS_X, DEFAULT_ARC_START_ANGLE, DEFAULT_ARC_LENGTH, ArcType.ROUND); gc.arc(DEFAULT_ARC_X , DEFAULT_ARC_Y , DEFAULT_ARC_RADIUS_X, DEFAULT_ARC_RADIUS_X, DEFAULT_ARC_START_ANGLE, DEFAULT_ARC_LENGTH); gc.stroke(); return slot; }
@Override public Node drawNode() { group = new Group(); final Canvas canvas = new Canvas(70, 70); GraphicsContext gc = canvas.getGraphicsContext2D(); gc.stroke(); gc.setFill(Color.rgb(0, 50, 255)); gc.fillRect(10, 10, 35, 35); gc.setGlobalBlendMode(operation); gc.setFill(Color.rgb(255, 150, 0, 1)); gc.stroke(); gc.fillArc(20d, 20d, 45d, 45d, 20d, 360d, ArcType.ROUND); group.getChildren().add(canvas); return group; }
@Override public Node drawNode() { group = new Group(); final Canvas canvas = new Canvas(90, 90); GraphicsContext gc = canvas.getGraphicsContext2D(); group.getChildren().add(canvas); gc.stroke(); double angle = 0; for (final Color color : new Color[] {Color.RED, Color.GREEN, Color.BLUE}) { gc.setFill(color); double d1 = 120d*angle++; gc.fillArc(0d, 0d, 75d, 75d, d1, 120, ArcType.ROUND); } gc.applyEffect(namedeffect.effect); return group; }
@Override public void paint(GraphicsContext graphics, CircuitState circuitState) { super.paint(graphics, circuitState); int x = getScreenX(); int y = getScreenY(); int width = 4 * GuiUtils.BLOCK_SIZE; int height = 4 * GuiUtils.BLOCK_SIZE; graphics.beginPath(); graphics.moveTo(x + width * 0.1, y + height); graphics.arc(x + width * 0.1, y + height * 0.5, width * 0.25, height * 0.5, 270, 180); graphics.arcTo(x + width * 0.66, y, x + width * 1.25, y + height, width); graphics.arcTo(x + width * 0.66, y + height, x + width * 0.1, y + height, width); graphics.closePath(); graphics.setFill(Color.WHITE); graphics.setStroke(Color.BLACK); graphics.fill(); graphics.stroke(); graphics.strokeArc(x - width * 0.3, y, width * 0.5, height, 270, 180, ArcType.OPEN); }
@Override public void paint(GraphicsContext graphics, CircuitState circuitState) { super.paint(graphics, circuitState); int x = getScreenX(); int y = getScreenY(); int width = 4 * GuiUtils.BLOCK_SIZE; int height = 4 * GuiUtils.BLOCK_SIZE; graphics.beginPath(); graphics.moveTo(x + width * 0.1, y + height); graphics.arc(x + width * 0.1, y + height * 0.5, width * 0.25, height * 0.5, 270, 180); graphics.arcTo(x + width * 0.66, y, x + width, y + height * 1.3, width * 0.7); graphics.arcTo(x + width * 0.66, y + height, x + width * 0.1, y + height, width * 0.7); graphics.closePath(); graphics.setFill(Color.WHITE); graphics.setStroke(Color.BLACK); graphics.fill(); graphics.stroke(); graphics.strokeArc(x - width * 0.3, y, width * 0.5, height, 270, 180, ArcType.OPEN); graphics.fillOval(x + width * 0.8, y + height * 0.5 - width * 0.1, width * 0.2, width * 0.2); graphics.strokeOval(x + width * 0.8, y + height * 0.5 - width * 0.1, width * 0.2, width * 0.2); }
private void drawGradientBar() { double scaledWidth = width * 0.9; double xy = TickLabelLocation.OUTSIDE == tickLabelLocation ? 0.1705 * scaledWidth : 0.107 * scaledWidth; double wh = TickLabelLocation.OUTSIDE == tickLabelLocation ? scaledWidth * 0.77 : scaledWidth * 0.897; double offsetY = -0.1 * height; double offset = 90 - startAngle; List<Stop> stops = gauge.getGradientBarStops(); Map<Double, Color> stopAngleMap = new HashMap<>(stops.size()); for (Stop stop : stops) { stopAngleMap.put(stop.getOffset() * angleRange, stop.getColor()); } double offsetFactor = ScaleDirection.CLOCKWISE == scaleDirection ? startAngle - angleRange + 180 : (startAngle + 180); AngleConicalGradient gradient = new AngleConicalGradient(width * 0.5, width * 0.5, offsetFactor, stopAngleMap, gauge.getScaleDirection()); double barStartAngle = ScaleDirection.CLOCKWISE == scaleDirection ? -minValue * angleStep : minValue * angleStep; double barAngleExtend = ScaleDirection.CLOCKWISE == scaleDirection ? gauge.getRange() * angleStep : -gauge.getRange() * angleStep;; tickMarkCtx.setStroke(gradient.getImagePattern(new Rectangle(xy - 0.026 * width, xy - 0.026 * width + offsetY, wh + 0.052 * width, wh + 0.052 * width))); tickMarkCtx.setLineWidth(scaledWidth * 0.052); tickMarkCtx.setLineCap(StrokeLineCap.BUTT); tickMarkCtx.strokeArc(xy, xy + offsetY, wh, wh, -(offset + barStartAngle), -barAngleExtend, ArcType.OPEN); tickMarkCtx.restore(); }
private void drawHours(final ZonedDateTime TIME) { int hourCounter = 1; int hour = TIME.getHour(); double strokeWidth = size * 0.06; hoursCtx.setLineCap(StrokeLineCap.BUTT); hoursCtx.clearRect(0, 0, size, size); for (int i = 450 ; i >= 90 ; i--) {; if (i % 30 == 0) { //draw hours hoursCtx.setStroke(hourColor); hoursCtx.setLineWidth(strokeWidth); if (hour == 0 || hour == 12) { hoursCtx.strokeArc(strokeWidth * 0.5, strokeWidth * 0.5, size - strokeWidth, size - strokeWidth, i + 1 - 30, 28, ArcType.OPEN); } else if (hourCounter <= (TIME.get(ChronoField.AMPM_OF_DAY) == 1 ? hour - 12 : hour)) { hoursCtx.strokeArc(strokeWidth * 0.5, strokeWidth * 0.5, size - strokeWidth, size - strokeWidth, i + 1 - 30, 28, ArcType.OPEN); hourCounter++; } } hoursCtx.restore(); } }
private void drawMinutes(final ZonedDateTime TIME) { int minCounter = 1; double strokeWidth = size * 0.06; minutesCtx.clearRect(0, 0, size, size); minutesCtx.setLineCap(StrokeLineCap.BUTT); for (int i = 450 ; i >= 90 ; i--) {; if (i % 6 == 0) { // draw minutes if (minCounter <= TIME.getMinute()) { minutesCtx.setStroke(minCounter % 5 == 0 ? fiveMinuteColor : minuteColor); minutesCtx.setLineWidth(strokeWidth); minutesCtx.strokeArc(strokeWidth * 0.5 + strokeWidth * 1.1, strokeWidth * 0.5 + strokeWidth * 1.1, size - strokeWidth - strokeWidth * 2.2, size - strokeWidth - strokeWidth * 2.2, i + 1 - 6, 4, ArcType.OPEN); minCounter++; } } minutesCtx.restore(); } }
private void drawSeconds(final ZonedDateTime TIME) { int secCounter = 1; double strokeWidth = size * 0.06; secondsCtx.setLineCap(StrokeLineCap.BUTT); secondsCtx.clearRect(0, 0, size, size); for (int i = 450 ; i >= 90 ; i--) {; if (i % 6 == 0) { // draw seconds if (secCounter <= TIME.getSecond() + 1) { secondsCtx.setStroke(secondColor); secondsCtx.setLineWidth(strokeWidth * 0.25); secondsCtx.strokeArc(strokeWidth * 0.5 + strokeWidth * 1.8, strokeWidth * 0.5 + strokeWidth * 1.8, size - strokeWidth - strokeWidth * 3.6, size - strokeWidth - strokeWidth * 3.6, i + 1 - 6, 4, ArcType.OPEN); secCounter++; } } secondsCtx.restore(); } }
private void drawGradientBar() { Pos knobPosition = gauge.getKnobPosition(); TickLabelLocation tickLabelLocation = gauge.getTickLabelLocation(); double scaledSize = size * 1.9; double xy = TickLabelLocation.OUTSIDE == tickLabelLocation ? 0.105 * scaledSize : 0.03875 * scaledSize; double wh = TickLabelLocation.OUTSIDE == tickLabelLocation ? scaledSize * 0.79 : scaledSize * 0.925; double offsetX = Pos.TOP_LEFT == knobPosition || Pos.BOTTOM_LEFT == knobPosition ? -scaledSize * 0.475 : 0; double offsetY = Pos.TOP_LEFT == knobPosition || Pos.TOP_RIGHT == knobPosition ? -scaledSize * 0.475 : 0; double offset = 90 - startAngle; ScaleDirection scaleDirection = gauge.getScaleDirection(); List<Stop> stops = gauge.getGradientBarStops(); Map<Double, Color> stopAngleMap = new HashMap<>(stops.size()); for (Stop stop : stops) { stopAngleMap.put(stop.getOffset() * ANGLE_RANGE, stop.getColor()); } double offsetFactor = ScaleDirection.CLOCKWISE == scaleDirection ? (Pos.TOP_LEFT == knobPosition || Pos.BOTTOM_RIGHT == knobPosition ? startAngle : 180 - startAngle) : (startAngle + 180); AngleConicalGradient gradient = new AngleConicalGradient(scaledSize * 0.5, scaledSize * 0.5, offsetFactor, stopAngleMap, gauge.getScaleDirection()); double barStartAngle = ScaleDirection.CLOCKWISE == scaleDirection ? -minValue * angleStep : minValue * angleStep; double barAngleExtend = ScaleDirection.CLOCKWISE == scaleDirection ? gauge.getRange() * angleStep : -gauge.getRange() * angleStep;; tickMarkCtx.setStroke(gradient.getImagePattern(new Rectangle(xy - 0.026 * scaledSize + offsetX, xy - 0.026 * scaledSize + offsetY, wh + 0.052 * scaledSize, wh + 0.052 * scaledSize))); tickMarkCtx.setLineWidth(scaledSize * 0.052); tickMarkCtx.setLineCap(StrokeLineCap.BUTT); tickMarkCtx.strokeArc(xy + offsetX, xy + offsetY, wh, wh, -(offset + barStartAngle), -barAngleExtend, ArcType.OPEN); tickMarkCtx.restore(); }
private void drawGradientBar() { TickLabelLocation tickLabelLocation = gauge.getTickLabelLocation(); double scaledHeight = height * 0.9; double xy = TickLabelLocation.OUTSIDE == tickLabelLocation ? 0.1705 * scaledHeight : 0.107 * scaledHeight; double wh = TickLabelLocation.OUTSIDE == tickLabelLocation ? scaledHeight * 0.77 : scaledHeight * 0.897; double offset = 90 - startAngle; double offsetX = -0.1 * width; double knobPositionOffsetCW = Pos.CENTER_LEFT == gauge.getKnobPosition() ? 90 : 270; double knobPositionOffsetCCW = Pos.CENTER_LEFT == gauge.getKnobPosition() ? 180 : 0; ScaleDirection scaleDirection = gauge.getScaleDirection(); List<Stop> stops = gauge.getGradientBarStops(); Map<Double, Color> stopAngleMap = new HashMap<>(stops.size()); for (Stop stop : stops) { stopAngleMap.put(stop.getOffset() * angleRange, stop.getColor()); } double offsetFactor = ScaleDirection.CLOCKWISE == scaleDirection ? knobPositionOffsetCW - angleRange * 0.5 : angleRange - (angleRange / 180 * angleRange) + knobPositionOffsetCCW; AngleConicalGradient gradient = new AngleConicalGradient(width * 0.5, width * 0.5, offsetFactor, stopAngleMap, gauge.getScaleDirection()); double barStartAngle = ScaleDirection.CLOCKWISE == scaleDirection ? -minValue * angleStep : minValue * angleStep; double barAngleExtend = ScaleDirection.CLOCKWISE == scaleDirection ? gauge.getRange() * angleStep : -gauge.getRange() * angleStep;; tickMarkCtx.setStroke(gradient.getImagePattern(new Rectangle(xy - 0.026 * height + offsetX, xy - 0.026 * height, wh + 0.052 * height, wh + 0.052 * height))); tickMarkCtx.setLineWidth(scaledHeight * 0.052); tickMarkCtx.setLineCap(StrokeLineCap.BUTT); tickMarkCtx.strokeArc(xy + offsetX, xy, wh, wh, -(offset + barStartAngle), -barAngleExtend, ArcType.OPEN); tickMarkCtx.restore(); }
private void drawGradientBar() { double xy = TickLabelLocation.OUTSIDE == tickLabelLocation ? 0.115 * size : 0.0515 * size; double wh = TickLabelLocation.OUTSIDE == tickLabelLocation ? size * 0.77 : size * 0.897; double offset = 90 - startAngle; List<Stop> stops = gauge.getGradientBarStops(); Map<Double, Color> stopAngleMap = new HashMap<>(stops.size()); for (Stop stop : stops) { stopAngleMap.put(stop.getOffset() * angleRange, stop.getColor()); } double offsetFactor = ScaleDirection.CLOCKWISE == scaleDirection ? (startAngle - 90) : (startAngle + 180); AngleConicalGradient gradient = new AngleConicalGradient(size * 0.5, size * 0.5, offsetFactor, stopAngleMap, gauge.getScaleDirection()); double barStartAngle = ScaleDirection.CLOCKWISE == scaleDirection ? -minValue * angleStep : minValue * angleStep; double barAngleExtend = ScaleDirection.CLOCKWISE == scaleDirection ? gauge.getRange() * angleStep : -gauge.getRange() * angleStep;; tickMarkCtx.setStroke(gradient.getImagePattern(new Rectangle(xy - 0.026 * size, xy - 0.026 * size, wh + 0.052 * size, wh + 0.052 * size))); tickMarkCtx.setLineWidth(size * 0.052); tickMarkCtx.setLineCap(StrokeLineCap.BUTT); tickMarkCtx.strokeArc(xy, xy, wh, wh, -(offset + barStartAngle), -barAngleExtend, ArcType.OPEN); tickMarkCtx.restore(); }
private void drawGradientBar() { double xy = size * 0.1875; double wh = size * 0.625; double offset = -ANGLE_RANGE * 0.5 - 90; double startAngle = 315; List<Stop> stops = gauge.getGradientBarStops(); Map<Double, Color> stopAngleMap = new HashMap<>(stops.size()); for (Stop stop : stops) { stopAngleMap.put(stop.getOffset() * ANGLE_RANGE, stop.getColor()); } double offsetFactor = startAngle - 90; AngleConicalGradient gradient = new AngleConicalGradient(size * 0.5, size * 0.5, offsetFactor, stopAngleMap, ScaleDirection.CLOCKWISE); double barStartAngle = 0; double barAngleExtend = 270;; sectionCtx.setStroke(gradient.getImagePattern(new Rectangle(xy - 0.09191176 * size, xy - 0.09191176 * size, wh + 0.18382353 * size, wh + 0.18382353 * size))); sectionCtx.setLineWidth(size * 0.18382353); sectionCtx.setLineCap(StrokeLineCap.BUTT); sectionCtx.strokeArc(xy, xy, wh, wh, -(offset + barStartAngle), -barAngleExtend, ArcType.OPEN); sectionCtx.restore(); }
private void drawSections() { if (sections.isEmpty()) return; sectionLayer.getChildren().clear(); double centerX = width * 0.5; double centerY = height * 0.85; double barRadius = height * 0.54210526; double barWidth = width * 0.28472222; List<Arc> sectionBars = new ArrayList<>(sections.size()); for (Section section : sections) { Arc sectionBar = new Arc(centerX, centerY, barRadius, barRadius, angleRange * 0.5 + 90 - (section.getStart() * angleStep), -((section.getStop() - section.getStart()) - minValue) * angleStep); sectionBar.setType(ArcType.OPEN); sectionBar.setStroke(section.getColor()); sectionBar.setStrokeWidth(barWidth); sectionBar.setStrokeLineCap(StrokeLineCap.BUTT); sectionBar.setFill(null); Tooltip sectionTooltip = new Tooltip(new StringBuilder(section.getText()).append("\n").append(String.format(Locale.US, "%.2f", section.getStart())).append(" - ").append(String.format(Locale.US, "%.2f", section.getStop())).toString()); sectionTooltip.setTextAlignment(TextAlignment.CENTER); Tooltip.install(sectionBar, sectionTooltip); sectionBars.add(sectionBar); } sectionLayer.getChildren().addAll(sectionBars); }
private final void drawMeasuredRange() { final double MIN_VALUE = getSkinnable().getMinValue(); final double OFFSET = getSkinnable().getStartAngle() - 90; final double START_ANGLE = (getSkinnable().getMinMeasuredValue() - MIN_VALUE) * angleStep; final double ANGLE_EXTEND = (getSkinnable().getMaxMeasuredValue() - getSkinnable().getMinMeasuredValue()) * angleStep; final double RANGE_OFFSET = size * 0.015; final double RANGE_SIZE = size - (size * 0.03);; measuredRangeCtx.clearRect(0, 0, size, size); measuredRangeCtx.setFill(getSkinnable().getRangeFill()); measuredRangeCtx.fillArc(RANGE_OFFSET, RANGE_OFFSET, RANGE_SIZE, RANGE_SIZE, (OFFSET - START_ANGLE), -ANGLE_EXTEND, ArcType.ROUND); measuredRangeCtx.setStroke(Color.WHITE); measuredRangeCtx.setLineWidth(size * 0.032); measuredRangeCtx.strokeArc(RANGE_OFFSET, RANGE_OFFSET, RANGE_SIZE, RANGE_SIZE, (OFFSET - START_ANGLE), -ANGLE_EXTEND, ArcType.ROUND); measuredRangeCtx.restore(); }
@SuppressWarnings("unused") private void onChange(SetChangeListener.Change<? extends String> change) { slices.getChildren().clear(); if (styles.isEmpty()) { return; } int start = 0; int delta = FULLCIRCLE / styles.size(); for (String style : styles) { Arc arc = new Arc(0, 0, radius, radius, start, delta); arc.setType(ArcType.ROUND); arc.getStyleClass().add(style); slices.getChildren().add(arc); start += delta; } }
private void drawShapes(GraphicsContext gc) { gc.setFill(Color.GREEN); gc.setStroke(Color.BLUE); gc.setLineWidth(5); gc.strokeLine(40, 10, 10, 40); gc.fillOval(10, 60, 30, 30); gc.strokeOval(60, 60, 30, 30); gc.fillRoundRect(110, 60, 30, 30, 10, 10); gc.strokeRoundRect(160, 60, 30, 30, 10, 10); gc.fillArc(10, 110, 30, 30, 45, 240, ArcType.OPEN); gc.fillArc(60, 110, 30, 30, 45, 240, ArcType.CHORD); gc.fillArc(110, 110, 30, 30, 45, 240, ArcType.ROUND); gc.strokeArc(10, 160, 30, 30, 45, 240, ArcType.OPEN); gc.strokeArc(60, 160, 30, 30, 45, 240, ArcType.CHORD); gc.strokeArc(110, 160, 30, 30, 45, 240, ArcType.ROUND); gc.fillPolygon(new double[]{10, 40, 10, 40}, new double[]{210, 210, 240, 240}, 4); gc.strokePolygon(new double[]{60, 90, 60, 90}, new double[]{210, 210, 240, 240}, 4); gc.strokePolyline(new double[]{110, 140, 110, 140}, new double[]{210, 210, 240, 240}, 4); }
@Override public void render(GraphicsContext gc) { super.render(gc); double detailLevel = getWidth() / 10; if(isPowered())gc.setStroke(team.getTeamColor()); else gc.setStroke(team.getTeamColor().grayscale()); gc.strokeRect(getXViewport() + detailLevel, getYViewport() + detailLevel, getWidth() - (detailLevel * 2), getHeight() - (detailLevel * 2)); if(isPowered() && getRobot().getTorqueUtilization() > 1) gc.setStroke(team.getTeamColor().grayscale()); gc.strokeOval(getXViewport() + (3 * detailLevel), getYViewport() + (3 * detailLevel), getWidth() - (detailLevel * 6), getHeight() - (detailLevel * 6)); gc.setStroke(team.getTeamAlternate1Color()); gc.strokeArc(getXViewport()+(3*detailLevel),getYViewport()+(3*detailLevel),getWidth() - (detailLevel * 6),getHeight() - (detailLevel * 6),motorTick, 90, ArcType.OPEN); }
/** Add four arcs to a pane and place them in a stack pane */ private void getBlades() { double angle = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { arc = new Arc(); arc.centerXProperty().bind(widthProperty().divide(2)); arc.centerYProperty().bind(heightProperty().divide(2)); arc.radiusXProperty().bind(circle.radiusProperty().multiply(.90)); arc.radiusYProperty().bind(circle.radiusProperty().multiply(.90)); arc.setStartAngle(angle + 90); arc.setLength(50); arc.setFill(Color.BLACK); arc.setType(ArcType.ROUND); paneForBlades.getChildren().add(arc); angle += 90; } }
private void initItems() { Arc arc = new Arc(); arc.setRadiusX(5.0f); arc.setRadiusY(5.0f); arc.setStartAngle(45.0f); arc.setLength(270.0f); arc.setVisible(false); arc.setId("Cup"); arc.setType(ArcType.ROUND); List<Node> itemsList = new ArrayList<Node>(); itemsList.add(arc); List<GameObject> objectsList = new ArrayList<GameObject>(); GameObject item = new Cup(); item.setNode(arc); item.setPosition(new Point2D(200, 200)); objectsList.add(item); getGameObjectManager().addObjects(objectsList); root.getChildren().addAll(itemsList); }
private void drawGraphics() { graphics.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.getWidth(), canvas.getHeight()); graphics.drawImage(image, 0, 0); if (annotations.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < annotations.size(); i++) { Annotation annotationFX = annotations.get(i); double x = annotationFX.getX(); double y = annotationFX.getY(); graphics.setFill(ANNOTATION_COLOR); graphics.fillRect(x, y, annotationFX.getWidth(), annotationFX.getHeight()); graphics.setFill(Color.RED); graphics.fillArc(x - 25, y - 25, 50, 50, 270, 90, ArcType.ROUND); graphics.setFill(Color.WHITE); graphics.setFont(Font.font(null, FontWeight.EXTRA_BOLD, 14)); if (i > 8) { graphics.fillText(Integer.toString(i + 1), x + 5, y + 15); } else { graphics.fillText(Integer.toString(i + 1), x + 5, y + 15); } } } }
private ArcNode(Arc arc) { super(arc); this.arc = arc; arc.setType(ArcType.ROUND); centerX = PropertyTimelineHolder.empty(); centerY = PropertyTimelineHolder.empty(); radiusX = PropertyTimelineHolder.empty(); radiusY = PropertyTimelineHolder.empty(); startAngle = PropertyTimelineHolder.empty(); length = PropertyTimelineHolder.empty(); type = PropertyTimelineHolder.empty(); }
private ArcType intToArcType(int t) { if (t == Arc2D.CHORD) { return ArcType.CHORD; } else if (t == Arc2D.OPEN) { return ArcType.OPEN; } else if (t == Arc2D.PIE) { return ArcType.ROUND; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognised t: " + t); }
private void drawHighLightSections(final double VALUE) { highlightSectionCtx.setLineCap(StrokeLineCap.BUTT); highlightSectionCtx.clearRect(0, 0, width, height); if (tile.getSectionsVisible() && !sections.isEmpty()) { double x = (width - size * 0.7) * 0.5; double y = (height - size * 0.7) * 0.5; double wh = size * 0.7; double minValue = tile.getMinValue(); double maxValue = tile.getMaxValue(); double angleStep = tile.getAngleStep(); highlightSectionCtx.setLineWidth(size * 0.01); highlightSectionCtx.setLineCap(StrokeLineCap.BUTT); for (int i = 0; i < sections.size(); i++) { Section section = sections.get(i); double sectionStartAngle; if (, maxValue) <= 0 &&, minValue) >= 0) { if (, minValue) < 0 &&, maxValue) < 0) { sectionStartAngle = 15; } else { sectionStartAngle = (section.getStart() - minValue) * angleStep + 15; } double sectionAngleExtend; if (, maxValue) > 0) { sectionAngleExtend = (maxValue - section.getStart()) * angleStep; } else if (, minValue) < 0) { sectionAngleExtend = (section.getStop() - minValue) * tile.getAngleStep(); } else { sectionAngleExtend = (section.getStop() - section.getStart()) * angleStep; }; highlightSectionCtx.setStroke(section.contains(VALUE) ? section.getColor() : section.getColor().darker().darker()); highlightSectionCtx.strokeArc(x, y, wh, wh, -(120 + sectionStartAngle), -sectionAngleExtend, ArcType.OPEN); highlightSectionCtx.restore(); } } } }
private void draw() { Canvas canvas = new Canvas(radar.getWidth() + 2, radar.getHeight() + 2); // +2 to avoid stroke cutoff GraphicsContext graphicsContext = canvas.getGraphicsContext2D(); graphicsContext.setFill(Color.web("#546E7A", 0.3)); graphicsContext.setStroke(Color.web("#455A64", 0.3)); graphicsContext.setLineWidth(1); graphicsContext.fillOval(1, 1, radar.getWidth(), radar.getHeight()); // Draw at (1, 1) to avoid stroke cutoff graphicsContext.strokeOval(1, 1, radar.getWidth(), radar.getHeight()); graphicsContext.strokeArc(1, 1, radar.getWidth(), radar.getHeight(), radar.getScanAngle(), 360 - radar.getScanAngle(), ArcType.ROUND); getChildren().clear(); getChildren().add(canvas); }
private void initGraphics() { sectionCanvas = new Canvas(PREFERRED_WIDTH, PREFERRED_HEIGHT); sectionCtx = sectionCanvas.getGraphicsContext2D(); barBackground = new Arc(PREFERRED_WIDTH * 0.5, PREFERRED_HEIGHT * 0.5, PREFERRED_WIDTH * 0.4, PREFERRED_HEIGHT * 0.4, model.getStartAngle() + 150, 300); barBackground.setType(ArcType.OPEN); barBackground.setStroke(model.getBarBackgroundColor()); barBackground.setStrokeWidth(PREFERRED_WIDTH * 0.125); barBackground.setStrokeLineCap(StrokeLineCap.BUTT); barBackground.setFill(null); bar = new Arc(PREFERRED_WIDTH * 0.5, PREFERRED_HEIGHT * 0.5, PREFERRED_WIDTH * 0.4, PREFERRED_HEIGHT * 0.4, model.getStartAngle() + 90, 0); bar.setType(ArcType.OPEN); bar.setStroke(model.getBarColor()); bar.setStrokeWidth(PREFERRED_WIDTH * 0.125); bar.setStrokeLineCap(StrokeLineCap.BUTT); bar.setFill(null); titleText = new Text(model.getTitle()); titleText.setFill(model.getTitleColor()); Helper.enableNode(titleText, !model.getTitle().isEmpty()); valueText = new Text(); valueText.setStroke(null); valueText.setFill(model.getValueColor()); Helper.enableNode(valueText, model.isValueVisible()); unitText = new Text(); unitText.setStroke(null); unitText.setFill(model.getUnitColor()); Helper.enableNode(unitText, model.isValueVisible() && !model.getUnit().isEmpty()); pane = new Pane(barBackground, sectionCanvas, titleText, valueText, unitText, bar); pane.setBackground(new Background(new BackgroundFill(backgroundPaint, new CornerRadii(1024), Insets.EMPTY))); pane.setBorder(new Border(new BorderStroke(borderPaint, BorderStrokeStyle.SOLID, new CornerRadii(1024), new BorderWidths(borderWidth)))); getChildren().setAll(pane); }
private void drawBar(final GraphicsContext CTX, final double VALUE) { CTX.clearRect(0, 0, size, size); double barXY = size * 0.04; double barWH = size * 0.92; double barAngleExtend = (VALUE - MIN_VALUE) * angleStep;; CTX.strokeArc(barXY, barXY, barWH, barWH, BAR_START_ANGLE, -barAngleExtend, ArcType.OPEN); CTX.restore(); }
@Override public Node drawNode() { Arc arc = new Arc(DEFAULT_ARC_X, DEFAULT_ARC_Y, DEFAULT_ARC_RADIUS_X, DEFAULT_ARC_RADIUS_X, DEFAULT_ARC_START_ANGLE, DEFAULT_ARC_LENGTH); arc.setType(ArcType.OPEN); arc.setStrokeLineCap(StrokeLineCap.SQUARE); Pane slot = new Pane(); effect.setEffect(arc, slot); return slot; }
@Override public Node drawNode() { //VBox vbox = baseFill(new VBox()); Arc arc = new Arc(DEFAULT_ARC_X, DEFAULT_ARC_Y, DEFAULT_ARC_RADIUS_X, DEFAULT_ARC_RADIUS_X, DEFAULT_ARC_START_ANGLE, DEFAULT_ARC_LENGTH); arc.setType(ArcType.OPEN); arc.setStrokeLineCap(StrokeLineCap.ROUND); Pane slot = new Pane(); effect.setEffect(arc, slot); return slot; }
@Override public Node drawNode() { Arc arc = new Arc(); arc.setCenterX(DEFAULT_ARC_X); arc.setCenterY(DEFAULT_ARC_Y); arc.setRadiusX(DEFAULT_ARC_RADIUS_X); arc.setRadiusY(DEFAULT_ARC_RADIUS_Y); arc.setStartAngle(DEFAULT_ARC_START_ANGLE); arc.setLength(DEFAULT_ARC_LENGTH); arc.setType(ArcType.OPEN); arc.setStrokeLineCap(StrokeLineCap.BUTT); Pane slot = new Pane(); effect.setEffect(arc, slot); return slot; }
@Override public Node drawNode() { Arc arc = new Arc(); arc.setCenterX(DEFAULT_ARC_X); arc.setCenterY(DEFAULT_ARC_Y); arc.setRadiusX(DEFAULT_ARC_RADIUS_X); arc.setRadiusY(DEFAULT_ARC_RADIUS_Y); arc.setStartAngle(DEFAULT_ARC_START_ANGLE); arc.setLength(DEFAULT_ARC_LENGTH); arc.setType(ArcType.CHORD); Pane slot = new Pane(); effect.setEffect(arc, slot); return slot; }
@Override public Node drawNode() { Arc arc = new Arc(DEFAULT_ARC_X, DEFAULT_ARC_Y, DEFAULT_ARC_RADIUS_X, DEFAULT_ARC_RADIUS_X, DEFAULT_ARC_START_ANGLE, DEFAULT_ARC_LENGTH); arc.setType(ArcType.ROUND); Pane slot = new Pane(); effect.setEffect(arc, slot); return slot; }
private void drawSections() { if (sections.isEmpty()) return; sectionCtx.clearRect(0, 0, size, size); double xy = size * 0.1875; double wh = size * 0.625; double offset = -ANGLE_RANGE * 0.5 - 90; int listSize = sections.size(); for (int i = 0 ; i < listSize ; i++) { Section section = sections.get(i); double sectionStartAngle; if (, maxValue) <= 0 &&, minValue) >= 0) { if (, minValue) < 0 &&, maxValue) < 0) { sectionStartAngle = 0; } else { sectionStartAngle = (section.getStart() - minValue) * angleStep; } double sectionAngleExtend; if (, maxValue) > 0) { sectionAngleExtend = (maxValue - section.getStart()) * angleStep; } else if (, minValue) < 0) { sectionAngleExtend = (section.getStop() - minValue) * angleStep; } else { sectionAngleExtend = (section.getStop() - section.getStart()) * angleStep; }; sectionCtx.setStroke(section.getColor()); sectionCtx.setLineWidth(size * 0.18382353); sectionCtx.setLineCap(StrokeLineCap.BUTT); sectionCtx.strokeArc(xy, xy, wh, wh, -(offset + sectionStartAngle), -sectionAngleExtend, ArcType.OPEN); sectionCtx.restore(); } } }